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TRC - Lord of the Glass Desert Ch. 09


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"At least you got some," said Hamma while looking back at Esel. "It's been so long for me I'd fuck one of those monster women."

"I fucked an orc once," said Ulay, "I have to say she had a great pussy and a tight ass."

"An orc? What about the tusks?" asked Esel.

"I wasn't much for dumpin' a load in her mouth. Not that she didn't want me to. She wanted to take me back to her village so they could pop out little orc babies like rats. Fuck that. If I have any kids out there, they're gonna be human."

"What if you knocked up the orc?"

"No worries. I killed the bitch when I was done with her."

"That's cold," said Hamma as a few of the larger sticks finally caught, and the campfire flames grew slightly.

"Good pussy or not, I ain't gonna be the daddy of no monsters." Ulay looked out at their horses and frowned, "Shouldn't have left them tied up all the way over there, I'm gonna get some food," he said, darting out from the shelter as the rain began falling harder.


Silma glanced upward as the drizzle turned into a downpour. The rain didn't bother the salamander, the heat of her skin made the droplets either bounce off or flash to steam as they struck, but it significantly dampened the smoky aroma she was chasing. Luckily, she was facing directly into the wind and hadn't lost the trail in a while. Assuming she was still on track to find some humans, she continued through the forest in a straight line.

A short time later, the smell disappeared completely. Losing the scent accompanied a sudden drop in skin temperature that wasn't Silma's doing. Her body only reacted like this when near human males. Trying to peer through the rain, she scanned about for the men she knew had to be close. It wasn't long before she heard them arguing.


"Fucking hell Hamma! You had one fucking job, and you couldn't keep the damn fire going!" yelled Ulay.

"I would have if you hadn't kicked wet leaves and on it when you came back with your food!" the other man snarled, standing nose to nose under the tarp. Hamma ducked as Ulay's fist came streaking at his face. Hopping back, he brought his own fists up defensively, but the lead bandit didn't follow.

Instead, Ulay shoved a finger in his face, "Don't forget, I pulled your drunken, sorry ass out of a fucking gutter to join me. Don't you dare talk back to me!"

"Ulay, Hamma..." said Esel.

"What!" screamed Ulay, but Esel just pointed out into the rain.

The men turned to see a jet-black female figure standing in the rain regarding them with curiosity.


"Do you know a wizard named Kal?" Silma asked. She doubted this was a human settlement with so few humans and none of the square buildings, but they were all males, which was nice. A memory of her mother's flitted across her mind, cluing her in on the possibilities of a lone salamander-girl with three human men at once. She didn't know how far away Kal and Ikuno were, and she could feel her body's desires insinuate themselves into her thoughts, pushing her to let these men have their way with her.

It didn't help that during Kal's visit he introduced her to the intense pleasure of having a cock stretch her ass. Ikuno had mentioned how much she liked it a few times during her visits, but Silma's desire's partner options didn't allow much room for exploration or experimentation. Her saliva also made men lust crazy in a way that they had no interest in sticking their cock in anything but her sex.

There was only one real problem. Two of the men wore the expressions of seasoned predators. She saw the look plenty of times when one of the men Ikuno delivered thought they had the upper hand once the oni was gone. The third male had the beginnings of the look but didn't have the others' experience.

These were bandits, the same kind of men Ikuno brought her to use and throw away.

A smile crossed her face when she realized that, since she wasn't looking for a man to father her next child. That they were bandits, and therefore expendable, worked just fine for her.


Hamma smiled back at the woman. "I might know where he is, but it'll cost you," he said, gripping his crotch.

Ulay snorted with disgust but at the same time looked the monster girl over. She had all the right parts in the right places, just with some weird coloring and a tail. Yeah, he could stick his cock in that. Whether or not he would was a different matter.

"You won't tell me where he is unless I fuck you?"

"Hamma!" Esel whispered loudly from behind him, "she's looking for a wizard! What if he finds out we fucked around with his woman!"

"It won't matter. He'll never find out," said Ulay, glaring at him.

Esel shrank away from the bandit leader. There was no doubt the solid black monster girl would end up like the orc woman he spoke of earlier.


"I don't belong to the wizard," said Silma, unsure of how Kal could own her in the first place. "I merely know him and would like him to show me the good things about life on the surface," said the woman as she stepped under the lean-to and took over rubbing the front of Hamma's pants. "I can see in your eyes you don't know Kal, but I need to be filled," she glanced over at the other two men, "all three ways." Part of her seethed with contempt for these men, but Kal was the first human male she didn't make lust crazy with her spit and had been her best experience with sex so far. The salamander was going to try to avoid using it with these three if possible.

Hamma reached up and grabbed one of her breasts, kneading it for a moment before roughly pinching the nipple. Wincing, Silma pulled his hand away, "Don't do that again until you are inside me."

The man hesitated for a moment as he chose to do as she asked or do whatever he damn well pleased. He wisely decided to go along with her.

Looking at the bandit behind him, he snapped, "You heard the woman, Esel. 'All three ways.' Lay down and get your dick out if you want some pussy. I'm taking her ass."

Esel glanced at their leader before going to work on his belt. As the youngest outlaw tugged his pants down, a flicker of disappointment crossed the salamander's face.

She gripped the growing erection of the man whose cock she was rubbing through the front of his trousers. Checking his girth, she told him, "In the front first, then you can have my bottom."

Kal had been insistent on making sure she was well lubricated before taking her rear. He licked her to multiple orgasms while using fingers soaked in her fluids to make sure her pucker was well prepared. The payoff for his added attention came in a series of shuddering climaxes that left her bed of heat-loving mushrooms completely soaked as he pounded her ass.

Silma wasn't expecting a repeat of her time with Kal from these three. She really wasn't interested in doing anything with the poor-quality human men. But her body had a need, and in her current state of mind, if it hurt a little, then it only served her right for leaving her daughter.

When the human had his prick out and laid down, she stepped over his waist and knelt on the damp ground beneath the linen shelter. Right away, the younger human tried to shove his cock in her, but she moved her hips to the side.

"Him first," she said.

Hamma chuckled as he dropped to his knees behind her. "The woman needs a real cock in her before settling for your little dick."

"That's part of the reason, but mostly because I need you slicked up before you put it in my ass," she said.

"Fucking bitch," said the man beneath her.

The only human still fully clothed guffawed at the look on Esel's face. "Quit your whining. You still get to dump a load in her pussy, and with Hamma in her ass you'll finally get to fuck a tight woman instead of your tiny cock flopping around inside her."

"Fuck you too, Ulay," snapped Esel.

The bandit leader just laughed harder.


His pants kicked off to the side, Hamma held the monster girl's tail up as he stroked his cock to full hardness. In the low light of the rainy day, he could barely make out where her sex was. Unlike her back and tail, she didn't have any markings down there. Even the inside of her pussy was completely black. Draping the tail over his shoulder, he leaned forward until he touched the wetness coming from her pussy. Taking a couple of swipes up and down, he coated the head with her juices before finding her entrance.

She was hot, easily the hottest woman he had ever had his cock inside.

"Fucking hell, are you sick or something?" he asked. He didn't need itchy dick or worse.

She looked back in confusion, "No, why?"

"You're pussy is really hot."

The monster girl shrugged, "It's part of my nature. Are you going to move or anything?"

Hamma glared at her, "You know what? Esel's right. You are a bitch."

"I'm here to fuck, not talk."

Annoyed, the bandit grabbed her hips and slammed into her pussy a few times, but the woman just stared back at him with a questioning look. Coated with her juices, Hamma pulled out and rubbed the slickened head of his cock around her pucker. He thought about just shoving his dick into her, but the couple of times he fucked a woman's ass dry, it about took the skin off his cock. He didn't give a damn about the whores he fucked, but he wasn't into that pain shit. Still, he needed to put this bitch in her place. Once the head of his prick spread the tight ring of her ass and slipped inside, he shoved the rest of the way in fast enough to make it hurt.

However, her juices were surprisingly slippery, and the tiny flash of discomfort he made out on her jet-black face left him disappointed.


Silma appreciated Kal's efforts before taking her ass much more now, but that wasn't nearly as bad as the wizard led her to think it would be. Once Hamma was seated fully in her rear, the salamander looked down at Esel. "Now you."

The bandit blushed heavily, "I... umm... I can't. It's gonna rub Hamma's dick inside, and that's just gross." Silma glanced down their bodies and saw the younger man was completely limp.

She sighed, "Open your mouth."

"Wha—" Esel jerked his head to the side as a dollop of her spit splashed against his upper lip.

Over the next few seconds, the human's face went from surprise to anger, but intense lust quickly replaced the building fury from being spit on. As his eyes glazed over, he brought his hands to her hips and pulled down while stabbing upward with his cock, seeking her entrance. Before he could hurt himself badly enough to cancel the effects of her saliva, Silma reached down and guided his cock into her sex.

Behind her, Hamma groaned from the increased tightness and began sliding in and out of her ass while Esel pounded her pussy with complete abandon.

Ulay snickered at the look on the younger bandit's face. "All you bitches got somethin' ta do that, don't ya." Stepping over Esel, he rubbed the head of his prick across her lips. "Suck it," he commanded.

As soon as the crown entered her mouth, he moved his hand behind her head and roughly pulled her forward. He wasn't as thick as the man in her ass but was slightly longer, pushing directly into her throat.

The man cackled as he held her tight to his crotch. After a few seconds, his laughter died away as he looked down in confusion. Silma didn't understand what was so amusing about being held there and hoped the man would start moving or something. She thought Ulay was going to fuck her mouth, but he seemed content just to let his cock rest in her throat and look bewildered. Humans were weird.

Though getting filled from the front and back felt wonderful, who she was doing it with dampened her pleasure. But the other two humans' efforts were beginning to pay off as she began pushing back to meet their thrusts. She closed her eyes and imagined she wasn't with bandits, but different versions of Kal. As the only man to willingly be with her and his subsequent attention to making sure she enjoyed herself thoroughly, he had left a much deeper impression upon her than she first thought. When the cocks of the three men became Kal's, Silma started actively gripping the men fucking her with her pussy and ass while starting to lick and wrap her long tongue around the dick in her mouth.

"Does this bitch ever have to breathe?" Ulay asked Hamma.

"Hell if I know," said the man fucking her ass, "but shut your damn mouth. She was squeezing me good until you said something."

"The fucking slut is gettin' ta like it," said Ulay.

Silma was glaring up at him when he looked back down. The bastard had to open his mouth and shatter her fantasy.

"Don't look at me like that, ya fuckin' cunt," he growled before griping her head with both hands and viscously driving his cock into her mouth.

As his prick speared directly into her throat over and over, Silma tried to drop back into her fantasy. She nearly succeeded. The boost in her pleasure before the bandit leader spoke got her much closer to her first orgasm. Unfortunately, the younger human beneath her couldn't hold out any longer and yelled as he began pumping his seed into her sex. Esel set off a chain reaction as the cum entering her pussy triggered Silma's climax. Hamma quickly followed and pumped into her rear as her ass clenched and gripped him. Ulay was last, set off by the frantic working of the salamander's mouth and throat as she came. Grunting in triumph, he again held her tight to his crotch as he emptied the contents of his balls directly into her stomach.

The needs of her body waned, and reality set in. While her daughter swam in a magma sea fending for herself, she just let three men who weren't worthy of touching her body fuck her to a fantastic orgasm. Overcome with guilt, Silma hung her head and sobbed as the bandit leader's prick slid from her mouth.


Ulay tucked his cock back into his pants and looked at the crying woman with disgust.

"We got our use outta ya, and we can't be having ya tell your wizard friend where we are. Thanks for the fuck." Pulling a dagger from his belt, he reached down and drew the blade across the woman's neck.

Instead of the woman grabbing her throat and trying to hold in the escaping lifeblood, Esel screamed in agony as drops of molten metal fell onto his chest, instantly burning through his shirt, then sizzling and smoking as they sunk into his skin. The youngest bandit threw the black-skinned woman off him and clawed his way out into the rain. Ripping his shirt off, he howled as he to dug the burning metal out of the craters burned into his chest.

Hamma lay on his side, cupping his balls where Esel kicked him as Ulay stared in astonishment at the glowing remains of his dagger. The man tossed the weapon away as the heat from the melted blade soaked through the hilt.

During the commotion, the woman had curled into a ball with her tail wrapped around her, wailing as the orange splotches on her back began to glow. Ulay knew he needed to do something quick and raised a foot to crush her head as the air around him began to shimmer.


Silma didn't see the human trying to kill her as she opened her mouth and screamed, releasing all the guilt and anguish over leaving her daughter. The bandit's foot never touched her as a sphere of pure, unadulterated heat enveloped the small campsite, incinerating everything inside and flashing any liquids to steam.

Unfortunately for the men, humans are mostly made of water.

Raindrops hissed angrily as they fell upon the sphere and charred trees around Silma, putting out fires nearly as soon as they started. At the campsite the men set up before the rain began, three horses strained against Esel's poorly made knots, trying to get away from the searing heat. One by one, the ropes let go, and the mounts bolted into the forest.


Nothing interesting ever happened at Oro's farm. He was a simple man with a lovely wife, a two-year-old son, and another on the way. The man liked his life. The troubles he dealt with day to day were the same ones he watched his father overcome as he grew up. Out of the ordinary things were a rarity at his farm, and he liked it that way.

This is why Oro was none too happy waking up to find three horses with saddlebags loaded for an extended trip milling about the front of his small barn. Opening the barn doors and leading them inside, he noticed an unpleasant scent coming from them. Upon inspection, he saw the hair around the noses on two of them appeared singed. Unfortunately, that didn't explain the smell.

Tying their leads to a hitching post across from his stables, Oro removed the saddlebags, laying them over the rail for a more thorough inspection later. The farmer cringed as he lifted the saddle from the first one's back. As he expected, beneath the saddle pad were several sores on each animal, some of them open and weeping. The horses' former owners either didn't know how to take care of their mounts properly or didn't care about them to begin with.

"You poor things," he muttered while checking them for further signs of neglect. "I don't have the means to take care of you here, but the stable in town will get you straightened out. I'm guessing your owners aren't going to be looking for you."

Bringing his own horse out of its stall, he hitched it to his wagon for hauling produce from his fields to sell at the town market. After throwing the saddle pads out onto the brush pile for later burning and the saddles into the cart, he secured the new horses' leads to the back.

As the man climbed into the seat, he heard his wife's panicked voice, "Oro! Oro!!"

Jumping down, he grabbed a wooden hayfork and darted outside. His wife stood at the backdoor to their house, looking terrified and pointing off to the side. Following her gaze, he saw a female figure that looked like she was made of oil or coal with a long tail bearing lines of orange blotches. Despite the indistinct features from the darkness of her skin, it was easy to tell the creature was a monster girl.

Brandishing the fork at the approaching woman, he quickly backed toward his house to stand in front of his pregnant wife. Over the years, he had learned the descriptions of the most common monster girls encountered in forests like the one around his farm. He even knew the locations of the few plant-girls in the area. This woman matched none of them.

"I already have a wife and family. I'm not interested in becoming your husband," Oro called out. The town of Uvelo was good about sending out parties to drive away monster girls whose territory threatened the humans in the surrounding area. But he couldn't do anything until he went to town, and that was little help with her standing right in front of him.

The woman looked down her body. "I am not in need," she replied, giving him an appraising look. Oro made out a slight smile, "Though I would have much preferred if you had been the one to take care of me last night than the three I was with."

"Three men?" the farmer asked. It couldn't be just a coincidence. "What happened to them?"

"They are dead," she stated bluntly.

His wife gasped behind him as Oro gripped the fork tighter. "Did you kill them?"


The farmer began to shake as adrenalin raced through him. This woman killed three men and didn't seem to care in the slightest.

The jet-black woman's head tilted to the side as if confused. "I thought other humans considered bandits to be enemies."

"How would you know they were bandits?"

"A friend delivered humans to my home for many years so that I need not come to the surface. All of them were what she called 'bandits,' humans who killed other humans for their belongings. Was she wrong?"

"No, that definitely fits the description, but how did you know these men were bandits?"

"They were predators and thought nothing of trying to kill me once we were finished."

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