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The Villa in Italy Day 03

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My final day with Cadera, Mary & friends at beach (CFNM).
10.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/17/2013
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Day 3

I slept like a baby and woke up feeling totally relaxed yet bursting with energy and ready to face the day. I went upstairs and was greeted by Cadera who was busy in the kitchen doing odds and ends. Today was my last day and I would be gone tomorrow so assumed she would have lots to prepare for the next group of paying guests. She was friendly and chatty from the second she saw me. I went to go onto the roof but Cadera said it was still too wet. Turned out there had been a thunderstorm over night and I had slept though it! I was given the same cold breakfast as before but this time my hot meal was eggs Benedict, my absolute favourite!

As I ate Cadera asked about my plans as she was hoping to get the afternoon off once she had done all the preparations for the family arriving tomorrow night. I explained that I had one last property to visit and would be back about 1pm. I went to on to say that I was happy for her to do her own thing but she said I wasn't supposed to be left alone so she would go to the beach another day. I felt awful and said I too would like to go to the beach and would be happy to go to the beach when I got back so that she could go as well. Cadera smiled and immediately agreed to my proposal, saying she would drive us down when I got back and that she'd set up a picnic with Stephano for my supper.

My driver arrived and I went off to see the final property on my itinerary about 45 minutes up the coast. I was glad of the A/C in the Mercedes as it was already pretty hot, even for ten in the morning! The final property was a bit of a disappointment due to the lack of facilities I'd come to expect; but the location atop a hill was impressive and it was primarily aimed at people who liked to ride horses. I was back in the car by noon and on the drive back I thought of our beach trip and how nice it would be to have the afternoon relaxing. I typed up my notes in the car so as to get it out of the way and we pulled into the villa just before 1:30. I confirmed my flight details with the driver for the following morning and went in to find Cadera and get my things to go to the beach.

Cadera was sat waiting on me dressed in a skimpy black bikini with a see-through sarong type thing over the top. I hurried through to get things for the beach, only to again realise I had no shorts, trunks or anything else similar. I asked Cadera if there were any spare such items or lost property but she said there wasn't. I was at a loss and told her my situation. She was initially a little cross but suggested we use the naturist beach and I would be fine that way, pointing out our previous conversations and situation. I was of course fine with this and had actually been hoping to use the nude beach Mary had mentioned when I first arrived. Cadera suggested that I simply strip off and wrap a large towel around and she would grab some of the pool mans flip-flops that he leaves here. She said she'd packed beach mats lotion and a picnic so I wouldn't need anything else.

I did as Cadera requested and was back up in no time. She took us down to the garage and we climbed into the Smart car which was loaded in the boot already with the beach bits. It felt very odd leaving a house in just a towel and flip-flops with no wallet, watch, money and most of all clothes. It only took us five minutes to drive to the car park near the beach and Cadera explained the beach pointing to where the naturist beach started, where the showers and toilets were, the unofficial 'gay' section and where you could get an ice cream. She was in full tour guide mode for this and once done asked if it would be ok for me to help with the bags for the beach. There were two larger bags with towels, mats etc. a picnic bag and an umbrella. I was given the two larger bags and Cadera took the umbrella and picnic bag, as well as a third smaller bag which she said had her personal stuff in.

We took all our bits and headed down the path towards the beach. It was probably 200m to the beach and another 300m to where the notices for the nude beach were. It was very hot and I asked Cadera to put lotion on my back and shoulders before we left which she was happy to do, stating how she had put hers on at the villa. Her soft touch on my shoulders was quite sensual and by the time she was done there was a slight tenting in my towel which I hoped she wouldn't notice. We picked up the gear and set off down the uneven path to the beach. I could see the beach was scattered with people, but being a weekday it wasn't that busy really; but it did get busier the closer you got to the naturist section. Three cars had just pulled into the parking area a group of young adults got out making a noise, laughing and messing about. There were about 10 of them of which 7 were female, all wearing short shorts and T-shirts, the guys all in three-quarter length board shorts.

About100m down the path I felt my towel start to slip a bit but being naked underneath I had made sure it was doubled over and tight so wasn't worried about it at all. That said I kept stopping to check it which Cadera thought was hilarious, calling me a little scaredy cat. By the time we were 50m from the beach Cadera was starting to get annoyed with my stopping and the group had now caught up with us. When I stopped they too stopped and you could tell I was frustrating them. As we approached the sand of the beach I felt it begin to slide again and Cadera saw I was about to stop so she put the umbrella under her arm and yanked my towel away, leaving me completely exposed and not even on the naturist part of the beach yet. She hung the towel over the top of my shoulders and told me to keep going and that we were nearly there. I was a little embarrassed at my situation and the group were laughing and giggling at me, my backside now right in front of them.

It felt nice walking along naked, my balls swinging gently as I walked onto the sandy beach and turned right towards the naturist beach. Once out of the confines of the path three of the young woman from behind us ran past and once a few metres ahead turned to look at us, or rather me, their giggles now less stifled and one of them fell over, seemingly from her fits of laughter. Cadera had a huge grin on her face as we re-passed them and trudged on slowly, the soft sand hindering our progress.

We walked the 300 metres to the start of the nude beach during which time most of the females took a chance to look me over, grinning at my nudity. I was way out of my comfort zone, or at least I should have been, but I was okay with this and actually quite enjoying it. Usually on the nude beaches I went to I would set up near a female (not to perv over her but to make me feel in a mixed environment) and just relax. If I were to go for a wonder I would often cover up with some shorts or something. Here though I felt both relaxed and anonymous so was quite happy strutting my stuff. We only made it about another five metres past the sign marked; "Spiaggia Naturista" painted on a large protruding rock before Cadera decided this was a good spot. I suggested that perhaps we should go in a little further as this part of the beach had few nude people and a fair few clothed. Cadera said it makes no difference and in Italy it's not uncommon for people to be nude on any beach so I should stop worrying. I actually was past caring and wanted to set up as it was hot and the gear was getting heavy. I was also worried about getting sunburn on my cock and balls! Either way Cadera ignored me and began setting up our little area.

It was a sandy beach but this section had rocky areas, including a sort of slab of rock washed smooth by the ocean, which Cadera used to lay out our bits whilst I was tasked with planting the sun umbrella. There was barely a wisp of wind in the air so it sat nicely shading the picnic basket and other bits and pieces. We laid out the two padded beach mats that doubled over at one end to form a pillow, or you could turn over to create a more upright position. Once Cadera was happy she removed her sarong and readjusted her skimpy black bikini allowing me a brief glimpse of nipple before looking for the sun oil. I next got to see the outer folds of her pussy and I am sure it was deliberate as she was knelt to one side of me and her feet were touching my hip. She leant forward to search inside her bag, her buttocks at my face level and the thin sheen of black fabric barely covering her two holes. I of course began to react as nature intended and started to get a hard-on from this view in front of me. By the time the two large bottles were found I was at half-mast and began to sit forward in an attempt to hide it.

This situation had made me become more aware of my surroundings as I didn't want to offend anybody or get in trouble with the law. To our right was a nude couple in their early twenties, both part of the "beautiful people" you see in Italy. The guy had a six pack and above average cock, she was petite with perky little tits and slight frame but very pretty with fine black hair up in a bun; higher on the beach was another couple but older, probably 50ish. He was very tan with a thin white beard and slight belly but again a big dick whilst she was tall and slender with large 'fake' tits that pointed up and a well-groomed pussy. She looked high maintenance and had a very fancy concertina type picnic bag that looked expensive. They had a small privacy/wind break up behind them and she was reading a glossy magazine so I couldn't see her face. There was also a single guy in his fifties with an obvious white patch. He didn't look to have gone nude too often and was down near the water looking up at the petite beauty who wasn't bothered he was on his belly ogling her pussy. This guy was taking a keen interest in Cadera but I think he realised she was keeping the bikini on for now. The next nearest people were another 40-50 metres away on the nude side and there were clusters of people for quite some way off.

On the clothed side I was pleased that there were no kids about; slightly above and behind we're a group of six university aged youngsters, four boys and two girls all in swimsuits but one of the girls was topless, her tits hidden as she lay on her front for now; below them and almost directly to my left were two other women in their twenties in bikinis, both pretty good looking and nice figures; below them were three youngish lads who looked to be 15 or so and who were in shorts and T-shirts whilst an older woman looked after them. She was 5 metres away from them laying topless on another exposed rock reading but would bark at them in Italian when they started to make too much noise. She looked to be early-forties, she kept herself fit but had a few extra curves that gave her character, a real MILF. She was quite attractive with short brown hair C sized tits and a nice tan. Beyond them on the clothed side were sporadic groups of young adults and couples but oddly, for me at least, it was quieter than the nude section.

My scan of the beach had distracted me from Cadera's perfect ass and I was sitting at half-mast which, when I shifted onto my side, made it look like it was laying on my thigh. Cadera stood up and smothered herself in the oil. Both the group of young lads to my left and white cheeks to the right took notice of her as she bent and twisted to smother her front in oil. I had to look away or I'd have been hard as nails! She then lay down on her back and handed me the oil. I hadn't spoken hardly at all since we got here and I asked, with hope, why she wasn't stripping off totally. She berated me as an old pervert and said she often did but never with clients. I tried to play the, "I'm not a client!" routine but it was a waste of breath, she smiled at me then replaced her large sunglasses and lay back to soak in the sun.

I picked up the suntan oil and stood to begin my application aware that, whilst not hard, my dick was pointing out in such a way as to show some arousal. As I poured some into my hand the MILF barked again at the lads and threw a tennis ball their way. They jumped up and ran off down the beach away from us playing a kind of tag-ball game. I began to smother my legs and torso, following up by the detailing of my feet, ankles and the like so as not to burn. I noticed the MILF drop her book and look in my direction without a care that she was blatantly looking at me as I oiled up. I noticed white cheeks was now facing away drinking beer and eating something so nobody else could really see anything of my front but her and, if she was looking through her sunglasses, Cadera. The two twenty-something's were now both face down and looking away from me. Legs and torso done I took another good squeeze of oil and began to smother my cock and balls being careful to not miss a single square millimetre. MILF's stern face broke into a sly smile as I did this. I was only looking at her from the corner of my eye but she seemed to enjoy my oiling so I continued to oil my dick beyond the necessary. I was horny as fuck and my dick was now pointing out at 90 degrees and I didn't care. I let it sit there for MILF to see as I did my arms and face but kept dropping a hand down now and then to rub my cock and/or balls. As I've said before I'm not massive in the dick department but felt empowered anyway and kept up the oiling as long as was possible before it got weird. As I began to sit I instinctively turned my head towards the MILF who looked me in the eye and smiled, her sunglasses being held up by one hand as she gave a little wave with the other. I smiled back and lay down, a chunk of rock now hiding her mostly from my view but she could still see me from my ribs and down I guessed. I realised I had now grown a full on erection and was casting a shadow so lifted my knees up to hide it instinctively.

With my mind racing with the thoughts of today and last few nights I tried to relax and enjoy the sun. I guess I was a bit of a meercat as I kept looking up and about me to make sure nobody was staring at my hard cock which just wouldn't go away. About 45 minutes passed and finally my dick had subsided and I was beginning to relax when Cadera's phone went off. She spoke for a few seconds then sat up and started looking around, eventually her sight line catching on something and she began to wave her free arm about. I thought it might have been Mary but couldn't see her in the direction Cadera was looking. I soon found out who she'd been talking to though. A group approached us, 4 women and 2 men all in their mid twenties. They were all dressed for the beach but had 'nothing' showing. As they got within a metre or two Cadera jumped up and did the whole double cheek kiss with them, yapping away in Italian at a million words a minute. They stood chatting then Cadera introduced me, telling me to stand up and say hi. I felt so exposed being the only naked person as each person was introduced and a hand extended to shake, I was aware that everybody was looking at me and eyes darted to my flaccid cock that was seemingly shrinking away in embarrassment. Once the introductions were done they began to set up their stuff to our right above the naked couple and I sat down hoping to see some hot Italian ass!

They spoke a lot as the women lay out towels and beach mats in a semi-circle whilst the two guys stripped naked. I don't usually look at guys but took a quick check of the 'competition' to see how bad I would look amongst the guys. The taller one, Max was free of all body hair below the neck and had an average size penis which looked a little small compared to the rest of him, muscles and a faint six pack. The other guy was quite short for a man, hairy and solidly built with broad shoulders, but it was his huge penis that was most obvious. It hung low and I'd guess it was about 9 inches and fat with a curve to the left even though soft. Both had obvious tan lines so it was clear the nude beach wasn't the norm for them. At least I have a fairly even skin tone from my nude beach visits in the UK. I kept an eye on the girls waiting to get to see them undress and soon enough they began to strip. This was great until I realised that, like Cadera, they were only going down to their swimsuits!

Cadera told me that these were her friends who she shared a house with when she first moved to this part of the country, going on to say that they still got on but there had never been any relationships amongst the group. I asked why the girls weren't naked and the guys were and she laughed, repeated my hushed question loudly to the group (in English which I found out all of them had a good level of) then just said, "arghhhhh, poor Tony doesn't like being naked for my friends." The girls then all began to chat away about the guys like we weren't even there. Comments were even made about my cock, Cadera defending it a little and stated how it wasn't half bad when 'angry'. About 30 minutes passed with me just catching a nice tan before anything interesting happened.

One of the girls, Anna, came over to me and sat right by my side to start a conversation. Anna was quite plain looking with an OK figure, OK looks and was wearing a very modest red bikini with matching bum-bag. She was nice enough as she quizzed me on where I lived, had I been before etc. She had a strong accent so I had to concentrate to hear above the others chatting away which meant I had to keep asking her to repeat. After a bit though this was annoying her so she stood and put out her hand, asking me to walk with her where there would be much less noise. I stood up and reached for my towel to wrap around but Cadera was on the case and grabbed the towel away under the pretence of needing it for something. I knew that she was just testing me though so I thought 'what the hell' and went along with Anna. I was still relying on the confidence I had felt when I first arrived at the beach earlier but for some reason I now doubted my own mind.

I had noticed the woman (MILF) took notice as I stood and made no effort to hide her gaze, I wry smile creeping up the side of her mouth as she did so. I flinched instinctively as Anna seemingly reached out for my dick which made some of the group laugh, only for me to realise she was after my hand to hold. She led me off down the beach by the hand, Cadera telling me to have fun and not get into any trouble. We headed north up the beach hand in hand, me naked, her in a red bikini. It wasn't overly busy on the beach but a majority of people were naked, often in clusters then areas with few people. It felt liberating, scary, sexy and fun all at once as we paraded down the beach together for the world to see. Most of the women who saw us gave us a big smile and one woman even nudged her man to allow him to see. at first I thought they were smiling at my little pecker but I soon realised it was the contrast of my nudity to Anna's clothed state. Anna continued to ask me boring questions as we slowly walked along then, out of nowhere, asked how big my penis was in a matter of fact way, a huge grin on her face. I said I had never measured it (lie), but she called me out saying I must have some idea. I ummed and arghed like I was Hugh Grant for a few minutes then eventually, after some on-going nagging from Anna gave away my secret.

"Right now about two and a half inches but almost six inches when hard." I said trying to sound cool but failing. Anna made no comment and moved the conversation on like it was of no consequence to her and we chit chatted for another 5 minutes as we went, now treading in and out of the surf which slowed us down to a crawling pace. I had initially been a little embarrassed as we went, particularly with the attention we were getting but I was getting over it and just held my head high as Anna guided us slightly deeper into the surf. My balls were now getting a constant wash over with cool sea water and I could feel my balls contracting, they had been hanging low from the hot sun, so I tried to edge Anna closer to the shore (she was on the beach side me the ocean side). Anna sensed what I was doing and resisted at first so I said it was a struggle walking in the waves and she stopped to look at me, letting go of my hand. I looked at Anna who had a huge smile on her face which a smarter man would have understood faster. She leant in and shoved me hard sending me crashing back into the surf, my attempt to hold my balance actually sending me in deeper before my legs finally got taken from under me and I went crashing under. I got thrown with the wave forward and got dumped onto the sand sprawled on my back before the next wave grabbed me back into the surf. This continued twice more but with lessening ferocity before I found my legs and crashed up high enough to be safe from the next incoming wave.

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