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True Love Between The Races Ch. 05


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Alexis fell forward on the bed panting like a whore freshly fucked. Rufus fell forward on top of her. His cock was softening inside her ass now. He was drained. She was so tired she couldn't even tell him to get up off of her. They both just laid in the bed until he finally rolled off of her and sat up. As she turned her head she said, "God that was good baby!" She rolled over and Rufus could see her lower body was covered with cum all around her pussy and ass. She sat up and moved next to him. They could both see he was done. His cock was totally soft now. She was leaking all over his bed as she said, "I have got to take a shower."

She stood up slowly and moaned as her ass hurt. He slapped it and she jumped. He said, "You have the greatest ass I have ever seen and now I can say I got a piece of it."

She said, "Well it will be your last piece of my ass baby! So, I hope you enjoyed it. I did! But, now I have to get a shower."

She left the room and he laid back on the bed and fell asleep. About 20 minutes later she came out of the shower wrapper in a big towel. She saw that he was asleep and decided to get dressed and leave. She didn't wake him. He had had her ass something he wanted since that first night they were together. She had also sucked his cock making him cum! She was sure he was satisfied. When they first started this relationship, he would follow her into the shower and they would fuck again in the warm water. Then he would carry her back to the bed and fuck her again maybe twice more before she went home. Now he was sleeping! Alexis said to herself, "Funny how most men get after they get what they want from a woman. Seems the thrill has gone south for him! Oh well, one guy down and one to go."

But she was so sure Rufus was going to be the one she dropped as a lover she left him a long note explaining why she wouldn't be see him any longer. She thanked him for all the sex and good times they had together. She was sincere she told him she did enjoy their times together. But, now that her husband was hard again she would stop seeing him. He knew the rules to this relationship and would know their time together was now over.

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EndlessNightsEndlessNightsover 20 years ago
Great Collection

I love this collection of Alexis stories, I hope this line will continue for a while! Great reading.

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