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The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 11

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Forced into her role as a slave.
14.4k words

Part 11 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 05/23/2023
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Chapter 11 Busted, Broken?, Abused and Used


Lena initially could not believe what she had heard.

"You are arresting me, Lewis."

"Yep, for violating the Free American States under God confederation law against transporting a woman across state lines for immoral purposes. The old United States Mann Act was enacted by the Free States in its original form to cover transportation of both adult and minor females and has been interpreted to cover women who transport themselves for immoral purposes. You will recall that you flew to Oregon, drove from Oregon to Wyoming, from Wyoming to Montana and then back to Wyoming intending to commit adultery in Oregon, Wyoming, Montana and Wyoming."

"You have got to be kidding."

"Miranda warnings are not required in the Free States as a result of a decision by the Free States Constitutional Convention not to adopt the Fifth Amendment of the old U.S. Constitution and the decision of the Free States Supreme Court not to incorporate Miranda v. Arizona into Free States law. Therefore, instead of advising you of your right to remain silent, I will tell you that your future is not what you thought it would be, but it will only get worse or end soon if you don't follow orders now and shut the fuck up.

"There, down the road, I can see the vans of the lynch mob driving here. I gather it is an alliance of religious extremists that want to stone you to death and Klansmen and Brown shirt types who merely want to gang rape you and drown you in the river.

"You will have to pardon me while I go down to my car and get more firearms. In the meantime, keep your head down just on the river side of the levee and don't dream of getting away on foot. There is zero chance of getting away and a very good chance of getting killed. Oh, and don't slip down into the river here either. The river is really deep at this point and has a strong current because of the levees and control structures in the Lower Mississippi.

Huddling behind the levee out of sight, Lena heard a sporadic gunfight for the next forty minutes. She wished she could have watched but followed orders.

As it happened, while the lynch mob had nine gunmen, the nine had little training. They shot a lot and hit nothing. Killer, a highly trained soldier and sniper, could have killed half of the mob if he'd wanted, but he instead focused on taking out the mob's car tires so they could not travel after them and shooting flags and hats to embarrass the Stoners and Brownshirts.

Eventually, Lena and Killer heard a loud horn sound from the river, and several of Killer's fellow confederation agents lowered a bridge to the shore, ran out with rifles and joined Killer in firing shots calculated to show the mob that they would all be dead if the central government agents began shooting to kill. Shortly after, one of the agents shouted through a bullhorn that if the mob tried to climb the levee, they would be promptly shot to shit. The mob members decided that discretion was the better part of valor.

Killer, the other agents and Lena were soon on the boat crossing the Father of Waters to Arkansas. Too late to arrest Lena himself, Sheriff Connor Tauro and his deputies arrived from their effort to find Lena in the resort in time to tell the lynch mob to forget about trying to drive north to the nearest bridge to try to catch up with Lena in Arkansas and to go back home after getting their tires fixed.

On the Arkansas shore, Max Klug and his wife Zoe were waiting in another black Dixieland Security SUV designed to carry prisoners. Lena was handcuffed and tossed in the back seat as the SUV started for Little Rock.

Killer waved bye. He took the boat back across the river to get the SUV he had left there.

It was a very long drive to Little Rock. Lena had so many things racing through her mind. The man she thought she loved had just arrested her. She had not gotten the data from Deputy Seele that she wanted to use to expose the sheriffs and help women illegally confined on sex boats. There was a chance she might be brutally killed and a likelihood that she would spend her next 20 years or more as a breeding sex slave on a boat on or near the Mississippi, Missouri, or the Gulf of Mexico.

Lena often had missed seeing her parents for Christmas but felt overwhelmed with the reality that she might not ever see them again.

In a self-punishing stream of consciousness, Lena went over and over in her mind everything she had done wrong and wondered if there was any way to kill herself if they put her on one of those strict bondage boats where the women were used as living sex toys. She wondered if the other boats were all that much better. She cursed herself a thousand times. How could she be so stupid? The brilliant Lena Fesch got turned into a sex slave because she trusted a man she thought loved her? Was not this the plot for thousands of stories about poor girls from Romania and Bulgaria who did not know any better because they had a fraction the knowledge and experience as Lena?

Just how could she be so stupid? What else could she have done? Was there some death wish she had or a secret wish to be free from freedom? Just what could she do to keep the rest of her life, however long that went, from being a sex worker version of a "Day in the Life of Ivan Desinovich."

Finally, she had to wonder whether, somewhere in her mind, she was suicidal or wanted to be a breeding sex slave. She was 35. Maybe her biological clock had hit her in a completely outrageous manner and forgotten to tell her rational mind about it? Maybe she had always wanted to be a breeding sex toy? No, that's ridiculous.

All of the above went around and around through Lena's mind, as well as thoughts about how lucky she'd been not to be imprisoned or killed before and what a stupid, insane, rash, self-destructive person she must be even if she had not admitted it.

But no, going back the other way, what else could she have done once she knew that there was a monstrous crime that had to be exposed? But no, had not her brain somehow made up a story to justify her desire to be a sex slave or to die a heroic martyr. Had her brain been taken over by some parasite that caused her to engage in self-destructive behavior. Yes, her mind was repeating itself, but what else was there to do in the back of the SUV, feeling scared, tired and confused.

It was some relief to Lena when, about an hour and a half into the drive, Max Klug created a distraction by beginning to lecture Lena on the Free States Constitution and other subjects regarding the Free States that had suddenly become very important to her future life.

"I don't know what Killer told you," Max Klug said, "but it became clear from dispatches three days ago that the wheels were turning for the sheriffs to have you arrested for committing adultery with three guys you met in a hotel in New Orleans. The stoners somehow learned of the warrants as they were being prepared and decided that the sheriffs would want to auction you off to a boat and deprive them of the satisfaction of raping and lynching you. Killer took off to do his best to get to you before the sheriffs and the vigilantes did.

"There's already a big debate going on. The stoners want you stoned to death. The sheriffs seem focused on getting their cut of auction money while keeping you quiet. Killer and I planned ahead to make sure we could arrest you if necessary, for committing a crime against the central government law; we call it confederate law. That way, the central government in Little Rock will decide what to do with you, although theoretically, after you finish your sentence under confederate law, the sheriffs could still seek to punish you for having sex with the three guys you met in New Orleans. I doubt they'll bother, though, given how old you'll be."

"I do not suppose it matters that I never touched any of the three guys they want to charge me with fucking?" Lena said.

"Not in the least. Those guys are professional perjurers. You would be sure to be convicted and sentenced to forty or sixty years of penal servitude, depending on whether they wanted to charge you with fucking all three guys. With time off for good behaviour, you'd be out in 20 or 30 years, although we don't really know as the country hasn't been around for so long. Conceivably, the sheriffs might just turn you over to the vigilantes if they think you've embarrassed them.

"Everything is still up in the air, though. I wouldn't plan on being home for Christmas before Christmas 2065 if that. In the meantime, Zoe and I have an idea for taking your mind off your troubles for a few minutes."

Klug drove off the road and pulled the SUV into the parking lot of an abandoned motel off what was once US 40 but had become FS 1. "Me and Zoe have been thinking that you must be awful tense back there, not knowing whether you'll even be alive another month and Zoe really wants to have you suck her clit while I do you doggy style. I'd ask you if you wanted to participate, but I don't really care."

"I guess I do not really mind, given all the circumstances," Lena said. "But are you not putting your wife in jeopardy of being convicted of sodomy and sent to a sex boat for 20 years."

"No," Klug said, "for two reasons. First, we aren't going to get caught. Second, Zoe, as your husband, lord, and master, I am hereby ordering you to take off your dress, bra and panties and to spread your legs in the back of this vehicle in order to enable Lena to get her head right behind your thighs. A woman can't get into trouble just for doing what her husband says she should.

"Oh, and Zoe, help me make sure that Lena doesn't make any trouble while I uncuff her long enough to take off her clothing."

A few minutes later, Lena found herself nude, licking Zoe's pudenda and having her breasts in Klug's grip while he pounded her pussy from behind. She welcomed the distraction. She was pleased that she had no trouble focusing on the cock driving in and out of her pussy, and she could hardly believe it when she came almost immediately. A bit more licking, and Zoe was screaming, "Oh my God, oh my God," and Lena could feel Zoe thrashing out an orgasm and gasping for breath. A moment later, Lena was again building rapidly to a second orgasm which she had just while Klug was pumping seed into her pussy. She wished during her orgasms that time would just stop, and she could just spend an eternity with her vaginal contractions.

An hour later, Lena was in one of six prison cells in the Dixieland Security Office in the building where she had visited the censorship office a few days earlier. Purportedly, to keep her from using any article of clothing to escape or try to kill herself, she was nude in the cell. She could see into the other cells. They were all empty. Lena had nothing to do but the thing she least wanted to do: to think about what an idiot she had been and what might happen to her.

The next day, Max Klug visited Lena in her cell. He told her to lie back on her sparse cot and spread her thighs. She did. He said he wanted her to spread her thighs more and thrust up her hips from the cot while presenting her breasts like fruit. Her nipples quickly grew erect, and her Montgomery glands stood out like little hills around a volcano. Lena knew she was becoming wet and ready but was not embarrassed. What would be the point of that?

"What an incredibly lovely twat you are," Klug said as he snapped a picture. Lena had thought she was more than a twat. "Zoe and I can use that image and compare it to the many I have of Zoe," Klug mentioned.

The missionary position sex that followed was short but achieved everything that Klug wanted. That was the point Lena realized. But Lena was able to have an orgasm, too, fashioned crudely out of tension, hatred and her basic instincts.

As Klug came, Lena squeezed her vaginal muscles with all her might and had a strong, physically if mentally painful orgasm. It occurred to Lena that she was already beginning to reduce her expectations for life to brief, mechanical satisfaction with men she did not particularly like.

Klug said, "Wow, are you good. That was one of the best fucks I've had in my life, although it was a quicky." He dressed, and Lena just lay on the cot feeling fucked.

Klug said that while her failure to make it north had been noticed, there had been only a little international publicity so far. Her arrest had not been announced, but the German Embassy had inquired about rumours that she was in custody.

Klug added that a number of folks had met and were deciding what to do what to do with her. He explained, "The Stoners and the Klansmen still want you dead as a warning to horny women in the Free States and to any other woman bold enough to come into the Free States and ask a lot of snotty questions.

"The sheriffs think that killing you would be a waste when they could get some money for you at an auction. They could fuck you for decades afterwards on one of the three strict discipline boats.

"Bull Hawley and Conner Tauro say that some of their boys blabbed way too much to you in New Orleans and that, in their words, 'we don't know what the bitch knows, but we know she won't talk about it if she's kept in chains and ropes and only sees the guys who come to fuck her with a gag in her mouth.' They regret that this will impede getting blow jobs from you and that limiting the auction bidders to the strict bondage boats will greatly lower their take.

"Neck Wallace, the Everleigh management, which includes Captain Semmes, and I say that it is unwise to kill you or keep you in strict bondage given the potential effect on tourism, international relations, and foreign trade from such crude and unusual punishment of a European woman who did not commit any crime recognized in Europe.

"I'm sorry, Lena, but right now, the sheriffs are winning the argument. Neck and I don't have that much influence compared to the sheriffs and the crazies. The sane adults in the central confederate government are working on more important matters.

Lena thought about suicide.

On the third day in custody, Lena was visited by Hawley, Tauro and several of their deputies. By then, a woman had been locked in one of the cells near Lena.

Sheriff Hawley glanced at the second prisoner before saying to Lena, "My God, what a woman. Anyway, you were correct, Lena, in your supposition that we have traditions to uphold. Although you are technically a prisoner of the central confederate government, Mr. Klug has graciously agreed to allow us to carry out our traditions for following the arrest of an attractive woman with a celebration as long as we do not do anything to physically damage her. Klug says he don't think they would have arrested you without our fine work finding witnesses to your crimes in New Orleans and thinks that letting us fuck you over is a fair way to show his gratitude for our work."

Lena was pushed over the cot to suck a deputy's cock while Hawley took her from behind. This was repeated with one of Sheriff Tauro's deputies having his cock sucked while Sheriff Tauro also took her doggie style. While Lena worked on the second deputy with her tongue, she began to push back against Tauro. What the fuck, Lena thought. It seems doggie style is a lot of what I can expect for a while. Fortunately, that's fine with me, particularly if I can rub against something.

As it happened, Sheriff Tauro pulled her head back by the hair with one hand while effectively working on her clit with the other hand. Lena became distracted and let the deputy's cock fall out of her mouth, but the deputy had had enough and held his cock at the right angle to spray semen into Lena's face.

Again, Lena saw no point in resisting the sensations. The deputy's ejaculation was only a momentary distraction before Lena returned to the feeling of the Sheriff hitting her G-Spot while stimulating the other side of her clitoris manually. Lena orgasmed powerfully while Tauro's cock erupted into Lena's quim. Sheriff Tauro had a big smile as he withdrew. Lena had to admit to herself that the very helplessness and inferiority of her position had contributed to her orgasm.

The two sheriffs stood Lena up, slapping and pinching her breasts. Hawley said, "Welcome to your life as a three holed cum dump and breeding slave. How does it feel knowing your baby luscious boobs and tasty cunt don't rightly belong to you anymore?" Lena would have cried except that she did not want the sheriffs to have the satisfaction of seeing how distraught she was.

The sheriffs directed a deputy to wipe up the semen that Lena was dripping on the floor. This task was performed with all the sensitivity of a guy working in a car wash.

While that went on, three deputies decided to have the other prisoner. She was pushed onto a naked deputy who had sat on her bed and entered her vagina before another deputy used his middle finger to ram lubrication up her anus before forcing a lubricated condom-covered cock where his finger had been. The woman's head was turned to accept another cock in her mouth. The deputy, with his cock in her mouth, decided to fire his jism in the prisoner's face while she was manipulated like a rag doll before welcoming cum up her ass and pussy as she orgasmed without any choice in the matter.

Sheriff Hawley pointed out that Lena had not yet taken one in the ass and designated a deputy with a seven-inch cock for that job. He had Lena bend forward and hold some of the bars in her cell, lubricated her anus and shoved his cock into her. Not having taken one in the ass for weeks, Lena initially grunted and let out a small scream, but Lena was a veteran of this form of abuse also and eventually had to enjoy it.

Lena was not happy about any of this, but she had been rocked by numerous orgasms to the amusement of the lawmen. I guess this is the most life has to offer me now, Lena thought as she wallowed in filth and fluids before a guard came and took Lena and the second woman to the shower. Hawley is right. I'm hardly human anymore. I'm a sex toy whose consciousness is a curse except for those moments when I take pleasure from being fucked and abused.

In the shower, Lena learned that the second woman's name was Liz van Low. Liz whispered in Lena's ear that she had been arrested for trying to distribute condoms, but before she was arrested, she had met someone Lena knew. Liz whispered, "The Soul man is still embedded."

The next day, Liz was taken away to be auctioned in New Orleans. Lena felt horrible about that. After Liz was marched out, Lena was left alone in a soundless cell for 24 hours with nothing but bread and water. Lena decided she preferred a rough, humiliating gang bang to solitary confinement.

On the fifth day of her confinement, Max Klug threw into Lena's face copies of front-page articles from the New York Times, UK Guardian and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on the release of the Betty Jo letter and Lena's arrest. Klug said she had managed to make enough noise worldwide that the big four men in charge of national security and public information, Attorney General Brownell, Spiritual Minister Harry Powell, Klug's boss J. Edgar Smith and Minister of Propaganda Joe Goebbels, had become involved and alarmed. There would be a meeting that night.


Lena read carefully all the articles that Klug had brought. The Betty Jo letter with Thomas Schnupper's commentary on his experiences on the Big Nosed Kate appeared in the original English and translated into German in Kultur, Sex und Sport. To slightly conceal its origin, the article also appeared in a few other publications and was translated into a few other languages.

Schnupper mentioned in his article that the FASUG was recently in the news because reporter Lena Fesch had been arrested by FASUG authorities and was being held under undisclosed criminal charges. Schnupper otherwise did not hint that Lena might have had anything to do with the release of the letter by a young female engineer who became a sex slave on a flat-rate boat in the FASUG.

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