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Three Generations, One Bed


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"Me? All dolled up? Oh, no, I could never do that. I could never open up to the outside world like that."

I know that about Jen, but it was still an odd way to go through life, never seeing anyone, never letting anyone see you. But it was the life she chose and I had no right to criticize.

Jen pushed herself up. I let her go. Then she did something unexpected. Amazing. She put her hands on the sides of my face, leaned in, and kissed me. Not a little sisterly peck. A long, full, juicy kiss on the lips. She wouldn't let it go either. Her mouth pressed into mine, and she melted into me. As I was recovering from the surprise, she parted her lips and slipped her soft, narrow tongue into my mouth.

I was shocked, but she seemed so vulnerable, so fragile, that if I rejected her now, at this moment, she'd be hurt beyond measure.

Still kissing me, she straightened up, got her legs out from under her and straddled my midsection. She wrapped her arms around my neck and really got into the kiss. Our tongues played with each other and her lips crushed into mine.

Now I've kissed a few girls before. But this. Oh my sweet goddess, this was kissing.

Jen pulled back then and stared into my eyes for a moment. Maybe to see if I was horrified? No chance. I smiled. That was encouragement enough for her. She attacked. A dozen little kisses, all over my face. She was on top and she pushed me sideways onto the couch and lay fully atop me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her tight.

I put my mouth at the base of her neck and licked and sucked on the soft little squirmy spot there. Jen shuddered and pulled my head tighter to her neck. Her messy bun came loose and my face was buried in masses and masses of light blonde hair. I never knew she had so much hair. It was thick and soft and smell of lavender.

She moved on to my neck. I just sank into the couch and enjoyed the sweet, wet kisses she lavished all over my neck and my face.

But then, Jen stopped. She pulled her face away from mine and looked at me again. I smiled at her and she giggled. I knew she was nervous and this was probably why.

I did my best to laugh along with her, but honestly, I was trying my best to angle around Jen so she wouldn't feel the raging, gigantic boner I had right then.

I kinda thought that would spoil the moment. And I absolutely did NOT want to spoil this moment.

Jen collapsed into me and nuzzled my neck for a few moments. Giving me a little sweet kiss on my ear, she pushed herself up and swung off of me.

Of all the women who I had kissed this amazing night, this experience with Jen was the one I'd treasure the most.

Go figure. Wallflower Jen.

She gathered her housecoat around herself and stood. Her hair fell in massive waves to her lower back. It was curly and honey colored and absolutely gorgeous. I wondered why in the name of the goddess of love she doesn't show that off more?

Jen kissed two of her fingers and put them to my lips. This is to be just between you and me.

Of course. Jen's secret is safe with me.

Without another word, she turned and headed up the stairs to her room.

Quite an evening.

Up in my room, on the third floor, I lay in my bed, thinking about tonight. My mother. My sister. My stepsisters. I loved them all.

What was it about this night that made every one of them want to make out with me? I guessed it was because I had just announced my decision to go off to college. That must have triggered something in each of them. Some kind of special longing maybe?

My mind wandered into naughty, even dangerous territory. Like which one would I love to fuck the most?

Beautiful Beth, with her massive tits, gorgeous face, and athletic body?

Stunning Chrysta, with her spectacular legs and incredible ass?

Jen, dear sweet, beautiful Jen with her lovely, sweet kisses? Jen, the best kisser on planet Earth, with masses of gorgeous honey-blonde hair and a magic tongue that drove me nearly to orgasm without even leaving my face?

Or Mom, needy, stunning, sexy, and oh so experienced Mom?

I wondered: would I actually get to fuck any of them? Or was this a one-night deal, never to be spoken of in the light of day?

I dearly hoped not.

Just thinking about tonight, my boner rose under the sheets and twitched there, eight inches of needy cock. Oh sure I came earlier from Chrysta's mouth, but she couldn't finish me. Ruined orgasms are awful. Just spurting and pumping into thin air? Yuck. I had to make up for that one.

I began a series of light, gentle strokes. I slid my hand over my glans, around my balls and then I two-handed my thick shaft. Big, easy strokes. I wanted to build it slowly. To, you know, train it to last longer.

But who was I thinking about?

Each of the women came to mind.

I froze. Looking up, I saw that my door had opened a crack. Someone was there. All the women sleep in their own bedrooms on the second floor, so someone had to have snuck upstairs.

Then a leg crossed my threshold. Not just any leg. Black patent leather heel. Dark glossy stocking, garters. The bottom edges of a short, filmy, sheer negligee.



Ever so gingerly, she stepped through the doorway and into my bedroom.

"Petey? Are you awake?"

I hardly dared hope. Did Mom want to continue from where we left off? Or was she just coming in to clear the air? Tell me it was all a mistake?

"Yes Mom, come on in."

In the faint moonlight from the window, I could see the outline of her slim, perfect body through the diaphanous sheer nylon lingerie draped over her shoulders. She was in her customary all black, from her long shiny nails, her shoes, sheer stockings, garter belt, panties, the short satin corset cut to expose her six-pack tummy, and a see-through short nylon cover. Her hair was a glossy midnight-black mane that fell in thick waves to her lower back. In the moonlight, even her lips were a glossy, reflective black.

She stepped into my room and softly closed the door. I could see her breasts outlined in the shadows, heaving with each breath. She was nervous.

My mother approached the bed, her gaze never wandering from my face. I swept my eyes up and down her magnificent body, from her long, lean legs to the tiny firm waist, to the heavy cleavage overflowing her corset. My thoughts flashed back to my encounter with Beth and Chrysta earlier. I had loved looking at their bodies so much, but I just realized that Mom has the best of both: she's got Chrysta's legs and Beth's tits. Amazing.

She sat on the edge of the bed close to me and crossed her long, lean legs towards me. The swish of the nylon tickled my brain. The tendrils of sound reached out and wound around my cock. The moonlight glanced off her glossy black lipstick and her smoky eyes sparkled in the night.

"I had to see you. Before tomorrow, I mean. What happened downstairs, it was just, it was - oh Petey it was just wrong. I'm your mother. I'm fifty years old, for God's sake. We can't have sex. We just can't. If we started having sex, it would ruin you for life. You see that, don't you?"

Bunching up some pillows, I pulled myself into a sitting position. I looked without embarrassment at the riches of her legs. She wasn't wearing a skirt anymore. The tops of her stockings were on full display and her garters stretched across her bare skin from the lacey suspender belt secured around her delicate waist.

She had to know what this would do to me. She could have put on a housecoat. Or something.

But instead, she chose to wear this incredible seduction outfit. For me.

There could only be one reason: she did not want this to end. She didn't come here to tell me this was wrong. She wants me.

My hardon twitched under the sheet. Mom didn't pretend it wasn't there.

With agonizing slowness, her fingers reached towards my bulge under the sheets. I tore my eyes away from her hand to look at her face. She was breathing hard; the tip of her tongue pushed between her lips.

She was staring, unblinking, at the outline of my twitching cock.

I was so horny by this point that I was afraid I'd just spurt all over her hand if she grabbed the shaft. That would be just awful. She'd probably get up and run out the door and back to her lonely bed.

I couldn't let that happen. I wanted her too much for that.

"Mom." I reached out and took her hand. The one that was about to encircle its long, manicured fingers around my shaft and likely spell the end of this promising night.

Startled, she stopped and looked at me. There was a deep longing in those beautiful eyes. An ocean of fear. Worse, I think she'd thought I didn't want her. She'd thought I was going to send her back to her room.

No chance.

"Mom," I whispered. "Mom."

She licked her lips and looked at me.

"Show me, Mom. Teach me how."

She knew what I meant. Of course she did.

I held my breath, waiting for her to decide. Would she cross that line?

If she did, there would be no going back.

"You have to say it, sweetheart," she said. "You have to tell me what you want." She put her hand on my chest and leaned close to my face. "Tell me."

"Please Mom. I want - ". I swallowed hard and gathered my courage. And then it just poured out of me. "I want you to teach me. I want to make you cum. I want to lie you down onto my bed. I want to crawl up between your legs and push them apart. I want to make you cum all over my mouth. I want you to scream for joy, scream for me in utter, sheer ecstasy as you cum all over my face."

She looked at me. Was that hope?

"Come lie beside me Mom. Come here."

She did. My mother uncrossed those long, gorgeous, silky legs and climbed into bed with me. She nestled herself into my side and put her head on my chest. Her upper leg, she lay across my stomach, her garters pulling on her stockings. She was still wearing her five-inch patent leather heels. I wrapped my arm around her back, nice and secure. She was safe.

I reached over to that gorgeous firm leg atop my stomach and began to caress it up and down her thigh. The touch of the silk on her leg was electric. So smooth and sensuous. So silky smooth and so damn feminine.

Mom nuzzled into my neck, just like Jen had, just exactly like Jen. And she put her sticky lips on my jawline. I turned my head, intercepted her mouth, and put her lips onto mine.

Her kiss was as sweet and loving as Jen's. But Mom's glossy lipstick made me swoon. I was lost in those lips, like I my mouth was adhered to them. I licked her upper lip gently. She crushed her mouth on mine and we made out like long lost lovers. Needy, horny lovers. She was as good a kisser as Jen, but her kisses were so much more urgent. Like she needed something really, really bad.

Eventually, her ardor seemed to cool. She rose up and looked down on me. "Yes," she said simply. "I want you to make me cum. I want to teach you what to do. I want to show you exactly how to make my body respond, and how to turn me into a mindless, cumming thing."

Wow. "Please Mom, yes. Tell me how. Tell me what to do."

"With almost any woman, you have to start slowly. Think of a woman's body as a bundle of firewood. Start slow. Light the kindling. Build me up, add a little more, never too quick or you'll smother the heat. If you can't tell, I'll let you know when to pile on more fuel. Soon you'll see the smoke, you'll know where to give it your attention.

"It's easy to make a woman cum with your mouth, and yet it's not. Trust is everything. For our first time, I need you to do as I say. I need to guide you through it. Can you do that for me?"

I stole a look down my mother's beautiful body, her spectacular legs, her stockings. Her breasts were very large, and she had chosen to wear a deep cut, incredibly tight corset and a nylon garter belt with eight garters per leg. She could have come to me in her housecoat. Instead, she chose to come to my bed in the sexiest, most flattering lingerie I could ever imagine. Even her hair, her long beautiful black hair, she had brushed to a glossy shine. For me.

"I'll do anything Mom. Anything."

She smiled. "Good." My gorgeous mother pulled her knees to her chest and swept off her black panties. She propped herself up on some pillows and lay on her back. I looked down on her legs and watched as she spread them wide open, exposing her glistening pussy.

For me.

"OK lover, start low. Kiss my feet. Get me ready. Oh I'm ready, but I'm teaching you."

I crawled down to my mother's feet and knelt between her legs. I pulled off one of her shoes, placed her stocking foot on my face, and rubbed it all around.

"Kiss it, kiss my foot."

I placed my lips on the sole of her foot and kissed it. Her feet had just come out of her shoes and the smell of them was intoxicating. I kissed the ball of her foot.

"Make love to it, Pete. Take the other one and make love to them both." I pulled off the other shoe put both feet to my face. I rubbed and kissed them all over.

"My toes. French kiss my toes. Suck them in, love my feet, love my toes, kiss them, suck them, lick them. Make love to my feet."

I took her toes into my mouth. I ran my tongue all around them. They tasted sweet and salty. She bent and flexed her nylon-covered toes in my mouth and I began to understand what she meant. Her feet and her toes were sexual objects of great desire, and I lavished them with my tongue while she rewarded me with moans of pleasure.

"Mmmmm, that's nice. Oh yes, more of that. Mmmmm. You have no idea. A woman's feet are connected directly to her pussy. Make love to my feet and my pussy will eat your cock for breakfast."

What an image! My cock was so fucking hard right now. It was ready to burst. It hung there, in the air, all eight inches of it, twitching and bouncing in front of her.

She pulled her feet away and clamped them around my cock. Gently she began to massage it with her sexy toes. She squeezed it and slid it all around my shaft. When she dug her toes into that soft under spot on my cock, I looked up at her in alarm. Not now, not this soon. I didn't want to cum yet.

My mom was breathing hard. Her cleavage rose and fell with each heaving breath. She pulled her feet away from my cock. She held my gaze, her eyes pierced into me and I could not look away.

She opened her legs wide and put her hands on her pussy, spreading it apart. It was swollen and wet. I knelt down and worked my way up her legs, kissing her stockings and licking her thighs. When I reached her mid-thigh, I looked up. Mom was stretching her hands out to me. She put them on either side of my head and pulled me in.

My mouth was on my gorgeous mother's soaking vagina.

"Kiss me, Pete. Kiss me all around. Gently now. Light little kisses. Get your lips nice and wet. Lick your lips. Yes, yes, now kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss. Oh, yes, yes that's good. Yes. Mmmmmm.

"No, no tongue yet. Not yet. It's too rough. Kiss me all around. Get it nice and wet. Ohhhh. Yes. Make gentle love to my pussy with your mouth. Kiss her lips. They'll kiss you back. Oh yes, oh yes, yes, yes. Keep it wet. Keep everything wet.

"Mmmm. See at the top of my slit, there's some little folds there, see? There's a tiny nodule, very, very sensitive. That's my clit. Gently, GENTLY, push the tip of your tongue in there. Too hard! Too hard. Gently. Wetter, make me wetter. That's it.

"Put a finger inside me. Come on, slide it in."

My mouth was covered in my mother's juices. They were sweet and slippery. I loved the taste and the feel of it them all over her beautiful pussy. I slid a finger in there and felt her react. I slid it right up to the knuckle and slowly began to finger fuck my mother.

"That's it, you've got it. Now another one. Give me two fingers. Fuck me with your two fingers. See how wet I am? See my soaking juices? That's because I'm horny. Curl your fingers up, up along the top of my tunnel. That's my G-spot. Tickle me th-ohh, oh yes. Yes. Right there! You've got it. Now spread my juices into my clit. Get it nice and wet and slippery. Mmmmm, yes. Oh yes. I'm horny, Pete. I'm getting there. Now move in. Kiss my clit, wet, wet, wet, slide your mouth all around, push your tongue in there now, I'm ready for your tongue. Ohhhh, yes. Get that magic tongue working now. Keep me wet, keep moving. Around and around and around. Oh yes, yes, yes."

She was getting excited. Me too. I was doing it! I was beyond horny now, I was so desperate to cum. If this had been some high school girl, I'd have plowed into her by now and probably blown my load fast.

Not this time.

"Fingers, Pete. Keep fucking me with your fingers. Push up, up into my G-spot. Swirl all around my clit with your tongue at the same time. More, more, more, right there, right there, don't stop, don't you fucking stop, more, more, more, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

I stayed with her. I was desperate to get her off. I wanted it so badly.

"Tongue, tongue, tongue. Swirl it all around. Swirl, swirl, massage, around and around and around. Ohhhhhhh."

She was panting now. She was close. She had to be.

"Press your tongue into it. Lick, lick, lick, lick. Keep doing that. Yes, yes, yes, ohhhhhhhhhh"

My mother's body jerked upwards. She grabbed my head with inhuman strength and pulled it deep into her pussy.

"Cumminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng," she cried. Briefly I wondered if the other women heard that.

"Cumming, cumming, cumming, oh my Lilith, oh yes, yes, YEEEEEES!"

My mother's orgasm was crazy violent. She writhed and lurched and squeezed her legs around my head with stunning force. I remembered my ruined orgasm of a few hours ago. I didn't want that for her so I pushed into her clit as much as she'd let me.

On and on her body spasmed all around me. Her body was alive with convulsions and I marveled the power of her magnificent orgasm.

At last she came down. She released me from her thighs. Several of her garters had popped loose and her breathing was labored, deep. She lay there, looking at the ceiling, her chest heaving.

She propped herself up on her elbows. "That, my love. That was fantastic. You're a natural. Oh I don't think I've ever cum like that by someone else. That was as close as it gets to masturbation, with all my toys and vibrators."

I'm not sure I wanted to hear about her sex toys and her masturbating. But what the hell, I just licked my mother to orgasm!

"I'm so sorry, shouting out all the instructions like it was school. That's not so sexy, I know, but you've got it. You've got it so well!"

"I'm so glad you enjoyed that Mom. I loved getting you off. I loved it."

Mom looked down at my throbbing dick. "I see you did. Do you want me to do something about that?"

Oh sweet love of Mary, yes.

"Mom, can I, can I..."

"Can you what, dear? When lovers talk to each other in bed, they can say exactly what they want."

"Is that what we are Mom? Lovers?"

She held out her arms. "Come here. Lie beside me."

Mom turned on her side to face me and I did the same.

She put her hand on my cock and gave it a little squeeze. "That's quite a weapon you've got there. You have to learn to use it wisely. A cock like that is more lethal than a gun."

"I nearly came while I was between your legs. Nearly."

"Yes, I could see that. You really want me, don't you?"

Her touch had brought me back to full hardness in an instant. I just wanted slide it into her. Like right now.

"I've made you cum on my face Mom. I'd like to fuck you now."

"Oh you would, would you? Do you think you could handle me Big Fella? Do you think you could last inside my sweet pussy? Hmmm? How long do you think you could last inside my seething, boiling, tight pussy right now? Hmmm?"

"Jees, Mom. When you describe it like that, probably not long."

"Do you want to be a great lover, Pete? I mean so good, the women around you will gossip about you? So good the real friends, mostly the married ones, will pass you around for fucking? Share the wealth?"

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