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Transformations - Were-Bimbo Ch. 02

Story Info
Amy at the Farm. Bull and Cindy. Date night.
12.7k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/22/2019
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Transformations: Curse of the Were-Bimbo Chapter 2

As always, comments welcome.


Bull struggled to get his arms up over the girl's heads. The trunk was wide enough for all three of them - God bless the seventies!

But, height wise it was another matter. His thick arms scraped along the trunk lid.

Finally, he got his bound wrists over the girl's heads.

Delia was still unconscious, so he tore the duct tape of Cindy's mouth as quick as he could.

She spat beside his head. "Who the fuck are they?"

Bull struggled and finally managed to peel the tape off his own lips. "I don't know. Did you see who hit me?"

"Some old fat bitch. Long gray hair in a braid down her back."

Bull frowned. "Huh? Are you sure?"

"Why? You know her?"

Bull shook his head. "No, couldn't be." He tore at the rope around his wrists with his teeth.

Cindy attacked it from the other side.

Together they chewed like mice into the coarse fibers.

He felt his wrists loosen and then he was free.

He reached over quickly and pulled the tape off Delia's lips. The girl breathed steadily.

He pushed his hands down and found the rope binding Cindy's wrists behind her back.

"Damn it. They tied knots."

"Keep trying," she whispered.

"I am, honey, I am."

Behind them the moaning and pounding grew louder. Someone was getting their brains fucked out.

"Damn it," Bull whispered. "I can't get it. If I could just see what I was doing."

"It's okay," Cindy said. "Your arms are free. Think you can pull another beat down like the bus station?"

"I'm sure going to try, sweetheart."


Eddie felt like he had a broken nose. He rubbed it gently against his shoulder sending lightning bolts of agony through his face. "Did you have to break my fucking nose?"

Chad looked over his shoulder from the driver's seat. "You're lucky I didn't kill you."

They were in Eddie's car. Eddie woke up in the back seat, his wrists and ankles bound with the same shade cords Amy Lynn had used to bind Chad.

Amy Lynn was gone. Instead, there was Amy - she had finally woken up from the Valium and booze.

She sat in the front passenger seat, knees drawn up to her chest and staring at the dashboard. She hugged her knees and rocked. "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Chad didn't look at her. "It's not your fault. It was her, not you."

"I... did things. I did terrible things, didn't I?"

"I wouldn't say that," Eddie said.

She twisted in the seat and screamed. "Shut up! Shut up!! You... motherfucker! I hate you." She turned back around and cried with her face against the window.

Eddie shrank back like she had struck him.

And, he felt the ridiculous need to apologize.

What the fuck?

Instead he looked out the window.

"You're twisted. Deranged," Amy whispered. "You sold me, didn't you? Sold me like a cheap whore to whoever wanted me?"

Eddie said nothing.

Amy sniffled. "I think... I think he did something to me... back there."

Chad stared at her. "Back there?"

She nodded her head quickly. "I think he had sex with me in my... butt."

Chad went pale.

Eddie looked from him to Amy and back again.

"You did, didn't you? I know you did. You're filthy," she said.

Chad glanced at Eddie in the rearview and then looked straight at the road.

Eddie almost laughed. Boy Scout wasn't so honorable after all.

Eddie leaned back and smirked. "Yeah, that's right. You got the tightest little ass I ever fucked. But, in my defense? You fucking begged for it."

"Shut up! You're a monster!" She put her head against the window and went back to sobbing.

Chad stared at Eddie in the rearview.

Eddie just smirked and shook his head. "How much longer?"

"Ten or fifteen minutes," Chad said.

They went around a corner and a line of black SUVs blew past them going in the opposite direction.

Chad watched them with wide eyes.

Eddie turned and looked at the SUVs as they disappeared in the distance. They had government rosa-blanca.ru. "Something you need to tell me, Boy Scout?"

"No. Nothing."


"You going to need more people than you got," the woman said. Even muffled by the trunk lid, Bull knew the voice.

It just wasn't possible.

"We'll manage," a man said.

"You don't get it. I've seen him take on four or five guys at one time and twist them into pretzels. He's a bad motherfucker when he's riled. And, fuck, he is going to be riled."

"It's just not possible," Bull whispered.

"You know who that woman is, don't you?" Cindy whispered back.

"I just... it isn't possible. Not my Amelia..."

Cindy did a double take. "Amelia? You mean your wife? That's the bitch who cracked your skull?"

The trunk opened abruptly and bright morning sunshine blasted them like a heat ray.

Bull rose up, carrying the girls with him. He let them slump down into the trunk.

The man who opened the trunk was a giant. He was easily eight inches taller than Bull, and he seemed as wide as he was tall.

Bull lunged forward, grabbing the man's thick muscled neck in both hands and squeezing for all he was worth.

They fell together, Bull pushing the giant back onto the white graveled drive.

The giant stared into his eyes. His own hands found Bull's ribs and closed on them, pushing him away.

The man was bench pressing him!

Bull squeezed harder.

A hand touched his shoulder. It was small and light, the woman's touch gentle. "Paralysis," she said softly.

Bull went limp. His hands fell away from the giant's neck and he was lifted up and tossed onto his back.

Bull lay on his back staring straight up into the air. A stroke! He must have had a stroke! He couldn't move!

"No, not a stroke. Be calm," the woman's voice said somewhere close by.

Cindy landed on the ground beside him. There were tears in her eyes. "Bull! What did you do to him?!"

"Calm yourself. He's not hurt. I promise you."

Somewhere close by, Delia was sobbing.

A face appeared above him. A woman, maybe the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was blonde with huge eyes and the cheekbones of a model. She smiled down at him. "My name is Gwen Kincaid. No one is going to hurt you - any of you. Now, sleep."


"Agent Maru, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

Akimi Maru was sitting up in the hospital bed, her body covered with tiny incisions that had been sealed with liquid skin. "Like somebody turned me into a sushi roll... oh, wait, they did."

The blonde doctor laughed. She was sitting on a stool beside Akimi's bed. "The surgeons say that 90% of those incisions will heal without scarring."

"I don't mind scars."

"What do you remember about the farm?"

Akimi shrugged. "Not a lot. Whatever they gave me to begin with? The stuff that gave me the huge milk bags? It kept me docile and horny for the entire week." She looked down at her chest. "I'm just thankful they're down to a svelte double D cup now." She laughed and picked up her cup of ice water. She winced from the pain.

"Are you still experiencing heightened sexual desire?"

"You mean would I love to drag you into bed with me and go down on you? Yes. Very much so."

The doctor's eyes grew wide behind her tortoise shell glasses.

Akimi laughed and slapped her hand over her lips. "I am so sorry... I am just not used to this libido! I'm like a teenage boy now. Doctor, I apologize."

"It's... fine." She turned back to her notes. "You stated in your psych evaluation before taking the mission that you were heterosexual?"

"I was, yes. But... um... not anymore. I just... I like... both now."

"So, after visiting the farm, you'd classify yourself as bisexual?"

"Absolutely. I mean... I don't know what they did to cause that exactly? But, I'm definitely feeling attraction to both women and men... a lot of attraction."

The doctor looked up at her for a moment and then back down. "As we explained before you went in, all of the female agents who went in before you were bisexual when they returned and at least half the male agents emerged with a certain amount of... flexibility."

"I just... you know, it seems silly to me now. I mean, why wouldn't I like women as well as men? Women are beautiful. What I really love is being with both at the same time. Actually, I like being with a lot of people at the same time. It's... cozy." Her brow knitted behind her eye patch. "Is that going to go away?"

"Well, we don't..."

"Because, I don't want it to. I like this." She smiled at the doctor, her eyes lingering on the woman's bosom.

Behind the mirror of Akimi's room, one of the two technicians recording the conversation between Akimi and the psychiatrist leaned close to the other. "I think the psych doctor should definitely explore Akimi's new sexuality."

The other man snickered and nodded.

"You think so, nerd?" Colonel Menser asked behind them. "Maybe we'll send you down to that farm next and see if you come out and want to audition for the Village People."

The technician turned and looked at him. "Who?"

Menser rolled his eyes. "Goddamn, I am old. Just shut up and record the conversation. I want to watch it in detail this afternoon, and send it upstairs to behavioral analysis - I want to know if they think Maru is lying about anything."

Menser turned and left the booth.

A few minutes later, the doctor stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her.

"Conclusions?" Menser asked.

The blonde doctor pushed her glasses up her nose. "I can't find any evidence of continuing mind control. Obviously, she was brainwashed during the week, but it appears to have only been a reconditioning of her sexuality."

Menser stared at the door to Akimi Maru's room. "What about physically?"

The doctor looked at her notes. "Other than the implanted devices on her nerves which were removed? Breast augmentation, obviously. She's been sterilized - which she now says was 100% voluntary. In her own words: Why on earth would I want to have kids?"

Menser shook his head. "We can't even charge them with involuntary sterilization."

"Her hormone levels are off the charts. When she says she has the libido of a teenage boy? She isn't kidding - actually, it's even higher. She masturbates almost constantly when she's alone in the room."

"Shit, that's nothing. I think those two dipshit techs in the observation room are masturbating along with her. What else?"

"That's it. Other than the fact she's now a bisexual, hypersexual, Playboy playmate, she's perfectly normal."

Menser stroked his chin. "So, you think she's just an 'improved' version of Akimi Maru?"


"That she's not been brainwashed into becoming a sleeper agent."

"We've seen no evidence that's even possible. Physical changes, yes. Sexual preferences modified, yes. But, turning her into a brainwashed traitor? No. I'd stake my reputation on it."

"You just did." Menser nodded. "Okay. I want her watched. Constant surveillance. Every phone call, everything she does on the internet. She goes to a public restroom, I want somebody in the next stall. If she farts, I want somebody close enough to describe the smell in a report. Understood?"


Menser shook his head. "Doctor, make no mistake we are at war. Everything we do moving forward is going to determine whether we win this war or become a footnote in the history of the Church of Morpheus." He turned and began walking away. "I do not want to be a footnote."

"Can she return to work?" The doctor called after him.

"Absolutely not. No access to classified material. Send her home on a medical for at least six weeks. She is not to return to work without my written authorization."

"What about her eye?" The doctor asked.

Menser stopped in mid-stride and turned around. Akimi Maru's glass eye. It was a recording device that was supposed to have recorded evidence about the farm. Instead, it recorded nothing but a week long spa video. "Has it been examined?"

"Techs went over it. They found nothing."

Menser nodded. "Give it back to her - but no recording crystal. I don't want her making any more recordings until I'm sure about her."


Chad pulled to the side of the road beside the entrance to the farm.

The white gravel drive led into the trees beyond the road and disappeared around a curve.

"I don't want to go there," Amy whispered.

Chad nodded. "I don't want to either." He sighed. "But, I have to. It took every ounce of will I had in me just to stop here."

Amy's lip trembled. "They won't help me. They're part of this."

Eddie looked over her head at the drive. He too felt the compulsion to go up the drive to the farm. Whatever had been done to the two of them had been done to him as well. He looked at the rearview mirror. "Why'd you bring me along?"

Chad looked up in the mirror. "I'd rather have you where I can keep an eye on you. And, there's the slightest chance that once I get us to that farm? The block will be gone and I'll be able to kill you." He looked up the driveway. "I'd really like that."

"Keep dreamin', Boy Scout."

Chad reached over and took Amy's hand. "No matter what? I'm with you."

Amy nodded and swallowed. "Don't let go."

Chad put the car in drive and pulled onto the gravel.

The drive climbed a slight hill and then made a turn at the top.

The small valley below was rich farmland. A gleaming white farmhouse and barn sat on the property. Thick woods surrounded it.

There was an old Ford car sitting beside the farmhouse.

Chad pulled up beside it.

A woman was sitting on the porch swing. She was dressed in a white mini-dress that glimmered like it was made of plastic or rubber.

She was blonde and pretty with the largest breasts Chad had ever seen.

She smiled at him.

Chad turned off the engine.

For a few moments, the three of them just sat and looked at the woman on the porch.

She stood up and beckoned to them.

Chad squeezed Amy's hand. "Here we go."

She nodded.

They got out of the car.

"Hey, help a dude out?" Eddie asked, motioning toward his bound hands with his eyes.

Chad smiled. "Fuck off." He slammed the door and walked to Amy's side. He held her hand as they ascended the steps.

The tall blonde smiled down at them.

Amy was trembling.

"There's no need to be afraid. But, we should go inside."

Chad frowned. "Why?"

"The people who came for you at the hospital? They're watching us." She nodded toward the woods. "Since last week, they've been camping just off our property, watching. That was smart changing cars."

Chad turned and glared at Eddie who stared at them from the back seat. "Yeah, well, that bastard invited himself into our lives, so I figured we might as well use his car."

"Go let him out, please?"

"You know, I'd rather..."

"It wasn't a request." The woman's eyes seemed to flash.

Chad's muscles locked. He turned around with an expression on his face of pure terror. He shuffled forward.

"Chad!?" Amy squealed. She tried to follow.

The woman put her hand on Amy's shoulder. "No. You stay with me."

Amy stopped and looked up at the blonde, her eyes unfocused.

"Don't you hurt her!"

"Frankenfurter," the blonde added with a laugh.

"What did you say?" Chad asked. His feet were carrying him forward seemingly of their own volition.

"Classical reference. Never mind. Stop fighting me and get Eddie out of the car."

Chad sighed and stopped struggling.

He walked to the car and opened Eddie's door.

"Thanks, Boy..."

Chad punched him in the face.

The blonde laughed. "I said get you out of the car. I didn't say he had to be gentle about it."

Chad grabbed Eddie by his short black hair and dragged him out of the car.

Eddie landed face first in the gravel.

Chad turned around.

Amy looked so small beside the blonde goddess.

He hurried back up the stairs to Amy's side as Eddie struggled to his feet.

The blonde smiled. "My name is Gwen Kincaid. We've been expecting you." She turned and walked into the farmhouse.

Amy leaned against Chad as he ushered her inside.

Eddie struggled to his knees, his wrists and ankles still bound. "Yeah, no problem, I'll just hop right along after you."

Chad flipped him the bird behind his back.


Bull could move again.

He was in a basement stuck in a cage with Cindy and Delia.

Delia cowered in one corner, Cindy standing over her protectively.

He rolled to his feet.

"God, we are so fucked," Cindy whispered.

The room was some type of operating room.

A row of operating tables stretched across the wide room.

The musclebound guy from the motel parking lot was fucking a shemale he had bent over one of the tables. From the moans and screams, they were the couple who had fucked in the backseat earlier.

The punk looking woman was naked. Her body was covered in tattoos - the most prominent one around her middle read CUM SLUT. She was rifling through the drawers, occasionally pulling out some bizarre looking sex toy or another, trying it for a few moments, and then putting it back.

But, the one he couldn't wrap his head around was Amelia.

She sat on one of the tables, her dirty sundress pulled up to her waist, legs spread, three fingers plunging in and out of her snatch as she watched the other three.

"What happened to you?" Bull asked.

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

Then she hopped off the table, her big breasts flopping without a bra. She walked over to the cage with a smile on her face. "You wouldn't believe the shit that happened to me while you were gone, Bull. Wicked, insane, devil worship shit. I got the devil in me, and, baby, does he know how to push Mama Jugs's buttons."

"Mama... What?"

"Mama Jugs. My new name. Suits me." She hefted her big udders through the filthy dress material.

Bull just stared at her. Her hair was disheveled. "Amelia, what did they do to you?"

"This boy with a huge cock? He reached inside my head and just broke my brain in two. Made me something completely better. I love being a madame."

"A madame?" He looked at the other three strange people. "Prostitutes? You've been running whores? Out of our motel!?"

"Most money we ever made, Bull. Cum Slut alone is pulling in more in a day than the motel makes in a week. Whores are a fucking goldmine! Why didn't you tell me pimping was so profitable?"

Bull looked out of the corner of his eye at Cindy.

She returned the look.

Great. Now she knew he had been a pimp. Wonderful.

"Let us out of here," Bull said.

She chuckled. "Fuck no. I mean I miss that thick pipe you got, but I'm listening to the witch. They're the bosses now." She turned, lifted the back of her dress, and pressed her ass against the bars. "Fuck me for old times sake?"

Bull just backed away, shaking his head.

Amelia... no, Mama Jugs laughed and winked over her shoulder. "Yeah, I didn't think so. Guess I gotta find my own dates from here on out, huh?"

Cindy put her hand on his shoulder and he almost jumped out of his skin. "How long were you married?"

Bull watched Mama Jugs walk to the table where the muscle man was fucking the tranny. She knelt behind him, spread the cheeks of his ass, and began tonguing his backside while he thrust.

"Thirty years," Bull whispered. He turned away.

Cindy looked up at him with soulful eyes. "I'm sorry, Bull."

Bull just shook his head. "Who could do something like this? How is it possible?"

"Mind control," a woman's voice said. A woman appeared in the stairwell - the beautiful blonde from before. She was wearing a microdress made of white latex.

Her breasts were huge and they swayed along with her curvy hips as she walked.

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