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Trophy Wife Taken

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Petite Asian wife has deepest fantasy exposed.
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My husband is a successful business man that is working more on his career than his wife. But he loves to use my olive Asian body as arm candy that he loves to show off at his business parties. My 34a breasts don't need a bra and wearing a thong, there are no visible lines under my tight black dresses. Prior to one of his parties I received a peculiar email: "I know you're neglected. I see it in your eyes. I want to take that neglect and make it lust. I hope to see you at the party. The things I would do to you..." It was signed "Steven". I read and reread the email wondering who could have sent it.

The whole week I received emails, each one getting me hotter and hotter. "Steven" would tell me that my body looked ripe for making a baby, that my breasts could fill out nicely. Each one I would secretly masturbate thinking of Steven taking me. After reading one email I replied "what if i try to resist, I am married you know." to which Steven replied "That matters little to me planting my seed in your adolescent looking Asian body. I will make you into a woman." This angered and aroused me. He would comment on my small breasts talking about how they probably couldn't swell that they hadn't even developed yet. I wondered how he could know breast play alone could give me an orgasm.

The day of the party my husband said it was at a new clients and he would be doing allot of talking to lock him in for the firm. I said sure love in my usual not caring voice, wishing that there really was a Steven. I dressed this evening with just a black thong and my killer black dress with 4 inch heels. I put my hair up in a bun and glanced at myself in the mirror. Pouting I wish my husband would pay more attention to me... As we pulled up to the place, it was huge. A wow escaped my lips as the car stopped in front of the valet. See I told you he is an important client. Must be... I said blase. We walked in and were greeted by the host, Hello and welcome, please feel free to look around my home. As we grabbed glasses of champagne, I noticed that the place looked more like an art gallery than a home. My husband said that he was going to find our host to seal the deal. I said OK and knew that I wouldn't see him again until the end of the evening unless the deal was going badly then he would call me over to flash my body.

I walked around looking at the art and I found myself in a semi-secluded wing of the mansion. As I was looking at one piece I felt someone come up behind me and whisper "Hello Kathy...its Steven" as my skin rippled with goosebumps I felt his strong hands come up and cup my small breasts squeezing them. Yess he he hissed these 'may' fill out nicely. I was hurt and aroused. Hurt that he was making fun of my small Asian body and aroused thinking that I could prove him that I am a woman sexually. His strong arms lifted me and took me to a smooth part of the wall. My your smaller than I thought, but you might be able to take my man cock. He pulled my dress down allowing my cone shaped breasts to get pressed against the smooth glass. As he pressed me into the smoothness, I felt his hardness against my bottom. No please I begged, I'm married. Steven stop! He laughed at me, you will become a woman today. I felt him reach down and place his cock against my now wett pussy. My body betraying me so willing for a strong cock and its cum. No I whimpered as I felt the plum sized head split my lips. aaaaaAAAAHHHHhh I cried out as he stabbed his cock deep into my pussy. I saw stars as his spear drove deep into my willing pussy. My womb spasming wanting sperm for its fertilness.

As my body swayed with each thrust, I heard a whirring sound and I began to be able to see through what I thought was a wall. It is a two way mirror that made my r****g into a spectacle for the party. I could see the other women watching my small olive nippled breasts squashed against the glass and my face contort between orgasm and agony. My breath hot fogging the glass as I see my husband looking on in horror as his wife is ravished before his eyes, and apparently enjoying it. My cries of lust filling the room, louder and louder as his cock swells in me. I feel each vein throbbing as he grips my hips and plunges deep, his cock head pressing against my cervix. I black out from the orgasm as he spurts jets of hot cumm against my fertile womb. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I scream as I am overtaken...

The whirring sound is heard again as I am lowered. You are a woman now my Asian girl. I lay on the floor, his seed leaking from my used pussy. I never get to see his face as He leaves the room before my husband comes rushing in picking me up and taking me home. I now wondered who's trophy I really was...

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Sad you have never written a follow up to your fist adventure into weiting erotica.

Miguelin58Miguelin58over 3 years ago

Your story flooded my man cock full of blood, stretching the skin taut and hungry for a fertile womb to seed. Please write more. M~

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


Needs more depth for a story, however. It is a pity you have not continued this or written more stories as the writing is hot.

CURIOUS55861CURIOUS55861over 4 years ago

Nothing better than small-breasted women!!!!

They're so much more sensitive and beautiful then utters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Asian Wife Exhibitionist

She seems so hot and willing! I am Asian, 130 lbs, 6' 2" in 5 1/2" heels, 40D.

My husband takes great care of me. He knows I like to showoff, sits back and let me do my thing. Most times they don't know we're together - such fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I share the other readers' comments that this is.a fine basis for a series. It whets the appetite for more adventures and is highly erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Love not required

Nice prelude to a potential series where the husband uses his wife to advance his career. Happy Story writing. L

1954hall1954hallalmost 8 years ago

Nice petite Asian wife are a special treat. The things you can do to their nipples as they lie on their stomachs is wicked. Sweet ass up for me to use and a handful of dark hair to control them with makes for a deep push as I fill them full.

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