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Three Weeks in Texas

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How a wife cuckolds her husband for the first time.
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Time in a marriage, just like any relationship I would suppose, creates change. Each partner in the marriage changes in greater and lesser extents in a whole variety of ways. One partner may gain weight, another may get on a health kick. Or a career may take off or you might have a baby, which changes everybody. Well, my husband and I have changed a lot in the past 20 years of our marriage, but one thing remains a constant: We love each-other, all-be-it in a more profound and intimate way than most other couples.

So when I tell you that my husband and I are in a cuckolding relationship this might be a surprise to you. You might ask yourself, how can a man and a woman be in a committed relationship if the wife is having sex with other men? Commitment is not exclusive to all things and in all ways. For example, Mark, my husband, is a committed, die-hard Miami Dolphins fan. But at the same time he will root for one team or another in the Super Bowl if the Dolphins are not playing. He is committed to the Dolphins, but he will still pick one team over another depending on the circumstances. So when I tell you that I am committed to my marriage, and to Mark in particular, please do not be surprised when I also say that from time to time I "root" for the other team.

The key to my cuckolding relationship with Mark is an openness, a frankness about us as forward facing teammates in the game of life and the need, from time to time, to substitute quarterbacks every now and then. Honesty, as is true for just about everything, is the best policy.

When Mark and I first met I found him to be the most handsome, smartest, funniest guy I had ever met. But at the time I was just coming off of a 9 year broken marriage that had ended bitterly. Thankfully, Mark was very patient with the circumstances, which told me a lot about him as a man. We met frequently at a country/western bar where there was dancing, and for 6 months I refused to go out on a date with him. I was a little concerned about actually dating Mark because he is 8 years younger than I am, but I have to admit that I was very attracted to him back then and am more so now, 21 years later. Mark was kind, patient and gentle, all things women are fond of saying they desire in a man. But he is also very ambitious, which I am equally attracted to.

Mark is the IT Director of a medium sized nonprofit that services the physically and intellectually disabled. He is kind, generous with his time and talents, compassionate to a fault. Mark loves deeply, and even though he has little or no talent to write his feelings down, he does enjoy leaving me little notes from time to time to tell me that he is thinking about me. I love this, it comforts me. And even though I haven't a clue how he does what he does, Mark still enjoys telling me about his day and his accomplishments, which in turn gives me confidence that we will be okay.

As for me, I am a nurse by trade. And because I am a nurse I have these small sexual peccadilloes. To this day I think I'm a bit strange in the things I like sexually. For example, I am sexually stimulated by the more clinical words for certain things than I am about their more vulgar alternatives. Mark once told me that the words I use have become sexual trigger words for him and that they immediately give him a sexual mental stimulation that he can't avoid. So, when I thought about this, I found that I too had the same stimulation. Odd, since most people seem to prefer the vulgarities.

Penis and vagina do nothing for us. In fact, I really don't like using them, but when I am with a patient and need to discuss anatomy with them I don't have much of a choice in the matter. But other things; testicles, ejaculation, sperm and such words give me a strong sexual thrill. I know, kind of weird, but I like them.

For me, I particularly like testicles, ejaculation and sperm because of the overtly sexual nature of those words. Testicles produce and store sperm. Ejaculation means the expulsion of the sperm. These things are by necessity sexual in nature, thus making me think of sexual things. Mark once told me he gets a thrill out of those words for much the same reason, and so I use them with great relish and abandon.

Anyway, soon after we started dating we also began our sexual relationship. Early on I had noticed a potential problem between the two of us. You see, Mark has a pretty small dick. Not to be vulgar or humiliating to Mark, but I believe you have a right to know, so I will be upfront and tell you that Mark's dick is just 4 inches long (maybe just a bit smaller actually, but I want to be generous to him). I had never thought of myself as a 'size queen' in any formal way, but in my high school years, dating other men from time to time, as well as my ex-husband, I had come to expect certain things in a man, not really realizing that there were such great differences in a male's anatomy, even though having gone through nursing school. Before Mark I had been with and had sex with 6 men, including my ex-husband, and I guess I had been hitting the jackpot with men in the dick department. I guess you could say that I was naive when I tell you that I did not realize that some men were big while others were small. Now, to be sure, I never said a word to Mark about his small dick and besides, he certainly was my best lover to date as well as the most interested in my own pleasure, so I thought I had no reason to say anything and I also bought in to the stereotypical crap of not being honest with a man who has a small dick. But when I was being honest with myself I was forced to admit to being a little disappointed about the size of his dick, though not so disappointed to not marry Mark and make a life with him.

How A Cuckold Is Born

So this is the preamble to my little life story, but how did I go from a traditional wife to cuckolding my husband? Simple, Mark and I have been very open with each other about our sexual desires and fantasies and that openness allowed us to talk to each other about anything that was on our minds. Mark and I had been married for less than a year when he had first brought up to me his concerns about sexually pleasing me, saying that he wished he had 'more' to offer me in the dick department. At the time I did the politically correct thing and reassured him that I didn't find any fault with him or his small dick, but I must admit that I actually was less attracted to him in a raw, passionate, sexual extent than to my previous sexual partners. You see, women are visual creatures as well, so even though Mark has a very nice body, the dick is part of the body that a woman finds attractive, and with him being on the smaller side that attractiveness was diminished. This is not to say that I found Mark unattractive, not at all. Rather, it is just that his sexual attractiveness was just a bit less than I had for my previous lovers. Not only this, but to me a bigger cock makes a man look more like a man, if you can understand that.

Some 10 years into our marriage Mark and I were on a three week long trip from Colorado to Texas for a vacation when the topic of sexual fantasies and desires came up. As was common for Mark he mentioned his concern about having a small dick and asked me about my previous lovers. Since we had decided early on that whenever one or the other of us asks a question like this that we would be completely honest with each other I felt that I had little choice in the matter but to talk to him yet again about the subject of his small dick. But the way Mark had started talking about his small dick immediately concerned me, because if the questions moved to the sizes of my previous lovers then I would have to tell Mark that he is smaller than all the others and I did not want to hurt him. Sure enough, the question of cock size came up and my fears were realized.

"Tell me about the men you have been with Deborah" Mark asked.

"Well" I said "they were, for the most part, very selfish lovers." Which is completely true.

"What, they didn't have an interest in pleasing you?" Mark asked, "I find that difficult to understand."

"No, really, they weren't." I told Mark, "They were far too interested in their own pleasures to be concerned with mine. And this is why I say you are the better lover, because you care about my own pleasures, my own orgasm."

Since Mark was doing the driving I was able to watch his face closely, gauging his emotions as we talked about these things. Pensively he asked, "What about their dicks, are they bigger than me, smaller, a mix?"

And there it was, I wanted to crawl into a ball, or hide my head in a turtle's shell. I knew if I made the decision to be honest with Mark that what I was about to say could hurt the man I love. I decided I had no choice but to be completely honest with him so I told him, "They are all bigger than you Mark." I told him, with as much gentleness and compassion as I could muster.

I could tell, even though we had only been married for about 10 years that Mark was concerned. We drove on in an awkward silence for about 15 minutes, each consumed by our thoughts. Finally Mark broke the silence and asked me, "How much bigger."

My heart sank. I was honestly heartbroken at this point because I was already fully aware of Mark's insecurities about his small dick. But I decided that we might as well get this out of the way, so I thought I would be cleaver and said, "I don't know, I have never measured you." I hoped this little loop-hole would get us out of this line of questioning, but alas, Mark seemed to be determined.

"Then when we get to the hotel we are just going to have to measure me." Gulp! Now I was completely stuck, but at the same time I was quietly thrilled at the idea of this. Watching Mark while he was asking these questions I noticed something that I had never seen before, a confidence, a worry-free way about him that in turn made me confident to keep sharing with him.

"Okay" I said, honestly intrigued by the idea.

So after we had gotten all set up at the hotel we had some shopping we had to do so we headed off to find a Walmart. While at Walmart I was picking up beach towels, sunscreen and other beach-fare and Mark went off to find us a ruler so we could measure his dick. I must admit, I felt all giddy inside, actually eager to participate with him in something so intimate. I found this particularly naughty and so I was looking forward to this.

After we returned to the hotel from our shopping trip Mark wanted to jump in the shower to freshen up from our long drive. While he was in the bathroom getting ready for his shower I dug in the bag to find the ruler. I was curious, and so began to search my memory of the other men I had been with. I figured the best way for me to recall their dicks was to place the ruler between legs, letting the memories of them come flooding back. By the time Mark's shower was finished I had completed my reminiscing and discovered that the men I had been with were all 7 inches or larger. For example, my ex-husband was the biggest of them all, a whopping 7.5 inches by my recollection.

When Mark came out of the bathroom he found me sitting on the bed, tapping the ruler in my hand. I just patted the side of the bed and Mark dropped his towel and immediately sat down beside me. I had barely touched his dick and it sprang to life becoming instantly erect. Gently I pushed Mark down, having him lie on his back. I couldn't help myself, I couldn't take my eyes off of his cute, small dick. I thought to myself, He is excited for me to know. He wants me to know he has a small dick.

I placed the ruler at the base of his rigid cock, looked closely and took Mark's measurement.

"Well, what am I?" Mark asked a little nervously.

Truthfully, I was stunned at this point. I actually never realized just how small Mark's dick was until just then. "You have a 4 inch dick" I told him. Mark's dick twitched when I told him this. Looking at Mark I could see an animalistic, passionate, lustful look in his eyes. My naughty mind jumped into overdrive and I thought to myself, Mark is excited that I know his dick size. He is excited that I know he has a small dick.

Whispering into my ear Mark asked, "Who, of your lovers, had the biggest and how big is it?"

Breathing heavily as Mark fingered my wet and excited pussy I moaned "My ex-husband has 7 and a half inches."

"What about the other men you have been with." Mark asked, "What are their dick sizes?"

"Well," I told Mark, "first of all I don't remember all of their 'exact' sizes, but I would say all of them are at least 7 inches or larger."

Mark's small dick twitched again and I had never seen him quite this aroused before. I was actually pretty surprised at all of this. Think about it, how many men who have a small dick would be interested in having their wives measure their dick size? I suspect very few would do this, let alone be excited about it.

"Why are you so excited Mark?" I asked through clenched teeth as Mark's continued finger work was making me approach an orgasm

"Because" Mark lustfully breathed, "I am turned on by the intimacy of this. I love that you know me in all ways, even in this way."

"So you want me to know your dick size?" I wondered aloud.

"Yes, but it is more than that." Mark told me, "How so?" I wondered.

"It is the truth of the thing." Mark said, "Now I know that you know I have a small dick. Now I know that you will never attempt to fool me about my cock size by trying to make me feel better."

"So it turns you on for you to know that I am aware that you have a small dick?" I growled out, attempting to prolong my orgasm.

"Yes Deborah. What more intimate knowledge can you have about a man than the size of his cock?"

Hearing Mark admit that he has a small dick and that he wanted me to be honest with him about what I thought about it made something inside of me crack open like an egg. Shuddering in orgasmic bliss I realized what Mark was doing, breaking down the barrier and showing that much faith and confidence in my reaction toward his small dick, I knew that I would, from that point forward, never need to hide or lie to Mark about any of my desires. And then something truly naughty crept into my mind, I think he wants me to tease him about having a small dick. I think he is wanting me to point out to him how small his dick is. I couldn't help myself. I had to dip my toe into those waters and see if Mark would enjoy it.

"First of all let me say this," I said. "You keep calling your dick a cock, but it is not. You have a dick Mark, not a cock. A cock is something bigger than your small dick."

As I said this I was watching Mark closely to see his reaction. He looked at me with such lust, such desire. I had never seen Mark look at me in this way. The tension was palpable, and Mark couldn't stop from touching himself as well. I watched as Mark took his hand and began to stroke his dick. I juiced and began to get very excited at this turn of events, so I decided that since I had taken it this far I might as well take it the rest of the way and see where this led.

"Secondly, you can just look at me and tell that I deserve a big cock, can't you?" Mark groaned and began to stroke his small dick with more intensity. "And now that you know that I have been with men who have big cocks, you also know that a dick as small as yours is could never pleasure my pussy compared to my other lovers big, beautiful cocks. You know this don't you Mark?"

I felt so naughty, so nasty. Mark's dick was so hard at this point that it looked like it hurt and you could see his pre-cum oozing out the tip. I could tell that he was wanting to ejaculate but I insisted he wait until after we had dinner, raising his and my sexual tension, so I pulled his hand away from my dripping pussy, ending our fondling.

As we were getting ready for dinner that night I kept thinking about this unexpected change in Mark. His openness intrigued me. I know that opening up like this was probably the most sincere disclosure on his part to me thus far in our marriage. I imagine that it took a considerable amount of courage for him, and if I were to be equally honest I would have to say that this was a major turn-on for me. From the time I had known Mark, until that moment, he had always voiced insecurity about his small dick to me. And now, here he was being teased by me for having that small dick and getting excited about it. I was truly thrilled.

Dinner is Served

All throughout dinner that evening we bantered back and forth about sexual things, but never about his small dick. Mark never went there, nor did he give me an opening to tease him again, which I was secretly disappointed in. It was such a radical change from what we had been talking about that I began to think that it was just an anomaly and perhaps he had gotten it out of his system. That was until we ordered dessert.

When our very cute waitress came to our table and asked if we wanted to order a dessert for our meal I nearly broke out laughing.

"Would the two of you like to order something from our dessert menu?" our waitress asked.

"Yes," Mark said, "but I'm not seeing anything that matches what we are in the mood for."

"What do you have in mind and I can ask our chef if she can make it for you" she replied.

"Well, my wife is looking for a large dessert, but I only have a small taste. Do you think she could whip up something like that?" Mark asked.

"Sure" our waitress said, "I'm sure we can come up with something that fits both of your wishes."

The waitress didn't get it, thank goodness. I was surprised by Mark's boldness, his bravado. I reached under the table and felt Mark's crotch and sure enough, he was hard as a rock. When our waitress came back with our desserts I almost broke out laughing again when I saw what she had brought. For me there was a large chocolate éclair with a custard filling and for Mark there was a tiny cannoli. Both sort of looked like dicks, one big and one small. I thought that maybe while our waitress didn't get the joke, perhaps our chef did.

I couldn't help myself, I was so sexually intoxicated by this time that my naughty self reared her naughty head. Picking up the éclair with both hands, I slowly, and with as much sultriness as I could muster, began to nibble, lick and suck on the éclair just like I would a juicy, big cock. Mark, on the other hand, just popped his tiny little cannoli into his mouth and poof, it was gone. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Mark never took his eyes off of me as I ate the large éclair, bite by bite, nibble by nibble.

When we had finished our desserts we ordered some adult beverages. While we were sipping our drinks our chef Margaret came to our table and introduced herself and asked how our meals were. Of course we told her that we had enjoyed them very much and that the desserts in particular were perfect.

Giving us a wink she said "I thought those might do the trick for you." Looking me straight in the eye she asked, "Was the large, chocolate éclair what you had in mind for tonight?"

"Oh yes," I said, giggling at that silliness of it all, "it was perfect and exactly what I was needing."

"When your waitress told me what the two of you were wanting I figured the big éclair to be exactly what you had in mind." Margaret said, again with that wink. At that point I knew for certain that she had caught on that we were being sexual with each other. If we had been home and not in a town where nobody knew us I might have gotten very nervous at this point. But since we were far out of town I decided to let my naughty, animal side loose and enjoy the game with her.

"Yes," I said, "something big is exactly what I am looking for. Unfortunately, where we come from there are only small cannolis and I am sure you can understand how frustrating that can get for a woman who needs a large éclair to please her."

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