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They Walk Among Us Ch. 07

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A meeting forces Kevin to reveal his secret.
14.6k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 04/12/2012
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Adam Dawson and Kevin Dvorska stopped dead in their tracks and looked at each other. After a few moments, they looked over their shoulder and looked back at Kristine.

"All I ask is for ten minutes to explain myself, after that you can leave if you want," she said.

"Ok, have it your way -- for now. After ten minutes if I'm not satisfied, you're a corpse," Adam told her.

"Please follow me gentlemen," she said, as she walked past them to the front door.

Kristine led them inside the castle and after they cleared the front door, she hung a sign on the front that indicated the tours were canceled for the day. She closed and locked it, then looked at both of them.

"What I need to show you is upstairs," she told them.

Kristine brushed past the two Seals and removed a thick red rope from the staircase, and then went up. Adam had an instinct to get his Sig out of the sedan but decided against it. The CIA operative was no match for two trained killers.

The blond haired woman went down the hall and stopped in front of a large oak door and looked back to see if they were following her. To their credit, they separated with Kevin staying a few feet away and Adam moving behind her.

"Welcome home Mr. Dvorska," Kristine said in a whisper to Kevin.

When she walked into the room, Adam and Kevin followed her but were on hyper alert, just in case something went bad. They entered a large study filled with books from the ceiling to the floor. Kevin wondered how someone could gather that many books and still find use for them.

When Adam saw that it was just a study, he decided to put an end to the fun and games today. The mission was an utter failure and the CIA operative was as useless as Johansson, even on his best day.

"Kevin, go start the car and point it out of here. I'll do what needs to be done and then I'll meet you at the front door in two minutes," Adam told him.

"That's very kind of you Mr. Dawson, but before you kill me for no reason, I really think you should look behind you and meet Mr. and Mrs. Baldomr Purgstall," Kristine said with a shit-eating grin.

When Adam turned around, the only thing that kept him from struggling for breath was the intense training that every Seal goes through. It's a reflex that keeps you calm when presented the unbelievable, no matter what the circumstance.

"Holy fucking shit," he muttered under his breath.

"You go ahead L-tee, I'll do it," Kevin said as he glared at the tour guide.

"Turn around Kevin, I think I know why she's acting this way," Adam uttered out.

When Kevin turn around, Kristine knew she was safe from being killed and thrown into the caves.

"Holy -- mother -- of..." Kevin muttered.

"Now you understand why I was so taken aback with you, Kevin -- Dvorska," Kristine said.

Kevin looked at the painting with disbelief. The painting had to be over a hundred years old, and it still looked as if he himself was standing with the beautiful woman in a bright red dress, along with their son. This had to be a trick, some sort of hoax that she was playing on him, it just wasn't possible.

"It took me a lot of years to track down the great, great, grandson of Baldomr and Nevanka. I never really knew how I'd act when I finally got to me you," Kristine said.

"Kevin that really looks like you in one of those old time photo shops back at Virginia Beach," Adam told him.

"Yeah it does L-tee, but that's not me and none of this is real. I'm endangering the mission and we need to leave. There is one thing we need to do and that's to take out..." Kevin said, but he was interrupted by a sudden breeze that flowed through the room.

They all three thought it was strange that the air would rush into a totally closed room, but when Kevin turned around to face Kristine for an answer, a large porcelain vase flew off the mantle above the fire place and smashed on the floor at Kevin's feet.

"As I said in the tour gentlemen, Predjama castle is haunted. To be perfectly honest with you, that is the first time they have ever broke anything. It was either a welcome home Kevin, or they really want you to keep your temper for some reason," she said as she moved to pick up the pieces.

"Um -- I don't mean to sound rude or anything Kristine, but what the hell is going on?" Adam asked.

"Well let me just pick up these last few pieces of this very expensive vase, and then we can go down stairs and calmly talk about it. That is if I have a reprieve on my life Adam," she said as she stood up.

When they finally made it down stairs and to the kitchen, Kevin and Adam both took a seat at the small breakfast bar in the corner. Adam looked around at the small kitchen and wondered how much of it was from years past and what was updated.

"Would you gentlemen care for a drink, or something to eat? I make a mean steak and eggs with a Bloody Mary," Kristine said as she opened the refrigerator door.

"Water if you have it and then some answers," Adam said.

Kristine pulled two bottles of water out of the door and moved over to sit with the two Seals. She handed one to Adam and one to Kevin who refused to even touch the bottle. He stared at her with very angry eyes. He knew he couldn't change form and risk having his team leader know what he really was, so all he could do was glare at her.

"Ok Adam, some answers. As I indicated earlier, I owe my life to Kevin's grandparents. Marta and Toncek Dvorska helped my grandparents, Titiana and Dario Sekerija escape to America after being tortured by some SS Major. Well at least they ended up helping them at the end. My grandmother told me the story when I was very young, and it has captivated me ever since," Kristine said.

"Wait a minute. I was informed that you grew up here in Predjama," Adam said.

"I did. After my grandparents passed away my father moved us to Slovenia, and we settled here in Predjama when I was eight. That however is not the reason I've been researching the Dvorska's," she told him.

"You see, here in Slovenia, property is property forever. Even though the state took control of Predjama castle, if a true living heir of the last known owner ever laid claim to the property, they would have no choice but to relinquish the castle to him or her," Kristine said and then looked over at Kevin.

"Kevin, do you remember ever getting letters in the mail saying that you were the rightful heir to Predjama castle?" she asked him.

"Yeah, but I thought it was some sort of scam. Send some money to us for legal fees and we'll send you the papers for the Brooklyn Bridge. That's why you've been acting funny around me, because I'm the heir of Predjama castle?" Kevin asked.

"Well of course, why else would I be so taken aback with you Mr. Dvorska?" she replied with a puzzled look.

"You said something about a captivating story about his grandparents," Adam said.

"It's not about his grandparents; it's what supposedly happened before they showed up with their son Luka. You have to understand that she was very old when she told me this so I don't know how much is true. They were being questioned about the whereabouts of the Dvorska's from an SS Major. She never knew why they wanted them, just that he was very insistent on finding them," she said.

"Did your grandparents ever tell you a story about a large wolf?" she asked Kevin.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Kristine," he lied, even though he knew the story well.

"Anyway, it seems that sometime during the questioning a pair of large wolves broke into the house and started fighting each other. Finally at the end, my grandmother shot one of them, but she said it was like shooting a piece of steel. One of them finally killed the other and then she told me she fainted. That's when Marta and Toncek Dvorska showed up with their small son, Luka," she told them.

"If you ask me, it sounds like she might not have been all there at the end Kristine," Kevin said to her.

"Maybe, but if it wasn't for your grandparents getting them out of the country, they surely would have be killed by the Nazis because they worked for the underground. My mother would not have been born and hence, I would not exist. I know that part is true," she told Kevin.

"Holy shit Kevin, you own a fucking castle. The guys are going to shit themselves when they find out," Adam exclaimed as he took a drink of water.

"It doesn't belong to me, it belongs to my father, and even if it did, I don't want it. I have a home in the teams and that's where I'm staying. Now can we please get off the subject of my heritage and focus on Radovan Valenta and Pete?" Kevin asked in an annoyed tone.

"Ok Kristine, now that I don't want to kill you, what's the latest Intel on Valenta?" Adam asked.

"As of last night he was still in town. Follow me upstairs and I'll show you to your room, it's the best spot to set up an observation area. After you're settled in, I'll take you to the comm set and you can check in with your command," she told them and then led them out of the kitchen.

"Kevin, I'll go check the room. You go and get the gear out of the car, but leave one of the Sigs inside just incase," Adam said and then followed Kristine up stairs.

When the two of them entered the large room, Adam couldn't help but stare in awe and wonder why Kevin wouldn't want to own this place. He walked up to the large bay window and peered down at Predjama.

"Wow you weren't kidding about the view, it's fantastic," Adam told her.

"Yes indeed, fantastic," Kristine whispered as she stared at his backside.

Adam turned his head to see what she was looking at. When he figured it out, he smiled inside and felt his cock start to harden again.

"So does anyone else help you with the tours?" Adam asked her.

"I'm sorry, what?" she replied quickly, knowing she just got caught staring at his body.

"I asked if anyone helps you with the tours or do you work alone?" he repeated as he looked back out the window.

"Um -- no I work here alone and keep tabs on things in and around Predjama. It's just me and the ghosts," she said with a little laugh.

"Hate to tell you this, but I don't really believe in ghosts, however I can't really explain how that vase got broke," he said and then went over to check the bed.

"I didn't believe at first either, but lately the activity has picked up tremendously. Lights dimming and gusts of wind when the windows are closed. Something strange that happened a few nights ago really made me nervous," she said as she shivered slightly.

"You're a CIA operative, you're not supposed to get nervous," he told her.

"I was almost asleep and although I couldn't make it out very well, it sounded like someone was screaming in pain. Scared the hell out me," Kristine admitted.

"Probably just a draft coming through the cracks in the walls, this place must be loaded with them," he told her, trying to calm her down.

Kevin entered the bedroom carrying all the equipment and bags. After setting them down he went to the window and looked out and surveyed the area.

"Wow Kristine the view is fantastic," Kevin said.

Kristine glanced quickly at Adam Dawson and blushed brightly. Adam had to try really hard not to laugh at her awkwardness, as he picked up his bag and began getting his clothes out.

"Um -- I need another water, I'll be right back," she said and then quickly left the room.

Adam looked over at the little table next to the door and laughed softly. Kristine's first bottle of water was still sitting there -- unopened.

"What is it Adam? Did I say something wrong," Kevin asked.

"No Kev, you didn't say anything wrong. I do agree with you though -- the view is pretty damn good," Adam told him, but he wasn't referring to the town below.


It was noon in Predjama and neither Kevin nor Adam had seen the Serbian Intel officer. Adam began to wonder if he was even in town anymore. He realized that there was a possibility that he might have left sometime during the night and they had missed him. The only way to find out for sure was to go into town and check it out.

As Kristine entered the bedroom, Adam's train of thought was broken. He silently scolded himself for allowing himself to be distracted by her presence, but he knew that you'd have to be dead not to notice her.

"Well gentlemen, any luck?" she asked as she took a sip of her water.

"No, nothing yet. Are you sure he's still in town?" Adam asked.

"I saw him with one of his bodyguards over at Crook's Creek last night having a drink," she told him.

"Is there a place in town to have lunch? We might have to do some reconnaissance of the town to be sure," Adam said.

"Yes, a small diner across the street from there. The food isn't as good as mine, but it won't kill you either. You can say your doing some background research on the town while Kevin takes pictures," Kristine offered.

"Sounds like a great idea Boss. I don't know about you, but I'm damn near starving to death," Kevin said as his stomach started to rumble.

"Yeah, I can see you're just withering away on this mission," Adam said mockingly.

Just then the lights in the room began to flicker quickly and then went really bright and stayed that way for a few seconds before returning to normal.

"Be careful L-Tee, you don't want to piss off great, great grandpa and grandma," he said with a chuckle.

"Stow it Dvorska. As old as this place is, the wiring must be hundreds of years old," Adam said

"Alright you two, let's go get something to eat before you really do piss off Baldomr and he breaks something else. Kevin, bring a couple of cameras with you. I'll call my friend that Valenta is supposed to be staying with and invite her to join us," Kristine said.

Adam grabbed the silenced 9mm Sig Sauer and stuck it behind his shirt. If he was going into town, he wasn't going unarmed. He then turned and followed Kristine down stairs as Kevin strapped on two cameras, one of them with a telephoto lens.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky as the three undercover operatives walked the short distance into town. People were moving about in the streets, and stopping into the few stores that were there. Kevin took a lot of pictures of the residence of Predjama, as Kristine answered questions about the town and history.

As they approached her friend Clara's house, Adam could hear the shutter on Kevin's camera going a hundred miles an hour, as he tried to capture ever angle of the modest size home. While snapping away, Clara exited the home and glared at Kevin for taking her picture.

"Excuse me, but please don't take photos of me or my home," she said in an annoyed tone.

"Forgive me Miss, I was just taking..." Kevin started to say.

"It's alright Clara. I would like you to meet Adam Dawson from National Geographic and that is his photographer Kevin," Kristine said quickly as she tried to calm her fears.

"Gentlemen, nice to meet you, but I still don't want you taking pictures of me or my home," she said sharply.

"Yes Miss, I'm sorry to have offended you," Kevin told her as he put his camera away.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Clara asked the young Seal.

"Oh, it's Kevin, Kevin Colbata," Kevin lied.

"Come on Clara, let's go get something to eat, I'm starved. Mr. Dawson offered to pay," Kristine told her, as she grabbed her friends arm.

Kevin walked up to Adam Dawson and whispered in his ear.

"That's really big of you Adam, buying us all lunch," Kevin said quietly.

"Yeah, real big of me -- dumbass," he replied.

As the group now headed for the diner, Adam Dawson studied the new arrival. She really didn't look like much, even though he knew she was Valenta's informant. Clara was slightly overweight and short. Adam guessed maybe five feet tall, if that. Given his training, he could see why Valenta would have chosen her. More than likely, he was the first man to have showed any interest in her.

When they reached the diner, Kevin took a couple of shots of the front, which brought another cold look from Clara.

"Don't worry Clara, I didn't get you in the picture," Kevin said to her.

"Hey Mr. Dawson look across the street. It's a little pub or something," Kevin said excitedly.

Adam, Kristine and Clara turned to look across the street as Kevin snapped away again.

"That Mr. Dawson, is Crook's Creek Pub. It's one of the oldest pubs within a hundred kilometers of here. You really should visit there sometime while you're here. There is a lot of history in there and I'm sure you and Kevin could get something useful for your documentary," Kristine told him.

"Yeah maybe, but first lets eat. I think I heard someone was starved earlier," Adam said and then followed them into the quiet little diner.

After taking a table in the back, a cute little server came up. Adam thought she couldn't be more than 15 or 16. If that was the case, then this must be a family owned diner and they have their kids working here.

When she stood at the table and looked at Kevin, she blushed a little bit and took the drink orders. The small act of shyness and bright red cheeks did not go unnoticed by Kristine as the young girl left.

"You better be careful Kevin, I think you have a secret admirer. She was checking you out," Kristine taunted him.

"Mr. Dawson, tell her to quit picking on me," he whined.

"You're over 18, do it yourself," Adam said with a laugh.

"Oh speaking of secret admirers how's that hunk you've been seeing? Has he proposed yet, or does he just want to be lovers forever," Kristine asked her friend.

"That's great, you're getting married. When's the wedding? I'd love to have some shots of a wedding at the castle," Adam quickly interjected.

"We're not getting married Mr. Dawson, at least not yet anyway. He said he love's me but he's not ready to settle down yet," Clara told him.

"I wouldn't worry Clara; I'm sure someone like you will be able to convince him. Men just need more time to figure out what they have," Kristine said and then looked at Adam.

"And some men don't even know it when it's right in front of them," she said with little doubt to what she meant.

It was Adam's turn to shy away as the comment hit its mark. Luckily for him, the young server came along with the drinks, and even though Kevin was the furthest away, she placed his drink down first. Once everyone was served she pulled out a small notebook and took the food order. Adam and Kevin really didn't know what to get so he had Kristine order for them.

"Kevin's got a girlfriend, Kevin's got a girlfriend," Kristine teased.

"We have a saying back in the States, 15 will get you 30. I think I'll pass on the trip to prison if you don't mind," Kevin said flatly.

"You know I was just thinking," Adam said as he tried to change the subject.

"A great angle to the film about the castle would be how they inspire love and stuff. They have a romantic charm that filters down to the people who live around them, or something along those lines. Maybe I could sit down with you and your boyfriend Clara and take some notes. I promise Kevin won't take any pictures," Adam said.

"Oh that's a wonderful idea Adam. Maybe after lunch we can all go back to your house and talk awhile. What do you say Clara, wanna be in his story?" Kristina added.

"Maybe, but it will have to wait. He had to leave town for a few days on business, but afterwards if you wanted to, I guess that would be ok. You must promise not to take pictures though, he really gets upset when you try to take his picture," Clara confided in them.

"That would be just fine Clara; we can stay a few more days here. You should know Clara that my company will compensate you and, I'm sorry, what is his name?" Adam asked.

"Um -- it's Radovan," she said.

"Yes well, we will compensate you and Radovan for any interview you give, after all it's only fair," Adam added.

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