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Three Square Meals Ch. 131


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John raised an eyebrow at her more cynical view of the Terran Federation admirals. It was obvious that Calara had permanently removed the rose-tinted glasses that had coloured her view of the senior officers she used to so admire.

"So what was he hoping to accomplish if not just revenge?" John asked the blonde.

"I was just getting to that part when I was interrupted," Alyssa replied with a playful frown at her girlfriend. "Khatri tried to stage a genuine coup and wanted to wipe out High Command. He figured that with Devereux and all her allies dead, he could come back from retirement and make a play for Fleet Admiral."

John snorted and shook his head. "You're right, he was delusional. The remaining admirals would've fought tooth and nail to be elected into a new High Command. There would've been a new Fleet Admiral within the week."

She shrugged. "He was one sick puppy. I'm not surprised Khatri snapped when we effectively booted him out of the Admiralty. We did the right thing putting that rabid dog down."

Turning to Jehanna, John looked at her in concern. "Are you still going ahead with your special report? Some of that footage must be pretty gruesome."

The raven-haired reporter considered it for a moment, then nodded. "I think so. I recorded enough so that I can edit out the most gratuitous carnage. The public can be quite bloodthirsty, but watching the Nymphs rip those people to pieces might be crossing the line."

John hesitated, then said quietly, "I hadn't intended it to get quite that bloody. Are you alright after seeing all that?"

She gave him a determined nod. "Alyssa told me what you saw... what those animals did to Ailita. I know they were guilty of other crimes too, but they deserved everything they got just for torturing that poor girl."

Her defiant statement was met with nods of approval from everyone around the table, even including Helene, much to John's surprise.

"She told me too," Helene explained, when she saw his quizzical glance. "I just kept thinking about Jade's sisters going through something like that. They're such sweet-natured girls... I can't even imagine how evil somebody must be to get a thrill out of torturing a Nymph. All they want to do is make their master happy!"

Sakura put her arm around the traumatised young woman and gave her a comforting hug. "Hey, don't get upset. We punished them for what they did to Ailita and John's going to make sure her life is wonderful from now on... you'll see."

"That's the plan," John agreed, sitting back in his chair and letting out a tired sigh. "I know it's late and you're all tired, but I really need your help."

"What's up?" Dana asked, looking at him curiously.

"Nymphs get unsettled when they can't shapeshift into their master's perfect mate. We learned that with the last four catgirls and I don't want Ailita to go through the same thing. I need to come up with a new shape for her as quickly as possible, but she's got no markings, so I'm a bit stumped for ideas."

"You could just give her a thrall body with kitty bits and make her plain green," the redhead suggested with a shrug.

John shook his head. "She'd look too much like Jade and I want Ailita to feel special and unique."

"You've used a great-cat theme with the others..." Calara mused as she pondered the issue.

"Except Marika who's a tabby," Rachel reminded her.

The Latina conceded her point with a nod. "True... but how about turning Ailita into a panther catgirl? She could have black skin and black hair."

After considering the idea for a moment, John shook his head. "It's a good suggestion, but she'd look too much like Marika... just without the silver stripes."

"Yeah, being the boring version of another catgirl would suck," Dana agreed with a frown.

"Does anyone have any other ideas?" John asked, glancing around the table.

Alyssa suddenly smiled at the dusky-hued reporter. "Apparently, Jehanna has a suggestion..."

All eyes turned to Jehanna who blushed furiously. "No I don't!"

"Oh really?" the blonde asked with a teasing lilt to her voice. "Because whatever you had in mind was making you very horny..."

Jehanna looked mortified and glanced pleadingly at John. "Really... you don't want to know."

John paused, then a smile broke out on his face. "You've piqued my curiosity now. It can't be that bad, surely?"

Calara shrugged. "The rest of us are all out of ideas. Any suggestion would be helpful."

Putting her arm around the cringing reporter, Tashana said gently, "I'd really like to know what turns you on. Please don't be embarrassed... everyone's very open-minded here."

"I can't believe I'm showing you this..." Jehanna groaned, reaching for the remote that controlled the holo interface.

Everyone leaned forward with anticipation, eager to know what the newest Lioness was so reluctant to share with them. Jehanna opened up the Holonet, then began tapping out search criteria. She navigated to a holo-porn site and found an image of an adorable pale-skinned catgirl with a voluminous mane of bubblegum-pink hair. The blue-eyed anime character held up both hands with her fingers curled over in an approximation of paws.

"Aww, she's really cute!" Calara exclaimed, looking at Jehanna in surprise. "Why were you worried about showing us that?"

Dana burst into a fit of giggles. "Wow... you really went down the holo-porn rabbit hole, didn't you?" she asked with a grin. "Check out those links..."

All eyes went to the connecting images, which showed holo-videos of the cute catgirl being fucked senseless by a minotaur, a centaur, and a wide variety of other fantastical creatures.

Jehanna fumbled for the remote, her thumb stabbing the power button like a jackhammer as she rushed to turn it off. "Oh my god..."

John rose from his chair and walked around the table to give her a hug. "Come here..." he said, pulling her into his arms. She hid her face in his chest as he stroked her hair. "Don't be embarrassed. Nobody's judging you... it's totally fine."

"Yeah, totally," Dana agreed, before grinning at Jade. "We frequently get fucked by a tentacle monster. What you're into is pretty tame compared to being made airtight by three huge green tenta-cocks."

There were nods around the table and Jehanna laughed, then gave them a self-conscious smile. "Damn, it's liberating being here with you. My parents would've had a stroke if they'd seen that."

"You okay now?" John asked, stroking her back.

"Much better, thanks," she replied with relief.

Irillith reached for the remote and reactivated the screen. "I think she's lovely. Jehanna's fantasy girl gets my vote."

"That catgirl isn't famous or anything is she?" Sakura asked, studying the pink-hued character. "We don't really want frenzied fanboys creating a cult to worship her."

Jehanna shook her head. "She's just a generic fantasy catgirl. You can change the colour scheme and give her blue hair, or green... whatever you like."

"I think she's hot," Alyssa agreed with an encouraging smile. "Looks like we have a winner, handsome."

He hesitated, studying the image. "I tried to make the rest of the Nymphs look more realistic. That's why I copied real cat colourations that matched their markings."

Jade glided around the table to John's side, then leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Do you find her attractive, Master? Can you picture her looking at you doe-eyed as she cradles your baby in her belly?"

His stiffening cock answered that question for him.

"That's all that matters, John," she said softly, her emerald gaze flicking to the holo-screen. "And she fits the personality you have planned for Ailita..."

He turned to look up at Jade in surprise and she kissed the tip of his nose.

With a final glance at the holo-image, he rose from his chair. "Alright, it's getting late and I don't want to keep you up any longer than I have to. We'll go with Jehanna's idea for now and if Ailita doesn't like it later, she can always change to something she prefers."

Dana sprang from her seat and skipped to the door. "Let's go! I want to see you fill up the sexy kitty!"

"Hold on a second, Sparks," John said, catching her by the arm and pulling her into a hug. "For the first time at least, I think I should be alone with her."

"Really? Why?" the redhead asked, looking disappointed.

John grimaced and replied, "She's been used as a... S&M exhibit... for the last couple of decades. I'd like to give Ailita some privacy, so I can prove to her I'm nothing like her previous master."

"Damn... you're right," Dana said, with a rueful frown of apology.

After hesitating for a moment, Rachel said, "John... a Nymph's memory is completely wiped when she gets a new master. Ailita won't remember anything about her old master, or the horrible things he did to her."

"I know... but just in case anything does stick, I'd really like to show her just how different her life is going to be from now on."

The brunette nodded her understanding, then gave him a tender kiss. "She's lucky to have you as her new master."

He gave her a self-conscious smile. "I'm just doing what any decent guy would in my place."

"Would you like to use my quarters, Master?" Jade offered, as she walked over to join them.

"Actually, yes, that'd be ideal. Thank you."

They left the Briefing Room and crossed the Bridge on their way up to the grav-tubes. John glanced at the Sector Map floating in the centre of the room, his eyes drawn to the green line that plotted out a flight path taking them directly to Maliri Space.

"Just a couple of days to go, then we'll back at Genthalas," Alyssa said, slipping her hand into his. "I'll wait until we're away from the Core Worlds before I hit the gas. There's too much traffic near here and I don't want to risk taking someone out with a hyper-warp bow wave."

"We'll get back there before the matriarchs arrive; that was our main objective all along," he said, gratefully squeezing her hand. "You've done an amazing job, honey. Thank you."

She bumped hips with him as they entered the grav-tube. "I can't wait to get back there either. Two more days before you see Kali..." she said, giving him a knowing grin.

"I'm looking forward to that, obviously, but I've also just really missed the Maliri," he said, descending in the red gravity field. "Edraele, the Young Matriarchs, Luna... it'll be amazing seeing them all again."

*As you might have guessed, we're all very excited to see you too,* Edraele said, her voice filled with longing.

John stepped out onto Deck Three, leading Alyssa with him by the hand. The rest of the girls followed them along the corridor to the Lagoon, where John peeled off to join the Nymphs. Ailita sat cross-legged on the beach by the edge of the lake, watching Betrixa and Leylira frolicking in the water. Marika and Neysa spoke quietly to their long-lost sister, with Ailita hanging on their every word.

The petite catgirl spotted John out of the corner of her eye and sprang to her feet, hurrying over to meet him. "This one is ready to give you pleasure, Master!"

"I'd like that very much," John said, welcoming her with open arms. He glanced at the four Nymphs watching them from the shallows. "Thank you for looking after her."

"You're welcome, John," Neysa said, looking at him thoughtfully.

Her sisters echoed her reply, making a deliberate effort to call him by his name.

John turned his attention back to Ailita. "Come on. I know somewhere where we can be alone together."

Ailita looked thrilled, soaking up her master's attention like a sponge. She slipped her tiny hand into his and walked with him back up the steps, never once taking her eyes from his face. John waved goodbye to the girls, then escorted the petite Nymph back to the grav-tubes, where they ascended a level to the Officers' Quarters.

"Here we are," he said, opening the door to Jade's private bedroom. "After you."

She practically skipped inside, making a beeline for the bed. John strolled over to join the eager Lenarran, kicking off his shoes and lying down beside her.

Rolling onto his side so that he was facing Ailita, he gave her a warm smile. "The first thing we need to take care of, is giving you access to my mind. I'm going to lower my mental defences in a moment and let you inside, but you must promise me not to go anywhere near a runic prison... okay? What's locked away in there is very dangerous... and I care about you, I don't want you to get hurt."

Her feline eyes were like saucers as she stared back at him, the Nymph desperate to fulfil her master's desires. "This one will take the utmost care, Master."

John felt the fluttering caress against his mind as Ailita initiated a tentative mental contact. Not wanting to see her frustrated and uncomfortable for any longer than necessary, he opened a gate in his mental fortress, allowing her to slip inside. He could sense that she would have charged in headlong, but her pledge to be careful made her cautious.

The look of wonder on her face matched the sensation he felt in his mind, Ailita both shocked and awed by the phenomenal psychic strength he possessed. He gave her an encouraging smile and waited patiently for her to explore his subconscious and find what she needed. Although he thought of her as a young woman, having first met Ailita as a brunette teenager, in reality she was a very old soul... at least 72,000 years by their reckoning. Despite being truly ancient, she possessed an almost childlike innocence, her mind never given any opportunity to develop over the millennia. He was determined to change all that, but it was a long process, requiring many tentative steps.

With a breathy sigh of relief, the Nymph began to shimmer, her body obscured by a soft pink aura. It didn't take Ailita long to complete the change, shape-shifting into his perfect mate... or more precisely, the version that he had carefully prepared for her.

"Does this one please you, Master?" she asked, her voice as light and cheerful as a beautiful summer day.

"You're absolutely gorgeous," he murmured, meaning every word.

Her physical proportions matched those of her Nymph sisters precisely, with the same shapely, athletic figure of a fully-developed thrall warrior. Where she differed was her flawless skin could have belonged to a Terran, the delicate pinkish hue a few shades lighter than Alyssa's sun-kissed body. She had a beautiful heart-shaped face with very kissable cupid-bow lips, framed by tumbling waves of pastel-pink hair, the colour understated enough to look natural.

Being a catgirl, Ailita had a set of pointed furry ears high on her head, which faced forward in anticipation of hearing her master's voice. Behind her, a sinuous pink tail coiled playfully in the air, the slow swaying mesmerising to watch. Vertically-slitted pupils completed the nod to her feline ancestry, the irises of her big eyes a lovely shade of aquamarine that gazed back at him in adoration.

She blushed under his scrutiny, a bloom of colour appearing in her cheeks as she lowered her eyes shyly. "You really like this one?" she asked, biting her lower lip.

John brushed his fingers against her cheek, marvelling at the softness of her skin. "You're beautiful, Ailita. I couldn't imagine a more perfect woman."

The Nymph swooned in his arms, thrilled to please her master.

Carefully rolling Ailita onto her back, John ran a finger along her jawline and smiled as he saw her quiver in ecstasy. Having known Jade for months was like being given a secret handbook on how to drive Nymphs wild with lust and this eager catgirl was no exception. He could see the inner struggle between her desire to pounce on him and fuck him with abandon, warring with her gentler personality.

"I'd like to kiss you, Ailita," he murmured, driving her to distraction with his sensual caresses.

"Please, Master..." she whimpered, tilting her head up and offering him her lips.

They were wonderfully soft and yielded to his kiss, parting slightly so that John could taste the tip of her tongue with his own. Ailita giggled, then kissed him back with more passion, slowly escalating the kiss.

Finally pulling back for breath, John smiled at the Nymph. "Did you like that?"

"Master is so gentle and loving," she breathed, her own slender fingers reverently tracing his jawline. "This one never imagined it was possible to feel so good."

"They were lovely kisses," he agreed, brushing his hand down her arm and leaving a trail of goosebumps.

She looked up at him with the flame of passion burning brightly in her eyes. "Can this one do anything special to please you, Master?"

John nodded, letting his fingers move lower to stroke her pale stomach. "I want to make love to you, but first I'd really like to fill up that beautiful tummy of yours with my cum. Would you like that?"

He already knew the Nymph would willingly agree to perform any sexual act he could possibly imagine, but it was still nice to see the eagerness with which she responded.

"This one would love to taste you, Master!" she gushed, her hand sliding down his chest towards his trousers.

"Let me get ready for you," he volunteered, sliding off the bed. "Why don't you get comfortable?"

Ailita grinned at him, revealing a flash of dazzling white teeth. "Of course, Master!"

She moved to kneel on the floor, but John halted her and offered a pillow to protect her knees. The Nymph thanked him graciously as she knelt, then waited patiently for him to undress. Ailita's light blue eyes widened when she got her first glimpse of his heavy cock, licking her lips as though he was a mouth-watering treat.

"Oh my... Master will make this one a very happy girl."

John sat down with her between his knees, the Nymph face-to-face with his throbbing shaft. "When you swallow my cum, you'll be mine, Ailita," he said, stroking the tips of her furry ears. She purred with happiness, nuzzling against his hand. "I know you won't understand this... but I wish you had the free will to choose for yourself if you want to be with me."

"This one chooses you with all her heart," she declared emphatically.

He placed his hand over her chest. "I know you do, honey."

She covered John's hand with her own, then smiled and used the other to reach for his cock, her slender fingers carefully wrapping around his impressive girth. "So big..." she gushed, using long languid strokes to emphasise his length.

John sat back and watched her work. Although Ailita looked and behaved like an inexperienced young woman, she'd been genetically engineered to be the perfect bedroom companion. She approached the head of his cock with nervous apprehension, but when the Nymph appeared to pluck up enough courage to continue, she slid him into her mouth without a hint of discomfort.

He saw no reason to drag it out, wanting to reach his climax as much as she hungered to taste him. As he got more excited, he bathed her tongue in a healthy serving of pre-cum.

"Mmm... delicious," she cooed, before freezing and staring up at John in astonishment. "Master is so potent!"

John could see her savouring his taste, her mind racing as a flicker of disbelief crossed her eyes. "We'll talk later," he promised, affectionately rubbing a furry pink ear. "I'd really like to fill up your tummy first."

She nodded and continued without another moment's pause, the urge to please her master overriding all other concerns. He cupped her head with both hands now, lightly stroking and rubbing her sensitive ears as she sucked his cock. Ailita whimpered with desire, her aquamarine eyes gazing up at him with a fierce hunger.

The flood of thrilling sensations was too much to resist and John felt that familiar tensing in his balls as his quad prepared to unload. Then Ailita was gulping noisily, long spurts of cum shooting down her throat and into her empty stomach. Getting a proper taste of John confirmed her suspicions and the Nymph gazed up at him in awe as she experienced a flush of previously unattainable desires. John gazed down at her through hooded eyes, managing a curt nod as he pumped his load into her belly.

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