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Three Square Meals Ch. 120


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Jade turned and walked out the door. "Okay, let's go."

Dana shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe we're rushing to get this over with. This is the biggest haul of new tech we've ever had..."

Rachel put an arm around her shoulders and the couple walked despondently out of the room.


John lay on the bed, staring at the cabin ceiling. Over the years, he'd imagined all sorts of wildly different scenarios for how a reunion with his mother might play out. From Jessica crying tears of joy, elated at meeting her long-lost son, to her being disappointed at the choices he'd made, and more recently... disapproving of all the girls he'd recruited. However, he'd never once envisaged total disinterest and the fact that Jessica didn't seem to care about either him, or her parents, who'd been devastated at her disappearance, had cut him to the quick.

The door to the cabin slid open and Alyssa glided inside. She lay down on the bed beside him and put her arm over his chest to give him a gentle hug. "I'm so sorry, John."

He swallowed around the thick lump in his throat. "I was wrong before... not knowing was better than this."

She was resting her head on his shoulder, so Alyssa tilted back to look him in the eye. "You know that Jessica can't help the way she's behaving? She's been totally enthralled by Rahn'hagon."

John let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I know... but to see her like that and know that she never cared... it still hurts."

Alyssa gave him a tender kiss, trying to convey how much she cared about him as her lips pressed against his.

He started to kiss her back, then paused and pulled away. "Alyssa... did I do that to you and the girls? Turn you into blindly devoted servants?"

She propped herself up on an elbow and gazed down at him with sympathy. "You already know the answer to that, John. Think about it for a moment... why did I ask you to save Sparks from Karron?"

He paused, then looked relieved. "Because she was like your sister..."

"And our desperate missions to save the Fernandez men from disaster..." Alyssa said with an affectionate smile. "Which sultry Latina begged you to help her father and brothers?"

John relaxed and nodded. "Alright, you're not the same at all."

"Of course not," she whispered, kissing him again. "Family has always been incredibly important to you. Not just our own, but the family we're going to start in the future." She guided his hand to her trim stomach. "Could you even imagine asking me to abandon your baby?"

He pulled her into a fierce hug. "I'm so glad you're here. Thank you..."

"I love you, John," Alyssa said, hugging him back. "We all do... and not because you forced us to."


Faye's wings fluttered nervously as she sat opposite their guest. Alyssa had calmed the brunette down with promises of a swift rescue for Rahn'hagon and now Jessica was darting impatient glances at the cockpit door as she waited for their departure.

"They'll be back soon," she said, giving the young woman a reassuring smile.

Jessica nodded to her, then seemed to see Faye for the first time and studied her with professional curiosity. "I didn't see you earlier... what species are you? I don't recognise your xeno-type."

"I'm actually an A.I. and this is a hologram," Faye admitted, swiping her arm through the back of the chair to prove it. "But please don't be afraid, I promise I won't hurt you. I help John and the girls run their ship."

She frowned, looking confused. "I didn't mean to upset him earlier..."

Faye nodded. "I know. It's just that John's been desperately hoping to meet you all his life... and he's very sad that you don't feel the same way."

Her frown deepened. "I... I-I'm not..." she stammered, before her voice trailed away.

"Don't worry, he's not mad at you," Faye said, giving her a warm smile. "But we're all going to do everything we can to free Rahn'hagon from the Progenitor that captured him."

Jessica gave the compassionate sprite a look of sincere gratitude. "That would be wonderful, thank you."

Alyssa left the cabin and walked down the corridor to the cockpit. "Hello again," she said, sitting beside Jessica. "You must be exhausted after all the frights we gave you today. I'm really sorry we scared you."

"That's okay," the brunette replied, stifling a yawn.

Putting an arm around her, Alyssa said quietly, "The girls will be a little while longer; why don't you try to get a bit of rest? We'll be taking off as soon as they get back, then we'll get together with the rest of the crew and come up with a plan to rescue Rahn."

Jessica nodded, looking drowsy. "I haven't slept properly all week without him... You're right, I could really do with some rest."

"Just lean against me," Alyssa murmured, brushing her hair. "I'll look after you while you sleep."

"Thank you," the brunette murmured, closing her eyes. "You're very kind."

"It's the least I can do for a fellow matriarch. Besides, you're my future mother-in-law... I need to get on your good side."

Jessica's eyes snapped open and she looked at the blonde in surprise, then burst into laughter. "This has been such a strange day..." she said, settling down and closing her eyes again.

"I know," Alyssa murmured, her eyes starting to glow with a soft inner radiance. "Tomorrow will be much better..."


Jade bounded up the loading ramp and shifted into her normal form, then rushed through the door as she headed for the grav-tube.

Dana frowned and leaned against the wall, pulling off her Paragon helmet and rubbing at her temple. When the rest of the girls were safely inside, she slapped her hand down on the wall-mounted button, raising the loading ramp.

"Are you alright?" Rachel asked her, removing a gauntlet and stroking the redhead's brow. "Bad headache?"

"Yeah... we did storm through that last bit," Dana said with a rueful smile. "Don't get me wrong, learning all those schematics was awesome... but my head's pounding."

The brunette gently caressed Dana, enveloping her lover in a soft grey aura. "Your poor synapses..." she whispered, leaning over to kiss her. "That amazing brain of yours has been working on overdrive."

Letting out a blissful sigh, Dana murmured, "Babes... that feels so much better..."

*Don't bother coming up to the cockpit, we'll come down to you,* Alyssa informed all the girls in the forward loading area. *We'll be docking with the Invictus in a minute.*

"Hmm... what could we do to pass the time?" Rachel asked airily, sharing a look with her lover.

Dana giggled and they both reached for Sakura, with the redhead pulling off her helmet, so Rachel could give her a kiss.

"Hey!" the Asian girl exclaimed in surprise.

Her protestations died a second later as Rachel's lips brushed against her own.

"Now that is a good idea," Irillith purred, removing her own Paragon helmet.

The twins embraced too and for the next 60 seconds, the girls relaxed in each other's arms, releasing some of the tension they'd all been feeling. Their arrival on the Invictus was heralded by the loading ramp lowering once again and a moment later, John appeared with his arm around Jade. The girls broke apart and rushed to his side, their expressions full of concern.

"Thank you," he said, giving them all a look of profound gratitude as they offered him words of sympathy. "Let's get you out of your gear, then head up to the Briefing Room. We need to review the tech you found on the black ship, then discuss what we're going to do next about Jessica and Rahn'hagon. After that, I could really do with spending some time relaxing with all of you."

They nodded and accompanied him down the ramp into the hangar. The girls shot worried glances at each other, having never seen John looking so emotionally raw before. They headed up in the express grav-tube, with John, Jade, Alyssa, and Jessica all continuing up to Deck Two, while the rest of the girls removed their armour and weapons in the armoury. Calara was waiting up on the Command Deck for the ground team and when John stepped out of the grav-tube, she wrapped him in a comforting embrace.

"I'm sorry," she whispered in his ear, as she darted a curious glance over his shoulder at their guest.

When they separated, Faye waved at Jessica, then smiled at John from where she stood at the top of the Command Podium. "I'm taking us up to low orbit while you decide how you want to proceed."

"Thanks, honey." John turned to his mother and said quietly, "I'll introduce everyone in a minute when they all get here. We'll sit down together and discuss what we're going to do to rescue... my father."

Jessica had a troubled look in her eyes. "John... I-" she faltered, unsure how to continue.

After darting a glance at their companions, she was about to say more, when the rest of the girls left the grav-tube and joined them on the Bridge. It was quite crowded by the base of the Command Podium now, with the whole crew except Jade's sisters gathered to discuss the situation with John's parents.

"We can talk privately later if you want?" John asked the brunette, a weary look of resignation in his eyes.

She nodded, frowning and looking upset at his bleak expression.

Then the Invictus lurched violently, alarms blazing across the Command Deck as they were all hurled to the deck. The Bridge was suddenly lit up by a blazing purple light as a savage maelstrom of throbbing energy blasted the unsuspecting battlecruiser, a screeching roar building into a terrifying cacophony.

"What the fuck was that?!" John shouted in alarm.

Faye's expression contorted in horror as she clung to the Command Chair. "Oh God..."

John struggled to his feet, clutching at the Comms Station to steady himself. When he looked out through the windows, his mouth fell open in horrified disbelief.

"NOOOO!!" Jade screamed, watching as the front half of the Invictus spiralled away.

The bow and foredecks of their ship containing the Lagoon... and her four sisters, was now tumbling back towards Arcadia.

They all stood frozen in shock for a second, until Calara snapped out of it first. "Faye, get the shields up!"

"I can't!" she cried out, her face twisted in anguish. "They're not responding!"

Dana staggered upright in a daze. "We've lost the middle Power Core... it's gone!"

Jade scrambled towards the grav-tube, desperate to get to her sisters, her sobs of fear making John's heart lurch.

Before anyone could say another word, the Invictus slammed to the right, knocking them all down a second time. The lights winked out, plunging the Bridge into darkness, the only illumination from starlight. The view through the windows shifted, casting a green light across the Bridge as their ship lost its fight with gravity. Without any power being supplied to the retro-thrusters, the rear half of the Invictus began to drop towards the planet.

"John-" Faye gasped, before falling silent.

There was a metallic clatter as she tumbled down the stairs.

"Faye!" John shouted in shock, reaching for her.

Dana grabbed his arm and shook her head frantically. "Faye's the server, not the chassis! All power's down!"

John felt himself being pressed against the deck as Arcadia's gravity started to make itself felt. "Abandon ship! Get to the Raptor!"

"The Valkyrie!" Sakura protested, eyes wide in fright.

"There's no time! Prep the Raptor for take-off!"

She nodded curtly, accelerating psychic speed and diving into the grav-tube, whistling winds carrying her down the deactivated shaft.

John glanced around and saw one of the girls lying crumpled on the ground next to the wall, a mop of bloody blonde hair obscuring her face. "Alyssa!"

Jade was scrambling to the grav-tube and John knew she was going after the Nymphs, desperate to save her sisters from the doomed ship.

*Jade...* John called out to her, as he reached for Alyssa to stop her sliding away from the grav-tube.

The Nymph whirled around, her expression one of anguish as she realised he needed her help to rescue the girls. A crystal tear rolled down her cheek.

*Yes, Master...* Jade whispered, her voice laden with grief.

John dragged Alyssa over to Rachel, then started pulling them over to the grav-tube. "Heal her!"

The brunette nodded, her grey eyes like saucers as she reached for her matriarch.

Jade began sprouting tentacles from her back, which whipped out to coil around the girls. *I've got them... pull me down the grav-tube!*

The Invictus had started a lazy roll as it tumbled toward the planet and John felt himself sliding across the deck. Accelerating himself with psychic speed, he leaped to grab Jade, then hauled her towards the grav-tube. He watched them sliding as the ship listed to one side, then taking a deep breath, he dove down the lift shaft, pulling Jade with him. Dana, Rachel, Alyssa, Calara, Helene, Jessica, and the twins were all dragged in after them, their faces twisted with fear. They began to fall, dropping down the shaft, until the roll upended gravity, slowing their descent. John scrabbled at the tunnel entrance on Deck Nine, grabbing hold of the edge and hauling the girls up until they were standing on the ceiling of the lower corridor.

"Move!" he yelled. "Get to the Hangar before we roll again!"

The girls staggered to their feet, and ran for the double doors into the Secondary Hangar. Sakura had frozen the reinforced doors solid, then shattered the brittle metal, leaving a jagged hole for them to climb through. When John climbed through, he saw the Raptor was upside down, lying on the hangar's ceiling. They were starting to slide again, as the Invictus tipped over, so he clasped Jade's hand and pulled her towards the upended gunship.

He managed to tug them through the open hatchway just as the Raptor dropped to the deck with a clang. They all tumbled to the ground, groaning in pain.

Alyssa waved her hand at the button on the wall and the loading ramp started to swing shut. *Go!* she screamed at Sakura.

John heard the high-pitched squeal of twin Tachyon Lances being fired and the Raptor blasted the hull doors, carving incandescent blue beams through the massive portal. A piercing shriek filled the hangar as the Invictus' hull was breached, the atmosphere being sucked out of the gaping hole in the side of the ship. Fortunately, the loading ramp sealed shut a split-second later, saving them from being depressurised with the hangar.

With all systems now online in the gunship, the Raptor had artificial gravity again. John rushed for the grav-tube, with the rest of the girls following close behind. He paused by the armoury and darted inside, rushing over to the closest armour-equipping frame where his lion-embossed Paragon suit awaited him. Alyssa joined him a second later, her face pale with fear and blood loss, the robotic arms quickly garbing her in armour. He grabbed his sword and raced to the grav-tube, then floated up to the cockpit, where Sakura was fighting with the gunship's controls as the Invictus tumbled around them.

Jade slid into the co-pilot's seat. "Let me!" she exclaimed, ramming the throttle forward.

The Raptor seemed to pirouette as it thundered across the hangar, perfectly matching the rotation of the Invictus' nauseating rolling. The gunship roared clear, escaping the dying embrace of the white battlecruiser as it plunged towards the lush jungle below.

Dana lurched over to the window and stared at the rear half of the Invictus, watching as it rolled towards the planet. Her eyes got huge as she saw the ugly blackened scars across the port flank, below the Fire Control Tower.

"Oh, God... no..." she whispered in horror.

The Raptor suddenly juddered to a halt, the Inertial Negation device the only thing saving John and the girls from being splattered over the cockpit canopy.

"The controls aren't responding!" Jade exclaimed, desperately trying to manoeuvre.

"We're caught in a tractor beam..." Calara whispered, her face filled with dread.

Dana glanced up and she went ashen. "Holy fuck..."

A glowing purple field had snared the helpless gunship and it dragged them towards a yawning portal in the side of the vast Progenitor dreadnought. As they approached, the Raptor lost power, the consoles fading to black with a mournful whine. John and the girls could only watch in despair as they were pulled inexorably inside the sinister behemoth. The hangar was enormous, dwarfing the 40-metre gunship, and making the legion of black-armoured thralls awaiting them look tiny in comparison.


Amidst the hundreds of female soldiers stood one man. Larn'kelnar watched his prize being pulled into his ship, his lips curled up into a victorious smirk. He raised a short black rod, no more than a metre long, glyphs glowing ominously along its length. The Raptor was clutched by a pair of huge telekinetic hands, then shaken violently, the crew thrown around inside as the Progenitor proceeded to knock them senseless. He summoned a glowing axe and slashed down at the front of the cockpit, then blinked in surprise when runes across the hull flared with a dazzling golden light, the axe dissipating harmlessly.

Glancing at the woman standing beside him, he said, "Ailanthia? I'm in need of a door..."

"Of course, my Lord," she replied with a loving smile, before glancing at the closest squad of thralls.

They opened fire with their underslung cannons, sending streams of purple bolts blasting into the front of the Raptor. The crystal canopy shattered under the onslaught, the thralls ceasing fire as soon as the hull was breached. Larn'kelnar reached inside with a telekinetic fist and pulled John's unconscious body from the ravaged gunship. He waved a dismissive hand at the Raptor and it tumbled towards the hangar door, then through the atmospheric shielding, exposing the handful of Blake's thralls within to the vacuum of space.

Larn'kelnar turned on his heel, with John floating behind him. "Well, that was amusing," he said to his matriarch as they left the hangar.

"Two in one week? Surely that's a record that's never been bested, my Lord?" Ailanthia said, her eyes twinkling as she followed her lover.

He put an arm around her shoulders. "Perhaps I should start a collection?"

Their laughter echoed around the hangar, competing with the noisy thump of boots as hundreds of armoured thralls trooped out after their master.

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Demented917Demented9172 months ago

Fell into a trap.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This comment section needs to be purged of Michael56Smith.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

Cliffhanger, damn! So, how are they going to get out of this one? And what about Faye and the Nymphs? It doesn't look good for our heroes, .... stay tuned, .... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith9 months ago

Another 'will we ever find out?' The fate of Jessica's stolen Corvette, ... it was in for maintenance (non-worrying upgrade issue) and might have eventually developed some problems later, ... did Rahn get rid of it? Or is it in some big storage area in the old Dreadnaught (so it won't give them away - not covered by stealth field), .... if it was inside the old Dreadnaught, then Gahl'kalgor blasted it to pieces along with Rahn old ride, ... the two of them could have used ut to get out that world, ... make supply runs, .... getting: food, seeds, shoes, work clothes and gloves, gardening tools, ... Terran food and drink that will not go bad on them, ... misc. tools and appliances, ... some music, games, books, other entertainments, ...

--- So, did Rahn decide they didn't need the weak little ship, and send it off, into the sun? or was it used for some supply runs, then stored out of the way, ...? Inquiring minds want to know, ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

The Invictus is cut in two, the power is shut down to Faye and turned off to the rest of the ship, the Nymphs are all falling to their deaths, and the captured Raptor is ripped open, John was removed, and all of the girls are still in the Raptor when Larn'kelnar just tossed the damaged little vessel out into the harsh cold vacuum of space, .... forget about saving Rahn'hagon, who's going to save all of them? and who will they lose? There is no time to save anybody, ... Wow, talk about a cliffhanger end to the chapter, ... OMG, what's next? :-l ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

Will we ever find out? ... -- Climbing the illuminated steps up to the Command Podium, the petite and perky purple sprite sat down in John's chair, tucking her feet underneath her. It had just turned 11:00 pm, so she decided to check on the crew, flicking through the internal security cameras ... Faye desperately wanted to talk to John about something she'd seen on the security cameras, but he'd been busy all evening and she hadn't had an opportunity. ... we may never know, huh Tef? ... ;-) ttfn

ranec1ranec1about 1 year ago
Mean As!!


"There! I've found it!"

R I P Faye hopefully if you are restored/reanimated in a not so distance chapter John ups his game and grants your wish he's a God just gotta start acting like one

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

Okay, was it just Faye's server taken out, (power interrupted?) or has John heard the last of Faye's angelic voice in the morning? come on next installment, ... and did Rahn get rid of that old Corvette that Jessica stole 4 decades ago? ...

-- I liked the Raptor, and I really liked Faye, ... Tef has sure shaken things up, ...

--- And is there any kind of. useful in this situation, Emergency kit aboard the Raptor, and would one of the girls think to grab it? you know like some water, and a big stack of nutra-bars, a few weapons and ammo (4 pistols), and maybe a bar or two of Crystal Alyssium to make other things with, ... also a short-range communicator (to call the Invictus and Faye?), and a compact scanning device, (but Dana can largely do that), and a med kit (but Rachel has that covered), ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

"Faye desperately wanted to talk to John about something she'd seen on the security cameras, but he'd been busy all evening and she hadn't had an opportunity." ... and she never got the chance to talk with John about what she saw, .... this is a Tefler 'crumb' for us that he will explain later, possibly much later, .... I had been hoping that it was something related to Larn'kelnar, like a Progenitor tech probe, that might have recorded our Faye and aid in bringing her back, but that doesn't seem to be the case, ... so, what did Faye see? that she felt could wait a day or two, ... ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Amazing the contrasts in the comments, no idea why some are reading this if they think it's drivel.

Was expecting some action but not for John to be captured and the Invictus incinerated like that. Suppose the girls survive and will have to start the fight back somehow?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You hated this story from chapter 1. Every single comment you post is a heap of disparaging bile.

The fact that I have this playing in a TTS reader may be my fault but to hear your verbal vomitus after every chapter really gets my blood pressure up because I know that it's all bullshit.

"The story had merit up until this point. I see no reason to piss any more time away on such nonsense."

Really? Do us all a favor and fuck right off then. But I know you won't. After all, you said the same shit multiple times before. You wouldn't still be reading at chapter 120 if that was true.

Your dirty little secret is that you actually love it.

And so, I fully and regrettably expect to hear from you again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


The overuse of artistic license is beyond merit. At this point, the "author" is literally pulling shit out of ts wrinkled, withered ass and expecting the mindless soy-boi reader to drop the hot pockets they were eating in mommy's basement while indulging in this ridiculous escapade.

The story had merit up until this point. I see no reason to piss any more time away on such nonsense.


Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 2 years ago

***SPOILER ALERT*** chapters #155 and #156, FAYE!!! Kythshara, Mael'neraks laboratory,... Rachel, Irillith and Dana make some AWESOME magic, ... ;-) TTFN

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 2 years ago

... FAYE! sob, sniffle,... I miss her, ... '-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Someone get Baby-John his dummy... always distracted by doing nothing and needet some slapping to get his bearings

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Witness the power of a real progenitor, Larn'Kelnar. I guess that I wouldn't have been too disturbed if this was the end of the series for John and just saw Larn play universal domination.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

John finally got to meet his long-lost mother, he also found out who is father is/was. , The Invictus was cur in to pieces and yet it was poor Faye's server being blasted to bits that was the BIG moment this chapter, Even John being captured by Larn'kelnar, and the girls then tossed out into space, were less than Faye's loss... and just what did she see on the security cameras that she wanted to talk to John about? Will Jessica ever see her beloved Rahn'hagon again? Will Jessica ever apologize to her son? Will Tefler ever stop teasing and tormenting his readers? - not too bloody likely... ;-) TTFN

RamazaRamazaover 2 years ago

This is my fifth or sixth time doing a read through and this is still by far the saddest chapter so far, Faye’s death hits very hard every time I read this chapter, she never got her third date, never got to speak with John about what she had seen on the internal cameras, never got the chance to share her creations with the Invictus organic crew, so many things left undone and she really was the sweetest girl onboard. R.I.P. Faye.

WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkeyalmost 3 years ago

I hate this chapter. It's my second time around reading up to this point and I remembered what would happen before starting reading this. The happy and loving start to the chapter was nice but knowing it was going to take a real dive later on, tainted the whole chapter with an air of foreboding for me. It's a great read but a real downer.

I guess it was designed to be an emotional rollercoaster by it's anarchic architect. Damn you Tefler!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Naught but Ash

The flames burnt the moth of vain hopes. The lullaby of the breeze carries it to sleep as it is consumed by stars and naught but ash remain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What did Faye see???

I am up to Ch. 134 and haven't seen an answer to:

"Faye desperately wanted to talk to John about something she'd seen on the security cameras, but he'd been busy all evening and she hadn't had an opportunity."

and mentioned again:

"Faye briefly considered talking to him about what she'd seen on the internal cameras, but glancing up at his face, she saw the weariness there and decided to let him sleep; it could always wait until tomorrow."

What did she see??

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

A question for you: 4 decades earlier, Jessica stole a smallish space ship ( a Corvette class ) and used it to return to her Rahn. It was due maintenance when she took it, and likely had yet to be fully restocked on consumables, but since a ship of that class would have a crew of approximately 16 ( refer to Calara's Griffon of the same class ), there should have still been some useful supplies aboard, and having even a small and older model space craft (much below Progenitor standards ), it would allow the two of them some FTL excursions. So because the Invictus scans didn't pick it up, I'd like to know what happened to that old getaway ship? Did they use it to loot some more supplies? Did they send it off, an empty derelict? It could've given them an emergency way off planet, even if Rahn thought it way too flimsy a craft,.. huh? A missing episode or two from Jessica and Rahn's 40 years on Arcadia. Enquiring minds would find a Tefler, lost episode, it be fun and entertaining. Or at least a small flash back paragraph or two when Jessica finally gets to hug her baby boy, and they do some catching up ( you know that they will eventually get there ).

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Grandparents Influence on John’s Progenitor Orientation

In TSM (chapters 1-126), Tefler is presenting progenitor roles, functions, orientations, and history. The individual progenitors described and their subsequent actions reflect different approaches. John history includes living with his grandparents for approximately 18 years, and serving in the Terran Federation military. Thought it would be interesting to review the references to John's grandparents between chapters 1 and 120 since they may have had an effect on his orientation which may be considered a unique variation compared to other progenitors. At the awards ceremony in chapter 83, John mentions the influence of his military experiences. The speech is quoted at the end.


... at least he had grandparents who had loved him dearly and had looked after him in his formative years.

ch 12

"My grandparents owned a restaurant, and my grandmother was a phenomenal chef," John explained. "I grew up with them and spent a lot of my formative years helping out in her kitchen."


He entered the well stocked kitchen and grabbed sheets of pasta, white sauce, herbs and the ingredients for a tasty homemade Bolognese sauce that his grandmother had taught him decades ago.


"It's ok honey, I had loving grandparents that looked after me."


When I worked at my grandparents restaurant, they had half a dozen waitresses who were always trying to get me involved in their petty spiteful games. I think they thought I was a prize being the owner's grandson, so they were always trying to seduce me." he said with an exasperated sigh.


"John cooks all our dinners for us," Calara explained, moving around the kitchen, pressing buttons to unfold racks of knives and chopping boards. "His grandparents owned a restaurant and taught him to cook, he's an excellent chef!"


"I don't know who my father was, and my mother disappeared shortly after I was born. I grew up with my grandparents, but they passed away fairly recently. I was on my own for a while, but I've grown close to my crew, and I consider them my family now."


He smiled at Faye ... "One of the hardest lessons for someone as they grow up, is finding out that things you were taught as a child might not necessarily be true. My grandparents seemed like they knew the answer to all life's mysteries when I was a boy, but as I grew older, it was a shock to suddenly realise they weren't always right. You just have to adapt and then make up your own mind, evaluating the situation based on your experiences."


"I grew up in the Terran Federation, and served in the military for many years. My mother and grandparents are all Terran, and I feel a great deal of affinity with the Federation," he said in a quiet voice. Turning to look at Devereux ....


The last time his heart had ached this badly was when he'd lost his grandparents, and the sense of loss was overwhelming.


The last time his heart had ached this badly was when he'd lost his grandparents, and the sense of loss was overwhelming.


It only took twenty minutes to cook dinner, because they were using one of the old-fashioned style of ovens. They could have used one of the standard molecule agitating ovens and it would have been ready in less than a minute, but he was convinced that it tasted better being cooked the other way. His grandmother had always insisted on cooking all her dishes in an old oven, and he liked to think of it as a tribute to her.


"However, I grew up with Terran grandparents, and joined the military because I'm loyal to the Terran Federation."


... "I really loved my grandparents; they were kind, generous people who took me in when my mother abandoned me. I'm sure I sound terribly ungrateful, but despite everything they did for me, I always wanted to be part of a big family ....


"Your grandparents demanded that you be relinquished to their care, and they became your legal guardians. You already know the rest: your mother was declared legally dead, and your grandparents took care of you."


"I feel like I'm being melodramatic, getting upset over it. You've been through far worse than me, and at least I had my grandparents to look after me growing up."


John retrieved his favourite chopping knife, then went to work, following the instructions from both girls as he went through the numerous steps to prepare the food. It felt strange to be the one learning a recipe rather than teaching it and he couldn't help reminiscing back to happy times spent with his grandparents in their restaurant. His grandmother, Eva, had been in charge of the kitchen. She was a kind but no-nonsense head chef and as long as you followed her instructions to the letter, you'd be guaranteed to stay on her good side. He'd occasionally helped his grandfather, Don, run front of house, but it always seemed a frantic and chaotic experience that John had never really enjoyed. By contrast, the kitchen was a place of order, with meticulous rules to define every recipe. The exact number of seconds to let a dish simmer, measuring the weight of ingredients, then making sure to add them at precisely the right time... That sanctuary of order and discipline was where he'd always felt the most comfortable ... It had been in the kitchen of his grandparents' restaurant that he'd finally built up his courage to tell them of his plans for the future. John had always known that they'd hoped he'd take over the restaurant one day, running the family business that had been in Blake hands for several generations. He could still remember the look of shock on their faces when he informed them that he'd chosen to follow his mother's footsteps and join the Terran Federation military instead. There had been heated words and impassioned arguments before they relented, but that fleeting look of despair they'd shared had always stayed with him - their fear that they might lose their grandson in the same way that they'd lost their daughter.


... beginning with how he'd grown up with his grandparents, helping them run their restaurant. The Nymph seemed to delight in reading his thoughts and she began to ask about his time in the military, prompting him to talk about his friends and colleagues, the battles he'd fought in, and the reasons why he'd eventually retired.


"My grandparents did a great job of giving me a loving childhood, but there was always that nagging doubt at the back of my mind; about why my real parents didn't want me... I don't want my children to ever feel that way," he said, gazing into her eyes.


"I don't know how much you know about my past, but my mother went missing just after I was born. I still don't really know what happened to her, not exactly, although Calara managed to piece together most of it. Jessica Blake basically encountered a Progenitor, got pregnant with me, then her crew dragged her home to Terran Space where I was born. We think she murdered her shipmates then ran off to rejoin my father, so I was brought up by my grandparents instead" ... "My grandfather was a good man. He cared a great deal for his family, and loved me and my grandmother very much. He never had a cross word for anyone and was always there to listen to my problems, no matter how trivial. He was strong and stoic, never complaining, but always around to help solve any crisis. In all the years I knew him, I never saw him lose his temper or get upset, and he made providing for his family look like it was the easiest thing in the world." "I was eighteen when I told my grandparents I wanted to join the military. I knew how much they'd hate the idea, having lost their only daughter after she joined up, but I couldn't face the thought of running a restaurant for the rest of my life. I was young and headstrong, eager for adventure, so despite their best efforts to convince me otherwise, I enlisted in the marines." "It was my last night at home before I was to ship out for the Academy, eager to start my training as a junior officer. I was so excited I could hardly sleep, and after lying awake in bed for hours, I decided to go and get a drink of water. My grandparents were in their sixties back then and they used to be in bed by ten most nights, getting up early the next day to open the restaurant. So when I crept across the landing, trying not to wake them as it was well-past midnight, I was surprised to hear noises coming from downstairs." "I knew all the creaky floorboards, so I tiptoed down them without making a sound, ready to rush any intruder that had dared to break into our home. It came as a real surprise when I realised that the noise I heard was someone crying, and when I reached the hall, I was stunned to see it was my grandfather in the lounge. He was sitting on the sofa, staring at a picture of my mother, Jessica Blake; it was taken on her eighteenth birthday, the day she enlisted." "My grandfather had always been so resilient, so to see him sobbing his heart out over his daughter came as a real shock." John's face was filled with remorse as he continued, "Then I suddenly realised that it was my fault. I'd done that to him by enlisting, dredging up all those long-buried feelings of grief and loss. I was the only family they had left and I was following my mother into the military; it must have been like losing Jessica all over again." "Our relationship changed after that day... it was never quite the same. My grandparents still loved me, but I knew they were disappointed that I'd spurned their dreams of me taking over the family business. They'd been grooming me to run the restaurant for years, but I was just as selfish as my mother and abandoned them, just like she had." "They sold the business a couple of years before I retired from the marines; I think they gave up all hope that I'd ever come back to it. I can understand how they got that impression, because at that time I was career military all the way. When I did eventually quit and return to civilian life, it was too late. I knew how much they missed that life and I could tell they felt guilty for selling the restaurant, because it had been in the family for generations" ... They both lost some of their spark when they sold the restaurant and it was sad to see them like that when they'd been such larger-than-life characters. They both passed away last year, so now it's too late to make amends."


"Running the family restaurant was your grandparents' dream, not yours. You can't blame yourself for wanting to follow your own path and it wasn't fair of them to put that burden of responsibility on you, not when you were so young" ... "Life's too precious to waste it with regrets. Live for the future, don't dwell in the past" ... if he'd given up his dreams, part of his spirit would have been broken too. Being forced to run the restaurant for the rest of his life would have felt like being trapped in a cage, sealed with unbreakable bars of responsibility and duty to his family ... "You were right before, about not wasting time with regrets. I'm sorry for the way that decision affected my relationship with my grandparents, but that wasn't the life I wanted."


"I grew up with my grandparents who had fairly traditional Terran views about relationships. I always thought I'd meet a girl, fall in love, get married, then start a family with her."


*My grandfather never called me 'son',* John finally said, gazing into the distance. *It wasn't done out of malice, I think he just didn't want to be presumptuous.* He laughed and shook his head. *As if I'd begrudge the man something like that after everything he did for me.* *Did that colonist remind you of your grandfather?* Edraele asked softly, already knowing the answer. *No,* John replied with a sad smile. *But if my actual father was Terran, he would've been about the same age... When he called me 'son', it felt like a hammer blow to the chest.* Shaking his head, he continued, *I don't understand why I'm still so desperate to find out about my mother and father... it's like I need to know. They took no interest in me for the last forty years and my obsession with finding out about my parents feels like I'm betraying my grandparents' memory. They were there for me... they actually cared...*


John winced and cupped her face. "I'm really sorry, honey. I just... I can't help feeling the way I do. I was brought up to be respectful towards women and my grandparents would probably be appalled at me lording it over a harem! The balance in our relationship is so skewed in my favour, it's ridiculous... and I can't help feeling guilty, especially when you and the rest of the girls are all so loving with me."


"My situation with my grandparents was similar, although I'm not trying to claim it was anything like your horrific childhood. I spent eighteen years with them and was happy for the most part, but when I signed up with the military instead of running the restaurant, I really hurt them both. I felt so guilty about crushing their dreams that I stayed away and didn't see much of them afterwards... so it used to be my home, but I couldn't really go back."


"I started as a junior officer, a Second Lieutenant just like any trainee officer. I worked my way up the ranks by caring for the men and women under my command, fighting and bleeding alongside them as we defended the Terran Federation." Glancing at the girls, he added, "Nothing's changed in that regard; I'm still fighting for what I believe in, except that the battles are bigger, the threats more dangerous. Luckily for me, I'm blessed with an incredible crew who share my beliefs" ... "It's only by working together that we've been able to achieve the things we have. If you really wish to honour me today, share that wonderful spirit of cooperation with each other. It's an ethos that I've learned from my service to the Terran Federation and it guides my actions every day" ... "I won't bore you with a long speech - I've always been better at fighting than talking" ... "I'll just end by saying this: I've sailed around the galaxy and met hundreds of different species - but do you know who I'd always want at my side?" After a brief pause he grinned at the mass of military personnel. "All of you! Humanity's best and brightest!" ... "For the Glory of Terra!"

Horseman68Horseman68over 4 years ago
Moving On, With Trepidation.

After reading the disastrous end of this chapter, before reading the next have waited many months with dread for the fate of those we have come to know and care. Am now moving on and hoping.

notStanleynotStanleyalmost 5 years ago

every binge archive dreading this point - not Faye! the organics have a chance, but a hard crash of her server ...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Points of Interest

Two issues:

First, to PLRus (John Lewis) I am having an issue with comparing this epic saga with the actual events regarding the Tudor family! As one of the last surviving members of the Devereux family my family has had nothing but grief from the “Tudors”from Q E 1 on!!! The only connection I see is their nastiness which would relate to the Progenitor battles with each other, (YES)!!!! (if you want to converse about this; )[ps:still interested in mile club]

Tefler: I am having an issue with Amazon!!! I have only been able to get volume 1&2 in paperback(only). The rest have been kindle! I am hoping you will release a FIRST EDITION HARD BACK EDITION!!! with all illustrations etc. I am waiting (patiently [I hope]) for this but I realize we must finish this saga first, then go on to the sequel!!

I realize I have a fetish for paper but I like holding a real book in my hand!!!

(Coming from someone who has a library of over 50,000 books)

Thank you very much for such an entertaining (words don’t properly describe your epic production as a mere production) masterpiece!!!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
To quote Dana...

Holy Fuck!

This story just keeps getting better

TeflerTeflerabout 5 years agoAuthor
re: What the hell happened?

Sounds like your browser skipped page 9 for some reason.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
What the hell happened?

Chapter #120, between pages 9 and 10 is a huge what the phuq gap of information! You go from John and the girls landing in the area, to him sitting on the ramp cradling his mother in his arms. What the hell man?😩

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
ch. 121

It's up!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Break out the paper bags!

Start breathing into the paper bag, Chapter 121 is in moderation.

hpinghpingabout 5 years ago

Is now in moderation, so presumably live on 19/07/02 or for the Americans 07/02/19 at UTZ 06:05 plus or minus 10 minutes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
121 is in moderation now


hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyabout 5 years ago
How to tell if a chapter is in moderation

If I remember correctly, take the web address for a chapter like 120, and change the 120 to 121, then send your browser to that address and see what comes up. If it’s a 404 error, then Literotica hasn’t started moderating it yet. If it’s in moderation, you get a response that says it is in moderation.

And remember, once Tefler submits the chapter, the timing is up to Literotica, Tefler has no control.

OmniferisOmniferisabout 5 years ago
Anon 7-1-19

all you do to check is go to the http in the address bar and change the number 120 to 121. but it appears not to have been proccessed yet

fromindiafromindiaabout 5 years ago
Thanks a bunch 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀🤘

Thank you thank you thank you very very very very very very very very very very very very much much appreciated. Can't wait to read....... it's been a while.......... sure it's going to be The Best yet........

Mottniak57Mottniak57about 5 years ago

As always Tefler thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Thank you Tefler for posting the next chapter. I cannot wait until it’s approved so I can read it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Has 121 been submitted?

How to check if 121 has been submitted for moderation or not?

TeflerTeflerabout 5 years agoAuthor
Chapter 121 Status

I've submitted chapter 121 for moderation, so hopefully it should be up on the site in the next couple of days.


DessembraeUltorDessembraeUltorabout 5 years ago

Youll just be charged for whatever chapters get released after you become a patron and i think maybe the once just for joining? i cant remember it was awhile ago

Hardrider56Hardrider56about 5 years ago
So how does patreon work for his stories

I am looking to join Telfer's patreon site but am not sure if I will end up paying for all the chapter already posted or just the new ones. Can anyone explain it to me? Thank you.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Question for Patrons

Heya, I'm thinking about supporting Tef on Patreon but had a quick question about the pledge levels. If I pledge $2 per, will I be charged $2 for all previously released chapters or only ones after signing up? I'm really interested in the artwork...;)

yuramwagyuramwagabout 5 years ago

mister what seem to be the problem say something we dying here,the story has been a huge part of us we are truly blessed to have you and the story so plz say anything plllllllllzzzzzzz pretty pllllllzzz with a cherry on top

taco1085taco1085about 5 years ago
cant wait

MR. T,

I cant wait for you to post the next chapter so I can give it a high score, your work is amazing and the cliffhanger could not be better. Even thought I joined patreon to read the story ahead of what is released its an even bigger plus. The art, pictures, new chapters is a plus. The discord chatroom where we bounce alternative action off each other and what may or may not happen is exhilarating. So many people with so many thoughts, lots of them are pretty deep and make sense where some are so far fetched it is funny. but hey, its your rodeo and we can only come along for the ride and wait for the next masterpiece to be posted. Thank goodness we have free reads and reads where for a few $$ we can get ahead. Thanks for keeping us on our toes and salivating for the next chapter... looking forward to enjoying my next free read...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
121 is coming

Tefler mentioned in Discord that he planned to get 121 submitted tomorrow and hopes it will be up this weekend

CignalCignalabout 5 years ago

Guys, Tefler has an update on Patreon and he was on Discord for a bit tonight on General. He said he will be releasing 121 her for the weekend.

hpinghpingabout 5 years ago

Tefler popped up on the discord site and said there that 121 could be submitted tomorrow, so it will be really soon now to come in the wild here I hope. That is if he does not forget it...

mikecflmikecflabout 5 years ago
Tefler made contact

He posted at 6:52 EST. on Patreon that he was burnt out and needed some time off. He is back writing but I don't know when he will post 121 here, hopefully it will be soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Just saw a update on Patreon. 123 should be out on June 30.

wolverine006wolverine006about 5 years ago
Earthdate: 20190626 0249 Uniform Local Time Zone

Earlier I was reading some boring story and hitting refresh about every hour hoping to see something "New" on the Author's Submission Tab. I drift off in my chair.....floating. Then bam, I awake from a lucid dream and there is a second Invictus entering the system from hyperwarp. Twenty four coruscating tachyon lances open full topside.... Then I fully awake wondering... What in the hell just happened?

Suspecting a trap, Calera had a vision. She worked with Dana to come up with some countermeasures. It seems a psychic decoy was sent ahead into the system of the last known location of a progenitor.

I don't know if this is what really happens, at least that is what happened in my dream. I feel compelled to write this comment, because something is off and I can't quite put my finger on it. Something about Jade, Faye, Calera and Dana. Nine lives.... waiting to get with the four little kittens. Hmmmm!

Earthdate: 20190626 0327 Uniform Local Time Zone

Heading to bed.

litreader9696litreader9696about 5 years ago
Update time and the need to feed the beast.

hillcountrycowboy - I too am in the Central Time Zone of the US. My mild OCD has me on Lit at 1 second past 2am local time, hitting the refresh on my Lit Authors Activity feed, if you were interested in the exact time new stories are posted to the site.

As for Patreon, I'm not worried about TSM going Patreon only. It's the promised sequel we seem to be on a collision course with, that worries me. If Tefler can get more readers to pay from Ch 1 on, the sequel might not be shared on Lit.

My hope is that Tefler is still feeling generous enough to, at the very least, continue as things are now, in general. Perhaps the compromise will be that the interval will be more than the current 2 chapter buffer between Patreon and Lit postings, even as high as 5, but once it reaches critical mass on Patreon postings, as it were, the first will be posted on Lit. This way, Tefler makes more in subs, and the beggars like me can keep enjoying the fruits of Tefler's labors.

Final Word

Stop griping about Patreon and Patreon subscribers!!! If not for them, Tefler would not be able to put out new chapters anywhere near as fast as the current pace. It would probably be 2-3 months between chapters, so for the love of little green apples, let those willing pay to read their chapters earlier than us keep paying (but please stop dropping hints about future chapters, it's juvenile.) Without them, Tefler would probably still be on chapter 50 or something!

End Rant...

mikecflmikecflabout 5 years ago
Anonymous is correct

There is no new information on Patreon. Patron's have not had any update's since the 5th. No one who is commenting on Patreon knows any more than the reader's here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
You have to have some patience...

Tefler has not posted chapter 123 or even given an estimate on when he plans on turning it in to the editors on the Patreon site and Lit is usually 2 chapters behind. His last comment was dated on the 6th where he added a scene and tweaked a couple of others based on feedback for 122.

Everyone there is speculating as to what has happened to him as well as he normally give a status update by the 20th which has come and gone. He is probably on a vacation or maybe has a bit of a writers block or burnout. We can't say he is not producing pretty regularly and not just a page or two per chapter.

Just be patient or if you can't wait sign up to Patreon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Something is up, but it’s not #121. It has been a great story, i hope it continues.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Easy Tiger...

If you keep flapping your lips about how long it takes for the man to write his story and post it here for free, you might just piss him off enough to stop posting here altogether.

So...please. Be patient.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Comment section is great!

Let's recap shall we...... ;)

Tefler leaves chapter 120 in the biggest cliffhanger in the stories history, then disappears for 8 weeks. Considering Tefler usually releases a chapter every 14-18 days here, in 56 days he'd usually have 3-4 chapters. This of course drives the rabid fan base absolutely nuts.

The whiners come out complaining about when the next chapter will post, or threatening ( like that would work).

The apologists come out lambasting the whiners and praising Tefler.

The conspiracy theorists start discussing plot points and trying to guess where Tefler is going next with the story. (Fascinating reading all the plot points I missed & the theories.)

Some jerks from patron come by to drop hints about the content of 121 & 122 while also insulting the whiners to really stir the pot.

Finally there's the popcorn crowd sitting back and watching the insanity.

Sorry, I couldn't resist posting, ya'll are hilarious! Thank you, you've made the wait entertaining!

Points to ponder.....

1. The rabid fan base actually makes patron possible.

2. Insulting any part of the fan base doesn't actually stop whatever activity you're insulting.

3. Tefler has been publishing roughly 30,000 words bi-weekly for more than 3 years. We all need recharge time.

Back to your regularly scheduled comments....Please continue.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Something wrong

Don't know if it's Tefler or if it is the Literotica management, but TWO MONTHS without updates is not normal, something definitely changed

FatherSinFatherSinover 5 years ago
To Anonymous

*Re : I DON'T want access to unfinished chapters. It's a conundrum.*

The amount of revisions to current chapters after they are posted is low.

A dozen typos, mostly in second half of chapter which is posted at same time that editors see it.

Some small fixes or additional scenes.

The readers that care about smol things do find lists of issues. From their results you will expect the editors to be fired every chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Just appreciating the continuation

Tefler as with all of us, take holidays/vacations to have work life balance, to recharge ... Etc

As much as impatience sets in, I am just glad to be NOT left hanging with no indication of whats next (too many stories have that due to various reasons - with many just abandoned)

Tefler - thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

There's a pretty good chance that Tefler is seeing a surge in patronage (patreonage?) and by delaying the next episode he's getting readers to consider the value of his work. To which I say, "fuck yeah!" Tefler's gotsta get paid.

I am not currently a patron, but man, I'd like to see the technical drawings of the Invictus and, well, a few other drawings as well. The thing is, I DON'T want access to unfinished chapters. It's a conundrum.

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 5 years ago
Plot thread list is by Alxy

The list I mentioned in an earlier post is by Alxy, and is on page 3 of the comments. Sorry I blanked earlier and didn’t give you credit, Alxy.

hpinghpingover 5 years ago
Waiting ... more to come...

On the Discord page it is mentioned that Tefler said on Patreon that he and his family wre on a holiday, and that he did not complete the first part of 123, it is not even sent to the editors.

Well now we know a bit more about the delay of 121 here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No complaints

I've loved the story so far and will definitely continue to love it. The wait is a tad bit frustrating, but only because I've gotten used to how often you post. I hope 121 will be out soon, and I'll keep waiting. I know you have your reasons for the time.


hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 5 years ago
Checking hourly

I’m checking hourly for Tefler’s comment saying he has sent the new chapter to Literotica for moderation. Once he does that, Literotica usually posts it in 24-72 hours. Seems like it usually posts around 3:00am here in the Central time zone of the US. (We’re about 5 hours behind Greenwich) When we get the message it’s gone in for moderation, I usually read the previous chapter again to get back up to speed, and to make the joy and anticipation of a new chapter last a little longer.

In order to pass the time, I went back and re-read the last three chapters. I was very surprised at the details I had forgotten or had overlooked. As a for instance, twice Faye intended to mention something she had seen to John, but didn’t. For Tefler to have mentioned it twice makes me think it’s some crucial detail. And if it’s crucial, then it’s likely Faye must survive somehow in order to provide this important clue. That’s my hope anyway!! Another commentator (so sorry, my mind has gone blank on the name!) has made a wonderful list of all the unresolved plot threads. You might take a look at that list, then review a little so your ready for the bonanza Tefler is going to drop in our laps.

I wish the idiots would quit stirring the pot. Tefler has promised to post the entire story here and people need to quit bitching about something they’re getting for free.

Thank you, Tefler!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
still waiting?!

holy shit, you guys are still waiting for 121 to come out?! id be fucking dying as it almost killed me to wait for 121. jump over to patreon and even if its only $1 per ch. its still well worth it... 123 is due out in a few days

hpinghpingover 5 years ago

Well I find the waiting period a nice time, seeing all kinds of people going crazy from withdrawal. Quite amusing if I may say so.

However, I also want 121 out here, but I think Tefler is holding it back due to the fact that 122 and 123 must mesh with 121 and correcting a chapter here is as some say an pain in the (Not to be mentioned part of te human anatomy).

FatherSinFatherSinover 5 years ago
Oh cut the drama

I know many of you realize how much of a non-issue, waiting a month actually is. How many other authors do you follow in here that might not update more than three times a year, but you are spoiled by Tefler updates as often as 3 per month.

To be honest, I would advise Tefler to write ahead several chapters so that the sequel will have a few months cushion.

Cliff hanger syndrome is an awful but it isn't fatal. You will survive and be stronger when the pain has healed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Cliffhanger - Swansong ?

I think that this will be the last of Tefler in Literotica.

The story on Patreon is at 122 chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
In regards to faye.

I think after this event with the Invictus being cleaved in two it would be a good idea to install a mini power core in Faye's server so that she never gets shut down like his again. Alternately make an off site backup of her server so if she ever needs to she can "jump ship" as she is the most vulnerable of the crew.

Laird135Laird135over 5 years ago
Fantastic work

The reason I joined Literotica was because I wanted to favorite Tefler’s work.

Your story is the greatest epic since Star Wars, Tefler - please keep it going. This last cliffhanger is burning me up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Its actually a positive people being so impatient for the next instalment. Shows just how much the stories have stirred peoples emotions.

I personally wish they would hurry up and appear also but the anticipation makes it soooo much sweeter when they arrive.

Thank you Tefler for teaching us all a lesson as welk as providing us with brilliant reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a "Jo Blo" kill count video on how many fan's heads exploded waiting for 121 to come out. ROFL

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Yup, it's official. The addicts are going nuts. This cliffhanger is masterful btw...

FrikaFrikaover 5 years ago
Waiting patiently

If things follow the same course the last time Teffler posted a double chapter in here, then the next chapter 123 will be published on patron first before we receive the double 121/122 chapter published here.. all I can say is eagerly anticipating the double offering we are getting next time on literotica.

Personally speaking, if it's anything like the last time Teffler published a double chapter, we will all be in TSM coma overload after we read it. Then go back to reread it again... just chilling. Waiting like a kid before Christmas Day. Now.. you know it's coming.. the anticipation is excillerating..

MsftGh0stMsftGh0stover 5 years ago
Long wait

I'm. Not complaining on this wait. I love your work and am waiting patiently for the next chapter. Those who can't wait subscribe to his patreon. I follow several stories that are still ongoing. Telfer than you for the work you've put out and I trust your editors and self to post when you feel the next chapter is ready.

HermesPlayzHermesPlayzover 5 years ago
My god

Thank you Tefler so much for this amazing story I'm a space fanatic and I just started reading a few months ago and I just got to this point in the story and when I saw it end I almost had a nervous break down bc I thought it was ending and I'm happy to see that it's still going... thank you so much for this story keep on doing your thing

FatherSinFatherSinover 5 years ago

There is another scene expected for 122.

It is almost done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Tefler! The TSM junkies withdrawal symptoms are going off the charts. Hopefully, you can provide a fix before things go to critical mass.

Me? I'm good. Just sitting back, feet propped, pop corn ready, favorite drink in hand while watching the TSM version of Rome burn. Someone pass me the marshmallows.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Possible schedule

From Patreon:

Apr 8 - Status update that FIRST half of 121 sent to editors

Apr 16 - Released FIRST half of 121 on Patreon

May 7 - Status update that SECOND half of 121 set to editors

May 10 - Released SECOND half of 121 on Patreon

May 22 - Released combined 121 on Patreon

May 29 - Status update that FIRST half of 122 sent to editors (First half were Tefler's words)

May 31 - Released (FIRST half of?) 122 on Patreon

Based on this schedule, is it not possible that there will be a SECOND half to 122 yet being written? And, if so, 121 may not be released to Lit and SOL until after 122 is complete?

So, potentially, more patience is required.

Full Disclosure: I am not a Patreon member, this is my own speculation.

mikecflmikecflover 5 years ago

Tefler commented on May 16th about posting 121 after 122 was edited and posted. The final edit and post just came out on June 5th so keep in mind that Tefler's editor's and he have been working on 122 until the final edit came out on the 5th. I know all people won't care or be satisfied but he puts forth a lot of effort for you to get a quality finished story here on Lit as well as patreon. Hopefully 121 will be posted here soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Came for the fan theories and left because of the cry babies. No one owes you anything. Also I have been listening to the Ark Royal audiobooks to scratch my sci-fi itch, not nearly as naughty but I am enjoying it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I want it, I want it, I want it!

*throws tantrum*

*stamps foot*

*kicks pebble*

Maaan - it's no fun to be an adult. That stuff worked so well in the candy isle, for instance, back when.


I might be remenbering that wrong...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

but tefler did say (page 3 comments) that 121 will be posted here after he finished writing update regarding 121 here on lit from tef would be very much appreciated

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Two Chapters

It may well be that Tefler is moving to a two chapters ahead on Patreon model going forward, but that hasn’t been the case in the past. If it was, this chapter would not have been posted immediately after chapter 121 part 1 hit Patreon.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Tefler left a comment on 05/16/19

Quote: "Chapter 121 is a double-size one (61k words) and has been completed, but I haven't finished editing it yet. I'll publish it here when I've written chapter 122."

122 has been published on Patreon June 1. Well, let's wait and see...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Don't mind me folks

Just another reader passing through to check if Tefler has commented about the release of 121. Just checking, per usual.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
We are with you !!

Tefler you have done phenomenal work. Very rare writers write so consistently as you do. We will wait, whatever it takes. Keep writing Sir 👍

FroggieDudeFroggieDudeover 5 years ago
Chill anon

121 will go up here when 123 goes up on the patreon, just like every other chapter it will drop here when the patreon is 2 chapters ahead. There is no "if", tefler has stated REPEATEDLY that the whole story will be posted here for us.

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 5 years ago
Tefler usually posts a comment

Tefler usually lets us know when he’s submitted a chapter for moderation. It usually posts 24-48 hours after that, around 2 or 3 AM, eastern time zone in the US.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
121 and 122 are posted

on I believe. I'm not sure when or if they will be posted here? - John

Bluewolf89Bluewolf89over 5 years ago
Great job.

Tefler I really appreciate your effort and your continued story. Your doing a great job and I have continues to follow this story I check Dailey to see if anything new has been posted I’m very glad to hear that the next parts will be posted soon. Thank you for your hard work.

FrikaFrikaover 5 years ago
Double chapter

Well. I'm considering zoning out at home, my cold drink in hand and s l o w l y take in all of chapter doubt my drink won't be cold when I'm engrossed in the next chapter the price of waiting is worth it.... as they say, good things come to those who wait...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The End ?

Is this really the end of the story .? ...

Did any one survive ? Were they able to regroup ?

Wonderful adventures,! Please let us know that they were able to limp on and once again become a family . We want them to fulfill their plans and dreams.


Horseman68Horseman68over 5 years ago
Right On, Fredant.

Well said, Fredant. Having received such enjoyment for so long by this author from this story and it’s characters which have become like friends, can find nothing about which to complain. When chapter 121 is finally available, I probably will not read it immediately. Rather, intend to await a time and a place to relax, totally concentrate, and enjoy what promises to be a treat. Will say, however, that I am concerned about the possibility of losing anyone and for that matter the Invictus itself. We will see. 🚀

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
u alive man??????

hey tefler love the series been following it for a year now can’t get enough

just hoping for an. update on 121 or 121 itself

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

"All previous Progenitors have fallen to their guides, the sole partial exception being Mael'nerak who after millennia managed to defeat his guide and recover himself."

This seems to be a common misconception. Progenitors don't fall to their guides, their guides cease to exist after they teach all they can. They go bye bye. That's why Athena was terrified of being absorbed into Alyssa, it was effectively dieing. By the time of Mael's damascene conversion his guide was long gone. In fact I think Larn might be on his way to his own damascene conversion

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
stop the complaints

at least this story has continued and most likely will continue. I read the stories by JazCullen and she quit writing leaving it hanging at a critical part of the story. I compare her writing to Tefler's and have even bought a couple of her books and now there is no ending. I don't think Tefler will do that to us.

OrcwordsOrcwordsover 5 years ago
Wow, two comments in one thread

For everyone concerned that chapter 121 won't be posted here, Tefler has stated in this comment thread that he will be posting it here so stop worrying.

At the same time, the fact that he's combined his biggest cliffhanger with the longest gap in over three years of publishing here has obviously made people antsy. Part of the problem is that the choice of publishing 120 here as soon as 121 part 1 was published on Patreon extended the delay, especially as he has waited until after 122 part 2 (not counting the extra scene) and still hasn't published 121 here. Effectively, we got 120 early and now we're dealing with the fallout.

Getting on to the story, I agree with that the Progenitors are a created race, as that's obvious from a number of things including the gender imbalance and the existence of the guides.

I would also posit that the guide is the true big bad for this series. I don't think John has to defeat his guide to take on Larn'kelnar but rather the opposite. All previous Progenitors have fallen to their guides, the sole partial exception being Mael'nerak who after millennia managed to defeat his guide and recover himself.

Going further, I expect the proposed nineteen years later sequel will be about John and Alyssa's son's fight against the original programmer of the guides (which I believe may be related to the threats in the Astral Plane).

FredantFredantover 5 years ago
To anonymous whiners

I don't know if you are trolling, but bitching about someone who has given us 120 amazing chapters for free, is mind boggling.

Name one other author on Lit who has delivered so much in terms of quantity AND quality.

If it is another week or month or even a year, I for one will wait patiently. In the end Tefler ows us nothing and even if he did decide not to post on Lit again (for which there is no evidence to support), that is his right.

So just chill dude.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I've already commented but need to comment again

DUDE! your killing us with this cliffhanger!!!! If you were going to do a cliffhanger, this was the time. Everyone is chewing finger nails, checking back in to see if the next chapter has been posted. It's like hanging out for an urgently needed drug hit!

I've reread the series multiple times and I still cant get enough. Fucking kudos man. Kudos.

Question. Regarding chapter titles, do you explain their meaning on patron? Some of the titles still escape me as to their implied meaning. I know it's a little thing but I'm curious. Like this chapter. 9 lives. Is it because jade and her sisters are 'cats' or because there are 9 lives at stake (excluding faye as she would make 10).

ArcTalyxArcTalyxover 5 years ago
Re: When?

Tefler posts his stories here for free generally around a month after he posts it on Patreon for those who financially support him and his writing. The link to his page is in his bio. I just appreciate that he has continued to post here for those of us too poor to contribute financially instead of being a greedy bastard and only finishing the story for those who pay. Chapter 121 combined posted May 22, so I’m really looking forward to the end of June when it will hopefully post here. Chapter 120 ended on such a cliffhanger the wait is painful, but still better than waiting years between books like many authors *cough*George R. R. Martin*cough*.

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