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The Vampire's Dancer Ch. 03

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Ice, rain, and a soft kiss in the moonlight.
2.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/10/2012
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Author's Note:

For personal reasons I have been unable to write the third chapter till now. Sorry for the delay, will try not to in the future =(


Chapter 3

He knocked three times, he heard voices: "That must be him!"

"Dude chill! The last thing he needs is us bombarding him!" Someone laughed.

"Anyway, we'll be back later, don't wait up."

"Have fun" He guessed Charlotte smirked.

He heard some rustling within and mere seconds later Lierah appeared at the door. He moistened his lips at the sight of her, skinny jeans paired with a white top and a jacket shouldn't look so sexy. She smiled at him as she tied her hair back hastily.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'll just get my bag."

He casually put his arm around her shoulder, which he was glad to see didn't faze her. The cool air blew his hair back from his face and he breathed in. Berries and blossom in the springtime, he smiled.

"So, where are we going?" She pondered.

"Ahh... It's a surprise" He smiled. She pouted a little as he wrapped a scarf around her eyes, but she was smiling and on the edge if her seat throughout the drive.

"Can I at least have a hint?" She asked for the third time.

"That would ruin it! Besides, we're nearly there."

She spun a strand of hair through her fingers as he slowed into a parking space, she'd mentioned a passion for ice skating on their date the other night, he hoped to god she'd like it.

He climbed out of his car and made his way to her side; he took her hand and smiled at the huge grin on her face. He gently undid the knot at the back of her head and she squealed in delight when she eyes met the building before her.

"Oh my god! When did I even mention I loved ice skating?" She gasped excitedly.

"What can I say? I'm different, I actually listen" He winked at her and led her through the doors.

He felt a tingle rush through him as she gripped his arm; her slender hands seemed to fit perfectly around his elbow. He looked down at her and he smiled at the gleam in her emerald eyes, she blushed brightly and fixed her gaze ahead.

She looked at him with confusion as they skipped the long line of people and where led another way to the skate pick up point, where again they were first. He winked and smiled crookedly. He fixed up his skates quickly and she stared at him in amazement, she giggled as her knelt before her and fixed up hers as well.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a skinny blonde nudge her boyfriend, hinting to do the same as he just did, he couldn't help but laugh as her boyfriend rolled his eyes and continued sweating over his own skates, the blonde scowled and glared at the pair of them.

He stood up and took Lierah's hand as they wobbled to the edge of the rink, laughing as they went. They stepped onto the ice and Lierah immediately sped off into the middle, he watched her in wonder as she raced around, spinning and jumping every so often. She slowed and turned to face him with a huge grin spread over her face, she beckoned for him to join her. That wasn't an invitation he had to have issued twice.

Sliding over the ice easily he took Lierah's outstretched gloved hand. Their eyes caught for a second before he grinned wickedly at her and suddenly sped off, dragging Lierah behind him. She shrieked and laughed as he spun in circles and weaved in and out of random people.

She had no problem staying upright but had absolutely no control over the sweeping movements. His hand gripped hers tightly keeping her steady. Swerving into the middle he skidded to a stop and Lierah collided with him, leaving them in a heap on the ice. They were in fits of laughter, and even when he became aware of her small hands resting on his chest and her legs tangled with his, it didn't un-nerve him. Her eyes were bright as her laughter became giggles and she looked straight at him. Her eyes saw straight into his and they simply lay there for what seemed like forever just looking into one another.

Eventually she rolled over and stood gracefully, he followed suit and his hand found hers. They smiled at each other as their gloved fingers locked together. He tried with all his might to cover up the small crack he'd made in the ice, luckily it didn't seem as though it would spread. They skated round and round the rink, occasionally he'd surprise Lierah by suddenly spinning them the other way.

It seemed as though neither of them stopped smiling throughout the whole day, he even let Lierah take him for a spin around the ice, although she struggled a little considering how tiny she was compared to him. He couldn't help but grin as she tugged with all her might, with his help, eventually she settled into a pace. She swirled and spun him in all directions, if he was still human he would be dizzy as hell by now. She came to a slow halt and turned to face him as he came up beside her.

"Well..." She said breathlessly, "I think I did pretty well considering." She laughed.

"Yes, yes you did" He slid a little closer to her so she almost pressed against him. Her smiled faded a little as he placed his hands on her waist gently. He hands slid up to his chest as he tilted her head up to his. His gaze burned into hers and her breathing quickened as he bent his head down to hers. Their lips mere centimetres apart when a wolf whistle erupted from somewhere over Lierah's shoulder.

He glanced up to find the sunken face of the skinny blonde's boyfriend. She however was nowhere to be found. The two of them broke apart,

Lierah's face bright red. The strange guy skated over to them, wobbling as he went. He gripped her hand tightly and pushed her gently so she was standing just behind his shoulder.

He glanced at the guy wobbling closer and saw a noticeably bulge erupting from his pants, He scoffed in disgust as he skidded to a halt inches from him. He stood stock still as he spoke.

"C'mon man, let someone else have a go on that lovely piece of ass." He grinned, revealing crooked yellowed teeth. He attempted to push past him but his grip tightened on Lierah's hand and he stood stock still, even on ice he would not be moved. The man tried again but Viktor roughly pushed him back leaving him sprawled on the ground.

Fixing his eyes on the guy, he put a noticeable growl into his voice, his iron frame putting more emphasis on his speech. " I think... you should go and find your girlfriend, someone who will probably be glad to have your slimy hands all over her lovely piece of ass." He narrowed his eyes and glared at the broken man before him, who scrambled to his feet and skated away, falling in the process.

He un-tensed and spun to face Lierah. Whose mouth was open and eyes wide.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." He looked away from her and shut his eyes. He braced himself for her to run away, never wanting to see him again.

Instead, he felt the press of her body stretching as far as she could get and her lips pressed against his cheek. He opened his eyes in bewilderment and stared down at her, she said nothing, she only took his hand and led him around the ice until he they were finally smiling and laughing again.

After a while everyone started clearing from the rink and he was amazed that they'd been there for two hours and it was now closing time. They backtracked through the previous process and left their skates at the desk. He led her to the car, now freely putting his arm around her. Rain began pattering against the windshield as they drove, Lierah happily singing along to the radio in the passenger seat, he smiled throughout, enjoying her velvet voice wrapping around him.

The rain was coming down heavily as they pulled up at a little café. They dashed inside and stumbled to a table, chortling as they went. They earned a few glares and disapproving stares but right now, he didn't care. He was perfectly content with simply being with Lierah.


The rain thundered against the glass all through dinner, which she found was quite delicious for such an off the road little café. The massive cheeseburger was bigger than her head, and she found Viktor chuckling at her as she attempted to fit her mouth around it. The juices and ketchup ran down her chin. She giggled when the froth of her milkshake settled over lip. She polished off most of the food in what must have been record time since she was starving, but again, Viktor just pushed it round his plate, occasionally taking a nibble or a sip of his cola.

Night fell quickly and it was black by the time they'd finished and were leaving. They drove for a short time but instead of pulling up at her apartment, he took a detour down a narrow road.

Hedges rose on both sides as they followed its sharp twists and turns. He pulled up in a bit in the road where it opened up enough for parking. The rain then decided to make a re-appearance and they sprinted to a gap in the hedge where a stile was nestled. They climbed over, laughing and running up a narrow path.

They emerged into a vast meadow which she guessed would be beautiful in the daytime. He led her over to a huge tree which provided enough cover for only a few drops of rain to trickle through.

It was mostly dry, but even so, Viktor settled down on the ground and pulled her into his lap.

It was quite awkward at first... Both of them rather tense. But soon the rain stopped and the clouds started to move overhead. After a while she forgot herself and settled into him. Instead of asking why he'd brought her here, she figured it would be better to wait and see.

Soon the breeze picked up and he closed his arms around her, encasing her in warmth. She settled against him and sighed softly. She couldn't see his face but he could feel him looking down at her. For a while they sat like that, just in the pleasure of each other's company.

Then, the clouds shifted and the stars were revealed. She gasped, now she knew why they were here. She didn't know how far away they were but there was no light pollution at all... the stars were there, in all their glory, bright and sparkling. She sat up a bit more and stared in disbelief. It was amazing.

The moonlight shone through the meadow, casting light and shadows here and there. She stood up and walked out from under the tree. Viktor followed, it was hard to see through the dark but she could feel his eyes on her.

She took a few more steps into a patch of moonlight, closed her eyes and breathed in. She took in the strong smell of wet grass and the sound of running water somewhere nearby, the trees rustling all around her.

She was so entranced that he surprised her when he stepped in front of her and put his arms around her. She gasped and opened her eyes.

"Shh... Close your eyes again" He whispered.

She did so, and she felt his hands on her head, guiding her to him. She felt him bend his head down and felt his cool breath against her mouth.

Then she felt his lips. They brushed tenderly against hers, just barely touching. He breathed softly and pressed his lips against hers, gently working them into bliss. What was a tender kiss quickly became hungrier, his hands travelled down to her waist, wrapping around her and pulling her closer. She stretched up and linked her arms around his neck, pressing against him.

He gently worked and tugged her lips open and ran his tongue along her bottom lip. She welcomed it and shyly brushed her tongue against his. He went at her pace, letting her explore his mouth before slowly breaking apart leaving her breathless. He looked into her eyes and stroked her cheek affectionately. He bent his head once more and she felt his lips gently press against her neck.

She gasped softly and wrapped her hands around his neck once again. His mouth travelled from her neck to her jaw and just under her earlobe. He gently bit and sucked on her skin, licking wherever his teeth were. She shivered and tilted her head. He continued working down her neck, stopping just short of the top of her breasts.

Bringing himself back up, he lifted her up so she was standing on his feet and brought his lips to hers again. His tongue flicked against hers and once again she welcomed him into her warm mouth.

They remained glued together for what seemed like hours, but eventually they broke apart. He rested his forehead against hers, holding her close.

Reluctantly they slowly walked back to the path, their hands locked together. She was sad when they pulled up outside her door.

"Did you want to come in?" She asked. She could actually see longing in his eyes but he shook his head.

"I should probably get going."

"Oh, okay."

"It's not that I don't want to..." He added

hastily "it's just..." He stopped himself there, probably thinking he'd said too much.

She regained her composure and smiled, "Maybe some other time then."

He smiled crookedly back at her, "Yeah definitely" Those two little words made her heart soar.

He leaned down and softly kissed her once more, "Goodnight Lierah." He breathed.

With that, she turned away, into her apartment. She leaned against the door and smiled, a full on toothy smile. She wanted to jump for joy and scream with happiness but fatigue was creeping up on her.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I really like where this story is going. Each chapter keeps getting better and better. I enjoy the attraction and mystery that surrounds the characters. Just patiently waiting for the next chapter and Viktor and Lierah's next date. Awesome story.

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