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The Wingman


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"It's alright. They went to bed early. They're going fishing tomorrow morning and never check on us when they leave that early."

Our lips met in a greedy kiss as I pulled her into the house. Everything about her made me tingle. The smell of her freshly washed hair and the scent of girly soap on her skin was making me hard.

"How long can you stay?"

"They'll be back before dinner tomorrow night. I was hoping that you would ask me to stay over."

My smile and chuckle seemed to piss Macy off a bit.


"Oh, I don't know. For all the years that I've known you, you've acted like a good girl and now it is painfully apparent what a truly bad girl you are, sneaking out of the house, staying overnight with a strange boy, having pre-marital sex. Shame on you."

"You're not a strange boy Bran, you're just fucking weird." Her punch caught me just under my ribs.

I imagine that one day I'll look back on the events of the day and the evening with great fondness, but it will also be humorous to me. Macy and I had almost everything that a man and woman could during the day, yet here we were in the evening acting nervous toward one another.

Curled up against me, still wrapped in her oversized hoodie, we watched television until the tension was greater than the two of us.

Macy stood, held out her hand and pulled me along like a puppy. Across the room, up the stairs, down the hall, into my room.

Her hands pulled the hoodie up over her head and her sweats down her legs. The matching pink bra and panty set was driving me wild.

Macy sync'd her phone to my Bose and started playing her music. I tried to make my way toward her, but like a crossing guard, she put her palm up and stopped me in my tracks, pointed at the bed for me to lay down, almost as if giving me directions.

Taylor Swift's "Lover" filled the night air as Macy swayed her hips from side to side and danced seductively around the room. Everything about her excited me. I forced myself to stay put. Every inch of my being screamed for me to grab her, but I watched in amazement as she removed my underwear and then her own.

Moving her lips along with the song, Mace stood on the bed, rubbed her fingertips across her hard nipples and looked me in the eyes every time that she and Taylor said "Lover". It was more than enough to prepare me for the main event. My dick was rock hard and pre-cum once again was oozing from the tip. The last "Lover" came out of Macy's mouth just before she sank down on my hardness.

Unlike earlier in the day, there was no sense of urgency. Tonight, we were taking our time. We were making love. My hands traced every inch of her tanned body as she slowly moved her hips in time with the music.

Macy used her fingers to caress her clit as I pushed into her wetness. With her back arched and my hands cupping her breasts, my lover came to the sounds my Lana Del Rey singing "Let me love you like a woman". The warm, wet grip of her pussy sent me over the edge. Shot after shot of my semen coated the insides of her womanhood.

Leaning forward, still linked together as lovers, we kissed. Her hands dragged her fingers through my hair, while mine held the back of her still damp head. All the while, I could feel myself throbbing inside her. It would be the best night of sleep that I could remember.

The morning sunlight rose above the plains lighting everything in its path. My bedroom filled with dancing orange rays, highlighting all of Macy features as she lay naked on my bed. Yesterday and this morning would be recorded as the two best days of my life thus far.

Our youthful lust was in full swing. We made love in my bed before breakfast. We had sex in the shower while trying to get clean. Macy gave me a blow job while the Cubs were playing in the background. I returned the favor by making her cum on my tongue while she watched me.

Before we showered for the second time that day, we capped the day off by having sex on the family sofa. Family movie night would never be the same.

Hand in hand, I walked Macy home.

Her place was empty and as much as I wanted to stay, we both knew that it would be too risky. Mark and her parents could show up at home any time and getting caught there would cause more grief than either of us were ready for.

Mark was sitting in the family SUV in front of my house when I got home. He was beaming. His smile was from ear to ear. He was dying to tell me something and I had a pretty good guess what it was.

With two ice cold beers in hand, we sat on the grass at Shadle Park as Mark told me how he had lost his virginity the night before. His story was exactly what he had planned. He dropped Mace off at my place, went to the drive-in and in the backseat of his mom's vehicle, he became a man.

As much as I wanted to tell him about my night, I knew that it would never happen.

Reaching into his shirt pocket, Mark pulled out a used condom wrapper.

"This is the one buddy. The one that made it all happen. I'm keeping this fucking trophy for life. It will go on the shelf right beside all of the other ones."

I couldn't help but wonder how his very religious parents would take the news that their twin 18-year old children had lost their virginities on the very same night. I wanted to chuckle or even smile, but I stifled that notion quicker than it popped into my head.

"I'm happy for you man. Was it everything that you expected?"

"More. You wait. Next time Harry says that Alysa's cousin is around, go. You won't regret it. Remember when I told you how good if felt to finger Beth Hanlin, well this was a hundred times better. By the way, sorry for making you hang out with Macy."

When I told him that that was what friends were for, Mark tapped his can against mine, said "Cheers", then he chuckled and told me that I'd be a "Wingman" forever.

For Mace and me, the next couple of days were limited to some light sexting. We both had work and chores around the house, so sneaking away was not an option. Knowing that a rendezvous during the week was out of the question, we were looking forward to the weekend.

By Thursday the weekend plans were a go.

My cell vibrated in my pocket, so I snuck to where I wouldn't get in shit for answering.


"Brando. Don't make any plans for the weekend. Were going to the lake."

As much as I wanted to jump at the chance, I played it as cool as possible.

"I don't know man. Two other guys asked me to tag long."

"Look Bran, your day will come, I promise. I called Harry to ask about Alysa's cousin, but her and Alysa are both grounded. They got caught drinking and you know that Cheryl can't go anywhere unless Macy asks her. So, you're fucked."

"Why is it that I'm fucked, because you want to get fucked?" I wanted to string him along, but my phone lit up with a text from his sister.

"Cheryl called. Lake this weekend. Can't wait. Miss you so much." With a set of puckered lips.

Eyes glued to the message, I felt myself growing in my pants.

"Hey...come on man, answer me."

"What?" Mark had been speaking and I hadn't heard a word of what he was saying.

"I said, do me this solid and I promise when we get to college, I'll get you laid. My word."

"Your word? Kinda like when you said you'd throw one down the pipe so that I'd get a homer off of you and impress Debbie Hinks? That word?"

"We were in middle school you dumb fuck. I'm not talkin baseball. I'm talkin pussy, and you have my word."

"Forget it. You don't owe me shit. I'll do it because we're friends, but you have to get me tickets to the first college game you start in."

"Deal motherfucker."

Kayaking at the lake was on.

I could hear the glee in his voice as he hung up the phone. As for me, I spent the next three hours adjusting the boner in my pants.

Shit luck sometimes causes it to rain on a parade, and that day was today. I knew just by looking at Macy something was wrong, but she didn't say a word, and stayed on her side of the SUV until we arrived at the lake.

With lifejackets and refreshments packed up, and details to meet later for lunch worked out, Mark and Cheryl headed north, and the two of us headed south.

Small but noticeable tears filled the corners of Macy' eyes as we paddled toward the beach.

Grounding the kayaks in the sand, I looked around and sure enough, just like every other time on this piece of rock, we were alone. Taking the opportunity, I pulled Macy forward me and asked what the problem was.

Turns out the same fate of being a woman that had struck Cheryl on our last time here, had surprised Macy earlier in the morning.

"Bran, I'm normally so regular. I don't know why it came three days early."

"Why were you crying? I don't care about all the other stuff. I wanted to be with you. I mean, I like, no, I love the other stuff, but just being together with you is way more important."

Her little tears turned into full on sobs as she pulled at my t-shirt and buried her face in it.

Things always find a way to calm themselves down. Laying out the blanket and resting on it beside Macy was just what was needed. Her mood changed when our lips met, and my hands rubbed at the soft skin on her neck. We talked at length about everything that popped into our heads. No question went unanswered. It was good to be together.

The idea of sex was always in the back of my 18-year old skull, but today it was buried under other feelings, and it wouldn't have come into play, until Macy's fingers started to play with the draw string on my shorts.

She was on her side, laying with her head on my chest. Her small fingers had been circling the hairs around my chest and bellybutton as we spoke, but as soon as they slipped inside my pants, I was like a rock.

Sliding her head lower, Macy pulled me out from under the fabric covering me and sucked me into her warm mouth.

Just like last weekend, it felt fucking incredible. Her tongue and puckered lips caressed me as she bobbed up and down on my shaft. My balls became playthings for her fingers as she gently dragged her nails across them.

Macy choked once or twice when she took me too deep, but not once did she quit.

Untying the string that held her bikini top in place, I released my two newest friends.

Macy responded to my touch with a moan. When she did, it sent a shockwave up my penis and through my body.

Watching her sexy lips circled around my shaft, the feeling of her sucking on me, and her soft breasts and hard nipple filling my hand, sent me over the top.

"Macy, I'm cumming."

"Uhm" was all she said as the pressure increased, and I exploded.

Unlike our first time, nothing splashed onto her. Macy caught it all in her mouth, swirled it around, then spit it onto the sand behind her. It was the sexiest thing that I could ever imagine seeing.

"Holy shit Mace, that felt so good."

Swinging her leg over my hips, Macy straddled me and locked her lips onto mine. We stayed that way for at least ten minutes until Macy got up and walked topless over to the cooler, to get us something to drink.

On her way back from the cooler, she stopped, put her hands up and asked, "really?".

"Really, what?"

"Doesn't that thing ever get soft, really."

"Not around you. It'll never go soft lookin at your sexy ass. Mace, I feel so bad that you made me cum, and I can't return the favor for you."

In the most shy and sheepish way, she sat next to me and said, "We could always just do it in the water."

Another first. It wouldn't have been something that I was about to think about, but once the idea was put in my head, it made me even harder.

"It won't hurt you or anything, will it?"

Her laughter echoed across the lake.

"No. But I'm guessing that it could be messy, so in the lake would probably be the best bet for us. Plus, we get to try something new together."

In a spot that we knew no one would see us, we stripped and laid our swimwear over the rocks. Macy had me turn away as she removed and discarded her tampon. Hand in hand we walked chest deep into the lake.

Macy turned toward me, jumped up and wrapped her legs around my hips. With me supporting her by the ass, she reached between us and positioned me so that she could impale herself on my shaft.


I wondered if everything was okay until she mashed her face against mine and rammed her tongue into my mouth.

"Fuck Brandon, that feels so good."

She was not wrong. It did feel good. It was different from the first time. The inner walls felt different. It was still wet and warm, but in a different kind of way. When we started moving together, Macy shuddered and shivered on my cock. Every time I moved in and out, her warmth was replaced by the cool water surrounding my dick causing strange sensations, and apparently it was affecting her in the very same way.

The water and my hands cupping the cheeks of her ass, helped me keep my slim lover suspended over my cock. Every thrust brought forth a grunt and a moan. Her lips only left mine, so that she could tell me that she loved me.

Pulling my face toward her breast, Macy pulled at my hair and screamed out as she came. Knowing that she was on the pill and was having her period, I didn't even bother to ask permission.

My seed shot up and into her as we held each other tight.

In the afterglow of our lustful love making, we washed off in the water. Playfully splashing and kissing like teens. When Macy pushed me backward and jumped on me, poking herself on my hardness, a second "really" came out of her.

"I told you, it has nothing to do with me. It's all your fault."

Macy cocked her eyebrow and dunked my head under water.

The safety of our rock the and higher vantage point enabled us to see Mark and Cheryl coming toward us across the lake. Their kayaks were almost touching. They playfully splashed and pushed at the other, trying to tip over the vessels. They were as happy as us, only we couldn't show it.

Another great day at the lake. Kayaking, swimming, lunch and sex, life couldn't get any better than that.

Cheryl called it. With the paddle back to the boat launch and the ride home we would have to hustle to be home in time for her curfew.

In the car, it was the same seating arrangement as the last time, only this time Macy wasn't nearly as coy. With my back to the door, she curled up next to me pulled my arm over her shoulder, covered herself with her oversized towel and told everyone that her was tired.

Mark's watchful eyes glanced back a few times and I made direct eye contact with him each time. If he only knew that his sister's hand was wrapped around me and my hand had slipped into her top and was caressing her soft tit, he would have killed me.

The activities of the day and the overall comfort of what I was surrounded by must have put me into a semi, comatose state.

Jarred into reality by Mark slamming on the brakes and screaming, "Wingman, front seat", made me feel like Macy and I had been found out.

Cheryl dove between the two front buckets and landed in Macy's lap. Me and my erection had no choice but to crawl into the seat that had just been vacated.

"Everybody. Fix yourself up. Macy and Cheryl, pretend you're asleep. Mom and dad are at Brandon's house. Wingman, get rid of that." And he pointed at my crotch.

Lots of credit had to be given for his alertness. Mark noticed his father's company pick-up truck from a block away. Nothing good would have come from us pulling up in front of my house with each of the twins snuggled to a boyfriend or girlfriend.

"What the fuck. Oh, shit we are soooo fucking dead." Honestly, I had never heard Cheryl swear. It was her upbringing. Yet here we were, and she had just let lose with back to back expletives. As strange as they sounded coming from her mouth, she was probably correct.

My father, Mr. Robinson, and what I could only assume was Cheryl's father, all sat on the front porch of my family home. It appeared that they were enjoying either a cold beer or at the very least, some iced tea.

When we pulled up, my father yelled into the house. Marks' father stood and motion Mark to him. Both Mark and I stepped out and made our way to the back hatch. Pulling out my backpack, I whispered, "what the fuck man?".

"Mark, bring Mace and Cheryl over too." Mr. Robinson's voice seemed to boom from across the street.

"They're asleep dad."

"Wake 'em up." Apparently, them getting out of the SUV and coming over to my house was not a suggestion.

The girls did a pretty good acting job. They stretched and talked like nothing was out of the ordinary, but they didn't over-do it.

Standing in the walkway, my father thought that we should take the conversation indoors.

The three mothers sat around the dining room table that was scattered with forms and papers. The kitchen counter was sporting a couple of trays of snacks, two open bottles of wine, a pitcher of iced-tea and a few empty beer cans. Whatever it was, it required refreshments.

"If the others don't mind, I'll start." Cheryl's father took center stage. "Over the years Cheryl and Macy have became very good friends. We know and love Macy like she is one of our own. Mark and Brandon, Cheryl always speaks highly of you lads, and I want to thank you for letting her tag along with you and protecting her."

I heard Mark swallow the lump in his throat.

"At times, the world is a big ungodly place and bad things can happen. Boston isn't Pleasantville. Never has been, never will be. To survive a city like that unscathed, you need support. You need the lord and each other. That's why we're here."

The four of us looked around befuddled. None of us had any idea what he was talking about. So, Mark and Macy's mom took over.

"Kid's, what we're trying to say is that we feel it would be safer for everyone, if instead of each of you living in separate dorm room in a big strange city, you could all share a place. Cheryl and Macy could share a room, and Brandon could share one with Mark. You four have been friends since kindergarten."

Mark let out a "come on, I don't want to babysit", just for appearances.

"It would also help ease some of the financial pain also Mark. School in a different state isn't cheap, even when you have scholarships."

My father took the edge off for a while.

"Look, lets have some snacks and a drink. You kids talk it over and think about it for a little while and see if it's something that you could possibly live with."

Two glasses of tea and a half a pound of taco dip and my mind hadn't changed one bit. Fuck yes. I loved the plan.

When we re-grouped, Cheryl spoke for us all.

"I think that we can all live with it as long as the boys pick up after themselves and there are two bathrooms. If you think that it will be safer for us and cheaper for you. We'll do it."

Hugs were handed out all around. Our parents thought that they had pulled one over on us, but that would remain to be seen. With Mark and I in a room across the hall, in the same apartment, who knew what would happen.

In total darkness, I heard my phone pinging. I knew that it wasn't Macy because we had said our goodnights earlier.

"I'm not sharing a room with you, dickhead."

"Then why the fuck didn't you say something at my house? Tell your old man that we need a 3-bedroom place."

"We only need 2."


"I'm sharing with Cheryl."

"What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Figure it out Wingman. You've always been a smart guy. BTW I saw you grabbing my sister's tit."

Mark's father and my dad pulled the U-Haul trailer up in front of our new place. It was central to all of our schools. Within walking distance of everything. Three hours later, all of the furniture had been carried up the three flights of stairs and was sitting in our living room.

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