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Trespassing Can Be Dangerous Ch. 02

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Hanging and helpless.
1.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/26/2012
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I squeezed my thigh muscles together, trying to quell my pussy spasms, to no avail. He laughed and rubbed my creamy cum up to my tiny virgin ass. I twitched in surprise. "Oh, I see you've never been touched here..what a shame. We will have to do something about that."

He put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me up on my knees. I could feel my wet dress clinging to me, and I knew he could see the shadows of my areolae, which had changed to dark pink. My nipples were hard as diamonds. "Ohhh babe, these are some fabulous tits you have. They are now MY tits, I will do as I please with them. Are you aching for my touch, you hot little cock tease?"

I whimpered, and felt the blush creep up my neck into my face. I elicited a soft moan and swayed a little. He picked me up effortlessly and placed me on a soft rug of some sort. I felt a coolness on my ankles...oh my god it was a knife!

RRRippppp went my ankle bonds, as well as my wrists. I rubbed them to get my circulation back. I could hear a chain rattling, and some kind of crank. Against my will, I could feel my cunt getting wetter, I was hooked on this danger, but I wasn't about to let him know that.

Peppermint..I could smell him near my face. A soft tongue traced my lips, I clamped them shut and jerked my head away...but I fucking wanted him.

He kissed my jaw, up to just below my ear, then pulled my earlobe in his mouth and nibbled. "My little girl, you are special.. we are going to enjoy each other for a long time."

He pulled me up on my feet, led me a few steps. He took my wrists and lifted them high, my huge tits were jutting out, dress bunched up showing the bottom of my ass. I heard the chain..he bound my wrists again..a cranking sound and I was lifted high enough that it was hard to balance.

"You are one sick bastard! You have this sort of contraption installed in your house?" I was shocked and indignant, but curious... He growled in my ear, "I have all sorts of things in my abode, I can't believe how silly you are to have let yourself into the home of a stranger. I am a lucky man, and I will make the most of it." I felt a thrill run through me, I had no control over this.

"Now, about that sexy ass of yours..this is the first step, don't fret, vegetables are healthy for you, like this carrot, hehehe." I felt something cold and slippery slathered on my asshole, and a hard cold.. omg he is shoving a carrot up my ass!

I struggle and twist and kick out, trying to dislodge it. He slaps the sides of my tits, left right left right. I howl in pain and stop kicking. I feel straps around my hips, he is buckling something onto my hips and it's covering my ass, shoving that carrot up so there is no hope of getting it out. My wet cunt is exposed, I can feel the air on it.

If only I could see him..

"We will stretch you out a bit, for my pleasure." I hear the crank, and I am lowered to my knees. I hear a zipper... oh godddd nooo. His hot bulbous cock.. he wipes it all over my full lips, leaving his sweet pre-cum on me. I unconsciously lick it, it's good, it's been too long since I have had my mouth stuffed with cock.

"Let's get this out of the way..." He tears my silk dress off right down the middle, leaving it hang around my shapely hips. I hear him suck in his breath. "Your tits are perfect, I know you tease men with them. How often do you wear low cut tops, bending over to showcase your cleavage? You need to be punished." I feel and smell leather, binding around my torso. He is putting some kind of corset on me, pulling the laces so tight I can barely breathe. He roughly pulls my tits out the top, my nipples protruding.

"This is a test, if you are a good little girl, and suck Daddy's cock, I will not hurt you. Now open up that pretty little mouth of yours. I want to see your red lipstick smeared on my big thick dick. Suck it, bitch, suck me good!"

I knew I should resist, but the truth is I wanted to gag on that cock! I have always loved sucking a hard dick. I opened my mouth and tongued his head and all around the rim. I blew my breath on him and was rewarded with a moan. I turned my face sideways and keeping my teeth together, I rubbed my lips up and down the sensitve ridge, sucking softly down, then hard on the way up. His hands entwined in my thick curling hair and he groaned, "that's a good little girl, only sluts like to do that you know."

I smiled and went down lower, sucking each ball into my mouth, massaging him with my hot tongue. He stroked my neck, and scratched it lightly. He was thick but not too long, his silky skin and hardness was intoxicating. One hand closed around my breast and squeezed. I moaned while my mouth was full which seemed to excite him more. He pulled away, and with one hand on each side of my head, pushed his swollen dick in my mouth about 4 inches. I opened wider to accommodate him, and another few inches went in. "Make sure you don't do anything stupid, my little cocksucking whore."

My lips stretched wide, I was panicking that I wouldn't be able to breathe, and sure enough, he hit the back of my mouth, pushing pushing pushing. I knew he wanted to feel it shoving down my throat. I tried to relax, but I gagged and my throat muscles spasmed, squeezing him hard. He then let out a strange animalistic groan and began to face fuck my poor lips, stretched to their limits.

I saw stars and wondered when I was going to pass out, it seemed imminent. His balls slapping my chin, he was relentless. Saliva dripped out my mouth. I tried to pull away, but he was pulling my hair and I couldn't move. I could feel my tits shaking from the force of his thrusts. No man had ever invaded me like this.

He changed pace and pulled out almost all the way, keeping one hand tangled in my hair, he slapped my nipples with the other. My thighs were shaking, and my ass was gripping that carrot. My thighs were getting slippery, how embarrassing! I took a deep breath, and my vision came back into focus. My arms above me were straining at their bonds, I was in disbelief this was happening. He shoved his dick in my pink waiting mouth over and over, and with a deep bellow he thrust his hips forward and pulsed his cum down my abused throat...

"Swallow that girlie, I know you want to."

I could feel his hot cum bubbling and choking me, but I complied and swallowed. I do so love the taste of cum..it is my reward. My tits were stinging and tingling from his slaps, but I wanted.. more.

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shooterofbulle2shooterofbulle2about 8 years ago

that was fucking good. i'll have to read the other parts too!

ArtyGeeArtyGeeabout 11 years ago
Loved the carrot

I never thought of using a carrot. Starts out so small and gets quite thick. I think I have a story where I can use that. Hope that's OK.

BradGarrettStoriesBradGarrettStoriesabout 11 years ago
can you break into my house?

Ginger, you are something else. What a great piece of erotica! It's so hot seeing you torn between your fear and your desire for your unknown assailant....

ohamandaohamandaalmost 12 years ago

That was nice... :P

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Keep On Writing!!!

So far - so great! Regardless of the ending, i.e., whether it may be a planned or unplanned abduction/ordeal scenario, we readers need a further continuum of erotic activities. Now if I were the dom, I'd be gentlemanly enough to treat the obviously pretty and cultured lady sub to a nice shower, enema(s) and bound full body massage & worship before settling down for the night (or continuing more play into the wee hours). Anyway, love your 1st person narration style - very highly literate - and please continue this delightfully erotic adventure with (at least) several more chapters!

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