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Threesome Next Door Ch. 08-14


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I confessed, "Every time I see her she tells me she loves me. She's often mentioned that same level of affection for you."

"Oh, then she should definitely live with us. She'll either get over her infatuation with the two of us, or become our wife."

We kicked the idea around in more and more detail as we ate and as we drove home. The rudimentary idea I had got more and more meat on it as we talked. We also talked about the 'A' side of the idea and the 'B' side of the idea.

The 'A' side revolved around the business stuff we'd have her do. We'd have to set up an office in our house that would be exclusively hers. We'd have to worry about paying her and all that administrative stuff. We'd have to manage her workload, and divvy up her assignments up between Ginger and me so that we didn't under or over work her. We kicked around various assignments, and I knew before we were through that we had plenty of billable work for her. As she came up to speed on how we did things, we'd be able to sell and deliver more work.

The 'B' side of the idea revolved around her personal life. We'd offer her our guest room with ensuite bath, and full house privileges. She'd also have open access to the two of us, and be welcome in our bed anytime as we saw it. She should know that both of us wanted her, but that she also could come and go as she pleased, develop her own relationships outside of our home or our neighbors, and just live her life like 'normal'. She would always be invited to participate in our neighborhood parties and such that were usually sexual, as she knew from her weekend visit but there was no obligation.

Saturday, I did some research on MBA pay scales based on what I knew about her and her background educationally and experientially. I almost choked on the numbers and so did Ginger, but we both agreed to not only those, but also a logical progression based on time in service. Any meritorious pay increases would have to be decided at the time.

I flew back to Houston on Monday morning to do more interviews and to talk to Stacy. As before, she had a limo meet me and take me to their offices. She greeted me with a huge smile but her very professional 'people may see' attitude. I behaved.

After the two interviews, which ended the scheduled workday, Stacy drove me to her mother's and we immediately made love. To my surprise, Tara was traveling and wouldn't be back until Wednesday evening. I had Stacy all to myself, or she had me, for two nights.

Stacy took me to dinner at the Golf Club again. The place was a treat for me because the cuisine was superb and the menu highly varied.

Over dinner I engaged Stacy. "I have an offer for you, given that you are a short-timer where you work and will be needing other employment."

Stacy perked up and focused all of her attention on me. That was a lot of attention.

"Stacy, Ginger and I want to extend a job offer to you. We would like you to come and work for us as a consulting associate. You'd be low man on a three-man totem pole, but if this works maybe we'll add more staff.

"We would pay you $135,000 a year, plus the potential for an unspecified bonus depending on any talent you have for generating business, including follow-on business with our clients. There'd be a few other benefits I can talk about. We will try to transfer to you as much of our consulting know-how as we can in as short a time as we can.

"We offer you free room and board with us – our guest room with ensuite bath, complete use of the house, and complete access to us on a 24/7 basis. Just to clarify, IF you want that includes sexual privileges with both of us. We are hoping you want that, me especially. Ginger was also taken by you and liked you a lot.

"You'd be able to participate or not in all our crazy parties, and you got a taste of what those are like the weekend you were with us. You do NOT have to do that. You are free to develop your own friendships and lovers or whatever you choose. You do NOT need to interact with us in any way other than professionally."

Stacy held her hand up, "I love you. I accept."

I was taken aback. "You haven't thought about it."

"I don't need to think about it. You just described the best fucking job in the world. It's a superb job, with two super people, people I love, and people I love to have sex with – to make love with. I'll be in your bed every night if I'm allowed."

I said, "We do have a king-size bed."

"I know. You fucked me on it a couple of times. Yes, this is perfect. I want this." She'd gotten up from her chair and was literally dancing around next to the table in excitement. Other people in the restaurant were watching us, and I have to admit I was laughing at her antics.

I said, "I don't want to take you away from your mother. I really like her, and don't want her angry with me for taking you off across the Gulf of Mexico six hundred miles. I guess I'm taking you from your social life in Houston, too – all your friends and cohorts."

Stacy shook her head, "I spent two years in Philly at Wharton. Before that I was in college at Northwestern, and before that in high school in a suburb of Denver. My cohort is all over the place. I have very few friends here. I live with my mom, as you know. I can be ready to go in about an hour." She grinned broadly as she sat again.

"What about your mother?"

"I'll leave her your address so she can forward my mail."

* * * * *

Tara erupted in joy over my offer to employ her daughter as a consulting associate. "Oh, that's perfect. You are such a dear man to do that for her. I brought her along as much as I could. I was as crushed as she was when she learned her e-commence idea was already a thriving enterprise and posed a barrier to entry into that field."

I chuckled, "I confess to having alternative motives. She'll be in my bed often, and both Ginger and I love her. My wife didn't get any dedicated time with her – sexual time, that is – but we all talked and had meals together as Ginger had her boyfriend visit us that same weekend."

Tara laughed, "I got a very detailed description of that weekend from Stacy: man-by-man, stroke-by-stroke, orgasm-by-orgasm, and fuck-by-fuck. I plan on visiting you sometime soon. I want the same treatment."

I nodded and grinned. "Bring it on."

Tara got serious. "Stacy's in love with you."

"The feeling is mutual. I love Ginger and some other women, too. It's not a competition. Ginger and I just moved beyond the need to be in an exclusive relationship. We aren't possessive either. I made the point to Stacy that if she meets anybody she wants to pursue she has total freedom and even encouragement to do so."

Tara smiled, "Where were you when I was picking a husband?"

I teased, "Busy fucking my wife."

"So, now you'll have two wives in your household, kind of like your next door neighbors, according to Stacy?"

"Yes. I think we'll all sort of become married to them, too, plus another couple just bought the house on the other side of my neighbors and we've already partied with them. They're fun and likeable, as well."

Tara teased, "And sexual?"

"Very sexual," I confirmed.

We talked about how Stacy could phase out of her work for Tara, get a replacement that Human Resources would provide up to speed about her job, and then move to our home on Palma Sola Bay. Two weeks sounded about right to both of us.

I conducted more interviews of Tara's managers and executives over the next few days. Now, my trained mind had started to perceive patterns in what they said, what they believed, and what they aspired to do in the business. More important, I started a list of things I didn't hear, that I thought I would. One was an emphasis on customers instead of keeping a calm façade within the company. I'd seen that 'don't make waves' mentality since several large companies during my consulting career.

Tara, Stacy, and I spent the evenings and nights together. Stacy always made sure her mother got more than her share of the sex we had. She said, "After all, in a couple of weeks, I'm going to have Steve all to myself – well, except for my needing to share with Ginger, Beth, Jo, Megan, Jillian, and Ellie." That provoked a hearty laugh.

I was home the following week writing up the interviews and doing a preliminary storyboard of the presentation I'd make to Tara and her management team when we did the two-day working session that would piece together the Marketing and Action Plan for the company and set the stage for Tara's group's performance.

Ginger was again in White Plains, and teased me mercilessly by sending me photos and fifteen second video clips of Blake and her doing sexual things to each other in the evening. Blake really got off on the teasing, coming up with many ideas that Ginger said she liked and that the two of them perpetrated upon me.

The most scandalous to me one night was a picture of Ginger spread eagled on the hood of a car in the parking lot at the motel. Based on what I could tell she only wore a summery dress. She'd shrugged out of the top of the dress totally exposing her magnificent breasts and upper body. The lower part of the dress was pulled up to her waist, and Blake (I assumed) had his cock buried in her pretty little pussy. The selfie pictures I got were from a couple of different angles, but showed not only what was happening, but also that they were in plain view by a hundred rooms of the multi-story motel.

I was surprised late one afternoon when I fielded a telephone call from Blake. He was very cordial, but yet conciliatory. He asked if he was crossing the line with anything he'd done or suggested to Ginger. He said she seemed to be having fun and going along with all of his suggestions, but he worried about my reaction and me. He didn't want to disrespect me in anyway, and hoped I was taking all that they did as light teasing and nothing more. I assured him that I was more than fine with everything that had happened so far, and that he should continue at full power with anything else that occurred to him. I told him, "Ginger is a big girl. She knows how to say 'No' and she knows my limits."

His call raised his stock in my opinion about how he was honoring our marriage and Ginger. He hadn't wanted to hurt anything, and wanted to be sure I was seeing it as good fun and teasing without crossing any boundary. I didn't think many men would do what he'd done. I waited to tell Ginger until we were together on the weekend. She was further impressed with the man.

I had Jo or Beth with me the nights I was alone. We were so comfortable with each other, I really felt like I had a wife at home both nights – a horny wife that wanted frequent sex with her husband. I was most accommodating.

I send out my summary of the interviews at Tara's group to all of the managers, urging them to read them and get back to me with errors or comments before the following Wednesday. I explained that I'd be in residence during the business day in Tara's conference room. Of course, I referred to her as Miss Bennett.

Ginger and I had a quiet weekend at home. There was an art fair along a closed off section of Main Street in downtown Sarasota, so we spent an afternoon doing that and bought one painting for our living room. We made love a half-dozen times all over the house and patio. Doug and his wives were over and helped, too, and we also enjoyed some sexual play together with the threesome next door.

Monday morning I left for Houston. Ginger also flew out only to Raleigh where we had a marketing lead from a company we'd worked with about five years earlier – Knightsbridge Manufacturing. She hoped to sell some work there and be able to bill out the day as she started the work. The senior executive who called was new to the company and has some fresh ideas he wanted to explore with an outsider that kind of knew the company but wasn't jaded by working there.

Monday afternoon and Tuesday I worked with Stacy showing her how we took the interview data and processed it into some observations about the organization and its future, and how we used various frameworks to analyze what we'd heard to show the coherence or lack of it in an organization. She was fascinated but quickly caught on to the methodology.

Stacy introduced me to her replacement as Tara's AA, a pretty young woman named Cindy Readner. She, too, was in her mid-twenties and appeared more than capable for the job. Tara had picked her from four candidates that HR had her interview. Cindy and Stacy already had a close rapport.

Stacy had kind of thrown Cindy into the deep end of her job, but then made herself fully available for any and all questions. Cindy was in and out of our conference room with questions that I noted were increasingly confirmation of what she thought she should do. As the week went on her visits slowed to a trickle. I had Cindy pegged as a quick study. I also noted her confidence seemed to increase as her first week in the job passed. Tara was around but out of the office most of the time. When she did show up she flew by Cindy's desk, tossed out some orders for travel or files or something, and then flew away again. I called that 'sea gull management' – fly by, deposit something, and fly away.

I fielded a half-dozen meaty comments on the interviews from a few of the managers on Wednesday. They were good comments and I showed Stacy how to accommodate them in the PowerPoint slides we were putting together for the workshop that started the next day. About three o'clock we printed out the slides so the workshop attendees could take notes, and the print shop at the company made fifteen bound books that we'd hand out the next morning.

I was a little edgy that night at dinner and later as I usually was before a strategy workshop. The future of the company including jobs and many other things depended on this going well. I was less concerned about the content I'd put together with Stacy's help, and more concerned that the managers would 'play' the process – saying one thing and doing another.

Tara and Stacy did a number on me that night to ease my anxiety. I slept well holding both of them to my naked body after four rounds of making love to them – two each.

The next morning started in Tara's large conference room. Tara kicked off the meeting with a few remarks about how important the results of the workshop would be to everyone and the company, and how she expected the men and women to be open and frank in their remarks.

I stood up and introduced the slide book, which got handed out. I also acknowledged that my company (Ginger and me!) had hired Stacy with Tara's blessing, and that she'd also helped assemble the content and data we'd be presenting, but confirmed that we'd stuck to the methodology we used. After that the workshop took care of itself and went according to plan.

By the end of the first day I was very happy. Yes, there was contention and disagreement. That was good. Tara had not intervened but let her managers sort out their differences with solutions that I thought were win-win for them. I gave Stacy a shot at presenting part of the material she'd help put together and she did a credible job, although she was a little nervous. I had called on her unexpectedly.

We had a group dinner that Stacy and Cindy had organized. The dinner was at Tara's Golf Club in a private room. Cindy was there along with everyone else who'd been at the workshop.

I got to meet and talk to some of the managers on a more personal basis. They were intrigued about what my plans for Stacy were when I explained her new post as an associate consultant.

One of the women on the management team had worked at Bain fresh out of a Harvard MBA – Nancy Merrill. She and I had a rich discussion across the dinner table about our methodology for helping businesses analyze merger and acquisition targets, and then our approach regarding technology deployment in a large corporation.

Towards the end of the discussion, I felt a bare foot run up my leg. It belonged to my dinner companion. Nancy was coming on to me, and I already had so many options I couldn't believe my luck. I would have liked to go with her, too. I gave her a wink and mumbled something about needing to work well into the night to prepare for the next day. I apologized that we couldn't spend as much time together as I wanted. That seemed to mollify her and let her save face, and we backed down from the boundary.

The management team bailed out of the club right after dinner and dessert. The start time the next morning had been confirmed as nine o'clock so they'd have a little time to deal with any crises in their divisions.

I knew I needed to hang around so that Cindy didn't see me walking towards Tara's condominium where my bags were. I mentioned that to Stacy and she laughed. She said, "Don't worry. Cindy is coming with us tonight. She's your birthday present."

"It's not my birthday," I stupidly admitted.

Stacy lightly slapped her cheeks with both hands just like eight-year-old Kevin, played by Macaulay Culkin did in the movieHome Alone, and said in a comic tone, "Oh, dear. I made a mistake. Shall I tell her to go home?"

"God, no. So long as you and Tara are good with this." They were.

Chapter 11 – Wife Busted For Public Sex

Cindy LOVED to eat pussy. I wondered whether that had been part of the interview criteria that Tara had applied across the four people HR had recommended to her. You know, team player, good analytic skills, and high administrative awareness, anticipates needs in her organization, eats pussy like it's their last meal. Ah, on that last skill you need for the job, I rate you about a nine – exceptionally good; the job is yours.

Cindy also LOVED to suck cock. I thought of the various analogies for someone like her. She could suck a tennis ball through a garden hose, she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, and so on. That was Cindy. I about went through the roof and blasted prematurely as she got going on me.

Cindy also LOVED to have a cock sawing into her hot little pussy as she sucked, licked, fingered, kissed, tongued, lapped, and otherwise attended to either Stacy or Tara. Ever the consultant trying to please everyone at the client site, I did as instructed and made love to each of them before we collapsed in a pile of sexually sated flesh. I think Cindy loved me, too. I could tell by the looks, the soft touches, and the sensitive kisses she doled out to me.

The Friday workshop went even better than the day before. Nancy Merrill, the mid-level manager who'd played footsie with me the evening before, continued to flirt but not outrageously. I remained polite and professional with her, and did make sure to spend a little time with her so she didn't think her efforts were wasted.

I knew how to politely flirt but still keep things in bound for a business setting – at least I thought I did. I would touch her arm or hand gently to make a point. I'd whisper some humorous aside to her. I'd lock eyes with her and not break eye contact as I smiled. I got her coffee, having seen how she liked it. I made sure to sit by her at our group lunch.

Cindy, who sat in on the meeting taking notes, commented to me later on the interaction. "I'll make sure that Nancy is one of your playthings when you're back with us in a week." I looked surprised, but Cindy laughed and pointed at her new boss. Tara was watching us and laughing. She'd also seen Nancy's less than subtle seduction attempts and my responses.

We ended the workshop at three o'clock, and the managers immediately scattered to the wind. We had a nice cohesive strategy spread over twenty or so flip charts with lots of detail and action steps that Cindy had hopefully captured on my laptop as she took notes. I collected everything, rolled up the charts after taking pictures of them with my iPhone, kissed Cindy, Stacy, and Tara goodbye and headed home to Tampa.


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