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Tigress to Kitty Ch. 02


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"Thank you, darling. Annette put your hands behind your back.....good, cross your wrists and put your feet together."

Aaron quickly and efficiently tied Annette's wrists and ankles together leaving the bulk of the fifty feet of rope neatly coiled on the floor at Annette's feet.

"The three of us know the truth, Annette. What a delicious truth it is. You enjoy both men and women. The three of us are going to explore your submissive side, and you will be the submissive.

I am damn sick and tired of the politics of the Community. You are one of the prime players. I didn't like the way Janet was treated and the sanctions imposed on her, and what I had to do. You were the swing vote. Allen should have been expelled. By voting with them, you went against me. Our agreement, this agreement was and is separate from the affairs of the Community.

I told you that Pamela is off limits and you didn't listen. You may still have Mary per our agreement except now with a time limit. Your position in the Community remains the same. Your professional career is your own, nothing changes there. I don't want your money.

However things between us have become so complex I need time to think. You will remain standing in this corner until I tell you otherwise. If not you will find what I am capable of if you disobey me."

I walked up behind Aaron, and put my arms around his waist, hugging him. Aaron tensed momentarily and then relaxed. He turned to me and gently took my face in his hands and kissed my mouth long and deep.

"Are you proficient in the martial arts, my sexy tigress? At to what level did you progress?"

"Brown, and I can handle myself if that's what you mean, Karate is good exercise. Are you angry for me not telling you?'

"Actually, I delighted and impressed that you are capable of having my back if need be. It is good exercise and if you like we can start sparing together, but nothing has changed between us my love" he whispered "I'm still....."

"I know" I interrupted "you're still a hound and I accept that, Aaron," I whispered back, "Just remember you are mine and this kitty has claws and teeth. Make Annette suck on your cock while I watch because this will make a wonderful story."


"You want to watch?"

"Yes, it will be fun to see Annette put in her place."

"Very well, untie her feet, darling. We will leave Annette's hands tied for now."

After Pamela completed her task, I held Annette while Pamela removed Annette's red silk slacks. Pamela then put her hand into Annette's white lace panties making her jump.

"Annette is almost dripping, can you believe it. How hairy your pussy is my dear. All the better to...may I shave Annette's pussy, Aaron? I promise to be careful."

"Not right away, I have something else in mind for Annette first."

Unfortunately Annette's hands were still tied behind her back. I had to cut off her silk blouse. That was not a problem. The folding knife that I always have in my pocket is razor sharp. I cut and then removed Annette's blouse in two pieces to reveal a white lace bra. I cut the bra straps and removed the bra as well.

I fondled Annette's ample breasts paying particular attention to her nipples. This made Annette moan through the riding crop still in her teeth.

"Good girl, Annette," I commented as I removed the riding crop from her teeth and dropped it to the floor, "You are easily aroused. In this you and Pamela are much alike, complex. I do believe that you are enjoying this. Nevertheless there will be some irrevocable conditions for my silence, but for now, if you are a good girl I may allow you to come."

I picked Annette up, put her over my shoulder and then carried her upstairs to the bathroom."


Aaron put her gently on her feet and then pulled Annette's panties down to her ankles for her to step out. Next, Aaron made Annette kneel at his feet so that her forehead was on the carpet. Undressing and dropping his clothes to the floor he said to me, "Pamela, come here please."

"Yes, Aaron." "First things first, darling, I want that grease out of her hair. There is nothing feminine about that look. You may help me bathe Annette, and after you may shave her pussy."

I filled the bathtub and got things ready while Aaron played with Annette's vagina, stroking and probing with his fingers.

Annette was moaning and her buttocks were gyrating and swaying holding her position on the floor. Aaron brought Annette to the brink of an orgasm and then stopped denying her the sweet release. This was for real... not a game and Annette knew it.

Aaron helped Annette into the bathtub making her kneel in the hot water while I undressed. I then climbed into the tub behind her and started washing Annette's hair, rinsing and lathering twice before adding the conditioner.

Aaron washed her from the waist up paying particular attention to her breasts. I was now so horny that I could hardly stand it but I was going to get a special treat, shaving Annette's pussy bald. This heightened my anticipation and would make my final release so much the sweeter for waiting.

No doubt Aaron planned on this, bless his heart. He made Annette stand while I washed the rest of her. When I finished, he helped Annette out. I drained the bathtub and then took a quick shower being careful not to get my hair wet while Aaron toweled Annette off.

"Blow-dry Annette's hair first, darling and then you may shave her pussy."

Of course I did as I was told and it was my pleasure. I used my hairdryer and a round brush to curl Annette's hair under. When I was done Aaron ran his fingers through Annette's thick soft hair.

"Much better, Pamela you did a good job. In five to six years from now Annette's hair will be almost as long as yours is now. Annette has no say in the matter of her hair now."

Earlier Aaron spoke of renegotiations and of mandates. He now spelled them out to Annette in no uncertain terms.

"You will not cut or color your hair without my permission, Annette. That is Mandate Number One. I realize in your professional life that you are strict with your clients. I initially allowed for your methods because you are one of the best. Nevertheless you will treat Pamela with respect. That is Mandate Number Two, and Pamela may enforce that as she sees fit. There will be one further mandate. Can you guess what it is, Annette?"

"You demand my obedience and submission?" Annette answered softly while looking down, speaking for the first time since Aaron told her to be quiet.

"That has already established and you now have permission to speak."

"Will Pamela be my Mistress?" Annette asked looking at the both of us.

"Yes she will. I am not into titles but since Pamela kicked your ass I suggest that you learn to defer to her, and especially when you are in Pamela's home. When you are here you will be ours to play with," Aaron said, while continuing to play with her hair, "I may use you for my pleasure if the whim suits me. You will comply with my instructions regarding Pamela. In consideration we will never repeat what goes on behind these walls."

"Are you going to untie me now, Master Aaron?"

"No, and as I said, I am not into titles, Aaron will do."


Annette stood in the bathtub while Pamela wasted no time with the scissors cutting Annette's thick bush down to nothing. Pamela then lathered Annette's pussy and shaved her Mons pubis smooth and hairless repeating the process a second time.

Pamela finished by rubbing Annette's pussy with a soothing balm that she uses on her own shaved pussy.

"Aaron makes me keep mine shaved. He will punish me if he feels even a hint of stubble. I love it like this. It feels so clean and fresh, don't you agree?"

Annette's eyes were closed, and she just nodded and smiled. I helped Annette out of the bathtub and then grabbed her hair pulling her head back to kiss her mouth while I stroked her dripping bald pussy with my fingers.

"Do you want to come, Annette?" I asked, making her squirm and moan as I parted her plump pussy lips and touched her clitoris.

"Please, Aaron, let me come...please let me come."

"Very well then, Pamela, Annette yours to play with while she sucks my cock. On your knees, Annette."


I stood behind Annette and fluffed her hair about her head, "Have you ever sucked on a man's cock before, Annette"

"No, Mistress Pamela."

"Since you are a guest in my home, Annette, I will be a good hostess and share Aaron with you in consideration for your expertise. Just get one thing straight, dear sweet Annette, Aaron is mine! You can start by licking the tip of his cock with your tongue and be sure to look into Aaron's eyes when you are sucking."

I lightly cuffed Annette's head, "You owe Aaron big time. I'm going to talk you through it. Then you will owe me for your cock sucking lessons."

I looked at Aaron for approval and he nodded and smiled while I grabbed Annette's hair at the back of her head.

"Yes, lick just like that....lick his cock, that-a-girl...does Aaron's cock taste good, Annette?"

"Yes, Mistress Pamela, it tastes delicious."

"Good girl, keep licking and do it in a circle around the tip...nice...keep licking, that-a-girl...keep it up. I should have fixed your hair in cute little pigtails before you started...don't stop, keep licking...now lick the shaft from top to bottom...good keep it up. I will fix them in cute little pigtails when you are done...that's right from top to bottom...I didn't tell you to start sucking yet!" I exclaimed, pulling Annette's head back by the hair, "Pay attention, Annette."

"Yes, Mistress Pamela."

"Lick your Master's balls...lick them....keep on licking Aaron's balls until I tell you to stop. Be sure to keep looking into Aaron's eyes when I tell you to suck."

I leaned forward to kiss Aaron's mouth, and asked, "Can we keep Annette overnight? It can be a sleep over of sorts. I'm sure Annette doesn't have a problem with that," I tugged on her hair for emphasis, "Good girl; now suck on your Master's balls. You are going to sleep naked on the rug at the foot of our bed."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
lgod story but would like the loose ends tied up in futher chapters.

My grammer is excelent; but my spelling is terrible. I would rather read your stories with their gammar errorss; than many that are gramaticaly correct, but lack your passion and charater development.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
you ruined this

why did you throw in the Asian chick. 1 star

jenellesljenelleslover 11 years ago

This story just grabbed me. I could feel the intensity. I did have a bit of a challenge at times when you changed viewpoint.

I have made my living as an editor and I still can't find all of my own errors and faux pas in my own writing. There are many here willing to help out. Just wish all writers would avail themselves.

I am going to read more and hope to see you are writing some more.

Ashesh9Ashesh9over 12 years ago
"her mother was a relater "

Perhaps you meant "her mother was a realtor " ?!?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

That was amazing! You are a very good writer! I really hope you continue :)

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