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The Wrong Way Road Trip Pt. 08

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Patience is Necessary.
6.5k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2019
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The Wrong Way Road Trip - Part 8 - Patience is Necessary

Over the next few busy days, I had occasion to remember Henry's question about my leading, because I was definitely not leading the Spider Lady blog episodes. The film instructor, whose name was Richard Fuller, was pleased to jump in his car and appear in less than four hours. Chooli and Henry and Richard immediately went up the canyon for a site visit. A-M, Robin and Kate furiously concentrated on the script. Tsela showed up in search of free beer and a chance to watch the blog, but was immediately deluged with detailed questions about the legend and how Chooli and Henry should act. He seemed impressed that white people were taking his advice. The two devils got him between them at the table and provided frequent reward hugs and kisses for his information.

I sat at the end of the table doing a chart of moon angles and times for the next three nights. The people filming would need it. Jody called with good news that another sponsor had signed up. I teased, "Earning your pay, are you?"

"Mostly, I am missing you and your warm bed. Is it true that Chooli has discovered a man?"

"You wouldn't believe the excitement over here. He is a heartthrob and a film major. These segments are going to be so good it's scary."

"Is there a sponsor angle? Cultural preservation or something like that?"

"Might be. If there are enough hits, what about a PBS news story?"

"I'll chase that. Maybe check with the public station in Santa Fe."

"Good. I'll talk with Wayward for tips on chasing you!"

"Bad!" She hung up. I went in the other room where the pregnant one was having a nap. Eyes opening, she grabbed my beer for a sip. "I heard the end of that in here. Jody got burned about guys somewhere along the way. But when you put a move on her, she gets all fluttery."

"She said she had rights to our bed as part of the employment deal."

"She is a great person and a hot body. Why am I not jealous?"

"Because I climb on the bed and hug you and love you..."

"I felt Jeremy kick this morning. Right on schedule at five months. Pretty exciting, isn't it?"

"Yes. In the beginning, I thought you had to be part of everything, even the road trips. But things are different now. We have all this talent..."

I eased her to my chest. "Sit up there and tell me how we bring a new woman into the blog as we transition you to motherhood status."

"I knew you would dump me one of these times. Is your new blog flame going to be one of our babes or are you taking a hunting license somewhere else?"

The smiling face leaned for a kiss, but the eyes looked vulnerable.

"I'm married to you, dummy. I actually meant it when I said love, honor and obey."

The suddenly sniffling body stretched all the way out on me. "I'm so stupid. How do you live with a girl who drops into her emotions without warning?"

Robin and Anne-Marie were in the doorway, taking a break from scripting. "Are we allowed in here? That sounds serious."

"Please come in. I am just being a foolish pregnant female. He asked a good question about how to replace me in the blog when I can't travel."

Anne-Marie sat on me with a gleam in her eye. "In France, Grandmere is always around when baby time is near. We could wait until you are really showing and have Katie or Ellie show up with an accent and orders for you. Should be good for several episodes of awful mother-in-law behavior."

I asked, "Mac is totally cowed?"

Robin broke in, "I've been thinking about Mac's character too. It isn't good for the long term of the show to have a perpetually dumb male. Mac is going to be a father and has to grow up."

Plucking the bottle from her hand, I pulled us into a tight clinch. "Damn, you are good. I'm feeling smarter already. Am I allowed to talk to Ellie and Katie about Mac not taking their abuse for very long?"

An epidemic of laughing and pounding on me broke out. Tsela was at the door shaking his head and saying he would visit again tomorrow. We smiled and waved.

Sitting up, I said, "Blog planning with three hot ones like you is sure fun."

My crotch was grabbed and squeezed. "Make yourself useful and get dinner prep going. We have extra guests tonight. Have you gotten Richard a room yet?"

Chapter 25 - Spider Woman Juices the Blog

The presence of Henry and Richard scared Kate and me into serious study of the Lucy and Mac roles for the Spider Woman blog episodes. In the night, she clung to me, "I'm scared, Brian. We owe it to the team to do a good job."

"Yes. Take a deep breath and go to sleep. You have wonderful talent and it will work out."

Afterwards, when we were back in Flagstaff, others said it was an amazing performance by all four of us. Those who had not met Henry in Chinle thought he was amazing too. Sharon cornered me and whispered in my ear, "How the devil did you find him?"

"He found us. Saw the blog at school in Albuquerque and took a chance on driving over and asking for an internship. Didn't know he was going to run into his new girlfriend!"

Right under Kate's eyes, she gave me a ferocious kiss and hissed, "You have the damnedest good luck."

Spider Woman jumped us into the big time, blogwise. Numbers were in six figures, headed for seven. Media wanted interviews, especially with Chooli and Henry. And kept asking for them to dress in phony Navajo getup. Thin skinned Jody turned that around in a hurry. She told Chooli, "Let's see if we can get visibility for what the Nation is doing to improve lives and preserve culture."

Henry and Chooli made a few phone calls and the next morning a Navajo woman showed up at the apartment.

Chooli introduced her, "This is Elizabeth, who is the assistant director of public relations for the Nation. She drove especially to see us from Window Rock."

The three chattered happily in Navajo for a minute, after which Elizabeth said, "We are excited about your blogs on Spider Woman. Papers all over the country have picked up the story and are asking for help with background. Chooli has done a wonderful job finding a funny but respectful way to tell the story!"

Chooli interrupted, "Don't forget this guy here. He and his teacher helped us do a professional job."

Henry didn't hesitate anymore about an arm around his woman. "Aw shucks..." We all broke out laughing as Katie and Ellie served coffee and rolls.

After everyone settled down, I said, "Please tell us how we can help. We are very grateful for the permission to film and for the assistance of the tribal elders."

After some minutes, Elizabeth said, "I know your future filming isn't set, but if perhaps this one next to me could have a spot as Scout, like she did at Canyon de Chelly, that would be great. She has generated all kinds of talk among the girls and young women. My father told me the women are out of control! I told him back that it was past time for Navajo women to have important jobs in the Nation."

Henry and Elizabeth had Chooli sandwiched between them, poking and tickling. The laughing woman walked to me and sat on my knee, applying a hot kiss. "Brian gets the credit! He is the one who thought I needed to be a Navajo Scout!"

The energy in the room was incredible. I realized that instant success was going to our heads and leaving too many loose ends lying around. We needed an all hands meeting. But it could wait until tomorrow. The rest of today was for relaxation. I organized a run to get rid of nervous energy. After dinner, we sat around and looked at the latest numbers, which were climbing steeply on the popularity of Spider Woman.

In the morning, Kate wiggled against me. It was just beginning to get light, but we were both awake. "Is Jeremy awake too?"

She found my hand and took it to her rounded belly. There, under my fingers, was a movement. And again. I kissed the mother and made a little happy noise.

"Brian," she whispered, "you are his real daddy in so many ways..."

I kissed her again. "Mush, just mush."

There was too much belly for her to lie on top anymore. We were into June, with ten weeks or so to go. The ultrasounds from doctor visits looked normal, so we decided to pass on the amniocentesis, since there were possible side effects. Kate whispered that she didn't like the idea of sticking a needle through her belly.

My arm under her head, I lay back and thought about today's all hands meeting. No one told you how much work a successful blog would be. With millions of hits and thousands of followers, it wasn't playtime anymore. Sharon and Jody had cornered me the day before and said that we needed to be more organized and professional. The price of success, they said, was to capture the goofy moments and build structure under them.

"What are you thinking?" Her hand brought our lips together. A long moment later, I said, "I'm worrying about our future, wife. My responsibilities are going to double soon."

"Are we going to keep on with the blog? How do we prevent it from becoming a burden?"

Her hand slipped down to my morning hardness. "I'm still horny all the time. Do I get some of this right now?"

"Sex is going to solve all our problems? That is a pretty corny line."

She was wet, ready and on her knees. From behind was the pregnancy favorite. I slipped in and she clenched around him. A quiet "ahhh" echoed in the room. The feeling in my cock was fantastic. She made little moans and rocked under me. "More..."

The door opened quietly and Chooli was on us. She smelled of sex. "I heard you when he was already in me! Morning sex is the best! Wayward's boobs are going to feed Jeremy so well!"

The audience made my cock drive harder. Chooli's fingers pinching nipples put Kate over the top. "Aieee!" My own delivery was right behind.

The Scout kissed us, one and then the other. I reached for a Navajo boob. "Naughty, that is not yours anymore!"

I shuffled the three of us to the shower, where Henry was already soaped up. "Send my nosy woman in here!" A brown arm reached through the curtain and pulled a yelping body to him. "Bad Scout. There will be punishment."

Kate and I were clinched, watching the byplay of two new lovers. Wayward wiggled in my arms. "You like that? One of your girlfriends finding the right man?"

My hand replaced hers between her legs. It was messy and I loved it. She pulled fingers to her mouth, sucking and laughing at me. Behind the shower curtain, two brown bodies were doing things other than washing. I asked, "Should we leave?"

Henry's alpha voice answered, "Enjoy the view, she is a feisty one."

Wayward squeezed my cock and said so he could hear, "We already knew that!"

I added, "Henry, one of these days, we are going to do them side by side, on the sandy shore of a mountain lake!"

Wayward was so agitated, she pulled herself up on me and slid down, capturing a hard cock and wrapping legs around my waist. I leaned her back so the belly was not squished. "This one is after me, you'd better finish."

Chooli wasn't ready to quit. "Not yet. More!" There were loud noises from behind the curtain and a long wail. Both women came at the same time. The bathroom door opened and A-M said, "This room is for washing, not screwing!" Robin was equally naked, pushing them into our coupled bodies.

"Bad, bad, bad. What a mess you are making."

Kate laughed and pressed the tight body against the vanity counter. "I will send his big cock to you!"

The instant response was, "Please! I've missed him. You are so territorial!"

I was slippery and laughing as her fingers guided my cock home. "Ohhh. Yes!" A string of dirty words followed as she tried to bounce on me. I turned us around and swatted the curvy globes. In her ear, I asked, "When are we importing a proper Frenchman for you? One with a big weapon?"

She clung tightly, squeezing and tensing for an orgasm. There it was, "Yes, a big cocked Frenchman!"

Robin was sitting on the counter, glaring at me. "Get that thing over here. I am not to be left out!"

I advanced slowly, cock first, staring back. She flinched, looking down. I didn't waver, the hard shaft sliding home with a lovely squishing sound. I nipped at her ear. "Is that what you were looking for?"

Her legs had my waist like the rest and the velvet flesh of her sheath was as wonderful as ever. "You are such a big baddie! How do you keep going for all of us?"

She felt better than ever and I concentrated on long hard strokes. "This is prime pussy. Genuine prime!"

The others were laughing, but Robin was calling me names and asking for more. She wasn't to know that I was about done for. Chooli was drying herself with unasked for help from Henry. Kate and A-M were taking turns swatting my ass. It was too much and I erupted in a last great come, filling the cunt that liked me so much and sending her to the orgasm she needed.

Chapter 26 - Brian Decides on Blog Travel

As we gathered for the meeting, holding second cups of coffee, there was tension in the room between those who had enjoyed early morning sex and those who had not. I circled the room, trying to make amends. Mostly, the unhappy ones threatened me under their breath. The rest smirked as I was put in my place.

Something dramatic was needed. I sat on a chair in the center and said one word, "Telluride."

Mouths opened and closed without speaking. What was he up to? ML and A-M smiled. I waited a long minute and added, "We are renting a condo in Telluride for the ski season."

Another long minute as wheels turned. Kate looked unhappy. "Tell me what the travel itinerary is between now and Thanksgiving."

I was enjoying this. More silence as mental geography maps were being studied. I pointed at Robin and A-M, "You two are in charge of logistics for Telluride."

Chooli gave me her hardest, darkest stare. "Moab."

Katie said, "Durango."

Henry said, "Navajo Mountain."

Fearless grandmother Ellie walked over to grab a handful of my long hair. "San Juan River rafting."

I stood up. "Kate and I are going for a run. When we come back, those suggestions better be on a piece of paper with dates."

I changed in silence. Neither of us said a word until we were several hundred yards down the running trail.

"What's got into you?"

"Think a minute and then tell me."

It was more like five minutes. I made a point of limiting my pace. The precious belly did not need a lot of bouncing.

"You are being an asshole to drive them into taking charge."

"Smart girl. Is the doctor going to let Jeremy go to Telluride? It's almost nine thousand."

"I was going to ask you the same question."

"Maybe it is a good way to introduce your and my replacements."

"Both of us are disappearing?"

"I have a great idea. You and I and Jeremy will be snowbirds. There will be short sequences of us on the beach in Baja with baby. Bronzed, naked baby in the shallows. The main action will be in Red Rock Country and Telluride. Maybe have an episode where Henry is deputized and catches some drug dealers."

She stopped to turn around and punched me. "Why do I have to get all out of breath just to push your creative button?"

"Mostly because you are sexy, cute and smarter than I am."

"My god, Brian, hold me."

A long moment later, we were walking back, holding hands. Almost together, we tried to say how much we admired the creativity of the other.

"Silly," I said.

She stopped and pulled me in for a kiss. "Very silly, but we might make a little money from it."

When we got back, everyone had a beer and Henry was telling bad Navajo jokes as Chooli tried to shut him up. The room looked at us and said, "Look at the lovebirds."

The one with the baby bump sat down and smiled. "He says Jeremy needs to winter in Baja while the rest of you make videos in Telluride."

There was silence until Ellie spoke, "Natalie gets to keep him company," which set off a barrage of voices on the merits of Mexican beaches versus Colorado skiing. I sat on the floor between Kate's legs and massaged her calves. She pulled my hair and whispered, "Bad."

I smiled to myself that a moment of firmness had triggered group acceptance. More than group acceptance, actually. A soft landing for Kate and her baby, along with an exciting destination for more blog episodes.

I crooked my finger at Anne-Marie and motioned her to us, on the floor, relaxed against me. "What is it?" she asked.

I worked her shoulder muscles and whispered, "Lucy's cousin from Grenoble has arrived for ski season, and will replace her as baby time approaches."

There was a wait and then, "Non..."

I pushed her head forward and worked neck and scalp, my fingers loving the wonderful head of hair.

"Oui. You will be perfect, using your accent and getting into trouble in bars with American cowboys who ski hard and drink hard. One night, a drunk cowboy grabs your tits and suddenly Henry is there in his Sheriff's Deputy uniform, slapping on a pair of cuffs and hustling him out the door into a snowbank."

I looked up to find curious faces waiting for more script. A-M was trying to shake her head but my hands had a firm grip. "Non, non."

Voices chorused, "Oui, oui," as bodies arrived for a group wrestle. Wayward smacked my head repeatedly, "Bad."

I grabbed a foot for torture. "What does Jeremy say?"

"He just kicked me he is so happy. A water bug already?"

A-M and I pulled her down for a tight hug. "It is an ok idea?"

New and old Lucy kissed. I used Mac's voice, "Annette, or whatever your name is, you better talk to Lucy about my needs..."

There were aggressive female noises as Brian received a Mac attack. It felt like we had been relaunched. The anxiety over what to do after Canyon de Chelly had evaporated. Fall trips in Red Rock Country and Winter in Telluride had many fans in the group. The sponsors would be happy, gaining two more seasons in which to showcase their clothing and other outdoor gear.

But I wasn't so sure those who had duty in Flagstaff would be as happy. I looked for Sharon, who was next to MaryLou. Crawling over, I inserted myself between them. "I need advice."

They seized my hair, saying to each other, "Must be more trouble."

I whispered, "What does it cost to fly the Flagstaff people to Telluride for a long weekend when there is fresh powder?"

"How did you know we were sitting over here moping about being abandoned?"

I piled them together and used hands roughly. "You think I don't know an unhappy woman when I see one? A skier deprived of skiing?"

I added, "Actually, now that we have upped our game to near professional quality filming, you are going to be needed for things like renting a bar and some bar hounds."

They hummed, I tickled. Life was better.

Chapter 27 - What's in a Name?

It wasn't long before Kate was into her eighth month and finding life increasingly awkward. The OB/GYN doctor, who was a woman, told her to maintain as much exercise as she could and to follow the instructions in the birthing handbook about pelvic exercises. In the early mornings, I escaped to the kitchen so that our women friends could sneak in for a tender cuddle. When I returned with coffee, there were happy, teary eyes.

"Brian, he is so active! He knows when she wakes up and uses his feet!"

Kate mumbled, "He is very unruly!"

I said, "Wants to come out, obviously. Thinks forty weeks is too long!"

Ellie and Sharon tried to help. Ellie hugged and said, "Each of us is different, honey. I was late with Sharon, but she was early with Natalie. When you get close, a week one way or the other doesn't matter much."

Kate grumbled, "Everyone, including my doctor, says Nature will decide. What about me? It's like I told Brian before, this little one has taken over my body!"

I poked a big, fat boob and said, "Go ahead, grumble and complain. That's what we are here for, to absorb all your little frustrations..."


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