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Toby's High School Harem Pt. 01

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Toby tutors and fucks the hottest girl in school.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/27/2022
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**All Characters in this story is of the age 18 years or older**

I was cleaning up my room and saw I had two of the same math textbook. Realizing I still had Felicia Harris's textbook from when she was over earlier after school for her tutoring session. I was assigned to tutor her through the school. I also noticed her notebook and a couple other textbooks next to her bag and thought, "how could she forget her bag?" Then I remembered she came with two bags as she had plans after our tutoring session.

I pick up my phone and text Felicia that I have her school bag here and that I can drop it off later if she needed me to. She immediately texted me back saying that her plans for the night had fallen through and she asked if I could bring them to her. Being the nice guy that I am, not because she was the hottest girl in school, I would have done this for any of my fellow students I tutored.

Then again it seems I got paired with four of the hottest senior athletes. Each was failing and in need of help to raise their GPA so they could attend college with hopes of scholarships.

My mother needed my car since hers was in the shop which meant I took my 2005 Mustang GT. It wasn't considered the fastest muscle car of it's time but it was fun, it was straight and the dark red paint was perfect. The interior was in great shape for a car that was as old as it was and most importantly everything worked as it should. I swapped a Coyote engine out of an older wrecked Mustang. I also upgraded the air intake, fuel intake and upgraded the CPU. I also put new shocks and springs which gave it a more stable ride cornering, I wasn't going for drag racing but a track car, along with front and rear stabilizer bars. I found some beautiful dual spoke five star rims, with the sport tires,the alignment, and to finish off with a new muffler system which roared, I was content with what I had so far.

I made sure of that as I maintained my cars as I didn't trust mechanics. The reason my mother was without her car was because she was rear ended and I don't know anything about body work so it's in the shop and she's borrowing my 1997 Honda Civic sedan which I normally drove as my daily. It was manual but outside of maintenance all the Honda was to me was a good reliable car that didn't suck my money out of the bank.

As I start the car and it roars to life my phone auto-syncs to my stereo and I text Felicia that I'm on the way to drop off her bag. I didn't mention the fact I couldn't avoid seeing her panties as they were right there in the main compartment as I put her books in her bag. They were white cotton but I didn't want to be the creep that went around sniffing girls dirty panties when they weren't looking. Not saying I didn't think about picking them up and looking at them but my strong morals prevailed.

I was raised by a woman who made sure I knew to respect a woman, what no meant, and how easy it is to make babies. Truth and honesty was taught to me and my mother practiced it and if she did otherwise I wasn't aware. My father on the other hand seemed content going to work at the factory, coming home, eating dinner, fucking his wife once a week if she was lucky, and paid the bills. He never saw himself as a family man but he always said take care of your business and I guess Mom and I fell into that category.

Before I pull out of the garage I get a text from Felicia so I open it assuming to read the standard reply like "Kk" or something. Instead I was greeted with a selfie of her posing in sheer black lace panties and matching bra. Her ass was pushed out to the camera and her body twisted ever so perfectly to get the side profile of her left tit. Her sharp little nipples on her perky little B-cup titties poked at the fabric of her sheer black lace bra and I could see her erect nipple clearly. Her boy short sheer black lace panties did nothing to hid her tight looking clean cut pussy lips pressed against the fabric for his eyes to feast. Most importantly was the perfect shape of her ass as she pushed it out for me to see. Then reality bit me as I realized she didn't mean for me to get this text. It was most likely meant for her boyfriend and starting quarterback Mitchell Kline. She followed the image with a text immediately which told me she sent both at the same time saying "you really think you can handle me?"

I pull up to Felicia's house, it was only a ten minute drive without traffic, using the freeway, and I get out with her bag. I don't know if I want to knock on the door or write a note and leave it attached to her bag so she easily finds it letting her know I understand the text wasn't meant for me. Before I could decide what to do the door opened up, I guess my car's loud approach brought my arrival to her attention, and there she was.

Her long wavy brown hair flowed down past her shoulders. Her watery amber eyes sparkled against the street lights glow. Her button nose looked red as if she were crying and her cheeks flush for the same reason. Over her young athletic body she wore a long blue house robe that was secured at the waist with it's tie as well as being held shut by Felicia's nervous hands.

"Um," I hold out her bag out as if I'm trying to keep my distance from an infected person. "I know that text wasn't for me, I'm sorry but I won't be able to forget what I saw but I deleted you picture and text. I understand if you want to switch to a different tutor moving forward and I'm sorry this had to happen, I enjoyed tutoring you."

"Can we talk for a minute?" Felicia asked as she moved back and opened the door for me to enter. "Please?"

I said, "okay," and entered. I had been in this house before but I never felt so nervous as I did now.

"Did you look?" Felicia wasn't looking at me but at my feet as she asked, her face flushed red.

"Yes," I didn't need to say more than that, but. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen Felicia and that picture was like a gift. I know it wasn't meant for me and that's why I deleted it but I do feel sorry for seeing it and I feel guilty that I'm happy to have seen In my dreams I will be the one you send that picture to and as to your question...I would more than handle you, I would caress you when you want to be loved and I would take you when you need to just fuck."

"What..." Felicia was open mouth and wide eyed as I spoke as that was all she could muster before I continued.

"I think Mitchell Kline is a fake, he's all show in front of his boys but when it counts he can't make the call unless he feels like someone is watching that will validate his awesomeness. To me that's a fake because if he was real it wouldn't matter who was around or if anyone knew what he did he'd make the call and take action." I was letting loose like I never knew I could and Felicia was just taking it all in with her shocked expression never leaving her face. "So yeah you wouldn't even have to ask me if I think I could handle you because I know myself to know I would step up win or fail and give you one hell of a ride either way."

As I spoke the truth that I knew I saw her look of shock turn to a mix of anger, pain and desire. I could see the struggle that she only truly knew that she fought inside of her mind before she spoke, "Show me." Felicia growled with her normally melodic voice.

"Get your phone ready to record and can I link my phone to a speaker?" I ask, my gut is turning and I can't believe I'm actually going to do this!

I got my phone hooked up to the Bluetooth speaker they had in the living room which actually sounded really well once I put on Pony by Ginuwine. I know it's an oldie but I saw it on a movie being used for a strip scene and knew this was the song for this moment. I told her to start recording and I hit play on my phone and when the beat hit I was in action. I drop down to the floor but in a push up position but with my legs apart and then roll my chest drown to the floor and make a wave motion through my body. After a couple waves of my body against the floor I begin to, hopefully, sexily slither across the floor towards Felicia.

She was recording me and her smile was tremendous as if nothing else I was at least entertaining her but I had more. She actually spread her feet as I neared her, not in disgust but allowing me access to continue, I did something I never dreamed of. I reached up and put my hands on her exposed knees and slowly, as I swayed my body like a sultry serpent raised to my knees. I was between her spread open legs, she was smiling with joy while recording her lap dance.

I turned around and pressed my ass to her pantie clad sex and ground into her like I've seen done by professionals. I felt her hand on my back and then it ran down to just above my hip on the side of my torso. Her touch alone, soft and exploratory, told me she was into it but maybe now was a good time to push it up. I pull my shirt off as I grab it by the back of my collar and lift it off my body and I hear Felicia gasp slightly and her hand touching the toned muscle of my back with her free hand. I'm assuming she's still recording but I don't look back to see as I focus my gyrating hips to her crotch.

"Oh, gawd!" Felicia called out lustfully as I feel her grinding her pussy into the back of my ass. She was pulling at my side, trying to get me to put more pressure onto her hungry cunt. I pull away and quickly turn, dropping to my hand and my face right in front of her soaked lace panties. I can see her wet lips through the sheer fabric and I attack with my mouth. I wrap my arms under her legs and put my hands on her hips while I take a long slow lick of her needy pussy lips. I put as much pressure against the entire area of her pussy as I licked up and Felicia moaned while I finally see she was still recording me. Her head rolled back as she enjoyed what I was doing, moaning and gasping to my tongues work. I now focused on her clit, I've never done this before and I'm still a virgin but I've actually researched this. I knew that when I had the chance with a woman I had to give her something more than just some dick if I wanted her to desire me more.

"OH, FUCK!" Felicia called out as she wrapped her legs around my head and clamped me to her pussy as she apparently had her first orgasm from a guy. ""

I didn't wait for her to recover and moved up her body, opening up her robe which was already exposing more than enough to see her matching bra in it's entirety. I kissed my way up her tight little tummy and up to her lace covered tits which I actually avoided. I kissed her up and down the sides of her stomach and I caressed her shivering body with my hands gently. I continued to climb up onto the couch, still moving my body to the music as my pants covered crotch was right in front of her but not in her face.

"Do you think you can handle me?" I couldn't believe I actually said that with a confidence I never knew I had.

"Holy shit, Toby!" Felicia didn't say anything more as her free hand started working at my belt. When she freed the buckle I helped with the button and zipper while she was still recording and I couldn't believe I was doing any of it. I got up onto the couch, straddling her with both feet on either side of her, as I slowly started to push my pants down with my boxer briefs. As my shaft came into view, I shaved so my flesh was clearly visible, and Felicia's eyes flashed with a hunger I've never seen on a face. I continued to slowly expose the shaft of my cock and I could tell she was impressed by my size and girth. When I finally pushed my pants far enough down my cock sprang out and was facing Felicia.

"Oh, wow," was all Felicia could say so I continued to move my body to the music and to my surprise Felicia reached out with her free hand and lightly gripped the shaft of my cock. I didn't let that stop me and she didn't try to either as she let go while I continued to move her body to the music. When I got to my knees I hooked her legs by wrapping my arms under her knees and pulled her so my cock laid against her panties pointing up against her body.

"I'm a virgin!" Felicia cried in a lust tone as I stroked my cock along her soaked panties.

"So am I," I answered her as I reach under her ass and grab her panties. I pull and Felicia actually lifts her hips to accommodate my actions. I slide her panties up her uplifted legs and that's when I take in her virgin pussy for the first time and it looked absolutely amazing. She shaved so I saw every detail of her pussy. Her lips just peeked out along the edges and her clit pushed against it's covering as it was looking for attention.

Felicia took her bra off on her own accord and her perfect perky tits looked amazing as did the rest of her as she lay in my arms absolutely naked. "You are the most stunning woman I've ever laid eyes on." I told her before taking her left nipple with my mouth and her right with my left hand. My right hand went down and started playing at the folds of Felicia's tight little cunt. She moaned as I played with her tiny but protruding nipples. I would suck it into my mouth and then continue as I let it slip from my lips with a pop. My left hand tweaked and lightly pinched at her left nipple which was erect from my ministrations.

"Toby," Felicia coos. "You can't be a virgin."

"But I am," I replied while kissing down the center of her fit stomach. I was making my way, slowly, exploring her body with my mouth and my hands. I moved my left hand up to her throat and put enough pressure to push her back slightly but not enough to warrant concern and I pulled my right hand from her pussy and put my soaked fingertips to her lips. She opened her mouth and licked my fingers which made my cock twitch before I slowly slid them into her mouth as she moaned and gyrated her hips in desire. I didn't know where any of this was coming from considering I've never even kissed a girl or had a girlfriend. Yeah I read stuff, how to please a woman, make a woman cum, and anything else including the good old internet porn.

"How?" Felicia cried out as my mouth found and I attacked like a hungry animal. I move my hands down her arms and feel goosebumps all over her body. When I get my hands into her free hand, she was still recording, Felicia griped my hand, intertwining her fingers into mine and squeezed as her body was reacting to my ministrations.

"How are you?" I countered between sucking on her clit and taking long licks of her entire pussy, flattening my tongue across her entire cunt and tasting her juices. I fuck her with my tongue and feel how tight she is.

"I'm cu...CUMming agaIN! Felicia's voice waved with her orgasm and her ejaculate shot me in the mouth. I pulled back in shock as I didn't thing squirting was real and was greeted with another blast of her cum in my face, luckily just the tip of my nose and my whole mouth area. "What the fuck was that?" Felicia was even surprised as she breathlessly questioned her own body's actions while looking at me in shocked erotic kind of stare.

"You came," was all I said as I let go of her hand which had a fierce grip on mine. I see her phone still in her hand, still focused on me, and I couldn't help but think what would happen if she showed anyone that video? I didn't let my mind fester on that as I moved up and hooked her legs by tucking my arms under her legs and pulling her to my cock. With her juicy pussy resting against my balls and my dick laying on her mound and up to her belly she looked down with wide eyes. I pull my hips from hers and slide my cock along her body and stop when my tip is at her entrance.

"Oh my gawd," Felicia's body shook when she felt the pressure of my cock at her hungry cunt's entrance. "Are you going to fit?"

"One way to find out," I say after rubbing the head of my cock into her juices and press my tip into her pussy. It felt incredibly tight and Felicia's face scrunched tightly as my tip slowly forced it's way into her tight entrance.

"Wait," Felicia huffed as she was still recording everything I was doing to her. "Let me get used to this, please?"

"Of course baby girl," I don't know where that came from as I never called her, or anyone, that in any of my fantasies but her smile told me she liked it.

"You're so fucking big, Daddy?" My cock twitched when she said that and she flinched when she felt it.

"You're so fucking tight," I told her as I pulled back ever so slightly before pushing in a little more than before.

I continued, slowly, taking little breaks so she could get used to me, but I was slowly pushing my cock into the tightest pussy. I never imagined it would feel so tight, I could feel her pussy convulsing on my rod as I pushed further and further into her with each small thrust. Her face was slowly turning from pain to a mix of pain an pleasure as I finally got my entire length into her once virgin cunt. I knew there was going to be blood so seeing my shaft streaked with red didn't alarm me since it wasn't getting worse. That and the fact Felicia was now moaning with pleasure as I was now able to slowly fuck her pussy.

"Oh my GAWD," Felicia's body began to convulse and her legs wrapped around my ass. She was pulling me hard into her tight cunt as she had an explosive orgasm around my cock. I could feel the walls of her pussy massaging my cock and knew I was going to cum.

"FUCK!" I cried out as my cock explodes inside of Felicia's pussy. She doesn't try to get me off of her but instead keeps pulling me in and fucking my cock. With each twitch my dick gives another shot of my seed into her hungry cunt.

"We...came together," Felicia huffed but never let me go as my cock was spent but amazingly I wasn't getting soft either.

"You came, right, uh!" Felicia inquired as she felt my hard cock begin to fuck her cum soaked pussy again.

"You are just so fucking beautiful," I said as I thrust my cock in her tight cunt.

"How does...ugh...does this...uh...feel sooo fucking good!" Felicia cried out as her body was overcome with another orgasm.

"I can feel your pussy cumming on my cock!" I tell her as I keep thrusting into her sopping wet cunt.

"What THE fuck I cant STOP!" Felicia's body was shaking as her orgasm never ceased which put me over the top and I blew my second load into her womb.

Her orgasm did settle but she moaned and cooed all the while I saw the hottest girl in my school. The most popular girl at my school spread open with my cock, coated in both our creamy ejaculate, piston in and out of her tight, delicious pussy. She kept her eyes, as well as the phone recording us, on me the entire time. I've never seen a woman look at me with eyes like that before, lust, passion, desire and it was for me.

"Cumming!" I called out even though her legs had wrapped around me and kept me from pulling out if I had wanted to.

"OMG I feel everything!" Felicia called out as her body seemed to convulse with yet another orgasm, this to milk my cock of everything I had left before I started to go soft. She just looked at me with a look of satisfaction and exhaustion as her eyes scanned down my body. When her eyes focused on our messy sexes connected she giggled to herself.

"What's so funny?" I asked, pretty sure it wasn't my performance.

"Get off of me!" Felicia's face got serious and pushed me off of her.

I didn't know what to say as I watch her, pussy leaking, body naked, and fear across her face as she sat up with her legs spread open. She wasn't trying to be sexy but looked at her used, puffy, reddened pussy, and our mutual climax seeping from her. The phone was still in her hand when she looked at it and stopped the recording. She just sat there, closing her legs, and looked at the screen in obvious deep thought as her face was unreadable.

"I'm...Felicia I'm sorry," I slowly got up, not thinking about my nakedness.


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