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The Woman on the Bus Ch. 05 (Alt)

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An alternate ending to the series. Fate drove Christy.
3.7k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/24/2023
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This is a possible stopping point for this series. It was how the original story was to end, but as I wrote the previous chapters, ideas came to mind and I decided I wanted to explore those. That said, this is now the alternate ending whereas my preferred ending will be several chapters later! Enjoy! :-)

The Woman on the Bus


Heartbreak and Healing

(Alternate Ending)

The Next Day

I woke up that morning to an empty bed and Gina nowhere to be found. I was quite surprised and was about to text her to see where she had gone when I noticed a small note on the side table. I rolled over and picked it up.


I'm sorry I left before you woke, but I wanted to leave and give you the day to prepare for your big night. I want to hear all about it when it's over! Call me after!



There was a little heart drawn next to her name with tiny flowers on both sides. She makes my heart melt. I kept the note there and decided that I wanted to go shopping to find a nice outfit for when I went to see Melissa that night.

I spent the morning cleaning up after the night before and making breakfast. My mind was racing with all the things I wanted to experience with Melissa. She did all the work last time we met, and I wanted to return the favor. After breakfast, I got a quick shower knowing full well that I was going to be getting another before I went to see Melissa.

While out and about, I looked for a new outfit and some lingerie. I wanted to get a nice skirt and silk blouse so not only would I look sexy as hell, I would allow free access if she so desired. I tried on a lot of clothes and finally decided on a look. I found a tight black skirt with a deep red silky shirt. I found the same color lacey lingerie. I bought a pair of dark translucent stockings and a pair of low heels. I was dying to get home.

I texted Ben to see what time he would be home from his trip and it would be while I was gone. He asked if I would be home and I told him I would be out on my first meeting with Melissa.

Ben: While I enjoyed the stories about Melissa, I was hoping you were having Gina over again tonight.

Me: I bet you do! :) That day will come soon enough. I'm on my way home to get ready but I have some questions for you.

Ben: Ok?

Me: Do you think Gina is attractive?

Ben: Yeah, you should probably know that.

Me: Eh, maybe. Do you want her?

Ben: You mean do I want to fuck her?

Me: Yes

Ben: Only if it won't interfere with your relationship with her.

Me: So, you would be ok with a threesome if I invited her over?

Ben: Hell yeah I would, getting hard just thinking about it.

Me: Can you cum right now?

Ben: No... I'm at the airport waiting for my flight. I don't think they would appreciate me doing that here.

Me: Probably not. I'll certainly take care of that for you when I get home tonight.

Ben: You won't be staying with her all night?

Me: I'm not planning on it.

Ben: Oh, ok. Well then I'll make something up for dinner when I get there and I'll put on a movie while I wait for you to come home.

Me: Sounds good! Love you!

Ben: Back at ya, babe!

My heart rate was starting to rise as I got into the car to go home. I couldn't wait to get into those new clothes.

When I got home, I draped the new clothes on the bed and turned on a hot shower. I wanted to be fresh and ready for Melissa. While the water was heating, I looked in the mirror. I wasn't a young woman anymore but, I still had it where it counts. I looked down, though, and decided I wanted to be completely shaved for her, so I grabbed a new razor and hopped in the shower.

I used a new fragrance shampoo and conditioner that would match the perfume I intended to wear. After drying off, I looked in the mirror. I liked the look of it shaved. Regardless, I finished drying off and sat down to do my makeup. I didn't want to put too much on considering the activities that were absolutely going to happen. Just some concealer, a neutral lipstick, and a light-colored mascara.

I began getting dressed. Panties first, then the bra. It was a pushup bra that I thought complimented me quite well. I put on my stockings and looked in the mirror. It's been a long time since I put so much effort into looking good for someone. I continued with the skirt then the blouse. I wanted my hair to look nicer than usual, so I used the flat iron to give it a nice straight look and more brilliant shine.

When I was done, I looked in the mirror one last time before putting on my heels. I thought I looked great. I snapped a picture and sent it to Ben. He said I looked like I was on fire and wished me luck. I was so grateful that he was supportive of me on that little adventure of mine. I don't know if I would have done it if I didn't feel comfortable telling him about it first.

It was about that time, so I got in the car and put Melissa's address in the GPS. It said ten minutes to her apartment. It seemed like the longest ten minutes of my life. As soon as I pulled into the parking area, my heart started racing again. I couldn't wait to see what she thought of my outfit. I parked the car and looked at my phone again to see which one to go to. Second floor, apartment 2A. I walked in and noticed the steps directly next to the door, so I used those instead of waiting for the elevator.

The doors opened and I walked out, looking for a sign to show me which hallway to take. To my left was a sign indicating I should continue that direction and that 2A would be at the end of the hall on my left. My heart was going to beat out of my chest before I got there. I arrived and took a deep breath before knocking.

There was no answer, so I knocked again. Again, there was no answer. I looked to the right of the door to ensure I was at the right place. Seeing "2A" next to the door, I knocked once more. Again, no answer. I wondered if she wanted me to just walk in. I checked the door knob and it wasn't locked so I opened the door and was shocked by what I saw. Or rather, what I didn't see.

There was nothing in the apartment except a small table in the middle of what appeared to be the living room. Everything else was gone. My heart instantly broke and I felt my eyes fill with tears. Why would she do this to me? I walked in and closed the door behind me. I looked around and every room was empty except that table and it had a piece of paper on it. I looked around to see if this was some kind of trap, but there was nothing.

I picked up the piece of paper and read it:

My Love,

I know your heart feels broken. Before you read on, understand that this is not the end. You will see me again one day.

There is an Order that walks amongst the people of the world. You'll never hear about it nor will you ever read about. I can't tell you much about it except that I am a member. I can also tell you that I was assigned to you.

While you have known me for weeks, I have known you for years. I've been watching you. I had to learn about you in order to complete the task assigned to me. I watched you grow up. I watched as you befriended Gina. I watched the friendship between you two blossom. I also know what is in your heart. There was a repressed love inside each of you for the other. I was assigned to you to break down your barriers so that you could break hers down and together, you could explore a new level of affection you've always had in your hearts.

I was there for your first kiss with her and the first time you two made love. My heart was bursting with joy when I saw you two enjoy your love of each other that night. My task was done, but I still wanted you. I hope you continue to explore passion and love with your friend as it was something that was always meant to be. I will come to you again one day. I can't tell you when it will be or what circumstances must happen for me to come back, but I promise you I will come to you.

Do you remember the day on the bus when I was sad? I was because I learned the day before that this day was coming sooner than I wanted. Your heart is pure, and your love is endless. Go to Gina tonight. She's waiting for you.

Until the time comes when we can be together again... I love you.

Your Guardian Angel


I was very confused. I understood the words in the letter but didn't understand the meaning behind them. All I knew walking out was that she wasn't there and that I would see here again, but no idea when that would be. I didn't feel like it was all a game to her, but I did feel like I was just another girl in her life, which hurt my feelings a little. I held back the tears and texted Gina.

Me: Gina, I need to come over.

Gina: Are you ok? What happened? I didn't expect to hear from you until much later, if not tomorrow!

Me: I just want to see you.

Gina: I'm here. I'll get out some wine and heat something up for you.

Me: Thank you. I'll be over shortly.

I took the letter with me and walked out without closing the door.

I got into my car and burst into tears. I was looking forward to being with Melissa so much. I opened the letter again and read it. I sat in the parking area for a while reading the letter over and over until it clicked. I was so hurt over Melissa not being there that I overlooked the obvious message she was trying to deliver. Fate wasn't placing me with Melissa. Melissa was fate and she was trying to place me with Gina. It was Gina the whole time that I wanted deep down.

I used a wipe to clean up my messy makeup and made my way to Gina. As I drew closer to her house, I began recalling how we met. I remembered our adventures together when we were much younger. I tried to think if there was a time where I lusted for her and shut it down, but I couldn't remember any such time. Her letter said it perfectly, I guess. I needed Melissa there in order to see what I wanted in Gina, or maybe what I needed and didn't realize.

My thoughts accompanied me all the way to Gina's house. I got out and debated whether to show the letter to Gina, but I thought it wouldn't make sense to her. The letter was for me and described the journey I had to take. I got out of the car and turned to close and lock the door. I looked around in hopes Melissa would be there, but it was a foolish hope. I looked at the front door, smiled, and almost broke into a jog trying to get there faster.

I was about to knock when the door opened, and I couldn't help myself. I launched myself forward, hugging her and planting my lips on hers. She was stunned at first, but soon reciprocated. We stood in the doorway moving our hands all over each other's body until I led her into the house and closed the door behind me. She broke the kiss.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"I am, my love," I said looking into her soul, "but not for food."

She took a step away from me and untied the bow that was holding her robe together. She looked up at me and slowly dropped her robe from her shoulders. She was wearing nothing underneath. I took it all in. I offered her my hand and she took it with hers and led me to her room. Inside, there were candles lit, and wine and glasses on the side table. The bed was made neatly, and the room was dimly lit.

"I would like for you to undress me," I whispered to her.

She turned and looked me over. She commented on my appearance ensuring I knew that it was a shame I went through all the trouble considering the clothing will be wrinkled in the morning. It's not likely clothing would be any other way after its been on the floor all night. I couldn't help but smile while stepping out of my heels, kicking each one aside.

She drew me closer and began unbuttoning my blouse. Each button seemed like an eternity. Finally, it was opened, and she pulled it out of my skirt. I removed my arms from the sleeves, and she tossed it on top of my shoes. She admired the bra I was wearing but told me she wanted it off next. She reached around me and unhooked it. I shrugged my shoulders and allowed it to fall to the floor, kicking it into the growing pile of clothes. Gina walked around me, unzipped my skirt and yanked it down. I did the same to the skirt as I did with everything else.

She knelt behind me and turned me around to face her. Her hands went up and grasped my breasts, gently squeezing them as she put her face between my legs. I put my hands on her head, gently toying with her hair.

"You're not done yet," I said.

She looked up at me and smiled as her hands traveled down to the waistband of my panties. Her fingers went inside, and she was about to pull them down when I put my hands over hers and told her to stop.

"I love you," I said looking down into her eyes.

"I love you, too."

I released my hold of her hands and she proceeded to pull my panties down. She immediately noticed I was shaved completely and complimented me on my new look. She removed my panties and tossed them in them in the pile before standing up. She stood directly in front of me and wrapped her hands around my waist, placing her hands on my ass. I did the same as she did and kissed her. Our tongues danced with each other as we moved toward the bed. Slowly, she stopped and nudged me so that I lost balance and sat on the edge of the covers.

She knelt again, opening my legs as she did. I laid back on the bed and opened my legs a little wider for her.

"Make me cum, Gina."

She didn't reply, instead she went in for the feast. She was gentler than usual, using her tongue to make long, smooth strokes from my opening to my clit and back again. She repeated this motion over and over before inserting two fingers inside me. She held them still inside me as she worked her tongue on my clit.

"I want to lick you while you do that," I said.

"Good Idea," she said, removing her fingers and getting on the bed with me.

She laid on her side, raising her leg. I put my head between them, and she did the same with me. We licked and finger fucked each other until I had an idea. I told Gina to hold on just a second as I changed my vantage point slightly. I moved slightly down and spread her cheeks. She had a pretty ass. I gently licked it and I heard her gasp.

When she was ready, I used my finger to probe her hole. She hummed and cooed at my touches. I wanted to give her the same pleasure as Melissa did to me, so I resumed licking her pussy. I sucked her clit into my mouth until I felt her body start to shake. I waited until I knew the moment was upon her and I inserted my fingers in her pussy and ass gently.

"OH, GOD!" she screamed as her orgasm rocked her body.

She convulsed under my control until her orgasm subsided when I gently removed my fingers and just as it happened to me, her body began to quiver again. She was out of breath when her second orgasm ended.

"Is that what she did to you?" she asked.

"Yes, that is precisely what she did in the alley on my way to the bus. Magnificent isn't it? It kind of opens up a world of possibilities, ya know?"

She rolled onto her back, still breathing heavily.

"I have something I would like to try with you," she said, as she began to climb off the bed.

I knew there was nothing she was capable of that would hurt me, so I didn't ask what she was up to. Instead, I rolled over and watched as she went to her closet. She fumbled around and lifted one leg, then the other. She pulled it up and tightened the straps on both hips then she turned around. Mounted on her was a strap-on cock. She intended to fuck me with the fake cock.

Gina came over to the bed and pulled me by my legs to the edge of the bed. She put my legs up on her shoulders and took the strap-on in her hands and rubbed it on my pussy to get it sufficiently wet before inserting it. It felt amazing going in. Once all the way in, she held it there before she pulled out and began fucking me with it. It was a new sensation for me watching someone with tits fuck me. While she was moving her hips, she used her thumb on my clit. Ben could take a queue from her on how to do it.

I closed my eyes and let the sensations wash over me. After a short while, she removed the rubber cock from my pussy and rubbed the head against my ass hole. I quickly opened my eyes and looked at her, curious how she would proceed.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle and go slow. Tell me how you feel as I go, okay?" she said.

I nodded and she started to push her hips forward. I felt the pressure building and I relaxed myself. The head popped in and I experienced a new feeling. I felt so full. She asked if I was okay, and I nodded again. She held it a second longer before slowly pushing in more and more. I exhaled deeply as I felt it go deep inside me. She pulled out nearly all the way and asked again if I was okay. I blew her a kiss letting her know I was okay. She was a little more forceful as she pushed back in and repeated that motion until she sensed my pleasure building.

She then pushed in even further.

"Ahhhhhhhh," I breathed out.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"Yes," I said between breaths, "now fuck me."

She pushed it in as far as it was before and began a slow, rhythmic pattern as she fucked my ass. I liked it. She continued rubbing my clit as she fucked me, and it wasn't long before my orgasm came knocking on my door. It was more intense than usual just as I remembered when Melissa did it. As I was cumming, I told her to wait until I said, then slowly pull out. I was coming down from it after about a short while.

"Pull it out slowly, babe." I whispered to her.

She affirmed my request and just as my original orgasm was subsiding, the wave built again. As soon as she pulled out, she inserted two fingers inside my vagina and the wave crashed again. I writhed all around her masterful hand and came again for the second time.

The rest of the night was full of the same passion, exploration and experimentation. The love we bore for each other grew that night and it was safe to say, I wanted her in my bed as often as I did Ben. I was sure Ben would object to such a thing.

As we lay next to each other later that evening, she asked me what happened at Melissa's. I decided not to tell her about the note, but explained that at the end of my time at her place, I realized that it wasn't necessarily Melissa that I was after.

"Gina, it was you the entire time that I was meant to be with. This may sound silly, but you're the woman I was meant to be with, not her. Melissa, however, was the one who helped me realize that. Without her, we would probably just be watching TV right now, suppressing our sexual desires in our subconscious, never to be acted out. I'm glad to have met Melissa, but I'm even happier being here with you."


Gina ended up moving in with Christy and Ben. An already secure bond they shared together was increased several times over. The three of them built an enhanced living experiences none of them had ever imagined before. Gina had Ben, Ben had Christy, Christy had Gina. Neither of them imagined a greater life and all of them thanked the woman on the bus.

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perejohn41perejohn41about 1 year ago

I felt otherwise to the comments I read below. I went ahead and read the follow on chapters, but came back to this ending as the one I wanted. I guess I am just a romantic at heart over sex, but this ending is perfect for me. To each their own.

blueyes4ublueyes4uover 1 year ago

liked the other ending better,then this one.

MikeManMikeManover 1 year ago

I prefer the other chapter 5 and I cannot wait to see how that carries on.

This was ok but a little sudden and abrupt.

Sex_CrazedSex_Crazedover 1 year ago

Definitely still too much to be told to end it here. I love this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When did she get a car if she's been riding the bus all this time?

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