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Trailer Park Momma's Gooey CreamPie

Story Info
A young man betrays his adopted mother's trust.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/02/2020
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Benjamin Mackenzie lived in a trailer on the banks a wide river. Ambleside trailer park was on the run-down, under-developed side of a harbour and he grew up peering enviously across the dark water at the twinkling lights of a nearby but distant city.

He tried with great difficulty to dispel the clichés of being 'trailer park trash': he was well read, well spoken, presentable, polite, courteous and hard-working. Despite his efforts, however, the kids at school had maintained he would forever be poor white trash and there was nothing he could have done to change their minds. So Benjamin lead a secluded, isolated youth. When he reached the end of highschool he found that his Ambleside address excluded him from many employers, they told him blatantly that they predicted he would be idle, insolent and untrustworthy.

And finding a girlfriend? Forget it! Girls of his 'class' thought he was too hoity-toity. Girls from the country thought he was an ignorant bum compared to city boys. Girls from the city thought he was a dangerous criminal. It was this lonely, frustrated young man who came home late one evening to discover Jemima passed out on his bed.

Jemima Mackenzie did nothing to disprove the negative clichés attached to her being a trailer park mom: she was loud in both opinion and fashion, promiscuous and had a drink problem. Fairly often Benjamin would find her passed out after a heavy binge but this was the first time he'd found her sprawled out on his own bed. His 'bedroom' was only as big as a closet and this forty-something's sleeping corpse seemed to fill the small space with her exposed flesh.

He stood looking at her long golden legs that travelled for miles until they disappeared into the tunnel of a denim skirt stained with booze drips, cigarette ash and who knows what else; one of her heels had fallen off, the other was dangling precariously. He watched the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed, her perky, prominent nipples peeking through the thin material of her leopard-print sleeveless top. Her exposed skin showed the marks and bruises of a life spent careening from one danger to another. Her face too showed signs of wear after many years of causal drug use and hard drinking, but she was still strikingly attractive. Benjamin let his eyes linger on the pleasing contours of her features and he tried to resist thinking about how he was bewitched.

Benjamin's biological mother had abandoned him when he was only three; she'd dumped the tot on Jemima, her oldest friend, and fled; this may well have been the most generous decision she ever made because he grew up loved and cherished by his surrogate mother. Benjamin had grown, however, into an extremely lonely young man and Jemima had, innocently, become a romantic fixation. His feelings of illicit desire were made even more challenging by her free and easy attitude to sex. He wished he wasn't related to her, even though we wasn't actually related to her, in way that made it okay to... He wished... He shook the forbidden ideas out of his brain like a dog shaking off pond-scum and tried to wake her up. Experience had taught him that, once passed out, she needed a forceful rousing. He touched her shoulder and jiggled her.

"Momma Jem! Wake up, you're in the wrong bed, Momma Jem! Momma!"

He tried again to jiggle her awake but the result was only an angry grumble and a slight change in position. Benjamin looked unblinkingly at the sight of his Momma's now open thighs, her legs bent in such a way as make the hem of her skirt ride up and exhibit the enchanting view of her pale purple cotton panties. Her underwear had been skewed diagonally sideways and only partially concealed her dark, utterly enticing labia.

He was frozen in place. His mind was recording every detail of this secret, squalid, salacious moment. He knew he should feel ashamed but he also knew he would be playing it over and over in his mental cinema to endless hours of self-abuse. Lately, his unknowing mother-figure had inspired all his midnight masturbations and he knew he would be seeing this breath-taking image time and time again.

He had recently escalated into stealing and enjoying Jem's soiled underwear, inhaling deeply the many sordid stains on her gusset as he beat his meat. Usually, as he felt himself racing to the liquid finish, he would lick and suck at the flavours ingrained into the crusty cotton crotch to heighten his pleasure at the climatic moment. And now... here was the real thing. The real deal. Her actual... He couldn't quite believe what he was doing as he crawled up his bed, between her long legs. The goosebumped skin of his arms touched her soft thighs. Up close, her purple panties sported some unsavoury wet spots that titillated his imagination. He lowered his face and hovered his nose like a hummingbird over her slightly parted lips. The smell was intoxicating but it wasn't enough, it spurred him on. He wanted more.

Benjamin felt his dick straining inside his jeans as he lowered his face and pressed his nose to her barely hidden labia. She did not stir as he remained in place, breathing in her intimate, indescribable scent. He moved only a fraction, just enough for him to press his nose lower and deeper inside her open, sticky, funky slit. His dick was fully stiff and being restrained painfully in his jeans so he reached down to unbutton and release the beast; with an unthinking animal reflex he immediately began a slow, tight wank as he snuffled his unaware Momma's dirty pussy. And she smelled sooooo dirty. He was in hog heaven as he tried to identify the individual scents that combined to create her piquant pussy perfume.

His hand was moving faster on his cock as he arrived at a momentous decision. Without hesitation Benjamin pushed his tongue inside and sampled her spine-tingling flavours. First he had just a quick darting taste. Then another, slower taste. Then another until he was lapping at her honeyed juices, which seemed to be flowing in plentiful supply. He sucked on each of her lips. He licked down and up and around and dashed his tongue in and out. He pressed his nose into her soft, sandy-coloured pubes and slid his tongue inside as deep as he could manage before his jaw ached. He was completely lost, his higher brain functions had ceased as he swallowed every drop of this divine nectar. He had a close-up view of her swelling clit reddening and peeking out from under its pink hood and so he nibbled on it. He felt a hand touch the top of his head. He froze like a lizard who's spotted a snake. He felt Jem's fingernails dig into his scalp.

He heard her voice, soft and slurred and sleepy, "Bobby, baby, it's been ages since you did that to me, don't stop."

'Bobby! She think's I'm Bobby!'

Benjamin's brain was bewildered but thinking fast. If he stopped, he reasoned, she would wake up to see why he had stopped. The only sensible course was to continue. So he slid his tongue back inside her and circled around her smooth, rubbery walls. He sloshed down into her wet well of delicious goo and then repeated this until her transparent sweetness was flowing out for him to lap at like a thirsty dog. She dug her nails in the top of his head as if to pull his mouth harder upon her pussy, he took this as a sign to work harder. He forgot that he was invading her, that she was an unwilling victim of his shameful lust and closed off any thoughts of guilt or regret.

Jem lifted her hips and ground her pussy harder on to his eager mouth, responding to his inexperienced but fast-learning efforts. He was wincing and wondering how he could prise her talons out of his scalp when he felt her shudder and contort and lift her pelvis even higher off the mattress. She began shaking so much that he naturally held on to her legs to stop both him and his Momma from tumbling off the flimsy bed. At no point did he lessen his licks, rather he increased their urgency and devoured her, sending her over the edge into... well, he didn't exactly know where he was sending her but she was certainly going somewhere nice. Jem was crying out as her pussy pulsed and vibrated to the gymnastics of his now-aching tongue.

Benjamin tried to breathe but was instead rewarded with a mouthful of warm, gloopy, salty, viscous fluid. He leaned his head back in surprise and watched her sexy dirty pussy squirt out an eruption of stringy milk-like liquid. It only took a moment for him to realise what had filled his mouth. He'd wanked often enough to recognise sperm when he saw it. He watched Jem's orgasm subsiding, her tremors becoming smaller and less frequent. He could feel his mouthful of spunk liquidising further, mixing with his saliva. He felt some leak out of his lips and dribble down his chin. What could he do? You only live once, he thought, and so he swallowed it.

It wasn't pleasant but it wasn't repulsive. The pure filthiness of the situation was both repellent and arousing. He gazed in wonder at the waterfall of creamy cum drooling from his Momma's beautiful cunt and a seductive urge pulled his face closer. He dipped his tongue into the trickling sperm and took some more into his mouth to taste. He was electrified by own perversity. He licked and gobbled the warm oozing gloop and swallowed down every creamy drop.


Jem's voice stopped him dead with his tongue still fully extended. He slowly withdrew it from inside her pussylips and looked up. She was blearily befuddled.

"What are we doing?" she asked.

Benjamin had no logical answer.


Jem babbled in her drunken haze and rolled on the bed, trying to escape. In the entanglement of struggling limbs, her stiletto heel spiked into the side of his head, perilously close to his eye, and he fell away from her. He watched from the floor as she clambered up, fell back down then stood shakily and exited his tiny room, mumbling curses and crashing into the doorframe as she went. He lay back on the floor, amongst his discarded clothes and bedroom detritus. He became suddenly aware of a sharp pain in the side of his head and of his raging hard-on. So, naturally, he ignored the pain and started to wank. He closed his eyes and relived the previous half hour, relishing the memory of every succulent droplet of liquid lust that he'd tasted. He could smell her pussy on his face. He tugged his prick at a heart-stopping speed until he shot his own liquid love-juice all over his belly. Breathing hard, he lifted his slimy fingers, besplattered with his own baby-batter, and licked the trails of cum off his skin. He dibbled his fingertips into the pool of self-made sperm on his hairy belly and licked them also until he'd completely cleaned himself up.

A thought occurred to him while in this reflective, post-orgasmic state: 'Whose cum was I eating? Bobby's away on a trip, he's not supposed to get back until tomorrow, so... Who's sperm did I lick out of her?'

Bobby was Momma Jem's long-term boyfriend and the closest thing Benjamin ever had to a father-figure. Bobby and Jemima had a loving but loose relationship; he would 'wander off' on his travels, sometimes for months at a time, and Jem would entertain herself with other guys she knew until he strolled back into their trailer. He never displayed an ounce of jealousy and Benjamin had never once heard him argue with Jem, even when she was drunk as a skunk and combatively goading him. Benjamin was grateful to this man who'd raised him and he tried to emulate Bobby's cool as a cucumber persona as much as his inherited fiery temperament would allow. Benjamin was smiling contentedly and about to drift off to sleep on the floor when he heard the sound of Jem's distressed sobbing. He found her in the kitchenette, hunched over the sink. There was an open beer can next to her but she was swigging from a bottle of vodka. When she saw him, she turned her back and took another heavy lug from the bottle and then raised the can to her lips. Benjamin walked over and put his arms around her.

"Stop that, Momma."

After a couple of minutes, her crying lessened enough for her to speak.

"I'm so, so, so, so, so, sorry!" she blurted.

"Momma Jem, don't-"

"I've hit rock bottom, Benji."


"Sexually assaulting my boy... I, I, I-"

"Jem, no, that's not what happened."

"I am a fucking piece of shit."

The guilt was now punching Benjamin in the gut.

"Momma!" he said loudly, shocking her into paying attention, "You didn't do it. I did it. To you."

She looked at him, baffled.

"I did it you," he repeated, "You were asleep. You're blameless. I... did it. Not you."

"You're just saying that. To be kind."

"No, no... I, er, betrayed your trust. In the worse possible way."

"I remember popping into your room to say good-night. And then I sat on your bed. I closed my eyes for just a minute..."

"You were passed out. I, er, took advantage of you..."

"Why? But why?"

Benjamin looked at the floor, too ashamed to confess his pathetic desires to her face. Jem walked out of the trailer, leaving the door swinging and the chilly night air stealing in. Benjamin was at least thankful that she'd left behind the booze. He put away the vodka bottle then drank what was left of the beer. He sat at their small breakfast nook with his head in his hands and watched her walking up and down outside, smoking a cigarette and wearing her serious thinking face. He contemplated his crime as she smoked another cigarette and paced some more. Jem stepped up inside and closed the door behind her. She walked over and sat on the chair beside his. She reached out and touched his face. She smiled and gave a little half sigh, half laugh. He frowned at her in confusion.

"I'm just so relieved," she explained, "But, Benji, you scared me. I thought I'd fucked it up like I fuck everything up. I'd go crazy if I lost you."

"I am sorry," Benjamin's voice was a ghost.

"I think I understand. I know I'm not your real mom but-"

"You're the only mom I ever had!"

He was now so disturbed at how he'd let himself do this atrocious thing to a woman who'd given him nothing but love. She ruffled his hair and patted his shoulder.

"A lot of boys have fantasies about their moms," she said, "This is, I think, normal? Or kinda. You know, panty sniffing and, er, stuff like that. I'm thinking maybe you just... took it a step too far. Am I right?"

Benjamin nodded. Jem stood up an he found his unfaithful eyes staring into her denim skirt, exactly where her lusciously lickable pussy lay hidden and so he also stood up, trying to battle the urges vying for dominance in his disordered mind. Jem put her arms around him and rested her forehead on his. She was so close that his vision went out of focus. He could smell the cigarettes and booze on her breath. He wondered if she could smell her own bodily fluids on his breath, evidence of his violation.

"You know..." she said softly, "You can't ever do anything like that again, don't you?"

"Yes, Jem."

She kissed him and his stomach flipped. She kissed the tip of his nose, then his cheek and then hugged him tight. His mouth was touching the velvet soft skin of her neck, just behind her ear. He kissed her there and she pulled away.

"Don't kiss me there," she whispered.

He instantly wondered why and wanted to kiss her again to find out but he was trying to not be a monster. They looked into each others' eyes for a long minute. He could easily lose himself in the beauty of her face and the sunshine of her smile.

"I love you, Benji."

She kissed him again, a little longer than before, he noted.

"Let's go to bed," she said and then saw the flicker of conflicted hope flash across his features.

"Separately," she quickly corrected his imagination.

"I, er, didn't, um..."

She tutted and smiled, shaking her head at him.


The next morning, Benji found Momma Jem is a sprightly mood, dancing around the kitchen and singing along with the stereo as she made breakfast and brewed coffee. Despite her obvious joviality, he slunk into the room and took a seat feeling miserable about the previous night. He had been hoping that she wouldn't be wearing her typical morning outfit, which was just a teeshirt and a pair of undies. He tried desperately not to look at the disconcerting curves of her barely concealed flesh.

"Hey, pouty baby, what's up?" Jem asked, plonking a plate of waffles in front of him.

"What do you mean? How can you be nice to me after, after what I did?"

"Look, we talked about this last night. Did I give you permission? No, it was wrong and you apologised for that. Did you make me feel good? At the time? Yes, it was really really lovely. Still, wrong, though. Are you my sweet little baby Benjamin who I love with all my heart? Yes, yes indeed."

She ruffled his hair and touched his cheek.

"Okay? Dealt with. Let's move on."

Jem kissed his forehead then the trailer door swung open and a tall, unkempt, long-haired, bearded and moustachioed drifter in dusty denim stepped up inside.

"Hey hey, monkeys! Merry Bobbins returns!" Bobby said, closing the door.

Jem leapt up and squealed as she embraced him in a bone-crunching hug. The force of her welcome made Bobby laugh his husky, smoker's chuckle.

"Just in time for breakfast? Lucky me," Bobby said.

Jem let him go and he sat down next to Benjamin.

"Hey kiddo. It's your birthday soon, you excited?"

"Hi Bobby. Yeah it, er, should be good."

"I can't believe lil' Benji won't be a teenager anymore," Jem said, "Makes me feel so damn old!"

"Hell, you're looking alright, grandma," Bobby charmed.

Jem stood between them both after placing a steaming coffee cup in front of Bobby. She ruffled both their hair.

"Aw, my two favourite guys in the world, together again," she beamed.

Benjamin and Bobby looked at each other, Jem's boobies seemingly bobbling between their faces, and smiled, slightly embarrassed. Bobby drank his coffee then announced he had to leave.

"What the fuck, Bobby?" Jem said, clearly annoyed as he stood up and reached for the door.

"Easy, tiger. I saw Old Darlene on my way up, her crappy Fiat's not starting. I told her I'd take a look, okay?"

"Alright. I suppose." Jem pouted.

She liked the little old lady who lived by the trailer park's entrance but she never could easily let go of a potentially enjoyable argument. Bobby left and Jem kissed Benjamin's cheek when she bent over to clear the table. Part of him, the guilt-ridden part, the trying to be good part, wished she'd stop fucking kissing him.

"Time for you to go too, sweetie," she said.

"I don't wanna," Benjamin huffed.

"Now, now. You explained it to me. It's a fine plan. You hold down this shitty job at the store for a year, show that you're responsible; then you can apply for a slightly less shitty job and so on, until you get a break. You know how it is for people like us, we gotta work ten times as hard to get even a whisper of a chance."

"But it's horrible, I hate it."

"Come here."

Benjamin crossed the room, Jem snaked her arms around his waist looked into his eyes. He wished she wasn't being so friendly to him, the tantalising touch of her skin was too much for his prohibited libido to bear.

"You just gotta hang in there, baby."

"Okay, sure."

Benjamin went off to brush his teeth and comb his hair. He walked back in wearing his jacket and carrying his bag like armour against the outside world. Jem was washing the dishes in the sink. He stood for a minute, watching her, hypnotised by her asscheeks jiggling in tight-fitting panties.

"Can I ask a question? About last night?" he said.

"Um. Maybe?"

"Were you with someone, before you came home?"

"What do you mean?"

"A man."

Jem concentrated on the cup she was wiping.

"Yes," she said after a few moments, "I saw an old friend. We had some drinks and stuff. Why?"


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