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The Visit Ch. 04

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Andy & Gene toy with exhibitionism.
2.5k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/10/2003
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Slowly, she brought her legs up along his, wanting to keep him inside her for as long as possible. She lay full length upon him, his hands moving languidly along her spine, cupping her bottom, playing in her hair.

This was how they slept.

When she woke, Andy was lying on her left side, with Gene close behind her. His hand was draped over her hip and cupped her mound, holding her warmly. She could feel his slow breath on her neck, feel his smooth body against hers. She smiled to herself, reveling in the feeling of completeness he created in her.

She was lying quietly in his arms, thinking about their first day together, all the days they had left, and making plans for that time. Soon, she felt his breathing change and knew without looking that he was waking. His hand began to softly stroke her curlies, his soft lips kissed her neck. She felt his cock harden and lengthen against her ass, then his hips moved rhythmically against her. She nearly giggled as she pretended to be asleep. She secretly accommodated him, sliding her right leg forward, allowing him better access. He moved with her, keeping his body in alignment, sliding his cock between her legs, against her already wet slit. His hands moved over her back and ass, sure and confident, delightful in their actions. With her eyes still closed, she allowed a tiny moan to escape her lips, let her hips wriggle just a bit against him.

Gene was breathing faster now, his cock hot against her flesh. His fingers slid down her body, slipped between her thighs and delved into her pinkness, finding the velvet slickness he had created. She felt him move into position, felt his cockhead press against her for the slightest moment before plunging deep into her excited pussy. He buried himself completely with one stroke, and then became still as he grew used to her slick heat. Lifting himself slightly, he began to stroke into her, slowly and deeply, over and over. His hands grasped her shoulders, he kissed her neck and back, but always, he thrust into her with an urgency.

Andy could sense his excitement, felt it build until he was at his peak. One last time, he pulled out of her, nearly completely. That almost caused her to cry out, but she remained silent. Then she felt him, felt his engorged cock pound into her and stay buried deeply within her, as he poured out his hot come.

When he finally stopped throbbing, Andy began tightening her muscles around him, milking his cock for the final drops. He dropped his face to her shoulder and she felt his smile as he whispered, "Good morning, love!"

When he had slipped from her, he gently turned her over, so she was lying on her back. He kissed her face, tiny angel kisses all over her flesh, his fingers tenderly caressing her cheek. Silently, he moved down her neck, nipping and kissing, until he found her nipple and began softly sipping on it. Andy felt her body tense, felt the electric jolt reach deep within her, and she moaned again. His mouth tightened, pulling her hardening nipple deeper. Andy arched her back, encouraging him to continue, feeling the throbbing in her pinkness.

Gene moved his hand down her body, knowing exactly what he wanted to touch and how. He didn't hesitate, but cupped her wet pussy, delving immediately into her pinkness. He listened to the erotic sounds of a come-filled cunt being fingered aggressively.

He continued to nurse on her nipple, his wet fingers sliding to her tight clit, beginning the circling and flicking he knew she loved. Almost immediately, her body tightened and stilled. Her entire being was focused on those fingers, that clit, the incredible sensations he was creating. Her legs, which has been wantonly thrown open, now slammed shut, trapping his hand there, tight between her thighs, as she rushed toward orgasm.

Her moans escalated and words poured from her mouth, words Gene was surprised to hear from his sweet Andrea. Her nipple hardened even more under his teasing tongue, then she stopped breathing. She was still and silent for long seconds, then he heard the ragged scream from deep within her, filling the air. Her body spasmed under him, nearly knocking him away, as she came hard and fast.

Then it was over. Her entire body went limp, her screams became whimpers of happiness. When she brought her hand to rest on his back, it nearly burned his flesh. Gene slipped his fingers back inside her, relishing the tightness and the tiny vibrations that still shook her body.

"Good morning to you, too, love," she answered wobbily. "What a wonderful way to start the day," she laughed.

They climbed from the bed and entered the shower together. No discussion, just doing what seemed so natural to do. Again, the shower was a haven of sudsy delight, but some of the urgency was gone and they enjoyed touching and playing without any pressure. As they bathed, they planned their day. Both were starving and breakfast was first on the list.

Andy marveled at how comfortable she felt with Gene. They seemed to have been together forever, so well they coordinated their movements. Drying, brushing teeth, dressing, all of this was done smoothly and comfortably. Gene wore a pair of shorts and a bright Hawaiian shirt. Andy dressed in a light cotton sundress, deciding, without telling Gene, to leave her pretty lacy panties in the room.

At the restaurant, Gene asked for a table far from the crowd and sat with his back to the wall. Andy sat across from him, with her back to the room. They were in her town and couldn't hold hands or touch, which frustrated them. As they ordered breakfast, still making plans for the rest of the day, Andy placed her foot on the bench beside Gene. He continued talking, resting his right hand on her leg, gently rubbing.

Andy looked around. There were very few patrons in the restaurant, and no one was paying attention to them. She relaxed her leg, allowing her thighs to fall apart. She casually lifted her skirt until she felt the breeze from the air conditioning on her curlies. All the while, they were talking about things to do that day.

When she made a small face, Gene responded immediately. "What's wrong, Andrea? Are you hurting, did something happen?"

Andy sighed, and lowered her voice to respond. "Oh, Gene, I am feeling very odd, hmmmm, achy. I need a medical professional.....indeed, I need one now!"

Relaxing, Gene chuckled and played along, not sure where she was going with this. "Did I mention that I am a medical professional? I'm pretty sure I could help, if you just tell me what the problem is, Ma'am."

She blushed prettily and shyly smiled at him. Hesitantly, she began to speak. "Well, the problem is pretty personal, but I think I can trust you. As I said, I am sort of 'achy' and not sure why. Maybe you could check it out for me?" With that, she discreetly indicated beneath the table. When Gene looked there, he had a clear view of her naked pussy, her soft curlies, all exposed for him. He felt his cock stir awake, and couldn't help grinning.

"Ah, I might have an answer for you, Ma'am. Let me think about it and I will get back to you as soon as possible on a possible solution," he replied.

The waitress returned just then, her arms lined with plates of steaming breakfast foods. Andy adjusted her skirt and settled down to eat. When she stopped to think about it, she was amazed at how comfortable they were together, even eating. She offered Gene a bite of her omelet, he gave her a taste of his fancy waffles. Soon, they finished their food and lingered over coffee, talking softly of the rest of the day. Gene was very aware of her underdressed state, but wanted to savor it, not exploit it immediately. Finally, they rose to leave. It was hard walking together without touching, without making some body contact, but they walked beside each other as friends, going to the car and climbing inside.

Andy drove him around town, showing him where she worked, her fitness center, various stores and restaurants they had spoken of on the phone. She stopped near the lovely riverfront park that had recently been completed and they sat on a bench and enjoyed watching children play nearby. Gene got involved in a ballgame with some of the older kids, fitting in perfectly with them.

After the game, they walked, again without discussion, back to the car. Andy drove them through the noon traffic back to the hotel and they casually moved to the door. As soon as it was closed behind them, they came together, arms wrapping anxiously around each other, mouths joining and drinking from the other. They danced to the bed, never separating, and fell upon it. Gene pulled away and reached for the hem of her flirty skirt, flipping it up and over her head. He buried his face between her legs, doing all the things he had been thinking about all morning. He was delighted to find that she was ready, wet and swollen for him, her womanly scent filling his nostrils. He delved into her pinkness, lapping hungrily with his flat tongue, making her moan and twist under him. Her fingers gripped his head, holding him there as she uttered graphic instructions. He loved the fact that his dear Andrea, his good Andrea, who had so recently been talking with little children in a most adorable way, was now demanding erotic satisfaction and had no inhibitions about asking for it.

Then she pulled his hair, stopping him. He looked up at her questioningly.

"Open the drapes, Gene! Open them a bit, let everyone see what you are doing to me, let them see how much I love it! Please! Open them!"

Gene thought about it. It was dark in the room, but sunny outside. He decided the visibility into the room would be minimum, that the bed was too far from the window to be seen, even if someone really tried. But it excited him to think someone might watch, and obviously, the thought was incredibly thrilling to Andrea. He moved to the heavy drapes, pulling each one back a little, leaving about a 12" gap between them. Andy repositioned herself, so her pretty pussy was aimed directly at the window and any lucky passerby. She looked so delicious, so delectable. Gene fell to his knees between her legs, again diving into her moist pinkness. The excitement factor had tripled, quadrupled, and he was throbbing against his shorts as he licked her. His tongue was coated with her profuse juices, and her hips were bucking against his face, trying to pull him even deeper between her swollen lips.

It didn't take her long to come, to scream out with delight. Gene held her hips, licking her clit lightly, then sliding his tongue deep inside her spasming pussy. Her fingers clutched his head, holding him against her as she slowly returned to reality. He loved the taste of her, the musky aroma of her.

She languidly remained there, lying on the edge of the bed, her thighs open to him, her dampness covering his cheeks. When she finally stirred, he lifted his face and smiled at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were still dreamy, unfocused. She sat up, pulling him to meet her mouth, kissing him and enjoying the taste of herself on his tongue. She arched against him, pressing her breasts into his chest, her nipples hard, even now.

Andy stood, encouraging him to join her. His erection was against her, throbbing and full. She loved the feeling of power he gave her, the feeling that she was so incredibly sexy he couldn't control himself. Andy reached back, releasing the zipper of her sundress and letting it fall to the floor. She stood naked before Gene, offering herself to him. His hands slid over her, tracing her curves, her fullness, her hollows. They kissed deeply as they pressed their bodies together, loving the perfect fit and wonderful completeness.

Then, Andy turned and knelt on the edge of the bed, leaning forward, placing her face on the spread. She spread her legs, opened them for Gene, her pretty soft curls shiny with her excitement. She looked over her shoulder at him, wriggled her hips and invited him to enter her. He stepped forward, already opening his shorts and dropping them to the floor. His cock was dripping with precome, anxious to bury itself deep inside her heat.

Gene placed his hands on her hips, holding her in place as his cock found her opening and plunged into her. She cried out once, still unused to the length and fullness of him. He placed one foot on the bed and buried his engorged dick even deeper. At first, he didn't move, just savored the feel of her silky pinkness caressing him. Andy used her inner muscles to massage him. Then she began murmuring to him, "Ah, yes, Gene, like that. Fill me like that. Tease me. Can you feel me massaging you? Can you feel what you do to me? Can you fuck me, Gene? Can you make your little girl hot and sore? Are they watching us, Gene? Do they like what you are doing to your baby?"

He suddenly realized the drapes were still open. It excited him even more to think that just maybe someone was watching them, someone was seeing her pretty pussy being ravaged by him. He didn't look. He didn't need to. He just imagined someone wistfully watching them, envious of his beautiful Andrea, jealous of their happiness.

This time, he didn't hurry. He set a rhythm that Andy shared. They moved together, their bodies slapping against each other, the sounds of moist pleasure filling the room. Andy's moans of excitement incited him, her words of encouragement inflamed him. Gene's fingers clutched her soft hips, engraving themselves in her flesh. He heard her tiny moans, her deep screams of delight, felt her orgasms as they grasped him. Still, he continued. Thrusting, probing, delving, all the while thinking of the open drapes, the possibility of being watched.

Finally, he couldn't wait any longer. With one final thrust, he held her hips against him, pouring his creamy come deep within her. He didn't realize that he had made a guttural sound until it stopped. He didn't want to leave her warmth. Carefully he turned her, moved her with him until they were lying side by side, his cock still sheathed inside her silky pinkness.

Andrea's back was damp with perspiration as he pulled her against him. Her hair was curling on her neck, her breathing still uneven and ragged. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close, whispering to her, thanking her for making him so complete and happy.

To Be Continued...

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Peter_KacalanosPeter_Kacalanosover 16 years ago
Making love while being watched can be stimulating

Scientists may have a hard time explaining the reason for the eroticism, but clearly the possibility of being seen while having sex or just being naked generates erotic stimulation for many people. It's perfectly legal to leave the draperies open when you're nude or making love in a ground-floor motel room. If anyone who sees you registers a complaint with the authorities, he could be arrested as a peeping Tom, because he's the one breaking the law. This erotic story by Captivate demonstrates the increased arousal possible when risking being seen in an intimate embrace. He's one of the better writers on this web site, and I look forward to reading more of his contributions.

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