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Training Ch. 07


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Finally, she had stripped him bare. She looked up and opened her mouth expectantly. Her hands quivered just a little as she stroked his hips, drawing him closer. She closed her eyes tightly and guided his shaft between her lips.

After he had finished coming and she had choked down the salty goo as best she could, she stretched out on the bed, writhing with need. "Are you going to take me?"

He smiled. "No. I think I like keeping you just a little bit hungry when you fall asleep. That way, you'll have more of an..." The corner of his mouth twitched up. "Incentive, shall we say, to give yourself to me tomorrow morning. I want you to need it when I fuck you in the ass."

She whimpered with frustration, but lay still and allowed him to chain her down. Sleep came shortly after.

The next morning followed the same pattern. He woke her a bit later than he usually did on weekdays. As he unlocked the cuffs around her wrists and ankles, she felt the tingle of growing arousal.

When she was free, she set the pillows in their accustomed positions at the foot of the bed. The tingle grew stronger as she performed the distasteful ritual of lubricating her ass for use. By the time she knelt and buried her face in the pillow, wetness was trickling from her sex.

"Well, look at that," Anthony said. "You horny little anal slut." He knelt behind her and allowed her to take his rigid cock into her ass.

She came twice that morning, in rapid succession, once just before he did, and then again as his wet semen gushed into her anus. She stood self-consciously after he had finished, not sure if the dampness leaking down her thigh was from him or from her.

"You stopped fucking me for a second there, the first time you came," Anthony said reproachfully. "You remember the rules. When there is a cock inside you, your number one priority must always be to service it. You can come if you want to, but only as long as you don't let your own orgasm distract you from pleasuring that cock. If you make that mistake again, I will have to bring you upstairs for remedial training." She hung her head and followed him into the bathroom.

After she had bathed him and toweled both of them dry, she followed him into the bedroom and spread her legs docilely, expecting him to lock her into the training device.

He shook his head. "Not yet. I had planned to spend the weekend using you very hard, but as it turns out, I have work to do." He grinned cheerfully while he dressed. "I need to finish a project from home today, and you're going to help." He reached into the closet and came back with a cloth-wrapped bundle and several small coils of rope. "Come along, little whore!"

She followed naked behind him. He climbed up the sweeping staircase to the second floor. She shivered at the thought that he might be bringing her up to the attic, and felt herself grow wet at the idea. Inwardly, she recoiled in horror at her body's reaction. No! she thought. This is wrong! It should not turn me on to be punished!

But it was not to be. He stopped short of the end of the hall, and led her into the office instead. The computer whirred.

"Sit down over by the window." He gestured to a chair on the other side of the room.

She did as he said. Anthony quickly lashed her arms down along the back of the chair. She offered no resistance, even when he lifted her knees up over the armrests to spread her legs wide apart. Her ankles were soon bound to the chair, immobilizing her.

He took a large, thick, ribbed vibrator from the bundle and brought it to her lips. She parted them obediently. Anthony watched her head move up and down over it for a while. When it was thoroughly wet, he withdrew it and shoved it deep into her pussy, so abruptly she screamed. He twisted a knob at the end. Instantly, it began a deep, powerful vibration.

She struggled helplessly. "Unnngh!"

"Right now, you are a decoration for my office, nothing more. I like seeing you this way. If I have to spend my Saturday working, I might as well have something pleasant to look at." His grin grew sharp. "If you come, I will punish you extremely severely."

With that, he sat in front of his desk. She struggled for a bit, but he ignored her. The thick dildo vibrated constantly, and before long her struggles subsided and she started to moan.

The relentless vibration went on and on. She fought to hold back her orgasm. Sweat glowed on her breasts and body. "It's too much!" she wailed. "Anthony, please!"

"Hush. I'm trying to work."

She fought against the merciless vibration. Her moans grew louder, more desperate. Anthony looked up at her from time to time, shushing her when her cries grew too noisy.

Finally, he put down the computer mouse and stood. "A decoration is to be seen, not heard. You are becoming too distracting, little whore. I have a deadline today." He bent over and picked up a large, deep blue rubber ball on a leather strap. "I was hoping not to need this, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to gag you. Open wide!"

"Anthony! Please don't!"

He held the ball to her lips. She hesitated. His eyes flashed dangerously. Slowly, Eileen opened her mouth.

He pushed the ball between her teeth and buckled the strap tightly around her head. The rubber ball filled her mouth. "There. That should help." He bent again to pick up a long strip of dense black cloth. "Don't look at me that way. That lovely desperation in your eyes is distracting, too."

He tied the cloth over her eyes. It made an effective blindfold; when he tied it behind her head, darkness covered her vision entirely. "Now you should be a somewhat less distracting decoration."

She did not know how long he kept here there, but it was long enough for her arms and legs to grow tired. Ste struggled not to come until the strain on her body began to override her sexual arousal. The cruelly effective gag was larger than the one he'd used on her before--so large that it made her jaw ache. The vibration between her legs was too intense, so that after a time it ceased to be arousing and became nearly painful instead. The width of the dildo stretched the entrance to her sex, already sore from yesterday's harsh use.

Anthony kept working. She heard him tapping on his keyboard, and the occasional beep from the computer. Her nipples throbbed. Her body ached. The gag made her drool uncontrollably, until it rolled humiliatingly down her body, between her breasts. She felt wetness pooling on the chair beneath her. She started to struggle again, with increasing urgency, but did nothing more than make the rope dig in to her skin.

Anthony continued to work. She felt herself growing hysterical. Every part of her body ached. The dildo seemed almost like it was growing inside her; as she became more sore, it grew more unbearable. Her entire world shrank until nothing fit in it except her own discomfort and the sound of Anthony working. "Nnnnfgh!" she cried, pulling against the ropes with all her strength. "Nnnngh!"

"Hush, little whore. I have to make a phone call."

Eileen heard him dialing his cell phone. "Hnnnnnrgh!!" she called. "Gnnngrgh!"

"Hush! You are just here to decorate the office. If you interrupt my phone call, I will punish you."

She forced herself to stillness. With each beat of her heart, she could feel herself squeeze around the intrusive dildo. The ropes felt tight against her skin.

"Hello. It's Anthony Porto. Right." A pause. "Yes. I just emailed you about that. The planning office won't issue the permits until we make changes to the courtyard. They're worried that there's too much impermeable surface. It's a storm water management issue."

Another pause, this one much longer. Every part of Eileen's body ached steadily. She could feel the line of drool sliding further between her breasts, spreading across her body. A quick mental snapshot passed through her mind, fast as lightning, of the people from the store seeing her like this. She thought of their eyes on her, naked and bound helplessly, gagged to prevent screaming, penetrated, humiliated. Arousal flashed through her again. Her pussy tightened.

"There are a few potential solutions," Anthony's voice said. "We might be able to get away with using permeable tiles in the courtyard, if the soil isn't too compacted. I don't have that information in front of me. We also might need to install a rain garden or some sort of underground water management system. At this point, I think I'm going to bounce the problem back to our lead water management engineer and see what she says about it. I'll copy you on the email. In the meantime, I'll print a rendering of the revisions to the street side pedestrian entrances we already talked about." Another pause. Eileen squirmed. "Right. Goodbye."

She heard the large printer whir. In her mind, she imagined what she must look like. She wondered what people would think if they were to walk into the office right now. Would they be amused? Would they say crude, degrading things to her?

Eventually, the printer stopped. Eileen heard Anthony rise from his chair. Papers rustled. She heard the door to the office open, then close. After that, nothing.

"Annnhnnnuh?" she said, the word distorted by the gag. "Annnhunnny?"

She heard no reply. Panic took hold. Oh, my God, he's left me here alone! she thought. Her pulse pounded in her ears. How long is he going to leave me here?

Eileen started to struggle again, thrashing until the chair rocked back and forth and the ropes bit deep. "Unnngh! Unnngh!" she cried.

The dildo, still oscillating madly, slipped partway out of her clenching sex. As she jerked and twisted against her bonds, the end pressed against a sensitive place within her. A jolt of arousal, shockingly intense, ran through her. She fought against a dizzying wave of pleasure, but it could not be held back. The orgasm roared within her. Her nipples hardened. Her body shook with the force of it. Only the gag kept her from screaming.

Eileen felt herself twitching from the aftershocks for a long time. She sat limply, moaning and shaking, spent. The dildo buzzed on, but she lacked even the strength to squirm.

Anthony cleared his throat. Her blood froze.

"I thought I was quite specific," he said. "You were not to have an orgasm. This is twice in two days you have disobeyed me when I told you that you were not permitted to come." His voice was calm, reasoned. "It is clear to me that I did not punish you nearly severely enough yesterday. I have been far too lenient with you." His calmness seemed more frightening than if he had sounded angry.

She felt his fingers unbuckle the gag. The blindfold slipped off after it. She blinked up at him. He looked down at her with a small smirk. "I would be remiss if I continued to be so lenient, don't you agree?"

Eileen shuddered but said nothing. Anthony gripped her jaw painfully and forced her gaze up to meet his. "Have you been disobedient?"

"Yes," she said quietly.

"Should you be punished?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I...I should be punished." Butterflies swirled in her stomach.

He nodded, satisfied. "Good." With a quick twist, he shut off the vibrator and pulled it from her. She gasped in relief. He set to work on the knots that bound her. When she was free, she touched the marks left behind by the rope in her wrists and ankles.

"Go get your key."

She stood on aching legs. He watched her pause to massage the circulation back into her calves and feet. Slowly, her steps heavy and reluctant, she walked naked from the office toward the downstairs bedroom.

It took a long time for Eileen to make her slow, nervous way back, the key clutched tightly in her hand. Her heart pounded with fear. He stood waiting for her by the door, his expression inscrutable. She unlocked it with shaking hands. He followed her up the flight of stairs.

Once they had arrived at the top, Anthony pointed to the wall. "Go stand in the corner. Touch your nose to the wall. Stay there until I call for you. I have to prepare your punishment."

Feeling very small and chastised, Eileen did as he had said. She stood quietly in the corner, her nose pressed to the dry plaster wall. Behind her, Anthony rummaged around in drawers. She heard him dragging something heavy across the dusty wooden floor. She felt incredibly vulnerable, standing naked in the corner, ignored. Something damp trickled down her inner thigh.

"Come over here." Anthony's voice was stern.

She left the corner and walked slowly to where Anthony was standing. He had unfolded a small bench next to him, on which he had laid out an assortment of objects on a black cloth. She glanced down, but his voice stopped her. "Don't worry about that. Get on your hands and knees."

"Anthony, no! Please, I don't want to!"

Anthony pointed to the place where she had written on the wall. "What does that say?"

Eileen gulped. "I am a filthy slut who deserves to be used for sex." Her voice quavered. A shiver of sexual arousal ran through her.

"Is it true?"

She looked down. "Yes."

"I will not tell you again. Get down on your hands and knees."

Silently, she obeyed.

He walked over to the center of the room. Eileen saw that he had dragged a long, low iron cage, thick flat bars made of heavy rust-streaked metal, into the middle of the floor. On one end, a small square door was open and waiting. He swung open the large door on the other end. "Crawl over here. In you go!"

The shiver grew stronger. She thought about what she must look like to someone watching her, obediently crawling on hands and knees, naked, into the cage. Her face burned and her pussy twitched.

It was barely large enough to hold her. When she had crawled inside, her back brushed against the bars at the top. Anthony urged her all the way in, directing her to put her head through the small opening at the far end. Even then, it was only just long enough; she felt bunched up, with her shoulders pressed against one end and her legs curled underneath her at the other.

Anthony picked up a length of cord. With one hand, he gathered her hair into a loose pony tail, which he bound with the cord. He tied the other end tightly to the top of the cage, forcing her head up. Eileen realized that with her head bound this way, she was staring directly at the words she'd written on the wall. Humiliation and helplessness raged like a storm inside her.

He disappeared behind her. She felt him spread her knees apart, until they touched the sides of the cage. Something small bit down tightly on her labia. "Ouch!" she exclaimed.

"Hold still," he said. "I'm opening this disobedient cunt of yours up so I can punish it properly."

Another pinch. Carefully and meticulously, Anthony placed a row of small metal clips along each of her labial lips. When they both were lined with the clips, he tied a thin piece of twine to a small loop on each clamp. The other end of the twine he tied to the bars on the side of the cage, stretching her labia open wide.

He repeated the same process on her inner lips. She moaned as each clamp closed tightly on sensitive skin. More twine ran from each of these clips to the bars of the cage, painfully stretching the entrance to her pussy wide open.

He lifted her clitoral hood and placed a clamp directly onto her clit, causing her to cry out. Another string went from that clamp to the bottom of the cage. When he pulled it tight, it stretched her clit, tugging it downward. She moaned steadily, writhing in spite of the pain that surged through her with every tiny motion of her hips.

Only then did he close the cage door. The latch clicked into place. He locked it shut with a large, heavy padlock, and stepped back to survey his handiwork.

Eileen knelt in the cage whimpering. The clips that gripped her labia so painfully also held her stretched uncomfortably wide. The clamp on her clit was a throbbing pain that surged and ebbed with each breath.

The helplessness and humiliation of her situation worked their predictable alchemy. The walls of her vagina quivered. She felt herself growing more and more wet, until the juices spilled from her gaping sex and dripped onto the floor. Her nipples hardened.

Anthony waited until her whimpers changed. When he could hear the need in her moans, he walked around in front of her, carrying a short three-legged stool. "I am going to punish you now," he said. "Are you ready?"

"No! Anthony, please don't!"

He smiled. "That will do." He walked around behind her. Eileen's heart thudded. Beads of sweat appeared on her body. She heard him set down the stool, its seat barely a few inches from the floor. A small tremor of fear ran through her body.

She felt a touch, very light, on the entrance to her gaping pussy. "This is interesting," he said. "I don't know if I've ever seen you quite this wet before."

He began slowly, his touch gentle at first. He slid two fingers into her gaping sex and stroked the inner wall of her vagina lightly. The sensation sent such shivers through her that she moaned in spite of herself. He worked his fingers deeper, bit by bit, stroking her, coaxing more moans from her. She felt herself growing more aroused.

He slid his other hand flat over her mound and pressed inward with his palm. She could feel his fingers working inside her, and the pressure through the walls of her pussy felt so good it made her dizzy. Eileen contracted strongly. The pitiless metal clamps jerked tight, holding her wide. "Annnhgh!" she cried. Pleasure and pain coursed through her.

He pressed harder. His fingers moved deeper, three of them now. Another contraction pulled the clips tight again. She shuddered and cried out. "Anthony! You're hurting me!"

Anthony twisted his fingers inside her, pressing hard against the sensitive place just within her entrance. "Hold still, little whore! If you keep trying to squirm around like that, it will only hurt more." He pressed his fingers deeper, probing her roughly. She felt herself contract hard around the invasion. The strings pulled on her labia and clit, forcing another cry from her.

"Anthony! Please stop!"

"Are you sensitive?"

"Yes!" she wailed.

Anthony pulled his fingers from her. She gasped in relief. He picked up a long, smooth, highly polished wooden staff, about a yard long and very thick, and showed t to her. Its end had been rounded and sculpted into a flared head, like the end of... Her eyes widened. "No!"

He walked around behind her. "Now let's see here," he said. "It seems that this disobedient cunt of yours is most sensitive right here, so I think maybe if I do this..." He shoved it into her and pressed the end of it hard against that maddeningly sensitive place. Eileen gasped, unable to tell if it hurt or felt good. The gasp became a scream as he pressed harder. "Ooongh!" Eileen cried. Her nipples throbbed painfully. "Anthony, stop!"

He began thrusting it hard and deep, burying it inside her until it pressed as deep as it could go. Waves of both pleasure and pain, so intense she could barely tell which was which, pulsed through her. She alternated between moans and desperate screams as he tortured and tormented her pussy.

He kept it up for a long time, standing behind her, ramming the long smooth shaft into her stretched-open sex again and again. She moaned and screamed and sobbed, unable to tell the difference between pleasure and pain. "Please!" she cried. "It's too deep! Please stop!"

Anthony ignored her cries. He prodded her more deeply still, until she shook and wept openly. She begged for him to stop, even as the feelings shifted and warped into deep, paralyzing pleasure. The inside of her gaping pussy twitched. Anthony grinned. He reached out and hooked the string tied to the clamp on her clit with his fingers.

"This is going to hurt a great deal," he said. "It's time. Come, little whore! Come for me! Do it now! Do it!"

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