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All Comments on 'Three Square Meals Ch. 120'

by Tefler

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  • 272 Comments (Page 2)
alxyalxyabout 5 years ago
Dear Helene

I do hope you survive this latest spat with Larn'kelnar, and that you and the other girls safely crash-land back on Arcadia (if not, you won't be reading this note, so it doesn't really matter!).

Anyway, I think you need to get Dana to show you the wreck of Rhan'hagon's ship, and that you should touch the Black Metal. When you do, as an Empath, I think you'll understand what it is, and from that, what the Soul Forge is. As a 'Projecting' Empath, and with Dana's and Alyssa's help, I'm hoping that you might be able to undo the horror of the Soul Forge, and 'unmake' the metal.

I know John has wanted to keep you away from any conflicts, but I suspect that for John's contest with Larn'kelnar, you may prove to be his most powerful weapon of all.

Unlike Calara's prescience, or those with access to Patreon, I'm only guessing, based on your story so far, but go, Little Mermaid, you rock!



TheTorontoGuyTheTorontoGuyabout 5 years ago
How would you adapt 3SM to make it TV friendly?

speaks about seeing a TV/movie version of Three Square Meals. Mainstream novels would be another option. This is a question to my fellow readers, but of course, Tefler is welcome to respond as well: How would you adapt Three Square Meals to make it mainstream friendly?

The old answer would be to make it a vampire-type story. Indeed, vampirism has been used as a metaphor for sex for decades. Vampire stories feel a bit tired at the moment though. Furthermore, many people view vampires as the bad guys.

Another option is to do away with stomach inflation, quads and oral, and make a Progenitor's power a straight sex thing.

A third approach would be to make a Progenitor's abilities being about a life force / energy exchange thing without the sex element.

Any other options? Which option would you choose?

I think I would want to see the sex taken out of it altogether if on tv or film because Hollywood is often so cheesy about that. HBO has shown you can have sex in a series, but shows like GoT have had it more around the edges rather than central parts of the stories. Perhaps, a mainstream novel series could be steamier though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Can’t wait to see what happens next. All that shield practice may be handy right now to protect the girls until they are back on the planet. There is also still the mech and the stealth ship that may be able to be used as life rafts. Throw Jade’s dragon form in there and there are a few options for the girls surviving the immediate crisis. It’s the what comes next that has me intrigued, but the story certainly hasn’t disappointed so far, so I’m looking forward to it.

Horseman68Horseman68about 5 years ago
Second Thoughts.

Assuming that a full blown war with a malevolent progenitor would be a disaster for all those that John loves, possibly dealing with him up close and personal might be the way to success. This latest chapter gives opportunity for that — if they survive. We shall see. 🚀

BamBammerBamBammerabout 5 years ago

That's one hell of a chapter to finally catch up my binge reading.....Now I have to wait to find out what's gonna happen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Century score

might be onto something. Also near the end, was it is instructive that John had grabbed his sword? However i am concerned that our heroes were not able to even raise a hand anger, before being so completely and swiftly overrun.

I don't have much fingernails left to chew on. My withdrawal symptoms are kicking. Anybody else feels a finale coming.

Congrats Tefler on yet another century of comments when other writers struggle to get five. Story needs to be on screen with special effects.

Mr_GodMr_Godabout 5 years ago

Hey tefler can u please give us the update on next chapter...

alxyalxyabout 5 years ago
Dear Fingernails

So much to chew on! OK, so the girls have been left breathing vacuum and about to crash back to Arcadia, and John has been captured by his arch-nemesis. But what I really want to know is:

- What are the Enshunu up to reactivating the Achonin Hades facility??

- Who are the Enshunu anyway, and what do they know about Progenitors??

- Whose are the yellow-skinned, red-haired thralls that Alyssa saw on the Legacy (I thought they'd be Rhan'hagon's, but it seems his are red-skin, black-hair)??

- What was that apparently-Achonon ruin that Tony stumbled into on Karron??

- What fishy plot is Athgiloi hatching with "Shanryl"??

- What was the Thing lurking in the Brimorian cyber-whirlpool??

- What are Gaenna's daughters (particularly Sarinia) scheming??

- What's going on with the Tom/Beth/Mace/Anna/Archie circus??

- Will the yet more rogue (ex-)Admirals manage to take out Devereux and the Fernandezes??

- Will Niskera ever get a second (or even third) top-up??

- What game is Tamolith playing??

- How will the Kirrix civil war play out, and will the Shroud be lifted??

- Who or what is the Leviathan in the astral plane, and what is it's interest in progenitors??

- And, why is it such a bad idea to attempt to contact the Drakkar pod-mothers????

So many threads, story-arcs, and cliffs to hang off - we're nowhere near the finale!



Calok4thCalok4thabout 5 years ago

I know chapter 121 is out on Patreon so i can be all wrong but....

The Kirrix hive subjected Alyssa to a psychic vision before she broke it.

Has the alpha progenitor done the same to John as a way of breaking him?

hpinghpingabout 5 years ago
Waiting for 121

Tefler has just posted on the Discord site that he will post 121 here and on Sol after 122 is out on Patreon. He has also charted 122 already, so it is now writing it, which will take up most of the waiting time...

Known is that 121 is about 63K words in size so about 20 pages here, 122 will probably 30K words large being the aftermath of 121. Some wild rumors fly on the Discord site, but are probably mostly FUD. No obvious spoilers so far.

TeflerTeflerabout 5 years agoAuthor
Chapter 121 status

Chapter 121 is a double-size one (61k words) and has been completed, but I haven't finished editing it yet. I'll publish it here when I've written chapter 122.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great job Alxy

Great summary of the hanging plot threads. I wonder if Tef will resolve them all here, or if some will continue in sequels.

Sounds like we still have a while to wait. I shall endeavor to persevere.

Thanks Tef!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Double Size...

Double-Sized is nice, but I'd rather get a regular-sized chapter every 3 weeks rather than a double-sized chapter after 6 weeks. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Thank you for they update

We all wait with great anticipation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Points to Consider

Tefler I know you have already written 121 so here is my 2 bits worth!

Alyssa needs to grow into her FULL potential as a Progenitor!!!!! She needs to provide the focus for the rest of the girls to reach their potentials!

None of the girls can waste time feeling sorry for themselves!!!

Alyssa needs to use her telekinesis to bring the two halves of the Invictus over to Rahn'hagon’s ship! As the middle of the Invictus is Maliri crystal and Crystal Alyssium then psychic repairs will be possible!

Dana needs to remove any Progenitor tech etc. she thinks MIGHT be useful from

Rahn'hagon’s ship for use/salvage!!!!

Alyssa needs the have Edraele ask Amlaril to send the Entheas Alari to meet them on Arcadia as it is already clad in Crystal Alyssium and only needs to be re-worked 15 times. It should have enough cargo space to hold the Invictus and anything Dana thinks might be interesting from Rahn'hagon’s ship.

They all need to go to Trankaran space, to meet up with Niskera and her father at the Star Forge, and see what Dana can accomplish there!

John needs to confront his guide and gain all of his power! He might be able to force PJ to acquiesce without an all-out battle when it’s a matter of survival.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

post already, move it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A reminder from your fans

Hi Tefler,

Having seen a recent comment being overly entitled and insistent about posting times (perhaps facetiously; such things are poorly conveyed over text), I thought I'd pitch in a reminder that there are many of us who wait for your next chapter with all the impatience usually reserved for beloved television series, but who wait patiently and comment politely because we are fortunate enough to be provided with this entertainment for free, and appreciate your effort. Good luck - and I look forward to seeing the chapter once it's up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Progenitors are constructs, too, with built-in governors

I think all three of the (male) Progenitors are in for some big surprises soon. One thing to remember is that at least twice now, John has endowed one of the girls with a skill that seemed to violate some sort of taboo.

I suspect that the hand that built the progenitors included certain safety mechanisms to prevent them from becoming too powerful. While up to now we've considered the progenitor guide to be an evil-but-untapped source of power, it was probably also created to provide limits to what progenitors could do. John's process of self-discovery may be slower, but it removes an artificial ceiling on his power.

We know that one creature who may be the creator of the progenitors is none too happy with John already.

So, for instance, none of the other progenitors will have access to healing powers like Rachel's — at least as long as they remain limited by their own guides.

I am very curious to see if they will learn about that in this confrontation, and quite interested in seeing how they respond to that knowledge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
the worst cliff hangar

Been reading this series for the first time over the last week or so and this was the worst chapter to leave that big of a cliff hangar and having to wait for the next chapter. Up to now it hasnt been a big deal because the next chapters were already available. Please dont make me wait too long, I have been really enjoying this story, and cant wait to see what happens next and how everyone will unite against the greater threat.

Horseman68Horseman68about 5 years ago
More Second Thoughts.

My previous comment under this hearing was that perhaps this latest event for the Invictus crew is for the best in confronting the malevolent and powerful progenitor. I neglected to add the additional hope in the fact that there are at least three other subplots in this story that have already been initiated. Again, here’s hoping. 🚀

OrcwordsOrcwordsabout 5 years ago
I don't comment often...

I have to admit I've been checking for Chapter 121 daily since 120 was released and am now up to Chapter 97 on my reread.

I was torn when it came out that chapter 121 was double length and released in two chunks on Patreon. Part of me wanted more story now, but the bigger part is happier to wait longer and get the whole 61k words in a single chunk. Besides, it means the wait for 122 will be shorter unless 123 is also a novel-length piece.

As for what happens, I don't expect John to lose any of the girls-- though I do expect Tefler to put everyone through the wringer several more times over the course of the story. I also think we're coming into the endgame now.

John has met his mother, he knows who his father is, and it appears that in 121 he will be meeting his shadowy Progenitor opponent in person. That's a lot of questions already answered and most of them just recently.

The one big advantage John has is that regardless of what happens, Larn hasn't actually shut down the majority of his power. Yes, Larn can potentially shut John down, but the majority of his power rests with the lionesses and Larn doesn't have a clue about their real power. (If he had he wouldn't have spaced them so dismissively).

I'm really curious to see what happens next.

TheTorontoGuyTheTorontoGuyabout 5 years ago
RE: Progenitors having Guides

In response to a previous comment, if I remember correctly, it was only John that created guides -- one for himself and one for Alyssa. It was all done subconsciously. It was part of the process he went through to control what he knew needed controlling without knowing why. He also had more everyday techniques -- he used to practice a form of mediation and centering himself. It was this turning away from his darker impulses that disgusted the subplane creature. So, I don't believe that other Progens have put this limitation on themselves.

hpinghpingabout 5 years ago
121 and 122

On Patreon is chapter 121 now combined, and as it is reported on the Discord site there are a few modifications and additions to the uncombined parts.

Also on the Discord site it is reported that Tefler has about 9K words written of 122, so the assumption is that it will be ready at the end of the month.

Tension is rising about what is going to happen to the crew...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Progenitor guides

I remember Athena explaining to John that guides are supposed to merge into their progenitor and cease to exist once they've taught all they can, like how Athena was supposed to merge into Alyssa.

TheTorontoGuyTheTorontoGuyabout 5 years ago
Progenitor Guides

Yeah, I think my original comment was wrong. I expect every Progen would have a guide, but John mentally imprisoned his. That was the ethereal crown that Edraele saw on John when she astral walked around him. Larn's and Rath's guides should have long merged with their guides though.

JAFCriticJAFCriticabout 5 years ago
Plot question about Progenitor Guides

So the guide is supposed to teach the progenitor about his powers and technology and start him on the path of building an empire. Knowing that the progenitors are equally combative with each other as they are in establishing their empires, wouldn’t the guide also teach the progenitor about fighting against their own kind? Obviously John has not had the normal relationship with his guide, but the guide does have a self preservation instinct and has worked with John in order to survive. It seems to me that this is another situation where John and his guide’s interests should align. So if John is incapacitated, would the guide take over? If John is still conscious, would his guide dump information he needs to fight another progenitor? And lastly, if John’s guide does give over this information, would that be the last step John would need to overcome the guide and absorb it into John’s mind vs the guide taking over John’s mind?

Again, I’m just speculating while waiting for the next chapter to drop.

Thank you Mr. Tefler and respectfully,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Just sayin...

Sure, eventually progenitors merge with their guides, but that's the thing, isn't it? That "guide" is something outside them and by merging the progenitor accepts the power and the restrictions of the guide. A progenitor who never merges is unencumbered.

This story is a lot about leveling up, like a video game. The beauty of the story is that John has distributed his power, achieving a level of trust with his friends that he can offer them fantastic power. So each level-up is amplified because a dozen people level up each time. That multiplicative effect is what will allow our homie to challenge the real boss.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
So good, but I'm not gonna lie...

If the next chapter doesn't come out soon, I just might die...

Hey that rhymes!! Lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
What is the discord site

What is the discord site

And how do you join

CignalCignalabout 5 years ago
Teflers Patreon Site and Discord site.

Tefler has his Patreon site listed under his bio.


The Discord site is: />

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Tic tock, tic tock

Will there be 4th of July fireworks? My fingernails need to grow faster.

Impatiently waiting ..... Tic tock, tic tock.

Fan of the Lion

GigzurGigzurabout 5 years ago

Any update for the next chapter release?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Re: Go read Overgeared

Why would I want to do that? It's a comic... Okay, a visual novel, but still, not a text novel. And it's in Korean and I've seen the quality of the subs. I've been seeing a lot of this type of comment, advertising something or other (usually a Korean webcomic) in the comments of Tefler's stories, while pretending to be a harmless recommendation. Stop that.

realusmctazmanrealusmctazmanabout 5 years ago
Next chapter

All, I too am jonesing for the next chapter, but Tefler has already stated that it won't get here until 122 is completed and out on Patreon.... That just means we have find something productive to do to occupy our eager minds. I know, stating the obvious. Once it post of Patreon then we can really start salivating. Me, I have started at the battle for Terra to see what other possible twists that I might have missed. Good luck to us all and thanks Tefler for sharing with us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
John, I am your father!

Has no one else thought about the repercussions of finding out who John’s father is?!?! Through the whole story there’s very little learned about progenitors except that they’re all constantly fighting each other. The only one we know anything about us is dead. Rahn'hagon Is John’s father. And we know nothing about him except that he fought, and apparently survived if not won against, the other progenitor ( sorry, I’m having a brain fart to his name). Anyway, Rahn is alive and has all the answers to every question asked about progenitors. So does Larn too for that matter. And even though John and Eahn are now prisoners held by Larn, we have an opportunity to learn more about progenitors in general and John’s personal story, via Rahn, now. So is this going to be addressed in the next chapter or 3?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
just curious

How close is 122 to being done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Info on release

Hi everyone !

Tefler has stated on Patreon that he plans to release chapter 122 by friday the 30th. If he keeps his deadline, we should have a bit to read for the weekend... If not, probably early june !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
122 updated

Tefler sent 2and half of 122 to the editors at patreon

FatherSinFatherSinabout 5 years ago
For Just Curious

First half of 122 is edited. Second half is pending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Didya forget us

Been way too long

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Hungry for more.

Please hurry up and update this ,I want to eat my next meal.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
its dropped

chapter 122 has now dropped so 121 should not be too far away here.

hpinghpingabout 5 years ago

Yes, 122 has dropped on Patreon, but is missing one scene which Tefler will add to in the coming days. That means that 121 will be out here in about a fortnight but it may take a way longer...

I hope that 123 will be started soon, but with the holidays coming up and working from home...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Please need more

When can we expect more chapters of this story? M

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
No chapter in May?

I can't remember there ever being a whole month that didn't have at least one chapter put out on literotica. My memory may be wrong. Can anyone list a previous month that didn't have at least one chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
No Chapter in May!!!

It's true!! Sadly Tefler's unprecedented streak of releasing at least one chapter a month has ended at 40 months. How he somehow managed to maintain this through moving and many other events in his life is amazing. It's too bad, it would have been awesome to see it continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Missing month

There hasn't been a month which missed a chapter before. We're in uncharted territory now.

DessembraeUltorDessembraeUltorabout 5 years ago

chapters are usually roughly every two weeks and the one you around about to get is a double chapter hence the month its taken. trust me its worth the wait

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyabout 5 years ago
Patience my young padawan....

Yes, I’m on tenterhooks too, about to go out of my mind. But we have been spoiled lately, with three chapters coming out in short succession and faster than usual. And if this new chapter is another double length one, about 20 Literotica pages long, then we have a wonderful treat coming our way.

Thanks for sharing your awesome tale with us here on Literotica Tefler! Please excuse our trembles and jerks as we jones for the next chapter to bring us relief!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
122 is out on Patreon! Any day now...

Here's me refreshing my page every minute.

hpinghpingabout 5 years ago

Curb thy anxiety, greenhoppers. Normally the Great Master of Cliffhangers usually known as Tefler releases a new chapter here after at a minimum waiting time of 14 days to get all the kinks out of the chapter. Patreon has two functions: first to earn him money and second to correct errors in continuity, bad sentences, unclear scenes and so on. This revision is needed, no story is completely without errors. Even books that have many reprints do contain errors, even after centuries of correcting them.

So have some peace and get ready for waiting without punishing the F5 until the GMCukaT releases his "pressrelease" that it is in the queue for publishing it here. Then it will take usually about two to three days to become public about 6:05 GMT.

FrikaFrikaabout 5 years ago
fill in time while waiting for chapter of TSM.

Zeb _Carter is an author here. Has a range of stories to peruse, try reading them while Teffler publishes the next chapter..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

"Sure, eventually progenitors merge with their guides, but that's the thing, isn't it? That "guide" is something outside them and by merging the progenitor accepts the power and the restrictions of the guide."

That has never been stated. In fact Athena said guides are part of their very DNA. It's not "outside" them. I also doubt there are "restrictions" placed on progenitors. I imagine guides simply encourage the progenitors to follow their instincts, along with teaching them to use their powers and create their tech.

The only reason John is able to resist those instincts and isn't a murderous enslaving genocidal bastard is because he was raised by his human grandparents and suppressed his guide through meditation and martial arts. Which caused his guide to go insane, as Athena mentioned.

FrikaFrikaabout 5 years ago
Patience is a virtue.

No doubt after the last cliff ending chapter 120, it's going to be full on in chapter 121.. patience young grasshoppers, the master shall reveal his next exhilarating chapter in due course.. meditates..

NchantaNchantaabout 5 years ago

Anony saying "Heard on the grapevine" is completely wrong.

Anony saying "Been reading since ch 01, and now removing the Patreon" is completely selfish.

Tef has NEVER said he's going to stop releasing here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
TSM Endgame...

Tefler don't give up on those who read for free. Many more who are willing to pay may yet find you through this masterpiece. So Keep posting here till this story reaches its end. Whatever it takes ......

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyabout 5 years ago
Grapevine is full of bullshit

What “grapevine” is ANONYMOUS listening to?? Don’t be stupid. Tefler has been nothing but up front with his readers here. Just because you’re getting impatient waiting for a story YOU'RE NOT PAYING FOR, don’t start making shit up. If Tefler ever did decide to stop giving his story away for free it most likely would be due to fools spreading bullshit.

mikecflmikecflabout 5 years ago
Tefler has said

Over and over and over and over ( you get the idea ) that he is going to keep posting here. I don't know why people keep making statements to the contrary. I am a patron as well as I still read the finished chapters here. Tefler has never stated he will stop posting here, if that changes we will all hear about it on patreon and here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

LOl you dont read the comment that often do you? Tef has said MANY times he will finish the story here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Please please please

Post the next chapter. I’m completely on edge waiting for how this is gonna play out!

WlljamWlljamabout 5 years ago

May I remind everyone that, regardless of OUR expectations, Tefler's life runs on "Tefler time." We have no way of knowing what is happening 'back-stage' in Tefler's life. "Patience Grasshopper the sun will rise again tomorrow".

NchantaNchantaabout 5 years ago

Nope. they just made me mad enough to post this time lol

Geon54Geon54about 5 years ago
Wrong question

Within these comments, others have raised the question "Why didn't Rhan take the ship Jessica returned in to escape Arcadia." Well, it strikes me those questions are making a big assumption: that he wanted to escape. Think about it: he SENT Jessica back to Earth with child and guided her back once she delivered (Jessica says he was talking to her all along..if she's telling the truth).

Sorta seems to me Rhan was right where he wanted to be. Question is, why? Does Arcadia have unrevealed secrets? Something worth protecting? Cultivating? Spectacular sunsets?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Truth about Progenitors?

Just been reading all the comments starting from beginning and somehow missed

Tefler’s comment, “No one's correctly guessed the truth behind the backstory with the Progenitors yet!”

My take on the matter would be:

As all Progenitors are male they were originally a created race!

The Astral sub-plane is a tempering site for all Progenitors to harden their conquest and dominion skills, that they can more easily dominate the area of the galaxy(s) they decide to conquer!

Larn'kelnar, by kidnapping Rahn'hagon and then John he has an agenda, and I think it might be trying to force the two of them to become subordinate to him.

In trying to force his way on John it will come out that John has never subjugated the Malari and actually has a more powerful base than Larn'kelnar has.

This will lead to a damascene revelation especially with Ailanthia’s new significance in their relationship, with the changes she has undergone as well as being pregnant. This will have an unintended effect and bring him to respect John’s philosophy of peaceful coexistence for the betterment of all races, and might even include Larn'kelnar’s thrall race.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I really cannot say a lot about the next chapter as it is a double length chapter. Not sure if Tefler is going to release it as one chapter or two here...though I suspect the latter. Get your tissue paper ready either way...this one is loaded with feels.

Do not be fooled by the trolls that say Tefler is no longer going to post here. I have personally spoken at length with him about this on a phone conversation and he has repeatedly over the years said he is committed fully to finishing this book here for you all. He really is that generous of a guy. And anyone who says different, like those lamenting he is treating it like a business....get a are getting it for free. When Tefler decides to post he will...and you will still enjoy it and you will still get it for free...Even those who are unappreciative of his generosity.

And to those complaining about getting this epic story for free...get a grip and get some release for your frustrations, or cough up $1 a month...less than the price of a coke in any size...and you can read the finished chapter right now....

No, not rubbing it in anyone's face, don't mean to antagonize...just stating you need to either have patience or go the other route...whining, complaining, bitching, groaning, and all the other tomfoolery is just a bit childish. Many of us paying patrons just cannot understand where some of the more caustic comments come from...well, except for those Jealous authors and their minions, of course.

Remember, patience is a virtue best practiced in silence.

Rus, PLRus, PussylickersRus, John Lewis...take your pick.

ShagamiteShagamiteabout 5 years ago
Hi Tefler

Hi Tefler, thank you. Don't take too long, I hate waiting. Where is my next chapter? Three square meals belongs to the world.

Mr_GodMr_Godabout 5 years ago

I think larn is not going to kill any of the progenitors... If he wanted to do that he could have easily done that months ago.

A thought occurred to me, if I am not wrong John in earlier chapter mentioned that he can control if he wants a baby boy or girl. And he can choose if his child be a progenitor or not. If that is so then rahn purposely made John a progenitor. I think that John being able to control his progenitor side is not just because of his meditation thing. It might have helped but I sense rahn might also have some contribution in that.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Can you please give us an idea when the next chapter will be uploaded? Please please please....

ArcTalyxArcTalyxabout 5 years ago
Re: When?

Tefler posts his stories here for free generally around a month after he posts it on Patreon for those who financially support him and his writing. The link to his page is in his bio. I just appreciate that he has continued to post here for those of us too poor to contribute financially instead of being a greedy bastard and only finishing the story for those who pay. Chapter 121 combined posted May 22, so I’m really looking forward to the end of June when it will hopefully post here. Chapter 120 ended on such a cliffhanger the wait is painful, but still better than waiting years between books like many authors *cough*George R. R. Martin*cough*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I've already commented but need to comment again

DUDE! your killing us with this cliffhanger!!!! If you were going to do a cliffhanger, this was the time. Everyone is chewing finger nails, checking back in to see if the next chapter has been posted. It's like hanging out for an urgently needed drug hit!

I've reread the series multiple times and I still cant get enough. Fucking kudos man. Kudos.

Question. Regarding chapter titles, do you explain their meaning on patron? Some of the titles still escape me as to their implied meaning. I know it's a little thing but I'm curious. Like this chapter. 9 lives. Is it because jade and her sisters are 'cats' or because there are 9 lives at stake (excluding faye as she would make 10).

FredantFredantabout 5 years ago
To anonymous whiners

I don't know if you are trolling, but bitching about someone who has given us 120 amazing chapters for free, is mind boggling.

Name one other author on Lit who has delivered so much in terms of quantity AND quality.

If it is another week or month or even a year, I for one will wait patiently. In the end Tefler ows us nothing and even if he did decide not to post on Lit again (for which there is no evidence to support), that is his right.

So just chill dude.

OrcwordsOrcwordsabout 5 years ago
Wow, two comments in one thread

For everyone concerned that chapter 121 won't be posted here, Tefler has stated in this comment thread that he will be posting it here so stop worrying.

At the same time, the fact that he's combined his biggest cliffhanger with the longest gap in over three years of publishing here has obviously made people antsy. Part of the problem is that the choice of publishing 120 here as soon as 121 part 1 was published on Patreon extended the delay, especially as he has waited until after 122 part 2 (not counting the extra scene) and still hasn't published 121 here. Effectively, we got 120 early and now we're dealing with the fallout.

Getting on to the story, I agree with that the Progenitors are a created race, as that's obvious from a number of things including the gender imbalance and the existence of the guides.

I would also posit that the guide is the true big bad for this series. I don't think John has to defeat his guide to take on Larn'kelnar but rather the opposite. All previous Progenitors have fallen to their guides, the sole partial exception being Mael'nerak who after millennia managed to defeat his guide and recover himself.

Going further, I expect the proposed nineteen years later sequel will be about John and Alyssa's son's fight against the original programmer of the guides (which I believe may be related to the threats in the Astral Plane).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
stop the complaints

at least this story has continued and most likely will continue. I read the stories by JazCullen and she quit writing leaving it hanging at a critical part of the story. I compare her writing to Tefler's and have even bought a couple of her books and now there is no ending. I don't think Tefler will do that to us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

"All previous Progenitors have fallen to their guides, the sole partial exception being Mael'nerak who after millennia managed to defeat his guide and recover himself."

This seems to be a common misconception. Progenitors don't fall to their guides, their guides cease to exist after they teach all they can. They go bye bye. That's why Athena was terrified of being absorbed into Alyssa, it was effectively dieing. By the time of Mael's damascene conversion his guide was long gone. In fact I think Larn might be on his way to his own damascene conversion

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
u alive man??????

hey tefler love the series been following it for a year now can’t get enough

just hoping for an. update on 121 or 121 itself

Horseman68Horseman68about 5 years ago
Right On, Fredant.

Well said, Fredant. Having received such enjoyment for so long by this author from this story and it’s characters which have become like friends, can find nothing about which to complain. When chapter 121 is finally available, I probably will not read it immediately. Rather, intend to await a time and a place to relax, totally concentrate, and enjoy what promises to be a treat. Will say, however, that I am concerned about the possibility of losing anyone and for that matter the Invictus itself. We will see. 🚀

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
The End ?

Is this really the end of the story .? ...

Did any one survive ? Were they able to regroup ?

Wonderful adventures,! Please let us know that they were able to limp on and once again become a family . We want them to fulfill their plans and dreams.


FrikaFrikaabout 5 years ago
Double chapter

Well. I'm considering zoning out at home, my cold drink in hand and s l o w l y take in all of chapter doubt my drink won't be cold when I'm engrossed in the next chapter the price of waiting is worth it.... as they say, good things come to those who wait...

Bluewolf89Bluewolf89about 5 years ago
Great job.

Tefler I really appreciate your effort and your continued story. Your doing a great job and I have continues to follow this story I check Dailey to see if anything new has been posted I’m very glad to hear that the next parts will be posted soon. Thank you for your hard work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
121 and 122 are posted

on I believe. I'm not sure when or if they will be posted here? - John

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyabout 5 years ago
Tefler usually posts a comment

Tefler usually lets us know when he’s submitted a chapter for moderation. It usually posts 24-48 hours after that, around 2 or 3 AM, eastern time zone in the US.

FroggieDudeFroggieDudeabout 5 years ago
Chill anon

121 will go up here when 123 goes up on the patreon, just like every other chapter it will drop here when the patreon is 2 chapters ahead. There is no "if", tefler has stated REPEATEDLY that the whole story will be posted here for us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
We are with you !!

Tefler you have done phenomenal work. Very rare writers write so consistently as you do. We will wait, whatever it takes. Keep writing Sir 👍

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Don't mind me folks

Just another reader passing through to check if Tefler has commented about the release of 121. Just checking, per usual.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Tefler left a comment on 05/16/19

Quote: "Chapter 121 is a double-size one (61k words) and has been completed, but I haven't finished editing it yet. I'll publish it here when I've written chapter 122."

122 has been published on Patreon June 1. Well, let's wait and see...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Two Chapters

It may well be that Tefler is moving to a two chapters ahead on Patreon model going forward, but that hasn’t been the case in the past. If it was, this chapter would not have been posted immediately after chapter 121 part 1 hit Patreon.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

but tefler did say (page 3 comments) that 121 will be posted here after he finished writing update regarding 121 here on lit from tef would be very much appreciated

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I want it, I want it, I want it!

*throws tantrum*

*stamps foot*

*kicks pebble*

Maaan - it's no fun to be an adult. That stuff worked so well in the candy isle, for instance, back when.


I might be remenbering that wrong...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Came for the fan theories and left because of the cry babies. No one owes you anything. Also I have been listening to the Ark Royal audiobooks to scratch my sci-fi itch, not nearly as naughty but I am enjoying it.

mikecflmikecflabout 5 years ago

Tefler commented on May 16th about posting 121 after 122 was edited and posted. The final edit and post just came out on June 5th so keep in mind that Tefler's editor's and he have been working on 122 until the final edit came out on the 5th. I know all people won't care or be satisfied but he puts forth a lot of effort for you to get a quality finished story here on Lit as well as patreon. Hopefully 121 will be posted here soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Possible schedule

From Patreon:

Apr 8 - Status update that FIRST half of 121 sent to editors

Apr 16 - Released FIRST half of 121 on Patreon

May 7 - Status update that SECOND half of 121 set to editors

May 10 - Released SECOND half of 121 on Patreon

May 22 - Released combined 121 on Patreon

May 29 - Status update that FIRST half of 122 sent to editors (First half were Tefler's words)

May 31 - Released (FIRST half of?) 122 on Patreon

Based on this schedule, is it not possible that there will be a SECOND half to 122 yet being written? And, if so, 121 may not be released to Lit and SOL until after 122 is complete?

So, potentially, more patience is required.

Full Disclosure: I am not a Patreon member, this is my own speculation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Tefler! The TSM junkies withdrawal symptoms are going off the charts. Hopefully, you can provide a fix before things go to critical mass.

Me? I'm good. Just sitting back, feet propped, pop corn ready, favorite drink in hand while watching the TSM version of Rome burn. Someone pass me the marshmallows.

FatherSinFatherSinalmost 5 years ago

There is another scene expected for 122.

It is almost done.

HermesPlayzHermesPlayzalmost 5 years ago
My god

Thank you Tefler so much for this amazing story I'm a space fanatic and I just started reading a few months ago and I just got to this point in the story and when I saw it end I almost had a nervous break down bc I thought it was ending and I'm happy to see that it's still going... thank you so much for this story keep on doing your thing

MsftGh0stMsftGh0stalmost 5 years ago
Long wait

I'm. Not complaining on this wait. I love your work and am waiting patiently for the next chapter. Those who can't wait subscribe to his patreon. I follow several stories that are still ongoing. Telfer than you for the work you've put out and I trust your editors and self to post when you feel the next chapter is ready.

FrikaFrikaalmost 5 years ago
Waiting patiently

If things follow the same course the last time Teffler posted a double chapter in here, then the next chapter 123 will be published on patron first before we receive the double 121/122 chapter published here.. all I can say is eagerly anticipating the double offering we are getting next time on literotica.

Personally speaking, if it's anything like the last time Teffler published a double chapter, we will all be in TSM coma overload after we read it. Then go back to reread it again... just chilling. Waiting like a kid before Christmas Day. Now.. you know it's coming.. the anticipation is excillerating..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Yup, it's official. The addicts are going nuts. This cliffhanger is masterful btw...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a "Jo Blo" kill count video on how many fan's heads exploded waiting for 121 to come out. ROFL

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