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Truck Guy - Beach Shower


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When we were done and got our breath back I expected a kiss. Instead she told me to freeze and moved carefully to her bag, where she dug out a sterile glove (some nurses carry them) plus a cotton swap. She swabbed the concrete where his cum had spilled, she was careful to get a drop but the swab did not touch the floor. The swab went in the glove and she tied the glove tight. Do-it-yourself CSI, now she was going to fuck the bastard her way, the way he deserved.

We put paper towels on the other drip spots, they really were safety hazards.

Then I got the kiss I was waiting for. It was deep and passionate and loving, it lasted longer than the delay had been. At the start I felt how she needed it, and when we finally parted our lips, all was better between us. We would have to talk, but the result would be understanding and more love, not less.

We were walking hand-in-hand towards the showers when a group of people came in. There were 4 guys and 2 girls, all casually tossing their clothes as they walked in, they acted like they were all together and having a great day; their happiness was contagious. They looked between 18 to 25, and maybe some were related.

They took her condition in with a glance, she looked just-fucked, walked like she was just-fucked, and was dripping cum from the monster discharge she had summoned from my balls. It was pretty obvious.

We took adjacent shower-heads 7 and 8 as we showered again. The group split on both sides of us, the older couple on her side at 9 and 10, the rest on the other side, with the other three boys at 3, 4, and 5 and a girl at 6 next to me. The girl she had to be somebody's sister. I thought that the girls flanking us was unusual.

They all seemed in a good mood and were well behaved; just good kids in a coed shower, coming clean together, with no horseplay.

I took longer than Erin, she was kind of showered out and just rinsed. Because of the crowd she did not want to use her hands to wash her crotch, but she really needed to so she tried to make it fast. The only ones who could see what she was doing were me and the girl on the other side of her.

Later Erin told me that the girl noticed she was dripping, and when she washed herself. They exchanged understanding smiles and my wife glanced at me, explaining "who" without words. The girl in turn glanced at the guy next to her and said, "soon, I hope. I love him too."

I was still washing when Erin finished, turned off her shower and headed for the entrance. But one of the guys yelled and pointed to her suit, asking if she had forgotten something. She blushed red again.

Once Erin was covered properly she was out the entrance, heading towards the parking lot.

I knew she was done with the shower but I did not realize how big a hurry she was in; she NEVER dressed so fast. So I did not notice her departure until the guy yelled.

I was talking to the girl next to me. She and the guy next to her were non-identical twins, the other guys were her brothers. Their parents sent them to chaperone the oldest brother, who was with his girlfriend. Their parents were a bit old-fashioned and did not fully approve of this place, so they told the kids to stay together.

I said, "Good luck to your brother then."

"Luck will not be part of it," she said. The plan was that the others would find ourselves distracted later. She and the girlfriend had planned it out and all but the lucky guy - her oldest brother - knew the details. "I like her, we all do. She's the best he ever found, so she deserves a shot. But sometime Bill needs a bit of an extra push."

When I noticed Erin had gotten dressed so quickly and left the shower I followed in a hurry behind, doing a half-ass job in the shower and I did not even dry properly.

I caught up with Erin at our car.


Chapter 6. After.

We didn't say much to each other on the trip home. We were both processing it all; the afternoon meant some big changes for us and our self-image as a couple.

For the rest of the day we mostly just sat alone, me in the study, her in the living room, thinking while pretending to read. She also spent some time in the bathroom, taking a shower or two and maybe doing other things to clean herself inside, before going to bed early. We usually did that on Saturday nights, going to bed early then not going to sleep until later.

But tonight we were not going to play, neither of us was in the mood.

In bed that night, we were both on our back when she asked, "After today, I can understand if you were going to divorce me. The beach was nice... fun even, and I ruined it. I realize now that what happened was my fault, and it was serious. I could have said 'No' more strongly with some physical resistance, then I could have called you. A physical mark on either him or me would have done him in. I could have kept you from doing anything, it would have been enough just to show him I was not alone if we had given him an escape route. Going passive for him, then making you watch me when we could have stopped it, that was unforgivable. I was stupid."

"I could quibble with what you said about your fault, you were there because of me. Neither of us is to blame for his existence. 'My watching' is a longer discussion and I am not sure where it leads, except we are not ready for it. As for divorce, infidelity is usually fatal to a marriage because it involves a breech of trust, and we both understand that did not happen here. We all do dumb things. I won't say I liked watching what he did, and I won't promise the same answer next time. We both need to process and talk. But for today, I must recall that 'fidelity' is not part of our deal, our vows, so I really can't justify divorcing you. Plus, of course... I love you."

"No more discussion tonight? This weekend?" She spoke hopefully, she was not ready but was afraid I wanted to criticize her.

"We both need some time to reflect. I suggest we each write some thoughts down. With fidelity, include white knight promises and rings."

"Yeah, that makes sense. That is another mistake, if I had my ring I could have ripped his arm open, I have done that to enough expensive sweaters. Thank you," she said. I noticed her voice had changed tone, we were changing the topic of conversation.

I gave her a verbal nudge. "Thank you darling, I love you."

She rolled towards me, put her hand on my cock, and asked if we might go back to that beach next weekend, if the weather was okay. So I guess she was okay with both of us and how we reacted.

When I asked if she was going to get another swimsuit to not wear next time I was rewarded with a playful sleepy slug, and her first real chuckle since the incident.

"Do you think you will see Jack again?" I asked.

"I'd like to... because if I do I will call the cops..." there was a mounted police officer who patrolled the grass above the beach. "I intend to turn in his DNA into them."

As I said, she had her hand on my cock, so she knew my state with each comment. She lightened up. "If I found some nice guys in the shower, would you mind if I was nice to them? I mean good guys, like those kids today."

"Guys? As in more than one?" We both felt my erection rising at a rate we had not seen for a decade. We had switched to talking fantasy ideas for written erotica.

"Oh yeah." She got a bit breathless, it meant she was imagining a scene and how she would write it. "If there was only one, I bet I know another guy I could get into... things. I am thinking of that group that came when we were there. They seemed nice, and the ratio... Yes, the ratio was extra good, because there was something cute for you too. So yes, more than one."

"What about those suggestions you had, for if the Hulk had made the 'snap' noise." She quivered when I said that.

"Those... I am not sure where they came from, but after what Jack did it was like flipping a switch. Someplace dark. I was bad. Well, we know where Becs fits..."

Her sister had expressed herself once or twice after a little wine. Becca is my age, we had been in the same class all through grade school. She is bit of a wild child, and is now a divorcee with a crush on her brother-in-law we all acknowledge. As Erin's sister and the cousin my age, we had also been "kissing cousins" at times. We went to prom together, but her Dad drove us to and from so nothing happened, it was a short night.

Of course I imagined how my wife might be nicer to more than one guy, one after another. She got my immediate reaction, and moved her so her mouth was near my erection. "I have such a very generous husband," she said, just before she took my cock in her mouth.

I was thinking of asking about either of us finding a willing girl or two taking off a hot pink bikini in the shower, I had not mentioned that conversation yet. But there are some ideas that are best left unspoken when your cock is in your wife's mouth and she wants a snack.


Monday Erin took the morning off and went to the police station near the beach. She gave her report and the DNA to Officer Nancy. They took a couple of hours. Officer Nancy said Erin and I had done the right thing avoiding violence. If I had touched Jack and left a mark, then made a statement, I would be arrested. The cops have to do that. Our marriage status was a complication but In the long run, assuming I had a good lawyer, the charges would not stick. But it would be an expensive hassle.

Jack did not mark Erin's body so it was "he said - she said." He would be questioned, but he would deny any wrongdoing, then get ordered to show for a future hearing. Of course he would skip.

However, the DNA sample was good, it changed everything. They would run it right away.

Erin was asked why she did not scream. "I was naked and scared, thinking like a child who was taught to avoid violence, plus I could not say under oath that he was hurting me. But mainly I didn't want anyone else to see me naked with his hands... you must realize that it was a very slow 'ramp up' of activity, I can't say there was a critical point before I was pleasured, and after that I just couldn't. Have you ever yelled or called attention to yourself when you were naked?"

Officer Nancy thought about that and said that she hadn't ever "yelled naked." But she was trained in self-defense, and had put that knowledge to use when needed.

They both agreed the coed nature of the shower was a problem, but the residents were against cameras, and it seemed nothing else was practical. Dividing the shower into men and woman sections did nothing, since anybody could enter either part. But they needed a shower. It was a problem and no solution seemed workable.


We went back the next Saturday. I stopped at a high point near the entrance where I could see pretty well; from there I spotted Jack right away, he was with the girl from the hot pink bikini. I guess the fall did some damage, he wore this huge cast covering his ankle and most of his calf so he was not swimming and could not move fast. Erin said the cast was better than itching power.

The girl he was talking to flashed me a smile when she saw me. She was topless, looking great wearing a blue conventional bikini bottom, sitting in the center of a blanket with plenty of room. I gathered her companion(s) were in the big volleyball game going on in the water. Jack was at the edge of the blanket, talking to her in defiance of the convention, and her body language was just short of cringing. But she was hot so Jack talked at her.

Erin saw where I was looking, her eyes narrowed when she saw Jack. She turned on her heel and made her way to a mounted officer who was on the grass 20 yards away. She pointed at Jack, all the cops aware of the facts. Thanks to the DNA Erin provided they actually knew a lot more about Jack.

The cop steered his horse down and started asking Jack some questions. After a short conversation Jack limped away with the cop, he did not seem pleased. The girl was overjoyed and she invited us over.

We talked. It seemed that Jack was an Aussie who did not have his papers on him. In fact, it seemed there were no papers to have, we learned later he had stowed away on a cargo ship and was living in the woods nearby for this stop on his tour of the country. The cop gave him a choice - produce papers, or go to jail and get arraigned Monday, or get tased then spend time in handcuffs in a hospital bed until he was cleared to go to jail and eventually get arraigned. Either way he was in custody. Not much of a choice.

Actually, there was more the cop didn't mention. During the week Jack's DNA sample got 20 hits with matches for unsolved crimes across the US. The local station had all the warrants, so Jack's court appearance would be short. There were two bail jumping charges (Arizona and Kansas) so bail would not be an option. The various DAs would decide who had the best case and the worst punishment based on what crime could be proven, right now Wyoming looked like the early leader with an eyewitness. The DNA made this case a slam dunk but it was not the worst of it, one charge involved booze, a good picture and an injured victim. Jack would be an old man when he was finally deported.

The hot pink girl introduced herself as Francine Davis, but she went by "Frank." (My name is also Frank.) She told Jack she was with a boyfriend but she was actually a third wheel for the day; her two friends were a couple playing volleyball. They were in public so Jack was careful not to touch her blanket or do anything that might cause a scene. But with his hindered mobility he could not go far, so he picked her as a target. He never did explain how he got injured, he implied he had saved a dog, a kitten or a child, but was not clear. So we explained Jack's jump and fall, with a G-rated version of the events prior.

Since I had mentioned my wife to Frank last week she insisted on telling Erin what a gentleman I was, she told an abbreviated version until she saw that Erin was okay with me seeing "the headlights" and helping with her swimsuit. The two got along so well that Erin invited Frank to join us down the beach, away from the crowd. Frank liked that idea, and the three of us had a very good afternoon chatting and sunning with a new friend.

I kept my swimsuit on this time, with the girls getting along so well it did not feel like a good idea for me to get naked. Both girls did sun topless and they chatted up a storm.

It turned out that Frank had lent one of her handmade tiny suits to Officer Nancy who also stopped to see us. She was "undercover" wearing just the white tiny, transparent labial pouch, ready to bust guys like Jack. She got two guys yesterday. She looked very tempting - the cops held a vote and she won "Most Approachable Hottie." Nancy did not mind the duty, it was a good way to keep the beach safe. I wondered about her safety but she was under constant surveillance by another female officer who was in the beach tower, and a uniformed officer was always within 50 yards of her, but out-of-sight above the path. At a beach the cops actually felt safe, since all incoming bags were inspected and clothing could not conceal any guns or the like. Plus, Officer Nancy had served in the Marines, she could take care of herself.

After hearing about me from Erin Officer Nancy wanted to meet me. She said she was not sure how many of the men she knew would show the restraint and keep their vow as I did, guys like me were hard to find. That led to talk from Frank and Nancy about some of the losers they knew.

Just before Nancy left (she was on duty) we were joined by family kids from the shower last weekend. They were the Davis family and their dad was a city official. The original town had a small population so they were also friends of Officer Nancy and from their dad they knew some things about Jack. Erin asked them to join us as well, this gave Bill and his girl a chance to sneak off on their own for a bit.

Erin had some new friends to talk to and enjoyed a good time with everybody, it pretty much wiped out the association she had between the beach and Jack. We figured we were going to be regulars, enjoying the beach under the sun all summer.

BAnde53507BAnde53507about 2 years ago

A really good story. A bit wordy, though. A lot could be cut and still keep the story intact.

bamagal2bamagal2almost 6 years ago
Great read!

I liked the story. Unlike the other commenters, and like the several people who "favorited" the story, I enjoyed it. I thought it was well-written. It provoked physical responses and made me put myself in their places to try and figure out how they would have felt. I thought it was great and hope you write more. The details were really good.

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinalmost 6 years ago

Your preamble was unnecessary because it held no value to what you wrote.

The story, if there was one, was thin, inconsistent, and erratic at best.

Nothing erotic...all violence and testosterone filled bluster.

For five pages of written words and your personal effort to be disappointing.

EricOmroEricOmroalmost 6 years ago
Not very violent but still...

Unlike most assaults, this has a relatively low level of violence. It is different. As far as the DNA, it is going to get you, just a matter of time.

Jack may be evil, but like most children trapped in an adult body, competence has eluded him.


muncher354muncher354almost 6 years ago
Good lord.

This is awful. Made me want to vomit. Jeez if you are gonna write in nonco/reluctance at least put some action. Not some wimpy pacifist and even a nice good ending with Jack's DNA matching.

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