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Three Square Meals Ch. 131


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By the time he was done, her stomach was hugely rounded, packed full of virile sperm that she knew were capable of making her pregnant. The Nymph cradled the curved dome, gazing up at John in wondrous disbelief. He drew a shuddering breath to recover after the explosive orgasm, then smiled and offered her a hand. Ailita took it and rose to her feet, standing before him as if presenting her engorged abdomen for his approval.

"If you're a good little Nymph and serve me well," he began, gently stroking her swollen tummy. "Then I'll get you pregnant as often as you want."

A crystal tear rolled down her cheek, her beautiful face filled with joy. "This one can have kittens?"

"You'll be able to have a baby of your own, Ailita," he agreed. "Or thousands of them, if you're anything like Jade."

*Hello, sister,* Jade said quietly. *I'm so happy we saved you.*

The pink catgirl looked startled to hear Jade's voice at first, but she was distracted a moment later when she saw pulses of soft pink light start to radiate from her curved midriff. The pulses spread outwards across her body, travelling all the way down her arm to her fingertips. Ailita gaped at her hand in shock, watching the lightshow in amazement.

Following a pulse of light across her stomach with his fingers, John leaned forward to kiss her navel. "I'm enhancing you and making you stronger, Ailita. Someday soon, nobody will be able to hurt you ever again. You're my perfect woman and I'm very happy with you."

She took her eyes from the pink pulses to gaze rapturously at John. "You are this one's perfect Master!"

John smiled and moved back on the bed, making room for her. "Join me and get some rest, my beautiful little Nymph. I'll protect you while you sleep."

Moving quickly to obey him, Ailita snuggled into his arms, letting out a breathy sigh when he began stroking her cum-packed stomach. She drifted off to sleep seconds later, her face a picture of euphoric bliss. John was enjoying the intimacy with the deliciously huggable catgirl when he felt the bed begin to shudder.

*What's going on, Alyssa?* he asked in surprise. *Is the Invictus doing a slingshot manoeuvre?*

*You better get up here, John,* she muttered, sounding pensive. *The shit's just hit the fan.*

He managed to carefully extricate himself from the sleeping Nymph without disturbing her and began tugging on clothes. *What the hell?! Are we in danger?*

*Empress Tamolith contacted me a few minutes ago,* Edraele quietly informed him, but she was unable to keep the bitter disappointment from her voice. *The Brimorians have changed tactics and are heading directly for Kinta. My fleets won't get there in time to stop them...*

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

When will Fleet Admiral Devereax ask Alyssa to red Watson's mind to find out what happened to him?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Thanks for the tale.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

“Jehanna gave him a soft kiss. "So you will talk to me about it? You promise?" “ Who does Jehanna thinks she is? Why would John talk to her? The world revolves around Jehanna and the other girls are just stars far far away… ?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Saving the world is so important…………but we dismiss John and organize a wedding, like they have all the time in the world. Please give John his balls back and let the girls grow into women. Some maturity is welkom.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

John may be the worst son of all time to his mother. He has spent the past 6 months lamenting the plight of thralls and how they have no choices and are mind controlled, he is explicitly aware that his mother is in this exact situation, and he has not once had any desire to rescue her or make her situation better in any way.

I kind of thought the same thing about how Dana talks about her parents. They found out that her mother was basically kidnapped, impregnated, and murdered in a secret research lab, and that was somehow completely glossed over and her “parents” are selfish assholes.

ShaggyDogStoryShaggyDogStory11 months ago

I'm pleased to see Tefler's first accurate description of a red dwarf, but why would the planet be gloomy?

The habitable zone of red dwarfs is really close to the star - often, a year would be shorter than an Earth day, and it's thought most such planets, at least by the time they've cooled down after formation, would be tidally locked - always presenting the same hemisphere to the star.

So no-one would willingly build a house on the night side, but in the twilight or day side, unless the radiation was too high, though this would likely strip the atmosphere in this case. The daylight would be distinctly orange or red, as the star isn't hot enough to emit light in the blue and perhaps green wavelengths. The Sun is ~5400 Kelvin, a red dwarf would be around 2-3000 Kelvin, a scale also used for camera white balance and lighting.

This was recently depicted in Dune 2 on the Harkonnen homeworld, filming the whole thing in infrared. It appeared in monochrome, as there wouldn't be much of a colour palette if this were authentic.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

yay, they got Abigil married and rescued Ailita, a pretty good chapter, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's disappointing that Alyssa isn't telling John about the change in his mother. Also, he should recognize that Jessica is reaching out to him and just listen.

onecuriousreaderonecuriousreaderover 1 year ago

its wild how tefler positioned johnnette's morals, as a load stone, that holds him back. the source of denial, that make him take the view of how things should be, while ignoring things as they are.. he is making terrible mistakes, ignoring the needs and desires of the girls, while making fear based decisions.. smh, and now he is messing with sakura with out her input or consent.. in secret too! because he knows the girls would oppose his choice. he doesnt trust them, he doesnt trust himself.. he still reacting like a wounded scared little boy.. not a grown ass man. his powers just amplify his weakness that he uses to define himself.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Hey there Anonymous, regards Terra and slingshot maneuver: I was just bothered by Tef, once again, not really understanding space, and also in this case his writings were not consistent with his own story's continuity, ... I know that the relatively smaller worlds of Earth and Venus have been often used for sling-shoting our primitive 20th and 21st century space probes, but I am assuming that Alyssa was referring to her own, sling-shoting close around a Star / Sun to boost their speed maneuver, ... a big difference in scale, .... ;-) ttfn

ranec1ranec1over 1 year ago
Mean As!!


"You can count on that."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Slingshot assits using Earth have been used frequently by numerous spacecraft. Check out />

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Yeah, ... why weren't Charles and Lynette at the wedding? Just because Lina wasn't invited doesn't mean they need to not go either, ... they could just slip on their uniforms, .... And what a dark and gloomy place around Ross 248, that is just so depressing for a world humans can live on, ... is it all lighted up like a 24/7 Las Vagas? ... Anyway, I hope more 'bad' people do not step up to fill the shoes of that horrible family, ... they need some good folks in charge, .... and the pink topped Nymph has definite possibilities, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I don't understand why his girls didn't tell him about Jessica's reactions once her mind was freed of his father's restraints. They heard her cry about her regrets, etc.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithalmost 2 years ago

Space, the final fronter, Tef (bad) quote: -- "I'm laying in a course for Ross 248. It's so close by that it's not worth attempting to slingshot around Terra, even if it wasn't for all the traffic." I do not believe she meant to imply that she might use her speed-pick-me-up to slingshot around a planet (at least not one smaller than Jupiter), ... to fix it Tef should instead of the word 'Terra' use 'Sol', ... or change 'Terra' to 'the Terra System', ... either one would work, ... ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Another nymph rescued and at least one more for John to find and rescue, will it be the next instalment. 5⛤

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 2 years ago

... mayhem at the Merkey Masion, ... Ailita's rescue from those 'bad' people, .... the bubble-gum topped nymph found her perfect master (Yay!) .... and then after car deliveries and weddings, .... now the sh*t hits the fan, ... oh boy! .... real space battle action coming up, ... ;-) TTFN

ranec1ranec1about 2 years ago
Mean As!!

chur m8 awsum story


Being part of the family Lynette and Charles should of been at the wedding

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love people who post flaming bags of refuse like this comment, because they are full of just as much shit as their insulting troll posts are. If you hated the story and thought it should be done at chapter 50 at most, you wouldn't have read the intervening 81 chapters.

The fact that you spewing this cancerous ad-hominem on chapter 131 and not chapter 50 severely undermines anything you have to say. I bet you really like the story. No one who truly hated the story would continue to waste time on it for so long, unless your sole purpose in life is to expose yourself to things you hate, in which case you should seriously stop it and get some help.

I sincerely wish you had fucked off reading this story back after chapter 50, then maybe your ire and bile would've been a little more believable.

Here's to hoping you'll fuck off now.

PS. Don't listen to any of the haters, Tef. Just keep telling your story the way you want to.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 3 years ago

And what was Abigail Voss's maiden name? I don't think it was mentioned in this chapter, ... ;-) TTFN

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 3 years ago

Daphne: already doing 'Faye' like things, but without the 12 avatars. And she doesn't want to be a 'real' girl to be with John. She may just end up being the type of AI that the T-Fed's were hoping to develop with their failed Nexus programs, ... if not very military as yet, ... I can see a version of her being aboard the 'Fernandez' family cruiser (should John choose to gift the Commadore with one), ... and maybe another one for Charlies (an Invictus II ?), ... ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

* John is reacting like a weak human child with his mother - by emotion and not logic. She could not control herself. Yet, he does not listen. If he could someway get his father as an ally and pilot of the proginitor dreadnought, then they would together be a formidable force against other progenitors. * John has a problem with his soldier's discipline. In a previous chapter, Alyssa had a panic attack and was a life-drain threat to the other monarchs and a risk to the Invictus as she blasted a hole through the progenitor shuttle. Now, Jade, who had went maverick before, charges a mansion to rescue her sister - without any orders. What, did she not trust John to organize that rescue? What if falling debris had struck and killed one of the people shrouded in white?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Thats a good question Michael56Smith.

I have also wondered what effect that will have on the babies. I don't think it would make the baby stay a baby. From what I understand, it resets the person to the generic thrall template. So in theory it would mean they would all look the same. I just wonder about the age....... Everyone that John has gave the "gift" to, that is older than the set age, has returned to about the same age. What would happen when they absorb his seed through the mom while she is pregnant? Could the baby get older and instantly, or almost, get to be an adult? I know with the Lynette he was trying to restore her youth, but not with the twins. So, it's safe to say some of it is subconscious....... John is going to be upset if his 'kids' are born an adult. well adult body at least. If this is something that he can control, let's hope Rachel thinks of it before it happens.

Just my thoughts and opinions.


P.S. Didn't John and Alyssa have something important to talk to Lynette about? Like the outer rim situation? Maybe Alyssa told her mentally.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 3 years ago

Many / most humans tend to lash out at others when they are hurting emotionally,... and especially they wish to strike back at those causing their hurting, actual / accurate or not. John was raised as a human, and despite his Progenitor roots, he seems to react / feel / cope with situations pretty much as would a 100% true human,... poor guy,... It might be a cold day in hell before he can forgive his parents,... (-: TTFN

RazzakelRazzakelover 3 years ago

I really wish John would stop being a fucking ass to his mother. I mean he fucking knows that she is brainwashed!!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 3 years ago

I had a random thought sneak up on me while reading about John giving his pregnant broodmares a bit of psychic cum during their 9 months of baby building to insure mother and child's good health,.. now with no medical back ground, and working with what I think Tefler has written concerning John's (Progenitor) nearly magical 'quad' elixir,.. my thought was: "what effect(s) will this has on the baby?,.. good or bad?" John does a reset on the girls that promises them Immortality and perfect health,.. would this keep resetting the baby, preventing a normal 9 months ( much longer if reset a number of times) gestation period?,.. would this have any effect on the baby? yes, no,.. maybe? thoughts,.. I know John's intensions are good, but please have Tef check with Doctor Rachel,.. have her double check the first Maliri baby's, before and after John shares with the young Matriarchs,.. am I worrying too much? Or might their baby bumps suddenly disappear,.. shock!,.. and if they can't keep John away from them,.. a multi-year pregnancy might happen?,.. ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

My father was a amateur photographer who had his own darkroom to develop film and print pictures,.. he had a red light to give him some vision while printing pictures,.. Has Tefler ever clued us in on the 'why' of the Progenitor's love of black surfaces and red lighting? ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Drakkar females

Re: prophet58

I have been long wondering if or when they will make an appearance in the storyline.

Can't wait to see how that plot plays out.

Ramjet57Ramjet57about 4 years ago
Absolute Favorite story

This one is the BEST. Period Dot. Tefler is amazing with the twists and depth of the story line. I also have been here for a long time But I was not here at the start. BUT, I eagerly await the long away end. Well Done Sir, Well Done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Willjam from 4 months earlier is dead-on correct, TSM and Tefler are treasures! TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Some or many (I'm not entirely sure) shorten Literotica to Lit. There's another website out there for posting stories like this one. It's called stories online dot com and it gets shortened to SOL all the time. After awhile the commenters here managed to convince Tefler to post here and SOL plus there's his patreon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What do the two comments mean, 132 is on sol. What is S.O.L please?

WlljamWlljamover 4 years ago
Double thumbs up.

Mate, I've been hooked since episode 1. It's one of the few treasures in Life that I now look forward to. Thanks a million,

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Next chapter

It is a proven fact that once a chapter passes 200 comments and 30,000 views the next chapter will be available so please have patience and wait until October 17ish

Your's truly not telfler *wink *wink

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboyover 4 years ago
Chapter 132 is in Literotica moderation

Hopefully it will post tonight. Stories usually post about 0800 Greenwich.

Thank you Tefler for not abandoning us, despite the ungrateful idiots who can’t stop bitching! There are so many of us who truly appreciate your generosity and are hooked on your wonderful story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Pending Moderation

This submission is awaiting moderator's approval

Then it will be accessible for browsing

prophet58prophet58over 4 years ago
The Drakkar

When is John going to meet the Drakkar Podmothers

and undo Mael'nerak's genetic tampering with their

DNA? What role will the Drakkar play in the coming

Progenitor war?

madbonermadbonerover 4 years ago

132 has been published on SOL. Hoping to see it here soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Gracias 🙏 merci 🙏thanks

Again I thank you 🙏 for a great written story that is capturing my imagination

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
132 on Sol now

132 on Sol now

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The missing dragon

60 pages in one chapter read that then come back and complain

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