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Through My Son's Telescope Ch. 01

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Three women hatch a wicked plan to seduce their sons.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/01/2021
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Authors Note: This work of fiction is about three drunk mothers who hatch a wicked plan to seduce their clueless, adult sons. I don't condone this behavior, but I think it will make an interesting series of stories. All characters are fictional and are over eighteen years of age.

* * * * *

"What's that flashing red light on the top of your building," Asked our friend Judy.

I shifted in my lounge chair to face her,

"Oh, that, that's my son's telescope," I said, "The boys are over at our place star gazing, it's a perfect night for it."

"But I thought you lived on the third floor," inquired Judy.

"We do, but we rented space for the telescope on the roof above the light pollution of the City. We use wireless feed to his computer and 60 inch monitor. Most kids Josh's age save up to buy cars, but not my son, he put his money in one bad ass telescope!"

Rita Interjected,

"Well if it weren't for our stargazing sons and their Astronomy Club, we wouldn't have met to be here next to my rooftop pool soaking in the night sky."

"Speaking of that," I said, "You are on the second highest building in the City, have you ever skinny dipped up here."

"I could, but I haven't yet" Said Rita,

"Nobody but people in helicopters or airplanes would see me."

"Let's talk a little more about our son's," said Judy.

"Am I the only one who is concerned that our twenty year old sons spend much more time looking in the sky than they do at girls?"

The three of us sat there, three empty wine bottles were floating in the pool. Our conversation had been pretty much what you'd expect from three, intoxicated, forty something, divorced women. Now we started talking about sex.

"I can't understand why my son David hasn't had any girlfriends yet," said Judy, "he's a good looking young man, and I happen to know he's well hung, he takes after his father in that regard."

"Have you caught him with any tents in his pants lately," I asked,

"Because I haven't seen any on Josh, should I be worried?"

"Maybe, as mothers, it's our job to introduce our son's to sex, lord knows they don't seem to be doing it on their own, Judy said, pouring herself more wine.

Rita said, "Ladies, you know those are your son's you're talking about, right?"

"Oh, Rita, you can't tell me you haven't fantasized about fucking your son Matthew," Said Judy, slurring her words.

"He's a very handsome young man, I know I'd fuck him if he were my son!"

"Ladies, ladies, this is just the alcohol talking, you're referring to incest here," I said, trying to act as if I didn't have the same feelings toward my son.

"Come on Debbie, you can't tell us you haven't been curious what kind of lover Josh would make?" said Rita,

"I must admit, I'm getting a little wet thinking about having Matt humping my pussy or me taking his cock in my mouth."

"Debbie," Judy asked, "Do you think the boys could see us through that telescope if it were aimed here. Like maybe have them see us skinny dipping or partying in the nude?"

"Maybe we could spark their interest in women that way!"

"Sure, I said, "It could be programmed to aim at the pool, what are you getting at?"

"Well," said my intoxicated friend, "We could aim the telescope at us and flash our tits or asses at them maybe that would get them thinking about girls!"

"Wouldn't that just gross them out seeing their nude mothers," I said grimacing.

"Not if they didn't know they were looking at us," interrupted Rita.

"What do you mean," I asked, "Are you saying we should wear some type of disguise?"

"No," Rita continued, "I'm talking about subliminal pictures."

Judy and I looked at Rita, obviously not knowing what subliminal pictures were.

"It's this way, we take pictures and videos of ourselves in the nude and flash them onto their monitor so fast that their conscious can't pick them up, but slow enough for their subconscious to register them."

'There's an old story about Movie Theaters using them back in the fifties before they were outlawed. They'd flash quick pictures of salty popcorn or cold soft drinks on the screen and patrons would have an uncontrollable urge to go to the concession stand."

Rita turned to me, "You have a deep background in computers, don't you, and couldn't you set something up like that?"

I sat and pondered for a while,

"It would be a piece of cake, but what happens if they slow down the recording or take a screen shot of something, I know the odds are against it, but what if that did happen and they unwittingly get a still of us?"

Judy asked,

"What if you could make it independent of the telescope feed, like a quick pop-up or something?"

"You know, that might just work," I said, working out all the details in my head.

"But," Interjected Judy, "We'd need some way of telling if it were working or not?"

"Closed circuit TV," said Rita, "We could put hidden cameras in Josh's room and watch their reaction as they are viewing the telescope feed on the big screen!"

"Who can we get to set that up?" I asked.

"Me," said Rita, "How do you think I caught my husband in bed with that stripper."

"Those videos came in handy when we negotiated my alimony! I took him for a several grand a month! How else could I afford this condo with a private rooftop pool?"

The three of us just looked at each other, replaying the conversation in our heads.

"Ok," I said, "if I understand this, we can get our sons infatuated with having sex with us, and they will think it was their idea?"

"Bingo," said Judy, "What do we have to lose and I think we can have a lot of fun in the process."

She got up and topped off her glass of wine.

"You know," Said Rita, "We are three very good looking women for our age, we work out and take care of ourselves. Why wouldn't our sons want to screw us, maybe all they need in a simple push?"

"We've all had nightmares on the dating scene lately, there's a lot of pigs out there. How many women our age haven't dreamed of making love to a young virgin, why should it matter if they are our sons or not. We are all on birth control, so I don't really see a problem."

"Yes," I said, and once we get them thinking of us as sex objects, we start wearing skimpy clothes around them and have 'Wardrobe Malfunctions' to give them peeks of our nude bodies. Then maybe have them 'catch us' masturbating or something!"

Rita got out of her lounger and walked into her apartment. She came back to the pool and popped open a bottle of champagne. She proceeded to pour us each a glass. She held hers up and made a toast;

"To turning our sons into men, cheers!"

The three of us clanked our glasses,


"So when do we start?" Rita asked,

"As soon as possible," I said, "Let's meet at my apartment tomorrow when the boys are at work."

The three of us laid back and finished that bottle of champagne and two more.

I'm not sure how I got home, but the next thing I remember was hearing my son Josh leave for work the next morning.

Moments later I heard the buzzer, and my head started ponding. At first I figured that Josh had forgotten his keys or something so I went and pressed the apartment intercom.

"What did you forget this time Josh," I asked pressing the "Talk" button.

"It's not Josh, was the reply, it's me Rita, I waited for Josh to leave, buzz me in, will you, we have a lot to do?"

"And can you come down and help me, I have quite a lot of things here."

I went into the bedroom and threw on my jogging sweats, and rode the elevator down to the ground floor.

There was Rita, pushing a cart loaded with boxes and loose wires.

"What is all this stuff?"

Rita lowered her voice,

"It's everything we need to spy on our sons, help me will you, we have to be done before Josh gets home!"

"Ok, but can I at least have my morning coffee, aren't you as hung over as I am?"

"Fine, you have coffee and I'll get started, I'm too excited to let a little nausea and headache slow me down."

We rode up to my floor and I helped Rita wheel her cart into my apartment.

"Josh is just down the hall on the left."

Rita followed where I was pointing and disappeared into Josh's room.

Josh had already started the coffee maker so I sat down at the table and drank my morning caffeine, trying to wake up and clear my head.

I started studying the instruction book for the telescope, focusing on learning as much as I could about the program code.

Just then I heard that darn door buzzer again.

"Debbie, its Judy, let me in, I've got some things to show you before we get started!"

I buzzed the door and soon Judy was knocking on my door.

"It's open Judy, come in and join me for coffee, Rita is already at work in Josh's room."

When Judy came in I noticed that she was carrying a leather briefcase.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, because I felt bad that I didn't seem to have a part in our plan, so I spent the night working on these."

She put the case on the table and opened it. The two of us started chuckling mischievously when we looked over what she had done.

"Hey Rita," I shouted down the hall, "Take a break and come here, you have to see this..."

Rita reluctantly stopped what she was doing, she came into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of black coffee,

"What's so darn important that you pulled me away from my work?"

Judy showed Rita what she had and the three of us started sniggering.

Judy had taken the liberty with some star charts and rearranged some of the constellations to make them images of female tits and genitalia. One even depicted a cock in a waiting mouth.

"I figure we could start with these tonight and work our way up to the real naughty stuff!" Judy said.

"I already sent the images to your email, Debbie, so you can upload them."

For the rest of the day Judy and Rita worked on the cameras and I got to work on programming the telescope. Before long I was shooting images of Rita's pool. I started a file and added the pictures and Judy's drawings. When I figured I had the programs working right, I went and joined Rita and Judy, who were just finishing up.

Rita went through the different angles she could monitor with the cameras on her laptop.

"Watch this," Rita said,

"The first image here is a view of the three chairs and then three more images singling out each chair by itself."

"These are the views where we can check for hard-ons."

"Now this is view of the chairs from the right, and this is from the left."

"This one is a fisheye image from the top."

I looked around for the cameras but Rita had done an excellent job hiding them.

"Now for the telescope images," I said, tapping some keys on my laptop.

"Here is the video that they made last night," I said as the monitor came to life.

"Ok, let's watch as I start adding the pop-ups. I clicked on a few of the star charts Judy made.

"Did you see that?"

Both women shook their heads no.

"Good, now I'll slow it down a little, this is a half a second."

We all started giggling as the images of the X-rated star charts flashed on the screen. Then I clicked on the bright images of the pool which were a stark difference from the night sky.

"Wow," said Rita, that's sure to get their attention, what a difference in lighting."

"I agree said Judy," but we want to make them horny, not blind them."

"That's not an issue, I'll filter the light a little," I said.

"Alright," I continued, "Now that we know the images are there I'll speed them up so they will only be seen in their subconscious."

The three of us watched closely at the huge monitor. We couldn't make them out as they flashed by, even though they were still there.

I looked at my phone,

"We still have about three hours before Josh and David get out of work."

"What do you say we go over and get some naked shots by the pool?"

Within a half hour the three of us were posing naked and looking at the telescope. I took out my laptop and brought up the telescope feed of us by the pool. Rita started posing, flashing her tits and ass at the camera, she was a natural. Then she went in her bedroom and brought back her assortment of sex toys.

I got some great shots of her with several different dildos, nipple clamps, and vibrators using them in some really naughty places!

Judy, because she hadn't started drinking yet, was a lot more reserved, but she still gave me good shots of her tits and exposed ass.

Next I showed Rita how to run my laptop and she got several shots of my nude body in many otherwise embarrassing poses.

Rita ordered Chinese food and I switched my feed to Rita's big screen TV and then I added the views from Rita's cameras.

Rita looked at the clock, "Shit, Matt will be home soon to change before going over by Josh, we can't let him see this. I'll put on a movie or something so as to not arouse any suspicion."

It wasn't a minute too soon.

We heard the lock on the door and Matt walked in. We could see his shyness as he walked by us to get to his room. He obviously couldn't leave fast enough as he threw on his street clothes and left without making eye contact with us.

"We certainly have our work cut out for us," said Rita, "He was too shy to even look at us, that's just not normal for a guy his age."

I started the feed to Rita's TV again, and we saw Josh and David were already in front of Josh's computer eating take out sub sandwiches.

Minutes later Matt joined them.

Judy had a case of wine delivered and the three of us sat back in Rita's living room and started working on a good alcohol buzz.

We were all set, all we needed now were the boys and a dark sky.

Judy made an observation,

"We need to make a video of them now, before we start, so we can make note of their mannerisms, then use them as a baseline for comparison. Otherwise, we won't know the true impact of the pop-ups."

"That's a smart idea," I said, "We can put up a split screen and watch the boys before and after we feed the pictures."

The three of us had a good buzz on by the time it was dark enough to see the stars, I patched into the microphone on Josh's computer so we could hear their conversation. They started talking about trying to see planets at distance stars and Josh tried zooming in to check out a moon around one of those targets.

The three of us just sat there observing them, we were way too excited to wait but we knew we had to get a baseline set up.

They were three geeks who were speaking "Astrometry-ease," a word we made up to describe their conversation.

"Before we start flashing the pictures," I said,

"If I only send the pop-ups when all three are looking at the screen and each start noticing the same thing, the boys may talk among themselves and they may figure it out."

"I think we should pick just one of them each night to focus on, if the other two aren't seeing the pictures the one that is will likely be too embarrassed to talk about it."

"That's smart thinking," Said Rita, "Let's just do Matt tonight!"

Rita selected a picture of her "Moon" and two pictures of her tits to use tonight, one that also shows her face and another that doesn't.

I started with the star charts, we'd wait until only Matt was watching then I'd send a picture.

I did this a few times and Matt had little reaction. After about a half hour, Rita was getting a little impatient.

"Debbie, flash him my moon," Rita said indicating that I should send the picture of her exposed ass.

Nothing happened.

I flashed him the chart that looked like a pussy, still nothing.

I was waiting about five minutes between pictures.

"Alright, now send him the rooftop picture of my pool, with me nude sunbathing" said Rita.

Still little reaction.

"Let's go for broke," said Rita, "Flash him my tits where he can't see my face."

Nothing happened.

"Alright, now my tits with my face!"

I did and Matt reacted right away,


"Back that up, did you guys see that?"

"What," asked Josh, hitting pause.

"Just back it up a couple of seconds!"

Josh backed it up and the boys watched it about three times, but they weren't going to see anything because our pictures we fed in a way that they wouldn't show up on the recording.

"I don't see anything," said David, "What was it?"

Matt just squirmed a little in his chair,

"Was that my Mo....," Matt cut himself off.

"Oh, never mind, I must be just seeing things!"

The three of us were laughing uncontrollably.

"Hit him again with my tits and face," Said Rita, finishing her glass of wine and pouring herself another.

I waited until just Matt was looking, then I sent the picture.

I sent the picture three more times pausing about two minutes in between each shot.

After the third, we noticed Matt started leaning forward to get a closer look at the monitor.

Slowly he started moving his hand over his crotch.

"Huston, I think we have the start of an erection," shouted Rita, as I focused in on the swelling Matt's pants.

To be continued...

Authors note: I plan to make this a long series of stories. Constructive feedback is welcome and encouraged.

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csltcsltalmost 3 years ago

Love the subliminal angle.

5 Stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love it. Plenty of scope for imagination.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 3 years ago

I like the story. Based on the age of the sons and assuming the mothers know their respective son, they may have a right to be concerned about the sexual wellbeing of their sons. I do find it a little strange that the mothers have no reservation about incest. These 3 women are the most self-assured that I have ever read about in an incest story.

subleroysubleroyover 3 years agoAuthor

Chapter 2 is in the works.

subleroysubleroyover 3 years agoAuthor

Chapter 2 is in the works.

Liam73Liam73over 3 years ago

Great start. But no moor story I see

Liam73Liam73over 3 years ago

Moor please. Don't stop now

ExperienceCountsExperienceCountsover 3 years ago

Nice build-up. Enjoyed this read. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Good start, please continue..

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