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Time Isn't Real Pt. 01


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Peering down, Ryan's shoulder blocked me from seeing much of his member, but the tip looked red and hot, especially in this orange light. From how his hips were positioned, I estimated he was packing a decent log - maybe six-to seven inches.

With a rush, I realised I could find out.

I pulled back, looking down at how Ryan's legs were wide apart, Penny's legs outside of his. It was a bit of an odd position, and I wondered if I had just managed to catch him mid-shift, like he was steadying himself to do something else. Or, he was just a bit odd in that area. Either way, as I lowered myself to my knees behind him, I found myself at eye-level with Ryan's butt.

I'd never rimmed anyone before - at least, not on purpose. Once, with a girl, I'd been going down on her and I kind of... slipped. I put that idea away, however for a rainy day, and bent a bit lower, rolling onto my back so my head was against the bedframe, and I was looking up.

Up, at Ryan's thick length, and where it was splitting Penny's red-raw pussy open, her tiny body visibly tight around him.

My confidence a little grown, as nothing had gone... awry, just yet at least, I took Ryan's cock in my hand and felt, again, the heat coming from him. I let out a shaky, nervous breath, and pulled him downwards, so the tip slipped from Penny's lips, and was directed at my face.

It had been so long since I'd been with a guy - I couldn't help myself. I was horny, and a little drunk on power.

So, I took the head into my mouth, moaning a little as I tasted the mix of pre-cum and pussy. It was musky, with those hints of salt and sweet that refused to settle neatly into any particular taste. Fuck, I missed sex.

I took the first inch or two into my mouth, enjoying how it felt to be beneath a guy, worshipping his cock, and for him to have no idea. The thought made me a little more confident, a little more brazen, and so I pulled back a little, letting his cock sit in mid-air, motionless. I licked him from low-hanging, sweat-laced balls, to his engorged tip, taking my time to enjoy the horrible sluttiness of my behaviour.

I let his cock slide against my lips, and let out a laugh - it was silly. Silly! The fact that I was here at all was impossible, and if it wasn't for my Dad proving it to me before he... well, while he still was able to, I would never have believed any of this.

But here I was. Using this world-changing ability to anonymously suck the cock of my roommate, while his paused girlfriend's pussy awaited my attentions behind me.

I smirked, popping off the head of Ryan's member, and pressed it up to his belly. When I let go, it stayed, obedient to the strange laws that existed in this in-between place.

I turned on my heels, and looked in to the open, gaping hole of Penny's well-fucked sex. I couldn't smell anything, but I could tell by looking at her that she would reek of sex.

Hmm. I wonder why I can taste, but not smell.

Shrugging that question off for a more... appropriate time, I decided to have some fun with Penny's sex while I still had the confidence, the momentum, to dare.

Leaning forwards, I used my hands to pull apart her cheeks, and licked a long, delicious trail from her clit to her taint.

Fuck, she tasted good, too.

I dove in, eating the frozen-in-place cunt for all it was worth, my bisexual heart racing as I had my first taste of pussy in months. All of my tricks were put to use - suction, fingers, nose in her slit as my tongue played her clit, to name a few.

As I went, at some point one of my hands travelled down to my own clit to play with myself, slipping into my jogging bottoms to keep me riled up.

My mouth was sloppy with her juices by the time I was close to orgasm - and the thought hit me.

The last time I came, it froze time. What if cumming again unfreezes it?

And, as hot as it might have been in my head to join this little tryst (more than I already had, at least), I knew that Ryan and Penny might not react too kindly to me inviting myself between them. I couldn't risk it.

So, with a final suck of Penny's clit, I put Ryan back into position at her lips, ready to thrust deep and hard into her. I gave him a light spank on the butt, stretched my legs out a little, and left the room without another word.

Making sure the door was shut behind me, I snuck back into my own bed, and frantically fucked myself to the memory of what had just happened.

The risk! The... impossibility of it! The fact that it was Ryan and Penny!!

Within a minute, I was moaning into the pillow, hips shaking as my fingers took me to climax for the second time tonight.

'Fuck - fuck - ffffffuuUCK!'

And, as I came, I heard the world start back up. The sound of the bedroom door slamming next door, Penny and Ryan screeching into a shared orgasm, my duvet rustling as it relaxed around me out of it's levitating state. The car outside rolling up the road again. A dog's bark.

As the sounds reverberated, I realised that the sound-waves created by me shutting doors, all of that, must have caught up to the real world when time started up again.

I wondered, as I fell into a renewed sleep, what else had caught up.


Morning, if you could call it that, was cold and grey when it came. I struggled out of bed, the memory of the night before floating back to me like a dream - or a nightmare. Something dark and twisted and forbidden.

I dressed lazily, without underwear, in the same jogging bottoms from last night, and a t-shirt, and grabbed a towel. I looked at my phone, atop the letter, but delayed making any kind of decision on that until I was fresh-faced and properly awake.

Barefoot, I made my way out into the landing, the carpet soft under my toes, and the clock at the end of the hall told me it was almost 10am. I'd slept in, but that wasn't much of a surprise, so I turned and went to the shared bathroom.

It was, as most shared bathrooms tended to be, a bit of a mess. Ryan's shaving creams and razor were in a little pot on the side of the bath, and Shannon's thick hair, a remnant of her latin heritage, circled the drain. Kloe had evidently been in here before me, as the room was filled with condensation, and she was renowned for taking showers hot enough to strip metal.

I hung my towel over the radiator, and went to the door to lock it, when movement in the hall caught my eye. Penny, all bounces and smiles, exited Ryan's room with a grin on her face, and her eyes caught mine. She gave me a smile and a wave, and all I could do was swallow a gasp as I imagined the taste of her pussy on my lips again.

I half-smiled and pulled the door shut, locking it quickly.

If my crush wasn't bad enough before...

Not wanting to let my mind wander, I got the shower going and stripped what clothing I had, ignoring the slick of my sex telling me my brief look at Penny had been enough to awaken something in me.

It would be one thing if I felt shame. If I felt like I had... violated people, my roommate, and I had this weight on me. And, to a point I did feel that way.

But, in all honesty... I didn't feel it that much.

They were none-the-wiser about what had happened, and, from the sounds they made when everything caught up, it sounded like they had fun. There was no point in trying to deny that I had enjoyed myself, too - beyond the fact that I'd had Ryan's cock as far down my throat as I could get it, and I could still taste his spunky girlfriend's juices on my tongue. It wasn't just the sex. It was the pure, unadulterated power.

Maybe that was a bit crazy to say, but it was true. I had complete power over them at that moment. I could have done anything to them. I could have lubed up Ryan's butthole and shoved Penny's fist up there. I could have moved them, exactly as they were, out into the street before getting time going again.

I could have killed them.

'Jesus,' I actually said out loud, to myself, as the idea put an odd pit in my stomach.

I got in the shower and started to wash, absent-mindedly, as the potential ramifications of my actions whirled inside my head.

I could have killed them, after all. Not that I would, ever - ever - do anything to hurt anyone. But, there would be no way to stop me. No way for me to get caught. No downside.

Pulling myself off the subject of murder, I thought instead about how this could be used in other, more positive ways. Fuck, I'd seen Superhero films about people who could stop time or whatever - and this was effectively a superpower. Maybe I should pull on some spandex and stop some supervillains.

As silly as that was, there wasn't much stopping me from, you know, sitting with a police scanner and using it to stop criminal activity. But, again, the rush I'd gotten from using it to, well, insert myself into a couple's fucking...

No one was saying they were mutually exclusive, either.

Plus, all of those films were about how the main character ended up with so much pressure, to save the world, or to fix up a city... I didn't know if I was up to that kind of task. Actually, I was certain I wasn't up to it. I wasn't that good of a person, as last night probably evidenced.

Shower finished, and my soapy, slippery body dried, I bundled my clothes up in my arms with my towel wrapped around my less-than-generous bust and unlocked the door.

Am I a good person? I wondered as I passed Ryan's room, his door open as though to tempt my eye, drawing my attention to the spot by his bed where I had knelt between him and Penny, exploring them with my mouth to do nothing but sate my desires. He wasn't in there, but the dull daylight that came through his window gave me a better view of the room than I'd gotten last night, even at just a glance.

I pressed on, feeling my cheeks flush red, and span into my own room, shutting the door behind me. My hair, short enough not to need its own towel, dribbled cooling water over my shoulders as I dressed, bra-less in an oversized jumper and jeans, and grabbed my phone. Beneath it, of course, was the letter from Hugo.

With a sigh, and knowing that if there was any chance I could do some good with this 'condition', I opened up my phone and started a series of texts to the number he listed.

B / Hi

B / This is Brooke, Daniel Coburn's daughter

B / Thank you for your letter

B / I'd love to meet, and chat in more detail. Let me know what works for you

There - that would do. I folded his letter and slipped it into my back pocket, and my phone into the little belly-pouch my jumper had, before heading downstairs to face the day.

As I was making my way down, I saw Penny tying up her boots, hair pulled back in a ponytail that gave me flashbacks to the night before, and as she pulled her lace tight she slipped, letting out a small grunt - a louder, more perverse version of which I'd heard through the wall only hours ago.

I gave her a smile as she left, and tried to ignore my body's reaction to her pretty face.

Ryan was in the living room, lying across the sofa as though there was no such thing as other people, and his face lit up as he saw me.

'Hey! Brooke! I didn't know you were back!'

I plonked myself into the armchair opposite, a tear in the arm creaking at me as I settled in. 'I got in last night - pretty much went straight to bed.' I tucked my legs up under me, and got comfortable facing the screen. Ryan was watching some sit-com I'd never seen before, and it didn't seem very funny. 'Things have been...'

'Yeah,' he said before I needed to explain. 'Sorry. About that.'

He was obviously at a loss as to how to say my condolences on the death of your weird Dad, who I met once, but the attempt at kindness was warming.

'Shannon didn't tell you I was in?' I asked, thinking it was weird she hadn't mentioned anything.

'Oh, uh. No. Didn't see her. Me and Penny got in pretty late last night, and...' He trailed off, and I smiled.

'Yeah, I heard you.'

He went a bit red, and I thought of how his pre-cum had tasted. 'Sorry,' he offered. 'She gets a bit... rowdy.'

His balls, hot on my cheek; Penny's juices on my tongue; his cock poking into my throat; my hair sticking to his thigh. I should have been the one apologising, but instead I just smiled, and swallowed the lewd thoughts racing around my head. 'It's cool.'

Kloe came through, mercifully breaking that strange tension between us. She was, easily, the gayest woman I knew. Through-and-through lesbian. As the only woman on her course, she'd gotten an undercut in first year to scare off the unwanted advances of her programmer-peers, and found that it had attracted a more... feminine interest. She'd told me the story of how she was approached by a woman in a bar, thinking nothing of it until she felt her hands slipping into her underwear. After a night of earth-shattering sex, and more orgasms than she'd had in her life up until then, she was, quote, 'converted'.

She knew I was Bi, but that wasn't really the base of our friendship - that was through having a mutual love of gaming, where we'd met during a Gaming Society social meet-up. We were the only women there, too, but this was 'pre-conversion' Kloe, so we just built a keen friendship that had, two years later, turned into cohabitation.

All in all, she was a good egg.

'Move,' she snapped at Ryan, smacking his feet out of the way to sit on the sofa, bowl of cereal in-hand. 'What the fuck are we watching?'

As they started to bicker, sibling-like and semi-affectionate, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it from the one, massive pocket across my stomach, and saw Hugo's reply, written in funny full-sentences that betrayed his generation.

H / Wonderful to hear from you, Brooke. I'm in the city, so if you are free today I'd be happy to meet for a coffee. I'm sure we have a lot to discuss.

Then, a moment later, another buzz.

H / Of course, if today is not convenient, I am here for a couple of months. No pressure.

I answered quickly, not wanting him to think I was ignoring him. Plus, I wanted to meet him. Soon. After last night, I wanted to know... more.

B / I can do today - there's a coffee shop in the station, Bernardo's - do you know it?

H / I do!

B / Meet you in an hour?

H / I'll be there! I look forward to it!

I popped my phone away, and looked up to see Ryan and Kloe watching me, eyes investigative.

'What?' I asked.

'You're smirking,' Kloe said, her voice filled with amused suspicion. 'Setting up a date?'

I scoffed. 'No!'

'Hmm,' Ryan hummed, doubtful.

I stood, and their eyes followed me as I went to the kitchen door to grab one of the bananas Shannon liked to buy. Then, they whispered as I went to the stack of shoes in the corner, pulling on an easy pair of slip-on boots.

'Huh,' Kloe mused, and I tried to ignore her smile. Whatever stick they'd gotten the wrong end of, I wasn't holding it.

'Going somewhere?' Ryan teased.

'Meeting someone?' Kloe asked airily.

I ignored them, but the half-image I got of them out of the corner of my eye as I pulled on the boots made me laugh, and they took that as some kind of admission. Kloe gasped, and Ryan smirked, sitting back to watch their stupid show.

'I'll be back before dark,' I said as I grabbed my longer grey jacket off the peg, now out of sight of my jeering flatmates.

'Aye, we won't wait up,' Ryan called, and I slipped out the door without answering him, stealing out into the Northern gale, and that flat grey sky casting a half-shadow over the city ahead.


It wasn't peak time, so the station was between breaths, meaning that as I made my way towards Bernardo's, I found myself feeling oddly vulnerable. My footsteps echoed on the smooth, marble flooring, and the anonymity of people dashing by made it impossible to make anyone out in particular. The high ceilings, with metal girders for rafters and dirty-glass arches way up above made me diminutive, despite the fact that I was often the tallest person in any room. To compensate, I walked with my head high, the collar of my jacket warming my cheeks, and the pockets hiding the keys I kept between my knuckles, like a cheap-as-shit Wolverine cosplay.

The coffee shop had glass windows, and inside I could see who I assumed was Hugo, but only the back of him. He had his phone out, and as I watched him tap away, my pocket buzzed, giving me a little assurance.

H / I'm here now, would you like anything?

I didn't bother answering, and pushed the glossy glass door open with my arm. Hugo turned, and his face just... lit up. Like he was seeing an old friend.

It occurred to me that he was familiar, sort of. In that 'distant relative' kind of way. His features just didn't seem too alien to me. Kind, but small eyes, behind circular specs that clung to his nose. His head was bare and bald, but his mouth was surrounded by a salt-and-pepper beard, thick and bushy, reminding me of Mandy Patinkin - you know, if he lost his hair. And if he was from Yorkshire.

'Brooke!' he called, smiling wide, arms open and standing to greet me. He pulled me into a hug before I could stop him, before pushing me outwards to get a good look at me. After a second, he seemed to realise he was making a bit of a scene in this little coffee shop, and offered me a seat.

I joined him at his little table, his massive brown jacket consuming him as he sat with gloved hands around his drink, the smile on his face unfailing.

'What a... blessing it is to see you, dear.'

I laughed, flattered. 'It's... this is lovely. And thank you - for your letter.'

He nodded. 'Of course. In all honesty, Brooke, I was worried you would bin it, or throw it out. Call it all nonsense.'

I shrugged. 'You know, then? About... it.'

'I do, Brooke,' he said with a twinkle in his beady eye. 'And it's about time you did, too. But first - do you have any questions. I am an open book, and you are the only person who can read. I am eager to tell a story.'

My hand, in my pocket, relaxed on the key-claw, and I let them sit on the table in front of me. 'How exactly did you know my Dad?'

He smiled, as though this was his favourite topic of conversation, and took a sip from his drink. 'Get yourself a drink, and we can walk and talk,' he said, eyeing the barista. 'I have a loud voice,' he joked.

Within a minute, I had ordered myself a hot chocolate, and found myself walking with Hugo on the roadside, cars and buses keeping the ambient noise perfectly loud, clouding any sensitive subjects. It all felt very secretive.

'Your father was a wonderful man,' Hugo told me as the number 91 bus rolled past. 'I'm sure you knew that.'

I smiled, but it was half-hearted. 'Kinda,' I Mumbled, but I didn't think he heard it. Hugo went on, unimpeded.

'He came to me as a student. I was a TA, and had done a lecture on the psychology of relativity as part of my Ph.D. study. The way people process time is... fascinating. And barely understood. You must understand - I was by no means a leading mind on the subject, but your father... he came to me, and asked me for a drink. I accepted, and after a few in the Dog and Hound, he let slip. His big secret. The one his mother had passed to him, and her mother to her. Parent to eldest child - a hereditary gift.' He looked down at me as we walked, keeping to the busier streets, and passing a bus stop. 'The one you now possess, yes?'

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