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The Woman is my Mother


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"Of course, I know why. We're both grown adults and we have a goal to reach here. I can be a grown enough man to look at you in whatever way you decide to show yourself. You need to know that there's other men who will enjoy looking at you."

She smiled sheepishly. Inside I was torn. Mom was outrageously hot, and her attractiveness had not escaped my attention. I feared Mom exposing her nude body to me because of how I might react. I'd never seen her nude before. That along with many other factors made me worry that I might try something with her if I saw her naked body. The part of me that would have cautioned me about her being my mother seemed to be missing as I didn't care about that fact.

"I know other men look at me and like what they see."

"You're still blocking out the very real option of engaging with intimacy with another man, though."

"I've made a lot of progress but I'm just not there yet."

"That's perfectly fine, Mom."

We sat in silence until she got up to take the plates to sink. I needed to know more about where we were headed. As she rinsed off the dishes, I went to my sister's old room and looked through Mom's outfits. I was hoping to find one where her breasts would be all but exposed to me but there wasn't such an item. I found another that appeared to cup the bottoms of her breasts but left everything else, including her nipples exposed. I pulled that one out and went to her room and laid it on her bed.

I strolled out to the kitchen and told Mom what I did.

"I picked out an outfit for you to wear tomorrow. It seems to me to be the next logical step you need to take," I told her, sounding as clinical as possible.

The rest of the evening was routine until I went to bed. I'd masturbated many nights since I moved back in but that night, I imagined my mother sexually for the first time. It was a quick orgasm and I felt guilty after.

She needs my help and I'm getting off thinking about her, I thought, chastising myself.

The next day, when it came time for her to come out in the outfit I picked out, she started dinner in what she had been wearing all day. She showed no signs that she intended to change. It didn't bother me, but I wanted to know what she was thinking. My main concern at the moment was that she was attempting to regress.

"Did you decide not to dress up tonight?"

She looked at me, huffed out a breath of air and put the items she had in her hands on the counter.

"It's a step I wasn't ready to take just yet. I figured I would just skip today and work on it for later."

She looked at me as if she was seeking my approval.

"You don't ever have to dress up for me, Mom. I know it's something you used to enjoy doing with Dad and I thought if you felt comfortable, you should be free to do that. Remember, the goal is hopefully to get you back out in the world!" I told her with a smile.

"You're the best!" she said as she hugged me.

We ate dinner and she was bubbly and energetic. I was genuinely happy and began to reconsider cancelling the lease on my apartment. It seemed she wasn't far off from the dating scene, and she would want her privacy again. I also noticed that my body failed to respond to her being fully clothed, which gave me some relief. I got horny after looking at a hot body, not because she was my mother and that made me feel a little better about masturbating to her. Just a little, though.

The next day, my plan was to get the yard situated, go out shopping and come home for the evening. It all went well until I went shopping when my sister texted me.

"Mom wanted me to swing by for some girl talk, can you delay your arrival a bit?"

I thought for a moment and realized I was near a Kroger Marketplace, and I could sit around and have some beer before I shop.

"Sure, I'll grab a couple beers or whatever," I told her.

She sent me a little smiley face and I headed straight for the bar in the grocery store. After a couple of tall ones, I headed out into the aisles and got everything I needed. I texted my sister and asked when it would be safe to come home, and she wanted me to give them thirty more minutes. Another beer and I went to checkout and headed home.

When I got there, Mom was gone, and Maria remained.

"Where'd Mom go?" I asked, carrying the groceries in.

"She went out to run a couple errands since our talk took a little longer than she anticipated."

I could tell Maria was waiting for me to finish putting everything away. She was watching me like she didn't want to waste any time. When I tossed all the bags out, she directed me to the recliner, and I took a seat.

"Mom has been singing your praises all afternoon," she told me.

"Well, she deserves all the credit. I can't imagine the willpower it took to make those giant steps."

"She's come a long way, huh?"

The way she asked me suggested to me that she intended to direct our conversation to a particular point. I was going to let her.

"She has. Did she tell you about her outfits she's decided to start wearing on occasion?" I asked, wondering how deep into Mom's progress she dived.

"She told me the whole story and let me tell you what, that collection she has in my old room is pretty impressive."

"That wasn't even half of it!" I told her. "We tossed so much stuff out."

"Yeah, she told me everything they used to do before we came into the world. I'm a little jealous of what they had," she admitted.

"Me too. I'm glad they made each other happy. That's kind of been the focus of what I'm doing. I'm trying to get her to change her feelings about those memories; to change them from painful to happy."

"She knows what you're trying to do, and she told me she wants that."

She ended that statement abruptly like she was going to tell me something but chose not to. I stared at her, and she stared back at me expecting me to say something.

"What?" I asked, clueless about what was going on.

"Mom says you compliment her on her body?" she asked.

Oh, no, I thought. She's going to tell me Mom finds my staring creepy or something.

"I did. Her therapist and I both agreed she needed to be complimented by someone she trusts to help rebuild her confidence which would then build towards eating better and exercising again."

"Yeah," she replied hesitantly.

"Maria, what is it?"

"Mom didn't want to tell you this face to face because it's an embarrassing subject for her to talk casually about. She's never talked about it, she just acted when it came to Dad. She knows and fully agrees with your plans to get her out into the dating world again but there is a larger problem that she doesn't know what to do with."

I thought for a while about what it could be, and my mind could only focus on the emotional connection she had with my father. I knew that and the plan was to get her feeling great about herself so she could find someone to devote herself to like that again. As I was about to give up and just ask what the problem was, it struck me.

"She's never had sex with anyone other than Dad," I stated plainly, like I was defeated.

Maria smiled and nodded.

"Well," I said, thinking of an appropriate response, "I guess I can only lead a horse to water. I can't make her drink."

Maria fidgeted in her seat for a moment and looked at me with unsettling eyes.

"What if Mom was the beautiful Mare in an unfamiliar yet safely fenced off pasture? What if you were the pond she had to learn to drink from?"

"Nope! We're not doing metaphors with this shit!" I said loudly. "Come out with what you want to say!"

I was sure I knew what she was building to but I demanded she come out and say it plainly so that there was no confusion on anyone's part about what intended.

"Mom isn't nervous about wearing those things around you. She's not even terribly nervous about showing you her body, clothed or otherwise. She knows you would love it and compliment her accordingly. I told her you would even go so far as to tell her if an outfit wasn't quite right."

"Okay, that all sounds normal," I said, waiting for her to say what I knew she was going to say.

"The biggest barrier she has at this point with going out into the world again is sex. She never had another lover and doesn't really know what to do. I mean—" she said before I cut her off.

"She doesn't know what the sex scene is like these days and she's afraid to be rejected due to inexperience or old-fashioned ways."

Maria smiled widely.

"That's exactly it. She didn't really say it like that, but after listening to what she had to say, I knew she would not take rejection well. You've never rejected her, and she came to me wondering if her mind was in the right spot."

I stared at her in disbelief and said, "She wanted to know if considering me for sex, even just as practice, made her a bad person or a bad mother."

Maria went to talk but my mind went into overdrive, and I cut her off before she even started. I was animated and loud about what I had to say.

"Listen, I liked seeing Mom get fit again and I enjoyed seeing her confident enough to wear what she's worn so far. I even picked out something that would have exposed her body a bit more, but she didn't go through with it. Truth be told, I wanted to see her body."

I thought quickly and began pacing the room. I started saying things I would not normally have admitted to anyone, but Maria gave me comfort enough to know that she wouldn't judge me because I knew what she was asking me, and I knew she wanted me to do it.

"I liked seeing Mom's body. She's hot! Maria, I even got off one night thinking about her. I nearly dropped everything in guilt over it, but I realized I wasn't horny because I wanted Mom, I was horny because I wanted her body. You're asking me that if the time comes, I keep sex with Mom as an option."

It was a statement of my understanding of the situation and not a question to make sure I heard what she was asking me.

"That is what I'm saying, yes. She wants your caring nature to be there when she attempts to engage in that act again. She knows you'll hold her if she fails, and she knows you'll still love her after the fact. She knows she can't go wrong with you."

"All of that is absolutely true," I said.

My mind was still racing, and I was getting hard. I sat down to try and hide my growing erection, but Maria knew.

"Looks like you have a positive attitude toward the idea," she said with a snicker.

"Knock it off!" I said, shifting my clothes around and generally trying to hide from my sister.

"Dude, you think I would be here if I wasn't okay with all this? This conversation would be wildly different. Mom has the same reservations we all do, but I think it's a good step to take and I'll never judge either of you for it."

We both sat in silence for a few minutes as we thought over what I essentially just agreed to. My mind went to a different place, and I was happy to have the question pop up.

"What if looking at her face while getting into it makes me, um," I said, trying to find the right words.

"Go soft? Come on, dude. We're talking about you having sex with Mom, let's not be bashful about our words. I'm so glad you asked that because it tells me that every thought of yours is about her needs and not yours."

"Of course, it's about her needs. I can cum whenever I like by myself. I can just imagine her mind if I were to go soft while having sex. I feel like it would destroy her."

"I don't know about destroy, but it would certainly set things back quite a bit. I'll leave you to figure that part out for your own."

"I can do that," I said, playing out a whole scenario in my head.

"Good. Now, there's some things I want to tell you, so you have kind of a baseline to start off with."


"She knows what oral sex is and she likes giving and receiving. She seems to know all the common positions and doesn't mind trying new things. She has never done anal and doesn't know how she feels about that, so be cautious with that one. She said she's very tight and never got offended when he finished early."

I knew who she meant and didn't bother asking.

"She doesn't have a plan for how anything could start but it shouldn't be until she's well into her comfort zone showing you her body. Very specifically, she said that if you were the man she thinks you are, you'll know when that is."

"You asked her all these questions?"

"No, we had girl talk and girls can learn quite a bit about each other just by talking," she said as if she held the secret to the universe.

I held my hands up in mock surrender and awe.

"Okay, geez!"

Maria got up and began gathering her things.

"Oh, and she has every intention tonight of putting on that outfit you picked out for her. She showed it to me for my thoughts on whether it was too much, too soon."

"Aw, man, you saw her boobs before I did?" I asked, lightening the mood even more before she left.

She shoved me before kissing me on the cheek.

"You really are amazing, Petie. Good luck! Based on everything else she told me; you might need it!" she said with a wink before leaving.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I wondered.

Just then, she popped back through the door and said, "By the way, this talk we had didn't happen like this. I'm going to tell Mom we just had a talk and from it, I knew you would be open to the idea because you care about her and want her to feel like she can go out and conquer the world, got it?"


"Don't look at her weird tonight!" she said just before leaving again.

I couldn't help but think about everything that happened and vivid images of Mom danced in my head. Most importantly, I worked to suppress those thoughts and images so I wouldn't act weird and tip Mom off that I knew what she was thinking about. I decided I would let her steer the show and see where it went.

Sure enough, not long after Mom got home, she announced it was her turn to make dinner and that she was going to shower. I knew what was coming and I tried hard to just be myself. I even considered jerking off so my mind would be clear, but I wanted my body to react to seeing her, so she knew she was desirable. That was my goal, after all. She would display her body to me, and my reaction would tell her that even a young guy like me would find her attractive and show it.

When she came out of her room, I made sure I was in the living room with the TV on. I resolved to pay no attention to her unless she called for it. When she didn't and I heard her preparing dinner, I knew she was feeling comfortable, and I was happy about that. When she called me in for dinner, I braced myself for what I would see. I wasn't ready.

Mom was in black leather platform shoes. Her bottoms were white and hugged her figure nicely. In the front, a small broach hung from the upper hem and rested on her mound as if it were a medal she won. Her abs were firm but not defined like a body builder's might be. Her top wrapped nicely around her ribs and a thick wire was under her exposed breasts. Her areolas were dark, and her nipples were hard. Each breast was a mirror of its twin, and they hung just slightly over the garment. There were no stretch marks to be seen. On her head, she had her hair brushed back and held back by a wrap with a bow on it, like something a baby girl would wear. She looked like a woman more in her twenties than her fifties.

"Holy fuck," I whispered loudly as I remained in my shocked stance.

Mom giggled and asked, "Should I take that as your approval?"

I moved my eyes from her tits to her eyes and back. I couldn't hide my thoughts about what I was seeing, and my dick wasn't helping at all. I could feel it growing.

"Uh," was all I could utter.

"I will take that as a compliment, Peter. I'm glad you like what you see. Now, come eat dinner."

I sat at the table and Mom stood beside me like she had done several times already. I knew her tits were right there and all I had to do was turn and look at them, but I chose to be mature about everything.

"Mom, you don't have to wait until I approve. You can eat with me."

"I like to know you're satisfied before I get comfortable."

I felt like that was her position on several things, not just dinner.

"It's very good as always."

Mom smiled and sat across from me.

"You look great, Mom. I wasn't expecting such a youthful glow from you. How did you have two kids and not get stretch marks or anything?"

"As soon as I found out I was pregnant with your sister, it was one of the things we talked about. I knew that traditionally my body would permanently show evidence of childbirth. I would have been fine with that, but I looked for ways to minimize or eliminate it without surgery and I found some things that helped. With you, mister, it was a bit more difficult."

"As if I planned it or something," I said narrowing my eyes at her.

"You might have! Regardless, what I found clearly worked."

I glanced often at her chest while she ate and talked. I paid attention to what she said, of course, but her breasts were magnificent, and I wanted to look at them as much as I could. I didn't know when I would see them again. She made jokes about how her eyes weren't down there and laughed at my little obsession. I told her I was simply overwhelmed by how nice they were. She told me my father enjoyed them, too.

I expected everything that I planned to play out in short order after that, but I learned that Mom wasn't kidding when she said she liked to tease. She made many trips to various shops around town and knew how to accessorize. Everything about her appearance changed from one day to the next. Everything you could ever imagine a woman could wear; she owned over time. She lamented constantly that had she known things would turn out as they did, she would have kept everything she had before. She told me over and over that she was certain that part of her life was over.

"But then you stepped up as the man in the house and told me how it was going to be," she often said.

This went on for a few weeks and I began seeing how things were going to go. Designer bikini bottoms gave way to panties and then to thongs. The thongs were pretty solid for a while until she began wearing barely see through wraps over her bottom half. I could still see the panties beneath them, but just barely. I assumed that was where the fun ended until one night when she took another large leap.

She came out topless as I was used to and with a thin white wrap. She had a waist chain around her hips and matching bracelets on. I looked several times and was certain she was not wearing panties that night but because of the coverup, I couldn't quite tell. I sat in my chair sideways, making it no secret I was staring at her ass. When she brought the plates to the table and stood next to me, she told me I could stop staring.

"It's just hard to tell what, if anything, you have underneath that," I told her.

She was standing in such a way that my face was only about a foot from her mound. She turned and raised the backside of the coverup and revealed that she didn't have anything on.

"You can touch my butt if you like," she said, turning her head to look at me.

I took that opportunity and grabbed a handful of one cheek.

"Strong," I whispered.

"It's what the stair trainer is for, Peter," she informed me. Her tone was low and inviting.

I gripped one cheek and then the next, intentionally spreading them and looking at everything I could. When she had enough, she playfully slapped my hand away and turned around. She was red-cheeked and smiling shyly when she took my hand. She knelt and took two of my fingers in her mouth as she held strong eye contact with me.

"I know what I've been doing to you all this time," she said as she stood.

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