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Trevilan Chronicles - Mother's Will

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Mom makes an easy choice for a conflicted son.
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Author's Note - 'Trevilan Chronicles' are unconnected short stories set in the same world as 'The Prince's Potion,' this one takes place around two years later. Though not necessary, I strongly recommend reading those stories prior to this one. I realize my stories are not for everyone. If you're not interested in exaggerated sex organs, incest, inbreeding, and medieval/fantasy settings, this may not be for you. I thank you all for the continued support and the feedback!

All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older.

Trevilan Chronicles - Mother's Will

Eighteen-year-old Willum Alms brought the heavy axe down with a thud.

Standing back from the stump, Will wiped his brow and inspected this morning's work. A sizable pile of chopped wood just off to the side was enough for the next two weeks at their small cabin. Leaving the axe, he walked over to the slow river and washed himself off. It was mid-morning, and the sun was blaring. Late autumn, Will reflected, won't get too many hot days like this. Better enjoy it while it lasts.

He washed his face off and sat by the river, watching it churn and meander through the dense forest. There was lots of work still to do but the shade sure was nice. He breathed and enjoyed the quiet of the woods. He liked this spot. It was a peaceful place and he enjoyed a few quiet moments before continuing his chores.

Soon he would leave the woods and head into town. More errands to do for his mother, Pambry. It would take him just over an hour by horse to ride in with his small wagon cart, but he needed a few supplies and to trade some goods. Most importantly, he had to empty the small wagon his horse was presently tied to before he could load it up with the chopped wood from today. Hopefully, all this could be done by late afternoon, and he would be home just in time for dinner.

Will inspected his tanned flesh, the corded muscles of his arms. He had certainly grown in the last year or two. He did the bulk of the work around the homestead and their tiny farm. It wasn't much, they raised chickens and did some minor farming, but the crops were not enough to sell, so they mainly traded eggs and bartered mother's baked goods in the small town.

He smiled thinking about his mother at home right now, probably baking up a storm. Her compact, curvy form bent over a roaring fireplace, tending to biscuits or muffins. It was just the two of them in that farmhouse. The mornings would soon bring frost. He would need a lot more firewood than this. Another winter was on the way, and it would be them alone again for three or four hard months.

This was their life now.

Moving into their family's old farm had done been out of necessity. Will was bright enough to understand that the plague had changed everything. Had taken everything.

Two years ago, when the plague had first begun to spread, his father's trading business had practically ended over night when all work between the port towns in Trevilan had ceased. Cities and towns suddenly became dangerous places to live. Then his little sister, Ambry, got sick and they'd been forced to move inland. The cost of treating her forced them to sell the port house and start over on the farm.

A year later, father died from the plague, and his little sister had been sent to the far away to isolate from her sickness. It was horrible to think about. They were not even allowed to go see her. His mother corresponded with the doctor but a little while ago she had been told nuns of the Redeemer had taken Ambry into their order and that she was now recovering under their care.

Will shook his head. The Alms had once been a notable mercantile family of some renown on the coastline of western Trevilan, now brought low, like so many others, by the terrible plague.

Will rose up and loosened his horse from the cart. Have to press on. Have to focus. The sooner he got into town the sooner he would get home. The last two years had had a profound effect on the young man. He had lost that boyhood sweet face and playfulness. Now he was big and broad shouldered. He had really filled out. Will was tall and muscular, not exactly well fed but healthy. He was handsome, with a lean face and prominent cheekbones, and had a permanent tan from working outside all day. His dirty blonde hair was even darker because of it.

Will was soon on his horse and trotting up to the dirt road. Despite the beauty that surrounded him, the untouched nature of this part of Trevilan, he couldn't help feeling like he had lost more than he'd gained in moving out here. Life was hard and things were not good for his family. Not like they had been before; everything was different now.

Suddenly he smiled, remembering his mother's words, that least they had each other.

Less than an hour later, he was in town and at the grocers, passing down eggs to the owner, a cantankerous old man who seemed to take a liking to Will. The two exchanged news and weather predictions, and then talked about some local gossip.

'Marzanna's tits! It's another recruiter,' the old man said and nodded behind Will, 'from the capital. More and more of them showing up around here these days.'

Will turned and spotted a small crowd gathered around an armoured man on horseback. The man wore no helmet and looked to be about Will's age, maybe a little older. He had a strong voice, and was presently talking about the soldiers of Trevilan, the duty to serve the kingdom in its recovery.

Or some such nonsense, Will rolled his eyes. 'Again?' He sighed. It seemed to him that every time he came into town, twice a week, there was someone from the army trying to recruit fresh blood. 'And who is left to go?' he gestured around; the town was less than half the size it used to be. Maybe a third. Fewer young people than Will ever remembered from when he would visit here in his childhood.

'It's true. You might think about it yourself,' the old man said. 'Joining up. Decent pay, and you'll get the vaccine first. That's what I heard.'

'What vaccine?'

'Well... there ain't one yet. But if there's gonna be one, it'll be the soldiers who get it first. That's what this one is going on about.' The owner nodded to the recruiter again.

Will scoffed. 'Sounds awfully hopeful to me.'

'Have faith,' the store owner said, 'they say Queen Maymon spends her every waking hour trying to find a cure. If anyone will find one, or make one, I believe it is her.'

Will didn't know what to think. It had been so long living under these conditions. Just trying to get by. He heard the recruiter going on about the future of the kingdom. Prosperity for all, or something. Will shrugged and settled his business with the owner. He had made good time riding in and now his business was finished. He might as well listen to what the fellow was barking about before he started throwing wood around all afternoon.

Ambling over, sure enough, Will heard it himself. Service guaranteed protection against the plague. A steady income. Three meals a day. He saw some fellows looking on interestedly. Hardly the fittest folk. They didn't exactly look healthy to him. He kept his distance, you could never be too sure these days, even though cases in Trevilan had been low over the last year, nothing had really gone back to normal. Just this new normal. Will listened for a little while longer and then turned to go.

Suddenly a different soldier was in his face, eyeing him up.

'Can I help you?' Will said, more surprised than anything.

'Can you help Trevilan,' the solider said. 'That's what you should be asking.'

'What does Trevilan need help with? Are we at war?' Will asked.

'No,' the solider shook his head. 'But we must remain vigilant. The army needs new, strong men. You seem fairly fit for your age. Look around, son, who protects this town?'

Will saw his point. Besides the occasional recruiters, there were never any real soldiers stationed around here. If someone invaded the coastline, they'd have no difficulty marching inland. 'I see what you mean.'

'Think about it,' the man said and handed Will a rolled-up tract. 'Not a bad way to spend your youth. You've got strong build. And there are many ways in which you may serve your king. What's your name, son?'


'Erik Blant,' the solider said shaking his hand. 'Never been a better time to serve your kingdom.'

Will hastily shoved the paper into his pocket and then slipped away while the solider spoke to another man nearby. He wasn't a coward, not by any stretch, but to him the only battle going on right now was against the plague itself. Might as well leave the wizards and sorceresses to fight against it, he thought. What good were soldiers now? No sword would solve this crisis.

He hurried out of town without further delay.

On his way back home, he chewed an apple and thought over what the soldier had said. As the horse plodded along with the now full cart of wood, he tossed the apply core away and reached into his pocket, his fist closing around the paper the solider had handed him.

A quick examination told him little information of value. Trevilan needed soldiers, now and in the coming years. He rolled his eyes. But then, towards the bottom, his caught something intriguing:

'Serve Trevilan by ensuring it's future! Every child born in the next five years will earn your family 500 cestin.'

Will read it twice. He couldn't believe it what he was seeing. That was an absurd amount of money just to have a child. It wasn't even that much less than what a soldier would make in a year. Will had always thought about starting a family himself, having a few sons or daughters to help around the farm.

Even before they had moved inland, back when he had had a girlfriend, his sweetheart Syla, they had talked about having kids someday. They had dreamed about the big family would have. Then the dark times came, and he had lost touch with her when they moved. He wondered where she was now.

He flicked across the paper again. This kind of incentive had him thinking about trying to find her. She had been a beautiful girl. He remembered her sweet round face, big blue eyes, and full red lips. His memory only enhanced her features. Big handfuls of soft tits, a healthy round ass. On lonely nights he often thought of Syla.

But what could he do? Shortly after they moved, his mother told him her family had also whisked her away somewhere. He wasn't about to go looking for her... for the same reasons he wasn't going to go off and join the army.

His mother. His poor mother was all he had left in the world. He couldn't leave her, not after everything that had happened.

Pambry was twice his age and more than a foot shorter than him, compact and stocky, but quite beautiful. She had bushy brown hair that she kept in a neat bun. His mother had warm round face that only softened with age. She was curvy and buxom, her body only expanding in recent years, but that only made her more lovable. She had large, matronly round breasts that hung low on her chest, which she kept secure in a well-worn dress of grey and red. Her hourglass form had widened in recent years, bigger hips, bigger bottom, but again, this only added to her beauty in Will's eyes.

He loved his mother deeply and would do anything for her. He was ashamed to say that she too had often entered his thoughts on all those lonely nights. He was a man and she was, after all, a woman. Her body certainly had an effect on his. His more primal urges often came to bare when he looked upon in the kitchen or out tending to the chickens. Her full cleavage, those big hangers, all on a glorious display for his hungry eyes.

The wheels turned in his mind as he rode home. That sure was a lot of money for a healthy man and woman...


Pambry Alms watched from the small kitchen window as her boy dismounted and diligently emptied the wagon of firewood.

The thirty-six-year-old mother's heart swelled as she saw her big strong man doing so much work to provide for them. Her son was not afraid of physical labour, on the contrary, he had benefited greatly from it. He had filled out so noticeably over the last year. It was hard not to find him attractive, she conceded. Any woman would find him ruggedly handsome. Her son looked every bit the way her husband had at that age. Will was big, physically fit, and so strong. He was her whole world.

Pambry wanted so much for him. She wanted him to have the kind of life she had had, not rich, but comfortable. She wanted him to go off and live his life. To be happy. But on the other hand, the needy and jealous side of her couldn't imagine life without him. He was all she had left from her former life. She had lost so much already and could not bear the notion of him leaving her.

She rested a hand firmly on one of her powerful hips and sighed as she watched him work. Pambry knew it had not been easy, all this work. When her husband had passed, Will had stepped up and did it without complaint. She could not have been prouder of her boy. He had almost immediately filled the role her husband had occupied for years. Will was as good to her as her husband had ever been. And yet, there was one thing still lacking in her life.

Pambry desperately needed to get fucked. She had been cursed with an unnaturally high sex drive. All her life, she felt as though she was constantly horny. For a long time, during her marriage, that need had been sated. But for the past year or so, it had been severely lacking.

Will's sudden growth spurt into manhood certainly didn't help. Seeing her young son strutting around all day with no shirt on, his toned body and taut muscles, shiny with sweat, wasn't doing her libido any favours. She was now in the peak of her sexuality, her body was constantly telling her to be fertilized, and she had no outlet with which to appease her lust. She felt so selfish. Here was her son, doing everything he could to ensure their survival, and all she could think about was getting pounded into oblivion.

She sighed again. It had been so long, and it was starting to do strange things to her mind.

Pambry mourned her husband, missed her daughter, and now lusted after her son. What kind of a mother was she? She had buried herself in her sinful thoughts and work around the house. She was still young; she could find a new husband and even had a chance to live a normal life despite everything that had happened. If only they could leave this farm and elevate their station. Of course, they had no money. She didn't know what to do beyond being a housewife and mother. She had never had to work while her husband was alive. She had needed for nothing.

Except sex. And it was driving her mad. All she really wanted most days was a good hard fucking. As often as she could get it. Pambry always loved to be dominated and controlled. She loved it rough, to be pushed over and taken, like some animal. She often lay awake at night, remembering how her big strong husband would come home late at night, and take her. He would hold her down by the back of her head, and fuck her brains out. He would force her face deep into the pillows and pound her senseless until he flooded her hot womb with his seed.

The full-figured mommy shifted on her feet and was suddenly aware of the moisture between her legs. Redeemer, how she missed those nights.

Now she slept alone in a small two-bedroom farmhouse with her only son. At least they had each other, she conceded. She watched him continue to unload wood. Saw the size of his arms, the noticeable bulge in his breeches. She was getting flustered, felt her nipples harden. He was such a strong man now, like her husband had been before the sickness. Yet, she had to remind herself, Will was still only a boy, barely eighteen.

Wiping flour off her worn skirts, Pambry walked over to the open door and made herself known to her son. 'Hi baby,' she called to him in her soft, breathy voice, 'how did it go into town today?'

'Hey mom,' Will said, finishing up with the pile of firewood. 'Not bad. He took all of it and said to come back next week.'

'Oh, that's great news.' She took the small purse of coins he handed her and emptied it in her palm. 'That's all?'

'That's all. I know it's less than you were expecting, but at least we've got a regular buyer now.'

'I guess so,' she smiled and folded her arms under her big bosom. She nodded to him, 'well, go on and wash up. I can smell you from here. Dinner will be ready soon.'

He smiled back at her and wiped his hair from his face. She watched as he leaped down excitedly and then kissed her on the cheek. She breathed in his sweat and odor, biting her bottom lip against her mixed feelings from suddenly being so close to such a big man.

Later, they both sat at the small table in the kitchen and broke bread.

'Not too much going on into town. I did speak with another recruiter today.'

'Oh?' She tried to steady her voice, afraid he would tell her he enlisted.

'Yes. He was a young man... from the capital. They're looking for more soldiers.'

Pambry continued to play with her food, not looking at him. 'Well, that's nothing new.' But she said it too quickly, wanting him to keep going. The last thing she wanted to hear was that he was soon bound for some encampment far away.

'Don't worry, mom,' he smiled, as if reading her thoughts, 'they didn't get me this time.'

Pambry exhaled. 'This time,' she chuckled.

'Although,' he started again, and she caught his eyes, noticed him fishing around in his pocket for something. 'One of them handed me this.'

He passed the crumpled paper across the table to her. Pambry's eyes darted over the words and took in the information. It was nothing she didn't already know; the kingdom was obviously in a bad way. Anyone could see that. Cases were down but so was the population. The royals were doing everything they could to bolster defences and numbers. They had yet to resolve the plague, but it had died down noticeably in the last year. The quarantine was clearly having some effect, though the damage had been done.

'They want more soldiers, yes,' she said laying down the paper.

'Yes, but did you read the bottom part?'

She raised her eyebrows and read it over again. 'Babies. They want more babies, of course. They want more civilians and soldiers. Taxpayers.'

Will thought over her words. 'That is one way of looking at it. Look at what they'll pay for newborns. Soldiers would only receive 900 cestin a year... but 500 for every child born?'

She laughed. 'Its easy math, I agree. No doubt some will jump at the chance to start a family rather than end up dying on some battlefield. Others won't be so lucky. They'll enlist.'

Now was his chance, he had been thinking of it the whole afternoon. 'That's what I was thinking... I could do both. Start a family and make a baby.'

Pambry stared at him. She didn't know if she was supposed to laugh or get angry. 'You want to enlist... and start a family? With whom, Will? Are you keeping someone, some sweetheart in town... a secret from me?'

Will smiled. 'You know I could never keep anything from you, mother. No, I was thinking of going to find Syla. Head back to the coast for a little while. You remember her... how close we were.'

Pambry's heart ached, she remembered the girl. She was sweet and curvy. But Pambry also knew the truth. The truth she'd couldn't bring herself to tell her son back then. That the plague had taken the girl. She had received word shortly after they had moved to the farm.

'Oh Will... baby, I'm sure there are other girls... in town. Surely, you've caught the eye of one or two by now. It's been so long, Will... Syla has moved on.'

Will looked at his mother, suspicion all over his face. She had been fast to propose those alternatives. 'What is it?' he asked. 'What... do you know?'

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