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All Comments on 'Three Weeks in Texas'

by deborahsue

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I prefer a mark sized story. Not some long drawn book. I was already rooting that the dinner party would involve some sort of in foreseeable tragedy to get me through this mess. Any Debbie is just getting back at her abusive ex by treating mark like shit. Mark on the other hand is s big pussy and might as well just become a woman since he acts like a pussy bitch

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
See!! this is the flaming I am talking about! This pig bashes every writer on here.

I say he should be banned from any comments!!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
SEE!! I told you the asshole of LIt doesn't read these stories

The fag even admits it!!! 5 for content and effort

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
see another story given a bad score by the asshole of lIT!!

So I counter and give it a 5 to help offset this one annony fool the asshole of LIT!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
and dear annnoy you won a bucket for of cum

drink up big guy!! 5 for a good story and effort

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Just another big cock cheating slut

Making up some mindless excuse for being a cheating whore. There is no logical or reasonable excuse for sleeping with other men when you're a married woman. If you want to do that, get a divorce. She demonstrates her lack of love or respect for her husband by demeaning, degrading and humiliating him. She exposes herself and him to every disease known to man. What's sexy, erotic or even interesting about her actions? Even for fiction her actions demand a divorce. Idiotic story, badly conceived and poorly written. Nothing in it gives any reason with her husband wouldn't just take every asset he could lay his hands on and leave her. He gets nothing out of the deal.

1 star for absolute drivel. 5 stars for pissing Bunnie off!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very well done

Your story is very well written. I also have a little dick and don't mind it so much. I would divorce my wife in a heartbeat if she cheated, but if she involved me, I too would like to see her have the pleasure of a BBC.

Your story kept me aroused and interested even with the long explanations.

Jag0905Jag0905over 8 years ago
good story

I liked the story well gave it 5 stars, the people that didn't like it probably don't like any cuckold stories, I was hard the entire story

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I don't understand

I thought this story was well written. As the author's bio says she writes non-fiction, her husband is truly a very lucky man, What I don't understand is why the anonymous commenters even bother to read the story if cuckolding upsets them so much. The story is in the fetish section negating their normal complaint that it shouldn't be in loving wives section, although Deborah's constant concern for Mark's feelings speak to her love for him.

elling50elling50over 8 years ago

I loved this story. I loved that the love between husband and wife was so emphasis. And that there is no humiliation. Just loving teasing. I would have loved for my wife and me to have such an experience, but that will never happen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
good job

I usually like these type of stories, of couples exploring and growing. This was well written. I don't like humiliation in stories, especially when it comes from a loved on, so unfortunately that immediately turned me off to it. Mark seemed to enjoy it, and it seemed to be done in a teasing manner, but I personally just don't like it. Otherwise good work, keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Long winded story.

I think your story was interesting but it was way too long. It seems like you go the long way around the barn when describing the points. Reread next posting and cut back has the longest story is not the best story.

heartsurgeheartsurgeover 8 years ago
Extraordinary. One of the VERY BEST writers on Literotica

Deborahsue, you are extraordinary. This was the best written and most insightful, erotic, teasing and taunting YET LOVING and insightful story of this genre I've ever read. It surpasses even Jaycuck's and exleglover's excellent work. As a successful and athletic man who has had experience with a few couples as their 'alpha", for want of a better term, it always struck me that for such a relationship to work AND to have erotic tension, there must be love and mutual appreciation and devotion between the cuckold and the Hotwife. It need not be equal and symmetric, since the cuckold should show intense devotion to his lovely wife, but for any of this to work in real life and for it to have any real compelling tension as fiction, it seems to me there must be mutual love, and mutual if not equal devotion. You captured this equation and chemistry extraordinarily well. Please keep writing. You are extraordinary. I for one would love to know you better. DO keep writing, please.

heartsurgeheartsurgeover 8 years ago
Superb writing from an emotionally and intellectually substantial writer: Deborahsue

Deborahsue, please see my comment and compliments immediately above, under my member name Heartsurge. I looked up your biography only after i wrote my comment of praise and appreciation, and to my delight and surprise learned that you are a nurse. i should have known. I was a prominent surgeon in a particularly demanding specialty, and as I mentioned above, before my own marriage and after, was an "alpha" for three different couples the wives of which were all nurses. I'd love to communicate with you about those and other experiences, but have no idea how to do so through literotica. Perhaps that communication would inform or inspire other fiction efforts of yours, but i must say that you are a superb, bright, sensuous, and generous writer, and i do hope you will write abundantly.

hardwettalkhardwettalkover 8 years ago
Gave you a five dear. Well done. Truly hope this was non fiction, you deserve big clock.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Biblical in it's proportion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Appreciate the comments


I appreciate all of the comments, even the silly stuff. Keep it up.

Deborah Sue

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I read the two previous efforts in an attempt to understand why a seemingly loving wife would disrespect her husband to this extent and delight in his inferiority complex. I fail to understand it. Deborahsue you are getting the best of both worlds while your husband gets cheated, deprived, insulted and disrespected to a horrifying degree. I read the first page of this and gave up as it's entirely predictable where it's going. I hope you will eventually see the error of your ways and give your husband the undivided love and exclusive respect he deserves for putting up with your lack of respect and staying loyal which you are clearly incapable of. Good luck with saving your marriage. You will need it when your husband wises up and grows a pair to call a halt to this nonsense F594

heartsurgeheartsurgeover 8 years ago
I found Deborah Sue's tale full of expressions of love and appreciation for her husband, and their erotic journey to be mutual and full of mutual respect

To the anonymous poster of the immediately preceding comment:

I respect your right to the perspective you expressed, and Deborah Sue is more than bright and articulate enough to speak for herself, but i would urge you to re-read the last 6 paragraphs of this beautiful, sensual and, it seems to me, mutual erotic journey. The last 6 paragraphs, beginning with the reflection "What is our future?" strike me as a moving and profound expression of appreciation for her husband, whom she describes throughout this tale as attractive, bright, classy, and courageous, as well as devoted to her and what seems to be a very mutual erotic journey through which they have grown in mutual regard and respect. I found Deborah's depiction of the nuances and tensions and rewards of their erotic adventure to be levels beyond the works of other writers on this site, perhaps because of her intelligence and maturity but also perhaps because of the bond of respect that the 21 year marriage she describes in her biography has forged between 2 people who sound substantial in their own right and even more substantial in their appreciation of each other. I've only been involved in a few such situations, and only as the "other man", but it sounds to me what Deborah and her husband have forged together is very substantial, very sexy, very mutual, and only achievable by two remarkable people who value each other enough to explore their mutual erotic needs in an relationship of mutual if asymmetric devotion and appreciation. Sounds substantial and sexy to this reader, and superbly expressed and written.

deborahsuedeborahsueover 8 years agoAuthor
I couldn't have said it better Heartsurge

Thanks HearSurge, you summed it up perfectly. But the poster said that he gave up on reading after the first page, so he has no way to know.

As for me demeaning my husband, subjugating him and other such nonsense, well, think what you like. We have been in this lifestyle for better than 10 years now, but I'd still give it up for him if he ever wanted it, and I do ask from time to time.

Deborah Sue

heartsurgeheartsurgeover 8 years ago
It's my pleasure, Deborah Sue

Deborah Sue, thanks for your appreciative comment on my thoughts, but the pleasure was entirely mine, both to read your exceptionally well-written account of a substantial couple's journey of mutual erotic discovery and to share my reaction and appreciation of you with an anonymous skeptical commenter. And the honor is mine to "have your back" as it were, since so many nurses had mine and meant so much to me throughout a very demanding career. And you needn't defend yourself to those who perceive your very mutual erotic interplay and journey as demeaning or subjugating your husband. It's clear that your teasing, taunting, and allowing your husband to express his devotion to you after you have been filled and fulfilled by your lovers is very much part of a very mutual and mutually loving, if erotically asymmetric dance, and one in which he feels increasingly adoring of a very hot, bright, sexy, and exceptional wife, and you ever more appreciative of him. What could be better? Thanks again for sharing so articulately and beautifully this very erotic journey. Heartsurge

deborahsuedeborahsueover 8 years agoAuthor
To: Curious

About 'body shaming' and the effect on self-esteem. I assume that by body shaming you are implying that my husband seeks a touch of this because he is ashamed. It is a good question, and one I have though much on over the years. For the first 10 years of my marriage I did the traditional thing of reassuring Mark that he was fine (and he is). I would remind him that he could make me orgasm with just his finger and if he could do that then the size of his dick was irrelevant (and it is).

But Mark was seeking something more. I think you would all agree that each of us has our fetishes. Some men like big tits, others tiny tits. Some women like beefy, burly men and others like them skinny. We all have our tastes, desires and fantasies. The only question is: Do those desires and fantasies align with your spouses desires and fantasies. If they do, great! If the don't, then work must be done to achieve a comfortable compromise.

I hope this answers your question to your satisfaction.

deborahsuedeborahsueover 8 years agoAuthor
To: HilaryClinton


Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXover 8 years ago
Too Nice

This story was too nicey, nicey with very little drama; no ups or downs, highs or lows. A bit like following a soccer club for a full season and every game's a draw. That way no one's feelings get hurt. I was hoping that Jason would be a real man - like in the 1950's before Political Correctness took control - and take command. Then seduce Deborah, with Deborah's lust being too strong to compete with her better judgment; both wife and lover too lust-driven to care much about Mark's feelings and maybe even leaving him with a coffee-coloured child to raise. Cuckolds like a bit of angst and Mark came across as a 'modern man'

At 11 pages, it was a bit long-winded. The second encounter was pretty much the same as the first and didn't need repeating. Yes, the second did include a character called Troy, whom we didn't need to know about. And why weren't the lovers given a bit of privacy whilst they pleasured one another, rather than have to play in front of such a vast audience?

Unlike a lot of writers on Lit, though, the author is more than capable of stringing a few sentences together, which kept me going throughout 11 pages. And, I liked the black suitor theme. It was pretty much easy reading. She's capable of writing better stories and I hope she does, but to write something sexy, the bull needs to seduce the unwilling wife

deborahsuedeborahsueover 8 years agoAuthor
To Lynn

I thank you very much for your constructive criticism. Too often those who don't like a work will only attempt to demean or ridicule the author.

As for 'too long winded,' please understand that I was making an attempt at a historical piece. The events described in Three Weeks in Texas actually happened, pretty much as told in the story.

Your preferences for a 1950's man, the degrading of the husband and so forth are pretty much commonplace on Literotica. That said, there is definitely a place for such things to be discussed, and I for one am thankful that there are plenty of writers willing to take on the subject. However, for me and my particular proclivities, I think it best to stick with that which I am well familiar and leave those other writing genres to those who have an interest in such things.

Again, I thank you for your comments and will hope that you continue to read my postings.


leggypooleggypooover 8 years ago


Have just finished reading all of your submittals. You are good. I hope you keep sharing your insights and your adventures down this slippery slope of a lifestyle. It is not for everyone that's for sure. Only a rare few could handle it as you and Mark do. I would be interested in hearing from Mark about his perspective. You bring his thoughts and feeling out, but hearing his perspective would be interesting. Does he read your stories? Does he ever comment? Thanks again, and please keep writing.

deborahsuedeborahsueover 8 years agoAuthor
To: leggypoo

Yes, my husband reads everything I write before I post it to Literotica. No, he himself does not write and I suspect he will never comment on what I write, but that is his choice of course. Thanks for your kind words and I appreciate your reading my work.


rod43rod43over 8 years ago
Wonderful experience

Thanks for sharing this with us Deborah. I was overwhelmed with arousal and admiration for you all. It was not too long in my opinion and I would love to see a sequel should you care to do this.

Your writing is a credit to of the best on Lit.

Thank you so much for sharing such a personal time of your life.


deborahsuedeborahsueover 8 years agoAuthor
To: Hillary Clinton

Wow, do I perceive a bit of self reflection going on here? Seems to me that it is you who sees himself as, and I quote, "a loser sissy husband." Careful, you might crack the mirror as you look upon your reflection.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

That was a description of your husband based on your story.

You proved you are a coward by deleting my comments and dodging everything I have said

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

if your husband said no you love him enough to stop. Yes or no? Your answer would tell all.

maninconnmaninconnabout 8 years ago
Beautiful Story

I wish....I could shed my jealousy as well as Mark

I wife could relax enough to admit what she wants from life

I wish....

I admire you as an author, for your freedom, and for your willingness to share. There is a tone to your works that make me feel you really care about me as a reader. I mean you personally care. That is warming. I am going to go home and work on making my wishes come true, because of you. I don't know what it is going to look like. It probably won't look like your story at all. I do know my wife is going to love it. Thank Mark for me too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I have read many cuckold stories over the years and this one is by far the most exhilarating. It took me several days and many orgasms to make it to the end.

Your love and commitment to each other bleeds right through the words and I really appreciated it.

I have now read everything you have written on this site. Please post more.

deborahsuedeborahsueabout 8 years agoAuthor
TO: Awesome

Many thanks for your kind words. It is not easy to expose oneself in this way, to speak of desires and dreams. So when somebody recognizes the effort and the intent it is well appreciated.


ButtersweetsButtersweetsalmost 8 years ago

After reading this I understand what my mate wanted of me...

HandjobHeavenHandjobHeavenover 7 years ago
Very good

I enjoyed reading your story very much...

To those who complain about the length, I prefer this lengthier single story format to negotiating a story that has been filed in multiple parts...

I thought you wrote well and I cannot remember too many, if any, errors that normally litter the submissions of others.

You are clearly both happy with your situation and while it won't suit everyone, after all we are all different, I cannot understand those that criticise because they struggle to cope with what you are doing.

The proposition of the story is clear from the start so, if you don't like it, why read it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

If a dick is small and a cock is bigger than a dick, than a pussy is with a loving and faithful wife and a cunt is for a cheating, slut, whore of a wife, which she was and is.😎

WhisporWhisporalmost 7 years ago

This is by far one of my favorite stories on Literotica, even after reading so many on here for so many years. I love your writing style, your descriptions, and the wife's inner dialogue. Thank you for this submission!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Again... Bravo!

Deborah, I would like to echo the great comments written previously (except the trolls; please ignore them). I loved all the insight and thought that went into your writing, and hope to see much more. Seriously... thank you! From your writing, I could easily walk by you and Mark at DIA, stop, exchange hugs and hopefully a cup of coffee as we move about in our travels.


BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 6 years ago
I Love . . .

. . . a hot love story and this certainly fits that description. Very Well Done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
best story ever written

so loving thoughtful and - just wow

Familyluv2114uFamilyluv2114ualmost 6 years ago

Best 11 page story I've read in awhile ;)

I got to admit,I did felt sorry for Mark at the beginning for his little wiener but after he was ok with it,you're story was extremely arousing!

Two parts I especially liked reading about was that eclair scene...My god that was so hot! And ALL those 'ball scenes' lol, from when you were playing with Jason's testicles under the table to when you popped each one in you're mouth while enjoying that black man while Mark watched toward the endogenous this masterpiece..

To me There's nothing more hotter than seeing it reading a mature white woman holding,playing,licking,sucking or tea bagging a mans balls;)

And in this case a black man's..

Too bad you can't make a story dedicated to this type fetish Deborah but I know haha,it's a totally diff. category

In closing,I gave you a 5 star rating,added you to my favorites AND hoping you make more of these cuckhold stories! They are 🔥

pantycladladpantycladladalmost 6 years ago
What a lovely exciting story!

Dear Author,

Love this story and had to read it twice.

Your writings make my panties tent out.

I’m an author, here, like you, but you are much better!


sissy erica

PS: my pen name is pantycladlad1 & my stories are in Transsexuals & Crossdressers (first one is true and appears in that section on page 14).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

What a sexy story!!! Thanks for writing and sharing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Small Dick?

The bigger problem is your sloppy loose vagina. Poor guy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Find an editor, please

I loved your story, but I should be immersed in the tale, thinking "Oh, that's hot" and, "I wish I had a wife like that" rather than, "That period should have been a question mark" or "That sentence needs a few commas". Your story was a gourmet meal, served on a dirty plate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Cuckold Fetish is sick

A whirlpool of mental gymnastics to justify why you enjoy demeaning your husband and get thrills out of talking about his small dick. Just because he enjoys it doesn't mean it's not mental abuse, some people enjoy being beat up, cut, all manners of degrading things and the people who indulge in that are truly sadistic. You comparing your relationship to other couples proves that you're not truly secure in your relationship. And that glib analogy of "commitment" falls short too. The only one you're committed to is your own self interests. Sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved it

Great story and really enjoyed not just the activities but also the journey, early angst leading to fulfilment.

As a confident and happy man with a small dick i see this as being the perfect relationship and I’d certainly get the same amount of pleasure... in fact I have ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Bestest story ever!

This is the most beautiful piece of writing on Literotica. I read this story a week before but cant get over it yet. Its romantic, intelligent, passionate, sensitive and playful all at once.

Thanks a lot to deborahsue for writing this. Will remember this for long if not forever.

DelsaDelsaabout 4 years ago

To see through this window into your mind, Deborah! Through eleven pages my interest in your thoughts and feelings-scorching, sweet, dirty, loving, raunchy, selfish, generous, visceral-never flagged. Absolutely wonderful. Thank you. How much you truly care for and think of each other makes it work... you both truly put the other's feelings on par with your own. It's a textbook for opening up a marriage. But it's so hot it spontaneously combusts, so won't ever be fuel for a book-burning ;)

BeauReadyBeauReadyalmost 4 years ago
Oh, God! Size Queens

Just because your vagina is so big you can accommodate a bowling ball doesn't justify you dehumanizing, ridiculing or deriding a man with a smaller cock. It's your gaping maw of a grotesque gash that is the problem here. You should get surgery to tighten up that black hole and keep from swallowing the universe!

MbgdallasMbgdallasalmost 4 years ago

I enjoyed this story.

However, nothing upsets me more than the inaccuracy about cuckolding.

“ "Well," Mark started, "a 'cuckold' is a man whose wife has sex with other men with his knowledge and approval." “

This is wrong. This is the definition of “hotwifing” not cuckolding. Cuckolding is when the wife has sex with other men withOUT the husbands permission and/or works to humiliate him during such sex.

If we are going to use terms it is important that we use terms correctly and not change their meanings. Otherwise communication ceases to be understood accurately.

patilliepatillieover 3 years ago
Nice effort

but i doth think you protest too much. I just feel you are trying to sell y our lifestyle. Maybe you are being authentic, if so, good on you. But the humiliation of Mark is not for me.

ProfesseurXProfesseurXover 3 years ago

Man in a million

When I first read this story and your others I was not a member of Literotica and I did not rate nor comment it.

First of all, thank you for writing, I enjoy reading. True stories provide a fascinating glimpse into other people’s lifestyles and minds. Knowing that they are true magnifies the emotions I get when reading them. Your stories are a treat even if they are so far away from my own lifestyle. For me, it is hard to believe that any relationship can a) enjoy this lifestyle and b) survive, but to each his own, who am I to judge what consenting adults do in private?

JPB wrote a story once called Shelly’s man in a million. It is a bit ridiculous and I am not suggesting any similarity but I think you really do have one in a million, don’t ever let him go:

He is a good, unselfish, lover despite his small size;

You love bick cocks and he lets you have other men’s big cocks, even gets turned on by it;

You get turned on by interracial and he lets you have BBC;

You like cunnilingus and have a sperm fetish and he enjoys eating creampies, even your lovers creampies!;

You like him to be with you when you get “it” and he holds your hand and looks lustily in your eyes when it happens;

You like to tease him about his size and it turns him on too (most men would be utterly destroyed).

At first I thought wow, what are the odds of two people being so totally in sync, considering that these are so far outside the norm!

Reflecting about the odds, I believe the much simpler explanation is that your husband gets totally turned on by your pleasures and turn-ons, maybe because you loved him despite his limitation (after a bad experience for him?). In any case, you are so lucky to have found your man in a million!

p.s. Sorry for the mistakes, second language for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The things we do for love ....

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
More From Colorado, Please ...

Hot (though long) story. Wouldn’t want myself to be treated like Mark had to endure about being “small”, though would like to see my wife (who was a virgin when we met) take a couple of “large” black cocks into her beautiful body to experience the pleasure other lovers could give to her ... “CUCK ME, JACKIE B.”

I give to you a 5-Star Award!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A bit long but pretty hot, I gave it five stars.

A story encountered many times on Lit but really nicely told : two people are in love but they are not totally sexually compatible as she is longing for something he can't physically give her. Luckily, he is a voyeur so she gets to cuckold him with big cocks and they lived happily ever after.....

jim3128jim3128almost 3 years ago

thank you,great story,I have read a lot of cuckold stories and yours is the best I have ever read.I enjoyed the time you took to describe in detail everyones view point and how you and mark and jason had sex ,again thanks

DeeannamontanaDeeannamontanaover 2 years ago

An online friend just turned me on to this story. My husband has been a cuckold for over 14 years. Love the way you developed the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great Take on Cuckold.

I like that the focus is on pleasure and needs without shaming. Judging the physical sizes and kinks is part of the teasing and I like that teasing is part of it. Adding the sperm wars part was interesting and even gives some primitive context to Mark’s desire eat Jason’s sperm from his wife’s freshly fucked cunt (strangely erotic). I liked the parts where Deborah and Sarah shamelessly praised Jason and Troy as they got fucked in front of their husbands. Very hot

IstrokeCIstrokeCabout 2 years ago

Superb writing , and excellent insight into cuckoldry. One of the best I’ve ever read. Do write more Deborahsue! You have genuine talent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A true adherent writing from experience and not from the fantasy-filled mind of a fetishist. As psychological a story as a physically descriptive one. Relies on knowledge and understanding versus tired tropes and clichés.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

Beautiful story, and beautiful analysis

i122i122almost 2 years ago

There is nothing better than great sex between a very much in love married couple. With that said I believe there is nothing sexier that seeing your wife completely satisfied sexually. The only part I didn’t like was the fact Debra said she would never humiliate her husband but continued to raze him about his small dick. Also for those who have never cleaned your wife or GF after she had been fucked you don’t know what the both of you are missing.

deborahsuedeborahsuealmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you i122 for your comments. My husband doesn't see it as humiliation for me to tease him about having a little dick. Kind of like I don't find it humiliating when he teases me for having sharp elbows. It is just teasing to us, but I understand why you might find such a thing as being humiliating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am 72 years old and still enjoy a strong sex life. In 1995/6 I successfully (Little step by little step) cuckolded my husband without embarssing or humiliating or belittling him. The secret was to give him little angst views of me sexually flirting with other men in varying situations and later (while having sex with my husband) getting him to admit that he liked watching such flirting. In the last few months i have found a number of women's similiar stories on the net. The one that i found to be closest to my experience was: // The difference is that I got my husband to "fully and verbally" aggree (While we had sex Later) . It took over a year but when I finally took my first bull - what my husband saw was his own private porn show. All of my bulls have been about the same dick size 6" as my husband. The secret was what is now called cuckold angst. My husband loved every moment of it. I always sealed the deal by fucking my husbands brains out immediatelly afterwards. For the last 26 years I have seduced a bull in front of my husband every few months. We are so in love and totally bonded together - it amazes me every time I think about it.

But I feel that the secret to it all was the arousal of his angst, and commitment, and aggreement with each progressive step to the final taking of a bull. We are both glad we did it. Your story is similiar. I seem to be finding more and more that kind of rhyme. More women need to experience this kind of marital bliss.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Unlike most of the suppurating tripe passed off as cuckold fiction on this site, Deborah's work has the ring of authenticity. Loving, consensual and caring, where most of this genre is destructive, deceitful and humiliating. This lady gets it. Five star score.

jsch1947jsch1947over 1 year ago

One major flaw.

You say, in preceding chapters, you don't DO humiliation.

That's bullshit. It's also why I didn't give this 5 stars .

A room full of people, all centered on cock size and YOU force him to stand up alongside the man with the biggest cock in the room. Time to "show and tell", and you heap ridicule, unnecessary ridicule upon him. Only one person can defend him, and you're in full Attack mode. Only You can say that he's the best lover you've ever had. (Even with his disability) including big dicked Jason. Jason was never afforded a chance to do more than be a human dildo. His true ability was never texted.

There isn't a single male on the planet who wouldn't have their confidence challenged with the taunting that took place. That's exactly what happened. Mark wasn't Teased, he was Taunted.

Your theory and you story DO NOT MATCH!!!

jsch1947jsch1947over 1 year ago

I am reading your offerings chronologically.

I have been very impressed with your intelligence, your perception, and how well thought out your opinions are on this topic.

I saw a disconnect with the BBQ tale in Texas and pointed that out.

I am 75. My current wife is a widow. She was married to a Dominant for 25 years till he passed. I am not a Dom, per se, but I paid attention to her words regarding the topic. She likes to be manhandled. Mostly, that's a matter of attitude.

I very much appreciate, and enjoy getting your opinions on this topic.

You have a husband with an incredibly thick skin.

There is a huge difference between what is considered teasing, and taunting.

In my mind, the biggest instrument of change,... Is the size of the audience.

Plus. As my wife pointed out, ATTITUDE.

You are the only writer I've encountered on LIT that mentions 'Sexual Competition'.

Become an observer in the Monkey House at the zoo and see it in action. We too, are primates and it's impact upon our sexuality is enormous. It's the fundamental driver of porn.

Thank you for your efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved the story. One of the best I had ever read.

Would like to know from fellow commentators who also liked this , whether they have recommendations for other such stories.

I read one anonymous comment where the lady talked about cuck angst and suggested one more story like this (Beth cuckolding her husband step by step). Kindly share other such stories too.

deborahsuedeborahsueover 1 year agoAuthor

To jsch1947,

Thank you for your comments and I appreciate the criticism. As you might imagine a work of this length is difficult and some things have to be sacrificed in order to keep the flow. What you classify as 'taunting' my husband sees as teasing and so I guess it is a matter, as you correctly put it, preference and tastes.

Oh, and the size comparison thing did in fact happen. Personally, I found it to be very erotic and have included it in many of our encounters to date. But usually, I'll end up sucking both of their cocks so that the other man isn't embarrassed.


jsch1947jsch1947over 1 year ago


I can believe this humiliation is exciting to him. Especially if you whisper it to him.

The point I'm trying to make is that it's said in front of a mixed group.

A group of men, not so bad, but with women in the mix. It's several clicks beyond embarrassing.

The most exciting cuckold story I've found, to date is by Kalimaxos, and posted on Kindle

Kyle, Hannah and Ken.

His opinion is similar to mine. (My experience is purely reading audience)

The situation is humiliating enough in it's execution.

You are both brave to journal your histories.

jsch1947jsch1947over 1 year ago

I don't think I'm being clear enough.

First off. I LIKED the story. It was well written and erotic as hell.

You compare critical comments about your elbows.

As if elbow shape and size was/is an ego damaging observation.

While a submissive, small man, might easily find comparison of cock size to his wife's bull exciting, (I'm not challenging that at all.)

Consider someone loudly criticizing your nipples shape, size, color, and overall 'uglyness'.

Does that help bring my observation into perspective?

If you don't own a cock, you have no way of interpreting how humiliating it is.

Consider putting on a bathing suit, at a pool, after you've had a breast removed, and a 5 year old,..."Mommy, her breast is gone!!" Loudly, of course.

Does that help?

My point: yes, he might be excited by the observation, but to have it hurled at him in front of others is not teasing. It's humiliation.

deborahsuedeborahsueover 1 year agoAuthor

To jsch1947,

Point stipulated that this can definitely be seen as humiliating. But what is a woman to do if her man sees it as exciting teasing?

chichanchichanover 1 year ago

I liked this story and I liked your other stories as well. I have to agree with jsch1947. The way you describe Mark, he sounds like a wonderful generous husband who is so considerate of your need for a big cock. I didn't like to way you made him stand beside Jason and the other women compared their cocks. He had to endure their comments. This kind of taunting doesn't come from a nice place. Maybe he considers it to be exciting teasing, or maybe this is your rationale for doing it. Do you take pleasure from the taunts? I suspect that you do otherwise you wouldn't do it.

chichanchichanover 1 year ago

I don't think I was very clear about what I was trying to say , so I'll add some more commentary.

Deborah and Mark hadn't known the people in the story for very long (three weeks).

Deborah cuckolded Mark with Jason in front of 4 women and 3 men. Deborah had Mark and Jason stand side-by-side for a comparison. Actually, the way she spoke to each of theme was telling

"Stop Mark, don't move." (an order)

"Jason, would you go and stand next to my husband please." (very polite)

The four women, Sarah, Laura, Margaret and Kimberly all made comments about how small Mark was, and how much better and impressive Jasons's big cock was.

Deborah made many comments praising Jason's big cock.

"That's right Jason, and I will take your big cock over Mark's small dick now as well."

Five women made comments about how much better Jason's big cock was.

It was a big crowd. If you include Deborah and mark it was 10 people, and no one seemed to give a thought to Mark's feelings.

I know that lots of people enjoy the masochistic aspects of humiliation, especially in role play, but this wasn't role play, and it wasn't teasing. Considering the number of people present and all the comments that were made, and the lack of consideration for Mark's feelings, this was humiliation.

IstrokeCIstrokeCover 1 year ago

I am a cuckold who in many ways is in a similar position to Mark. A relatively small cock; an attractive wife who found, when we tried swinging, that she achieved wonderful orgasms with men who had much larger cocks, especially well endowed black men ; both well educated and materially successful. The only significant difference perhaps is that Jane, my wife, has never fully brought herself to the level of “ teasing” ( which as others have said looks very like humiliation ) which you illustrate so brilliantly. She has tried! She knows how much that excites me , but it is so hard I think for a wife who genuinely loves her husband to play this role when others are present. When we have sex together it invariably forms part of our play- and we both get beautifully turned on by it.

I think maybe that her difficulty in taking the teasing to the level you two have is that she somehow feels that she would have to explain to all the others involved how , despite all appearances, the love and respect we both feel for each other, is untouched by the sexual games we play with them. This is hardly practical- and would rather ruin the eroticism of the experience!

Thank you so much for your writings here- it is so good to read such perceptive analysis of cuckoldry from a woman’s perspective. My only criticism is that I wish you would write more!

deborahsuedeborahsueover 1 year agoAuthor

To: chichan

This has been a common complaint from men about this. In my mind it is perfectly acceptable to not like that part of the story since many men within the Cuckold community or Cuckold interest community picture themselves as being a Stag.

But this isn't a story about other men and their desires, or other women and their desires. This is a story about my husband and I and what turns us on and drives our sexual interests.

I hope this is understandable to you,


deborahsuedeborahsueover 1 year agoAuthor

To IstrokeC:

Thank you for your comments. Most likely your wife is like me in that she has no desire to hurt her husband. In Mark and my case it isn't hurtful for him but rather wanted. You see, when he was young that was something that his peers picked on him about. Same with some of his early lovers, and so he has sexualized this.

Hope that this may help you and your wife as well,


IstrokeCIstrokeCabout 1 year ago

Thank you so much for your reply- I’m sure you are right! More importantly, Jane my wife agrees! She asked me to add to my earlier comment on this particular story how much she enjoyed reading it after I’d told her how I’d found it one of , if not the the best cuckolding stories I’d read on here. Not only for its accuracy in its perception of the feelings of both cuckold and cuckoldress , but also because it is simply hot! Of course the two are linked , plus you just write beautifully. When Jane did read it , it took three nights to get through as she had me attend to her orally as she read, and could only get so far before nature took over!

I’ve enjoyed reading all your stories and thoughts in here. And I’ve recommended this story in particular to several others who are either new to the lifestyle or ‘ trembling on the verge’ as it were! I’ll repeat though how much I would like to see more stories from you. Few are blessed with your insights combined with your talent for good prose.

SexecclecticSexecclectic12 months ago

First thought. This is one of the finest stories to be found on Literotica. deborahsue can be thoroughly proud of herself for what she has accomplished here. I’ve read so many stories that I have forgotten half of them on this site. But I won’t forget Three Weeks in Texas, and I have read everything else that deborahsue has written because of this story. Very few stories can be found on this site that combine intellect, emotion, and some pretty steamy sex into a cohesive narrative, without one of those elements taking too much of the stage. The balance is awesome. That is a tough feat to pull off, congratulations on winning the Triple Crown deborahsue! Hats off to you as well for being brave enough sharing your intense, very personal journey with us.

The second thing. I love reading the comments on a story so well written, just to see what sort of praise people will heap upon an author, especially one who deserves it like deborahsue does here. And then the first few comments you read are scathing balls of fire, and people who hate with an intensity that’s disgusting. I’m guessing they hate with more energy than they’ll ever put into loving anything.

You first ask yourself why they bothered to read it if they hated it so much, why did they waste their time reading it, and spend their precious time hacking on the author? You would hope on this website devoted to the world of sexual thrills, that there would be people who are open minded and ready for new experiences. Obviously, that is not always the case. There appeared to be just as many closed minded, ignorant people here, as can be found in our every day world. When I begin reading stories that I myself do not like, maybe because the sexual angle is not for my tastes or the author just isn’t a very good writer. I’ll stop half a page in, and move onto the next one. But waste my time hacking on the author? There’s too many better things to do with your time. I just don’t understand why people have to hate someone who’s sexual journey isn’t the same as theirs, or isn’t the one they want to experience. If Mark enjoyed being told he has a small dick and she is in tune enough with his needs, the only losers in the situation are all those woman-haters who seem to lurk all over on this site. Mark and Deborah seem to have found their happiness.

I feel that deborahsue is strong enough to tolerate the haters, it’s obvious she’s a strong woman. You go girl, and while you’re at it, maybe share some of your other newer adventures? Although I do feel you’d have a hard time topping this story (yes, that is a challenge). Kudos on all your how-to and commentary pieces also. Thanks for the wonderful ride in this story.

deborahsuedeborahsue12 months agoAuthor

To Sexecclectic,

A couple of thoughts about your comments. First of all, thank you for your kind words. They are appreciated more than you know.

Second, about the 'haters.' Well, that comes with the territory I guess. Before I published this piece I knew that there would be those who either did not approve of the subject or that would not like my particular style of writing. There would also be those who strongly objected to the some of the sexual tastes that my husband and I have.

As a writer on sexual things you should expect at least that much from your readers. That said, I have a couple of ideas as to who those particular commenters are and perhaps their motivations.

I am of the mind that some of those people never read through the entire book and I wouldn't blame them if it is a subject they are not interested in. A scathing comment kind of makes sense in that case right?

Another would be just someone who is mean or beligerant, or perhaps just an angry person who is looking to vent. Lastly, jealousy. The jealous lash out in unpredicatable ways.

Anyway, that is all I have to say on the matter as I am proud of my accomplishment in being able to put this story down on paper and that when my husband read it he was so excited we made intense, passoinate love. That is the strongest measure of my work. He approves!

Deborah Sue

deborahsuedeborahsue12 months agoAuthor

To Sexecclectic,

A couple of thoughts about your comments. First of all, thank you for your kind words. They are appreciated more than you know.

Second, about the 'haters.' Well, that comes with the territory I guess. Before I published this piece I knew that there would be those who either did not approve of the subject or that would not like my particular style of writing. There would also be those who strongly objected to the some of the sexual tastes that my husband and I have.

As a writer on sexual things you should expect at least that much from your readers. That said, I have a couple of ideas as to who those particular commenters are and perhaps their motivations.

I am of the mind that some of those people never read through the entire book and I wouldn't blame them if it is a subject they are not interested in. A scathing comment kind of makes sense in that case right?

Another would be just someone who is mean or belligerent, or perhaps just an angry person who is looking to vent. Lastly, jealousy. The jealous lash out in unpredictable ways.

Anyway, that is all I have to say on the matter as I am proud of my accomplishment in being able to put this story down on paper and that when my husband read it he was so excited we made intense, passionate love. That is the strongest measure of my work. He approves!

Deborah Sue

SexecclecticSexecclectic12 months ago

Hello Deborah Sue. I had not considered the jealousy angle. Your idea makes perfect sense. I can recall times in my youth where my irrational responses to situations were actually jealousy. Thankfully I got past some of those moments, to a place where sharing and compersion are some of the most delicious emotional experiences to be had. Did Mark know you were writing your story as you worked on it? Or a complete surprise for him? And on a separate note, did you use an editor, or do any editing yourself?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A lesson in what to do if you want to be single. Behavior like this earns you a divorce or a potentially fatal disease. Even for a fictional tale this was 11 pages of stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A thoroughly enjoyable story!

Cuck4lifeCuck4life5 months ago

I could write a ton about how much I liked this story. I will simply say it was amazing full stop. I wish I were Mark and my wife was Deborah.

IstrokeCIstrokeC5 months ago

We have just re- read together this wonderful story again ( Jane was reminded of it as we are back on holiday at the same place we first read it- getting some much needed sun in the middle of our miserable UK winter! ). It served its first purpose admirably as it stimulated some lovely sex! And Jane has I think been helped greatly by it in feeling more able to vocalise her feelings and was able to share memories of her experiences with “BBC” as I pleasured her orally, which of course was intensely enjoyable for me.

But unlike with 99% of “ cuckold stories” I find myself reflecting on this one subsequently as opposed to something I might read to stimulate a wank. I suppose we all like to see characters who remind us of ourselves, and Mark and Deborah certainly do that in many ways. This is real thoughtful writing of a high calibre.

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Female, age 57. I am a nurse by trade and have been married to my husband for 26 years. I enjoy writing non-fiction stories about my sex life and sharing those stories with friends who enjoy erotica.
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