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Truck Guy - Beach Shower

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He sees a man sexually molest his wife, but can't help.
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I have struggled to frame this story for some time. The outline came together with the approach of Tax Day (April 15).


All forms of rape and sexual assault, no matter how lawyers nuance the specifics, are evil. Since the lawyers do not agree on fine details, I will not attempt to find common ground with them. I will not characterize this story with any specific term except the obvious: Jake Is Evil.

Calling a lover "Daddy" does not make it incest, the definition requires actual "close relations." In that vein there is no incest here. I am sure that elected Presidents J. Adams, Jefferson, Van Buren and FDR, who all slept with their cousins, would agree.

Calling somebody "wife" does not make it so, as Mick Jagger has demonstrated. Despite appearances, there is no cuckold here. Vows are kept by those who made them, that is the point.


"Truck Guy" stories feature a guy named Frank who drives a truck for a living. They may or may not be related, there are a lot of nice guys named Frank who are truck drivers.

This goes slowly. For those who are narrowly focused the non-consensual sex is in chapter 4 and is followed by consensual sex.



There are three things you have to know about us for this story.

One is that I am kind of big; not fat, but barrel-chested big. Folks call me a bowling ball; I am 5'8" but I weigh about 210 pounds with a barrel chest (almost a "medical condition") that is a genetic gift of my ancestors - both grandfathers showed the same look at my age. I'm in my 30's, but I can beat my high school weight lifting records, which still stand. I am not a weightlifter, but I keep fit.

The second thing is that my wife Erin and I are distant (third) cousins. There is no incest, one of my grandmothers was a first cousin to one of Erin's grandmothers; the common relative is their grandfather. As kids we did not know about the relationship until I was in fourth grade, when our parents met at a PTA function. We attended the same grade school but went to different high schools because her family moved.

The third thing is that we call each other husband and wife, but our deep dark secret is that we are not really married. During our teen years Erin, her sister Becca and I went back and forth between being just "kissing cousins" and being "girlfriend - boyfriend." Finally in our mid-20's the romantic feelings between Erin and I sparked into something more so we made the decision that we wanted to be together. We did "full disclosure" and talked to folks. When pressed we recollected how Albert Einstein married a woman who was a cousin in both sides of the family - pretty smart huh? Our parents were okay with it. Our church was okay with it. The county clerk was okay with it. We planned a nice wedding.

Two weeks before the big day, Rich (my tax guy) asked if we had considered the tax consequences. Of course we didn't, we were in love! I have passive income from inherited partnerships. Most of the profits are reinvested; for tax purposes I show 100% of the income I earn but I only get 30% or so in cash. Taxes eat most of that. Erin has inherited royalty income. When we roughed out a married joint return it was ugly, the nasty tax bite meant we needed another good paying job just to pay the added taxes!

Rich - a Rolling Stones fan - said he sees it all the time in marriages where both spouses earn good incomes. "Married filing jointly" is great for one middle-class income or two low incomes. But not for couple who are both earning well, plus unearned income was a killer.

We went ahead with the wedding ceremony so the relatives were happy, the witnesses even signed the papers. But we never filed the papers, so we are not really married. Only the minister knows the truth. Think of it, when was the last time you had to prove you were married? It doesn't happen. We did have a bunch of papers (Power Of Attorney) drawn up for medical and such.

We never plan on having kids, Erin was born with a condition and had an operation when she was young. But otherwise we live as a normal couple.

We have always been frugal, living on our wages and letting our investments grow. It helps that we both like our jobs; I drive a truck and Erin is a partner in a nursing collective. We have a reasonable home, drive sensible vehicles, avoid extravagant vacations, go to budget theaters, etc. We are now both in our 30's and have enjoyed our seven-year anniversary.


Chapter 1. The Beach

Like with many couples, our sex drives did not match, and they changed constantly. When we married I had, on average, a stronger more frequent drive. The difference is gradually shrinking, we figured it will flip before we hit 40. The fluctuations within an given month? That will be with us always.

Our two brightest sexual memories were some we consider semi-public. One was in our late 20's, we made love at 2 AM on the side of the road, parked in a SUV, because we were both feeling horny during a long night drive. The second was in our 30's when we made love outside, in a large yard at night, when we were house-sitting. Erin was semi-opposed to both ideas at first, but she realized that was force-of-habit. She really enjoyed them once we got started, and she appreciates the memories even more today. The yard fuck under the stars was especially memorable; once she got into it (or, more accurately, once I got into her) she became insatiable and wanted to do every position we knew and some she had seen in books. She was also loud. She drained me three times over about 4 hours, required my oral service in between erections and ending with her riding me during a truly glorious sunrise.

Early in our marriage I used erotic books and stories I wrote to "cover the shortfall" in our drives. Erin had her own female-oriented sources of erotic-romantic material. We knew and accepted these. At that time our tastes in erotic material did not overlap.

Once I got on the web (dial up) I could use rosa-blanca.ru to discriminate among the stories I read. Incest, BDSM, LGBT and IR didn't do anything for me. I found many of the hottest short scenes were in cheating and group sex. But the stories that grabbed me for hours were the drawn-out careful dance of a well written Voyeur/Exhibitionism erotic story, where lovers or strangers found new thrills and freedom under the sun or the moon or the eyes of strangers. I thought the best was a detached common experience, these could range from two people watching each other masturbate on balconies across the street to group events at beaches or nude cruises. My current favorite involves a "just started dating" couple who each went their own way at a weekend beach orgy, coupling with strangers while the other watched. They both did acts they had not imagined. Then they spent the night together, reliving the hottest memories.

Erin and I both moved to the internet when high-speed became available. (Our community lagged in this.) Recently we started writing stories together, for personal amusement and foreplay.

One story I wrote early on was a couple at a 'clothing optional' tropical beach resort for a week. A rule prohibited sex anywhere outside while the sun was visible. During the trip the couple met three other couples they got along with. Some of the group disrobed completely the first day. Others took longer. By the third day the husband was overjoyed to watch his wife and a new male friend, naked on adjacent beach blankets, sharing an enthusiastic conversation about erotic stories they had both read. Both showed evidence of physical arousal as they talked. Being where others could see made the conversation more intense and multi-level, they liked the chance to see somebody different. My story was erotic but not sexual beyond each night's final exhibition, where some couples made love with their partners after the sun went down. Couples would do it or watch others as the mood took them. The watchers took their inspiration to the bedroom. By mid-week everybody was doing it, fully nude, with their partners or others on the beach at twilight. For the last 30 hours two engaged couples swapped partners, on the beach and in the bedroom, as a final fling before their wedding.

One day Erin found this story on a thumb drive and read it with her now more-open mind. She is naturally shy, but it worked so well that she read it straight through, not counting three breaks for "exhausting" self-pleasure.

Erin is in great shape for her age, plus she has become confident about her body. That night we talked about my story. We knew that tropical nude beaches existed. But the "bonus" in the story was the way the couples got along as friends from the start. Real life isn't like that, the random factor was the people you might meet. For a nude beach vacation to work for us, there would have to be compatible people. That was not assured, so an expensive vacation trip to a real nude beach someplace was not worth our investment. It seemed the fantasy would stay a fantasy. Still, she was willing to consider a closer and less expensive option for inspiration - if we could find one.

Her logic was that a cheap crapshoot was better than an expensive crapshoot. I agreed.

A few weeks later I saw a blurb about a new private beach opening nearby in the Spring. The entire area - hundreds of acres including three man-made lakes - was a private development called "Sun Days." There was a master plan for the area, and they had reached the stage where the residents supported a clothing-optional beach for themselves. For various reasons this Spring the public was invited to use the beach on a limited basis; the intent was to eventually (3 to 5 years) form a private club, a resort and also enhance the value of the real estate.

It January when I mentioned the beach, we were almost snowbound. Erin hates snow and ice and cold. I knew she would enjoy this new, low key private nude beach about 90 minutes from our home. They would open to the public on Friday-Saturday-Sunday weather permitting. They carded (18 and over) and charging a nominal fee for the first few visits; after that you got a membership. Part of the idea was to keep a "friendly adult atmosphere" that would attract people to invest in the project. Drunkenness and public sex were not allowed, the village police manned a booth at the site. It seemed perfect.

Erin asked me why this idea was on my mind all of a sudden. I reminded her of her interest in my old story, plus our two nights under the stars, "I think it could be good for us, like those nights. We grew closer then... and if we had those feelings at the beach it is close enough so we could bring them home. We might also make new friends." I also said it was taking baby steps instead of investing in a giant leap. That made sense to her.

She agreed with the memory but was not convinced about the beach, because public sex was not allowed. I asked, "Would you want a beach that did allow public sex right off the bat?" She saw the point.

I mentioned that the public was not allowed on other nights. Property owners, and eventually resort guests and "prime club members" had access when the rules were more liberal and the population more responsible because they were invested. I heard there were plans to include a "sex beach night" when only naked couples would be admitted.

As a plan that made sense to her. We both saw where I was reading something into the situation, but it was reasonable and we were just taking a small step. It made a lot more sense then a crap-shoot expensive trip to an established nude beach somewhere.

Finally on a cold, windy rainy day in March Erin had enough of a winter that refused to end; she was dreaming about some sun. She needed a focus for mental sanity so she we started making plans for some time at Sun Days beach. I knew she was "in" when she started looking for a nicer, briefer swimsuit and coverup; she was giving herself permission to imagine and anticipate.

She had one condition: I had to promise her I wouldn't pressure her to get naked. She said that was her decision and it was not likely to happen soon. She was okay if I "went native." I knew that if the mood was right she would eventually relax naked. Also, she said she did not want to be crowded, we would leave if we could not find some "peace for us." We were not going to be isolated, but we both like peace and quiet at the beach.

Five weeks later there was a Saturday that looked perfect weather-wise. The place had just opened the previous Sunday and it rained Friday so we thought word had not spread. We did not expect crowds. We packed our blanket and drove to the beach.

When we parked I put my Hawaiian shirt and Erin put her button-front dress in the trunk; underneath I wore surf shorts and Erin had a modest two-piece outfit under a cover-up. I had been careful not to express any interest in her choice of swimwear. There was the parking lot, then a cluster of shacks including food stands, the information booth and rest rooms. The section of the beach near the entrance had the most people, but I can't say it was packed. There were signs for a bikini contest (topless and conventional) being held, but it was not too crowded. We could see a couple of hundred yards down the beach where the crowd thinned out.

Along the top of the beach was an concrete path separating the grass from the sand. The path made it easy to walk, we did not have to navigate around the beach blankets. As we walked along the path there we saw some people on the beach who had swimsuits on and some folks were completely nude. The majority of the women were topless. Erin turned away when we walked close to a naked couple on a blanket - in such cases the guy was usually aroused (full but not erect) and she didn't want to see that. (PDAs while naked were not allowed.)

We walked until the crowd thinned out, then started looking for a spot. When we spotted a patch of sand between two dunes, with space for only our blanket, we settled down. There were 4 other blankets within about 25 yards; the two closest to the water had three nude and two clothed people, but because of the dunes there was a visual barrier. So we spread our blanket and enjoyed the sun.

We had a great afternoon under the sun that was essentially alone, and it was great first trip. People walked by, but they always chose to walk on the path or at the water edge; nobody was walking in the sand. So we had some privacy, nobody walked close to our blanket all afternoon.

Erin was amused when I got naked quickly. After we were there for an hour or so she felt comfortable enough to remove her top. There was so little foot traffic, and those that did go by were focused on getting someplace, so nobody was sparing more than a casual glance at her bare boobs. She did share a smile when a couple of topless women her age went by. Freedom was nice!

When we got too hot we splashed around in the water. Erin is a pretty good swimmer and she went about 50 yards in each direction. This early in the season the water was too cold to stay in, but the short dips we took were refreshing. Also, while in the shallow water Erin chatted with each of the women who had their blankets closest to us. It seemed there was a convention: "blankets are private unless invited, shallow water is for conversation." We appreciated it.

Mostly we relaxed and took in the sun. It was hotter then predicted and the bright sun helped Erin burn out the memory of a winter that was long and rough, which had lasted longer than usual. Basking in the sun she eventually became kitten-like. Horny. I knew nothing would happen here, she does not work that way. But she was glad for the idea, and was warming up to more visits.

She conceded that I was right about the beach. Following her own urges, plus showing a little appreciation for me, the last thing we did before we packed up was that she turned on her belly with my hand underneath her. Then she invited my fingers to move down along her belly and beyond, to work their naughty way below her swimsuit waistband and into her juicy pleasure valley. I could feel her appreciation, she was oozing her fluids nicely and cooed with appreciation at my arousing touches.

All-in-all it was a good day for sun-adjusting attitudes. If I felt a little disappointed that she didn't get nude, I must admit that getting her there was all I reasonably expected, her going topless was a bonus plus I got to enjoy feeling her up as both her juicy "thank you" for the idea and as an IOU for when we got home. Nobody bothered us, that had been one of my concerns but the beach 'vibe' was laid back and relaxed - outside of where the athletic types clustered for volleyball and tether-ball games.

The subtle attention she got from others was a source of some satisfaction; Erin looked a decade younger than her age and was attractive. Some folks gave her an appreciative look but she was left alone. My wife's great day was obvious in the way she walked back after we packed up. Her swimsuit top and coverup stayed packed in our bag as we walked on the path back towards the entrance.


Chapter 2. The shower

About 100 yards from the main entrance there was a side path ending in a one-way gate that was a short cut to the parking lot. This was arranged so it was not obvious from the lot or when walking outward, but when walking back it was clear. A few yards up the side path was a cinder block building on a concrete slab with a sign that said "Shower." Further up the side path we could see where two more side paths branched off, signs said they led to restrooms and an open picnic area that was shaded with mature trees.

Erin had gotten her hair wet while swimming. Also, she felt wet and sticky and yucky from the afternoon in the sun and the water. So she was drawn towards the shower.

When we got to the shower entrance we saw it was crude, coed (it was a nude beach), and provided no privacy at all; the entire inside was an undivided space. The entrance was basically an opening in the wall the size of two doors. There was no door. While the building was positioned at an angle from the path, passersby could see in if they looked. The opening was flanked by two crude sinks on each side. The wall opposite the entrance had about 10 "rainfall" shower heads which were directly above the person using them. All the plumbing was exposed for easy service. There were fixed wooden benches along the two side walls, with a few clothing hooks dotting the wall above the benches. To allow air circulation the steel roof was suspended a foot or two above the 10-foot wall, the overhang hid this from outside. Sounds could pass freely. Skylights in the roof allowed light, there were also bare bulbs which I assumed kicked in as the sunlight dimmed.

As she stood at the entrance I could see Erin's dilemma. She wanted a shower, it was a compulsion. But she was used to nice showers with tile and fluffy towels and privacy and ambiance. This didn't even have soap. Washing herself where anyone going past could see her? That was a huge hurdle.

The main concrete path was considered "beach" so people could be nude or topless. The grass and the side paths were "above the path" where people were supposed to be covered. However, I saw a few topless women on the side path, the area had a "feeling" of being part of the beach. Especially with the rest rooms, women were not going to put on their top just for that.

The shower was clearly "above the path" but a sign indicated nudity was allowed inside the shower.

Erin stood thinking for a bit; she was clearly going back and forth about the shower. At least it looked clean. It was new and might be unfinished. There was nobody inside, we could see that plain enough. The floor was dry and nothing was dripping.

I mentioned that because of the dry floor, I had a feeling this shower didn't get used much. But I stopped short of making any suggestions.

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