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Threesome Next Door Ch. 08-14


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For laughs, Stacy texted Tara some photographs of us fucking, and then a photo Ginger took on our patio: a portrait of Stacy with her face surrounded by four erect cocks. Each of the women posed for the same picture amid lots of laughter.

Ginger sent Jillian the picture of her and the cocks. She got back an unhappy emoji. 'Wish I were there with you guys. I'm working on a term paper. Ugh. How'd Ethan get to be there? Love you all. J.'

Ethan's face had not been in the photo, only his dick. I had to chalk it up to Jillian for sisterly recognition of her brother's appendage since none of the men's faces had been in the photo and she didn't even know that Ethan had come home that weekend.

Our neighbors went back to their own home after our cocktail hour and casual dinner. Ginger and Blake went off by themselves, and Stacy and I repaired to the master bedroom to further explore each other's bodies in new and novel ways.

After our first round of evening lovemaking, Stacy asked, "You fucked your daughter didn't you?"

I nodded. "It's not something I'd broadcast around the world, but she was an even more active participant in the group you've been in most of the weekend than you were. I got included and so did Ginger."

"Is she bisexual?"

"Both Ginger and Jillian appear to be. I think they both prefer a male – me, even – but they enjoyed their time together and their time with the other women you met and a couple of others."

"Was it weird?"

"Jillian? Not really. There were some extenuating factors that I discovered a couple of months ago about her."

"Such as?" Stacy probed.

I ducked the question by answering, "Let's just say we discovered our daughter had an infinite interest in any kind of sex."

Stacy giggled, "Oh, just like me then."

I nodded, "Yes, and just like your mother admitted to me she has."

"God, she is really a sexy case, isn't she. I kind of seduced her a few years back, but she sure didn't complain much. I guess we're both bisexual to some degree. I was lonely and horny, and she admitted she was, too. One thing led to another."

After a pause, Stacy said, "I want to visit often unless you tell me otherwise. This weekend has been ... expansive for me. I've done things I never thought I'd do. I didn't even dream of some of them, and I am good at conjuring up fantasies. I loved the sex. More than that, I loved your neighbors, all the fun stuff we did other than the sex, the conversations, the meals, the companionship – all of it, oh, and the sex. Did I mention the sex?" She giggled.

"You're sort of anchored to Houston." I found myself wondering how I could be sure to see Stacy more regularly than my erratic travel schedule might allow.

"Not as much as you think. I think I've peaked in what I've learned in Tara's organization and the company. I just have to see how the business plan looks, and what's happening in our market niche. One of my friends interested in our e-commerce venture is supposed to be researching that. Moreover, the day is rapidly approaching where I have to move on."

I told her, "Doug teaches electrical engineering and computer science – and he gets into the Internet in a big way with his work. When you were talking that first night you met him, I saw a strange look on his face. It was almost recognition, but it might have been something else. You might want to ask him about it."

"I didn't notice. If you'll give me his phone number I'll call him tomorrow after I'm back home."

We made love one more time with a bundle of orgasms echoing around the room to match the ones Ginger seemed to be having in the guest room. Stacy would pause and listen from time to time when the action got intense. We remained coupled for a long time after we'd cum together. We drifted off to sleep together.

I drove Ginger, Stacy, and Blake to the airport first thing on Monday morning. The three of them were going in different directions: Ginger to visit an old client in Chicago; Stacy back home to Houston; and Blake back home to White Plains. They were all in the air by nine a.m.

I drove back to Palma Sola, straightened the house up, started several loads of laundry, and then called Tara to see if she had gotten the FedEx of the proposal/contract I'd sent her the end of the previous week or whether she had any questions.

Chapter 10 – Client Sex Becomes Employee Sex

The interesting news by Monday evening was that Brad and his girlfriend Megan were moving next door to Doug, Beth, and Jo on the other side of them from where we were. Brad was doing the buying; Megan was doing the moving in part for both of them. They hadn't been living together in Texas, but would be now. We all jumped around for joy that their offer on the house had been accepted and the inspections passed. Beth also confided in me that she was so glad her 'boyfriend' would be so close because that meant she could enjoy making love with him again and again.

Brad flew in for the Friday closing on the house and spent the weekend staying with Beth, Jo, and, oh yeah, Doug. He spent a lot of time with his cock in one of Doug's wives or the other. Ginger also managed to get a piece of him for a couple of hours before he flew away on Sunday evening.

Ginger and I cuddled up in front of the television Sunday night. We weren't watching anything in particular, but we just talked as the mood struck, kissed a lot, and reaffirmed our relationship.

We each talked openly and honestly about what we were feeling about the past few months since the threesome had moved in next-door and we'd accordingly made the big change in our marriage. I admitted to having always been a horndog, so the sudden availability of willing pussy was like a dream come true. It wasn't that I was not in love with my wife; it was that I could extend some affection to other women and find sexual delight in all of their many charms.

Ginger commented that she'd spent most of her life fending off males who wanted to ultimately fuck her. Sure there were some that wanted a relationship, and she knew what she looked like and how she appeared to others. She called the phenomenon her oxymoron: a blessing and a curse – gorgeous but attractive to men she wasn't at all interested in. Having the ability to allow some males and even females to move past her 'invisible barrier' and enjoy love and sex with her delighted her. Again, she reaffirmed this was in addition to having me as her rock and anchor. She said, "I couldn't do this without you."

We both talked about Jillian and Ethan. While the incest boat had sailed for the entire family, we acknowledged that the two of us could always backpedal and stop having sex with the two of them. After that acknowledgement there was a long silence between us.

Ginger then said, "While we 'could' stop, I don't 'want' to stop."

I said, "Me, too. I think we should both say why we want it to continue."

Ginger said, "I love Ethan as much as I love you. I have all these feelings for him, and the sex just completes things for me. It makes the love better and more complete. He's such a dedicated lover, and we are the closest we have ever been. It's more than just the two of us getting our rocks off.

"As for Jillian, I've discovered my bisexual side. Her porn career set aside, I felt the same kind of feelings developing with her that I have with you and Ethan. I love her and want that closeness." She looked at me for my response.

I said, "I'm a little more carnal than you, I believe. Jillian is a younger version of you, and you have always turned me on. Learning that she could be a slut part of the time and make great pornographic videos pushed me over the top. I had to have her. When she wanted me as well, that was a dream and fantasy come true. I loved our time together, and while some of it was romantic and lovemaking, much of it was raw, lustful, and pure fucking for the animalistic pleasure we both got from it."

Ginger giggled and rubbed my cock with one hand. "Oooooh, just the thought of that got your attention. Well, I also enjoyed the raw fucking with Ethan, so I'd say we're even."

"What about our neighbors and now we'll have Brad and Megan coming into the group and available all the time? We'll have a threesome next door and a swinging couple on the other side of them."

Ginger turned and kissed me. "I don't want you to misunderstand what I'm about to say. I love Doug and I'm sure I'll come to feel similarly about Brad. I enjoyed Blake, too, and I hope to see him often and fuck his brains out when I'm up in White Plains. I love Jo, Beth, Megan, and Ellie, too. But most of all, and at the core of my being and my everything, I love you.

"I had an epiphany a few months back. I discovered that I loved sex – more than at any time in my prior life. I craved sex, and then I realized I wanted it from others outside my relationship with you. That didn't mean I didn't love you. It just meant I found some new way to pleasure myself – do something really sexy with another person. You were discovering the same thing, too, so I didn't feel too guilty." She chuckled at her last sentence.

"I understand and feel the same way," I told Ginger.

Ginger kissed me some more and those kisses morphed into me sucking on her breasts, her trying to suck my insides out through my cock, and those activities nicely segued into the two of us spending a long time making love on the sofa in the media room. To add a little spice to our encounter, we started one of Jillian's videos on the large TV while we made love.

I left the next Monday afternoon for the west coast and then Houston where I'd see Tara and Stacy. Ginger would be going up to White Plains on Tuesday afternoon for the rest of the week. Among other things she was running a two-day workshop. She also would be seeing Blake. Just that thought made me harden.

I finished up in California, ending the job there. I didn't mind completing that work and seeing the end of that income stream. Silicon Valley was far from Florida and the burden on my travel would not be missed since there was no other attraction there. I needed frequent flyer miles like a hole in my head; the last thing I wanted to do was get back on an airplane.

I spent Wednesday morning on a plane heading to Houston, landing at one-thirty. I was in Tara's office at two-thirty, and we were going over the proposal/contract I'd sent her a week earlier. Stacy came and went in the office, always giving me a broad smile. We were all business, and not a word was said about our prior relationships, sex, or anything not related to her organization and what she wanted to accomplish. We compartmentalized well.

I had a number of changes to make, so Tara had me use her smaller conference room to set up my laptop and make the requisite changes. None of them seriously affected the work or the revenue stream, except to lengthen the timeline and perhaps open the door at the end for some follow-on work. The suggestions were hers; I didn't have to put on my salesman hat.

I used a printer in the conference room to print off a couple of copies and gave them to Stacy to check. She read them over and took them into Tara's large office while I returned to the conference room to pack up my computer. I'd just finished when Stacy brought me a signed copy back for my files. As I'd indicated, they kept one for theirs.

Stacy had indicated that my transport, meals, and housing requirements were all taken care of. She'd had a sedan car meet me at the airport so I knew I was in good hands. I was to follow her. We left the office with me toting my roll-on bag and briefcase. Stacy had a nice Lexus convertible. She was also a driver that instilled safe feelings in her passenger.

Her hands encased my face just after I'd buckled into her car and planted a kiss on me that contained all the pent up demand she must have been feeling all afternoon. She sighed as we parted, "God, I love kissing you. I'm so glad you're here. I love you."

We drove a route I'd been on before, ending at Tara's majestic condominium. Stacy led me inside and showed me the guest room. This would be my base, but she made it clear that I was not expected to be sleeping there – or even be sleeping very much. Two horny Texas females required my loving sexual services as soon as possible.

To facilitate the last part of her description, Stacy stripped away my clothing as I removed hers. When we were naked, we fell into a very energetic sixty-nine. I didn't cum in that position, but Stacy was again right on edge and entered an almost continuous state of orgasm as I ate and fingered her. Her squeals and moans echoed around Tara's condo. The sounds were unmistakable in terms of the pleasure she was feeling.

We made love on 'my' bed after a few minutes, and she kept having her orgasms one right after the other, if there was even a break. After our long session, I announced I was cumming inside her unless she wanted something elsewhere. She didn't, and I filled her body with my cream. She ejaculated some of her girl juice at the same time, and now my bed had a wet spot, but I guessed I wouldn't have to sleep in it. I figured we'd make more wet spots later in Tara's bed.

I mentally prepared to go down on Stacy and tidy up the mess I'd made of her nether region, but before I could move, a feminine hand pulled my flaccid cock from Stacy's pussy and sucked on it briefly. The owner of the hand made a loud, "Mmmmmmm" sound.

"Hi Tara," I said in a languid tone as she nudged me out of the way.

Tara didn't say anything because her mouth became totally engaged on her daughter's sweet tasting pussy, licking and lapping at our combined juices. Stacy had two more large orgasms before Tara stopped. By then I was hard again watching the pair.

I got into some serious cunnilingus on Tara's pussy as she worked on Stacy's vagina and surrounding area. Soon, Tara stopped doing anything other than relishing the tongue-lashing I was giving her. Finally, she had a large orgasm rip through her body that left her listless for a couple of minutes as she savored the jolts of pleasure. She rested her head on Stacy's thigh right next to her gaping pussy and panted in her afterglow.

Tara then had me come over her as she spread and raised her attractive legs in invitation. She was still wearing sexy black stockings and high heels from her office clothes. She looked tarty and I guessed that she'd remained dressed that way to tease me. Later, I confirmed my supposition.

Tara and I went at it for while. Stacy even rode her mother's tongue for a while as the two of us kissed, but then she went back to watching after having had an orgasm and squirting some effluent over Tara's face, neck, and chest.

I finally came in Tara and then did a few things to bring her off again. Tara lay beside me as I spooned behind her with my pleasurable appendage inside her. Stacy then helped in the after activities as we lapped up my second load for the day. I thought Tara had gone to sleep but she was just zoned out and savoring the emotions and feelings of afterglow from our coupling and the last edges of her climax.

Tara finally turned in my arms again so we could kiss. "You, sir, are one helluva lover. I was jealous that Stacy got a whole weekend with you and your friends at your home. I may leave her here and come on my own next time."

I kissed her, "You'd be welcome. You can both come, you know, although we are generally short a man or two depending on which women are around. We've got a new neighbor, too, only he and his girlfriend won't be moving in for another couple of weeks." I explained about Brad and Megan mostly for Stacy's benefit since she'd seen the house

We cleaned up and went to dinner at the Golf Club, enjoying an upscale dinner that Tara just signed for. Rounds Three and Four were back in Tara's bed where we all eventually fell asleep in a tangled mess of arms, legs, and sticky parts.

Thursday I started the interviews with Tara's management team and few of the outsiders in other parts of the organization. My interview technique was to ask open ended questions that would get them talking about what they felt was important to the business now and in the future, along with the obstacles and other factors that would impede progress. One of my favorite questions was 'If you could wave a magic wand, what would you make happen around here?'

I did three interviews that day as well as part of an interview with Stacy that bridged into lunch that we had brought into the conference room I'd been assigned.

One thing I learned from Stacy was that she had telephoned Doug and talked to him about the reaction he'd had when she'd made a few sentences about the business she and some of her MBA colleagues hoped to put together.

Doug apparently knew of almost exactly that business and apologized but explained that she'd been upstaged before even getting out of the starting gate. Stacy and her friends had been thinking of an e-commerce store for personal services that were vetted and location specific. Doug led Stacy to several sites while they'd talked on the phone and he pointed out why he'd reacted to what she'd said.

Stacy managed a wan grin but I could see she was disappointed in that news, "So, now we're all trying to rethink what happens next in our lives. Three of the team have already dropped out after realizing that we were reinventing the wheel. I think a couple of others might, too, and then we won't have a critical mass of people to do anything but job-hunt and support each other through social media."

I had an idea gestating in the back of my head but I wanted to talk to Ginger first. I liked Stacy and she was smart. I asked, "Can your mother upgrade your position or promote you into something more meaningful?"

Stacy shook her head. "No. This job is pushing the limits according to HR. They know our relationship, and let Tara do it providing she time-boxed the job. Two years. I have about seven months to go if I want to stay on, then I need to exit stage right and leave Mantra."

"Sorry to hear that. I'll keep my ears open on your behalf."

* * * * *

Friday night Ginger and I met at Tampa airport just outside security. I'd flown in from Houston and Ginger from White Plains. We had dinner at the airport at P. F. Changs, and then I drove us home.

Over dinner I floated my idea about hiring Stacy as a consulting associate. We could offload a lot of our grunt work on her, maybe bill out some or all of her time to various client engagements, and possibly turn her into a credible consultant over time.

Ginger teased, "You just want to have your new honey around to fuck."

I shrugged, "There's some truth to that. I thought you liked her, too. She'd be a resource to both of us. I thought she liked eating your pussy as much as me fucking her."

Ginger already had her mind in the gutter. "I liked tasting her resources. I could eat her all day long, plus she's so much fun to go down on because she's so orgasmic and expressive about it." After we each ate some of our dinners, she said, "I like her a lot and in many ways. She's easy to have around, is her own person but strives to fit in, takes an interest in everything going on around her, isn't afraid of hard work, and is a sexpot. I am admitting to having great affection for her, too, especially after her visit a week or so ago. I'd offer her the job. Why don't you offer her the chance to live with us?"

My eyebrows about shot off my forehead. "REALLY?!!? You'd want her to live with us? What would that be like?"

Ginger giggled, "Hopefully, we'd be having sex all the time. I told you a couple of days ago about how I've changed so that sex is perhaps the most important aspect of my life. I was serious. I'm serious about Stacy. I think the burden would be on her as to whether she could stand us day-in and day-out. We could become like the threesome next door."

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