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To Love a Stray Ch. 08


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I head back towards the fence line watching carefully for any of the other cattle as I go. I am exhilarated by the birth of the calf and I am smiling when I walk out of the trees and along the fence line towards the jeep and fallen tree.

"Where did you go," Micah asks as I duck between the strands of wire now that the fence is standing upright once again.

"Back through there," I say and lift a hand and point back the way I had come from. "There was a cow down and ..."

"Didn't you listen to what I told you," Micah demands in a roar. "I said you keep well away from the livestock and we were to know where you were at all times!"

"But the cow was down and she needed help," I protest hotly.

"You disobeyed me," Micah roars at me angrily and I glare back at him.

"I couldn't not help ..." I try to explain to him.

"You will go back to the quarters and I will deal with you when I get back," Micah roars angrily.

"I ..."


I storm to the jeep in a temper and jump into the driver's seat. I start the motor and I head back the way I came. By the time I reach the quarters I have calmed down and I leave the binoculars, notebook and pencil on the kitchen table before going to the bathroom to scrub my hands to get the smell off them. No one is in the quarters and I pace around as I wait for someone to show up. I only have around an hour wait before Micah comes storming in through the door and stomps through to the lounge room where I am waiting.

"You disobeyed me! Not just once but two separate orders!" His anger sets my temper off and I place my hands on my hips as I glare at him.

"Who the hell do you think you are to try to order me around? Oh blow this for a joke! I do not answer to you!" I yell angrily and turn away to head to the kitchen. I don't hear Micah move but suddenly he grabs me from behind and we both fall as I stumble over one of the mattresses. My breath is knocked from my body as he lands on me but I am rolled onto my back and I begin hitting and kicking as he tries to pin me beneath him.

"You will answer to me," Micah orders angrily. He catches both my wrists and forces them above my head to hold them in one hard hand; he catches my face in his other hand to glare down at me and forces a knee between my thighs roughly. I buck wildly as he settles his hips in the cradle of my thighs and surges against me; I can feel the hard and large ridge of his erection through both of our clothes as he grinds it into my soft inner folds.

"Who is dominant," Micah demands glaring at me, and when the only reply he gets is a sob, he strengthens his thrusts between my legs. "Who is dominant?"

"You're dominant! You're dominant!" I cry my submission and roll up into a protective ball on my side as he releases me and gets to his feet. He puts his foot on my hips and pushes me roughly, and I am in no doubt that if I were male he would have kicked me hard.

"I am dominant and if you ever dare disobey me or question that in anyway ever again, I will make you submit to me totally," Micah yells at me angrily. I remain motionless as he paces near me. Tears trickle down my cheeks but I refuse to make a sound that may be construed as a plea for leniency. I keep my face buried in the crooks of my elbows and my knees curled up to my stomach as I wait to find out what will happen next.

"I got you a cup of coffee Micah," Steven says nearby.

"I don't bloody well want it," Micah snaps as he continues to pace near me. I can hear others moving around in the kitchen, at the back of the lounge and in the bedrooms, but no one comes near me except Micah who keeps pacing near by. Finally I hear him go into the kitchen but I don't move from where I am. I hear footsteps come into the lounge room and I can smell Mitchell, then Micah growls in the kitchen.

"Keep away from her," he warns. The footsteps move away from me and it's then I know for sure I've made some very stupid mistakes today. Not only did I disobey Micah I openly challenged his authority in front of the other toms.

I hear him come into the lounge room and start nervously when he stops beside me. He grasps my wrists and looks at them and when I glance his way he glares at me and I instantly drop my gaze from his face. He takes hold of my chin and I realise he is checking my face for marks from his hold and I know there will be bruising on my wrists from the way they throb.

"Get up and get in my chair until I say you can move," he snaps and I move quickly to do as he orders. I pull my knees up to my chest and bury my face in my knees as I sit in the chair. I hear others move to sit in chairs or on the lounge but no one sits near me and I know I am in disgrace.

"You want that cup of coffee now," Steven asks.

"Yeah," Micah's voice is still a low angry growl and I don't chance glancing his way as I hear him moving away.

"Are we going after any of the cattle later," Edwin asks.

"The cow with the calf and maybe one of the ones with horns," Micah decides.

"There're two cows with calves. The other one was having her calf and it was stuck so I pulled it," I say against my knees. Surely letting Micah know is much better than denying what I had done.

"Why the hell didn't you tell one of us so we could eliminate one threat before it became worse," Sam demands angrily.

"Get out of my sight before I really hurt you," Micah roars at me and I flee for the safety of Mitchell and Sam's room.

It is only once I am there I realise I may not be welcome at the moment, so I retreat to a corner of the large sunroom and huddle in a corner. I hear the toms leave and watch as the shadows move across the room as the afternoon passes. No one comes into the quarters and I sit by myself miserably.

It is dark when they return and I stay where I am. I huddle down in the corner when I hear footsteps coming towards my end of the building and recognise Micah's tread. I squint in the bright light as he switches on the light and remain motionless as he walks over to me. I don't lift my eyes from the floor when he stops right in front of me.

"Have you eaten," he asks calmly.

"No," I answer quietly.

"Use the toilet if you have to, then get yourself something to eat and come to the lounge room," Micah orders before walking off. When I have made myself some sandwiches I go to the lounge room and hesitate just at the entrance. No one looks my way and there seems to be no place for me so I sit on the floor against the wall.

"I'll go into town tomorrow and pick up those few things if you want," Edwin says.

"Quit your sulking and get over here," Micah's voice has taken on a hard tone and I get to my feet and walk over near where he is. "Sit on the lounge with your brothers and don't give any trouble."

I sit on the lounge and force myself to eat; when I am finished I take my plate out and dump it in a bin before returning to the lounge and sitting down. I go to lean into Mitchell's side but he moves away. I look at him but he is ignoring me and I sit back without saying a word. The room is unnaturally quiet and I pull my legs up onto the lounge, hugging my knees as I watch the movie on TV that everyone seems to be watching but nobody is absorbing.

After nearly an hour I can't take it anymore and get to my feet. I haven't even reached the doorway when I hear the low growl from Micah. "Get back here."

"I'm tired; I want to go to bed," I say quietly as I stand in the doorway with my head hanging.

"Well get back here. We're sleeping out here again tonight," Micah orders. I return to the lounge and stretch out on it when both Sam and Mitchell move off it. I lay with my back to the TV and pull the blanket up over my head and close my eyes.

"She asleep or just laying there," Micah asks.

"I'm not sure," Mitchell answers quietly.

"Malcolm turn the light out," Micah orders and the room goes dark after a few seconds. I uncover my head and lay there listening to the unusual quietness of the toms. Even though I am tired I can't seem to fall asleep, and it is quite a time later when I feel Mitchell tucking the blanket around my feet.

"I thought for sure she'd be gone when we came back tonight," Mitchell says quietly his voice sounding odd.

"You weren't the only one bud. But Micah couldn't let her get away with what she'd done, and you heard her back here when he called her on her behaviour," Dwayne says quietly. "You saw how mad he was when we walked in. She's real lucky he didn't show her exactly who is boss in one hell of nasty way."

"As much as we want her to stay, if she doesn't conform to our rules we might as well not have her here," Micah says softly. "She'll be a danger to herself and everyone around here."

"She sure is a feisty little thing," Steven says with a laugh.

"It's going to get cold before morning," Sam says. "I'd better get another blanket or two for Rosy."

"Leave it. She can ask if she wakes up cold," Micah orders. "She needs to start communicating; you can't just rush to work out whatever she needs."

"She is starting to communicate; we had a good talk this morning. But as she pointed out, she's had nine or so years as a stray and under a month here," Sam sounds angry.

There is silence for a while and I am nearly asleep when someone stumbles against the lounge. I give a startled gasp and scramble up to sit on my pillow. I see several of the others stir and look my way. I recognise Chris as he heads towards the toilet and I look down where Sam and Mitchell are.

"Mitchell? Sam?" When this gets no reaction I glance around the others noticing some of them watching me.

"What do you want Rosy? Your brothers are asleep. You're not to wake them," Micah's tone is firm.

"He scared me," I say not sure how to tell him I want the reassurance of company.

"What do you want?" Micah asks evenly.

"Can I cuddle up next to you," I ask, and then quickly add, "I'm lonely."

"Ok, but you got to behave. No wriggling and squirming," Micah tells me firmly.

"Ok," I say relieved and hurry to slip beneath the blanket beside him. I stretch out facing him close but not touching, I am motionless when Chris returns and lays down behind me, but I am mindful of what Micah said and don't move. I can hear the soothing sounds of the two heartbeats on either side of me and close my eyes.

I wake to total darkness and the sound of heavy rain. There is a bright flash of light and then the heavy roll of thunder. I roll onto my side so I can see out the window and a large heavy hand settles on my hip.

"Not scared of storms are you," Micah asks quietly from behind my head.

"No, I like watching them," I say in hushed tones.

"The electricity is out," Micah's voice is soft and his breath stirs the hair on my head as he moves closer and slips an arm over my waist.

"I thought it was too dark," Edwin says. Several flashes of light follow each other closely and thunder rumbles. I hear more of the toms stir but I don't move even when I hear Sam sit up.

"Rosy's gone," Sam sounds defeated.

"What?" There is a note of panic in Mitchell's voice and I push against Micah's arm. He lets me go and I crawl across to my brothers while trying not to hurt anyone in my way. I sprawl across Sam as I grab Mitchell around the neck and hug him.

"I'm here, I'm here," I tell them and get rolled beneath the blankets. One of them slaps me hard on the butt, I think it's actually Mitchell, and then I am firmly tucked between them. I can't see the lightning as well from here but I rub the side of my face against Mitchell's shoulder and hum in my throat while I clutch Sam's hand.

"Your hair smells like Micah," Mitchell states and I feel him sniff down the back of my shoulders.

"I don't like getting sniffed." I warn firmly.

"Tough," Sam says.

"Go to sleep." Mitchell orders. I frown but close my eyes obediently as I snuggle my face against his shoulder.

* * * * *

I arch my whiskers as I yawn and stretch my front legs. I pad out towards the lounge room where the toms are shifting and wait patiently at the door. The electricity has been out all morning and Wade had come to the quarters to inform Micah that he was taking Marissa, Donovan and Jazzy hunting. When Wade left, Micah immediately cornered me and told me I was to obey every order. I was to stay back with Marissa, Donovan and Jazzy and keep well away from the cattle.

I hear cats moving around in the lounge room and poke my head around the corner of the door to look at them. Edwin walks over to greet me and I rub my head on his shoulder before stepping into the room careful to avoid those still shifting. Mitchell comes over and bites my ear gently before moving aside so Micah can greet me but I remember the previous day and cower to the ground hissing defensively as he sniffs me.

Micah leads the way outside and I bound along behind him. Sam comes up beside me and I sniff his shoulder as we trot towards the main house. Micah turns and looks at me and I immediately lay down resting my chin on the ground. My ears swivel as I hear cats coming towards us. I have promised to remain like this until Wade is with us.

A small black form races forward and jumps on my front shoulders, biting playfully at my neck and ears. I shudder but hold still with my eyes tightly closed. A soft little whine makes me open my eyes and I see the small frail looking little black cat in front of me. Sharp teeth grab the tip of my tail and I swing my head around to see Donovan standing with my tail in his mouth.

Jazzy rubs her head on my shoulder then stands with both front paws on my back. I move my tail lazily only to have Donovan grab it again. I watch the two adult cats walking towards us and press my chin against the ground as Wade comes closer. I feel Jazzy move off me and I stand as Wade steps up to me to extend his nose. I take one quick sniff before moving away nervously. Wade follows me and I hiss defensively but he purrs as he sniffs along my side before moving to greet Micah. Jazzy claims my attention as she rubs against my chest and I lift my head to find Marissa waiting to greet me. We rub our heads together but I can't move because Jazzy has decided to lie beneath my body and chew at my front leg while I greet her mother.

I turn my head to watch the toms greeting Wade and Marissa but Jazzy claims my attention once again and I let her knock me over sideways as she tries to wrestle with

me. I am lying on my side with Jazzy standing over me when Wade gives a call to follow him. I get to my feet careful not to bump Jazzy and shake myself before trotting off behind Micah. We travel steadily and when we do finally reach the pasture Jazzy is visibly tired.

It is Micah who shifts back to open the gate and he runs his hand the entire length of my back as I pass by. I turn to watch him as the others come through the opening and for the first time I actually take a good look at his body. I feel nothing other than a vague curiosity in my cat form, but until now even toms in human form had been terrifying. I wonder on my change of view as I lick Jazzy's shoulder and purr encouragement at her. Marissa comes to rub her head gently against her daughter and sniffs my nose approvingly before we start off again.

Jazzy is moving much slower now and I stay beside her as the toms start to pass us. Mitchell pauses to rub his head against me and Jazzy when she pushes between us to greet him before he speeds up. Justin huffs at his sister as he passes and Jazzy calls after him but he doesn't slow up. Soon we are trailing behind the others and Jazzy stops in the shade of a bush to lie down and rest.

I circle nervously checking out the surrounding area before looking the way the others have gone. I press my ears back against my head wanting to call after them but know that to do so will alert any prey animals in hearing. When Jazzy gets to her feet I lead the way after the others her shoulder pressing against my hip as we move. We reach the shade of some trees and once again Jazzy lies down.

A coughing call reaches my ears and I immediately reply before dropping my nose to Jazzy and giving her several licks. She climbs to her feet and I lead her towards where the call came from. I answer another call and halt as I hear something crashing through the undergrowth towards us. I drop my head and arch my back turning slightly sideways as I prepare to defend Jazzy and myself. My relief is immense as Wade, Micah and Sam burst from the undergrowth with Marissa close on their heels. Jazzy gives a delighted cry and comes out from behind me to greet her father.

Wade turns his attention to me and rubs his head against my shoulder even as I flinch away from him before he grooms a spot on my ribs. Both Micah and Sam rub against me and I return their greetings enthusiastically before turning back to Jazzy. Marissa is licking her daughter and purring at her but she turns her attention to me with a grateful purr. Jazzy is happy to follow the others trotting between the three toms but she is visibly tired when we come out of the trees on the other side to where the rest of the clan is gathered around two large carcasses.

We move forward to eat but Micah blocks me from the first kill and urges me towards the other one. I crouch and hiss but move to the second carcass and find a place I can snatch a mouthful of meat before retreating to eat it. Jazzy appears at my side and sniffs at my muzzle. I look at the crush of bodies at the carcass then back at her and lay my ears back. A bite and a swipe of my paw makes Steven move over and Malcolm moves away at my growl. Jazzy ducks into the space I have made and begins to try to worry a piece of meat free. I watch a moment then push my nose forward. She slaps me across the face but I rip a chunk of warm meat free and drop it in front of her where she grabs it and I turn my attention to getting more for her.

Jazzy is full long before I am satisfied and I begin to tear at the carcass in earnest. A chunk of meat falls against my front leg and I look up surprised. Micah snorts softly then rips another chunk free and drops it before ripping a large chunk free to chew on. I turn my attention to the meat he has given me as I realise he must have seen what I was doing for his sister. I am still eating when he starts grooming the fur over my ribs but I don't stop until my stomach is full and I retreat to a patch of shade to stretch out beside Jazzy.

Wade walks over and sniffs at my muzzle but I am too full and content to do more than swish my tail. He pauses to lick my shoulder before moving among the toms. I lift my head when someone comes up behind me but it is Mitchell and I put my head back down to close my eyes as he stretches out between Jazzy and me. Sometime during the day Jazzy curls up in a ball beside me and I clean her shoulder before flopping out on my side and going back to sleep.

The sound of others feeding wakes me and I lift my head to watch them before rolling onto my belly and sitting up on my haunches. I flick my ears and swish my tail as I watch the toms tearing at the kill. I get to my feet and stretch before approaching the kill and sniffing at the exposed ribs. The front shoulders are relatively untouched and I climb over the carcass to begin stripping meat from the shoulder for myself.

I sniff at the torn throat curiously and smell Micah's scent making me glance over the carcass to where he is stretched out in the shade near his mother and sister. Before I rip a large chunk of meat free and start chewing it. Steven bumps my shoulder and I move over so he can get better access to the exposed meat. He grabs hold of the hide and tugs at it pulling it away from the meat. I grab hold beside his muzzle and lend my weight to his efforts and a large area of meat is skinned. Donovan comes over and I stand back for a few minutes watching how they take turns eating from the carcass before I move into place to join in the feed.

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