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There's a Gloryhole in my Closet! Pt. 02

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Kyle and Ally end up alone in her dorm room.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/21/2017
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"Ally, you're grazing again."

My dormmate's voice, still spattered with her Brazilian accent after all these years, snapped me back to reality.

Caterina Pereira and I had hit it off immediately, which seemed like a lucky roll of the dice when so many dorm room pairings didn't make it through the entire academic program. We were one of the few fortunate exceptions. Aside from a few fights over boys or study versus sleep schedules, we had remained close friends since day one.

So, of course, she was right. I was grazing, pacing between the small fridge to the snack cabinet and little bites of whatever I could find. I always snacked when I was nervous.

No. Nervous wasn't the right word for it. I was a wreck! Most of us were.

"Of course I am," I said around a mouthful of chips. "Why aren't you freaking out? We're graduating! It's huge."

Caterina, as usual, was calm. Nothing seemed to shake her, not even our long-awaited graduation day. Here we were, about to enter a new phase in our lives- transitioning from a group of eager students to a bunch of unemployed graduates- and she didn't even seem bothered.

"Why worry?" she shrugged. "We'll be fine."

"Easy for you to say, when your parents own half of Guarujá." I knew I had butchered the pronunciation, but the point remained.

"Not half," she shot back, simultaneously rolling her eyes and cocking her hip to the side. Few girls could pull off that maneuver, but she managed it flawlessly. "A few buildings, that's all."

"Well, you're set." It wasn't an accusation or even an argument. I was genuinely happy for her. Her parents had flown the two of us out to the island one summer during a break in classes and at the height of tourist season. It was no wonder they were so rich.

"The offer's still good, you know. You can come with me. Work for my parents. It'll be like vacation all year long."

It was a tempting offer, and I hoped she'd keep it on the table in case things didn't work out for me otherwise. But I couldn't bear the thought of working in the tourism industry, even if it was in the so-called Pearl of the Atlantic. I wasn't quite ready to let go of my dreams of helping the less fortunate; at least those that weren't rich enough to vacation in one of the Pereira family's resorts.

"Thanks. Maybe." It was non-committal, but good enough for Catarina. "Are your parents coming down for the ceremony?" I asked, changing the subject

"Mom is. Dad's in Belarus or Belgium. Or Boston. I don't remember, something with a 'B'. How about your family?"

I nodded. "Yeah, they're all coming."

"Even your brother?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Caterina had a very open crush on Kyle. She always flirted shamelessly with him and he didn't seem to mind it.

"Yeah," I replied quickly, hiding the tiny tinge of jealousy that I hadn't expected to surface. I didn't quite know what to do with the memory of fucking my own brother, but the thought of his cum drying on my inner thigh drove me wild to this day. We hadn't spoken about it since then; it was like we both were pretending that it never happened. I couldn't be sure why, but a part of me was afraid that he didn't remember or, worse, that he regretted what we had done.

For my part, I had no regrets. I loved every moment of it, and I desperately -


For the second time, Catalina snapped me back to reality. "What?"

"I have no idea where you went, but you sure as hell weren't here. I said we need to get ready."

Hair and makeup; picking the right outfit (even through it would be covered under a gown); time to walk over to the stadium; time to get to our places. Before I knew it, I had my diploma in my hand. A heartbeat later, and we had turned our tassels to signify that we had turned from candidates to graduates. I had done it. WE had done it. I just wished I could remember any of it, but I was sure my step-dad would be recording it from the stands. I'd have to watch it later.

Or maybe Kyle would have recorded it, too, using his phone or something. I'd have to remember to ask him.

"Dad came!" Catalina shouted, clapping her hands. She always clapped when she got very excited. She always shouted when she was excited, too, but this time it could be explained by practicality. She had to shout to be heard over the crowd. She grabbed my hand and we ducked and weaved and pushed through the sea of robes and guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Pereira were as warm and kindly as they were every time we met. They hugged their daughter; Mr. Pereira congratulated her in briefly Portuguese before his wife poked him in the ribs.

"English, honey. English." She smiled at me and her daughter. "Congratulations, dear. To both of you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Pereira," I said, returning her smile. I shook Mr. Pereira's hand before hearing my name.

"Ally? Ally!" It was my parents. And it was Kyle. He didn't look me in the eyes. My heart sank.


Despite the initial heartbreak, the night hadn't been a total loss. The families went to dinner together and sentimental gifts were exchanged all around. My parents produced a carefully-wrapped gold necklace with matching earrings, then another matching set for Catalina. Catalina was genuinely excited- hand claps and all. It was exactly her style. Mr. Pereira handed me an envelope with a surprisingly generous check sealed within. I was excited, too.

Despite the festivities, Kyle still hadn't found it within himself to speak to me. As the night progressed I began to resent him for it. How dare he ignore me? He was the one that drilled a hole through my bedroom wall. And he was the one that stuck his cock through it, for that matter. All I did was work with what he gave me; and I was pretty sure that I worked with it extremely well.

But still, it hurt. That's why I was so surprised when he said he was too tired to drive home, and asked if he could stay in the dorm overnight.

"I told you, you should have ridden in with us," Dad chided.

"You leave too early," Kyle shrugged. "How about it, sis?" There was just the slightest hint of a twinkle in his eye.

"You can sleep in my bed," Catalina cooed. My mother couldn't hide her disapproving stare, but that disappeared when Catalina continued. "I'll be going home for a few days before we have to clear the dorm. Feel free, Kyle- all yours." I couldn't help but notice that she subtly waved in my direction with those final words. But then again, it could have been my imagination.

"That's fine with me," I mumbled. Just when I thought I had him figured out, too.

With that on my mind, the rest of the celebration was just a blur. I tried- I really did- to focus on what everyone was saying. I acted happy for Catalina as she discussed her future plans; I dutifully answered my parent's questions about my own; I ate, drank, and for all appearances was very merry. My mind, however, kept drifting back to Kyle.

Perhaps I had been misreading his silence. Or, I worried, perhaps I was reading them entirely correctly. Maybe he really was mad at me; maybe staying over was his opportunity to tell me just how upset he really was. That would explain why he wasn't talking to me. A part of me wanted to cry; another part knew how silly that was, given the fact that I really didn't know anything for sure.

I looked at my brother. Our eyes met for the briefest of moments. Something in his told me that he wasn't mad at all. In fact, he seemed to be feeling something else entirely.



After an unbearable wait, we were finally alone in my dorm. It was the first time we had been alone (or even seen each other) since that night. I, of course, was grazing. At the moment, it was microwavable popcorn.

We sat on the couch- opposite ends, as far away as the only piece of furniture in the living room would allow. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. Ran his fingers through his hair. Sighed. Tried again to speak. Looked away.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked finally. It clearly wasn't what he wanted to say, but it was what he managed to say.

A movie? He didn't coordinate this whole thing to watch a movie. And by now, I was certain that he hadn't actually been too tired to drive. Especially if he was up for a movie.

"No. Later. Kyle, we need to talk."

The color drained from his face. I had never seen him quite so nervous before.

"You're right. Yes. Ally, I've been needing to say this for a while: I'm sorry."

Out of all the scenarios I had imagined or fretted over, an apology was the last thing I expected. It took me completely by surprise, and it took a moment for me to realize that I was just staring at him. I had no idea how long I had been doing that.

"For what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Kyle, however, took my question and the silence that preceded it as confirmation that I was upset. "For... taking advantage of you," he answered sheepishly. "You're my sister, and it was wrong of me to do... what I did. Can we just pretend it never happened?"

I laughed, partially from relief and partially due to the absurdity of the question. I stopped laughing when I saw that Kyle was hurt.

"Kyle," I said softly. "I liked it."

He was cute when he was confused. I had always thought so. He furrowed his brow slightly and his lips parted slightly. He opened and closed his mouth, clearly at a loss for words. I let him work though the thoughts until he could make sense of what I said.

"You did?"

I nodded.

"I thought you were mad at me," he explained.

"You could have asked me."


There was a long silence as we each slowly resolved the past few months of uncertainty and doubt. And finally, only the implication remained.

"Does that mean we can do it again?" he asked.

"You're damn right it does," I replied. I was trying to sound serious, but I couldn't quite keep the giggle from my voice.

He moved close to me and pulled me close. Then, for the first time, he kissed me- not like a brother, but more like a lover. I eagerly returned it.

His kiss was passionate. Hungry. Forceful. I could feel his desire through the soft skin of his lips.

His hands told a different story. His hands were tender. Caring. He brushed my cheek, then traced the contours of my jaw. I shivered slightly when his fingers grazed the back of my neck.

As we kissed, he pushed me backwards. I went willingly, of course, pulling him on top of me as I ended up on my back. Neither of us wanted to break away, even for a moment, but we both knew what was coming next. We both knew what we wanted.

I had seen his cock before, and he had been inside my pussy. But we had never really seen each other completely nude up close. Sure, he had seen me through the hole in the closet, but this was something entirely different.

I went first, pushing him back and sitting upright to pull my shirt over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra; I never did at night.

"Jesus," he whispered. He reached out to touch me. I WANTED him to touch me. Instead, I slapped his hand away playfully. He made that same confused face, but only for a moment.

"Wait your turn," I teased. I cupped by breasts, rubbing the soft flesh and teasing my own nipples. They perked up instantly. "You like your sister's tits?" I cooed.

Kyle nodded. He was speechless.

"You've seen them before, haven't you?" I was stretching out the experience. Desire, I knew, heightened the senses.

"Yes, but... but they weren't like this," he whispered. He couldn't take his eyes off of them; I could already see a bulge forming in his pants. I intended to make it even harder for him.

My shorts came next. They were form-fitting and took a little bit of effort to wiggle out of, especially given the awkward position. But I managed. And he certainly didn't seem to mind the effort. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and pulled down.

Slowly. First, the bright-red, topmost decorative fabric of my panties.

Lower. My upper thighs, accented by the thin waistband.

Lower. The thin, nearly translucent material. If the light were any brighter, he would have been able to see the top of my slit through it. I wondered if he could tell just how wet I was getting.

Lower still. I pulled my legs out of the shorts and threw them to the ground.

His eyes took in everything. Every inch of my creamy flesh; my smooth tits; my firm stomach; my barely-concealed sex. Everything.

"Your turn," I said. He would have to wait to see the rest of me.

He wasted no time. He didn't seem to have the sense of show that I possessed, but he more than made up for it with his eagerness. First came the shirt. Next, his belt and jeans. Finally, his boxer shorts came off in a whirl of acrobatic movement.

Lord. I had forgotten just how big my brother was.

His cock was fully erect, pointing towards me like some sort of weapon. I could see much more clearly in the dorm room's dim lights than I had been able to in the closet before, and I took a moment to admire his dick. There was no other way to describe it: it was beautiful. Smooth and firm, ending in a soft, engorged head. He seemed proud of it. He was right to be so.

I took my brother's cock in my hand; he moaned softly when he felt my warm flesh against his. I wrapped my fingers around the shaft and slowly slid down to the base. From the last time, I knew he liked it when I grazed the sensitive underside of the shaft.

"Fuck, Ally," he moaned.

"That's the idea," I said with a wink. And then, without warning, I took him into my mouth.

Kyle moaned. Our eyes met as I slowly slid my lips down his shaft and I couldn't help but smile around it. As I allowed him to slide down my throat, I worked my tongue over whatever flesh I could. It wasn't easy with my mouth so full, but I managed.

"God, sis," he groaned. Something about hearing him call me 'sis' while his cock was in my mouth spurred me on. I could feel my own arousal in the pit of my stomach. I ran my hand down the inside of my panties. Soaking wet.

I would have responded. Told him just how much I love the taste of my brother's cock. How much I wanted to feel his cum spurt against the back of my throat and slide down into my belly. But to do so, I would have had to pull away and take him out of my mouth. In that moment, pulling away entirely was the last thing I wanted to do. I only wanted to pull away a little bit, until just the head was left in my warm, moist mouth.

I could feel his hand run through my hair, holding the back of my head loosely. I didn't need any encouragement, but he guided the motion of my head all the same. Down again, taking him deep into my mouth as deep as I could. I couldn't fit all of him, but I tried to push further each time. At least that gave me part of his shaft to stroke with my hand again. He seemed to like that.

"God, Ally. Fuck, sis," he repeated over and over again.

I could taste his sweet precum on my tongue and feel his body tense. He was close. That was probably why he groaned when I abruptly stopped. His cock twitched; a small bead of precum leaked from the tip. He must have been right on the edge. Good.

I leaned back against the arm of the couch, spreading my legs and smiling. "Your turn."

The poor boy practically dove between my legs. He licked the inside of my thighs, running his tongue along my sensitive flesh until he reached the barrier of my panties. He pulled the fabric to the side, seeing my pussy up close for the first time.

"You're shaved," he noted. "I always thought you were. I just couldn't tell for sure last time, not from the closet."

Always thought. Maybe he didn't realize what he said- not surprising, being that he was still on the edge of release- but it was very clear that he thought about my body as much as I thought about his.

I leaned my head back and moaned as he started to lick my pussy lips. It was his turn to be in control.

He ran his tongue along my slit, savoring my juices. When he reached my clitoris, I moaned again. Louder this time. Unexpectedly loud. Thankfully, that didn't slow Kyle down; he alternated between sliding his tongue along my pussy lips and using it to gently circle my clit. That was enough to give me the first hint of a climax. It started building in my stomach and spread to the depths of my pussy. I was suddenly very aware of how empty I was- how my hole needed to be filled right away.

"Kyle," I moaned. It was all I could manage. He looked into my eyes and pushed his tongue deep into me. "Kyle," I moaned again. I wanted to tell him how good he was making me feel. How I've never felt so desperate for a cock before. How much I wanted my brother's cum. Something in his expression told me that he knew that already.

We were in perfect sync. That wasn't particularly surprising, seeing as how we grew up together, but it made him the perfect sexual partner. No awkward fumbling or distracting questions. He just knew me. When he hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties and pulled, I lifted my ass off the couch at the same time. Perfect synchronicity.

He shifted his body, aligning our hips. I wrapped by arms around his neck; he aligned the tip of his cock to my soaking wet hole. Then, for the second time, he was inside me.

It was just the head at first. I could feel it push past my lips. My body held him in place as he pushed in deeper.

"Oh, god," I moaned. I didn't want to move, so I just relaxed my body and allowed him to continue. "Please, Kyle. Fuck me," I begged. I wanted him. I wanted him to use me completely. He, it seemed clear, was happy to oblige.

I could feel every inch of him as he slid into me. He was big, but he seemed to know just how to fill me without turning my pleasure into too much pain. He pushed inside, waited for my pussy to relax around him, then slid in deeper. Slow. Steady. Perfect. Just like before. Finally, he had filled me completely.

"I've never been so full," I swooned. I remembered thinking the same thing the last time my brother was inside me. Both times were true.

"Your pussy... you feel amazing," Kyle groaned in between thrusts.

I didn't reply. I couldn't even if I wanted to. I could only focus on the sensations building deep inside of my body. His thick cock was hitting parts of me that had never before been reached. It felt amazing.

I started bringing my hips upward to meet his downward thrusts. I could feel his balls hitting against my ass with each wild thrust, and the combination of different sensations was nearly overwhelming. Words started streaming out of my mouth, but I had no idea what I was actually saying.

"Fuck me, Kyle. Fuck your sister's cunt!" I don't think I'd ever used that word before in my life, but something about the situation seemed to warrant it. Everything we were doing felt so exciting and new. I wrapped my legs around his ass, pulling him closer to me as my climax started to build. More words. "Fuck me. Fuck me! Fuck me!"

My head was spinning. My body shaking. Somewhere, deep inside me, a volcano was starting to erupt. I could hear a voice- I was certain it was my own- moaning commands and encouragement. Faster, it said. Harder, it begged. Don't stop, it pleaded.

Kyle's moans joined my own. I could feel his body tense. His thrusts became deeper and more wild. That's when I heard my voice say something I never thought it would.

"Cum inside me," I begged. "Fill your sister's pussy!"

The last syllable was extended before turning into an unintelligible moan. I was cumming. So was he. My brother, who I loved with all my heart, was filling me with his cum. And then, the world simply shut off.


I don't know if I passed out or fell asleep, but I woke up just before he did. We were still on the couch, but had somehow positioned ourselves side by side. I ran a finger over my freshly-fucked pussy and pulled it away to inspect the fluids that were leaking from it. Cum. Cum and pussy juices.

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