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Three Weeks in Texas


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I looked over to Mark to see his reaction and found his mouth agape, in literal shock at where this conversation was going. I got such a thrill from this, I never knew I had it in me to be this way, this forward.

"Yeah, I too much prefer the large éclairs over the small cannoli's any day." Margaret told me. "Besides the satisfaction you get from the large éclairs, there is also the visual aspect. A large éclair is much more satisfactory to look at wouldn't you say Deborah?"

"Most definitely" I told Margaret, "how could you not want to look at a large éclair."

Turning to Mark Margaret asked, "How about you Mark, do you too enjoy looking at a large éclair over a small cannoli?" I thought Mark would end up spitting out his drink he was so shocked at the direction of this conversation.

"Yes, any man can tell that a woman would much prefer a large éclair over a small cannoli any day." Mark told her.

"And yet, you do have the small cannoli, don't you." At this I actually got upset and was going to come to Mark's defense, but Mark beat me to it.

"Yes Margaret, I most definitely do have the small cannoli. This is why I told Deborah that she deserved the large éclair, and I loved watching her devour it." Mark said with a heavy, throaty lust. I just looked at Mark and could easily see the heat in his eyes, the pure, raw desire.

Margaret laughed, "I knew you were the small cannoli type but I must say, it takes a very special man to be willing, and able, to be so up front about and bold with such things." Looking over at me Margaret said, "I envy you your husband and his boldness. You are a very lucky woman." Mollified, I smiled at Margaret and said, "Yes, I know and love him dearly because of it."

Sensing the end of the fun Margaret gave us her business card and told us that we were welcome to come back to her restaurant on any day that she was here and that she would make dinner for us. And if we wanted, she would be happy to host us at her home and we could enjoy dinner with her and her husband.

That night Mark and I made very passionate and heated love. My sexual thermostat was turned all the way up and I felt like I would burst when my orgasm came, lathering my sweet pussy juices all over Mark's face and tongue.

Dinner is Served for 4, 6, 8, Now 10

A week later we called Margaret and told her we could have dinner with her if she was interested, either at her home or at the restaurant. Margaret told me that if we could wait two more days she would have the night off and she could make us dinner at her home. We readily agreed, thinking a quiet and more personal atmosphere would be more enjoyable for us.

During that whole week since we had met Margaret at her restaurant we had been traveling up and down the gulf coast of Texas, enjoying the beaches, taking our time and seeing all of the local sights. Except for that first night when we met Margaret Mark and I found ourselves too tired at the end of the day to have sex, and so by the time our dinner night with Margaret arrived we were both very horny, desperate for release in fact.

As we pulled up to Margaret's we noticed there were several cars in her driveway and at least one couple sitting on the bench in front of her home. I was immediately disappointed since I thought this was to be a dinner for Mark and I and we could meet with Margaret's husband and have a pleasant evening with the two of them.

Margaret's home was lovely, stately in fact with an extra-large smoked brick driveway leading up to a brown stone and peach plaster entryway that was arched some 15 feet high. There was a beautiful cast iron chandelier sharing a soft, yellow light that illuminated a bright red wooden door. As we approached we introduced ourselves to the couple sitting on the bench. Kimberly was young, perhaps 25, with jet black shoulder length hair, very slim and athletic looking and so pale that her skin was almost translucent. Jason was a handsome black man, about 5' 8", muscular and with teeth so brilliant it was almost shocking. Mark and I sat outside and talked with Kimberly and Jason for about 5 minutes, enjoying their company, and I was immediately taken in with Jason and his sexy, deep voice. We made small talk until Margaret came out and invited us in. As we were led inside to drop off my purse and jacket I mentioned to Margaret that I had thought that we were going to have an intimate dinner with her and her husband.

"Oh, I'm sorry Deborah," Margaret said, "I thought you wouldn't mind having a small group. I should have told you."

All of a sudden I felt like a selfish, bitchy cad. "Oh, it is nothing and not important." I told Margaret, even though I had just complained about this 5 minutes ago to Mark.

"Good," Margaret said, "I think you will love everybody who is here. They are fine people with similar interests. I think the two of you will really enjoy this evening." Suddenly, I was a little bit nervous, not understanding what she meant by "similar interests." But I quashed my misgivings and pressed forward, fully intending to enjoy myself and make new friends.

As Mark and I stepped into Margaret's very large, formal living room she introduced us to everybody, starting with her husband.

"Jim," Margaret said, "I'd like to introduce you to Deborah and Mark. This is the couple I told you about meeting in the restaurant a week ago." Uh oh! Did Margaret mention to Jim what we were talking about. Did Margaret tell him about the éclair and cannoli? Mark stuck his hand out immediately without a care in the world and gave Jim a big smile. Jim turned to me and stuck his hand out saying, "Pleasure to meet you Deborah." Wait, did he just give me a wink? Is that what I just saw? Oh crap, he knows I thought.

After Jim she introduced us to Laura and Troy, Sarah and Tim, and Kimberly and Jason whom we had already met. Laura and Troy were a truly beautiful couple, Laura being statuesque with very large breasts that I couldn't help but notice because of her tight August Silk sweater. It was a beautiful pink and pearl sweater that accentuated her very large tits. And Troy, he was like a Nordic god, tall and a messy mop of blond hair. Very muscular, but not so much that you thought of Arnold Schwarzenegger, but rather in the sense of Chris Hemsworth (sigh!). Troy was kind of bashful, which made his appeal that much more sincere.

Sarah and Tim were more like Mark and I. They were an older couple, probably in their mid to late 50's, and looked the part of the prim and proper. Sarah had on a pretty pink and lavender Hermes dress that exposed her shoulders and was cut low, she had brown straight hair that curled up where it touched her shoulders, giving her a type of teenage look but that fit very well with her angular face and light makeup. Sarah was very thin, to the point of being skinny and had very small breasts, an amazing contrast after having met with Laura and her big tits. Tim was also dressed to kill with a Newman black pinstriped suit with a black tie over cream shirt. Tim was also short of stature, about 5' 6" and was also very slim to the point of being skinny. But Tim also had a very calm and masculine demeanor that exuded authority.

Kimberly and Jason we had already met but Margaret introduced them anyway and then she took us to the fully stocked bar where I was given a glass of Revana red Cabernet and Mark ordered his usual Rum with a dash of Coke. Taking our drinks to the spacious family room Mark and I took our seats next to Kimberly and Jason and quietly sipped our drinks while listening to the conversation.

Mark is a well-educated and worldly man who keeps up with world events and recent news, so he can hold his own in most conversations, but he is also a little shy when around people he doesn't know so I wasn't surprised when he didn't immediately jump into the conversation.

By the time dinner was served I was on my second glass of Revana and was feeling loose, so I was ready when the Margaret and Jim brought out a lovely salad of Romaine and spinach and lightly dressed with a mustard vinaigrette. While we were enjoying our salads along with the encrusted herb salmon fillets Kimberly and Jason began talking about the evolution of the way men looked at women in the work-place.

"I think, if a man is truly interested in his female co-workers perspective then he shouldn't be intimidated and just ask her." Kimberly said.

"Yeah," Jason joked, "and get slapped with a lawsuit for sexual harassment while he is at it." Earning him a sharp elbow to the ribs by Kimberly.

At this point Mark finally joined the conversation, "Not at all Kimberly, it is exactly the opposite. It isn't the man being intimidated, rather it is the woman. She should not expect a man to ask for her perspective. Rather, she needs to have the self-confidence, same as the man's, to speak her mind on the subject at hand and not wait for an invite."

I was pleased. Mark's first involvement in the conversation and everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at him. For a moment there was silence, then all of the men quickly agreed, and finally the women did as well.

At this point Jason said, "I have a question for you women at the table; why do you always say you will be ready in 15 minutes when you usually aren't for at least 30?"

While the men were all laughing and pointing at their wives I said, "Because, it takes us that long to make ourselves beautiful for you men, and then we have to clean up after you before we can go." To which all of the women gave me their "oh-yeahs" and votes of approval.

Tim, in his sophisticated way of putting things said "It is true you have to pick up after us, but don't try and obfuscate your reasons for making yourselves beautiful. It is most certainly not for the man you are with, but rather for the other men who may see you."

Margaret, in a saucy and sensual tone remarked, "Yes Tim, it is true. We desire other men to look at us, to be attracted to us, to want us." Which we girls immediately giggled and blushed (at least I did anyway).

"I know that is true." Tim's wife Sarah said. "I enjoy seeing other men admire my beauty, my body. I want them to look, to feel their eyes upon me. To lust for me. How thrilling to know the power, the control that we have over men who want us." This type of bluntness, frankness, is not something I am used to when it comes to the way men and women look at each-other in sexual ways. But I must admit, these are things I have privately, quietly thought myself and I enjoyed hearing these thoughts put to voice.

"Well Sarah, I am one man who loves to look at you." Jason said, "You have a beautiful body, a great ass in particular, and I love it every time we meet so I can watch you walk and the graceful way you sit. Most of all, I love how you flaunt your beauty in front of all us men, knowing that we are watching you. I can tell that you know our eyes are watching you and that it excites you, heats you, turns you on." Good grief, I thought, did he just say that in front of his wife. Moreover, Tim was just sitting there with a smile on his face as though Jason was talking about his wife's mind and not her body. Why wasn't Tim coming to his wife's defense, protecting her honor?

"I agree with Jason Sarah," Mark said to my astonishment, "you are a beautiful woman with a sexy body. Any man would enjoy having his eyes on you." This just made Tim give an even bigger smile, proving that he enjoyed the compliments his wife was receiving, even though sexual in nature.

But coming from Mark this made me angry, "What is wrong with you two," I said, "Sarah is not just some body or pretty face for you two Neanderthals to ogle at. She is obviously well educated, refined, intelligent and sophisticated. If you are going to appreciate something about her appreciate that. And you Tim, you shouldn't be sitting there with a shit-eating grin, you should say something."

"You must understand something Deborah," Tim said, "I too am a man, and I too have the thoughts of a man. So when I see a beautiful woman, like yourself for instance, I can't help but to reflect upon your beauty, to notice it and to appreciate it. It isn't that I am diminishing you, rather it is compliment to you that I find you beautiful. So when Mark and Jason tell Sarah that they find her attractive it is also a reflection upon my choice of Sarah as a mate. That they find her beautiful is also a compliment to me."

"Is this how you see it as well Mark?" I asked.

"Absolutely," Mark affirmed. "I notice when other men are checking you out, and I also notice how you straighten your back, thrusting your breasts out when you feel their eyes upon you. Besides, you are a beautiful woman, and beautiful women should be looked at, enjoyed and desired." I blushed a bright red, but all of the women at the table gave their hearty approvals to what Mark and Tim said, effectively ending my debate performance. Besides, it is true that I do enjoy having men look at me, feeling their eyes undressing me.

At this point Laura got in on the conversation saying, "You men don't have a monopoly when it comes to looking ya know." She said in a deep southern drawl. "We like looking at beautiful, sexy men as well. I for one like to start with a man's ass, and if he is seated where I can check out his package so much the better." Wait, what did she just say? I thought. Did she really mean that she checked out men's crotches?

"Of course you do Laura," Troy laughed, "you love the big cocks." Gulp! Is this really happening? Are we really talking about men's cocks now?

I looked around the table and noticed that everybody was fully attentive to the conversation and the new track it was on. Mark looked a little bashful at the remark about Laura wanting to check out men's packages and Troy's comment about her liking them. But for myself, my heart quickened.

"I wholeheartedly agree," Sarah said with a bright smile. "I too enjoy sitting opposite a man, seeing what he has inside those pants. And you can always tell what he has too if you know what to look for." I could see Mark squirm a little in his chair and close his legs slightly, which I am embarrassed to admit gave me a naughty thrill because of all our teasing about his small dick.

At this point Margaret jumped in and said "Not all men are as well hung as Troy and Jason. The vast majority are an average 6 inches, with the fairly rare big cocks like you two." she said pointing at Troy and Jason. "And some, even more rare, have small dicks" Margaret said looking at Mark who was turning beet red, "but each man has something to offer his woman, even those men who are small." she smiled.

The other women at the table laughed merrily and the men, other than Mark that is, gave big smiles and votes of approval. I was tempted to pipe up and defend Mark and his small dick, but thought that the moment I did everybody at the table would immediately know, or at least suspect, that Mark has a small dick so I kept my mouth shut. Looking over at Mark I knew that he was hoping I wouldn't say anything, so I knew I had made the right decision.

After dinner we girls began to clear the table while the men went back into the living room for drinks. While we were washing the dishes and getting the pots and pans cleaned Sarah asked me how my evening was going.

"Well, great I guess. I am really enjoying myself." I said enthusiastically. And I was, I even enjoyed all the sex talk as well about big cocks and small dicks. I suppose the wine was beginning to have an effect on me, otherwise I would most likely have wanted to tell them of my disapproval.

"Excellent," said Kimberly, "I wish more people were as open about sexual subjects like you and Mark are."

"I must admit that all of the talk about dicks was a little weird." I said.

"Is that because you are embarrassed that Mark has a small dick, or is it because you have a closet desire to be with a man who has a big cock?" Sarah asked me. Wine or no wine, nobody will insult my husband to my face without me saying something.

"My husband's dick is of no concern to you Sarah." I fumed, "What he does, or doesn't have, is no business of yours."

Putting her hands up Sarah said, "That is true, what size his dick is has no bearing or influence on me. I was just wondering if your discomfort was because Mark has a small dick is all." I couldn't believe it. Who is this woman to ask me such a thing? Besides, she has no idea what kind of relationship Mark and I have and furthermore, that too was none of her business.

"Don't be angry Deborah," Margaret said, "Sarah is a psychiatrist who works with people who have sexual problems. She is only curious about you and Mark is all."

Slightly mollified, I asked Sarah "So what is it that you think Sarah, am I embarrassed by Mark's small dick or do I desire a big cock?"

"Well, since you asked," Sarah started, "I would say you are not embarrassed by Mark's small dick at all. Rather, I think you have been sexually frustrated by his size and that, if you had the choice, would jump and writhe on a big cock in a heartbeat if you thought you could get away with it and not hurt Mark's feelings. And I find it particularly telling that you didn't try to lie to me and insist Mark has a big cock when all of us ladies here could tell he is small. Also, I am curious as to why you think it is important to be angry by my frankness?"

"Well Sarah," with renewed anger, "I would never cheat on Mark even if I had the chance. Secondly, just because a guy has a big cock doesn't mean he is a good lover. Yeah, I didn't lie about Mark's dick because I don't see the point, he is a wonderful, thoughtful lover and pleases me. Finally, to answer your question, I am not sitting in your office, lying on your couch, asking for advice. Rather, I am here with you ladies and being offered advice and being told that my husband's dick is small and that I have a closet desire to sleep with another man who has a big cock."

"Why wouldn't you have sex with another man Deborah?" asked Margaret.

"Because Margaret, it is wrong." I emphatically exclaimed.

"How so Deborah?" Laura ask me, "Who told you it is wrong. Is it the sex act itself or something else that is wrong? Is it because a woman has needs that makes it wrong, or societal norms, or could it be that it is only called wrong because somebody, somewhere else, said it is wrong and now we can't question it?"

That is a good question, I thought. Why is it wrong if both agree to it? Is it wrong if both are wanting the same thing, for the right reasons? If both desire something, and it agrees with them, is it still wrong?

"I don't know Laura." I said, genuinely confused.

"Maybe it is wrong Deborah because you think it is wrong without actually thinking about it." Kimberly said. "You see, all 5 of us ladies have desires, needs, fantasies, wishes, dreams and so forth. No different than the men sitting on their lazy butts in the living room." We all laughed at that, mostly because it was true. "But here's the thing, I love watching Jason fucking other women. I get off on that as much as he does doing it. I love watching his big cock sliding in and out of a pretty pussy. I get excited by that, it turns me on, it makes me lust for him. I love watching the women's faces as he enters them, seeing their ecstasy, their pleasure. It makes me hot and I desire him more because of it."

"Me too Kimberly," Laura agreed, "it is such a turn on to watch Troy's big cock thrusting deeper and deeper into a woman. I can't see it when he is with me like I can when he is with another woman. I'm all wet just thinking about it. And think of it this way, Kimberly and myself get a sexual thrill from watching our husbands with other women. Men can look at it the same way as well. Troy will be the first to tell you how some men get so hot from watching their wives with him that they orgasm just from watching them having sex before their eyes."

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