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Click hereBy the time he was done, her stomach was hugely rounded, packed full of virile sperm that she knew were capable of making her pregnant. The Nymph cradled the curved dome, gazing up at John in wondrous disbelief. He drew a shuddering breath to recover after the explosive orgasm, then smiled and offered her a hand. Ailita took it and rose to her feet, standing before him as if presenting her engorged abdomen for his approval.
"If you're a good little Nymph and serve me well," he began, gently stroking her swollen tummy. "Then I'll get you pregnant as often as you want."
A crystal tear rolled down her cheek, her beautiful face filled with joy. "This one can have kittens?"
"You'll be able to have a baby of your own, Ailita," he agreed. "Or thousands of them, if you're anything like Jade."
*Hello, sister,* Jade said quietly. *I'm so happy we saved you.*
The pink catgirl looked startled to hear Jade's voice at first, but she was distracted a moment later when she saw pulses of soft pink light start to radiate from her curved midriff. The pulses spread outwards across her body, travelling all the way down her arm to her fingertips. Ailita gaped at her hand in shock, watching the lightshow in amazement.
Following a pulse of light across her stomach with his fingers, John leaned forward to kiss her navel. "I'm enhancing you and making you stronger, Ailita. Someday soon, nobody will be able to hurt you ever again. You're my perfect woman and I'm very happy with you."
She took her eyes from the pink pulses to gaze rapturously at John. "You are this one's perfect Master!"
John smiled and moved back on the bed, making room for her. "Join me and get some rest, my beautiful little Nymph. I'll protect you while you sleep."
Moving quickly to obey him, Ailita snuggled into his arms, letting out a breathy sigh when he began stroking her cum-packed stomach. She drifted off to sleep seconds later, her face a picture of euphoric bliss. John was enjoying the intimacy with the deliciously huggable catgirl when he felt the bed begin to shudder.
*What's going on, Alyssa?* he asked in surprise. *Is the Invictus doing a slingshot manoeuvre?*
*You better get up here, John,* she muttered, sounding pensive. *The shit's just hit the fan.*
He managed to carefully extricate himself from the sleeping Nymph without disturbing her and began tugging on clothes. *What the hell?! Are we in danger?*
*Empress Tamolith contacted me a few minutes ago,* Edraele quietly informed him, but she was unable to keep the bitter disappointment from her voice. *The Brimorians have changed tactics and are heading directly for Kinta. My fleets won't get there in time to stop them...*
When will Fleet Admiral Devereax ask Alyssa to red Watson's mind to find out what happened to him?
“Jehanna gave him a soft kiss. "So you will talk to me about it? You promise?" “ Who does Jehanna thinks she is? Why would John talk to her? The world revolves around Jehanna and the other girls are just stars far far away… ?
Saving the world is so important…………but we dismiss John and organize a wedding, like they have all the time in the world. Please give John his balls back and let the girls grow into women. Some maturity is welkom.
John may be the worst son of all time to his mother. He has spent the past 6 months lamenting the plight of thralls and how they have no choices and are mind controlled, he is explicitly aware that his mother is in this exact situation, and he has not once had any desire to rescue her or make her situation better in any way.
I kind of thought the same thing about how Dana talks about her parents. They found out that her mother was basically kidnapped, impregnated, and murdered in a secret research lab, and that was somehow completely glossed over and her “parents” are selfish assholes.
I'm pleased to see Tefler's first accurate description of a red dwarf, but why would the planet be gloomy?
The habitable zone of red dwarfs is really close to the star - often, a year would be shorter than an Earth day, and it's thought most such planets, at least by the time they've cooled down after formation, would be tidally locked - always presenting the same hemisphere to the star.
So no-one would willingly build a house on the night side, but in the twilight or day side, unless the radiation was too high, though this would likely strip the atmosphere in this case. The daylight would be distinctly orange or red, as the star isn't hot enough to emit light in the blue and perhaps green wavelengths. The Sun is ~5400 Kelvin, a red dwarf would be around 2-3000 Kelvin, a scale also used for camera white balance and lighting.
This was recently depicted in Dune 2 on the Harkonnen homeworld, filming the whole thing in infrared. It appeared in monochrome, as there wouldn't be much of a colour palette if this were authentic.
yay, they got Abigil married and rescued Ailita, a pretty good chapter, ... ;-) ttfn
It's disappointing that Alyssa isn't telling John about the change in his mother. Also, he should recognize that Jessica is reaching out to him and just listen.
its wild how tefler positioned johnnette's morals, as a load stone, that holds him back. the source of denial, that make him take the view of how things should be, while ignoring things as they are.. he is making terrible mistakes, ignoring the needs and desires of the girls, while making fear based decisions.. smh, and now he is messing with sakura with out her input or consent.. in secret too! because he knows the girls would oppose his choice. he doesnt trust them, he doesnt trust himself.. he still reacting like a wounded scared little boy.. not a grown ass man. his powers just amplify his weakness that he uses to define himself.
Hey there Anonymous, regards Terra and slingshot maneuver: I was just bothered by Tef, once again, not really understanding space, and also in this case his writings were not consistent with his own story's continuity, ... I know that the relatively smaller worlds of Earth and Venus have been often used for sling-shoting our primitive 20th and 21st century space probes, but I am assuming that Alyssa was referring to her own, sling-shoting close around a Star / Sun to boost their speed maneuver, ... a big difference in scale, .... ;-) ttfn
Slingshot assits using Earth have been used frequently by numerous spacecraft. Check out />
Yeah, ... why weren't Charles and Lynette at the wedding? Just because Lina wasn't invited doesn't mean they need to not go either, ... they could just slip on their uniforms, .... And what a dark and gloomy place around Ross 248, that is just so depressing for a world humans can live on, ... is it all lighted up like a 24/7 Las Vagas? ... Anyway, I hope more 'bad' people do not step up to fill the shoes of that horrible family, ... they need some good folks in charge, .... and the pink topped Nymph has definite possibilities, ... ;-) ttfn
I don't understand why his girls didn't tell him about Jessica's reactions once her mind was freed of his father's restraints. They heard her cry about her regrets, etc.
Space, the final fronter, Tef (bad) quote: -- "I'm laying in a course for Ross 248. It's so close by that it's not worth attempting to slingshot around Terra, even if it wasn't for all the traffic." I do not believe she meant to imply that she might use her speed-pick-me-up to slingshot around a planet (at least not one smaller than Jupiter), ... to fix it Tef should instead of the word 'Terra' use 'Sol', ... or change 'Terra' to 'the Terra System', ... either one would work, ... ;-) TTFN
Another nymph rescued and at least one more for John to find and rescue, will it be the next instalment. 5⛤
... mayhem at the Merkey Masion, ... Ailita's rescue from those 'bad' people, .... the bubble-gum topped nymph found her perfect master (Yay!) .... and then after car deliveries and weddings, .... now the sh*t hits the fan, ... oh boy! .... real space battle action coming up, ... ;-) TTFN
chur m8 awsum story
Being part of the family Lynette and Charles should of been at the wedding
I love people who post flaming bags of refuse like this comment, because they are full of just as much shit as their insulting troll posts are. If you hated the story and thought it should be done at chapter 50 at most, you wouldn't have read the intervening 81 chapters.
The fact that you spewing this cancerous ad-hominem on chapter 131 and not chapter 50 severely undermines anything you have to say. I bet you really like the story. No one who truly hated the story would continue to waste time on it for so long, unless your sole purpose in life is to expose yourself to things you hate, in which case you should seriously stop it and get some help.
I sincerely wish you had fucked off reading this story back after chapter 50, then maybe your ire and bile would've been a little more believable.
Here's to hoping you'll fuck off now.
PS. Don't listen to any of the haters, Tef. Just keep telling your story the way you want to.
And what was Abigail Voss's maiden name? I don't think it was mentioned in this chapter, ... ;-) TTFN
Daphne: already doing 'Faye' like things, but without the 12 avatars. And she doesn't want to be a 'real' girl to be with John. She may just end up being the type of AI that the T-Fed's were hoping to develop with their failed Nexus programs, ... if not very military as yet, ... I can see a version of her being aboard the 'Fernandez' family cruiser (should John choose to gift the Commadore with one), ... and maybe another one for Charlies (an Invictus II ?), ... ;-) TTFN
* John is reacting like a weak human child with his mother - by emotion and not logic. She could not control herself. Yet, he does not listen. If he could someway get his father as an ally and pilot of the proginitor dreadnought, then they would together be a formidable force against other progenitors. * John has a problem with his soldier's discipline. In a previous chapter, Alyssa had a panic attack and was a life-drain threat to the other monarchs and a risk to the Invictus as she blasted a hole through the progenitor shuttle. Now, Jade, who had went maverick before, charges a mansion to rescue her sister - without any orders. What, did she not trust John to organize that rescue? What if falling debris had struck and killed one of the people shrouded in white?
Thats a good question Michael56Smith.
I have also wondered what effect that will have on the babies. I don't think it would make the baby stay a baby. From what I understand, it resets the person to the generic thrall template. So in theory it would mean they would all look the same. I just wonder about the age....... Everyone that John has gave the "gift" to, that is older than the set age, has returned to about the same age. What would happen when they absorb his seed through the mom while she is pregnant? Could the baby get older and instantly, or almost, get to be an adult? I know with the Lynette he was trying to restore her youth, but not with the twins. So, it's safe to say some of it is subconscious....... John is going to be upset if his 'kids' are born an adult. well adult body at least. If this is something that he can control, let's hope Rachel thinks of it before it happens.
Just my thoughts and opinions.
P.S. Didn't John and Alyssa have something important to talk to Lynette about? Like the outer rim situation? Maybe Alyssa told her mentally.
Many / most humans tend to lash out at others when they are hurting emotionally,... and especially they wish to strike back at those causing their hurting, actual / accurate or not. John was raised as a human, and despite his Progenitor roots, he seems to react / feel / cope with situations pretty much as would a 100% true human,... poor guy,... It might be a cold day in hell before he can forgive his parents,... (-: TTFN
I really wish John would stop being a fucking ass to his mother. I mean he fucking knows that she is brainwashed!!
I had a random thought sneak up on me while reading about John giving his pregnant broodmares a bit of psychic cum during their 9 months of baby building to insure mother and child's good health,.. now with no medical back ground, and working with what I think Tefler has written concerning John's (Progenitor) nearly magical 'quad' elixir,.. my thought was: "what effect(s) will this has on the baby?,.. good or bad?" John does a reset on the girls that promises them Immortality and perfect health,.. would this keep resetting the baby, preventing a normal 9 months ( much longer if reset a number of times) gestation period?,.. would this have any effect on the baby? yes, no,.. maybe? thoughts,.. I know John's intensions are good, but please have Tef check with Doctor Rachel,.. have her double check the first Maliri baby's, before and after John shares with the young Matriarchs,.. am I worrying too much? Or might their baby bumps suddenly disappear,.. shock!,.. and if they can't keep John away from them,.. a multi-year pregnancy might happen?,.. ;-) TTFN
My father was a amateur photographer who had his own darkroom to develop film and print pictures,.. he had a red light to give him some vision while printing pictures,.. Has Tefler ever clued us in on the 'why' of the Progenitor's love of black surfaces and red lighting? ;-) TTFN
Re: prophet58
I have been long wondering if or when they will make an appearance in the storyline.
Can't wait to see how that plot plays out.
This one is the BEST. Period Dot. Tefler is amazing with the twists and depth of the story line. I also have been here for a long time But I was not here at the start. BUT, I eagerly await the long away end. Well Done Sir, Well Done.
Willjam from 4 months earlier is dead-on correct, TSM and Tefler are treasures! TTFN
Some or many (I'm not entirely sure) shorten Literotica to Lit. There's another website out there for posting stories like this one. It's called stories online dot com and it gets shortened to SOL all the time. After awhile the commenters here managed to convince Tefler to post here and SOL plus there's his patreon.
Mate, I've been hooked since episode 1. It's one of the few treasures in Life that I now look forward to. Thanks a million,
It is a proven fact that once a chapter passes 200 comments and 30,000 views the next chapter will be available so please have patience and wait until October 17ish
Your's truly not telfler *wink *wink
Hopefully it will post tonight. Stories usually post about 0800 Greenwich.
Thank you Tefler for not abandoning us, despite the ungrateful idiots who can’t stop bitching! There are so many of us who truly appreciate your generosity and are hooked on your wonderful story.
This submission is awaiting moderator's approval
Then it will be accessible for browsing
When is John going to meet the Drakkar Podmothers
and undo Mael'nerak's genetic tampering with their
DNA? What role will the Drakkar play in the coming
Progenitor war?
Again I thank you 🙏 for a great written story that is capturing my imagination
60 pages in one chapter read that then come back and complain
I've submitted chapter 132 for moderation. Hopefully it should be up in a couple of days.
For those of us waiting on chapter 132, TJSkywind has uploaded another chapter of Starlight Gleaming which should be posted soon. TSM is better in my opinion but SG is not bad.
Because BlackWolfDra is instantly recognizable as a real name and in no way anonymous....
Harddaysknight's did the same thing in its Lady in Red 3 Part Series. each part got shorter and shorter. As i started trolling about the next chapter 24 days ago not rating another chapter. 1 would think that Tefler would have come on that stopped the trolling but he didn't, and then 12 days posted about another drop and still haven't dropped it. if ANYTHING he needs to play catch up on here but I don't think that will happen... As for the Anonymous people get some balls and put your name on a post. Until that time shut the hell up. Bitching an moaning about something without a name should mean nothing without a name to get back to you being bitch back. the funny thing is that puttnig A name to your BITCHING means nothing because that name doesn't mean a thing on here. its just a source to a name. Anonymous mean you have no guts, no glory for being right or wrong, and NO soap box to bitch from. and now i will get off my soap box.... que in the next person WITH a NAME besides ANONYMOUS!!!
Complaining is easy, saying that you should do this or that is easy, I don't see any of those who complain say I have a published story, creating a story is not easy and I believe that an author should be able to live off his art, unfortunately I live in Venezuela, a country that lives at the rate of the dollar but I, as a citizen, cannot have an account in dollars and I cannot collaborate with the patreon, although I would like to do so to encourage the author. so I can only read your stories when you publish them on this page, I have no other option even if I wanted to, therefore I appreciate the publication on that page thank you tefler from alirio ordaz
Seriously weird to be spouting conspiracy level bollocks like that. The guy can post (or not) whenever he wants. He could also stop posting on here entirely and I could then chose to either go patreon or just move on to something else.
Either way, have a great few months off, you muppet.
Anon (or apparently Tefler)
The anonymous claim that we've seen the last chapter for the year isn't consistent with a comment by Tefler a little earlier.
Clearly we should accept Tefler's word.
He has the right to change his policy of course, but like (I believe) 100% of the honest fans here, I hope he doesn't.
See you in January. By then Tefler will have probably posted at least 3 more here.
The writing is on the wall for the ones to see it, Tefler is following in his dearest friend Etaski's footsteps in abandoning us.
If you don't believe me here's the signs you lot don't want to see. Anonymous comments (I believe from Tefler himself) about his father being sick. Tefler NEVER commented on the inquiries. Anonymous mentioning of how often chapters are being posted on patreon, the money greedy site and mentioning that it only cost a dollar, (also believed to be posted by Tefler himself).
Then a message by Tefler that he's on holiday for a few days more then post on here after he just posted on patreon the money grabbing site.
The biggest sign is the fact that Tefler's word that we will only be 2 chapters behind patreon means nothing, see how far we're behind?
I know and understand it's his work and can do what he want but don't try and rope everybody into a money grabbing game, you WILL lose all the votes on this site eventually as you're driving away your fans, I've accepted already that we will not see the end of TSM on Lit. It was supposed to be only around 150 chapters anyways until he roped so many fans into giving him free money and now he's dragging it out for more money.
Don't even bother trying to send me insults, I MIGHT be back next year to see if TSM is still going. I'm out of here, I've supported him long enough as a fanto not be respected by honesty.
If that's true then credit card requirement to get access on Patreon sucks 10x more than before.
When is Dana going to find out that Commander
Thomas Walker is her brother? Will they be full
siblings? A lot to be disclosed.
So some anon allegedly has the skinny on Tefler’s publishing plans? Tefler has been upfront with all of us here, so I’d believe it from him but not from some anon. Tell us the source of your knowledge, and put your name on it. Tefler commented recently that Chap 132 would be posted soon. But please, idiot anon, keep your word and don’t come back until January, we don’t need your idiocy stirring the pot.
Thanks again Tefler, we love what you’re doing! Thanks for continuing to post here, many of us have been following for years now!
At worse: Jealous Troll w/ misinformation
At best: Exaggeration
Made me LoL though so not totally useless.
Tefler has only planned to put out 6 chapters here for this year. Next year will be even fewer with only 4 posted here. I'll be back in January for chapter 132.
LoL, I know black isn't part of the rainbow spectrum. I just wanted a word to describe a lot of colors.
I agree that the crew is pretty numerous now. However, I only have problems differentiating the nymphs as they don't stand out from each other that much and they mostly joined at the same time.
I also have trouble differentiating the Malari Matriarchs for the same reason.
As much as I’m dying for a new chapter the wait won’t kill me. At least I know there are more chapters coming unlike many stories that simply die on this site and leave you craving an ending. And as for the freeloaders vs patrons shame on you people some times that last dollar is spent on a meal for a child or enough gas just to make it to the next check. Mean while they are using this story as a wonderful momentary escape from our crappy reality as of late.
First things first. I love this story.
The colors of the rainbow. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
So if you count the colors the nymphs turn when changing( the haze that surounds them) with the skin tones of the girls, he has kind of got it. But to add more colors, he would have to add more people. I think i agree with majority of commentors, on this subject, he has enough already. I have no doubt he will get the brimordian (might be spelled right) nymph. But if he adds more, they will start to lose people in the storyline. If people have to go back to reread a section(or two) to find out who someone is, its too many. I find myself at times having to stop reading to try to remember which nymph is which.
Just my opinion on it,
For the last several dozen chapters, I've wondered why there was never a Lionesses of African descent. We have blue and green girls... We don't have the full rainbow!
To a lesser extent, I've also wondered about Native Americans/Island natives as I see them as different colored but that is my opinion.
We missing any other significant human colors?
(No, I'm not racist. I'm a completionist, LoL.)
I've never seen these conversations here. Maybe they're on patreon/discord.
My favorite lioness is either Sakura or Rachel. And it's not because of their body shape, LoL!
I just like their personalities. Dana is a bit foul mouthed, though I like the nurse and school cosplay she does. Alyssa... I wouldn't fully trust, even from John's perspective. Calera's not bad. She'd be #3 behind Sakura/Rachel. I haven't fully thought of the others yet.
Has anyone noticed that many of the comments are repeats of comments from other chapters? LoL, we need something else to discuss.
I have said before - if you're going to be rude, at least have the balls to not be anonymous.
I'm going to make a complaint... It's been so dang hot this weekend!
Okay, now please follow up on your promise. =)
Yours truly,
Bottom Feeder #1 <---- correct spelling over there
In the future, one complaint equals one spoiler
I don't know if you even read all seventy-something comments every chapter. After all, we're not paying patreons.
However, I wanted to say that I consider TSM a wonderful story, fully worthy of being purchased. That said (and I know the first 4 books are on Amazon), I want to wait to buy the books until the anthology's out; so that the covers all match up. What can I say? I'm an OCD collector type.
Please continue to post as you are and, once the Saga (yes, deliberate capital) is complete, please do let us know when it goes up on Amazon in it's entirety. Or if you've got some independent publishing going by then, I'll purchase direct if I can find it!
Yours faithfully,
a fan
I hope and wish Tefler earns at least Three $ Million :: T$M saga.
His storytelling is superb, captivating, fascinating and gripping.
I think he must have written at least 4 million words so far... 30K per chapter.
I for sure will buy his eBook collection after TSM saga concludes.
We go thru this little dog and pony show every chapter. Guys he will post it when he post it. I am sure he is smart enough to know he will make more money keeping all his followers happy. Being on a fixed income, I will can not and will not pay to read unfinished works, when he has the whole first book complete I will look at buying it on Amazon and I am sure others will too.
As long as he is posting at least once a month I am happy. I am also sure he knows if it gets to be to long between chapters he will start losing followers. Give Tefler some credit. He has to be pretty smart to write the great story he has.
Never cease to be amazed at the grossly superfluous and stupid “comments” of some readers. Hope Tefler understands that the vast majority of readers just so appreciate the great enjoyment of his work in this epic.
Patrons pay $1/chapter going forward from when they join. But this series hasn’t been on Patreon from the beginning. And the number of patrons has grown over time. So it’s false to multiply the total current number of chapters by the total current number of patrons.
Thanks Tef for sharing your tale with all of us deadbeats and whiners!
What Tefler is doing here is art. And Tefler is damn good at it. The fact that we get even a little glimpse into this world for free is beyond generous. Thank you Tefler for everything that you do, your storytelling is fantastic.
I absolutely agree Tefler's work is worth paying for, but I find Patreon irritatingly unusable.
I have bought the ebook versions he's put out on Amazon (they just didn't go far).
3900+ patrons and growing...
136 chapters * $5000 average = 680,000 $
TSM Ebooks sales extra $$
That is the maths.
Tefler owes you NOTHING. If he chooses to stop posting here that's his right. If he wants to make the story something everyone has to pay to read, you guessed it, he has the right. I'm grateful he still continues to post here at all, and don't think he'll stop. That said, if he did stop posting here i'd still appreciate every chapter he did realese for FREE here. Stop being so self entitled and just enjoy what you do get.
Seriously? Millionaire? Not even close. Otherwise we'd have many more millionaires in the world. You also have to consider he's likely using at least some of that money too. It's not just sitting there untouched unless he's living off other sources of money.
Oldsjohnson442, it has never taken 3 months... We've had a few occasions where we've hit 2 months, but the average time between each chapter used to be in the weeks (days even for earlier times). (please see listing of chapters for dates)
*crossing my fingers* Here's hoping Teffler will put out 2 chapters here instead of 1, to get us back into the "only 2 chapters behind paying fans" policy
Art is of value only if it has fans, but no art is popular if the artist isn't great. Value tje artist, the art will come, its not owed to anybody but he himself.
People it's only been 8 weeks used to take 3 months and we got less words per chapter. There are other ok to great stories in si-fi think of them as your metadone clinic. But who am I kidding I'm just here lurking for my next fix too.
So far this year Tefler has put out about a chapter per month. If Patreon subscribers are paying $1 per chapter, and he has 3800 of them, that is about $3800 per month, or $45K per year. A nice salary for doing something you love for an appreciative customer base, but not really getting rich. It would take him over 22 years to make a million off TSM at that rate. I would say that if it is, "all about the money" then Tefler could have picked a much more lucrative profession ...especially when he gives it away for free to the majority of his audience, and they bitch if he takes too long.
he posted this on the 28
I'm just on vacation for a few more days, then I'll post the next chapter.
now on to the fact about getting paid for his work that is what this site should be fore is authors to refine there talent and get published .Would i love to see the chapters faster yes but does he owe them to us no he does not. So many authors dont finish there works on here they just walk away.that he might is great and a month or 2 months of no chapters is a minor issue as there are other stories that i follow that only get updated every 6 months so quit complaining
With 3800+ paying readers, Tefler is on the way to earn a million $ from TSM alone.
But even though he does not owe anything to us, we the silent majority provide the inspiration and a large fan base to keep him motivated. I can only hope that he will continue to post till the end of this story with shorter gaps. We are diehard fans Tefler don't forget us....
Chapter 131 April 23
Chapter 132 may 8
Chapter 133 may 31
Chapter 134 June 30 first half . July 13 second half
Chapter 135 July 31
Chapter 136 august 28
It's almost like Tefler doesn't owe us anything and that he continues to post for free at all is because he does remember where he came from and who supported him...Peeps (and I am aware that many share this view) it will be here when it is here and not a moment sooner. If Tefler changed his mind and decided not to post on lit anymore that would be fine to, (though I would be sad) because he doesn't actually owe anyone anything. Try to keep your excitement for the work be expressed positively, because not only does it make it a better environment for the author but it also makes the community that has followed this journey for 131 chapters a better place. Two cents
There's no need for rudeness to anyone. If you find you have to be rude, at least have the balls to not be anonymous. =)
Take some deep breaths. Anger has only very limited benefits. (stronger dark side powers.) Yes, come to the dark side... We have cookies!
But so what? It’s his to do as he wishes. Just as it’s yours/my money to do as we wish. Ya want more, spend a buck. I was annoyed by the slow pace of FREE stories but shit I’m over it. I just read the other 200k stories and check back.
The bitter whiners and the blind defenders are both so cloying I stopped reading the comments for the most part....useless drama. The outrage. The indignant replies. Jeesh.
So all of you, get a life
That's what I thought too. We don't rate newest chapters any more. Not like before. I guess the money is to good to remember your roots on where you started.
Was it Teffler's policy that free readers would be 2 chapters behind paying users, or was that a bad rumor?
Chapter 135 has been completed and 136 has been started on already. I thought we'd be have received 133 already?
Patreon release dates: No reason not to get patreon folks it's only 1$
Chapter 132, May 8
Chapter 133, May 31
Chapter 134, June 30
Chapter 135, July 31
Chapter 136, August 28
Hope your vacation is relaxing and fun! Enjoy your family!
I'm just on vacation for a few more days, then I'll post the next chapter.
I've loved the beautiful and complex world you've woven together so well. Whether its just introducing about minor empires and their people, or the larger factions and empires. Its a world a can actually imagine and one i've come to care for. Thank you for all your hard work and the love you put into your story.
P.S I'm sorry you always have to deal with people complaining about when you post. Just post when you want and the people, like myself, who love what you've created will keep coming back for more
Trying to keep my compulsion under control and only check for updates once a day.
Thanks Tef!
I thought that us on Lit was supposed to be only 2 chapters behind but I guess we're slowly but surely being pushed further back. Guess the writing is on the wall!!!!
Loved the entire series.Love everything about it.Incredible story telling. Waiting for the next chapter
It seems that Alyssa has been becoming more and more comfortable being judge, jury and executioner of evil people. I hope that Tefler does not turn her into a Daenerys Targaryen...
but I'm beginning to suspect that one of the author's fetishes is extrajudicial executions.
thanks tefler of another amazing chapter, any chance on an eta for the next one?
It all depends on Tefler. He makes the call. Maybe we can expect 132 here in August, but I am not holding my breath on that prediction. Still rereading the first 131 chapters. So many things are happening and so many unresolved threads.
Somehow I began to hate cliffhangers...
Chapter 131 became available on patreon 85 days ago from 4-23 to 7-17, is it fair to say that chapter 132 becomes available on here some time in October?
Why didn’t Alyssa tell John that she made contact to arrange the transfer of Emily?
Why didn’t Alyssa tell John about the changes she made to his mother so that he understood why she would behave like she did?
Why do they have to kill everybody constantly? Why is he above the law? The few people who where not found guilty now probably have enough hate that will last a lifetime because all the things they had to endure that evening?
Jade promised she would not fly solo again, but probably het promise wasn’t worth that much. Why does John accept that?
John asked the girls not to push Jenna. What was that first thing they did????
John must be lonely, het is constantly giving, balancing all the wants and needs. And even then they do not respect him enough to listen when he asks something. Especially Allysa, she is constantly undermining him even when that means that she does things that are against his specific orders. And she does not care when she hurts him because she keeps behaving like she always does, an annoying blond bimbo.
This masterpiece has taken me a week to go from chapter 1 to chapter 131. Loved ever chapter, can't wait for chapter 135 to become available on here.
"They had life and death situation to take care of (although Abby was in stasis
so her life wasn't in danger of being lost... They also healed other injured.)"
No ones life was in jeopardy.
Port speed limits are a strict safety protocol, only broken in an attack or the
threat of an attack. This is up to the harbor masters discretion usaully.
"Plus they have too many enemies to fight and time is of the essence.
They're not rushing to vacation." Then why did they take time out for a
wedding if they were in such a rush? Because John cannot say no to Alyssa
or Rachel.
They had life and death situation to take care of (although Abby was in stasis so her life wasn't in danger of being lost... They also healed other injured.) Invictus should have emergency lights flashing like emergency vehicles.
Plus they have too many enemies to fight and time is of the essence. They're not rushing to vacation. =)
There was a strict port speed in place around Olympus shipyard,
but such restrictions no longer applied to the Lion of the Federation.
John clarified, his expression grim. "I do not make the laws in the
Terran Federation, nor am I above them.
Hypocrisy much?
During our investigation into the mastermind behind the massacre
on Olympus Shipyard, we discovered endemic corruption within the
Khatri family, who have abused their position of authority on
Mazaya for generations."
The only evidence they had against Khatri was circumstantial at best.
"Petran and Khatri are only guilty by association at the moment," John said
He had no evidence against the Khatri Klan until Alyssa's physic judgement.
You cannot claim moral high ground if you tell untruths and do not obey all
of the laws.
I know it seems like I am nit picking, but this story is way to good for these
Good catch BigDog167.
"You shouldn't rush art," Shanryl replied, her fingers gliding lovingly over the sophisticated hacking deck built into her vambrace.
Chap 123 page 2
Boy some of this chapter’s commenters are long winded, and some are trollish! Whatever!
It did seem a little jarring to suddenly have another nymph thrown into the mix, who wasn’t Celphna. And her becoming an anime figure seems a little like a “check the box for that fetish” move. But we did learn/confirm some things we know about Lenarrans. Mael’ created the Lenarrans as spies. When the new nymph “recognized” John as Mael’nerak she downloaded her memories to him. Remember how Larn’ examined Celphna and divined her purpose, saying she was still working as intended after all these years? We also know Jade has been modified with Achonin runes on her heart crystal, which has changed how her memory works, which has been further changed by John’s influence.
Some of Prophet’s speculation seem to ring true to me. I hope we’re closer to having a white alternative to the black metal, and insight on how to destroy the black metal. I think it’s tied to whatever Faye saw on the Invictus that she desperately wanted to tell John about, as well as the auras that have happened at different points in the story when John and/or the girls have interacted with Crystal Alyssium.
Now that I’m caught up again, I can feel the withdrawals starting!
Thanks Tef!! Thanks for writing such an epic, and thanks for sharing it with us here.
Calara's name would be pronounced Kah-LAH-rah, properly (capitals show stressed vowel).
I have been re-reading the whole story again waiting on the next chapter and ran across something I had forgotten. One of the Maliri taking refuge with the Brimorians has a hacking deck. Could it be captured and used to bring Faye back?
I believe there was mention it sounded like carbonara...
That said, I've never eaten carbonara or heard of it before TSM so I don't know it's pronunciation either.
In my mind, I pronouce it like:
Ca-lair-ra (c sound similar to c in cow but with an "a" rather than "o" sound). However, now that I'm doing it sound by sound, I think it should be more like ca-lara (same c sound as above, Lara like superman's biological mom).
Way too much time on my hands, yes.
Of course Jade goes dragon and crashes through the home to rescue her sister from the dungeon, because that's Jade. And of course Alyssa does a psychic reading and wants to fuck up the bad guys.
But despite John's concerns about
1. Becoming judge, jury and executioner
2. Turning his girls into remorseless killing machines
3. Fixing rather than assassinating the maliri matriarchs who were bred to be evil by their progenator overlords
From the get go its implied that John is out to murder Arjun. He refuses Sakura's retrieval suggestion and decides to "make an example of Arjun." But ringing the doorbell and then slaughtering everyone is beyond the pale.
John rolls up to Arjun's estate, gets mad about the abused nymph and along with his thralls murders most of the family in retribution. The family isn't guilty of Arjun's coup. Based on John's investigation (mind sweep) the family's crimes include depraved decadence, endemic corruption, horrific debauchery and often fatal abuse of power. And despite not all of the red auras being murderers (often fatal, not always), based on John's opi ion they're all guilty and deserve capital penalty. John says "I don't make the laws and I'm not above them." Then says that he'll provide evidence / justification for the murders after the fact. John investigates, finds them guilty, kills and then pledges to provide evidence. Police, judge, executioner, jury all in one and in that order.
Enraged by Ailita's sufferring, John's girls attack first without any provocation and slaughter generations of a clan, then do a makeover for Ailita. Remorseless killing machines.
Meera is literally the matriarch of the Khatri family. Arjun, her progenator, i mean patriarch corrupted her into a "twisted woman" from a "wide eyed" (innocent) teen with the "right encouragement." She is essentiallly a maliri matriarch. If Alyssa's guilty scan is omnicient enough for summary execution and she shared everything with John how'd he overlook this and not spare her or even admonish Jade for murdering a victim.
Maybe John's mad about his parents. Maybe after accepting rule over the Maliri he feels like a king can do whatever the fuck he wants. Maybe afte deciding that he's okay with commiting genocide on the Kirrix he's more in tune with his progenator tendancies towards extermination. But this instance seems out of character, especially if he wants to maintain the Lion reputation. Or maybe the punisher is the hero the Tfed needs.
Imagine if:
John or Alyssa tell Rachel not to expel the poison but temporarily counteracts its effects. "He chose to die for his sins. Let him." Alyssa mind sweeps Arjun and decides that he should experience the evil he visited upon others. Arjun's final moments as the cyanide runs its course stretch into infinity as his psyche relives an innocent nymph's lifetimes of tortue. Meera runs out, and Alyssa prepares to smite Meera. Alyssa's eyes glow as she mind reads. "You poor evil bitch, you learned to enjoy being a sadist" Alyssa shows Meera a memory of hands bearing Arjun's wedding band forcing a hood onto a bound and gagged woman with Meera's eyes then opening a door gesturing the waiting Meera to enter then gesturing to a wall lined with clamps bludgeons and whips. Meera gasps "my sister /mother /neice" and kicks Arjun's lifeless body and slumps sobbing to the ground. (Or, Meera gets squashed exactly the same way when Jade finds her warming Ailita up in the dungeon)
Jade (with nymphs in tow) crashes into the building and finds Ailita and other terrans. Jade blasts through walls and floors with eldritch might. Nymphs dispatch security bots or security guards with feline agility. (Tef has penned many great rescue missions / incursions into enemy strongholds already. And this one would be super short) John, Alyssa, Rachel, Ilrith follow and descend. Baroque opulence scarred by dragon's frantic passage gives way to gloomy cellar full of implements of torture and restraint. X-number of victims / witnesses recovered and treated by rachel. Ilrith plugs in and finds Arjun's fetish video collection and other digital evidence of khathri misdeeds, sends anonymous tips to powerful families / organizations that they wronged and to Jehanna's boss.
Tash and maintenence bots and squad of fire sprites stand guard on amaassed khatri members. Flickering firelight on the dark planet makes Shan's pistols and bots grins seem even more sinister. Perhaps gov. Pankaj gets feisty with Tash and decides to incite his relatives to escape. He draws a gun which Tash promptly immolates. Pankaj drops the gun but his hand continues to burn. After a psychic check in with Alyssa, Tash spreads the flames from Pankaj's hand and consume the rest of his body. Channelling x-character from her favorite holovid, Tash say "any one else feeling lucky / in a hurry" the fire sprites double in size and / or number.
Group returns to yard and John calls Lynette to collect khatri cabal and Arjun's body. John gestures to Khatri members and says "Ilrith, if you would." Alyssa say "we should just end them right now" insert John's comments about not making the law. Ilrith snaps her fingers and renders the red aura khatri members unconsciuos with a flash of electricity. Alyssa's eyes glow as she shares their crimes with the white aura khatri members. "Take heed of your family's sins and take care not to attract our attention ever again. Now unless you want to join them in the dungeon, I suggest you get out of my sight." Cut to Ailita's makeover.
Next morning, Meera (if not squashed) or Balvaan or Pankaj (if not dead) struggles into wakefulness and relizes they are painfully bound in the dungeon. In their limited field of vision they see other family members bound or suspended in various degrees of distress around the dungeon. Through the hole in the roof they can hear approaching hover vehicles as well as John's interview condemning khatri as evil cabal and assuring viewers that admiral Devereux with admister stark justice for the fallen of olympus and the oppressed of Ross 248. John mentions Khatri transgressions against x-family or x-organization (maybe one from Shinatobe's memories). They shiver and pray that Tfed investigators reach them first.
What if John and all the others are just pieces in a video game?
Good points. My actual thoughts when I typed "take over" was that they have existing villages, jobs/tasks, homes/buildings, and are tied to some aspect of Brimorian society. I don't see the entire Brimorian race wiped out in whatever happens in future chapters, and I can't see millions or billions of Abandoned all moved to new planets. Just imagine how many space ships needed to move those numbers. But, I agree that somehow they need educated, allowed the freedom to relocate, and their society restructured especially the birth rate. Perhaps there will exist some value that an underwater species can have to other inhabited planets throughout space that will open doors to relocation.
I am sure Tefler will amaze us as the story continues.
I have a problem/concern.
Is it really rape and torture if the nymphs are genetically altered to like what
their master likes? Ailita's exact quote:
"Master! This one is so happy to see you!" Ailita exclaimed with joy, her eyes
automatically seeking out Arjun Khatri. "Do you wish to continue the game?"
A direct statement: she'd been genetically engineered to be the perfect bedroom
I suppose you could argue that they are incapable of giving informed consent
because of their lack of mental/emotional maturity. But then all sex would be rape
including oral.
If John was being honest with himself he would let them drink it from a glass,
because as he said "it's not the act that is important, but the end result... that
the girl swallows...".
You cannot justify this in any way. It is either wrong for both or wrong for neither.
I know it is just a story but conundrums vex me.
Agreed re: simplest. But having axed the Deep Pool and saved the otherwise slave traded, there'd need to be a comms piece broadcast to prep the Abandoned for the future.
They're not capable of taking over as it is (educationally). Perhaps absorbing them into other compliant empires "water worlds" to take advantage of their unique abilities? e.g. into Kintark, Malari, or Terran aquatic environments and everyone wins.
The cultural shift "<30 kids?'re 'avin' a laugh!" But that's a generation away. Yep an un-answered plot loophole.
So "you've" been reading this for years (3rd race through for me, yes pun intended, though factually accurate) and finally decide to actually comment (other than an Anonymous "5 stars" et al) ... but "I need a handle" ... to comment on this "Totally Awesome" story in persona at least, other than the ubiquitous "Anonymous". So thanks Tefler for inspiring the handle through your inspired work! (In real life my nick is "Toad").
Didn't expect a response, to my first proper posting so thanks chaps, but Tefler's the only Genius linked to this story.
Also agree with thirdracer the Abandoned aren't psychologically ready for warfare just yet ... perhaps in the second & future waves especially with their cultural birth rate. With their genetic enhancements they're possibly more useful than Terran equivalents with a bit of Galaxy Education 101.
I think leaving the Abandoned to take over the worlds they already inhabit may be the simplest answer. Or perhaps the Brimorians will cede some planets once they lose the upcoming battle and fleets.
I agree maybe Alyssa and Jessica can chat and get John and Rahn to reconcile.
Genius just plain genius, all of it, an excellent solution to all the problems.
Attack them at source and cut off the head; the Deep Pool or whatever it's called.
My mental mind map of the various empires territories believes that Brimor is much much closer than Kintar, perhaps 3 or 4 times closer. John already intends to address the problems with slave trading of the Abandoned and the Abandoned situation in general, and there's a Malari fleet on stand by in the Calopean Shoals if required.
Clearly a significant portion of the Brimorian Forces (Total) are in Brimorian Expedition Force (BEF), currently in the middle of Kintark Territory. The remainder will not match the Invictus especially with a Malari fleet in support.
Most species will instinctively defend their home territory as a priority, I suspect the Brimorian's are the same. Attacking Brimor and sending simultaneous communiques to the BEF near Kintar ... possibly timed for best effect with the closing Malari Relief Force (MRF) ...
Finally there's less personal engagement for John and the crew with the Kintark than the Abandoned. Sure the Kintark will take another battering while holding out until the MRF arrive. But that's only if the Deep Pool or the BEF doesn't capitulate.
I'm sure Calara will back me up on this ... ;-)
But then we get to Rahn, I'm sure John's XO and Comms Specialist have enough insight/intuition that they may decide to override John's v.mail to Jessica (in John's best interest of course) and message Jessica with a "Prove You're Worthy to communicate with John by ... wiping out the BEF" and we'll see what we can do about setting up another meeting.
Lastly what are they going to do with all the Abandoned people? and if they do manage to salvage Larn's Thrall fleet who can they use to staff them .... unless ... ??? But how to motivate the Abandoned? Ahhh tell them the truth perhaps? Then get the Malari to train them?
Lit Reg'n is taking ages ...
Well, right before 130 came out I went back to the very beginning and re-read the whole story. Read 130 and 131, and now I’m caught up again. *sigh* Now the withdrawals start again!
Tefler, the early chapters were obviously good enough to hook us, but the quality of the story and your writing has done nothing but improve throughout. The different plot lines, the intricacies of the story, everything has consistently improved. Thanks again for your wonderful tale, and thanks again for sharing it with us here!
John was the Kyth'faren's final response to Xar'aziuth's evil. They placed the shroud to protect him from Xar'aziuth. They guided Mael'nerak to set up the races for John's use and alliance and eliminate any potential threats(the Achonin and the Kirrix). Rahn’hagon was guided in his creation/engineering of John.
When John ventures back to the Citadel a whole host of new powers will be revealed to help defeat Xar'aziuth. Because Xar'aziuth is the real enemy not the progenitors.
The Kyth'faren want to reemerge as a race and John and his Terran girls are the key.
This makes John the Promised One.
Mael'nerak is still alive. There are still Achonin in existence.
Suspect Alyssa's bliss moments will end up being the counterforce to the misery that powers a soul forge. A heart forge?
LoL! Tefler, I'm only realizing now that you're a bigger nerd than I am! (I guess I should have realized this when you made Sakura the mech pilot, and also made mentions of cat girl cosplay.)
Due to budgetary reasons, I never played Mass Effect or or WH-ish games. However now that you mention it, I do recall seeing some sort of Mass Effect youtube vid last year about some blue skinned woman?
The oldest anime-ish show I've ever watched is Robotech. I had to google Ulysses 31. It's only a little older than Robotech but still an unknown for me.
I don't see a lot of gamers in the age range I think you're at. I still LoL when I remember seeing a youtube vid of Jessica Nigri's (famous cosplayer and my favorite) father go crazy when he obtained a game achievement on World of Tanks.
Cry for me... Anime Expo and SDCC 2020 would have just happened if they weren't canceled this year...
I agree, Rahn can bring so much to the table by reconciling with John. I think John would get another huge boost in power (like Alyssa getting "love drunk") when things with his parents are resolved. Maybe his "Guide" will simply be absorbed rather than there be a big fight once Rahn becomes the father John always wanted, and the Guide is no longer needed. Rahn needs to stay local to hide from the astral monsters, and I think if John finally defeats Xar, Rahn's soul won't end up as an astral entity. If Rahn shared all the Prog tech with Dana, she could be working (with a full tummy from John) on upgrades. We need to know how to improve the black metal, and grow a new Faye. I think John will be OK leaving the Shroud area, as he did not make the bargain to serve Xar. Another comment was made about sending Jade to the Larynthans. I still think Holaris wine and reference to "filling the vats" will come into play at some point so that John's "Gift" can reach more thralls to fix their DNA and their cultures..
The way Alyssa is blissing out at times, can she use that positive energy to make new, even stronger armor?
Will Jade and her sisters be able to form a Raptor squadron of 6 (or more) able to take out anything but a heavy cruiser one on one? As powerful as the gunship is, I can picture 6 of them sweeping enemy fighters, bombers, destroyers, etc from the sky.
I know if I was Faye, I would have had some off-site backups that I could tap into in an emergency.