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True Love Between The Races Ch. 05

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It's Rufus's last piece of Alexis's ass - ever.
4.5k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/27/2022
Created 10/15/2004
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Alexis couldn't wake up she felt completely drained and hurt everywhere. She pulled herself together and started to get ready for work. She felt like every bone in her body was bruised. She knew her husband Lee had fucked her crazy with that big 2-headed dildo giving her orgasm after orgasm. He did her until she couldn't take it any longer and she guessed she passed out. She was correct. Lee had fucked her long and hard with that dam toy. All the while she was climaxing and he watched her body moving and pumping as that big fake dick rammed into her two holes getting her off. God he loved to see Alexis cum. The way she moved her body drove him wild mentally, but his cock remained the same, flat. He was so dejected and frustrated that after he was sure Alexis was OK, he went downstairs. He wasn't sure what he was going to do.

He hated when Alexis let him to see her lovers, of which he had agreed to let her do. But he also hated himself for not being able to give his unbelievable sexy wife the sex that she craved. His own dick when it use to get hard was 10+inches and before the accident, they would screw for hours.

Now as she sat on the bed finishing dressing, she was so sore between her legs she had trouble walking. She knew she wouldn't be able to meet with any of her lovers until late in the week if not the week after. She wondered if Lee did it on purpose or just got carried away. She was going to give him hell when she got home and tell him he better never do hat to her again.

She would now have to call John her new lover and tell him they would have to wait to get together again until she healed a little. And, she would have to call her other two men too and rearrange her meetings with them. She was mad! Lee had no right to do this to her.

As she got to work and started up the stairs she said, "Ouch! Oh shit! Ouch!" She decided to take the elevator this morning. She would have to take it for the next couple of days. "Dam it," she was thinking, "Dam that Lee! I should kick him in the nuts and let him see how it feels!!"

When she got home she told Lee how she felt. She was pissed and was screaming at him. Finally they both calmed down and talked about what happened for a long time. She knew he was really upset and in fact, he finally broke down and almost cried. She felt so bad for him. He told her he hated the idea of her fucking other guys. He knew he had agreed to the arrangement with the three men, but he fucking hated it. After hours of discussion she told him she agreed to drop one of her lover. She wasn't sure which one just then. She knew it wouldn't be John, he was much new and fresh, plus he ate her pussy like a mad man. But she didn't tell Lee all of that. She told him she was pretty sure it would be Rufus. He scared her most of the time anyway but he had the largest cock.

She finally told Lee, "Oh hell I didn't know which one I'll drop. I guess I will have to meet with them one more time and decide. But I promise you I'll drop one by the first of June" That was two weeks away. Lee agreed with her timetable.

She didn't tell him, that before she met with the other two men, she was going to see John again for an entire night. So she began to set the time and place with all three men and told Lee what she had to do.

He understood and while he didn't like it, he was glad this would get rid of one of her other men. Now he sat there in the kitchen listening to her talk with each of her three lovers. He didn't know why he did this, because it always upset him greatly. But he listened as Alexis told each one, "You know I love it when we're together baby! I would love to be fucking you right now. Mumm yea! I know I feel the same way. When you have your big dick inside me I go wild cumming. Yea, I can't wait to see you too. OK! I'll see you there, until then save all your cum for me baby. Yea, OK, see you soon, bye."

When she called John she set the meeting for Friday four days from now. She told him, "Yes John, I get off from work at 4:30 PM and if you pick me up we should be at your place no later than 5PM. Yes, I'll bring a change of clothes too. Can I use your shower? Great! Yes, I would love to see your home. OK! Whatever you want to do after dinner as long as it's in your bed. I can't wait to have your hard white cock in my pussy!"

Lee heard her laugh and then tell John, "OK see you Friday. Yea me too! I can't wait to have you fucking me again like I know you will. OK. Bye."

Lee came into the room and asked, "Why do you do that?"

She asked, "Do what?"

He said, "Act like you really love each one. And then talk with them like a whore would talk to their Johns."

She said, "Well I have to keep the fire burning high Lee. If I made it all business like you do with them, I don't think they would be very happy for long. I don't want to shop around for a man all the time. I would rather keep the ones I know. Hell they could just get a hooker to fuck them without any of the baggage we put on them. I guess I also want to get them worked up for me so when I see them they'll be primed. Lee! Why, do you listen if it upsets you so baby? You know it's only going to be the sex with them."

He said, "I have no fucking idea Alexis what you really do with them or how you feel about any of them. But I wish you wouldn't act so sexy and whorish over the phone with these men. I know I shouldn't listen! I know! But I do and it hurts! Do you have everything set up now with your fucking lovers? God you sound like a call girl."

She said, "Oh Lee please don't do that. Don't hurt me by being nasty with me. We've talked about this and you have agreed. You agreed I could have three lovers as long as I got rid of one before the first of June. And I agreed to do that. I have to meet with them and see which I want to give up. You agreed too that too Lee! Come here and let me hold you. Let's see if I can get you any harder. You have been taking your drugs for what, a little more than a month now. Let me see if you are getting harder. As soon as you do, I'll give up all of these guys. OK? I promise. Please don't be upset now with me. You know how bad I need fucking by a real cock from time to time."

He said, "Yea, but if you have three lovers and you fuck each of them 3 times a month, that's 9 times a month you leave me and met a man and fuck him. Think what that does to my ego and self-respect. Oh Alexis I'm so sad. I'm sorry I was pissed but this is really bothering me. I know I agreed to this but it's killing me inside when I know you're with them fucking them like you should be doing with me."

She said, "Do you wish me to stop Lee? Just say so and I will."

He said, "NO! I'm not upset with you. And I don't want you to stop seeing them, just promise me you'll get rid of one of them like you said you would. If I have any input I would pick that first man you started with. He's been around to long and I don't want you to get any emotional attachment to any of them. I won't say stop because I know how much you need the sex I can't give you."

She said, "Well would it be better if I have them come here and have sex. You could watch and see that I don't get involved anyway but physically."

He said, "No that might be even worst seeing you do them."

She said, "I promise Lee by the first of June I'll only have two. Now drop your jeans and let me work on you. Let me see if I can help you get hard baby!"

He dropped his jeans and stepped out of them. Lee never had any underwear on. She took him in her mouth and sucked on his semi-hard cock for what seemed like an hour. Lee finally pulled it out of her mouth and away from her hands and said, "It's no fucking use Alexis! I'm dead below the belt. I'm sorry baby truly sorry."

She held him and tried to comfort him for a very long time. She even held her breasts up to his mouth so he could suck on them. She was thinking, "He looks like a large baby sucking my tits like this as I hold him. Oh God! I better never tell him that!"

She laid back and opened her golden brown thighs and spread her dark pussy lips with her fingers showing Lee all of her pink insides. She kissed him and whispered, "Want to try and put it in and see what happens Lee?"

Lee said, "Yes, Alexis! Oh fuck yes baby! I really would."

He moved between her legs and nestled his semi-hard cock head against her hole. As they worked and tried to get his cock into her pussy it won't go in more than about an inch maybe two. She held him and moved around with him inside her cunt. They slowly moved and every once in awhile his cock would come out. They worked to get it back in again. This went on for another hour but he never got more than semi-hard, maybe 6 inches long but not very hard. Then he felt her moan and lift and begin to rotate her hips as she started to cum! She moaned, "Oh yes Lee! Fuck me hard baby!"

Then she knew he couldn't. She held him and they dry humped together as she had a mild orgasm. Finally he pulled out of her and moved down her body. He knew she was hot and wanted to be fucked. But he couldn't do it. He covered her pussy with his mouth and ate her for the next 30 minutes. Then he moved to the side and asking, "Do you want the small vibrator Alexis?"

She said in a very deep husky voice, "Please Lee! Oh please baby! I really want something hard. . ." She stopped in mid sentence. She looked at Lee and said, "Oh God Lee I'm so sorry baby! I didn't mean to say that!"

Lee handed her the 6-inch toy and walked out of the room. She sat there on the sofa with the vibrator in her hand and watched as her husband walked out of the room. She said, "Lee come back I'm sorry baby I didn't mean you! I didn't mean anything against you. Oh fuck please come back here and hold me."

He went into the basement where he spent most of his time these days. She held her head in her hands and cried.

Around 11 PM she called down the stairs to the basement, "Lee! I'm going to bed now baby! Are you coming up?"

He said, "No!"

She started down the steps and he told her, "Alexis! Just go to bed. I'm fine. I'll be up soon, I'm watching the end of the ball game."

She said, "Please come up and hold me while we fall asleep! Please!"

She went up stairs and went to bed. After a long while she knew he wasn't coming up and she fell asleep thinking, tomorrow was Friday and she was scheduled to meet John. It would the first official meeting as her new lover. She wondered if she should cancel.

In the morning she got up and Lee still hadn't come up to bed. She found him in the basement sleeping on the old sofa they had down there. She woke him by holding him and kissed him and telling him she wanted him in her bed holding her at night as they slept. She didn't want him sleeping in the basement by himself.

Lee told her he must have just fell asleep. He said, "I don't even know who won the ball game."

She said, "Like I would know. Baseball is to slow of a sport. Kiss me goodbye baby. I have to go to work now. But Lee before I do, I want to ask you if you would like me to cancel tonight?"

He said, "What's tonight Alexis?"

She said, "I'm scheduled to stay with John tonight, all night but if you want me to I'll be happy to tell him I can't make it. Maybe it would be best if I did that. Then you and I can go out, or hang out and watch some TV or just cuddle in our bed together. What do you think?"

He said, Na. Alexis! I'm OK! You go and have a good time. I'll grill a stake and work out some then watch the ballgame. When do you think you'll be home, Saturday?"

She said, "I have no idea but before dinner time. Hey let's go out to that really neat place we both wanted to try and have dinner Saturday night? Come on it'll be good for you to get out."

He said, "OK I'll make reservations for 6:30PM."

She said, "Better make it 7:30PM just in case baby! This will be my first official meeting with John. But I'll be home as soon as I can."

His face changed from a small smile to a sad look. She kissed him and when to work. She was useless all day thinking first about her husband and how sad he looked as she left. And then she would think about her lover and how thrilled she was to be going to see him tonight! She knew he would fuck her wild like he had when she was away at that national conference. Her emotions were running wild. As 4:30 PM finally came, Alexis called John's cell phone and told him she was not going to make it. She told him Lee was sick ands she had to go straight home. She said she would reschedule soon most likely next Friday.

John said OK and that he understood but he knew Lee had put her up to it somehow. He was sure Lee had done something to make her feel bad and she was canceling because Lee was making her feel guilty not because he was sick.

On Monday, Lee watched Alexis leave and drive to her Rufus, first lover's home. He was waiting for her with a fine dinner and wine. They sat on his bed and Alexis explained this might be the last time she would meet with him. She said she had to give up her lovers since Lee had become hard again. He wasn't as hard as he use to be and he couldn't get hard all the time, but he did get hard. She had made a promise to him that once he was hard she would give up her lover. Rufus didn't know about Jake or John.

Alexis said, "But let's have one last night together and fuck our brains out. He grabbed her and said, "I always wanted you to slowly strip for me and then sit on my cock and fuck me. Since this is our last night I want to do that, but I want to fuck your ass. You have the most lovely as I have ever seen. Say yes Alexis. Let me have my fantasy here tonight."

She smiled and said, "Get undressed baby! And sit here on the bed. I'll strip for you slowly if you'll jerk off for me!"

They both laughed. All the nights they had stripped quickly and fucked their brains out, neither had ever exposed their secret fantasy to the other. Alexis had always wanted to see him jerk off. And, Rufus had always wanted to do her ass. She had only let Lee have her ass but that was over a year ago. She knew it would hurt her but she decided to honor his request. As he sat on the bed stroking his thick cock it grew as she began to strip off the little clothes she had on. It took her 10 minutes to finally get out of her things. By then he was hard as a rock. She climbed on to the bed and moved over him. She wiped her wet pussy all over his body as she moved around on top of him. As she positioned her cunt over his face she said, "Eat me! I know you don't like it much but I do and want you to do it for me tonight."

He moved her pussy directly over his mouth and pulled it down as he sucked and fucked her pussy with his tongue! She exploded as he sucked on her entire cunt. She moaned and wiggled on his mouth letting her cum cover his face. As she turned and pressed down on Rufus's face, she was now facing his hardness. She took over stroking of his cock. She watched as the pre-cum ran out of him. He was so ready! She smiled and moved her mouth down over the hard cock head. He moaned loudly as she started sucking. As Rufus ate her wet dark pussy, she sucked his hard black cock!

It didn't take long for him to begin to shot cum up into her waiting mouth! As he continued to cum Alexis tried to take it all. She moaned from the thrill of sucking his thick cock. The effect he was having on her as he tongue fucked her pussy was also driving her wild. Rufus worked her pussy over with his mouth for maybe 10 minutes. She had him cum in her mouth and then continued to suck and lick him hard again. She knew he wanted to fuck her ass but she needed a cock bad in her pussy. She said, "You can fuck my ass later baby! But right now I want to ride your thick hard cock. I want to be fucked!"

Without waiting, she moved her body around straddled his thighs. Alexis bent down and kissed Rufus hard. Their mouths locked together as she reached for his hard cock. As she held it in her hand and pushed down at the base of his shaft, Rufus felt like he was going to explode. She had him stretched as hard as she could. Then she slowly lowered her body down on the rod sticking up from between Rufus's legs. She smiled down at him and then moaned as she bottomed out on his cock. As their pelvises met she began too ride him! Up and down, up and down Alexis moved her body letting his cock move into her pussy's tunnel. Deep as Rufus was he could feel her body pulsing with desire. She threw her head back and cried out, "Oh yes! Oh fuck yes I love your hard cock."

She began to bounce up and down now as he held her hips assisting her. She was burning with passion as she began to orgasm. Her body screamed for release and then it did. Cum started to flow out of her body and ram over his cock coating it. He could feel her body going wild as her orgasm rocked her body. She loved the first one the best. Rufus said, "I'm going to cum deep inside you bitch and then I'm going to roll you over and fuck that sweet ass. He held her as she rocked back and forth on his cock. With the cum from both of them now dripping out her pussy from around his shaft, Rufus held her and told her, "Now it's my turn baby!"

With that he pulled out of her pussy and she could see he had not soften at all. With cum hanging off the head of his cock he told her, "Get down on all fours and put your sweet ass up in the air for me."

Alexis placed a pillow under her and pushed her as up towards him. As he knelt behind her she felt his fingers rub her cunt taking the cum dripping out of it. Then she felt his fingers lubricating her ass hole. She said, "Slow! Go slow Rufus. I'm not use to this. So go slow!"

He said, "You just keep hat big round black ass up in the air for me baby! I'll make you feel good in a minute"

He took more of the cum coming from her cunt, and coated his thick cock. Rufus wasn't that long but he was thick and as he pushed his fingers into her ass, Alexis moaned! Then he rotated the fingers and stretched her ass hole a little more. As she became accustomed to his fingers, he pulled them out and replaced them with the head of his cock. He grunted and she cried out as he pushed and pushed and pushed and finally the thick black cock head went into her ass. He bent over and started to cup her breasts as he began to slowly push more of the cock deeper into her. She moaned and complained but Rufus didn't listen or slow down. He was almost all the way in when his fingers pulled her nipples hard making her take a deep breath! As he began to withdraw a little form her ass, he reached under her and began to rub her clit! She moaned again from the pleasure. As Alexis became more accustomed to his width in side her ass. Now, she began to pushed back against him. His cock went deep into her ass again but it wasn't as bad as the first time. He knew she was doing OK. He smiled as he bit her neck leaving a large dark mark. She said, "Do it baby! Fuck me in the ass and fill me with our cum."

He started to pump into her now as his fingers stroked her thick clit. She moaned and began fucking him back. They moved against each other making his cock move in and out of her ass. She was enjoying the fucking now and said, "Cum for me baby! Fill my ass with your hot cum! Do it Rufus! Give me your cum baby!"

He didn't need to be told. He slapped her ass hard as he continued to ram it in and out of her ass hole now. She had her head down on the bed and lifted her ass as high as she could. Rufus was squatting over her ass now fucking her almost straight down into her gapping ass. She moaned and felt her orgasm starting as he kept stroking her blood filled clit! She moaned, "Oh yes! Oh fuck yes baby! Pump me full of your cum! Cum in my ass Rufus!"

He held her hips and used them as leverage as he tried to hold off the orgasm building fast in his loins! He moaned loud as he slammed his cock as deep as he could go and began to cum. She felt his warm juices begin to fill her ass and she cried out having her own orgasm. As she rocked on his fingers stimulating her hard clit, Alexis love the nasty fucking he was doing to her ass hole. He was bent over her as he rode her ass until he couldn't ride it any longer.


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