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The Wages of a Divorcee's Sin


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Jere said, "Don't you disappoint me, however, O.K.?"

Watching her go through the turnstile, he mentally compared the image of the Kathy he first met again in the Food Court with her now, when the young lady was bounding up the steps two at a time with total happiness painted on her face, and it almost brought tears to Jere's eyes.

Jere was in his office on a Thursday, a week later, when his cell phone rang. Noting on the LCD that it was June he smiled and said, "Hello Lover. How nice to be interrupted by you."

"Hello Boyfriend. I have painted a picture of you to my son and his woman implying that you effortlessly walk on water. Now they want to meet the man they have been led to believe who can leap tall buildings easily."

"You up to meeting us somewhere for dinner on Saturday night, Jere, and possibly inviting me to sleep over at your condo afterwards?"

"Yes and yes, dear lady. But I might disappoint them when they learn that I must unzip my pants in front of the urinal just like every other man."

"Well, I am sure they will make allowances for my exaggerations because I have been doing that about many things ever since I met you."

"Then it's settled." She inquired about two particular restaurants and meeting times. They were agreed on one and she continued, "You will be glad to know that the lab director called me this morning excited that the first tests of the prototype nano machine worked, to quote her, 'like a well oiled machine!' meeting all the bench mark test results. Now the whole lab is buzzing because the next modification to be 'grown' is the actual working model of the universal joint. Jere, it's coming together and thank you so much for making a major contribution. In fact, if the U-joint tests work I will say that you made it possible!"

"That is good news, June, really good. Thanks for sharing it with me. Me, I am doing grunt work now just verifying chemical formulae precisions. And I miss you and will start my count down until I see you and hold you again."

"Me to, Lover. See you Saturday."

Saturday evening found Jere carefully inserting his contact lenses and brushing off his English Tweed dinner jacket to wear to the meeting of his, hopefully, future son-in-law. Once in his driveway he brought up his Waze app to be certain there was no accident on his planned route to the restaurant. Verifying that, he went straight to the restaurant. There stood June and a very Asian young man, who looked remarkably like his mother standing beside him. Next to him was a blond headed young lady with a pronounced smile on her face. She was the tiniest bit overweight not to mention muscular but her captivating smile was the first thing one saw when glancing at her.

June said, "Jere Jenkins, meet Sam Chin, my son who has made his mother very happy. Also meet his significant other, Judy Blease, who has made the last few years a landmark event in Sam's life in Massachusetts."

While awaiting a table and after some pleasantries, Jere asked, Judy, "I am very interested in your cabin off the coast of Maine. Care to tell me about it?"

Her face lit up and she said, "With pleasure. It is off the coast, which means that we get there in small boats that have a motor. There are no utilities and that means we 'rough it' just like on TV wilderness shows. I cut lots of wood in the summer for the winter visits and get use to long weekends with no TV or phone coverage or convenient appliances and a sound of a distant freeway cannot be heard, and more importantly, there is solitude. But we cook and eat healthy and play games and do other fun things together since there is both a gas type refrigerator and stove. But, Being with one's Honey there over a long weekend makes life as good as it can get. There are a half dozen cabins on the island and we always look out for each other and each other's privacy."

Jere smiled and replied, "Whew! What a world. I am just thinking how productive I could be in such an environment, except the solitude would probably get to me over a long period."

She replied, "Productive? No. It's for chilling out for a short stay and doing nothing, and I mean NOTHING. The solitude would get to anyone over a long period of time. In short, a remote cabin is not for the long stay, just a retreat."

Sam asked Jere, "Doctor Jenkins, how do you organize your world when you must be at your most productive?"

He replied, "Actually, I like to work in a colorful, well lighted place - the mall food court sitting in an obscure area is one of my favorite places to work - some of my best thinking happens there. Also, I met there and have reestablished a relationship with a daughter whose mother took her out of my life when she was a 5th grader, and who is now a young woman. Your mother and I both understand how wonderful events like this can be - and it just wouldn't have happened if I had stayed at home in my 'cave' working."

Sam replied, "Hey you two have a lot in common. No wonder Mother swears that it was actually you who hung the moon and the stars, contrary to popular opinion."

After the chuckles died down Sam continued, "But you are warned, Doctor Jenkins, that she prefers Chinese food to Western food so if you hang out with her she will convert you."

Jere smiled and said, "Yes, I know. She has cooked three such meals for me now and I must confess steaming a whole fish is my new found preferred method of enjoying fish dinners. How about you, has Judy changed your preference for Maine food yet?"

He smiled and said, "Funny you should ask. If we could afford it I would eat steamed lobster several times a week. Just on rare occasions I get the urge for Chinese food."

The small talk mixed with laughter and more wine continued for another hour when Judy said, "I hate to be a party-pooper but its late and Sam can not keep his hand off my leg so we had better go home."

June said, "Ahhh. The sweet bird of youth. We are old folks and are the ones who are suppose to call it a day. O.K. then. I will drive you two youngsters home and then drive over to Jere's house if everybody is ready?"

Jere said, "I have enjoyed this evening so much until I insist that this party is on me, if no one objects too strongly."

Judy said laughingly, "All you are going to hear in response to that is silence, Doctor Jenkins." All four laughing followed this.

Later that night after Jere and June had made love they lay in bed talking. June said, "Sam's father arrives on Thursday for a 4 day stay in Boston. My son has been non committal about that - and I am certain that the unexpected visit has to do with Sam's plans after graduation and my sense is that he still has not made up his mind which direction he will take with his future. His father will put on a lot of pressure on him. I don't pray but if I did my prayer would be that he elects to stay here. The more I am around Judy the more I am impressed with her - she is hard working, healthy, and is madly in love with Sam. She has privately told me, 'Relocate to Taiwan? Not a chance. I don't even like to travel outside of New England.' Also, he had genuine fun tonight and that would be in short supply if he minded his father's wishes."

Jere kissed her tenderly and said, "Yes, Dear, but you and I can not control Sam - just like his father and grand parents can not either. So its in our best interest to adopt an, "I'll take what comes' attitude on matters we can not possibly control. Do you not think so?"

She put her head on his chest and said, "As usual, you are right. Do you mind if I stay over here next Friday and Saturday night, because I don't want to even talk to my ex-husband in case he has the urge to call. I will tell Judy your phone number if you don't mind, and just leave my phone turned off during the weekend."

Jere said, "Awe! You are only going to stay two nights? How about the whole week?"

She sat up and hit him with her pillow and said, "You sure know how to make me feel wonderful inside. Now go to sleep! It will soon be time to have you inside of me again!"


This same Saturday night Miles Stanley brought his special dish out of the oven to Megan Jenkins with whom he now was madly in love. There was a big smile on his face as he sat the dish in the middle of the table - next to two candles he had lighted earlier. Megan Jenkins sat watching him with a big smile on her face. Lifting their wine glasses he said, "I propose a toast to the growing relationship of Megan and Miles, thank you dear lady for being in my life."

Megan's circling thoughts kept going back to Jere Jenkins and her unanswered question was, "Where is Jere tonight? Have I even crossed his mind? Kathy's silence tells me that something big is going on in his life. I wonder if I can make what Miles and I have into something big? He is such a good man but such a poor lover - I have been ruined by my memory of Jere when long ago he loved me before I crapped on him. Am I to endure this 'you'll do' guy or will it turn into something wonderful? " Speaking to Miles she said, "You are such a wonderful man who cooks me the most delicious food. I will repay you later for being such a grade A person."

Miles was beaming with happiness and said, "Well, I go all out for such a lovely woman as you. I am very glad you like my cooking and spend lots of time with me now. Thank you. Thank you, dear woman."

While Miles was talking her thoughts continued, "I can barely feel him inside of me and then he can only last a few brief moment before he is spent for the night. Yet, he never gets enough of kissing my body, which I mightily enjoy. This must be what the girls talk of 'getting excited about Mister You'll do' is all about. God! I need more than this out of life but its just not available. What to do?"

Miles Stanley found his head between Megan's legs, and it was a daydream come true since he had been imagining this event since she accepted his request for an overnight date on Wednesday. In his mind, the circling thoughts alternated between his tramp ex-wife and wondering why Megan showed no enthusiasm about anything they'd done together. He ask himself, could it be that this is just a passing thrill for her. Oh No! I want more than to feel her body in the throes of orgasming when I kiss her pussy - does the future not hold more than that for me? Oh, if Harriet would only love me again!"

Later she spent a fitful, near sleepless night in Miles full size bed, uncomfortably next to her new lover. At one point she awoke and frowned in the darkness at his noisy snoring.


The following Friday afternoon June Chin came into Jere's condo carrying a hang-up suitcase when her man opened the door for her. After taking her bundle and hanging it up they greeted and embraced and June said, " I brought a dressy dress just in case you want to take me out dancing this weekend. For example the Hotel International is touting a full orchestra in their ballroom and we haven't danced since Chicago."

"That is the 199th reason I am really hung up on you - uh You come up with the best ideas, Dear June!"

"Well, Darling, you paid me a super compliment in Chicago in public so I maybe I am just fishing for another compliment? But the honest reason is that I love dancing with you. Before my former partner lost consciousness and awareness I forced him out dancing a few times, and we went. However, he was kicking and screaming to do so. In contrast, you love to dance and are very graceful and elegant doing it. That is another reason I fell in love with you."

He asked, "Any idea if that Hotel restaurant serves a good dinner?"

"Yes. Lots of positive comments on its web site."

"So, "Jere asked, "What would you like to do about dinner tonight?"

She said, "I am in the mood for a plate full of vegetables and a small piece of meat. Would you like to go to a bonafide Chinese Restaurant where Asians frequent?"

"Yes, Dear, I would like to try that at least once. What do you suggest?"

She replied, "Well, I won't say Chinatown because my ex husband and my son just may well cross our paths. But there is a good one in Quincy, if you don't mind driving down there after the rush hour."

Four hours later Jere sat next to June at a large round table that was filled with other diners. June had ordered a pork and vegetable dish that were somewhat spicy and quite good for Jere. It seems that couples only were seated at the table and mostly talked amongst themselves having just met while they ate. June said in English, "These people are speaking a dialect that is popular near Hong Kong and I don't speak that one, so I can not join in."

He asked, "What do you speak?"

"Mandarin and its rarely heard in New England."

The lady sitting beside June spoke to her in obviously the Mandarin, and the two ladies introduced the two men with them in English after they chatted for a while. June said in English, "This lady speaks Mandarin but not her husband, so she is mostly silent and is overjoyed when she meets a fellow speaker in public like this."

Later that night in bed with June lying on top of her lover after they had spent their passion, June said, "Oh that was good! I had initially made up my mind for us to not copulate tonight so that we both would be charged up after tomorrow night's dinner and dancing - I start my period on Sunday or Monday. Thank you, Darling, again for being in my life."

On Saturday the two lovers decided to tour some of the historical monuments and artifacts around which is a major tourist income source for Boston. Like so many however, Jere had little experience as a local to actually enjoy some of the local attractions that was the lifeblood of Boston's industry. The only time he could remember doing this was when Eleanor Parkman had spent a week with him several years ago. So, he and June got on a 'Duck Boat' tour and had a fantastic time, especially when the craft actually went into the Charles River for a short distance.

Afterwards they got off in the North End where the small family owned Italian restaurants dominated. He took her to his favorite and both ate way too much. June spoke up and said, "I am stuffed and need to walk all the way to your condo to take a nap to get ready for tonight. Is it too far to walk, Darling?"

Jere chuckled and said, "Way too far. But lets start walking in that direction and take a taxi when we get tired. Remember we are dancing tonight so we can not spend all of our energy walking..."

"Oh yes! You are right. I momentarily forgot, Jere, so lets catch a taxi now, if you don't mind."

At 8:00 P.M. they took a taxi to the hotel. The were shown to a table near the rather large dance floor in front of which an orchestra box set where there were 8 music stands, plus a piano, drum set, and standup bass.

Jere said, "June, things are looking up. See what awaits us?"

"Oh! I have dreamed of this but never had the resources on my own and my partner had no interest in dancing, although he would occasionally take me out and watch me dance with others. Jere, may we agree that no matter how busy life gets we always will take some time to occasionally enjoy a night out like this?"

Jere suddenly felt very warm and close to her inside himself and said, "It's my goal to do that and other things to keep our relationship fresh - because we both know now that it will grow stale if we don't work at it. In fact my recent break up was because the underlying reason for our breakup was that the relationship was stale and she accepted the European assignment."

The orchestra started playing just as they had finished their dinner and the dance floor was empty so far, even though the restaurant was crowded. Jere looked at June with a question mark written on his face and asked, "May I have this dance, young lady?"

She replied tongue in cheek, "Oh how gallant you are. Yes, I would love to." So the couple started gently foxtrotting around the empty dance floor. The energy surge from the recent dinner kicked in and both were almost weightless as they moved though several complex patterns. At the end of the dance, the crowd of diners, for the first time, cheered wildly for Jere and June. The bandleader said, "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and thanks to the lone couple who danced so well for all of us. I invite all of you now to come to the floor for a Swing number. " The lovers sat at their table resting from the previous number, oblivious to the full dance floor now.

It was nearly midnight when the taxi pulled up to Jere's condominium door. Both were exhausted from so much dancing but the lack of significant alcohol actually enhanced their experience. At 1:00 A.M., June came from the bathroom and said to Jere, "No more sex for a few days, Dr. Jen..." After noticing that he was already sound asleep, She smiled and said to herself, "Life is good."

Late Sunday afternoon, Jere picked up her garment bag and followed June to her car. After placing it in the back seat, he held her close and said, "June, I am hopelessly in love with you - its almost like I was 20 years old again. And one other thing is that I know you will be worried about your Son's future. I would like to suggest that its O.K. for him to make his choice, even if it is not the one you and I would like. We have each other."

At first June just cried and blew her nose and then said, "You are right, of course. I love you so much, Jere, as well. We are both vulnerable, I think, to being hurt badly if this is not the real thing. But I think it is and will keep working to make it more so."

Jere smiled warmly and said, "Touché!"


Jere woke up Monday morning glowing. He went to the gym and then came home to cook his and Kathy's breakfast. As he was cooking he was surprised that Kathy's boyfriend came into the kitchen with her, which meant cooking more food. After chatting with the two of them for a few minutes he retired to his office to work.

At that point his cell phone rang and it was June. He hurriedly answered, "Hello Dear."

She replied, "I am in the ladies room at the Assisted Living Center. My former lover's two sons have just signed the paperwork to disconnect him from the life support system he has been on for the past three weeks. So the man in my past is dead."

Jere said, "I am glad your ordeal is over, Darling. Is there anything I can do?"

"No, dear Jere, except tell me you love me. My son is driving over to be with me this afternoon."

"June, I love you so much. The next time we get together can we talk about how we might combine our two households?"

She said, "I have already been thinking about that. I can telecommute to my office and only need to drive to Hartford about once a month. The rental market is very good for my condo, and it will provide me with some more income. There will be some problems: For example, how am I going to fit my baby-grand piano into your condo?"

Jere smiled and said, "That is a non-problem. We will make it work."

"Oh thank you, Lover, for putting a smile on my face in the middle of so much sadness. Now I must leave this stall and confer with his two sons on the procedures for the final remembrance ceremony followed by the cremation ceremony of their father's remains."

Jere said, "Please keep me posted on the proceedings if you would. Bye darling."

It was Friday afternoon almost two weeks later when June pulled into a visitor parking slot at Jere's condo. He was outside awaiting her with a smile.

He smiled because he noticed that her car was packed full of clothes and other other gear. They embraced warmly and Jere said, "I have been about to go crazy missing you so much!"

"Me too. I have missed you being inside me so badly because its been so long since I saw you, shall I unload the car first or should we visit in your bedroom, first?"

Jere scooped her up and ran toward his condo door with June in his arms and said, "Lets unload the car later!"


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