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Touched and Fucked on a Train

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I lost all inhibitions that day...
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Prologue: I was new to the city, and trying a new route home on the train during rush hour. I had already changed into "going out" clothes for the evening: a skirt, thong, and a lose tank top (so lose, my breasts can easily pop out if it's pulled low enough). I was standing in front of seated man (facing away from him), when I felt his hands slowly begin fondling my legs and ass, and finally, gently fingering my pussy. A second man, to my left side, seemed to realize what was happening and began fondling my breasts. I'm usually such an outspoken woman, so I was shocked at my own acceptance of this situation. Maybe it's because it had been so long, or maybe they were just touching me exactly the right way. Maybe it was the excitement of being on the train, and my surprise that no one around us seemed to notice or care what was happening. But whatever it was, I let them continue to have their way with me. The first man finally reached up and pulled my panties down towards my ankles. The second man pulled my lose tank-top down so my breasts were totally exposed...

With my panties around my ankles, I felt the first man slide both hands up my thighs and to my hips. He pushed my skirt up towards my breasts, so the hem is just barely covering the edge of my pussy lips. Then the fingers on both hands wrapped around and caressed my hipbones. With his hands grabbing firmly, I felt my (now totally exposed) ass being pulled towards his lap. I knew I would trip or stumble, trying to squat backwards with my ankles so close together, so I lifted one foot and tried to free myself from my panties. As I did this I had a brief moment of clarity. What the hell was I doing? Being touched was one thing, sitting on the lap of some stranger (and whatever would come next?!) was quite another. Suddenly, the train lurched and I shifted sideways into the second man. He kept his gaze squarely out the widow, but pressed firmly back against my left breast, steadying me. I felt the first man's hands still tightly on my hips and finally got one foot free of my panties, separating my legs slightly. He started to pull my hips down once again.

The second man's hand re-positioned itself under my arm to help hold me up (or I guess, to help lower me down). My hips and thigh muscles burned when both men paused before I was able to sit completely down. They held me like that for a few moments. I stared straight ahead, once again aware of my surroundings and trying to gauge what the rest of the passengers on the train might be seeing. It was still fairly crowded, so only the few people standing closest to us would be able to sense what was happening, but everyone was occupied on their phone, or facing another direction. I glanced through to the men sitting on the opposite bench, facing us, but they too appeared lost in thought or whatever they happened to be doing.

I felt myself being lowered the rest of the way onto the first man's lap, and I realized the head of his cock was pressing against my pussy. Shit, I though. Holy shit. I can't do this. But I didn't do anything to stop him. The second man let go of my armpit, and with my support gone I slid the rest of the way onto the first man's cock. He wasn't huge, but it had been a while since I'd been penetrated, and he entered me fairly quickly. "Ooh!" I softly uttered. I was still dripping wet from being fingered, and my lips suctioned around the base of his cock. Once he was inside of me, the first man kept his hands on my hips, holding me firmly in place. He didn't move, I didn't move. We just sat there for several minutes, and he would push himself slightly further inside with every bump and movement of the train. I stared straight ahead, and could see the second man still standing to my left, softly rubbing the outside of his pants. My breasts were out of his reach, however, and I started to wish he was able to pinch and twist my nipples again. For a few moments, I reached up and pinched them myself.

Then the first man removed his right hand from my hip and ran his fingers up my back. When he reached my hair (just long enough to grab a handful of) he pushed my head forward and held on tight. My legs automatically opened wider, to the outside of his, to allow my upper body to bend forward. He kept pushing my head down until my torso was almost parallel with the ground, my belly resting on his thighs. A few inches of his now throbbing cock slipped out of me, and it strained back against my perineum. My vagina and ass were now spread wide open on his lap, with my legs dangling to the side of his, no longer touching the floor. Again, he held me there for several minutes. Trying not to look at the disgusting floor of the train, I closed my eyes and focused on everything I was feeling: His cock, about to pop out of me, yet firmly lodged in the first inch or so of my vagina. My ass, exposed and spread open. And then his fingers, leaving my left hip to slowly flick my clitorous back and forth. "Ooh!" I uttered again (is this the only word I was capable of?). How he snuck his fingers past my thighs, and his cock half buried in my pussy, I wasn't sure. Back and forth, he ticked my swelling clit, rhythmically, as if to the ticking of a clock. My thighs squeezed together and I realized if I moved too much I might just fall forward onto my face. I tried to relax my upper body, and just my pussy muscles squeezed in response to his touch. He held my hair tightly to keep my body in place.

I felt an orgasm begin to build inside of me, and I wonder if he felt it too, because he then slipped his hand away from my clit, and grabbed back onto my hip. I wondered, is this only about his pleasure? Is teasing me just part of his game? And something about that thought turned me on, rather than pissed me off. If I had been with a boyfriend, or a lover, I would have insisted their hand stay on my clit and finish me off right then and there. Here, I didn't have a voice, and I continued to let this stranger use me however he pleased.

With one hand gripping my hip, and the other pulling back on my head, he started to fuck me. Or more accurately, use me to fuck himself. At this point, my pussy was so wet I slid easily up and down his shaft. My juices had dripped in-between my legs, lubricating his thighs as my body slid back and forth. Again, he kept his pace slow. It felt like we had been on this commute for hours, and it must be ending soon, but still he wasn't in a rush. I had no idea if my stop had passed, or was still several ahead.

He slid my torso back and forth, by keeping his tight hold on my hip and hair. My breasts dangled off the ends of his knees, my arms as well, though I tried to rest my hands on his shoes to avoid the floor. He pulled me into him, completely filling my pussy and yanking my head back. And he paused there, his cock throbbing and full inside of me. Then he pushed me forward, until he was almost completely out of me, just his cock head lodged into my pussy. And he paused there as well, letting the first inch of my pussy radiate with pleasure, increasing my desire to be fucked harder and faster. Steadily, slowly, Back and forth he used me to envelope his cock.

I felt a finger touch my mouth the next time I was slid forward. My eyes fluttered open in a haze, and I saw another cock in front of me. I vaguely recognized the shirt color (red) as being the second man, who had been fondling my breasts. He knelt on the floor in the middle of the isle, with his cock poking out of his unzipped pants. His fingers grabbed my lower lip and pulled down, opening my mouth. But then I was pulled backwards onto the first man's cock again, and I closed my eyes. The next time I was slid forward, I felt the tip of the new cock press against my lips. Again, the man's hand pulled my lower lip down, and my mouth softly kissed his cock. Again, I was pulled backwards onto the cock of the first man.

Each time I slid forwards, this new cock got closer and closer to me. Finally, I kept my mouth open, his cock sliding in deeper and deeper with each trip forward. When I was pulled backwards onto the first man's cock, the new cock lingered on the tip of my lips. When I was pushed forward, the new cock filled my mouth right up until the back of my throat, while the first cock's tip lingered in my pussy. My body began to ache from being spread open, held in position, and used for such a long amount of time. But my pussy controlled my decision making, and I stayed put. My pussy had never been so on fire, or so close to an orgasm without any clitoral stimulation. I thought if someone touched my clitorous at that point I would have cum immediately. So I let the two men slide me onto their cocks repeatedly. They gradually picked up their pace, until they were both pumping into me with force. I could actually hear my pussy slapping against the first man's lap, while saliva and pre-cum dripped down my chin and throat as I sucked on the new cock.

Without warning, the first man came inside of me. He had been quickly thrusting my pussy onto his cock for about ten minutes when he stopped and held me firmly against his lap. His fingernails dug into my hips as he gripped tightly. He suddenly let go of my head (which immediately pressed firmly into the crotch of the second man, his dick lodging in my throat). His knees shook, and I could feel his ass lift slightly off his seat as he strained to get every last stream of cum into my pussy. Still, no noise. He hadn't made a noise this entire time. I fell limp on his lap and felt his cock slowly sliding out of me. The second man slid his cock out of my mouth and slowly moved away. The first man wrapped his hands around my stomach and helped me back into a seated position on his lap. I got a head rush, and took a moment to steady myself.

Glancing around yet again, I noticed that a few people were now paying pretty close attention to us. One man, sitting across the isle, had been jerking off and now sat with his dick in his hand, staring at me. Two more men standing in front of me were obviously hard and were facing our direction, watching. As the first man started to push me upwards, off his lap, these two men grabbed my arms to help me up. They then shifted me to my right and started lowering me back down. Was I about to be fucked by someone else? I struggled against them for a minute before realizing I was going to have to scream in order to get my way (and I still had no voice!), so I gave into their direction and continued to be lowered. I got a small glimpse of the red shirt behind me as I was being lowered down, and realized I was about to fuck the second man, whose cock I had just been sucking.

Like last time, they lowered me down just far enough to feel the base of a cock against my pussy opening. But the second man didn't have the patience of the first one. He had gotten too turned on being sucked for so long, and obviously was ready to have his cock fucked. He immediately grabbed my hips and thrust me down onto his lap. His cock was noticeably bigger than the first man's, because even after minutes (hours?) of fucking, my pussy felt stretched and pulled wide open. Thankfully, he didn't lean me forward (I didn't think my neck could take that anymore). He kept me upright on his lap and bounced me up and down on his cock with my legs spread to the side and his hands on my waist. The two men next to me grabbed my arms once again and assisted us by lifting me up and letting me drop back down, repeatedly.

At this angle, everything was fully exposed to the man across the isle. I kept my eyes open as he stroked his cock and watched us, his mouth hanging slightly open. A few moments later another man sat down next to him and quickly saw what was happening. The train must be thinning out, I thought, and more people can see me now. The two men across from me feverishly pulled at their cocks and watched me being used, practically as a fuck doll, by the second man. My legs were spread wide open, so they had a perfect view of his cock plunging in and out of me. The men to each side of me were not gentle (they were probably getting tired themselves) and jerked me up repeatedly, letting me fall with gravity onto the cock. My tits heaved and bounced with each fall. I watched the desire build in the eyes of the men across the isle. They wanted to fuck me too. Feeling their desire sent pleasure running up and down my body. Then (finally!) the man who I was fucking turned his focus to me. He reached around and began playing with my breasts. He grabbed firmly to my nipples and used them as levers to raise me up off his cock. Then he took one hand and began softly spanking my clitorous. As if I was a bad girl for wanting pleasure. He was punishing me, and bringing me closer to my orgasm. I threw my head back with pleasure and enjoyed him spanking my clit harder and harder. I'm sure my entire pussy was bright red, raw, and dripping wet at this point.

I was outside of myself. I didn't know this person, but I didn't want this moment to end. I saw myself licking my lips seductively at the men across the isle, and one of them stood up. He walked forward with his cock protruding directly at me until he was standing right in front of me. I had to lower my upper body in order to reach it, and then men holding my arms helped me angle myself correctly. With one hand, the men to each side of me held my arms, holding me up. With the other, I could feel from the repeated slapping against my sides, they had started jacking off. Once again I had two cocks inside of me, and two very turned on men were jacking off against me as well. The second man continued to spank (and now pinch) my clitorous, but he couldn't reach as well with me bending forward.

Finally, I lost the last thread of my inhibitions, and decided to take charge a little bit. My desire to come was so strong I didn't care who saw, and I knew none of the men with me would resist. I grabbed onto the arms of the men holding me up and suddenly pulled my pussy up off of the cock. I used my head to nudge the man I was sucking off back a foot or so. Then I dropped on my hands and knees on the floor, with my legs spread open. I looked forward at the man I was sucking and opened my mouth. He had to squat down, but he was able to get his cock at the right height and back into my mouth. I felt the second man position himself on the floor behind me. He quickly entered and began fucking me at a faster pace than he was able to when sitting. He was able to reach around and finger my clit at the same time. The final two men knelt on either side of me, reaching underneath and pinching my nipples, while jacking off.

My body lost it. After such a long time of being touched and teased, and then fucked so slowly, and then fucked so hard (but out of my control), I just lost it. I began wildly pushing back and forth onto the cocks in my mouth and pussy, going deeper than I thought possible. My jaw and mouth were completely open, allowing the cock to penetrate fully down my throat. My pussy was raw and drenched, slipping back and forth onto the second man's cock. His pace on my clitorous increased as I bucked feverishly against his groin, and I sucked even harder on the cock in my mouth.

I felt the man to my right start to cum. He rubbed the slippery head of his cock against my side, and a stream of cum grazed my belly before falling to the ground. Soon afterwards, the cock in my mouth began erupting, and that was just too much for me. Knowing my body, my sex, made all of these men lose their inhibitions and take me right there, was so incredibly sexy. So was the feel of cum on my stomach and the taste of it in my mouth. All while my pussy continued to be ravaged and my clitorous was mercilessly rubbed. I kept the erupting cock in my mouth and shoved my face further onto it as I came, in order to keep from crying out. My legs and arms shook fiercely and my pussy clamped down as I shoved it as hard and fast as I could onto the cock behind me. As my climax reached it's peek I heard the man to my other side grunt as he came, and the cock inside of me finally reached it's edge as well. The peeks of my orgasm rose and fell as I was filled, and covered with, the cum of four different men.

I lost my connection to reality for a minute, once my orgasm subsided. The cock pulled out of my mouth and I lowered my head onto my forearms, my ass still stuck up in the air. The cock in my pussy removed itself as well. I felt more air move around me, and realized that the four men were standing up, moving away. I wondered, what would happen if I stayed here, just like this? How many more men would fuck me? Would anyone stop to see if I was ok? Could I cum again? I wondered... and I started to slowly pick myself up off the ground.

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gmach1gmach19 months ago

Absolutly excellent and exciting. My own wife, when younger 18 plus was also fucked on the London Tube train one evening on her way home from work.

malejktmalejktalmost 2 years ago

The twist is of course is that the story... is a real-life experience.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


She admitted she was touched and groped, but she was adamant she was not fucked.

This is a five star story:

5.0 = 💯% (☆☆☆☆☆)!

shang40shang40almost 9 years ago
isn't it nice

To get four cocks in row

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Ooo my naughty fantasy, brilliant brilliant

mottfanmottfanover 9 years ago


Did I mention this story is perfect in every way? Well, it is!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

A great story! Very well told! Good job.

Sounds too good to be true; but we can fantasize, can't we?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Clitoris not clitorous

Clitoris not clitorous

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