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Crime might not pay, but it can still be fun.
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The night air felt cool on Darius's face as he grabbed the chain-link fence. With a quick glance over his shoulder, he confirmed the cute security guard was still chasing him. He scrambled over the short fence and continued his sprint. A sharp turn brought him to a sudden stop, revealing an alley, and thus a dead end. Darius could hear the guard climbing the fence now, her boots making noisy clinking sounds on the metal.

Darius hopped up on top of a dumpster and flattened himself against a wall. The security guard entered the alley, her flashlight illuminating the area in front of her. As she brought the beam of light upwards to scan the alley for him, Darius leaped onto her, stunning the girl and knocking her prone. There was a startled yelp as Darius pinned the girl to the ground, her flashlight rolling out of her hands. She started to yell something, but Darius pressed his knee into her stomach, forcing the air from her lungs. As she gasped for breath, he pulled the handcuffs from her belt and clamped them onto her wrists. He slapped his left hand over her mouth and leaned close to her ear.

"My night is not yet over, but I'd hate to add body disposal to my To-Do list." He pulled her gun from her holster and gently tapped her nose with it.

"Now then, are you going to be a good girl and listen to me, or is this going to get painful for one of us?" She nodded, eyes wide, and he grinned.

"First off, no yelling." He stated as he took his hand off her mouth.

"You realize the other officers will come looking for me when I don't check in, right?" She inquired, glaring at him.

"If they're anywhere as cute as you, I can't see myself minding." Darius responded, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back. He began nibbling along her neck, eliciting a slight moan from her. Putting the gun aside, he began undoing the buttons of her uniform.

"Hey, what the hell are you d-..." She was cut off by him planting a vicious kiss on her lips, covering her mouth with his. Despite her thrashing, he managed to get all of the buttons undone. Pinning her cuffed hands above her head, he pulled her shirt open, revealing a lacy red bra and well-toned belly. Slipping his right hand around her, he popped the clasp of the bra and removed it. Darius released his lip-lock with her long enough to jam the bra in between her still open lips.

The girl tried to yell something profuse into the gag, but Darius ignored her as he undid her utility belt and pulled it off, placing it to the side. He undid the button of her pants and slipped her fingers into her panties. She began to squirm again, yelling into the gag as he traced his fingers along her waist around to her spine, then grabbing her tight ass.

Darius brought his head down to her left breast, lightly grabbing the nipple between his teeth. As she tensed up, he pushed her pants and panties down to her knees. He could hear her audibly gasp into the gag as the cool air met her bare nether regions.

Still teasing her nipple with his teeth and tongue, Darius reached over to her utility belt and grabbed the baton from it. She watched him grab the rubber handle and her eyes widened as he brought it down to her exposed pussy. Trailing his fingers over her cunt lips, he smiled.

"Looks like all this roughness is just how you like it, huh babe?" he grinned evilly as she looked up at him, then he began to force the baton tip in between her vaginal lips as she bucked, trying to force the foreign object away from her body. He pushed the rubber object about halfway into her, causing a muffled moan to come through the gag as he brought the baton out, and then pushed it back into her. Her moans became more constant as he continued to fuck her with the baton. As she began to hump back onto the baton, he suddenly stopped and tossed the baton back over by her utility belt. She whimpered unhappily.

"Poor girl still wants some loving, eh?" Darius undid his pants and pulled them down, revealing his very erect, throbbing cock. Pushing her legs farther apart, he began rubbing the tip up and down her pussy, teasing her. She started to wrap her legs around him as he lined up and pushed himself into her, forcing out more pleasured moans. He continued thrusting into her over and over as her lithe frame started to tense up, finally convulsing in an orgasm which pushed him over the edge as well. As he launched streams of cum deep into her womb, he leaned down and nibbled a trail down her collar bone, leaving a trail of tiny bite-marks. He pulled his softening member from her with a slight 'pop' and stood up. Pulling his pants back up, he removed the bra from her mouth. As he reached down for her belt, she flung her cuffed arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hard, passionate kiss. When the embrace was finally broken, Darius smiled at her.

"So babe, was that a good way to take a break from work?"

She laughed. "I hope this means you've learned your lesson about trespassing, you foul criminal you." He chuckled as he undid her handcuffs.

"I'm still unsure about the law, I think I'll need more justice when you're on shift tomorrow night." He suggested, winking slyly.

"You're going to get me in trouble one of these times. Now go home and find something to do besides bothering security guards late at night." She responded as she buttoned her shirt back up. Darius blew her a kiss as he walked out of the alley, thinking to himself. 'One of these nights I really should ask what her name is...'

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lucy103lucy103almost 18 years ago
Very Cute

I like this story. It's cute, with a sort of sinister undertone. Well done.

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