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To Love a Stray Ch. 04


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"Shit!" I hear Doc exclaim and I turn to snarl a warning at him. All of the toms freeze where they are trying to get some distance from me, as even with one leg disabled I am dangerous to them while they are in human form. I snort through my nose and head towards the bedroom my progress made in short little hop like movements with my good front leg. In the bedroom I curl up on top of the bed and lay facing the doorway, my tail wrapped around my hindquarters. I nibble at the bandage on my foreleg until the bandage begins to unwrap and I pull at it impatiently. A knock at my door brings a snarl to my throat and I watch as the door opens slowly and Doc looks in cautiously.

"You mustn't try to go far on that leg Rosy, it's too badly broken to take your weight just yet," He tells me cautiously. I lower my head and move my weight from one back foot to the other making sure I have a good footing, my tail lashes from side to side and Doc quickly closes the door between us as he recognises my threat. It is nearly an hour later before I hear Mitchell's footsteps in the building. I ease off the bed and rear up on my hind legs to use my good paw to depress the elongated handle of the door down so I can get out. I move along the room silently and rotate my ears as I listen to the toms in the lounge room. I stop back from the doorway so that I don't attract attention and drop to my stomach to creep forward to where I can see into the room.

"You're lucky you got off as light as you did," Doc is telling Mitchell as he stitches a gash above his eyebrow.

"Well if Steven hadn't shot his mouth off like he did I wouldn't have hit him," Mitchell all but growls.

"It's not your place to say who can go near Rosy. She is under Wade's protection until such time she chooses a mate," Doc tells him firmly.

"What if she doesn't want a tom after what she's been through?" Mitchell demands hotly.

"You've got to get control of your protectiveness towards Rosy or your going to get more than a month without pay and not being allowed to be with Rosy unless someone else is present," Sam tells his brother angrily.

"That's the worst part. I don't know if Rosy will understand why things have been changed," Mitchell says sadly.

"She'll just have to cope," Edwin says from somewhere close by but out of my line of sight. I stand upright and walk into the lounge room as best I can on three paws, I walk up to Mitchell and circle him as I sniff reading the story by the scents I pick up on him.

I can smell Steven's scent on his ribs where they smell bruised and Micah's scent on one arm as if he'd grabbed hold of him for some reason. I rear up placing my paws on his shoulders as I sniff near his face; the strong mixture of the scent of his blood and the smell of Steven has my hair standing on end as I move back down to three paws. I turn and leave the room as I head for my room, everyone is silent behind me and I ignore them as I pass by them.

* * * * *

I am in human form when I walk into the kitchen for breakfast the next morning, I look around for Mitchell but he isn't there.

"Want some bacon and eggs? We got plenty here," Dwayne tells me from the counter where he is dishing up his own breakfast.

"Yeah here's a plate," Steven says as he pulls a plastic plate out of a new packet and turns around to hand it to me. I growl low and deep in my throat, the closest to a growl in cat form I have ever done.

"If you're threatening me it's not going to work," Steven says as he turns to face me cautiously.

"Threatening you? It's not a threat, it's a promise." I hiss as I walk past him to get to the toaster on the far side of the kitchen. I ignore him as I put two slices of bread into the toaster one handed, I hear his soft snort of laughter and am about to turn and face him when loud footsteps come through the back door.

"Business guys!" Micah yells as he marches into the kitchen and looks around.

"Sam! Dwayne! Alex! And Mitchell! We just got a report of a stray that has been seen several times in cat form by Roo hunters over by Westby River," Micah stops as he spots me and hesitates for a moment and then gives a brief nod. "Now is as good a time as any for you to learn how things work," he looks around just as I smell Mitchell's scent.

"You all know the protocol. And be careful," Micah orders. He looks at me where I wait by the toaster and then he glances at the cooked food by the stove, "You okay? Don't want bacon and eggs today?"

"I feel off in the stomach," I say grudgingly when he continues to watch me and I see the worry flare in his eyes. "It's just morning sickness and I'll feel better if I can eat,"

"If what you want isn't here I'm sure one of us can find it in Mum's pantry," Micah tells me quietly.

"Toast will do," I mutter and turn away, I'm not about to tell him I want pancakes dripping in syrup. I long to follow after Mitchell but I know that it would cause more problems for him. I am chewing half heartedly on my buttered toast when the four toms walk by on their way outside, they are all carrying some kind of bag with spare clothing in it and I put my toast aside to follow them outside. I watch as they pack their bags in the back of the van I first arrived here in and I rush forward to grab Mitchell's arm.

"Hey Rosy. I got to go away for three or four days but don't worry I'll come back," He tells me with an easy grin. Ignoring Wade who is walking towards us from the main house I throw my arms around Mitchell and press my face against his chest as I hug him.

"Be safe," I tell him before reluctantly letting go and stepping back.

"Do I get one of them too?" Alex jokes lightly. I turn my head to glare at him but I only see my Alex who is off to face a stray. I walk over to him and cuddle in close breathing in his scent, "Be safe," I tell him as well. As I step back I find Sam and Dwayne standing close by and I cuddle them telling them to be safe before I release them and step away. I glance nervously at Wade who is now waiting to talk to the four toms and I move off a bit unsure if I am allowed here.

"I'll phone you as soon as I have more information. You might as well detour via Southrock on your way home and see if that stray we've chased on and off is still roaming around there. And as Rosy said, be safe." Wade tells them. I watch as they climb into the van and Dwayne drives off, I wonder if I should mention to Wade that the stray won't be at Southrock as she was right here. I turn away to head back to The Quarters but stop at the sound of Wade's voice.

"Good morning Rosy, Marissa would like it if you wanted to visit with her today," He invites me in a friendly tone.

"Maybe later," I say and walk away.

"She said she has morning sickness," I hear Micah explaining to his father.

"Or she could just be sulking," Steven puts in.

"I can't afford to let Mitchell get too protective of her. When the top warriors and toms start coming around there're several who'd be likely to kill him for it, I'd loose a promising warrior and Rosy would be terribly upset by it," I hear Wade saying as I go in the back door. I pause just inside to keep listening but the sudden clenching of my stomach has me running for the toilet.

I am on my knees leaning against the wall beside the ceramic bowl weak with having been physically sick when I smell Edwin, I turn my head towards the doorway ready to warn him off but he wordlessly offers me a glass of water. I take the glass with a slight nod and rinse my mouth before resting against the wall with my eyes closed and my head bent for several minutes.

"Do you feel up to going to the lounge room now?" Edwin asks softly.

"My bed, I need to rest." I mutter and make no argument when he lifts me in his arms. His smell is much stronger than Mitchell's and muskier I can't help noticing, he is more muscular and thicker through the body.

I sigh with relief as he carefully lowers me onto the bed but jump when I hear Micah's yell.

"Edwin! Where are you?"

"In here!" He calls back but stays to cover me with a blanket that he tucks around my feet gently. "Don't want you getting cold," he tells me softly.

"What are you doing?" Micah demands as he strides into the room.

"Rosy was sick so I'm just helping her to bed so she can have a rest," Edwin says with a glance at his brother.

"You alright?" Micah demands with a frown of concern and I glimpse Steven and Pete hovering just outside the door.

"I just need to rest for a little while," I say as I close my eyes.

"I'm going to have a chat with Mum maybe she knows something that will help you." Micah tells me firmly.

"Pancakes. Pancakes and honey," I mutter.

"You just spewed your guts up and now you want to eat?" Edwin asks in disbelief.

"Hmmm, that's the way it works apparently," I mutter then yawn, "But first I want to have a nap," Already I can feel the welcome of sleep and relax even though I know the toms are still in and around my room. I wake to unusually muted noise and I lift my head warily to look around. Feeling much better than when I first woke this morning. I sit up and stretch, lifting both arms above my head and bending first to one side and then the other. I slip out from under the blanket and get to my feet. I walk silently to the toilet and visit the bathroom before heading for the lounge room. The four toms are spread around the room in different chairs talking in quiet voices with no one playing the inevitable x-box game. The very lack of noise must have been what woke me I realise.

"Hey you're awake!" Pete exclaims with a grin as he gets to his feet. I ignore him as I head towards the kitchen following the appetising aroma I had followed down the hallway. In the microwave I find a plate heaped with fresh pancakes still slightly warm, I take the plate in my good hand and carry it to the table where I sit down and quickly roll a pancake into a long tube that I begin eating.

I hear footsteps enter the kitchen and I hunch over my plate, my injured arm on the table above the plate and my other hand just above the plate as I chew hungrily. Someone walks behind me and I growl a possessive warning as I turn my head slightly to listen to them go past.

"Woe! The stray is in a bad mood," Edwin comments as he grabs himself something out of the fridge. I hear the soft hiss of a can of soda being opened and take another mouthful of pancake, jerking the bite off with an exaggerated movement.

"We're going for a stroll in the trees later, Steven and I are going to hunt do you want to come for the walk?" Micah asks.

"I'd be helpless as a cat," I snap at Micah.

"You don't have to change you can still go for a walk on two legs. Edwin and Pete will keep you company," Micah tells me.

"What so they don't get stuck in the house with the stray?" I ask sarcastically.

"Oh don't worry. I wouldn't mind being stuck in the house with the she-kitt," Edwin purrs at me.

"You need fresh air and exercise don't you?" Pete asks as I turn my head to growl at Edwin.

"At the moment I need to eat!" I growl as I hunch over my food.

"You don't need to guard your food," Micah chides gently, "No one is going to take it from you," I ignore his comment as I continue to eat and hunch over my food. I know what he said is true but it is sheer perverseness on my part that makes me over react to having them in the room.

"Ought to take it from her every time she acts like a damned stray," Edwin growls and I snarl back at him.

"Stop stirring her!" Micah snaps at his brother.

I use the last pancake to mop up the traces of butter on the plate and pop it into my mouth, when I swallow it I look down at the plate thoughtfully. "They didn't have any honey on them,"

"Well if you hadn't been growling at everyone you could have asked for honey and one of us would have got it for you," Pete tells me slowly as if I might have trouble understanding him. I give him a dirty look as I get up and check in the fridge to check for fresh juice, there are several small bottles of it and I grab one and use my teeth to hold the lid as I turn the bottle and open it. I drop the lid onto my injured arm and lift the bottle to take a deep drink.

"You could have asked one of us to open it," Micah points out.

"And then it would have smelt like whoever touched it," I say and snort with distaste.

"A bit strange being able to smell so well?" Micah inquires softly.

"It has its uses," I say with a shrug, "So when are you going hunting?"

"We can go as soon as you're ready to go for a walk," Micah says levelly. I hesitate a moment, so far I haven't been anywhere that Mitchell hasn't been with me.

"I can go as soon as I finish this," I say as I lift my drink and take several deep swallows. "Just one condition, yous don't run at me while you're a cat 'cause I've been chased a few times and I don't like it," I warn.

"You promise not to try to run off?" Micah asks. I nod guardedly; I know I am in no fit state to be by myself.

"Fair enough," Micah agrees. "No chasing you but try not to run from us. A cat's natural instinct is to chase anything that flees." I turn my full attention to finishing my drink and put the empty bottle and lid in one of the many rubbish bins around the house.

"This place is really disgusting you know. Rubbish and dust everywhere," I comment.

"If it bothers you so much you can clean it," Steven tells me and I snarl at him.

"So Mum tells us," Edwin says and heads for the door. I hesitate a moment before following him, he leads the way outside and turns towards the closest tree line. I glance quickly over my shoulder at the sound of footsteps behind me and then turn my attention back to the tree line because I don't want to think about the fact that both Micah and Steven are now only wearing jeans and whatever they have on underneath them.

I lengthen my stride and take deep breaths of the fresh air, I smile to myself with pleasure at being outside after days of being cooped up inside. Pete jogs past me followed by Micah and Steven then the race begins as they really begin to run. I glance at Edwin and see the longing in his face to be running with the others but he keeps to my pace. I watch until the three disappear into the dapples shadows and I turn my attention back to the ground in front of me. When we reach the trees we soon find Pete picking up discarded jeans but there are no big black cats in sight and for that I am thankful.

"They've gone hunting," Pete says lightly as he rolls the clothing into a bundle and uses a short piece of rope to make a handle to put over his shoulder. I follow as he starts along a trail and I glance over my shoulder when I don't hear Edwin following, I catch sight of him just about to urinate on a tree and look away hurriedly.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Edwin confuses me

The flip flopping between grade A asshole and caring regular guy.....which is the real Edwin?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I love this story.

I should have gone to bed long before this but cannot stop reading. Thank you so much for a very good story. Ganna

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I love the story and you are a talented writer. The main problem I'm having with the story is that I feel like Micah is the love interest but the story devotes very little time to his character making it hard to get a feel for him. I would like to see more time devoted to his relationship with Tawny whether in the form of friendship or romance or whatever. I would also like to know his thoughts, feelings and perspective and see less time spent on minor characters. I can't wait to read the next chapter and you should consider publishing this as a book!

polgaranightpolgaranightabout 13 years ago
Learning About Changes

Many young women have been raped/killed by humans, try understanding the change of a young girl of 12/15 yrs old & being attacked, raped, & changed into something otherworldly...

Being told many times you will be killed by clan because you are a stray & female will leave lasting impressions.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Keep going

Love your story. Love the characters. All the toms are hanging in there, doing their bit to make Rosy's world safe and that is a good thing. I am glad to see she is coming into her own. I dont understand the world of the were cats and so I cannot understand what's the fuss about Mitchell looking out for Rosy; of him being protective. They all are and that is good, isnt it. But on some level she is responding to him. Shouldnt Wade and the others give them a chance to see where it all goes... Great story though... keep going... tell it the way you want to...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
move on please....

This story need to progress because at this point its just dragging on. She lived her life after the initial attack successfully and I don't see why she is acting so jumpy around the toms. If she craves her old life back where she was acting more "normal" in then let her go back and live the lie with her scent covering body wash. At first I cared who her mate was but this story is kind of dragging at a snails pace and I'm beginning not to care. Throw your readers a bone and get to the point. I think I can read one more chapter.... barely.

orionsdemiseorionsdemiseover 13 years ago
completely disagree

I completely disagree with the last two posts. A lot of stories that Ive read have the heroine get over her fear and get into bed with some random guy way too fast. Wharves you've done is more realistic and I really appreciate It. A heroinr who's both scared and strong? Who has fears but works around them? That's perfect. For naysayers listen this girl has been traumatized from an attack years ago. Stop pitching about honest writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Start developing rosy/tawnys character. i feel like her character is being stifled. i also hope Micah is her mate....Mitchell is reminding me too much of an over protective brother. him being underneath her every waking second is getting so annoying, i feel like the more he babies her the longer shes going to be clingy and dependent. I really hope she grows some independence and learns that all toms are not the same and that the clan cats can be trusted. her distrust is getting old. Please get on with the story, i get it i understand what comes with rape, the terror, the nightmares, the distrust, the flashbacks. But i also really want a story that progresses not one thats been stuck in the same spot for 5 chapters. Good luck, ill be checking in for the next update.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
okay already!

I get it...she's traumatized and struggles with men in general especially the toms. I get she's scared and skittish but 4 chapters each 4 to 5 pages long on the same thing has officially lost me!!! You gained my interest but now, it's gone.

mrpervy46mrpervy46over 13 years ago
Great Story

I wasn't sure at first about this story, but as I read it I got intriged by it. I'm a big fan of the "Underworld" movies, so thats what keeps me intersted, although I don't like the vampire or werewolf stories here so go figure. I waqs thinking about that story Merissa told Rosy about the she-kitt who ran off after carrying the twins unsuccessfully. I was wondering if that was Rosy's mother and I know having twins is passed on from mother to daughter, and not from the father. I think either Micah or Mitchell well be her mate.

Rbn8Rbn8over 13 years ago

I am a big fan of your "Stolen" series. I am so happy you started another story. I love it so far although it does seem a little disjointed. I love the way Rose is opening up to the Toms. I do hope Micah ends up being her love interest although the conection between them seems to have been abandoned completely.. Guess I will have to wait and wonder like everyone else...

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You have a really fascinating and unique way of telling these stories. I love it!

As another poster said, these stories are addictive. I find myself endlessly checking for updates and re-reading the old chapters.

I also love the way you're revealing hidden bits of her past in little pieces along the way. I have a feeling there are many more interesting surprises in the works! Such an effective plot device when used well!

Will 'Enter the Cat' be continued at some point?

Thank for this and keep writing!!!

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 13 years ago
Realistic Rape Reaction

I've seen some complaints about Tawny/Rosy's repeated flights, and I can't argue with how other people are perceiving the story. However, I think this is about as honest a depiction of how some women react to rape as you can get.

The shying away from touches, the feeling of there being too many people in a room, the difficulty breathing, the trembling, the compulsion to flee...add to that nightmares at night, waking nightmares during the day when your thoughts drift off...the fantasies about worthlessness and suicide. They all add up.

On an erotica storyboard, rape is the stuff of fantasy, always about sex instead of violence, often even a situation where the rapist might easily have been accepted as a partner under different circumstances. No little wonder then that the rape victims in erotic tales cope so well with the experience. But that's not the case here.

I'm going to be very interested to see how (or even if) Rosy comes to grips with her repeated attacks. I hope that the character is allowed to put it behind her, eventually. Mostly because one hopes that all rape victims are able to do so.

Keep writin'!


popparazzipopparazziover 13 years ago

WOW! That was a touching chapter.It ending abruptly however,I enjoyed it. Things are slowly falling into place. Great writing.Please hurry with the next chapter

catman71catman71over 13 years ago
just a thought on my part

micah is her mate, but mitchell is her friend, she has to differentiate the two , on her own time, and i also think it was not stray that attacked her, and i have my suspicions on who it is, his attitude says a lot

indianfireindianfireover 13 years ago
Great Story

I rarely feel the urge to rate a story, or to give it a five, but I definitely gave this story a five. I really enjoy it and since I started reading the series I have been checking for updates every day. I like that their culture treasures its females. Rosy is one lucky cat. Great job and keep writing!!

bearmad1963bearmad1963over 13 years ago
Good Chapter

I wonder whether she will mate with mitchell or Micah.

Caoont wait for next exciting chapter in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

is she in love with micah

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 13 years ago

This is a very good story. I just wish she would tell these guys about Jasper so they could tear him apart!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Loving this:)

Loved this-One of the best!

I can not wait until the next chapter.

Im officially addicted:D

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Can't wait

I wonder when She will tell them that she was turned at 12.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

A rather abrupt ending but a good story nonetheless. All the available bachelors and amped up testerone between them keep the story quite interesting. Keep up the good work :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

who is the real father of the babies I am just wondering is the real father going to show up

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Your work is just that, very addictive; at least to me. But pleaseeeeee, i beg of you; don't let it be Edwin she finally chooses as a mate. He is just toooo wrong in many ways to be her mate. That would completely turn me off of this wonderful and addictive story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Just loving this story, hanging out for more & hoping 'Rosy' gets a mate eventually :-) Keep it coming please! Thanks.

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