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The White Native

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Young teacher is shown the tribal ways.
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The term had not gone particularly well for Debbie. She had been moved from a nice matriculation college on the eastern shore of Sydney to a rough outback mining town. Her pupils now consisted of a mixture of white and aboriginal children who were not the greatest learners. Although the younger children were keen and interested the older ones were an up hill battle.

One of the most difficult classes was her senior grade which was a class of six boys five white and one black and all were cheeky and full of themselves. She supposed that's the way it is when you're eighteen and way out in the whop whops. Most of the kids would follow their dads onto the farm or the mine, so it didn't really matter what they did at school. It was strange to get a class with just boys, but that was the way it panned out.

Of course added to that was the fact that she was a young teacher, and an attractive platinum blonde at that. With her 38D-25-35 figure she often caught the older boys staring at her chest, even though it was modestly covered. Of course because of the heat, along with the other teachers, she wore light weight clothes with open necks to try to keep as cool as possible. This did little to hide her rather larger than normal chest. Many's the time she would be leaning over telling some boy how to do something when she would note him peering at the gap in her blouse, staring at her cleavage. She knew he could only see her very conservative bra, but sometimes she would find herself blushing at this unwanted attention. She never said anything, but tried to avoid it happening in the future. Of course she always wore calf length skirts, she wasn't giving them the chance to look up her skirt, no way hosay.

It was a particularly hot Friday when even the air conditioning did little to cool the stifling heat.

She was trying to get the senior boys interested in the history of the Roman Empire, but to no avail. The black boy Jonno was being particularly obnoxious and against her own nature she got stuck into him, saying he had to listen if he wanted to get on and it was no good being a lazy abo, and as soon as the words slipped out of her mouth she knew she was in trouble.

"What you say, lazy abo, what do I want to learn this shit for, it's no good to me. You don't know nothing. You're just the same as the other white fellas, no fucking idea!"

Debbie was shocked, how could she have let herself get so upset, and say such a stupid thing. She tried to apologise, but the boy just pushed his books onto the floor and stormed out. Of course the other boys though it was a real hoot.

"You're in trouble now miss, his dad's on the Native land council and is very strong about racist remarks."

Debbie found herself trying to defend herself, but it only got worse. Fortunately the bell rang, and the boys charged out.

The rest of the day, went along alright. Luckily she managed to compose herself and by the afternoon had forgotten all about the incident, putting it down to another altercation. However she was abruptly reminded of it when during her free period at the end of the day Mrs Wilson the headmistress came in.

"Debbie, did something happen this morning in the senior group. Apparently Jonno stormed into the tutor group, picked up his swag and left, saying "he was finish with all this crap", I believe were the words used."

"Oh dear, well something did occur now you mention it."

Debbie blushed as she told Mrs Wilson of the incident. She apologised saying that it would never happen again.

"Well, you're very silly Debbie coming here with those sorts of attitudes. It's not the same here as in the big city, where one can forget about our indigenous people, here you have to live with them. We have spent a long time building up a good relationship with them and a stuck up girl like you comes along and we are back to square one."

"I'm terribly sorry Mrs Wilson, I was just frustrated."

"Well here you have to keep those feelings to yourself. Knowing Jonno's dad it won't be the last we hear about it. Whatever happens you are not, and I repeat, Not to offend them again. One more incident and you will never get another teaching job in this state. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mrs Wilson, I'm terrible sorry, I just didn't think."

"Yes well the next time, remember to hold your tongue, these people have very strong traditions going back thousands of years, but for them it's as if they are as strong today as they ever were."

The bell rang and the two women parted leaving Debbie to pack up her bags and the big pile of home work she had to mark and drive back to her rented house.

She was just about to make her dinner when there was a loud knocking at the door. She put down her peeler and opened the door to be confronted by a huge aboriginal man he must have been at least six foot and solid with it. He peered at her.

"You the teacher girl for my boy."

"I'm sorry who are you talking about."

Debbie started to have a bad feeling about this.

"Jonno, my boy, he said you called him a lazy abo, that right?"

"Well I must admit that during the class I di......."

"No crap, did you say that."

"Well yes, I suppose I did."

"Look whitey, you don't know nothing, come here with your big town ways, we's alright here, we don't need little girls like you to tell us what to do. My boy, he's a good boy and he works hard, just not your kind of working hard."

"Look I'm terribly sorry, the words just slipped out I didn't mean them."

"Of course you did, you white fellas are all the same, you never see what's in front of your face. Wake up girl, there's more to the world than books. You need to see the real places not these white fella places."

"Well I'm always ready to learn, maybe you can help me."

"Me, I got no time, I'm busy and it's not that easy, I can't just take you to our places. I have to see important men to do that."

The man paused, as he suddenly looked down, as if seeing Debbie for the first time. She felt a little uneasy as his eyes wandered down her body, automatically she hugged her hands over her chest.

"Let me think, I'll see what I can do, but remember I'm a busy man I don't want no messing about. This is important. I'll talk to Jonno as well. You will hear from me."

With which he turned around and walked away leaving Debbie heaving a sigh of relief. What had she got herself into now.

The weekend passed and she seemed to spend all her time doing homework and preparing for Monday. It was about five o'clock when there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find herself looking at Jonno's father again.

"I've sorted it, you be at Massa Milena's hut tomorrow at nine o'clock, he's our local medicine man, he will show you the way."

"But I can't, I've got classes, I can't just come with you.

"Don't you worry I've talked to Mrs Wilson, she said it will be ok, in fact she seemed very keen on the idea and told me to tell you to remember what she said."

"Oh, well then thank you, I will look forward to it, do I need to bring anything?"

"No nothing, you will be going to a traditional village. You just bring yourself, and don't be late. Massa he's not happy when people are late. You'll find his place out of town about five miles, look for a big tree on the left, with a termite nest in the roots, turn left there and just drive until you find it.

With which the big man again just turned and left."

"How extraordinary!" thought Debbie, as she closed the door.

That night she tossed and turned wondering about the next day, finally getting to sleep in the early hours. The alarm woke her with a shock.

She washed and over breakfast of coffee and toast, listened to the national news. It all seemed so far away out here in the outback. Collecting her bag she picked up her car keys and left the house, dressed in her "bush gear", khaki blouse and shorts, white socks and a pair of strong shoes.

She locked the front door and after climbing into the car, started it and drove out along the road as instructed. The town was quiet. The heat had not yet started and there was another four hours before it would get really hot. Overhead was a light cloud cover, which would help keep the temperature down, as well as the harsh sunlight.

She drove out looking for this big tree until as she'd been told, at about five miles outside she saw a track leading off by the very same. Her car bumped over the rutted track until about two miles off the road she found a large tin shed with an old white haired man sitting outside. She stopped the car and walked over to where he was sitting. She put out her hand to shake his, but he just ignored it.

Nervously she said.

"Hi, are you Mr Milena?"

The man took a while to look her over before he answered.

"So you're Jonno's teacher?"

"Yes, look I know I did........."

"Quiet women, you're hear to listen to me with you ears and to look with your eyes not with your head."

Debbie was taken back a bit by the man's gruff manner, and there was a power about him that made her feel like a little girl again.

"You're going to see our places now, where we are setting up a village as in the old days before you came here. It's a special place, sacred if you like, you understand. I need to know you understand.'

"Yes sir, I know what you mean."

"I wonder? Lot's of people been talked to, to do this, are you ready."

"Yes, I'm ready to go, look I've even got my bush gear on."

Tracy said trying to lighten the moment. She tried to smile but the old man just looked at her.

"You don't need no white gear, today you are going to a real black fellas place like a black fellas woman, naked. So take off your clothes."

"What did you say?"

"What's the matter girl, you deaf as well as stupid?"

"Now look here I have no int......"

Debbie stopped hearing Mrs Wilson's words echo in her head "don't offend them again or you'll be out", but that didn't seem to include taking her clothes off before a perfect stranger, and a man at that.

The man just sat looking at her.

Debbie looked about to see if there was anyone around, but she could see nobody else. The door to the large hut was open but the inside was too dark to see inside. She listened, but there was just the sound of a bird in the distance.

"Alright, I'll do it."

She looked down at the ground unwilling to look the man in the face as she undid the buttons on her blouse. Parting the front and letting it slide down behind her. She looked around for somewhere to put it down, when the old man reached out his arm to take it. She passed it over, feeling very self conscious standing in her bra. Next came the skirt. Undoing the belt she unfastened the side buttons and slid it down her shapely legs. Again the man reached out and took the item as she stood before him in her undies. The clean white material contrasted strongly with her pink skin. She knew she was red faced, and not just from the gathering heat. He waited silently as she stood there in her bra and panties.

"Is this really necessary?"

There was no reply. Was she really going to go through with this, strip in front of a complete stranger? Again recalling Mrs Wilson's warning she realised she had little choice.

Slowly she slid her arms up behind her and unclipped her bra. It slid off her chest, leaving her breasts exposed to the man. Again he reached out to take the item, she leaned over and handed him the clothing, unsure as to whether to cover herself or not. Nervously, she found her arm automatically slide over her chest to hide her nipples. She could see the man's eyes flick over her body as she stood there.

Again the pause, she looked around nervously listening to see if she could hear anything unusual, but there was no sound.

"Look do I have to?"

The old man just sat and looked at her.

Taking a deep breath she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties and slid the only item of clothing remaining over her buttocks and down her legs. It caught on her shoes forcing her to bend over to slip it over her shoes, again leaving her large breasts exposed and swinging from her chest as she briefly hopped about. She grasped the panties and clutched them to her crutch. Again the man reached out and, sighing, Debbie passed over the panties, and stood naked before him her arm and hand covering her modesty.

"You can keep on the shoes as your feet are too soft for this country."

He rose, and walked into the hut with her clothes, leaving Debbie standing nude with her arm over her chest and her hand in her crutch feeling very vulnerable. Christ she'd never even done this in front of a doctor. She again stared around her, tense and nervous ready to run into the hut at the sign of anyone else. The sun was warm on her nakedness. It all felt very strange.

The man came out again, holding a red tin in his hand.

"In our culture when a woman touches herself," he indicated his chest and his crutch, "in front of a man it means she wants to have sex with him, is that what you want?"

Tracy quickly let her hands fall by her side completely exposing herself to his gaze, her breasts firm and pink tipped, and the prominent lips of her sex easily seen amongst her light pubic hair.

"Oh no! I mean no, I didn't know."

"Remember it, cos from now on it counts, this is our way, ok?"

"OK, I'll try to remember."

Debbie said uncertainly, what had she got herself into here?

"This is going to be hard on you today are you really sure, totally, no turning back, no whining?"

"No sir, I'm ready for you to show me."

"Good, now before we can go anywhere you will have to be purified, have you had a crap this morning?"

Debbie was shocked, what did the man mean by that and why should he ask?

"Er, well, yes early when I got up."


The old man came closer to her, making her feel even more nervous. He put his hand on her shoulder. She almost flinched.

"Turn round."

She did as she was told. Looking away into the distance.

"Now bend over and touch your toes, you'll find it easier if you hold your feet a little apart."

Debbie was stunned, not in her wildest thoughts last night had she expected this, but against her better judgement she did as she was told and bent over in front of him. Now her face really was burning as she exposed her vulva and anus to his gaze.

"Open your cunt for me."

Debbie shocked almost stood up there and then, but instead her hands went round behind her buttocks and feeling her labia pulled open the flaps and exposed her pink interior to the mans gaze.

"Hold it there."

She heard the top of the tin being unscrewed as she stared at the ground wondering what the man was doing. Suddenly she felt a cold feeling at the entrance to her vagina, and then before she could react the man had thrust his finger deep up inside her body. She yelped and went to stand to get away from this humiliation, when the man commanded her to stay where she was.

He removed his finger and again she was tried to rise.

"Stay there!"

Again a cold finger found her, only this time it was on her anus, and quickly as before the digit was thrust deep up her back passage this time she did pull away. Standing and staring at the man, her chest heaving.

"What are you doing?"

"You have been purified girl, to go to a sacred place, now you are ready. Follow me."

"What about my clothes, my bag."

"You won't be needing them girl. Come along."

With which the man shuffled past round the hut and started up a narrow track leaving Debbie to follow him, naked and abused.

Debbie was tempted to touch her cunt to find out what the man had put there but was unwilling to be seen touching herself. The man walked for a while and then stopped and motioned for Debbie to go ahead. He waved ahead.

"Follow the track, I'll follow you."

Debbie moved past him and carried on walking, ever conscious of her nudity in front of the strange man. Her cunt and anus had started to get warm, and she wondered what the old man had used to slip into her so easily, it certainly wasn't Vaseline as she could definitely feel them tingling.

They walked for what seemed ages, Debbie getting more and more nervous as they got further away from her clothes and security. The minutes seemed longer and longer and the path got smaller and smaller until Debbie wasn't sure if there was a path, and was not sure she could find her way back if she had to. The path led its way through low shrubs and small stunted trees, occasionally the shrubs would open out into a bare area, before re-entering into the bushes. She found the whole exercise quite bizarre although not totally unpleasant. She felt she could trust the old man. She even started to feel relaxed as she walked as naked as eve, well save for the shoes, through this primitive countryside.

After about twenty minutes of moving through the low shrubs and small trees, she thought she could hear water running. The track continued until it came to a small stream, across which there was an open space about 100 metres long. At the end there were several bark huts forming a rough oblong about fifty metres long and about twenty five across.


Debbie waited as the man came up to her. The tingling in her loins was definitely getting stronger, in fact she even started to feel a little horny, much against her will. She had to consciously stop her hand from moving to her crutch.

"See this place, this is Wakkalot's place, secret, special, you must go over the stream and run into the village and stand in front of the last hut."

He pointed with his hand,

"There you must wait silent with your eyes closed and you are not permitted to open them until you have been told to, do you understand? Remember no talking, silent, right? And no covering yourself!"

"Er yes, will you be coming with me?"

Suddenly she felt she needed the old mans presence.

""No, I'm not dressed properly, so I cannot go over the stream. Go now."

"But how do I get back?"

Debbie felt even more agitated about being told to go naked and alone into the village, even though she could see no sign of anybody.

"No more questions, go, you are expected. And remember what I told you, now go, run."

With which he smacked her smartly on the buttocks driving her towards the stream.

Debbie jumped across the stream and doing as the old man directed ran naked towards the huts. Her unrestrained breasts bounced around on her chest as she pounded along. The distance seemed longer than she thought as her breath started to get shorter and shorter. Never before had she run this distance without a bra let alone naked. Finally she entered the village and ran to a halt in front of the last and largest hut. Breathing heavily she closed her eyes as instructed and stood there her hands by her sides. Never before in her life had she felt more vulnerable. She had to fight against her natural desire to protect her privates from anyone seeing them.

She stood nude and alone, resisting the desire to open her eyes.

Did she hear something; yes someone was approaching her, no it sounded like several people. She desperately fought to keep her eyes closed.

She could sense the people walking around her, silent, nobody spoke.

The buzzing in her ears from nerves almost silenced all other noises. Several times they went around, until they stopped and there was quiet, did she hear a chuckle or was it her imagination. Maybe it was a bird. No there were several chuckles.

A deep mans voice spoke.

"Listen to me woman, you are in the village of Wakkalot. Your are his guest. This is a special place, special to my people to disobey me is to disobey my people. And this would offend them, you would not want to do that would you?

Debbie's mouth was dry.


She squeaked.


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