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They Walk Among Us Ch. 01


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"I did the right thing. I know I did," he said quietly to himself.

He wondered, now that she was alone, how he could help her. He had enough money to last two life times. He could settle the debt on the house so she didn't have to worry about that. He also knew some important people at the bank. They were growing and could always use a good teller. With her pleasant demeanor, at least the way it used to be, she would be wonderful in that position.

As he sat thinking about how he could make it easier on her, images of the kill flashed in his mind. Andrejcek's terrified look soon faded away with the bite marks on Nevanka's body, the Mayor's scream as his knee was destroyed, and then the screams of Nevanka as she was surely raped. The definition of right from wrong overshadowed any perception of personal gain that Baldomr was feeling. Cilka's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Excuse me Sir, I finished patching up Miss Crojemic," she said politely.

"How bad is it really?" Baldomr asked. The concerned look did not escape Cilka.

"Cilka, would you come here please," he said loudly as the sudden sound of his voice made Nevanka jump.

"Yes Sir. What can I do for..." she said but stopped short when she noticed he had company.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know we were having company. Sir, you really should tell me when you're bringing guests over," Cilka said as she wiped her hand furiously in her apron.

"Sorry about that Cilka, this is Nevanka. She could use some of your special help, if you know what I mean," he told her.

"Oh I see. What seems to be the problem dear?" Cilka asked as she stepped closer.

Nevanka paused for a moment, and then slowly lowered the hood off her matted blond hair. Cilka gasped in shock as the wounds came into view. She didn't know what to say to the woman who was visibly shaking.

"I slipped on my tea," Nevanka said quietly.

Cilka's face quickly turned to that of understanding. "That's what they all say dear. Women now days need to find something else to slip on," she told her, trying to calm her fears.

She held Nevanka's hand and led her to the kitchen while Baldomr went to his study. He knew that Cilka was better than any doctor was and didn't need his help. When Baldomr sat down in his high backed leather chair, he closed his eyes and thought about the recent events.

"I did the right thing. I know I did," he said quietly to himself.

He wondered, now that she was alone, how he could help her. He had enough money to last two life times. He could settle the debt on the house so she didn't have to worry about that. He also knew some important people at the bank. They were growing and could always use a good teller. With her pleasant demeanor, at least the way it used to be, she would be wonderful in that position.

As he sat thinking about how he could make it easier on her, images of the kill flashed in his mind. Andrejcek's terrified look soon faded away with the bite marks on Nevanka's body, the Mayor's scream as his knee was destroyed, and then the screams of Nevanka as she was surely raped. The definition of right from wrong overshadowed any perception of personal gain that Baldomr was feeling. Cilka's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Excuse me Sir, I finished patching up Miss Crojemic," she said politely.

"How bad is it really?" Baldomr asked. The concerned look did not escape Cilka.

"Oh don't fret Sir. I put some ointment on the bruises. I think she should be back to normal in a week or so. The bite marks are going to take a little more time, but thankfully they're below the neck line," Cilka said as she moved closer to him.

"May I speak frankly Sir," she asked.

"You know me by now Cilka. You never have to ask me that," Baldomr told her.

"I can fix the injuries that her husband has caused, but if she returns to that house he will undoubtedly repeat the performance. Maybe she should find someplace safe to stay, maybe another family member," she said.

"You don't have to worry about that Cilka. Her husband was found dead this morning. Seems as if a pack of wild dogs got to him on his way home last night," Baldomr told her as he stared out the large pane window.

"Well I think someone should go out there and find those dogs. They deserve a big steak for what they did," Cilka said and turned to leave.

"Cilka would you set another place for dinner, I want Nevanka to join us tonight."

"I'd be happy to Sir," she told him.

"By the way, what are we having Cilka?"

"Steak," she told him.

Baldomr chuckled to himself. Without knowing it, she was rewarding Andrejcek's killer anyway. Suddenly Nevanka walked in and looked at him.

"I'm glad someone is in a good mood," she said.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of a funny story," he told her.

"I could use a funny story Baldomr," Nevanka said.

"Maybe some other time, but right now I'd like to know if you would join us tonight for dinner," he said.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. Some people might...," she said.

"I didn't ask them to dinner, I'm asking you. I won't pressure you into anything you don't want to do, but you should start thinking of yourself and not the town," Baldomr told her, maybe a little too sternly.

"Your right I suppose, but I have a few things that I have to take care of first. I need to talk to the town council about them losing their Mayor and I have to go to the bank. I'll try to be back as soon as I can. Is that alright?" Nevanka replied and left.

It was 6 p.m. before Nevanka returned. Baldomr answered the door with that same smile but the smile didn't last long as he looked into Nevanka's eyes. He led her into the foyer and took her cloak. When he hung it up, he turned to face her.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, I hope you're hungry. Cilka puts out a big meal," he told Nevanka, trying to make her feel better.

"I'm sure it will be lovely, thank you for inviting me," Nevanka replied but not looking at him.

"Would you like to go to the study? I have a very fine selection of wine, if you care to join me," he said. Something was bothering her and it wasn't the towns' people.

"Yes. That would be alright I guess." Her eyes never left the floor.

He led her into the study and let her pick her own seat. He didn't want to force her to do anything. He thought if he could show her how a man is supposed to treat a woman she might just start turning around again. Baldomr poured two glasses of red wine and then handed one to the visibly troubled woman.

"Thank you," Nevanka said quietly.

"Something other than your injuries is bothering you. Would it help to talk about it? Some people think I'm a pretty good listener," Baldomr said as politely as he could.

"I think I've already taken up more of your hospitality than I should have," she told him.

"Nonsense Nevanka, it's a pleasure having some company other than Cilka," Baldomr said as he laughed a bit.

Nevanka rose to her feet, then went to the large window and peered down at the lighted town of Predjama. She brought the glass to her lips and swallowed half the glass of wine. She seemed torn between leaving it alone or confiding in someone about her situation. The wine did nothing to calm her nerves.

"I guess you already know a few secrets about me now, so a few more won't matter much. I went to the bank earlier and found out that Andrejcek had taken most of our money out. Since he was going to see someone about the railway, I assume he gave it to him for one reason or another. I knew I couldn't make the house payment so I went to the town council to see what I could do. He should have had at least a partial pay check coming," she told him, still staring at the town.

"Nevanka, if its money you need because of him I could help you with no strings attached, not even interest," he told her.

"As generous as that would be Baldomr, it won't be necessary," she said, then drank the other half of her wine.

Baldomr got up and grabbed the bottle of wine. When he finished filling the glass, he returned to his seat so as not to pressure her. Nevanka was silent for a long period and Baldomr thought about saying something but was unsure of what. Nevanka let a long sigh out and continued.

"The council informed me that Andrejcek did indeed have a pay check coming but that it could not be used for the house. It seems he signed the mortgage over to the town and they own it. They want to turn it into a permanent residence for the acting Mayor. Since Andrejcek is gone I no longer live there," Nevanka told him calmly, but Baldomr could tell she was near her breaking point.

Baldomr was silent for a moment, trying to choose his words wisely. He decided that if he couldn't say anything to help the situation maybe he should let her guide the discussion. Nevanka turned to look at him and he could see the building tears within her. She took a sip of the liquid courage and continued.

"When I left the council chambers I stood outside and started laughing. People were looking at me like I had lost my mind," she said, her voice breaking.

"Nevanka, listen to me. You are going through a rough time right now. It's only natural to be upset and do odd things. If I were you I wouldn't let those people get to you," he told her, trying to calm her down.

"Oh Baldomr, it's not that I was going insane. I just found it funny that even after Andrejcek could no longer use me as a piece of meat, he still found a way to make me feel like I was less than human," Nevanka replied.

She couldn't hold it in any longer and fell to her knees, sobbing heavily. Baldomr rushed to her side and held her as she wept. He didn't want to try to stop her, he wanted her to let it out and with any luck, start on the road to recovery. It only took a few moments for her to calm down, hurriedly wiping her face dry.

"Please forgive me, I didn't mean to dump all this on you," Nevanka said as she pulled away from him and stood up.

"I think I should go now. I think I've ruined your night long enough, please excuse me," she told him as she headed for the foyer.

"No please wait Nevanka, you don't have to go. You're not ruining my night, I promise. Besides, you're not really going to make me eat dinner alone with Cilka, are you?" he pleaded with her.

Just then, Cilka walked in and glared at her employer. Her hands were on her hips with her head was cocked to one side. She indeed looked intimidating.

"Now I know you were talking about another woman who looks like me and goes by the name Cilka, isn't that right...Sir," she said in a not so believable stern voice.

"You see. You can't leave me here alone with this woman, it isn't safe," he told Nevanka in a helpless voice.

Nevanka took a long pause to gather her thoughts. She looked intently into Baldomr's defenseless eyes as he patiently waited for an answer. A hearty laugh from his injured friend gave him his answer.

"Ok, ok, I'll stay. But I'm only doing it to protect you, understand?" she said to him.

"I understand totally. You sit next to me, in case she gets out of control," he replied as he moved closer to her.

Cilka moved quickly given her ample weight and grabbed Baldomr's ear. "I'll show you out of control. Now get in here before you really make me mad," Cilka told him as he allowed her to drag him into the dining room.

The three of them enjoyed the fine meal that Cilka had prepared. Baldomr was true to his word about her cooking. There was food of all sorts scattered around them and it was enough to feed six people. Cilka was doing most of the talking during the meal.

She went on and on about Baldomr's habits about the castle, what he was like to work for, and of course, every dumb thing he'd done while she was in his employ. The more Cilka embarrassed Baldomr the lighter the mood Nevanka displayed.

"Ok Cilka, I think I've been embarrassed enough tonight. Do you want some help with the dishes?" Baldomr asked her.

"Oh yes, please let us help clean up. It's the least I could do for such a suburb meal," Nevanka added.

"You two go and enjoy the evening, I think I can handle this chore," Cilka said with a wave of her hand.

"Cilka you really must give me your recipe for this wonderful pie. I'd love to bake one of them in my kitchen," Nevanka said.

Nevanka thought about that for a moment and then the depression washed over her like a wave over the sand. Baldomr saw her expression change but didn't know what to say. Cilka on the other hand was quick to solve the problem.

"My dear you can use my kitchen any time day or night for as long as you wish. Besides, it would be a welcome change of company from a man that burns cereal," she told her as she glared at Baldomr.

"I think I have an aunt in Trieste, I suppose I can use her kitchen just as well. Thank you for the offer anyway," Nevanka said as she stared away.

"I have another idea. Since you're going to need a job and a place to stay, how would you like to stay here and help Cilka with the castle? There is a lot to fix up around here and I'm sure the current help could use some advice on how to behave properly when we have guests," Baldomr said as he looked over at Cilka.

"I don't know. What would people..." she started to say.

"Oh hush dear. You let me worry about those no good busy bodies in town. I also think you should stay the night here. I need to change your patch yet this evening and again in the morning so you would be doing both of us a favor," Cilka said.

"Then it's settled. Cilka could you please find a nightgown for Nevanka to use?" he asked his housekeeper.

Nevanka looked up at them. She was getting tearful again. "I guess you're not used to hearing the word no are you."

"No," they both said at the same time.

Thanks for reading the story. Please stay tuned for the next installment where I introduce the Seal Team. Don't forget to vote and leave me a comment on what you think so far, I can only get better with practice and feedback. Thanks again and as always enjoy the journey.

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AncientKarmaAncientKarmaabout 8 years ago

This is a fantastic story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

What a lovely, lovely story. Don't know when I last enjoyed a read so much!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

honestly,i hate Nevanka

secretitosecretitoover 11 years ago
A great beginning

My only issue was a little modern slang and wording had me forgetting this was supposed to be set in the past but for a great story, I can easily overlook that. Wonderful job you have me very intrigued now off to read more.


Miss_SeraphinaMiss_Seraphinaover 11 years ago
great start

I really like the story so far!

It's one in the morning and I have work tomorrow but I can already guess I won't be sleeping anytime soon, I have to read more straight away :)

The only critique is the Mayor being in Stockholm... thats in Sweden not in Slovenia :)

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