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To Love a Stray Ch. 08


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Jazzy mewls as she walks up beside me and I drop the chunk of meat I was chewing so she can take it. I share my pieces of meat with her and when she is full I follow her back to the shade and lay down. I notice Marissa and Wade eating at the other carcass and watch the clan members as they eat in their different spots. I realise someone is missing and stand up sniffing trying to work it out as I mentally identify each cat. I look around the surrounding area when I realise it is Dwayne who's absent. I'm hoping he is just away from the carcasses toileting. I turn to face what must be the fence line as I hear a faint sound; I give a cry of alarm as I recognise the distant sound of a motor and the sound of feed ceases behind me. Mitchell walks up beside me and rubs his head on my shoulder unconcerned but I wait, watching the surrounding tree cover until I see the jeep driving towards us. I snarl my annoyance and turn back to the kill to start feeding again.

"Power's back on at the compound," Dwayne says as he climbs out of the jeep and drops a bag of clothes on the ground. I look away as he unzips his jeans and I tug a piece of reluctant sinew from a rib bone before tearing into the shoulder again. Someone bumps my side and I move over making room for them before tearing off a chunk and swallowing. I find myself eating between Steven and Edwin and when I manage to tear a rib free I carry it to the shade where I lay down and begin gnawing

on one end of it. Micah gets to his feet lazily and walks over to sniff at my prize and me. I hiss as I cower against the ground but Micah has no interest in taking my bone as he stretches out near me leaving me to worry the meat from the rib bone.

"Micah, we're heading home now. Mikkarl! Robby! Come on," Wade says near me. I glance at him to find he has shifted and is now dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. Marissa stands on the other side of the jeep tying her hair back, and Jazzy is beside her, shrugging into a light jacket.

"I'm not ready to go yet!" Jazzy exclaims and runs over to pat Micah on the head, "Thanks for the feed big brother." Her face lights up as she spots me laying in the shade nearby and runs at me. I lay my ears back and back away from her uneasily and she stops to look at me puzzled.

"What's wrong with Rosy?" Jazzy asks glancing towards her parents. Micah huffs and gets to his feet and walks over to me. I press my chin into the ground as he sniffs at me then turns his attention to the bone I abandoned when Jazzy ran at me. He nudges it and looks at his father.

"You know better than to run at cats you don't know really well. Rosy got a rib off the kill and you're lucky she didn't think you were trying to steal it," Wade scolds.

"But Rosy made the others move over so I could eat and she even bit pieces off for me when I was puffed out! Rosy wouldn't mind if I wanted the bone," Jazzy says indignantly. Micah huffs loudly and I glance his way nervously but he seems to be communicating with his father as he bobs his head.

"It looks like I better take my daughter back to the house so you can enjoy your food without Jazzy eating it for you," Wade says with a smile. Jazzy walks over to me slowly and pats me on the head before pulling at my ears gently.

"You've got beautiful spots Rosy," she tells me before walking back to the jeep. I stand to watch Mikkarl and Robby get into the back of the jeep wearing only jeans while Wade and Marissa sit in the front seat with Jazzy in between them. Jazzy turns in the seat to wave until they are nearly out of sight and I return to chewing at the rib bone.

When I am finished with it I stretch out on my side and swish my tail lazily at an insect that buzzes around me annoyingly. I hear someone settle near me but I don't open my eyes or try to smell who it is in the afternoon warmth. I listen to the toms calling and grunting back and forth and I realise they are communicating. I sit up to watch and find it is Micah, Steven, Edwin and Sam vocalising back and forth. I get to my feet and stretch with a big yawn and flex of my whiskers. When I look around the others are watching me with interest and I walk daintily to the other kill.

Edwin rushes to meet me before I reach the carcass and I eye him warily but he purrs at me and extends his nose in a friendly gesture. I meet his gaze for a second and see the invitation before he swings his head to look at the kill then back at me. Micah growls angrily and charges Edwin while I shy away from both of them as Edwin is sent rolling in the dust. He jumps back up and faces Micah with his head lowered and

a low growl in his throat. Micah rushes forward and I retreat hastily as I realise they are actually fighting for real. I do my strange little stand on my back legs for a better look before hissing and circling to watch from another angle. The two combatants separate for several seconds before they leap at each other once again. Edwin, being smaller, goes down under Micah's greater weight and Micah takes the chance to deal out several nasty bites that has Edwin yowling.

The fight is over as suddenly as it began and Edwin retreats to a group of trees some fifty metres away. Micah stands tall, lifts his head and roars loudly. I lay my ears back and bolt from him. Fear churns in my stomach as I hear pursuit and I flatten my body and stretch out my legs going at my top speed. I jump fallen trees and small bushes in my stride even as I dodge hollows and dips. The fence looms on my left side and I race along the inside of it even as my brain warns that my pursuers can head me off by cutting across to the fence at some point ahead of me. I see my chance in a solid tree some ten metres off the fence line and I race towards it slowing slightly as I collect myself and catch the trunk of the tree a good five metres off the ground. I dig my claws in and scramble up higher than the fence before racing along a thick branch.

I feel the branch break as I extend myself in a leap outwards and I am off balance as my back legs hit the top of the fence. I somersault and hit the ground hard skidding along on my side before getting to my feet once again and fleeing. I soon slow to a hopping trot, my right front shoulder throbbing painfully as is my right thigh. I am beginning to realise I reacted out of fear and that I was in no actual danger from either tom, but past experience of watching fights around kills sent me fleeing.

I hear a distant call from one of the toms and I hiss as I lower my head to the ground. The spot I have chosen to stop is shielded on all sides by long grass and unless someone was to literally walk over top of me, I was safe from detection.

Another call comes from a different tom and I lift my head and swivel my ears. I realise they are looking for me and I hear worry in both calls. I prop myself up, lifting my head to call in reply to their calls. A call answers mine and I reply, then receive several answers to mine.

I listen for their approach, calling at intervals so they can find me. Finally Mitchell bursts through the long grass and I mewl at him as he sniffs and licks me before rubbing his head on my uninjured side. He lifts his head and calls, no doubt telling the others he has found me before lying down at my uninjured side to wait. Sam is next through the long grass and he sniffs me with concern. I raise my head to sniff his nose and realise I am beginning to stiffen up. Micah rushes through the grass and stands over me to mewl his concern as he sniffs me. He looks at Sam and Sam turns to leave at a run.

The others soon turn up and sit around while I lay still. Every now and then Micah sniffs me or nudges me in concern but when I go to get up he firmly puts a big foot on my head forcing it to the ground. Mitchell continues to lie beside me offering comfort and I rest my cheek against his shoulder and close my eyes. Someone whining brings me awake and I raise my head to look around. Donovan is lying on his stomach watching me with his chin on his forelegs and he lifts his head and pricks his ears as I look at him.

The sound of a vehicle surprises me into attempting to stand and I go down in a heap as my stiffened shoulder refuses to take my weight. I bite back my cry of pain and roll onto my stomach off my shoulder. A few minutes later Sam stops a four wheel drive vehicle close by and climbs out carrying several sets of clothing. He tosses a pair of jeans each to Micah and Mitchell before coming to squat beside me.

"Ok Rosy. Do you think you can shift so we can get you home easily? I got a top and a pair of your track pants here and there's a mattress where you can stretch out in the back of the Triton," Sam says gently. I glance around at all the toms hanging around and lower my head to the ground flattening my ears against my skull. Sam follows my glance and stands with his hands on his hips.

"Ok, everyone get going back to the compound. Rosy does not want an audience while she shifts, so move! Now!" Sam orders loudly. I wait while everyone except for Micah and Mitchell, who are shifting, heads off and Sam drops my clothes within easy reach before turning his back. I roll onto my uninjured side and close my eyes and wish myself back to human form. Pain lances through my injured shoulder and thigh; there are deep throbbing aches after I have shifted. I push myself into a sitting position and reach for the shirt, pulling it on my injured arm before working it over my head and other arm and then tugging it into place.

I look down at the deep gash high on my inner thigh and know that there is no way I will be able to get my pants on over that unaided. "Sam, I'm going to need some help."

"Okay, turning around." I see him wince as he takes in the deep gash but he picks up my track pants and begins carefully easing it over my foot and working it up my leg.

"So what happened," Sam asks quietly as he begins working my pants onto my other leg.

"The fight ... memories, I just freaked and then being chased. I totally lost it," I say quietly.

"Think you can stand," Sam asks.

"If I can get on my feet yeah," I say cradling one arm to my chest and trying to find a place to put my other hand.

"Your ribs hurt," Micah asks from behind me and I tense up.

"No, no it's mainly my shoulder. I landed on my shoulder and I think I caught my leg on the fence on the way over," I say softly.

"Ok, I'll lift you from behind so Sam can help you finish dressing and then once you're on your feet we'll see about getting you into the Triton," Micah says evenly.

"Where's Mitchell?" I ask worriedly.

"Don't worry about him," Micah orders tersely.

"I'm right here Rosy," Mitchell reassures me.

"I'll lift you up. I'm taller than Mitchell so it'll be easier and quicker for Sam. Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you," Micah says gently as he slips his arms around my ribs. I tense up but make no protest as he easily lifts me to my feet and holds me steady as Sam quickly pulls my pants up over my hips and into place.

"You'd best not walk on that leg," Sam orders and I nod my agreement. I don't argue as Micah lifts me in his arms careful of my shoulder and carries me to the vehicle. The backseat has been folded down and a mattress lies in the large space created with the folded seat and cargo space. He places me on the edge of the mattress and I wait patiently for him to get in the other side of the vehicle and ease me in. I gasp as my shoulder is jostled and Micah stops moving me.

"I'm sorry," Micah says before lifting me further in. The rear doors are closed and Mitchell and Sam climb into the front seat. I glance around and decide I'd rather travel lying on my uninjured side.

"I want to lie down," I inform them.

"On your back?" Micah asks.

"My good side please," I answer faintly. I am amazed by how gentle he is as he eases me onto my side and he moves so that his hip and thigh provides support to help me remain still.

"Better?" Mitchell asks with concern.

"Yeah my shoulder isn't getting jostled nearly as much," I mutter as I close my eyes.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Micah tells me softly. I shake my head without opening my eyes and I feel Micah brush some hair back off my face. I open my eyes and look at him from the corner of my eye.

"You've got some speed when you want to," Micah says quietly. "So what scared you? The fight or my roar?"

"The fight, but the roar just type of topped it off," I say and turn my face into the mattress.

"You did really well with Jazzy today. Especially when she got left behind and we didn't notice it before we made the kills," Micah tells me and I can feel him playing with my hair. "And then helping her feed at the kill - she's so little she often has trouble."

"How's Rosy going back there," Sam asks and I can hear the concern in his voice.

"I think her leg has stopped bleeding and she doesn't seem disorientated or dizzy," Micah tells him.

"I didn't hit my head. I skidded on my shoulder and maybe bumped my cheek but that's all," I say.

"You hit the ground hard when you jumped. I was glad when you got back up," Mitchell says.

"Great. I hope I didn't give you a heart attack," I mutter.

"I think I only got in sight because you had trouble going up the tree," Mitchell tells me and I turn my head to glance up at him.

"I was going too fast to go from running to climbing," I say. Mitchell frowns and I close my eyes and turn my face away.

"You've taken the top layer of skin off your cheek but it healed when you shifted," Mitchell says with a sigh.

"How much longer before we get back," I ask.

"We're only about a third of the way there. I'm trying not to hit the rough spots I know you must be uncomfortable." Sam's remark would have to be the understatement of the year but I don't let on just how much pain I am in.

"The others will have everything ready for when we get back; Doc should be almost there and once your leg is stitched up and your shoulder bandaged, you should feel a lot better," Micah tells me.

"Great, stitches my favourite pastime. Right up there with crash landing out of trees," I mutter.

"Edwin will probably need a few stitches as well. I hooked my claws into him a good one," Micah says sounding pleased with himself.

"What all because he wanted me to eat at his kill," I ask opening my eyes.

"He wanted a lot more than that," Sam mutters in the front and I close my eyes, my face burning as I realise what is meant.

I remain silent as Sam drives trying to avoid the ruts and potholes. My shoulder hurts at each little jolt and my hip on that side is starting to ache as well. I wince as I move my leg trying to ease the ache and I feel Micah move beside me.

"Want some Panadol or do you want to wait for the good stuff from Doc," Micah asks.

"Is the stuff from my place still around," I ask opening my eyes and glancing his way. He looks me in the eyes checking from one to the other and I realise he is still watching me for a head injury.

"It's still there; nothing has been thrown out," Mitchell answers my question.

"I'll wait 'til I get back and use my own stuff," I mutter. I close my eyes and try to block out the pain as each bump is echoed in my shoulder and hip. When the vehicle comes to a halt and the motor is turned off I nearly cry in relief. The back doors are opened and I glance back over my shoulder as I feel Micah move.

"How bad is it," Steven asks from the open door.

"Nothing a few stitches, rest and shifting can't cure," Micah announces as he eases me onto my back. "Okay, going to sit you up on the count of three. One, two, three."

My entire right side screams its protest making me gasp and want to lay flat once more, but I grit my teeth and wait for the next onslaught of pain when Micah eases me around so my legs can slip out the door. When I stand upright I keep my weight off my leg and hang onto the vehicle door with one hand as I take several deep breaths.

"Do you want to try to walk inside," Micah asks warily as if expecting it.

"I'm blonde not stupid. Give me a hand," I growl back at him, my temper made short by the pain. This time it is Sam who lifts me into his arms and I lay my head against his shoulder as he carries me inside. He takes me straight to his and Mitchell's room and places me on Mitchell's bed, which has a sheet of plastic covering it.

"Doc can't get here until morning. He's in the city and we couldn't get him on a flight tonight," Steven says quietly.

"In my stuff there's a small black brief case with an eagle engraved in the leather front. Bring it here," I say firmly.

"It's a first aid kit?" Sam guesses.

"Yeah, one I put together for my own personal use," I tell him. "I'll need hot water, peroxide, if you have it, and clean towels."

"Both Micah and I are pretty handy with a needle," Sam tells me as Mitchell leaves the room.

"Good 'cause I don't think I'll be able to manage much one handed. And Sam, can you get me some underwear or shorts or preferably both," I ask quietly.

The next few minutes are spent double checking my supply of sterile needles and thread as well as having Sam and Mitchell help me change my track pants for underwear. Sam is cleaning the wound while I grit my teeth when Micah returns to the room; he has a bottle of water and a bottle of bourbon.

"Anaesthetic," he explains as he holds the bourbon bottle up. I reach into the briefcase and lift up an ampule with fluid in it as well as a syringe in a plastic wrapping.

"The stuff that doesn't leave an aching head in the morning," I counter.

"My way's more fun," Micah counters. I glance at the brief case and smile tightly before glancing down at my thigh.

Sam has it nearly clean with just a liberal dowsing of peroxide to go. The peroxide burns making me hiss and clutch the plastic sheet as it's applied. I am breathing heavily once the wound is clean and watch silently as Micah draws up the local anaesthetic in the needle.

"Give it here," I demand once it is ready for use.

"It'll be easier for me to do it," Micah denies and I hiss angrily as I reach into the brief case and remove a long metal object that looks like a pair of hoof cutters or pliers.

"I don't like being touched! These are calf castrators; guess what use I will put them to," I hiss savagely. "You let me do the anaesthetic so that I don't have to feel being touched and I will hand these over without a fight."

I see the skin around Micah's nostrils whiten at my threat but he puts the syringe down within my reach and steps back near the door. I eye him a moment before putting the metal tool down and picking up the syringe. I pull the plastic cap off the needle with my teeth and begin injecting the liquid at intervals down the gash. When I'm finished, I recap the syringe and drop it in the used sharps container and lean back on the pillows behind my shoulders. I open my eyes as I hear Micah move forward and I watch as he picks up the metal tool gingerly. He passes it to Sam who leaves the room with it before he glances at my thigh.

"How long before that works," he asks. "And you didn't have to make that threat - all you had to do was explain."

"Only a couple more minutes and ... sorry," I say barely muttering the last word.

"How do you want this stitched up," Micah asks studying the wound.

"That thing Sam had, was what she threatened you with," Steven asks as he comes into the room cautiously.

"Yeah," Micah says tightly.

"One long continuous stitch with the fine white stuff in the muscle and lots of small close stitches closing the skin," I say before touching near the wound with my fingertips. I can still feel it slightly and shake my head.

"You got any other nasties in that thing," Steven asks eyeing the briefcase nervously.

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