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The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 16

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Sex servitude continues for many.
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Part 16 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 05/23/2023
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Thanks again to Avicia

Chapter 16


At noon the day that Lena was to be released permanently from the Everleigh, Zoe and Lena were brought down to the special room in the hull of the Everleigh used for disciplining and exercising dominance over women. Billionaire Melus Knox, Everleigh Entertainment Corp President Eric Karo, Everleigh Entertainment manager of properties Harvey Winestone, and Deputy Chief of Dixieland Max Klug were there.

"I think we could still avoid you having to go to Wyoming if you begged to stay on the Everleigh, Lena," Karo said. "We'd just have to prove to the Europeans that you were staying voluntarily and to the Free State authorities that you will behave in the future."

Playing along, Lena said, "No, I've been a terribly bad girl and I am beyond rehabilitation. There is nothing to do but to send me out to the Wild West for the horrible punishments that await me there."

"Well then," Klug said, "We will just have to teach you the hard rules and saddles of the Wild West. While we are about it, we will teach the same thing to my ex-wife."

A cover was pulled off two wooden structures.

"Scheiss," Lena said.

"What are they?" Zoe asked.

"They are wooden ponies," Winestone said. "You might not like them at all, but they will be sent to O as soon as that boat is ready. Right now, we are going to put you and Lena on them after we tie your arms tightly behind your backs so that four lovely breasts can jut out like ripe fruit ready to be juiced."

"The ponies hurt like hell at first, and then they get worse," Lena said.

Soon, both women were lifted up by the men and seated directly on the ponies. The ponies were built to put all of a woman's weight on her genitals, but these particular ones could have been more cruel as they were wide enough at the critical contact point to spread the weight over a slightly wider area than similar torture devices that have a wedge edge that sink into the valley of love.

Eric Caros asked, "Lena, still sure you can't be persuaded to stay on the nice, comfortable Everleigh rather than go to the Wild West?"

Melus Knox said, "Think of how wonderful it would be being a comfortable bimbo on a nice comfortable boat making happiness and babies for rich and powerful men like me? What a benefit that would be to humanity in the long run as your babies made more babies with the resulting happiness dwarfing any pain you experience."

"And won't you feel horrible knowing that some less worthy woman will be occupying the room on the Everleigh that you have filled with glory? Surely, you will want to stay on the Everleigh as a matter of pride." Winestone said.

Having learned much Free States English in her time on the boat, Lena croaked out in pain from the pony, "Are you motherfuckers out of your tiny minds? Well, I will put it in language you good ole boys can understand. Firstly, you know fuggin well I will renounce any statement you obtain from me while I'm sittin on this torture device. If you try to keep me as a sex slave, I will use every kind of communication I can conjure to get out and wreck you sons of bitches until the cows come home an the last King James Bible is coated in slave lipstick in the fuckin Free States of Hell. So why don't y'all just let us off these things."

The men laughed. Of course, it was ridiculous to ask Lena to voluntarily become a breeding bimbo.

"I do believe that Ms. Fesch has made her position clear," Max Klug said.

"I was only joking about you changing course now; your fate is sealed. You have been sentenced to a lifetime of marital bliss and worrying about your children," Winestone said.

Zoe, not having any idea what Caros, Knox, Winestone and Lena were talking about, asked, "I don't know what any of that was about, but this pony hurts my pussy big time. I'm a poor little party girl that you've turned into a sex slave. Can't we just fuck?"

"Well, no," Melus Knox said. "First, we are going to pierce your nipples."

"Ah shit, that will hurt awful, an why mine and not Lena's?"

"You are going to the O, my new concept for a high-end boat with lovely, high-born ladies that can be used something like the women on the all-you-can-fuck low-end boats. We will only put women on the O who, like you, have a prison sentence so long that they are not ever going to get off the boats," Caro explained.

"We think the O will attract the middle-class man who resents the privileges of the wealthy and is willing to pool resources with similar men to buy a group package in which maybe six men fuck a woman over two hours instead of the one man having one woman on the Everleigh. To symbolize the total captivity and free use availability of the women on the O, we are going to pierce their nipples and eventually their clitoral hoods and maybe some other places, although some body parts will have to be left alone while they heel.

"We haven't decided what degrading tattoos you will receive. Don't worry, Zoe, you're too pretty to give any tattoos that are not small and placed somewhere where they won't lessen your beauty. Our design and marketing department is still working on what tattoos will have the most commercial value. I think we have slave collars on order from someplace up North where they don't believe in sex slavery but are pleased to sell us supplies," Everleigh Corp. President Caro concluded.

With the pony pressing her labia, Zoe started screaming and moaning, but this ended when Winestone and Knox pushed a gag in Zoe's mouth and pulled her head back by her hair. Disinfectant was put on her left nipple. Zoe screamed into her gag as the hot needle went through. She twisted and contorted until she decided that that only hurt her pussy more.

Soon, there was a gold stud through Zoe's left nipple. The process was repeated through her right nipple, and a few minutes later, her gag was released.

Zoe breathed intensely before she screamed, "You motherfuckers."

The men laughed. Lena was disgusted but more concerned about the pain between her legs than anything to do with Zoe. The men decided the ladies should be flagellated with floggers that they had. Zoe was mortified. Lena was annoyed.

After the whipping, the women were taken off the ponies and placed on their backs onto padded convex frames that pushed their torsos up, spread their legs and gave maximum access to their pussies. Max was given the honor of fucking his ex-wife first and was careful not to touch her nipples for now. Melus Knox quickly slammed into Lena who started to drip milk.

"One more chance to knock you up, Lena."

Lena had feared getting pregnant during the last two months more than anything else. She did not want another child with an unidentified father. She was pretty confident, though, that she had not ovulated and said only, "You are welcome to try. At least there's nothing I can do to stop you."

She began to squeeze his cock with her inner muscles as he squeezed her boobs and worked in and out with enthusiasm. Lena had her first orgasm of the day and sprayed milk into the air as Melus sprayed his sperm into her womb.

Over the next two hours, each of the women received ten doses of semen. Both women acted as they were supposed to do as sex slaves. They yielded completely to the men and had numerous orgasms themselves in the process, even as they knew that they were being used. Lena wondered whether the two of them were somehow born with unusual capacities to enjoy submissive, painful sex or had been trained to enjoy such abuse. Nature or nature in another context, Lena thought.

The session ended with Zoe and Lena being hung upside down in the lifting contraption and flagellated enough for it to antagonize Lena and horrify Zoe.

This is to humiliate us, Lena thought. Does 'humiliate' mean to make humble? But one cannot make me feel more humble by being a jerk to me. That only makes me feel less of you.

Zoe said out loud, "If the fucking an the hanging was designed to make me feel like an obedient pet, it sure worked. I'm a just fuck toy now, there ain't no way around it. The only important differences between me an a blow up plastic doll are that I can have orgasms too an will make babies and give milk."

Lena did not answer. She thought of the saying 'don't speak unless you can improve upon the silence.' Lena could not see a way to refute Zoe's analysis of her situation.

After the men left, some indentured servants came and brought Zoe and Lena back to the room Lena had occupied for much of the last two years. Lena again was careful not to touch Zoe as Lena tried to get some sleep.

The following morning, Lena had a long goodbye session with Captain Semmes. She was as sweet as she could be, but she still was not sure how she felt about him. Is it possible to be a kind slaver or a moral man who contributes actively to a horribly fucked up system?

Lena was cleaned up and sent to Caspar, Wyoming, to rejoin her family.

Zoe had a baby about nine months after the session in the hull of the Everleigh in the Memphis medical facility after spending eight months on the O. After a month of recovery, Zoe would be back on the not-so-good ship O. After a week of taking light use, Zoe was plunged with her apparent enthusiasm into a life of having sex virtually every moment that she was not sleeping, doing her exercises or eating her well-planned meals. She was the most popular woman on the O and was the star entertainer at numerous parties in Little Rock and Memphis. Movies of her enthusiastic sexual activities appeared on numerous websites.

Lena had a baby in November 2048 after returning to the ranch in Wyoming, nursing and weening her first child, and making passionate love to Killer numerous times. The baby was delivered by a nurse midwife. The boy was healthy and looked like his father as much as any new-born looks like anyone but Winston Churchill. Both Killer and Lena were very happy.


In the same bar and restaurant where our story started in May 2045, Lena Fesch, Larry "Killer" Lewis, Killer's friend Wayne, Neck Wallace, Doctor Frank Galton, Assistant to Supreme Spiritual Advisor Harry Powell, Jack Colby, Frau Dir. Marlene Sprengler, Reporter Bernetta Holzwald, Thomas Schnupper, and Eva Verte had dinner. As always, Neck sat where he could see the holograms of the strippers performing in the front of the establishment while everyone else was wondering why they agreed to have dinner in a restaurant that featured pole dancers and aged steaks when they did not much care for either.

It was a somewhat awkward gathering. Seven of the people at the dinner had had some role in Lena being forced into sex slavery for almost two years. Also, Lena had been in bed multiple times with all of the men and one of the women present, with the men both before and while she was a sex slave.

After greetings and ordering of drinks, Frau Sprengler started the discussion of events over the last two years. "Lena and Killer, it is wunderbar to see you again in the flesh. It has been a long time since we last chatted in person, although Lena and I have had numerous communications regarding news articles and book publications.

"What has happened since you left Wyoming last year?"

Lena naturally spoke for both herself and her husband, Killer Lewis. "As most of you know, my dear Lewis, the love of my life who I refuse to call 'Killer,' stopped working for Neck, and Wayne got his job at the Wallace Trading and Import Company.

"Lewis now has a job with some sort of security firm that I do not know much about and about which I am not supposed to say anything. Pretty much all his work can be done remotely except for a few trips a year, of which we cannot speak.

"After my second child was born, Lewis and I were allowed to leave the Free American States under God in exchange for the French government releasing the last of the Free State kidnapper terrorists who should have been allowed to die in prison. I will not go into more detail regarding the agreements that allowed my release, although most of them have become public.

"We could not have stayed in the Free States if we had wanted to do so. Lewis and I were persona non grata in the Free States. We gave much thought as to where to go.

"The substantial book advances on my children's book and my upcoming book on being a sex slave in the Free States allowed us a lot of choices.

"I will always be German, although Germans committed horrible crimes 100 years ago. I wanted to live in Germany. I also did not want to have problems with the Reichsburgers and certain German meatpackers who are still mad at me. Lewis loves mountains and nature and he was ready to escape North America and all its lingering problems caused by the national divorce that broke up the United States.

"Also dann, we live in a village in Bavaria in the mountains where people are friendly but not too friendly. I am not saying what village.

"The people there know we are not from around there but are very discreet and lovely people. Some of them are rather backward and still believe in God. Every once in a while, we take the family to the cute little onion steeple-topped church just to fit in a bit better. Lewis now speaks German with a Bavarian accent."

"Passt scho," (it's only right in Bavarian), Killer interjected with a smirk.

After glancing lovingly at Killer, Lena continued, "Little Nellie and Immanuel are both doing well.

"I am very pleased with the sales of the children's book I wrote and amazed that I could write such stories for Kinder. The fact the books sold well when I wrote them under a Nome de Plume is gratifying. I would have hated to think I was selling children's books because of my controversial past."

"I thought the part about the little paddlefish playing in the Mississippi was particularly darling," Bernetta Holzwald said.

Lena smiled and continued, "My mother is thrilled with her grandchildren. She and my father are with Nellie and Immanuel now."

"You normally drink wine with dinner, but you just asked for Wasser tonight?" Sprengler subtly inquired.

"I was going to tell you. Yes, we are so excited. I am again with child," Lena answered.

"You have certainly changed," Sprengler said in a tone that did not come off quite right and hit the wrong button.

"You mean you think I have gone from being a crazy nymphomaniac investigative report to being a boring, sweet little Hausfrau (housewife) who writes children's books on the side," Lena answered.

"I did not mean to say that, and there would be nothing wrong if you did do that," Frau Sprengler said, realizing she had touched a sore spot.

Lena continued in a defensive tone, "As a matter of fact, I am now 38, and I am in a wonderful marriage, and for now, we are keeping it strictly monogamous. Maybe you would say that is all very spießig (bourgeois), but really, Marlene, do not you think that I have had enough different pricks, enough crazy adventures, enough chances to die horribly and alone? Is not part of being a free woman being free to be a good little Hausfrau for a while if one wants and not being judged over one's life choices?"

"Of course, you are right, Lena. I only noted the change," Frau Sprengler said. "I think the new life you have established is wonderful."

"I have not changed my politics or my principles. Yes, I eat fish and cheese now, but I eat very little meat, and I am still investigating some important things. Also, I am writing a book about my experiences in the Free States that were anything but tame.

"But I have obligations to my family to add to my other moral Pflichte (duties). The categorical imperative dictates that I act to protect myself and raise my children. Maybe in fifteen years, I can go snooping where I do not belong and risk death or slavery, but for now, I will do my duty even if it involves being a good little Hausfrau."

It was unclear if Frau Sprengler had been a bit too aggressive or if Lena Fesch had been a bit too defensive. There was a bit of bad blood between the women due to Frau Sprengler's involvement in Lena becoming a sex slave.

Anyway, the tension between Lena and Marlene calmed down when Doctor Galton said, "You may be a good little Hausfrau, but you will never be a boring little Hausfrau, Lena. You did a lot of good in the Free States through your bold investigations and dangerous disclosures, although perhaps not as much as you would have liked. But the situation in North America is awful and will take decades of work by many people to correct if that is possible at all."

"Yup, things suck," Neck said before another slurp of whiskey and a hard glance at Lena. Neck then added, "Although you ain't on boat diet and exercise discipline, Lena, ya sure don't look like no good little anything. Ya look hot as a pistol even if ya ain't waggin your titties as much as you used to. If you gained any weight with those kiddies and years, it sure don't look like it. I'd pay a bundle to fuck ya again if given half a chance."

A speech as impertinent as Neck's was only tolerable coming from Neck. Still, there was a silence, and Doctor Galton thought it wise to change the subject. "Neck, you lined up some hot babes for Colby and me to help you supervise In the Winnetou paintball gun Wild West shootouts Saturday? Are you having any trouble finding participants now that sex slavery in the Free States is much better understood in Europe?"

"Nah, not really," Neck said. "We lowered the period of the new slavery contracts for the losers to ten years, but I ain't sure it helped attract women. Course, none of the women 'spects to lose, and the ones who realize they might lose don't seem to care either. Seems some women just don't think becomin a breedin sex slave on a fancy boat is such a bad deal given their options. Particularly, lots a women livin now in low-lyin areas think it would be better to be on something that floats instead of being in a house that floods with all the floodin and malaria they been gettin of late.

"The publicity helped make the Wild West Winnetou duels better known, an some who participate but don't lose, gain some notoriety that helps a lot in their escort business. Shows they are willin to try anythin, don't it? The ones that do lose don't matter to me after the sale, except when I visit to cheer em up and screw."

"We have heard of reforms to the servitude system in the Free American States under God," Bernetta Holzwald said. "How are those working out?"

Jack Colby answered, "You will be happy to hear that a lot of the old sheriffs are now out of the picture, and women aren't being sentenced to long terms for crimes they did not commit, well, not often, at least. It's now illegal for law enforcement officers to receive anything from the boats for making an arrest and illegal for prosecutors to get any bounty from the boats for prosecuting.

"The professional perjurers are now in prison, although not for much longer. The courts were very sympathetic to men who were helping the Free States economy and clearing the Free States of women who might become immoral even if they had not done anything wrong as of the time of their arrest.

"Tauro, Suney and their mob are in prison for long terms because they conspired to kill the unborn child in Lena. If they'd just killed Lena before she became pregnant, there would have been no problem, but those guys fucked up. To be fair, they never really had a chance to get at Lena, given the quick work of Killer, Maxwell Klug and some others.

"Sheriff Hawley became ambassador to the Central African Republic. Other sheriffs who were heavily involved in selling nubile women for sex slavery retired or were given 'make work' positions until they retire."

"Any of you gentlemen know how Angela, Betty Jo, Ann Bowlin and Liz van Lowe are doing," Lena asked.


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