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Tigress to Kitty Ch. 02

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Pamela explores her sexuality.
16.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 09/27/2009
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Pamela styled her long dark blond hair in a curly ponytail tied with a blue ribbon to match her dress. Her makeup is star quality perfect.

It is amazing how Pamela has learned to change her looks with makeup and different hairstyles; anything from pure and wholesome to sultry and sexy, plus everything in between. Tonight Pamela's makeup is sultry and sexy.

Courtesy of Annette, Pamela's has learned how to wear makeup. Perhaps "wear" is not the correct term. Most women wear makeup, or as Annette would say "Merely wear makeup", while Pamela projects with hers, although she is beautiful without. Annette is a professional makeup consultant who is highly sought after. The sparks flew when they first met in Pamela's house. Pamela is submissive to me, not to Annette, or anyone else for that matter.

This is what makes my Pamela so special to me, Pamela knows her own mind. I made it perfectly clear to Annette that Pamela was off limits. I made other arrangements for payment of Annette's services.

I brought Mark and Susan into the Community. Susan is a married woman with whom I had a brief affair but not knowing that she was married when it started. For a time, Susan was Annette's play toy with the approval of her husband. Annette is bisexual while I am not. Annette taught Pamela all of her trade secrets. Not that Annette had a choice, but that was her own undoing.

Pamela is my lady when she attends the Community gatherings. However, Pamela is off limits. It is primarily a social event for her. I will enforce this with my hands and feet if necessary. But then again, so will Pamela. We will get to that later.

Getting back to Susan; Susan models different short hairstyles whenever the Community meets. Her hair once was a natural strawberry blond expertly cut and layered to fall just below her shoulder blades. The norm for submissive women in the Community is long to very long hair with no layers whatsoever. Susan's new persona is the bleached white-blond bimbo look. Susan's above the ears short hair might be curly, straight, layered or teased all compliments of Annette.

When Susan is allowed makeup, it is always exaggerated, bordering on slutty to downright slutty as is Mark's preference for now to remind her of her infidelity.

Prior to her infidelity, Susan had a very generous expense account. I first met Susan when she was on a week vacation with some girlfriends in Hawaii. Susan was pampered and spoiled beyond belief. She drove a Lamborghini for God's sake. Susan now takes the bus to work. How ironic. She works part time cleaning houses for various Community members. This assures that Susan's whereabouts are always known to Mark.

As for Annette, I can have her any time that I want her, however I don't want her....well maybe just a little taste, once to say that I did. I have my Pamela and this hound is now staying close to home. Even though I will always look, I reserve the option to occasionally taste.

Surprisingly, I have Pamela's approval to taste. There is one woman Pamela allows in our home circle. We are a threesome in more ways than just sex. This keeps Pamela on her toes to please me, and to keep me from exploring the above mentioned option of tasting outside the home circle, which I have no desire to do now. I have the best of both worlds.

Annette is not my type. Susan was a gift to placate her because I wanted Annette's help with Pamela's makeup. Although it really doesn't matter now that Annette is under our thumb, and votes Community issues the right way.

I hate politics. During the first two days that Annette was instructing Pamela, Pamela was required to address her as Mistress Annette. Pamela reluctantly and dutifully did so to please me because she was learning from the best.

On the third day Annette was dressed as she would when the Community gathers. Annette was wearing a red silk blouse and matching silk slacks. One of the curious things about Annette is that she hates wearing shoes or anything on her feet, so bare feet it was. Annette tried making Pamela kneel before her and then kiss her feet. Pamela refused. Annette then tried to discipline Pamela with a riders crop, wrong idea! We will get to that soon enough, for now it is time for Pamela's birthday dinner.


We had Indian Cuisine that evening. Pamela made arrangements ahead of time. I'm happy to say that they served me a rare charbroiled steak to go along with the traditional spicy hot Indian dishes that we shared. We took several carry out containers of food with us home with us that evening including 2 quarts of their outstanding (Kheer) rice pudding.

After dinner we went dancing. While we slow danced, I took Pamela's hair out of the ponytail and my buried fingers in her long curls. There are few things more pleasurable than slow dancing with a long-haired woman, particularly when you love and treasure her. The Patriarchs of the Old Testament had the right idea.

We weren't out late that evening. We returned home to cuddle on the couch and watched a couple of movies. We made love after, slow and gentle love, facing one another. Pamela is obedient and compliant in our private lives and her outstanding blow jobs rock my world.

I will never abuse my Pamela. My darling is a lady foremost and my submissive lover second. We fell asleep in each other arms that night as we always do, content and warm.

When I awoke the next morning Pamela was gone. It is inventory week at Pamela's store for the next couple of days. Pamela will be working late, today and Tuesday.

Now, getting back to our story; I told Pamela something more drastic would be appropriate. I took Pamela to get her perfume, her own special scent. But first, Pamela was taken to get her pussy lips pierced, and then a haircut, both being a surprise and the first tests of her submission to me.


I will never forget the day that Aaron took me to choose my perfume. We went back to my house to change our clothes. Aaron brought his change of clothes with him. I would have thought my Master would have insisted that I wear a nice forming fitting dress, and that my hair would be down and loose for him to play with. Aaron had me put my hair up in a bun. He insisted I dress as if I were going to work, conservative and formal. Aaron did allow me makeup though, and I did look nice.

Surprisingly, Aaron dressed very formally for the occasion as well. My Master generally dresses casually. He is so ruggedly handsome in blue jeans and a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up when he is not working. Aaron looks so pugnacious and dangerously sexy when he wears his black riding leathers'.

Aaron wore a dark gray cashmere three-piece suit, a long sleeve white shirt and a rich maroon silk tie with a 1 carat diamond stick pin set in platinum. Aaron had on hand-sewn black Italian kidskin loafers on his size fifteen feet. The finishing accessory was his most prized possession, his Grandfather's 25-Jewel solid 18 karat gold Elgin pocket watch in his vest pocket with the chain and fob hanging out.

I never imagined that Aaron owned a custom-made suit, let alone any suit for that matter. Aaron didn't strike me as the type then, and I have much to learn about him.

Did you know that Aaron can actually shave himself with a traditional straight razor? Fresh out of the shower, Aaron carefully shaved while I was brushing my hair. The straight razor that he was using had a black horn handle. Aaron has two others, a bone handled one and an ivory handled razor with an engraved blade.

Most of the time, Aaron doesn't shave with them. He uses a modern four-blade razor. Old fashion straight razor, or hi-tech modern razor, Aaron always uses glycerin bar shaving soap and a brush to whip up a rich lather in his Grandfather's shaving mug.

I stopped brushing my hair and sat on the toilet absolutely fascinated to watch Aaron shave. I was getting aroused, but when I found myself touching my hair, I shivered. I made a mental note to behave. It is not uncommon in the Community, or in my stories for a Master to keep his slave's hair short if that is his preference, or to shave his woman's head as punishment. Aaron has read all my stories.

When he finished shaving, Aaron combed his thick, unruly blond hair straight back, subduing it with a traditional pomade for men. The pomade darkened his hair. Being combed straight back, slick and smooth made Aaron look older. It made my Master look more distinguished... conservative, maturely handsome and sophisticated, like a CEO from a Fortune 500 Company.

Even though I dressed for work as I always do, as the boss, I imagined myself my Master's personal secretary and sex toy. We walked out the front door together, I let my imagination wander and I loved those thoughts. Little did I know then of all the future games or scenarios I would play out in public as his submissive lover. Aaron has an imagination too.

Our first stop was at three story medical building that was constructed almost entirely of steel and mirrored glass. With an ultra-modern, almost futuristic architectural style, the building stood out on the grounds of the medical park.

Before we got out of my Mercedes, Aaron said, "You will fill out the medical forms, and answer any questions put to you by the doctor. Do you understand?" I nodded my head for yes, and then Aaron helped me out of the car.

My Master took my arm, as a gentleman would a lady. We walked toward the front entrance. On the way, Aaron explained that the building housed the best of the best; Dentists, Dermatologists, Plastic Surgeons, Gynecologists to name a few, all cutting edge professionals with state of the art medical equipment. They guaranteed absolute privacy and discretion, which why we were here. This fact was further enforced when we were stopped at the Security Desk by plainclothes, but as Aaron explained on the way in, armed guards.

Once past the first security check point, we took the elevator to the second floor, and then was buzzed into Dr. J. Pulaski's plush and comfortable empty waiting room adjacent to the second security check point. Once there, I was squirming in my chair while filling out my medical history paperwork. My mind was racing, as I thought, 'Why am I here? Will I have to use my safe word?'

Once I finished the paperwork and gave it the receptionist, I sat down on the couch next to my Master. Aaron put his arm around my shoulder and stroked the hair on the nape of my neck. I knew Aaron wanted to take my hair down, he loves doing that. This made me relax a little, and I did trust him. He couldn't possibly want my breasts enlarged, could he?

After waiting about 15 minutes, a slim, black-haired woman of Polish and Asian descent, Japanese to be specific, walked into the waiting room carrying my newly created medical file. She was a tiny little thing in her white lab coat, less than five feet tall and weighing no more than 90 pounds. At first I thought she was a Physician Assistant or perhaps the doctor's nurse. That was not the case. This was Doctor Janet Pulaski, the Gynecologist I was here to see.

I estimated Janet to be in her late twenties, but as it turned out Janet is 5 years younger than me. Janet's shiny black hair was cut in a short, blunt, almost chin length bob parted on the right and held in place with a simple barrette on the left to keep it off her face.

As we stood in greeting, I found out later that the good doctor was at one time my Master's lover. When Aaron made the introductions, I was surprised that for such a small woman how firm and strong Janet's hand shake was. They however didn't shake hands; Janet hugged my Master and kissed his cheek. Annoyed, I was starting to catch on. I was a little jealous, while at the same time intrigued. Was Janet a member of the Community?

The three of us went into Janet's office where I was asked some questions while she took notes. Janet's style with people is different than mine. There was no doubt that Janet was in charge and would broach no nonsense, but her manner was open and friendly.

Janet closed my file and asked, "Do you have any questions for me?"

"None, Doctor," I replied, looking at Aaron for answers.

Noticing this Janet asked," Do you know why you are here, Pamela?

"I assume I am here for an examination."

"Correct; a complete and thorough examination, and then for a minor procedure. Didn't Aaron tell you?"

I looked again at my Master for answers, thinking, 'What procedure?'

"Aaron," Janet asked smiling, "You didn't tell her, did you?"

"No, as a matter of fact I didn't, Janet," and turning to me, my Master said, "Pamela, you will cooperate and obey. It is a matter of trust now, darling," and turning back to Janet, "Pamela's safe word is Minerva, Doctor. I leave her in your capable little hands."

Aaron got up and went into the waiting room while Janet led me to an examining room. I completely undressed and put on a hospital gown. Once I was comfortable as is possible in the stirrups, Janet was very businesslike and thorough during my examination.

"You are a remarkably healthy woman, Pamela, everything checks out just fine. Since Aaron is of the Community there will be no charge. The same with many other of the select Professionals in this building should you chose to use them. You may speak freely with me and ask questions."

"How you know Aaron, Janet?" I asked, since she opened the door for questions.

"We were lovers once," Janet answered, smiling.

"And, now?" I asked.

"You are Aaron's lover. I need to takes some precise measurements of your vagina, particularly your labia majora and minora. Please lie down on that examining table," Janet said, pointing, "Would you like another pillow?"

"Yes, please," I answered, while walking over and lying down.

"I have to say, you are taking this very well for a novice. I have been with the Community for 10 years. We always delight having another career woman in our midst. Do you play an instrument? That would be a plus because many of us do. I play the violin. Aaron and I have often played together as a duet."

"What instrument does Aaron play," I asked, surprised at this revelation.

"Aaron plays the viola or base quite well. I wouldn't have guessed that hidden talent when I first met him."

"Yes, Aaron is certainly full of surprises," I said, while thinking, 'and this is one of them.' "I took violin lessons all through school and played in the Orchestra", I offered, sliding off the table and standing up.

"This is so wonderful, Pamela," Janet, said, surprising me by hugging me, "Music is a big part of my life. Playing my violin and books were all I really had growing up in foster care. Whenever I was sad or melancholy playing my violin would always cheer me up. My favorite Composer is Vivaldi. Who is your favorite?"

I found myself hugging Janet back, "Vivaldi!" I exclaimed and we both laughed. I am generally not this way among other women, but Janet reminded me so much of..... When it occurred to me to ask, "Janet, are you a submissive?"

"Yes, of course I am."

"But you are a Medical Doctor and a Gynecologist?"

"I'm a woman first, Pamela. I have a safe word the same as you. Safe words are taken seriously with us. They are sacrosanct. I'm sure Aaron has told you that."

"Yes, but not in so many words," I agreed.

"You are Aaron's submissive lover of your own free will," Janet stated, matter of factually," Please get up and walk across the room and back for me."

"We are more than just lovers," I insisted, walking across and back."

"Aaron is a hound, Pamela. It is his nature. Not that I have a problem with that. If you grow tired of Aaron I will gladly go take him back. But for now I will defer to you. I give you my word."

Janet had me thinking, 'Well Doctor, if you are anything like me, or Aaron for that matter, I have to believe you...I do believe you.' My woman's instincts told me that Janet was sincere.

"I'm finished. The shape of your flower is perfect for the procedure I am about to do?"

"My flower?" I asked, not sure what Janet was referring too, but then guessing before she answered.

"Your vagina, of course; Aaron wants your clitoral hood pierced. Do you want to use your safe word? Shall I go get him?"

"Will it hurt?" I asked, anxiously.

"I see that your ears are not pierced. Do you have a problem with needles?" Janet asked.

"I hate shots and needles!"

"You will feel a sharp pinch, and then it will be over. I can numb the area with a topical anesthetic, or I can give you a mild sedative. A true submissive would dispense with both to experience all the aspects of her submission."

"Are you going to insert a captive bead ring, Janet?"

Yes; as soon as you give me permission. Because of your particular anatomy, I have decided on a captive bead ring. It is made from highly polished 2 gauge titanium. You don't know how lucky you are, Pamela, but you soon will if you make the right decision," She said, sighing, "The shape of your flower is perfect for this ring that I have selected for you. Your ring will be a permanent reminder of your submission to Aaron.

Aaron will decide when you will wear the dangling solid 18 karat gold balls. Think of them as pussy jewelry. The balls can be easily removed or added to your pussy ring. When the balls are attached, the added weight of the balls will further stimulate your clitoris when you move. That is why I took such precise measurements."

"Will I be sore, afterward?"

"Not necessarily, that is contingent on your tolerance for pain and discomfort. As your Doctor, I recommend that you abstain from intercourse for 4 to 6 weeks to let the hole heal properly. That shouldn't be a problem. As strict as he is Aaron is reasonable in most things. He is slow to anger, but when he is angry, watch out! That is why Aaron is an enforcer."

"What is an enforcer?"

"Well, it helps that Aaron is fearless. I'm sure you have seen his scars. He is one of three whom maintain order in the Community. Don't tell him I told you this, but Aaron has a romantic streak."

"I will not say a thing to him about it."

"Thank you, Pamela. What is your decision?"

"Can you pierce my ears?" I asked.

"Easily," Janet replied.

"I will do as you suggest, Janet. Just please get it over with."

"Welcome sister," Janet, said smiling, and again I was thinking of Becky. I decided then that I genuinely liked Janet, "As your Doctor, I will send you home with anti-bacterial antiseptic ointment and disposable medicated cleaning pads. I recommend showers, not baths, and I will need to see you again in a week. Your chart shows you are a Vegan, well so am I. Although I don't practice out of my office, I am an herbalist. As we are sisters now, I will give you special herbal teas that will sooth you."

Everything Janet said was true. The vertical hood piercing took less than 30 minutes, although it seemed like an eternity. Most of that time was in preparation. Janet prepped my vagina, and then my ears as if she were performing major surgery. I watched as all the implements were removed from sterilizer and then neatly organized on the tray. Just as Janet started, I closed my eyes tight. I hate needles!

I was determined not to show any fear. Janet was a more than a competent Doctor. I could tell this even with my eyes closed. Janet performed the procedure precisely with no wasted movement or hesitation. Janet and Aaron were lovers once, and despite that, Janet was showing me every consideration. I would like to think I could be like her if our roles were switched.

Nevertheless, all I felt was a sharp pinch and then it was basically over. It actually hurt more when my ears were pierced and the temporary stainless steel studs put in.

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