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Time Isn't Real Pt. 01


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Although, as Hugo had said, it was important not to hurt anyone.

And I hadn't hurt that lawyer - had I?

Sure, I'd probably given her a mental scar or two. Cumming in public, during the middle of an ego-driven law threat, was probably going to stay with her. But she deserved it. She was being horrible to someone who had done nothing wrong - in fact, she tripped her!

No, I was comfortable with what I'd done.

Plus, I had learned a thing or two.

When my power - if you wanted to call it that - was activated by lust, it seemed to last for as long as I was, well, horny. The phrase had been a reliable trigger, letting me access and leave 'the pause' at will, so the stuff Hugo had mentioned all seemed to track. If anything, it seemed to be easy.

But, if I was going to use this power for anything other than the public sexual molestation of bitchy coffee-shop goers, I needed to figure out how to do this reliably without lust.

Although, Hugo had said to train my 'automatic catalyst'...

I stopped at a cash machine on the high street, mid-afternoon so the crowds were thick and busy, to see where I was at. I pulled my phone from my pocket, the lawyer's bra and panties tucked neatly away beside it, and slid the card out of my phone case.

£344.21. Rent had gone out, and this was all I had for the month. Fuck.

Well. It wasn't like I needed to worry about money. Not really. Not if I was willing to get a little... morally ambiguous.

Across the way from the machine was a supermarket - one of the ones I knew was owned by a company owned by a company owned by the kind of billionaire I always saw left-wing politicians talking about online, saying they needed to be abolished. The work-camp-in-Asia, prison-employee kind of place.

The kind of place that wouldn't notice if some produce went missing all of a sudden.

I went to the window, doing a diluted recon-mission that would have James Bond rolling his eyes. I could see the stack of Bags-For-Life, and figured that I would need to nab one of those, do a lap and get the kinds of essentials a person needs, and get out before anything... happened.

There was also the issue of cameras. If, after they had noticed the produce mission, they looked at the cameras and saw me suddenly summon a bag full of items, in the split-instant it would take me - that could lead to questions.

So, I needed to start and finish this mission out of sight, but close enough to still give me a decent window to do this. Fab.

Well, first things first, I needed to get a feel for how long I'd have in there, without drawing attention to myself. So, I sucked in a breath, and said the magic words.

'Time isn't real.'

The world stopped, the crowds coming to a silent halt all around me. Wind paused its howling, pigeons ceased to waddle on the pavement. I didn't move, not wanting a camera to pick up on any seeming teleportation, and just... waited.

Eventually, I could feel that familiar ache, and as it grew behind my eyes, the world started up again.

'Okay,' I said, my heart beating like a jackhammer and my hands in tight fists - which I hadn't realised until I opened them. 'A few minutes, then. I can do that.' The minutes it would take me to get from a hiding place to the shop, steal the food I needed, and get back to the hiding space, would have to do - and that aching was a near-enough five-second count-down for me to use as a warning.

A guy in a sharp suit passed me, as I loitered, and his eyes kind of slid over me - I wasn't wearing anything that could, in any way, be considered 'promiscuous', and yet he seemed to take the time to drink me in. In a hoodie, jeans, with unkempt hair and minimal make-up, apparently I was worth the leering look.

Something took over me, and - knowing I was going to need to stop time anyway for my task - I used it.

Time isn't real.

The man's smirk as he looked me over froze, and I approached him. Him and his stupid well-trimmed stubble, his tight shirt, his nice watch... okay, he wasn't bad looking. At all, actually. Physically, anyway. That look he'd given me, which was hard to articulate specifically, was more than enough to put any sensible woman off.

But, here, in the pause, I didn't need to be sensible.

And, it sort of made me wonder. How far would he go? If he really was attracted to me, what would he do if, I don't know, he suddenly became rock-hard after a few seconds of looking at me.

Taking note of where I'd been standing, which brock I was leaning against by the side of the cash machine, I closed the gap between me and the leery man. I checked behind him - he had a lovely bum. Nice and tight. I gave him a squeeze, enjoying the sudden power swap of taking a guy, who'd clearly intended just to take his fill of a view of some girl on the street, and feeling his body.

My hands snaked round, and I felt his front looking for - ahh. 'There you are.' His bulge, if you wanted to call it that, sat in the crease of his hip, small and unattended. It was almost cute, I thought, as I felt it through his suit trousers. Soft and little.

Fancying teaching him a bit of a lesson, I popped open the top button of his trousers, and unbuckled his snap-shut belt, letting my hand slide into his pants easily. It occurred to me that, under normal circumstances, I would never have given this guy the time of day, never mind willingly felt his naked, flaccid penis in public. Funny that.

I knew the feelings would catch up when time started up again, but it was strange nonetheless to fondle an ever-soft cock like this, so after a little time playing with the length and squeezing his package a little, I left him alone. Not a fan of that, I decided, and buckled him back up.

I went back to the right bricks, and found his eyeline, before pushing the world back into motion. Time isn't real.

Immediately, his eyes widened as his jaw fell open, the shock registering a moment after the sudden onslaught of pleasure. My hands, soft and confident, running over his body in an instant, made him visibly hard before me.

'You okay?' I asked, holding his eye, and enjoying as he sputtered some kind of excuse and hobbled away. Easy.

I righted myself, and wandered away from the cash machine to a little gap between shops a building or two down. It was barely even an alley, and if I wasn't going to be using the 'pause', I would never have felt comfortable in there alone. As it was, I knew I had, effectively, a get-out-of danger card in my back pocket, ready to go at all times.

Forgive me if that made me a little... smug? Wreckless? Ah, who cared.

Wait - did we need cheese?

I pulled my phone out and quickly texted Ryan. His reply came back mercifully quickly.

R / I'm not in - Shannon is

R / with Bryson ;)

I smirked, knowing what he meant. Bryson was a guy off his course, and we'd all met him a little while ago at a flat party Shannon put on for Eurovision - which, of course she did. Bryson was big, black and gorgeous. A particular moment came to mind, when Shannon had made a point to show me how much Bryson had built up muscle since starting a work-out routine. Her small hands against his bicep, and the way her eyes had dilated, gave away the kind of sexual chemistry that made it really annoying to everyone else that they hadn't just given in and fucked yet. Though, judging by the size of him - and not to indulge any 'black men are automatically HUGE' stereotypes - he would snap her in half.

I didn't bother texting Shannon - I figured I would just get cheese, and if we had two blocks - so be it.

Once I was in the alley, comfortably out of the sight of cameras, I readied myself, focusing on those words, using the latent sexual confidence put on by that little... interaction to get me going.

'Time isn't real,' I said, and the world agreed. I smiled, stretching my neck out, as I got to it.


My head pounding, I hid in the alley. The bag by my side was filled with enough food and things to give my starving bank account a break, and all it had taken was, you know, superpowers.

I hadn't needed to focus on the words, this time, however. When the world came rushing back, it did so without my input. Without my permission, or effort. It was scary, in all honesty. A reminder that, while I had a certain amount of power here, I wasn't above mistakes. A moment longer deciding whether to get plain cheese, pepperoni or meat feast pizza, and I might have been caught by a random passer-by as I appeared in the street out of nowhere - perhaps on a CCTV camera somewhere.

I needed to be careful, especially in public.

Still, it was a success, overall. I had the food, I had a headache, and I had a destination. Back to the flat, to see Shannon - and Bryson.

R / have you got Kloe a present yet?

Oh. Shit.

I'd completely forgotten. Which, considering where my head had been the past few weeks - dying Dad, dead Dad, funeral, etc - it was understandable. But Ryan's text made it out as though I was expected to. And, really, I would be a bad friend not to.

I checked the date - her birthday was in two days, and I hadn't gotten her anything. I mean, I knew Kloe. I knew she wouldn't expect anything from me. She wouldn't... wouldn't mind if I didn't get her anything.

But I should.

If I was going to be a good person, and use this gift not just for selfish means, I had to do something nice with it.

B / fuck

R / me neither. Her Dad's picking her up tomorrow - should we pitch in for a meal?

B / sounds perfect. Where?

R / Penny's mate works at that new burger place, she says could get a discount?

B / book it, I'll make sure she's free tonight

As I walked through the town, shopping bag swinging against my side, I tried to organise an impromptu party whilst definitely not thinking about Penny and Ryan's sex-juices on my tongue last night. Not at all. Nope.

B / Hey! Scrap your plans for tonight

K / Why? What's up??

B / nothin bad - just a little... bday thing...

K / OH!

K / I shall ask no more

K / love u

B / love you too

B / you're leaving tomorrow, right?

K / yeah, Dad's getting me for something

K / fuck knows when

K / I should call him actually

K / <3

After that, a relatively uneventful walk followed me home. The cracked pavements shifted underfoot, and the hill at the bottom of our road made me wheeze. Nothing different from before all of this. I was still the same Brooke.

Well, aside from the unnerving focus on sex. That was something I should... think about. Question a little more. How my life was slowly devolving into one lewd act after another.

Then again, as I came up the stone steps at the flat's front door, I peeked through a gap in the front window's curtains, and caught a glimpse of Bryson, and I thought of something. Something naughty.

To avoid any witnesses, I backed away and went round the back of the semi-detached building, the once-house now split into four bedrooms and used to pay off some landlord's mortgage. In the backyard there was a door that went straight into the kitchen, which we only ever used if we needed to take out the bins and we didn't want to drip leaky bin-juice over the livingroom's carpet.

I slipped the key in, and managed to turn in almost silently, holding my breath - as though that would help. It was a pain, because I knew that even using my ability, pausing time, the sound wouldn't stop. It would register, just like Ryan's bedroom door, after the fact. I had to be sneaky.

Once I had the door open, I slipped in, softly shut it behind me, and, being careful to stay out of sight, looked through the gap between the kitchen door and its frame. I could see the corridor, and watched as Shannon paused outside the room, took in a breath, and went in to meet him.

I couldn't hold back a little proud smile. She deserved a good time. How long she had been lusting after this guy was difficult to say.

Well. Maybe I could help a girl out.

Time isn't real, I thought. To test it, I dropped the keys from my hand, and they just hung there in the air. I took them, pocketed them, and made my way through to the living room.

And what I say was maybe the most... chaste scene I'd ever seen.

They were on opposing chairs, facing each other, over the coffee table. The table was covered in the textbooks, journals and notepads, as well as each of their laptops. It was sad. Like, an honest teenage study session. Which would be fine, if I wasn't painfully aware of how much she wanted to jump on him and swallow him whole.

And, while it might have been a bit of a jump to get them there straight away... I could always get them in the mood.

So, I started slow. Teasing.

Bryson, wearing a button-up and jeans, was tightly packed in, with his delicious jawline just asking to be kissed - between nibbling his earlobe and licking his chest. Again, maybe that was a little fast.

So, I started by just doing the basics. Get him hard, get her wet.

I shuddered. God, this was hot.

I started with Bryson, thinking that touching Shannon, my friend, might be a little odd (conveniently ignoring Ryan, of course), and closed the gap between us. On the armchair, he was being a typical boy - legs open, taking up more room than he needed. Perfect for me, of course.

Hand up his thigh, I trailed his crotch, finding the shape of him. He was soft, of course. But, I knew I could change that. Not that I was going to do to him what I did to that creep on the street. No - I wanted to tease him up. Bring him to hardness nice and easy.

So, I just stroked him, enough pressure to get a reaction, without going any further. It was hard, mind, not to pull his pants open and get a good look at his... weapon.

All in good time, Brooke, I told myself.

I dragged myself away, and went to Shannon, around the other side of the table. She was cross-legged, but wearing a skirt that made life easier. So, I knelt before her like a Christian in church, and pushed her knees apart. Her skirt stretched for me, as I peppered her thighs with strokes and small kisses, feeling the heat of her against my face.

I smirked. 'Are you...' I wondered aloud, before allowing my fingers to trace a little higher.

She was. Shannon was already wet. I bit my lip, knowing that this made my life a lot easier.

But, again, I dragged myself away, this time only retreating to the hallway. The door was closed over, but not on the latch, meaning I wouldn't have to disguise the noise of it shutting, and I could see through the gap in the frame, just like in the kitchen.

And, when I was in position, I thought those magic words.

Time isn't real.

Straight away there was a reaction - a loud one. Shannon's moan filled the room, before immediately cutting off when she realised what she was doing. The fact, of course, was that she was reacting to the feeling of my fingertips on the slick of her sex. And it was hot.

Fuck, this is addictive.

Bryson had more of a... muted reaction. His leg shifted as his cock hardened, his eyebrows shooting up in reaction - but whether that was to me, or to Shannon it was hard to tell. Barely mattered. I was in this to get those two a little closer, not to stroke my ego. This was charity work. The fact that the bulge snaking down Bryson's thigh looked like it would split someone in half - and I intended to find out - was a side effect. Purely coincidental.

I gave them a moment to process those feelings - my fingers, my ministrations - and let their nervous laughter fill the room for a moment. They both knew what they had felt, and they had a hunch the other had felt something too. It was in the air. That tension.

Behind the door, I grinned - and went for round two.

Time isn't real.

This time, they had both shifted - body language is a gift. Shannon's legs were open, as though waiting for more. Bryson had sat back a little, relaxed but not unattentive - his eyes were on Shannon. It was almost romantic.

Or, it would have been, if I wasn't planning on getting to him first.

I started with Bryson again, this time hoping to get him rock-solid by the next 'stop' - and there would be many more stops before I was done - and get Shannon up on him. Happy Days.

But, as soon as I was between his spread knees, kneeling beneath him with my back against the covered table, I saw him at... full mast.

The heft of his member, even trapped within the fabric of his jeans, had my heart hammering a little louder inside my chest. Stretching my hand around it, I felt my breath hitch at the heat of it. My fingertips couldn't meet as I held him, which was something I'd only ever seen in porn, and as I put my thumb at the base, I stretched my fingers up towards the head only to find my pinky couldn't reach.

'Holy shit.' It came out somewhere between a laugh and a moan, and something changed in me.

I had the power right now. I was soaked, and he was hard and... if I was a worse person, I might have jumped on him then. Felt his thick, heavy meat stretch me out in a way I had never experienced before (my largest had been just over six inches, and while I wasn't much of a 'size queen', there had always been... that curiosity. What would it feel like).

I realised that, if I wanted to, I could fuck him senseless right here, in front of Shannon's frozen face. Just, ride that fuckstick into oblivion, my arms around his neck, slamming myself down onto him until I creamed all over him.

Although, me cumming would start time up again...

Maybe not.

But, as I drifted in and out of that fantasy, my hand was stroking his length absent-mindedly. It was dry, the lack of seeping pre-cum letting my palm slide over him easily, light and brush-like. Which made sense, because he was a work of art.

'H-okay,' I chuckled, sucking my breath in through my teeth and pulling my hand off him. 'That'll do.' I hesitated, but tucked him away, putting him back as he was. 'For now.'

Next - Shannon.

Her face was frozen in an expression caught between emotions - shock, lust, embarrassment. They were all over her sultry features, along with the smallest hint of a smile. She didn't know why it was happening, or what exactly she was feeling, but - on some level - she liked it.

I lifted her shirt, exposing the soft flesh of her stomach, and peppered her with kisses from her navel to her bra. It was black silk, meaning she'd dressed with the hope of showing it off.

'Lucky me,' I whispered, as I tugged her top up over her breasts, feeling the supple curve of her chest as my hands traced her back. The slope of her spine, the small cleft of her backside - I took moments to touch all of her.

I knew Shannon - I knew that she was a softie, and she liked it when she was worshipped a little. Spoiled. Last New Years Eve, Kloe had managed to get her to admit to being a 'pillow princess' - although a bit of googling told me later that was generally a term for gay men. Even so - the general vibe applied. She liked it soft, and teasing, and then to be railed senseless.

After a moment of worshipping her chest, I pulled her jumper back down, and took a breath. Looking back at Bryson, and the bulge running down his thigh, I thought of how much I had loved feeling his cock in my hand, and how Shannon should get the same.

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