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Time Never Waits Pt. 10


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"Put another one on for me. That one is for our guest. We need six more for the other men. Two rare, four medium rare. Potatoes, too."

She looked around at me, nodding. Picking up her radio, she spoke her order in. Shortly, Angel came out with a big platter of prime ribeyes, seasoned with Consuela's seasoning.

She took the steak up and put it on the cast iron plate heating on the grill. She put the other steaks on, with seven more plates. The meat sizzled as she grabbed mitts and put it on the wood charger. I took it from her and she put the foil wrapped potatoes on the back of the grate to heat.

I took the plate and grabbed a Shiner from the bar and took it to the table. I sat it down, twisted the top on the beer, sat it in front of him.

Angel came out with a cart loaded with bowls of sour cream, butter, crumbled bacon, cheese and freshly chopped chives, with warming baskets of griddled Texas toast. Chips and fire roasted pepper and tomatillo salsa. Pitchers of sweet tea. She passed out silverware. Filled glasses with tea. Then went back inside.

She came back out with thick slices of pecan pie.

The doctor set in. He savored the food in a truly appreciative manner that made me thankful for these magnificent women.

Soon, the rest of us ate. After we finished, the women cleared the dishes and the guards went back to their business.

The doctor sat back and drained his beer. Juanita brought more.

"I gotta say,"

He paused, frowning.

"You know, I never got your name."

"Travis Miller. Travis will do."

"Well, Travis, this is not exactly what I envisioned what I started out here. But, i'll say this. You certainly have it going on around here."

He drank more beer, smacking his lips,

"So, besides what we discussed, what did you have in mind?"

"Well, doctor, I'm a very private person. I love my solitude with as little outside interference as possible. Especially the government sort."

"Ah, so your an anti-government anarchist?"

"Oh, absolutely not. I understand an fully respect the need for the Rule Of Law. The problem I have doesn't reside in the letter of the law, but the typical self serving idiots that administrate its enforcement. Politics has no place in police departments, and politics has no room for idiots, yet, both are overwhelmingly filled with both examples. So, I have adopted a program that allows me to stay within the boundaries of ethical and moral behavior. Straying beyond those boundries only as far as the interference I'm facing requires in light of correction."

"I see. An admirable pursuit. So, where do I fit in?"

"I want you to open and staff a local family practice. I'll fund it. All the latest equipment, everything. I want a trauma treatment and emergency surgical set up in it, as well. As you see, I'm a very wealthy man. I'm prone to certain attention by many sorts of people. My guard you treated being a prime example. I'm building a global empire. Developing new technologies in food production and distribution. Renewable energy sources, transportation, ocean water desalination, you name it..What i need is the ability to care for my people without police interference. It's been my experience that there exists no situation that will not be made worse just by police showing up."

"I tend to agree with that."

"So, I want a full trauma treatment set up. Xray, CT Scan equipment. Surgical. Anesthesia. The whole bit. Whatever else you can think of. In as much as the practice itself is concerned, you'll be fully paid at twice your present salary. Company paid vehicle, expense account, company housing if you require it, and full legal support from my legal team."

"Damn, now how can I say no to that? I've already turned in a letter of resignation and have been staying on simply because they have made it impossible for me to go anywhere else. So, I'll consider last night my final shift. You may consider yourself my employer of record, Mr Miller."

He drained his beer.

"Excellent. Now, find a suitable location for a building. I'll put you with my construction manager, and we'll get started."

"Right. I've got to file the Xray forms, various permits and licenses. I'm assuming the lawyers will assist me?"

I nodded.

"Great. I've got contacts throughout the equipment system, so sourcing that won't be a problem. What's the chances of me setting up shop on the ranch?"

"Whatever you need."

"Well, what I'm thinking is something just off the main road. Fenced off from the rest of the ranch, perhaps back up the road toward town. I looked and there's not a doctor's office around here close than San Antonio. I'm sure it would go over well having it here locally."

"Then it's settled. Right here on the ranch."

"Yes, and separate from the home area to eliminate government inspector interference with the home base. They'll only be able to access the office facility. So, what about that company housing?"

"Well, I will build you an apartment to your specifications here. Lorene, the RN you met earlier, Alice, my private attorney, they each have apartments on the lake I'm completing."


"Yes, I had the existing lake extended to 1,000 acres. It'll start filling in the next day or so. I bought the defunct pipelines from the coast up to somewhere up north. They'll pipe desalinated fresh water to my operations. I've got a five foot feed line in place ready to start filling it, along with four 12 inch deep wells."

"So, Lorene is an RN?"

I nodded.

"Yes. She ran into some issues over a boyfriend. I settled them. Her license has been restored."

"OK, so, what are the chances of me snagging her up to assist in the clinic?"

"Sure, but it's ultimately up to her. Well, doctor, you're welcome to bed down here. I'm going to bed. Get with Juanita there, she'll see to your needs."

"Please, call me Steve, and thank you for this opportunity."

"Of course. Well, good night, Steve."

I eased off to bed. Climbing in quietly. Angela stirred slightly, pulling my arm across her and wiggled her butt into me, settling in.

I sighed with relief that yhis nightmarish day was over with. Even if it was already 0500. The world would just have to wait if it expected me on the scene for the next few hours.

I rolled out of bed at around 10:00.Angela was already gone. I hit the bathroom and sat on the toilet thinking about what lies ahead. Finishing that business, I hopped in the shower. Turned on the cold and shocked my system to life. Added hot and let the warm water soothe me. Lathered and scrubbed, rinsed. Stropping the razor, shaving. Managing to limit the damage to only three nicks today. Splashing on a liberal amount of Bay Rum. Dressing. Now off to the courtyard.

Everybody was out there. I sat and Consuela brought me freshly made tea. She handed to me from behind, pressing her large tits against me. This was a sign that she needed her pussy serviced.

Sitting down, she looked at me a bit,

"What? Why you staring at me?"

She just shrugged,

"No reason. Why? Am I forbidden to look at you now?"

"Maybe, it depends on whatever shit you're cooking up I don't know about."

" I know you felt my tits."

"Yes, how can I not when your trying to smother me with them."

"Well, take me somewhereand fuck me then."

"Shit woman, can't I sit for a little bit before you decide you're in heat?"

"No. My pussy has the itch, I need you to scratch it."

"How about we get you some itch cream?"

"Pinche gringo. I need you to fuck me. Quit being an asshole about it.".

"OK then, come on."

I headed for the cabana with her right behind me. Getting inside I dropped my shorts. Sh wasted no time. Just taking her jeans and panties off. Followd by he blouse and bra. She knew I liked watching and playinbg with her tits when I fucked her.

She bent over the counter, offering herself to me. My cock had already started rising in anticipation of being inside this mature woman's body again.

I stepped up and rubbed my cock up and down her wet slit a few times, the slid into her grasping tightness. She began working her hips, milking my cock as I stroked her gently. I leaned over and grasped her sagging, swaying tits, her nipples hard against my palms.

I slid my hands back, grasping her motherly fat hips and started fucking her with long deep strokes. It wasn't long before she started quivering and moaning as an orgasm built in intensity. I leaned over and drove my cock all the way inside her, flexing and grinding it within her depths.

Sliding my hand under her, I began rubbing her clit with my fingers. She lost it then and came hard, holding her hand over her mouth to stifle a scream.

I ground into her until her orgasm subsided. The pulled out, not wanting to cum inside her, making a mess she'd have to work with.

She caught her breath, then dropped to her knees and grasped my angrily swollen cock, glistening and dripping with her wetness.

She slid her mouth into my cock hungrily, then took it all the way into her throat and began fucking my cock with her mouth. I looked at her tits as the jiggled and swayed with her movements.

My balls tightened when she grasped them in her soft hand and started massaging them. My cock swelled in her mouth and she started whimpering, struggling to draw air through her distenteded nostrils.

Grasping her head, I started fucking her throat with short, powerful thrusts, then siezed up as my balls released their torrential load of hot sperm into her clasping throat. She squeezed and rolled my balls until they were empty.

Then she pulled off my cock, gasping for air. She just sat on her knees drawing shuddering breaths until she got her air back. Then went to the bathroom, washed her face and applied make-up. I'd noticed when I first saw her this morning she wasn't wearing any. She didn't like streaking mascara.

I went in and pissed while she worked. Then I nuzzled her neck until she turned her head and kissed me. I smacked her ass and went put my shorts and flipflops on.

Outside, it was cool, bordering on chilly. Shorts weather was almost at an end.

I sat back down and Steve came out. His clothes were clean and ironed. I guess Angel took care of that while he slept.

He came over to me,

"Care for company?"

I nodded and gestured at a chair. Marilyn brought coffee and sat it down. He thanked her and she headed back to work.

Consuela came back over, eyed Steve, looking him over. Then turning to me she leaned over and kissed me,

"Gracias, Papi."

Then sat down next to me.

"I've got Juany back in the kitchen, she wants to come back here. I told her I would talk to you about it."

"Do you want her back?"

"Si, uh, yes, I do. You know she works magic in the kitchen."

"Naw, nobody compares to you, my precious Consuela, amor di mi vida."

"Ah, there you go again, pinche cabron, always charming me, but never stealing me away."

"Hell no, Luis would kill me and tan my hide to make wallets out of."

"Si, my husband can be a little loco at times."

We shared a laugh.

"I ordered him a custom Mexican roping saddle for his birthday."

Her face lit up,

"Oh, Travis, he will love it. Especially since it's a gift from you. He loves you more than his own son."

OK, Juany..."

I just shrugged,

"Sure. Whatever you want."

"Excellente. I have her in the boy's empty bedroom. By the way, Juany tells me tha Bonita and Teresa are back in town as well."

"Let me guess, you want them back, too."

"Well, since you mention it, and I can year the pleading in your manly voice, who am I but a humble woman serving the needs and desires of such a benevolent benefactor? Si, Papi, I will ofcourse obey your wishes and have them rejoin us."

"Alright, you demonic diva, be gone before I call a priest and sic him on you."

She sauntered off chuckling to herself.

Steve was looking at me,

"OK, if I may ask, what did I just witness here?"

"Certainly. That is Consuela. The ranch foreman's wife. She commands this domain. What she say's goes."

"What was she thanking you for?"


He choked on his coffee,

"You have sex with her?"

I nodded.

He just shook his head.

"Well, can't say as I blame you, she is indeed a fine woman."

"Yes, yes she most certainly is."

He laughed,

"Travis, you simply amaze me. So, where do we start?"

"I figure we go pick a spot. Then go from there."

I got up, and headed out the gate. We got in my truck and went out the main gate. I saw Gerald and Mark walking off the upgrades I ordered. They had a can of orange paint, marking off lines for tunnels. I turned right, heading back toward town, but he stopped me.

"Just right here. Would that suit you?"

I looked it over. The entrance gate was at the bottom of a gradual curve. This was about a hundred yards from the main gate. Nothing was going on here, so why not?


I turned around and drove back in. Then drove along the dirt road that followed the fence line to the spot. We got out and looked back up the road toward town. You'd be able to see the building a long ways from either direction.

Steve was staring off into the distance in deep thought. I stood back and let him finish. He turned to me.

"You know, I just had a thought. My brother just got raped in divorce court. He's a dentist. The only one in the family. Our parents are both doctors. Surgeons. He decided to go to tooth school. I'm betting he'd love this area. He's in Houston right now. Living in an apartment working for another practice. Nothing holding him there but bad memories and nowhere else to go."

I thought that over. Yes, I could see that working out.

"Sure, if he wants to come, we'll set him up. Same deal. Build one big building in duplex style."

"Excellent, I'll call him when we get back. He'll love it here. He's a big outdoorsman. Loves hunting and fishing."

I gestured to the mobile phone,

"Call him, see what he says."

He picked up the handset and dialed a number from memory.

"Let me speak to Richard, please."

He waited a minute,

"Richard, you're never going to believe this but..."

He laid it out. After finishing, he listened a moment,

"Ok, hang on,"

He looked at me,

"He wants to know if he come right now."

"Sure, tell him to come on."

He affirmed that and hung up. I headed back to the house, the pulled up on Mark and Gerald.

"Mark, come here."

"What's up, boss?"

"Mark, Steve. Steve is our new in-house doctor and surgeon. We need a doctors office and a dentist office. Duplex kinda thing. Get with him and figure out what's needed. I want a tunnel going to them as well."

"Yes sir, we'll get right on it."

I parked and sat at my table drinking a Beam and Coke. Something was going on, I could feel something in the air, almost like an electrical charge. I went in the direction it felt strongest. Down toward the barn.

I heard one of the hands yelling something and running out of the barn. Whatever was in there, it had him pretty upset. So I went down there and parted the crowd gathering at the door, peering inside.

I looked and what I saw managed to cause me no small amount of upset, too.

Right in the middle of the barn was a...

To be continued...





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IncestgodIncestgodover 1 year agoAuthor

You are correct. I changed the names of the characters because I had originally planhed on using Sharon and Virginia in a similar project I'm working on. I din't want to use the names twice in two similar story lines. I apologize for the confusion

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this story as I am a time travel fan.

One comment though. I think any mention of Carol should have been Sharon instead, if my memory of the earlier chapters is correct. Also Victoria should have been Virginia.

IncestgodIncestgodover 1 year agoAuthor

Well, I left it at that because I wasn't sure what qas even going to be there. I started this story on a whim and it's unfolded along the way. Made mistakes, learned a lot. Kind of like A New Begining I'm playing by ear. I'm planning a continuing series of romance novels I'm going to self publish

DigitalDreamerDigitalDreamerover 1 year ago

I appreciate a cliffhanger, but I would appreciate a little more finesse, leaving a sentence ...

(Do I make my point?)

Otherwise, I am enjoying the walk down memory lane.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loving the story, can't wait to read more

Sherrie008Sherrie008over 1 year ago

I loved it…. Thanks for your hard work and great story!

I was indeed left hanging!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loving it!

HawkEye1969HawkEye1969over 1 year ago

ASS!!! You just had to put a cliffhanger in there. Lol I can not wait for the next part.

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