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Three Weeks in Texas


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After I had my release and my pussy calmed down I asked Mark why he stopped masturbating right when I was having my orgasm.

"Because Deborah," Mark breathlessly said, "I want to remain excited and to keep the sexual tension between us heightened."

"But," I pouted, "I wanted to watch your dick ejaculate. You know how much I love seeing your sperm pumping and flowing out of your dick."

"Yes, I am well aware of how you love to see that Deborah." Mark said, "But I need to keep my sexual tension at a heightened level for what is about to come."

"What do you mean?" I asked, wondering what Mark had in mind for us.

"I am going to call Margaret and let her know we agreed to you having sex with Jason." Mark said. "So I need to keep myself in a sexually aroused state of mind so that I can enjoy watching you being pleasured as much as possible. I don't want this ruined because I was in a sexually weakened state."

"Wait, are you telling me that you are agreeing to me fucking another man?" I asked, more excitedly than I had intended. "We haven't come to any consensus on this yet."

"Deborah," Mark was pleading, "look at the powerful orgasm you just had just thinking about doing this. You know that I have noticed your need. I know you have. You know how much I want to see you fully satisfied with your life with me. This is why I started talking to you about my small dick all the way back to the beginning of our relationship. It is not a surprise to me that you have this need, this desire. I am not surprised at all about it. In fact, I welcome your need, your desire. I welcome it because I have the same need and desire.

"I am not stupid Deborah," Mark continued, "I too have needs, desires and fantasies, and I can easily see your needs, the need to be filled. I love you with all of my heart and would do anything, ANYTHING, to see to it that you have a fulfilled life with me in all ways. Especially sexually. The intimacy we have, the honesty and frankness are very important to me. But we also must be honest and open with ourselves, with our own desires and needs. Otherwise we are the worst of liars, the one who lies to themselves. My need, my desire, is to see you sexually fulfilled. And if that means you having sex with another man then count me in."

I was dumbfounded. I had no idea I was this transparent to Mark. I had no idea that he could see so completely through me. I wondered what clues I had been giving him that told him that I was wanting more in the bedroom. I wondered how he figured this out about me, something buried so deep inside me that I could barely find it myself. I am a terrible wife, I thought to myself. I have given my husband the idea that his small dick doesn't satisfy me sexually. It may be true that his small dick doesn't pleasure me like my previous lover's big cocks did, but there is more to a satisfying sexual encounter than the raw explosion of sexual heat than an earth-shattering orgasm. There is love, there is desire and there is loyalty to consider. But again, my naughty self had to point out to me, Yes, it is true Deborah that there is more than a big cock that satisfies a woman's sexual needs. But a big cock does satisfy one particular, very important need doesn't it. Only a big cock can fill your pussy. Only a big cock can touch the deepest part of you. Only a big cock can stretch your pussy like you love so much. And unlike a big dildo, feeling the warmth of a man, his weight upon you, his breathe in your ear as he whispers to you about the pleasure you are giving to his big cock, a real man's passion and lust can be felt in his ejaculation. And you know how much pleasure you receive as you are feeling his sperm pumping and flowing deep inside your pussy. You know how much you love knowing that it is your pussy that has given him pleasure to the point of his ejaculation. Most of all, you know how much Mark gets off on your love of sperm.

"I tell you what Mark," I said, "let me sleep on this overnight and we can talk about this again in the morning."

Unbelievably it seemed that Mark was relieved. I think he was actually thankful that I was going to consider having sex with another man and this surprised me. But then something occurred to me. Is Mark wanting me to have sex with another man so that he can have sex with another woman? Does he have an ulterior motive, am I not satisfying him?

"One last thing Mark, something that I must ask you."

"Anything babe, you know that." Mark said.

"Are you satisfied with our sex life? Are you satisfied with me as a woman?" I asked, a touch of dread in my voice.

"I am almost satisfied Deborah." Mark declared. "It is every man's wish to completely satisfy his wife in all ways. We see it as our duty to see to our wives comfort, protection and enhancement. For the man who truly loves his wife he will deny her nothing that he himself can provide, and if he can't provide it then it is his duty to find somebody who can. That is how I see all of this Deborah. Simply stated, it brings me pleasure to see to you pleasured. It pleases me to see you pleased. I love you Deborah, I know your need and desire, I can feel it in every fiber of my being. I want this so badly because you need it just as badly. I can see nothing wrong with your needs and desires, it is only that I would want to be present to enjoy your pleasure and the satisfaction of your needs fulfilled."

I was almost in tears hearing my husband's words. Knowing how vulnerable he was making himself to me. Essentially he was telling me that he knew he couldn't completely satisfy my sexual needs and desires, and while it was true that his small dick couldn't reach the deepest parts of me and fully satisfy me, I didn't want him to think that his small dick was a complete disappointment.

"Yes Mark, you have a small dick," I encouraged him, "but your dick isn't the only thing I need to be pleasured, to be fully satisfied. You've got to understand that. There is more to a complete sexual encounter than a man's dick. But I have to ask, are you wanting this because you are wanting to have sex with another woman?"

Mark seemed almost hurt by my question. I could tell that he had never even considered such a thing by his facial reaction and the pained look he had. "Absolutely not Deborah." Mark exclaimed. "What we are talking about here is not my needs per se, but yours. You satisfy my sexual needs Deborah in every way but one. And that one need happens to be something that we can both share but not experience together. I have no desire to be with another woman, but I do desire to see you with another man. When you were looking at the definition of a cuckold, what was the man's relationship to the woman?"

"As I recall, the definition of a cuckold was a woman who had sex with other men with the man's complete knowledge and consent." I began. "And the man's relationship to the woman was fidelity. That he got his sexual enjoyment out of the encounter by observing his wife's pleasure and contentment. Do I have that correct?"

"Yeah Deborah, that's right." Mark said with relief. "The man does not have sex with other women. He gets his pleasure by watching his wife being pleasured. A swinging relationship is where both partners have sex with others, but a cuckold relationship is one-way. The wife enjoys other men and the husband enjoys watching his wife enjoying other men. This is what I am seeking Deborah. I have no desire or need to be with another woman, but I do have a desire and need to see you pleasured by a man with a big cock. Just thinking about watching you excites and thrills me to my core."

At this we lay down to sleep, but sleep came fitfully for me. By Mark's soft snoring I could tell that his mind was content, thus allowing him a peaceful rest. But my mind was racing, giving way to the violent thoughts of raw passion, exposed to my husband's eyes. When sleep finally came, I was dreaming of the possibilities. A faceless man, my legs opened wide, peering down my body and seeing the faceless man's big cock thrusting in and out of my open pussy. I dreamt of my husband whispering in my ear of his love for me, of the pleasure he was getting out of watching the faceless man's cock rhythmically pumping in and out of my pussy. My body in sync with the faceless man's thrusts, moving my hips in concert with his passion. And Mark holding my hand tight as I erupted in blissful orgasm.

The Truth Doesn't Hurt

When morning finally came and I slowly awakened I could smell coffee and muffins. Mark had gone done to the hotel's cafeteria and prepared breakfast for us. As I slowly sipped my coffee and ate my muffin my eyes kept being drawn to Mark. He seemed to be without a care in the world, completely relaxed. I wondered to myself what was on his mind as he went about preparing for the day and getting out the things we would need to take with us.

I couldn't help myself. My mind slipped back to the dream I had last night. My body flushed with heated passion at just the thought of it and I soon found myself aroused. My mind kept bringing me back to Mark holding my hand as my lover and I exploded in pleasure. I was surprised when I discovered that I had my hand between my legs, pressing my hand hard against my pelvis. Quickly I withdrew my hand, hoping that Mark hadn't noticed and forced my mind on the task at hand, getting ready for our day.

For the next 2 days Mark and I roamed central Texas, discovering wonderful foods and beautiful landscapes, so radically different from Colorado, but equally enchanting. We talked about our lives together, where we saw ourselves 10 years from now. We talked about our family and friends back home and of our jobs. But always the subject of cuckolding came back up, and I was surprised, and a little disturbed actually, that it was usually me who brought it up.

Mostly, I suppose, I wanted to know more about why Mark wanted this, or at least that was the excuse I was giving myself. But I came to discover in our talks that it wasn't really Mark who was wanting this, rather it was me who was needing it. As we talked the subject of my previous lovers would usually come up and Mark would ask questions about them and I would answer those questions frankly and honestly. For example, Mark once asked about my first lover and if I had enjoyed sex with him as much as I enjoy sex with Mark. I was honest and told Mark that I enjoyed making love to him much more than I did with my first lover. Besides, I said, we were both new to sex and didn't know what we were doing.

One day after lunch Mark asked, "Who has been your best lover?"

"That is easy, and you may not believe it, but you are my best lover." I said with complete honesty and conviction.

"Why," Mark asked, "what makes me the best lover you have had?"

"Simple," I exclaimed, "because you love pleasing me and it is obvious. You are willing to do things that no man has been willing to do before you."

"Like what?"

"Well, you won't stop until I have an orgasm, even after your own. Do you realize how unusual that is? Most men, after they ejaculate, quickly roll off and are sound asleep within minutes. But not you. You will do whatever it takes to get me off, and THAT is very exciting, very erotic. You have even gone down on me after you have ejaculated and that is something that almost no man will do for his wife, and I can't tell you the excitement I get each time you do that for me. So if you are wondering why you are the best lover I have ever had, it is because you desire my orgasm, you get as much pleasure from my orgasm as you do your own."

Mark appeared close to tears. I didn't know what I had said that made him so emotional so quickly. Concerned, I took his hand in mine and looked deeply into his bright, blue eyes. With deep emotion Mark said, "Thank you Deborah. You couldn't have given me a better compliment than that. And it is true that I get as much pleasure from your orgasm as I do from my own."

We drove in silence for the next 15 minutes, lost in thought. Uninvited, my naughty self crept into my thoughts, giving me a jolt. Tell Mark that he has a small dick. Out of nowhere, look him in the eyes and tell him 'You have a small dick Mark' and see his reaction. He will love it Deborah. You just gave him something that has raised his sexual confidence as high as it can go, now give him what he wants, reassurance that you know he has a small dick. Once he knows that you love him, small dick and all, he will be yours forever.

I had no idea where that came from, no idea why I would think such a thing at such a time. It was so naughty, so raw, so unexpected. But, I thought, I think it is true that Mark would be thrilled to hear me say that. So blatant, so forward, so fraught with emotional twists and turns, so exciting and exhilarating. Mark has a small dick and he wants you to tell him what is already obvious. He wants you to confirm to him that you know he has a small dick. Tell him Deborah, tell him the truth. He will love you all the more for it, and desire to please you even more than he already does.

I must have had a strange look on my face as I was thinking these things because Mark noticed and asked "Is there something wrong? What are you thinking?"

"Mark, please pull over at the next rest stop." I said, not wanting him to send us into a ditch as I told him this.

About ten miles down the road there was a picnic area that we stopped at. Since it was lunch time I broke out our picnic basket with Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches, a bottle of wine for me and a soda with a small amount of rum in it for Mark. Once we had everything set up I looked Mark straight in his eyes, took both his hands in mine and said, "You have a small dick Mark."

Stunned, Mark just sat there, looking at me for about a minute. He paused without saying anything for so long that I became worried that I had hurt his feelings. But then something else happened. I noticed a change in his eyes and how he was looking at me. All of a sudden I noticed that he was looking at me with lust and admiration. Gripping my hands even tighter Mark said, "I love you Deborah. Damn, I love you with all of my heart, with everything I have. Tell me again Deborah, please tell me again."

Laughing I said, "You have a small dick Mark. You have the smallest dick of all the lover's I have been with." It was as though a dam had broken and the waters of freedom and liberty came rushing out, sweeping away all the insecurities and frailties of the past. Leaving a clean and open stream for truth to come flowing through. Mark, in every way, seemed released from his past demons. Mark was free, and I could tell that he was reveling in his new found liberty.

"Tell me again Deborah. I need to hear you say it again. I need to hear your voice, watch your lips as you say it again."

"You have a small dick Mark." I said in as sultry and passionate a voice as I could command. "I love it that your dick is smaller than all the others. Because you have a small dick Mark you are a better lover than all the rest."

Pulling me close Mark kissed me with more passion and deeper than he ever had before. My pussy moistened and I melted in his strong arms. Why is this happening I wondered? How can it be that this is what he needs? How can such things excite and turn him on so completely? But then I remembered something that Sarah had said more than a week ago, that men with small dicks want affirmation of that which they already know is true about them. That men crave sexual honesty, especially so if they feel that there is something lacking about their masculinity. That they become excited when they know that their wife is fully aware of their small dick. This brings them a type of peace about themselves that no man with an average or large cock can attain. This makes men who have small dicks special. Besides, Sarah had said that a man with a small dick is far more likely to think of other ways to compensate for their lack of size, which usually will make them very good at oral sex, romance and foreplay.

This I think is true. Mark was very adept at oral sex and is quiet romantic and patient. It is these things that makes Mark a better lover than the others. Because he has a small dick he has been forced to compete with men with larger cocks by using his ingenuity and mind far more than so-called normal men. It is obvious when I think about it now; Mark is a better lover because he has to be.

"Yes," I told Mark when we broke away from our kiss, "I'll do it."

"Do it?" Mark asked, confused by the change of subject matter.

"I want to have sex with Jason. I need to feel a big cock deep inside me again." I told him. "I want him Mark. I want his big cock inside me. But I have one requirement."

Obviously thrilled and excited Mark asked, "What? What is your requirement?"

"You must be there." I said, equally excited and thrilled at the prospect. "I won't do this unless you are there with me. And if at any point you want us to stop that you MUST agree to tell us to stop."

Mark was nearly jumping up and down he seemed so happy. "Yes, of course." he said. I couldn't help myself, I had to know, so I reached down between his legs and found his small dick raging hard, straining against his jeans. Excited, all I could do was laugh merrily, thrilled and nervous at the same time about what was soon to come. It is funny, now that I think about it, how a relationship, thought to be so strong and enduring, could expand in such a way and still bring joy to both partners equally.

Quickly we packed up our picnic basket and gear and headed back to our car. No sooner did the doors close than Mark called Margaret and told her that he and I would love to have dinner again, this time with just Kimberly and Jason. Since Mark had the call on speaker phone I could hear Margaret's reaction. She was so obviously thrilled to hear the news and was excited to set up the dinner. Mark surprised both Margaret and myself when he told her that he had a particular request for Jason.

"Sure," said Margaret, "I'll tell him. What would you like?"

"Please tell Jason to not ejaculate from now until he meets with Deborah." I looked at Mark curiously, wondering where he was going with this but at the same time suspecting what was coming.

"Okay," Margaret said with some trepidation, "but why are you asking for that?"

"Well," Mark started, "both Deborah and I enjoy a man's ejaculation. Deborah loves the feeling of a man as he ejaculates a large amount of sperm in her pussy and that is something that I can do for her as well, even though I have a small dick. So I would like it if she can have that with Jason as well. Besides, I have something in mind for Deborah that I'm not entirely comfortable talking about over the phone."

"Can I speak with Deborah privately for just a moment?" Margaret asked.

Handing me the phone I took it off speaker and stepped out of the car for some privacy.

"Deborah, is this something that YOU want or is this something that Mark is coercing you into?"

Laughing I said, "No, Mark coerces me into nothing that I don't want to do. We BOTH want this Margaret, especially me. My pussy is all hot and wet just thinking about this."

"Okay, so now let me ask you about Mark's request. Do you know what that is all about?"

"Yeah, I think so. I have a bit of a sperm fetish." I admitted. "For whatever reason I love feeling the explosive power of a large ejaculation. Somehow it makes me feel very feminine, very sexy."

Laughing Margaret said, "Yeah, I totally get that. I love that feeling as well. But now in all seriousness, do you think Mark has in mind eating your pussy AFTER Jason has ejaculated?"

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