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Together Ssn 05 Ch. 12 - Reclaim Your Own


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Daisy replies, "Miss May. Daisy May, Mrs... Milosevic, is it still?"

Aniya informs the younger woman, "Mrs Lightbody. Aniya Lightbody, Miss Daisy May."

Daisy enquires deeper, "You promise to be here for Mia? You left easy enough before. What's stopping you from leaving again? And, who will be left picking up the pieces? Mia is a grown women, who can do as she pleases, with whoever she likes." Daisy steps between her friend and her friend's mother, threatening, "Her trust is precious, to me and all of her friends. If you ever break that trust, I warn you right here and now, I will not stop until I make you regret ever having a daughter in the first place if you think you can get away with breaking her heart, not once, but twice. Do you understand?"

Owen looks impressed at the passionate young woman, as Aniya cocks her head, having attentively heard her words, answering, "That's fair, Miss May. I hear you, loud and clear."

Daisy nods, addressing Aniya, "Mrs Lightbody," saying to her friend, "Let's get out of here, Mia; that's if you're done?"

Mia says to her mother, "It is nice to see you, Mom," telling Owen, "Pleasure meeting you," with a brief handshake, leaving with her friend, getting into her car with her on the curbside. Seated inside, the teen pulls from her jeans pocket a fistful of cash, holding it for her friend to see.

Daisy looks in bemusement and awe, wondering, "How much have you got?"

Mia admits, "I don't know. Hundreds? Maybe more? Courtesy of Mom's fella."

Daisy pulls off, checking her mirrors as she asks the teen, "Not bad, then?"

Mia again admits, "Not sure. Something seems off, but, he's obviously loaded."

Daisy warns her friend, "Mia, I know you are thinking you want to take advantage of him; see what you can get from him, but, listen to me: he will see it all coming. He looks, at first impressions, like a very sharp person, capable of reading people, and, he made his money somehow... He's not someone you get on the wrong side of and come out unscathed. I'm telling you... Be careful."

Mia says, "Alright."

Daisy reiterates, "Be careful, Mia."

Mia again says more agitated, "Alright!"

Daisy makes sure she is heard and understood, "I mean it! I don't want to see anything bad happen to you again."

Mia shouts, "Alright, fuck! You're not my mother..."

Daisy sniffles, upset as she says, "Neither is she... She gave you up, Mia. A mother doesn't do that. I know I'm not your mother. I'm your friend, and, I know I'm not perfect, but..."

Mia interrupts, "No, I... love everything you do for me. You are pretty fucking perfect to me," smiling, looking at her friend as she drives, telling her, "Thank you."

Daisy laughs a little, holding back tears as she focuses on the road ahead.

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KellydoscopeKellydoscopeabout 2 years ago

Oh no, Mia just keeps on getting screwed by everyone;) its all good though Daddy

HollyxxfaradayHollyxxfaradayabout 2 years ago

You keep me cumming back for more X fuck yeah

Bigsbee19Bigsbee19about 2 years ago

Ya girl loves this a lot

DraeburnDraeburnabout 2 years ago

Bit lonely, so thanks for this gift today

SlocumeSlocumeabout 2 years ago

Best yet I think

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